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Fayetteville Technical Community College

Detailed Assessment Report2014-2015 Management Information Services (MIS)

As of: 8/18/2016 11:21 AM EST

Mission / Purpose

To provide computer and communications services to the College through intranet and internet as well as maintain,install, upgrade and service hardware and software.

Other Outcomes/Objectives, with Any Associations and Related Measures, Targets, ReportingFindings, and Action Plans

O/O 1: Implementation of new systems backup project Use information to analyze problems and make logical decisions in the assessment of the implementation of a newColleague and SoftDocs backup system for FTCC.

Relevant Associations:InstitutionalGoals Associations

2 Establish a culture of quality customer service.3 Ensure fiscal responsibility, accountability and financial stability.

StrategicObjectives AssociationsFTCC

39 Standardize technology across the campus to reduce maintenance cost and maximize replacementparts.

Related Measures

M 1: Implementation of new systems backup projectWhat: Implement the new Colleague and SoftDocs backup system for FTCC. Why: The current backup solution isoutdated for both the hardware and its software applications. The new software application and hardware will reducebackup windows and consolidate our multiple tape backup formats in line with the current State security manualbackup requirements. How: The new hardware and software will be installed, configured, and tested prior toreplacing the current backup solution. When: The new solution will be implemented over the course of the 2014-2015fiscal year. Who: System Administrator will manage this project.Source of Evidence: Project, either individual or group

Target: The new backup solution will be fully implemented and operational under the supervision of the SystemsAdministrator.

Reporting Finding (2014-2015) - Target: Not MetThis project is ongoing and in process. The hardware is installed and software is operational. There is finetuning and testing that needs to be completed before this project can be seen as completed and fullyoperational.Connected Documents

Daily Backup Report Daily Backup Report #2 Daily Backup Report #3

Related Action Plans (by Established cycle, then alpha):Continued Implementation PhaseEstablished in Cycle: 2014-2015Will continue to work to bring this system on-line and get all systems backing up to this new system.Phasing in the campus sy...

For full information, see the Details of Action Plans section of this report.

O/O 2: Asset Tracking System Implementation The implementation of the MIS Track-It system will be incorporated into the daily inventory, work orders, and knowledgebase needs.

Relevant Associations:InstitutionalGoals Associations

2 Establish a culture of quality customer service.3 Ensure fiscal responsibility, accountability and financial stability.

StrategicObjectives AssociationsFTCC

39 Standardize technology across the campus to reduce maintenance cost and maximize replacementparts.

Related Measures

M 2: Asset Tracking System ImplementationThe implementation of the MIS Track-It system will be incorporated into the daily inventory, work orders, andknowledge base needs. What: Further implementation of Track-it work order system will create a Knowledge Base

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(known as Solutions in Track-It) to establish a Training Program for new employees and a Knowledge Center forcurrent employees to check solutions for known/recurring issues. Why: This system will be used to train employees(both existing and new) on new Track-It policies as determined. How & When: Implementation will be assessed bytechnician work order statistics. Customer response times will be benchmarked during this current assessmentcycle to establish baseline statistics. Who: MIS Support Manger will evaluate technician's work orders completionrates throughout this assessment cycle to aid in establishing future expectations.

Source of Evidence: EfficiencyTarget: Baseline statistics will be collected to aid in future customer response expectations for the MIS Support teammembers.

Reporting Finding (2014-2015) - Target: Not MetThis project is fully implemented and training is also completed. We are in the process of collecting baselinedata and will leave this assessment active for the new year. The project was more complex than initiallyanticipated and some change in workflows were needed to make the processes more efficient. We will re-address and better define benchmarks that are more useful to the MIS Support Services functional unit.Connected Documents

Asset Detail ReportAsset SummaryHelp Desk Summary 2015

Related Action Plans (by Established cycle, then alpha):Base Line Data CollectionEstablished in Cycle: 2014-2015Due to the unanticipated magnitude of this project a fresh look at baseline data will be needed.

For full information, see the Details of Action Plans section of this report.

O/O 3: Server Configuration Manuals for Networking Server configuration manual will be created to for all servers that Networking team manages.

Relevant Associations:InstitutionalGoals Associations

2 Establish a culture of quality customer service.3 Ensure fiscal responsibility, accountability and financial stability.

StrategicObjectives AssociationsFTCC

39 Standardize technology across the campus to reduce maintenance cost and maximize replacementparts.

Related Measures

M 3: Server Configuration Manuals for NetworkingWhat: Compile server configuration manual for each server managed by the MIS Network team. Why: Havingconfiguration manuals compiled will better prepare for business continuity for the networking functional unit. This willalso further aid in disaster recovery How: The new hardware and software will be documented, configuration ofservers will be included, and ports and services listing will also be addressed. When: This will be implemented overthe course of the 2014-2015 fiscal year. Who: Network Administrator will manage this project.

NOTE: The actual configuration manuals will not be published as part of this assessment plan due to the sensitivenature of the information included in them; however, a high level overview documents detailing the topics included inthe manual will be made part of the supporting documentation for this assessment plan.Source of Evidence: Administrative measure - other

Target: Server Configuration Manual for 80% of servers managed by the Networking Team will be formally documentedand placed on file in Network Administrator's defined secure area.

Reporting Finding (2014-2015) - Target: Not MetThis project was not completed. This initiative will be carried forward into the new assessment cycle and willmost likely take several assessment cycles to complete. The FTCC Network Administrator resigned and theNetwork Team were assigned to other projects that took priority over this project. The new assessment will setforth a more realistic target as this is a mammoth undertaking. This target was not realistic.

Related Action Plans (by Established cycle, then alpha):Continued Information GatheringEstablished in Cycle: 2014-2015This project was not completed due to the fact that it was too large to be completed. The FTCC NetworkTeam and the Director of...

For full information, see the Details of Action Plans section of this report.

Details of Action Plans for This Cycle (by Established cycle, then alpha)Implementation Schedule from System Office

Awaiting next steps from system office. This project is driven by their timeline.Established in Cycle: 2013-2014Implementation Status: FinishedPriority: HighImplementation Description: Will continue to work with system office on this projectProjected Completion Date: 11/2014Responsible Person/Group: System Administrator & Director of MIS

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Additional Resources: NoneSQL Local Data Warehouse

Reduce the scope of the projectObtain SQL server training to increase personnel skill levels in order to successfully achieve the SQL portionof the projectObtain additional personnel to handle departmental goals and objectives as well as projects initiated by otherareas of the college

Established in Cycle: 2013-2014Implementation Status: FinishedPriority: HighProjected Completion Date: 06/2014Responsible Person/Group: Applications Development ManagerAdditional Resources: Training and People

Training of MIS PersonnelThe training for the full use of the track-it system is scheduled to take place early in the next fiscal year. This traininghas been postponed due to several major unforeseen projects that required MIS support.Established in Cycle: 2013-2014Implementation Status: FinishedPriority: HighImplementation Description: Training of MIS PersonnelProjected Completion Date: 08/2014Responsible Person/Group: MIS Support Manager & Instructional Labs SupervisorAdditional Resources: None

Base Line Data CollectionDue to the unanticipated magnitude of this project a fresh look at baseline data will be needed.Established in Cycle: 2014-2015Implementation Status: PlannedPriority: High

Relationships (Measure | Outcome/Objective):Measure: Asset Tracking System Implementation | Outcome/Objective: Asset Tracking SystemImplementation

Implementation Description: We will take this coming fiscal year to collect data with both the Instruction andAdministrative data merged and get a true baseline of data for analysis.Projected Completion Date: 06/2016Responsible Person/Group: Support manager and Instructional Labs Supervisor (main campus)Additional Resources: none

Continued Implementation PhaseWill continue to work to bring this system on-line and get all systems backing up to this new system. Phasing in thecampus systems will take time. Methodical approach being used.Established in Cycle: 2014-2015Implementation Status: PlannedPriority: High

Relationships (Measure | Outcome/Objective):Measure: Implementation of new systems backup project | Outcome/Objective: Implementation of newsystems backup project

Implementation Description: Phased approach to bringing all systems into backup schema.Projected Completion Date: 12/2015Responsible Person/Group: System Administrator Technicians and Sr. Network Technicians staff membersAdditional Resources: None.

Continued Information GatheringThis project was not completed due to the fact that it was too large to be completed. The FTCC Network Team andthe Director of MIS will work together to scale back this project and make it more manageable. We will pick two majorservers to use as a baseline and develop a manual to be used as the basis for the other network servers.Established in Cycle: 2014-2015Implementation Status: PlannedPriority: High

Relationships (Measure | Outcome/Objective):Measure: Server Configuration Manuals for Networking | Outcome/Objective: Server ConfigurationManuals for Networking

Implementation Description: We will pick first server to complete documentation on and use this as a base outlinefor other servers.Projected Completion Date: 12/2015Responsible Person/Group: Network Administrator and Director of MISAdditional Resources: None

Analysis Questions and Analysis Answers

What were the strengths of your assessment process?

The assessment initiatives were relevant and needed for the MIS department. All three initiatives will continue to beaddressed and hopefully completed during the next few assessment cycles. The MIS department, as a whole, areconstantly taking a critical look at our workflows to see where we can become more efficient.

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What were the weaknesses of your assessment process?

The weakness in this assessment plan was not realistic in regards to the achievement targets. It is always a challenge toestablish assessment goals without knowing what "unforeseen" projects or issues will occur. The MIS department is asupport function for the campus and must support all projects and initiatives that other departments drive. For thisreason, more realistic goals should be established in the next assessment year.

What was learned as a result of your assessment process?

That more realistic goals will be established and set forth in the new assessment cycle. A single smaller benchmark maybe addressed instead of looking at large projects that do not take into account external competing factors on the MISdepartment.

How will what was learned impact the direction and emphasis of your academic or support unit?

The MIS department will dissect major projects or initiatives and look at assessment from an inside out approach. Thisyear we tried to make our assessments project focused instead of making them object or process focused. Taking afocus that is too broad resulted in our assessment plan not being totally achieved.

Annual Report Section Responses

Program Review (Academic Units) Support entities are not required to have program reviews.

Advisory Comm. Minutes (Academic Units) Support entities are not required to have advisory committee meeting minutes.

End Of Year Reports (VPs, AVPs, Deans) End of Year Report (2014-15) and Strategic Plan (2015-2020)Connected Documents

End of Year Report 2014_15Strategic Plan 2015-2020

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End Of Session Report

Cell Manager: Date: 7/6/2015 12:40:45 AM

Session Information

Specification: ADMIN_5000_DailySession ID: 2015/07/06-1Type: BackupSession Owner: AD\[email protected]: CompletedMode: incr1Start Time: 7/6/2015 12:30:05 AMQueuing: 0:00Duration: 0:10GB Written: 42.04# Media: 1# Errors: 0# Warnings: 0Success: 100%

No objects failed.

No error messages.

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End Of Session Report

Cell Manager: Date: 7/6/2015 6:05:15 AM

Session Information

Specification: MSSQL MISSRVR7_SQLSession ID: 2015/07/06-5Type: BackupSession Owner: AD\[email protected]: CompletedMode: diffStart Time: 7/6/2015 6:00:07 AMQueuing: 0:00Duration: 0:05GB Written: 0.27# Media: 1# Errors: 0# Warnings: 0Success: 100%

No objects failed.

Report Messages Other Than Normal [Common]:


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End Of Session Report

Cell Manager: Date: 7/6/2015 6:00:54 AM

Session Information

Specification: OUCampus_F_INCRSession ID: 2015/07/06-3Type: BackupSession Owner: AD\[email protected]: CompletedMode: incr1Start Time: 7/6/2015 6:00:07 AMQueuing: 0:00Duration: 0:00GB Written: 0.05# Media: 1# Errors: 0# Warnings: 0Success: 100%

No objects failed.

No error messages.

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7/6/2015 9:18:39AMListing of FTCC Assets By Manufacturer

APPLE 189Total Computers From This Manufacturer:


User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

74Total Computers Of This Model:

832-012518 LAH13801 D25J71KCDHJW LAH138 Computer Lab

832-012519 LAH13802 D25J71KHDHJW LAH138 Computer Lab

832-012520 LAH13803 D25J71KBDHJW LAH138 Computer Lab

832-012521 LAH13804 D25J71KEDHJW LAH138 Computer Lab

832-012522 LAH13810 D25J71KJDHJW LAH138 Computer Lab

832-012523 LAH13809 D25J71KDDHJW LAH138 Computer Lab

832-012524 LAH13808 D25J71KKDHJW LAH138 Computer Lab

832-012525 LAH13811 D25J71K9DHJW LAH138 Computer Lab

832-012526 LAH13812 D25J71KNDHJW LAH138 Computer Lab

832-012527 MTLION-012527 D25J71KMDHJW ATC133A Computer Lab

832-012528 MTLION-012528 D25J71KFDHJW LAH137C Stephen (Andy) Lowry

832-012529 MTLION-012529 D25J71K5DHJW LAH137C Gary Smith

832-012530 LAH13813 D25J71KLDHJW LAH138 Computer Lab

832-012531 LAH13814 D25J71K7DHJW LAH138 Computer Lab

832-012532 LAH13815 D25J71KADHJW LAH138 Computer Lab

832-012533 LAH13816 D25J71KGDHJW LAH138 Computer Lab

832-012534 LAH13817 D25J71K6DHJW LAH138 Computer Lab

832-012535 LAH13818 D25J71K8DHJW LAH138 Computer Lab

832-012601 LAH13806 D25KK0M8DNMP LAH138 Computer Lab

832-012602 LAH13807 D25KK0MJDNMP LAH138 Computer Lab

832-128685 MAC-128685 QP1140BXDNR PRD2 Margaret Silverest

832-129074 VCC12401 D25GJ1RVDHJW VCC124 Computer Lab

832-129075 VCC12402 D25GK070DHJW VCC124 Computer Lab

832-129076 VCC12403 D25GK071DHJW VCC124 Computer Lab

832-129077 VCC12404 D25GK072DHJW VCC124 Computer Lab

832-129078 VCC12405 D25GK073DHJW VCC124 Computer Lab

832-129079 VCC12406 D25GK074DHJW VCC124 Computer Lab

832-129080 VCC12407 D25GK075DHJW VCC124 Computer Lab

832-129081 VCC12408 D25GK076DHJW VCC124 Computer Lab

832-129082 VCC12409 D25GK077DHJW VCC124 Computer Lab

832-129083 VCC12410 D25GK078DHJW VCC124 Computer Lab

832-129084 VCC12415 D25GK079DHJW VCC124 Computer Lab

832-129085 VCC12414 D25GK07ADHJW VCC124 Computer Lab

832-129086 VCC12413 D25GK07BDHJW VCC124 Computer Lab

832-129087 VCC12412 D25GK07CDHJW VCC124 Computer Lab

832-129088 VCC12411 D25GK07EDHJW VCC124 Computer Lab

832-129089 VCC12419 D25GK07FDHJW VCC124 Computer Lab

832-129090 VCC12422 D25GK07GDHJW VCC124 Computer Lab

832-129091 VCC12417 D25GK07HDHJW VCC124 Computer Lab

832-129092 VCC12416 D25GK07JDHJW VCC124 Computer Lab

832-129093 VCC12425 D25GK07KDHJW VCC124 Computer Lab

832-129094 VCC12424 D25GK07LDHJW VCC124 Computer Lab

832-129095 VCC12423 D25GK07MDHJW VCC124 Computer Lab

832-129096 VCC12418 D25GK07NDHJW VCC124 Computer Lab

832-129097 VCC12421 D25GK07PDHJW VCC124 Computer Lab

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832-129098 VCC12420 D25GK07QDHJW VCC124 Computer Lab

832-129099 VCC124INST D25GK07RDHJW VCC124 Computer Lab

832-129100 VCC12501 D25GK07SDHJW VCC125 Computer Lab

832-129101 VCC12502 D25GK07TDHJW VCC125 Computer Lab

832-129102 VCC12503 D25GK07UDHJW VCC125 Computer Lab

832-129103 VCC12504 D25GK07VDHJW VCC125 Computer Lab

832-129104 VCC12505 D25GK07WDHJW VCC125 Computer Lab

832-129105 VCC12506 D25H30NMDHJW VCC125 Computer Lab

832-129106 VCC12507 D25GK07YDHJW VCC125 Computer Lab

832-129107 VCC12508 D25GK07ZDHJW VCC125 Computer Lab

832-129108 VCC12509 D25GK080DHJW VCC125 Computer Lab

832-129109 VCC12510 D25GK081DHJW VCC125 Computer Lab

832-129110 VCC12511 D25GK082DHJW VCC125 Computer Lab

832-129111 VCC12512 D25GK083DHJW VCC125 Computer Lab

832-129112 VCC12513 D25GK084DHJW VCC125 Computer Lab

832-129113 VCC12514 D25GK085DHJW VCC125 Computer Lab

832-129114 VCC12515 D25GK086DHJW VCC125 Computer Lab

832-129115 VCC12516 D25GK087DHJW VCC125 Computer Lab

832-129116 VCC12517 D25GK088DHJW VCC125 Computer Lab

832-129117 VCC12518 D25GK089DHJW VCC125 Computer Lab

832-129118 VCC12519 D25GK08ADHJW VCC125 Computer Lab

832-129119 VCC12520 D25GK08BDHJW VCC125 Computer Lab

832-129120 VCC12521 D25GK08CDHJW VCC125 Computer Lab

832-129121 VCC12522 D25GK08DDHJW VCC125 Computer Lab

832-129122 VCC12523 D25GK08EDHJW VCC125 Computer Lab

832-129123 VCC12524 D25GK08FDHJW VCC125 Computer Lab

832-129124 VCC12525 D25GK08GDHJW VCC125 Computer Lab

832-129125 VCC125INST D25GK0HBDHJW VCC125 Computer Lab

832-130529 MTLION130529 D25JH0DHDHJW VCC200 David Sholter


User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

51Total Computers Of This Model:

832-012473 IPAD-012473 DYTJ43ASDJ8V LAH138 Computer Lab

832-012474 IPAD-012474 DYTJ487MDJ8V LAH138 Computer Lab

832-012475 IPAD-012475 DKWN5060DJ8V LAH138 Computer Lab

832-012476 IPAD-012476 DYTJ437XDJ8V LAH138 Computer Lab

832-012477 IPAD-012477 DYTJ46X4DJ8V LAH138 Computer Lab

832-012478 IPAD-012478 DYTJ46RXDJ8V LAH138 Computer Lab

832-012479 IPAD-012479 DYTJ4378DJ8V LAH138 Computer Lab

832-012480 IPAD-012480 DYTJ45SKDJ8V LAH138 Computer Lab

832-012481 IPAD-012481 DYTJ46JLDJ8V LAH138 Computer Lab

832-012482 IPAD-012482 DYTJ4703DJ8V LAH138 Computer Lab

832-012483 IPAD-012483 DYTJ46XYDJ8V LAH138 Computer Lab

832-012484 IPAD-012484 DYTJ46TYDJ8V LAH138 Computer Lab

832-012485 IPAD-012485 DYTJ46P6DJ8V LAH138 Computer Lab

832-012486 IPAD-012486 DYTJ46PFDJ8V LAH138 Computer Lab

832-012487 IPAD-012487 DYTJ47DYDJ8V LAH138 Computer Lab

832-012488 IPAD-012488 DYTJ45Z0DJ8V LAH138 Computer Lab

832-012489 IPAD-012489 DYTJ46WNDJ8V LAH138 Computer Lab

832-012490 IPAD-012490 DKWL908DF184 LAH138 Computer Lab

832-012491 IPAD-012491 DYTJ46EJDJ8V LAH138 Computer Lab

832-012492 IPAD-012492 DYTJ4664DJ8V LAH138 Computer Lab

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832-012493 IPAD-012493 DYTJ45VDDJ8V LAH138 Computer Lab

832-012494 IPAD-012494 DYTJ46Q2DJ8V LAH138 Computer Lab

832-012495 IPAD-012495 DYTJ47K2DJ8V LAH138 Computer Lab

832-012496 IPAD-012496 DYTJ44U6DJ8V LAH138 Computer Lab

832-012497 IPAD-012497 DYTJ489YDJ8V LAH138 Computer Lab

832-012498 IPAD-012498 DKVNG02LDJ8V LAH138 Computer Lab

832-012499 IPAD-012499 DYTJ46ZJDJ8V ATC133A Computer Lab

832-012500 IPAD-012500 DYTJ47RGDJ8V LAH138 Computer Lab

832-012501 IPAD-012501 DYTJ43B3DJ8V LAH138 Computer Lab

832-012502 IPAD-012502 DYTJ46DTDJ8V LAH138 Computer Lab

832-012503 IPAD-012503 DKWLC0C5F184 LAH138 Computer Lab

832-012504 IPAD-012504 DYTJ47EQDJ8V LAH138 Computer Lab

832-012505 IPAD-012505 DKVML08BDJ8V LAH138 Computer Lab

832-012506 IPAD-012506 DYTJ4763DJ8V LAH138 Computer Lab

832-012507 IPAD-012507 DYTJ45V4DJ8V LAH138 Computer Lab

832-012508 IPAD-012508 DYTJ47BEDJ8V LAH138 Computer Lab

832-012509 IPAD-012509 DYTJ47JKDJ8V LAH138 Computer Lab

832-012510 IPAD-012510 DYTJ43JQDJ8V LAH138 Computer Lab

832-012511 IPAD-012511 DYTJ47CUDJ8V LAH138 Computer Lab

832-012512 IPAD-012512 DKWN601KDJ8V LAH138 Computer Lab

832-128291 IPAD-128291 GB050247Z39 VCC200B Victor Forrester

832-128292 IPAD-128292 HW05056C29 HOS602E Dennis Johnson

832-128293 IPAD-128293 V50517V0Z29 ATC109 Brian (TJ) Haney

832-128390 IPAD-128390 HW0510YAZ39 ATC159E Unknown

832-128392 IPAD-128392 HW0512DXZ39 GCB215A Rosemary Kelly

832-128393 IPAD-128393 HW05111TZ39 ADM168A David Sullivan

832-128394 IPAD-128394 J30518VPZ39 ADM116A Robin Deaver

832-128395 IPAD-128395 HW105C3EZ39 ATC133 Unknown

832-128396 IPAD-128396 HW105C9ZZ39 ATC133 Unknown

832-128397 IPAD-128397 HW105D00Z39 ATC133 Unknown

832-128398 IPAD-128398 HW105EF4Z39 ATC133 Unknown


User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

34Total Computers Of This Model:

832-012631 IPAD-012631 DMQKPHKRF183 ECC104 Nell B. Gilbertson

832-012632 IPAD-012632 KMPKQ00XF183 ECC104 Nell B. Gilbertson

832-012633 IPAD-012633 DMQKPKGBF183 ECC104 Nell B. Gilbertson

832-012634 IPAD-012634 DMQKPJD6F183 ECC104 Nell B. Gilbertson

832-012635 IPAD-012635 KMQKPJ3DF183 ECC104 Nell B. Gilbertson

832-128479 IPAD-128479 DLXFHJ5EDKNW ATC113D Darlene Wood

832-128480 IPAD-128480 DLXFJO6NDKNW ADM162B Carl Mitchell

832-128481 IPAD-128481 DLXFHJRKDKNW ADM167D Brent Michaels

832-128482 IPAD-128482 DLXFH97ADKNW VCC232C Jennifer Owens

832-128924 IPAD-128924 DMPFN2X6DFHY VCC103 Scott Dorney

832-128926 IPAD-128926 DLXFQ7SSDFJ2 ADM3A Joseph Levister

832-128927 IPAD-128927 DLXFQ73KDFJ2 ATC147A Roderick Brower

832-129028 IPAD-128028 DN6G8311DFJ2 ECC203 Belva Hawley-Demendoza

832-129029 IPAD-129029 DMPG63KWDFJ2 ECC211 Linda Novak

832-129599 IPAD-129599 DLXFRKGADKPJ VCC211 Leasha Davis

832-130446 IPAD-130446 DMPHVCZDJ8V ADM4A David Brand

832-130452 IPAD-130452 DYTJUQ3DKPH HTC253L Barbara Britton

832-130453 IPAD-130453 DKVLL55NDKPH ATC159B Unknown

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832-130454 IPAD-130454 DYTJ9WYXDKPH ATC159B Unknown

832-130455 IPAD-130455 DYTJ9PRYDKPH HTC253H Judy Peniston

832-130456 IPAD-130456 DYTJ9UR3DKPH HTC253G Janice Elliott

832-130457 IPAD-130457 DYTJ9WZ4DKPH HTC201G Kathy McAllister

832-130458 IPAD-130458 DYTJ9RC6DKPH HTC253K Marian Hackett

832-130459 IPAD-130459 DYTJ9X0GDKPH ATC113C Anthony Cameron

832-130460 IPAD-130460 DYTJ9W61DKPH ATC159B Unknown

832-130461 IPAD-130461 DYTJ9W5PDKPH HTC201C Linda Spjute

832-130462 IPAD-130462 DYTJ9SLADKPH HTC253E LeeAntoinette Moore

832-130463 IPAD-130463 DYTJ9PK9DKPH ATC244F Jenneth Honeycutt

832-130464 IPAD-130464 DMPJ3EB9DJ8V HTC206B Mitzi Averette

832-130474 IPAD-130474 DMPHVR6EDJ8V ECC208 Charisse Gainey

832-131345 IPAD-131345 DMQKK2BLF183 HTC169J Karron Boyles

832-131346 IPAD-131346 DMQKK1QWF183 HTC169H Sandra Monroe

832-131347 IPAD-131347 DMQKK0DNF183 HTC169K Renee Ellis

832-131348 IPAD-131348 DMQKK06RF183 HTC169H Roni Paul


User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

15Total Computers Of This Model:

832-131642 IPAD-131642 DMPMFC12FK15 ATC133 Timothy McMahon

832-131643 IPAD-131643 DMPMFBA6FK15 ATC133 Kenjuandru Rice

832-131644 IPAD-131644 DMPMDTF8FK15 FBSDC206 Ron Jahn

832-131645 IPAD-131645 DMPMDST5FK15 ATC133 Barbara Sheppard

832-131646 IPAD-131646 DMPMDS9YFK15 ATC133A Kyle Seaford

832-131647 IPAD-131647 DMPMDSB0FK15 ATC149C Daniel Fullerton

832-131648 IPAD-131648 DMPMDSWEFK15 SLC216A Gerald Huggins

832-131649 IPAD-131649 DMPMDSQ4FK15 ATC118 Derek Davis

832-131650 IPAD-131650 DMPMDTCPFK15 ATC133A William Whitehead

832-131651 IPAD-131651 DMPMDTCTFK15 ATC118 Adrian Gorum

832-131652 IPAD-131652 DMPMDSAFFK15 ATC133A Micheal Tyler

832-131653 IPAD-131653 DMPMDSBAFK15 ATC120A Hyon Van Leeuwen

832-131661 IPAD-131661 DMPMCCMRF185 ATC154C Willie Lockett

832-132198 IPAD-132198 DLXN108RF4YF ADM1A Larry Keen

832-132227 IPAD-132227 DLXMN1R6F4YF ADM117A Betty Smith


User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

1Total Computers Of This Model:

832-130759 IPAD-130759 F4KJHDPAF195 VCC210 Theron Smith


User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

1Total Computers Of This Model:

832-012541 MTLION-012541 C07J7059DKDJ LAH138 Computer Lab


User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

1Total Computers Of This Model:

832-126276 MACSERVER G88362UWXYL VCC124 Computer Lab


User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

1Total Computers Of This Model:

832-129400 W7-129400-MAC H015206BGWR VCC112 Janan Warren

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User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

5Total Computers Of This Model:

832-012536 MTLION-012536 C02J7H1TDRVC LAH138 Computer Lab

832-012537 MTLION-012537 C02J7GKQDRVC LAH138 Computer Lab

832-012538 MTLION-012538 C02J7GJVDRVC LAH138 Computer Lab

832-012539 MTLION-012539 C02J7GKKDRVC ATC133A Computer Lab

832-012540 MTLION-012540 C02J7H1VDRVC LAH138 Computer Lab


User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

5Total Computers Of This Model:

832-012513 MTLION-012513 C17J31CJDTY3 LAH138 Computer Lab

832-012514 MTLION-012514 C17J31BPDTY3 LAH138 Computer Lab

832-012515 MTLION-012515 C17J318GDTY3 LAH138 Computer Lab

832-012516 MTLION-012516 C17J31CBDTY3 LAH138 Computer Lab

832-012517 MTLION-INST C17J31BEDTY3 LAH138 Computer Lab


User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

1Total Computers Of This Model:

832-129321 W7-129321 H01470UREUH VCC109 Winston (Jae) Nixon 04/29/2014

Dell Inc. 1,635Total Computers From This Manufacturer:


User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

1Total Computers Of This Model:

832-126742 LT-W7-126742 74MHXH1 ATC133-SURPLUS LOANER 04/29/2015

Inspiron 1501Dell Inc.

User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

1Total Computers Of This Model:

832-125327 LT-W7-125327 4T1QZD1 GCB202C Matthew T. Thewes 05/01/2015

Latitude 2100Dell Inc.

User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

2Total Computers Of This Model:

832-127910 LT-W7-127910 JX749M1 HOS603A Daryle Nobles 08/26/2014

832-128072 XP128072 45H08M1 ATC159B Unknown 12/11/2013

Latitude D820Dell Inc.

User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

1Total Computers Of This Model:

832-125178 LT-W7-125178 JMKZ5D1 ADM1A Larry Keen 04/25/2014

Latitude D830Dell Inc.

User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

3Total Computers Of This Model:

832-125298 LT-W7-125298 FBL6PD1 CUH311D Michael Landon 06/25/2015

832-125302 LT-W7-125302 9KL6PD1 ECC205 Shelly Oliver 12/12/2013

832-126299 LT-W7-126299 1Y1XGH1 ADM4 Tracy Verrier 08/27/2014

Latitude E4300Dell Inc.

User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

2Total Computers Of This Model:

832-129016 WFD-W7-129016 CH2HPJ1 WFD WorkForce Temp 12/05/2013

832-129056 WFD-W7-129056 BH2HPJ1 WFD Keisha Williams 12/05/2013

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Latitude E5420Dell Inc.

User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

10Total Computers Of This Model:

832-129033 W7-129033 757VLQ1 CUH348E Denise Dedeaux 04/27/2015

832-129034 LT-W7-129034 757WLQ1 ATC159E LOANER 06/04/2015

832-129036 LT-W7-129036 757YLQ1 ATC154A Laura Galvan 04/07/2014

832-129038 W7-129038 7580MQ1 VCC201 Jennifer Hubbard 12/05/2013

832-129039 W7-129039 7581MQ1 ATC220F Sandra Ivarsson 03/26/2015

832-129041 W7-129041 7583MQ1 ATC154H Monica Mason 02/23/2015

832-129043 W7-129043 7585MQ1 ATC244D David Teter 11/17/2014

832-129044 LT-W7-129044 7586MQ1 ATC159E LOANER 06/09/2015

832-129045 W7-129045 7587MQ1 ATC159E Unknown 01/27/2015

832-129046 W7-129046 7588MQ1 ATC220G Tomica Sobers 11/04/2014

Latitude E5430 non-vProDell Inc.

User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

3Total Computers Of This Model:

4PDMXW1 W7-130919-LT 4PDMXW1 VCC104 Alexa Dennis 04/16/2015

832-130916 LT-W7-130916 82PHXW1 GCB202P Melissa Jones 03/05/2015

832-130918 W7-130918-LT 4HDMXW1 VCC104 Alexa Dennis 05/01/2015

Latitude E5510Dell Inc.

User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

2Total Computers Of This Model:

832-128022 SLC10702-LT G42K5N1 ATC120 Computer Lab 01/21/2014

832-128029 SLC10701-LT B42K5N1 SLC107 Computer Lab 01/21/2014

Latitude E5520Dell Inc.

User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

36Total Computers Of This Model:

832-129401 LT-W7-129401 6XCM5S1 ECC206 Rondell Bennett 10/31/2014

832-129402 LT-W7-129402 6XCN4S1 ECC207 Kara Walker 08/13/2014

832-129403 LT-W7-129403 6XCN5S1 CBI135 Tamara Bryant 12/11/2013

832-129404 LT-W7-129404 6XCP4S1 ATC159E LOANER 11/21/2014

832-129405 LT-W7-129405 6XCP5S1 ECC210 AVAILABLE 06/19/2015

832-129406 LT-W7-129406 6XCQ5S1 ATC159E LOANER 06/19/2015

832-129407 LT-W7-129407 6XCR5S1 ECC205 Shelly Oliver 01/24/2014

832-129408 LT-W7-129408 6XCY4S1 ATC159E LOANER 06/22/2015

832-129409 LT-W7-129409 6XCZ4S1 ATC159E LOANER 09/17/2014

832-129410 LT-W7-129410 6XD05S1 ECC203 Belva Hawley-Demendoza 02/06/2014

832-129411 LT-W7-129411 6XD55S1 CUH377S Barbara Hill-Jones 06/26/2015

832-129412 LT-W7-129412 6XD75S1 ECC211 Linda Novak 04/22/2015

832-129413 W7-129413-LT 8L6L5S1 ATC159E LOANER 06/23/2015

832-129414 GCB113INST-LT 6XCL4S1 GCB113 Computer Lab 07/17/2014

832-129415 GCB115INST-LT 6XCL5S1 GCB115 Computer Lab 11/15/2013

832-129416 GCB117INST-LT 6XCM4S1 GCB117 Computer Lab 11/15/2013

832-129417 GCB119INST-LT 6XCQ4S1 GCB119 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-129418 GCB209INST-LT 6XCR4S1 GCB209 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-129419 GCB20501-LT 6XCS4S1 GCB205 Multimedia PC 07/09/2013

832-129420 GCB206INST-LT 6XCT4S1 GCB206 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-129421 GCB207INST-LT 6XCV4S1 GCB207 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-129422 GCB21001-LT 6XCX4S1 GCB210 Multimedia PC 06/03/2015

832-129423 GCB21101-LT 6XD15S1 GCB211 Multimedia PC 11/14/2013

832-129424 GCB21201-LT 6XD25S1 GCB212 Multimedia PC 11/14/2013

832-129425 GCB21301-LT 6XD35S1 GCB213 Multimedia PC 05/18/2015

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832-129426 GCB21401-LT 6XD45S1 GCB214 Multimedia PC 06/03/2015

832-129427 GCB21901-LT 6XD65S1 GCB219 Multimedia PC 05/18/2015

832-129705 LIB20021-LT HFM94S1 LIB200 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-129706 LIB20022-LT HFM95S1 LIB200 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-129707 LIB20023-LT HFMB4S1 LIB200 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-129708 LIB20024-LT HFMB5S1 LIB200 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-129709 LIB20025-LT HFMC4S1 LIB200 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-129710 LIB20026-LT HFMC5S1 LIB200 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-130015 LT-W7-130015 CCRR5S1 ADM167D Brent Michaels 01/14/2014

832-130185 W7-130185-LT GY7GBT1 VCC114A Lorna Ricotta 04/01/2015

832-130442 GCB10801-LT 2BJBBT1 GCB108 Computer Lab 02/27/2015

Latitude E5530 non-vProDell Inc.

User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

2Total Computers Of This Model:

832-130534 LT-W7-130534 1003LV1 LRC120 Sonja Osborne 12/13/2013

832-130535 LT-W7-130535 4003LV1 HOS616P Dwarka P. Ramphal 02/18/2014

Latitude E5540Dell Inc.

User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

2Total Computers Of This Model:

832-131668 LT-W7-131668 4VCZXZ1 VCC103 Scott Dorney 06/02/2014

832-131669 LT-W7-131669 CVCZXZ1 VCC103 Scott Dorney 06/02/2014

Latitude E5550Dell Inc.

User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

5Total Computers Of This Model:

832-132444 LT-W7-132444 C1SSP12 CUH377E Walter Boyle 12/17/2014

832-132564 W7-132564-LT GP1ZM32 VCC104 Unknown 05/04/2015

832-132565 W7-132565-LT 3T40N32 VCC104 Unknown 05/04/2015

832-132566 W7-132566-LT 1SVYM32 VCC104 Unknown 05/04/2015

832-132567 W7-132567-LT DRVYM32 VCC104 Unknown 05/19/2015

Latitude E6410Dell Inc.

User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

15Total Computers Of This Model:

832-012306 LT-W7-012306 61TM4Q1 HTC201D Lynne M. McDonough 02/09/2015

832-127983 LT-W7-127983 81KJQM1 CUH311C Ronald Montgomery 06/19/2015

832-127984 LT-W7-127984 7TPJQM1 GCB115 Loretta Gunn 07/01/2014

832-127986 LT-W7-127986 D3QJQM1 ATC159E LOANER 05/22/2015

832-127989 W7-127989-LT 2MMLQM1 LIB122 John Edwards 05/19/2015

832-127991 W7-127991-LT 7PMLQM1 LIB121 Sandra Bowen 05/19/2015

832-127993 W7-127993 5MMLQM1 CUH377U Ray Walters 06/26/2015

832-127994 LT-W7-127994 D0MLQM1 HOS603A Daryle Nobles 10/21/2014

832-127996 W7-127996 H4MLQM1 FBSDC206 Ron Jahn 08/26/2014

832-127997 LT-W7-127997 HYLLQM1 GCB115 Loretta Gunn 07/01/2014

832-128001 LT-W7-128001 2ZLLQM1 ADM167 Vincent Castano 08/08/2014

832-128690 LT-W7-128690 CJ9M4Q1 VCC104 Alexa Dennis 05/20/2015

832-128786 LT-W7-128786 6J9M4Q1 VCC104 Alexa Dennis 04/07/2015

832-128787 LT-W7-128787 CCCM4Q1 VCC104 Unknown 02/11/2015

832-128908 W7-128908-LT 8Y565Q1 VCC103 Scott Dorney 01/21/2014

Latitude E6500Dell Inc.

User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

18Total Computers Of This Model:

832-127121 HTC102C01-LT 4Y5F4K1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 09/03/2014

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832-127122 HTC102D01-LT 5Y5F4K1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 11/05/2014

832-127123 HTC104A01-LT 6Y5F4K1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 10/20/2014

832-127124 HTC104B01-LT 7Y5F4K1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 11/17/2014

832-127125 HTC104C01-LT 8Y5F4K1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 10/20/2014

832-127126 HTC104D01-LT 9Y5F4K1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 09/10/2014

832-127127 HTC104E01-LT BY5F4K1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 10/20/2014

832-127128 HTC14801-LT CY5F4K1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 11/17/2014

832-127129 HTC14802-LT DY5F4K1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 11/17/2014

832-127130 HTC14803-LT FY5F4K1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 11/25/2013

832-127131 HTC14804-LT GY5F4K1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 11/17/2014

832-127132 HTC14805-LT JY5F4K1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 11/17/2014

832-127133 HTC14806-LT 1Z5F4K1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 11/17/2014

832-127134 HTC14807-LT 2Z5F4K1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 11/25/2013

832-127135 HTC14808-LT 3Z5F4K1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 11/17/2014

832-127136 HTC14809-LT 4Z5F4K1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 11/17/2014

832-127137 HTC14810-LT 5Z5F4K1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 11/17/2014

832-127156 LT-W7-127156 6YVRJK1 VCC104 Alexa Dennis 11/06/2014

MXG071Dell Inc.

User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

6Total Computers Of This Model:

832-126740 LT-W7-126740 34MHXH1 ATC159E Anitra Ray 03/13/2015

832-126741 LT-W7-126741 54MHXH1 SLC216A Gerald Huggins 06/25/2015

832-126746 BT11801-LT D4MHXH1 BTEC118 Computer Lab 12/05/2013

832-126750 LT-W7-126750 75MHXH1 LAH133 LeRoy Humphries 06/03/2015

832-126754 LT-W7-126754 D5MHXH1 SR12 Danny D. Weaver 01/17/2014

832-126755 LT-W7-126755 F5MHXH1 HOS602E Dennis Johnson 12/12/2013

OptiPlex 3010Dell Inc.

User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

102Total Computers Of This Model:

832-012596 W7-012596 14CWBX1 GCB104H ADJUNCT 09/10/2014

832-012640 W7-012640 5V13BY1 ECC102 Unknown 02/26/2015

832-130952 W7-130952 8D9GTW1 ADM102 Felipa Dozier 05/22/2015

832-130953 W7-130953 8D9FTW1 ADM109A Hayley M. Shipton 05/06/2014

832-130954 W7-130954 8DBGTW1 ADM107 Jamese Cameron 12/05/2013

832-130955 W7-130955 8DBHTW1 NCB3 Terri D. Dodd 05/26/2015

832-130956 W7-130956 8DBFTW1 ADM107C Paula Cochran 12/12/2013

832-130957 W7-130957 8DCFTW1 SLC116B Quanda J. Woodard 06/16/2015

832-130959 W7-130959 J6F9TW1 VCC114 ADJUNCT 06/12/2015

832-130966 W7-130966 14YTBX1 ADM3 Sarah Gibbs 03/05/2014

832-130993 W7-126670 GF06CX1 NCB9D Wendi Sheets 11/04/2014

832-131218 ATC15627 HD8X6Y1 ATC156 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-131219 ATC15628 HD8Y6Y1 ATC156 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-131220 ATC120ALT1 HD8Z6Y1 ATC120 Computer Lab 07/01/2015

832-131221 ATC120ALT2 HD907Y1 ATC120 Computer Lab 07/02/2015

832-131222 ATC1204D08 HD9X6Y1 ATC120 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-131223 ATC1201B01 HD9Y6Y1 ATC120 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-131224 ATC1201B02 HD9Z6Y1 ATC120 Computer Lab 06/04/2015

832-131225 ATC1201B03 HDB07Y1 ATC120 Computer Lab 06/16/2015

832-131226 ATC1201B04 HDBX6Y1 ATC120 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-131227 ATC1204A01 HDBY6Y1 ATC120 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-131228 ATC1204A02 HDBZ6Y1 ATC120 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-131229 ATC1204A03 HDC07Y1 ATC120 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

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832-131230 ATC1204A04 HDCX6Y1 ATC120 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-131231 ATC1204A05 HDCY6Y1 ATC120 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-131232 ATC1204A06 HDCZ6Y1 ATC120 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-131233 ATC12701 HDD07Y1 ATC127 Computer Lab 03/10/2015

832-131234 ATC12702 HDDX6Y1 ATC127 Computer Lab 03/10/2015

832-131235 ATC12703 HDDY6Y1 ATC127 Computer Lab 03/10/2015

832-131236 ATC12704 HDDZ6Y1 ATC127 Computer Lab 03/10/2015

832-131237 ATC12705 HDF07Y1 ATC127 Computer Lab 03/10/2015

832-131238 ATC12706 HDFX6Y1 ATC127 Computer Lab 03/10/2015

832-131239 ATC12707 HDFY6Y1 ATC127 Computer Lab 03/10/2015

832-131240 ATC12708 HDFZ6Y1 ATC127 Computer Lab 03/10/2015

832-131241 ATC12709 HDG07Y1 ATC127 Computer Lab 03/10/2015

832-131242 ATC12710 HDGX6Y1 ATC127 Computer Lab 03/10/2015

832-131243 ATC12711 HDGY6Y1 ATC127 Computer Lab 03/10/2015

832-131244 ATC12712 HDGZ6Y1 ATC127 Computer Lab 03/10/2015

832-131245 ATC12713 HDHX6Y1 ATC127 Computer Lab 03/10/2015

832-131246 ATC12714 HDHY6Y1 ATC127 Computer Lab 03/10/2015

832-131247 ATC12715 HDHZ6Y1 ATC127 Computer Lab 03/10/2015

832-131248 ATC12716 HDJX6Y1 ATC127 Computer Lab 03/10/2015

832-131249 ATC12717 HDJY6Y1 ATC127 Computer Lab 03/10/2015

832-131250 ATC12718 HDJZ6Y1 ATC127 Computer Lab 03/10/2015

832-131251 ATC12719 HDKX6Y1 ATC127 Computer Lab 03/10/2015

832-131252 ATC12720 HDKY6Y1 ATC127 Computer Lab 03/10/2015

832-131253 ATC12721 HDKZ6Y1 ATC127 Computer Lab 03/10/2015

832-131254 ATC12722 HDLX6Y1 ATC127 Computer Lab 03/10/2015

832-131255 ATC12723 HDLY6Y1 ATC127 Computer Lab 03/10/2015

832-131256 ATC12724 HDLZ6Y1 ATC127 Computer Lab 03/10/2015

832-131257 ATC12725 HDMX6Y1 ATC127 Computer Lab 04/07/2015

832-131258 ATC12726 HDMY6Y1 ATC127 Computer Lab 03/10/2015

832-131259 ATC12727 HDMZ6Y1 ATC127 Computer Lab 03/10/2015

832-131260 ATC12728 HDNX6Y1 ATC127 Computer Lab 03/10/2015

832-131261 ATC12729 HDNY6Y1 ATC127 Computer Lab 03/10/2015

832-131262 ATC12730 HDNZ6Y1 ATC127 Computer Lab 03/10/2015

832-131263 ATC127INST HDPX6Y1 ATC127 Computer Lab 05/22/2015

832-131264 ATC22501 CMGY6Y1 ATC225 Computer Lab 06/10/2015

832-131265 ATC22502 CMGZ6Y1 ATC225 Computer Lab 06/10/2015

832-131266 ATC22503 CMHX6Y1 ATC225 Computer Lab 06/10/2015

832-131267 ATC22504 CMHY6Y1 ATC225 Computer Lab 06/10/2015

832-131268 ATC22505 CMHZ6Y1 ATC225 Computer Lab 06/10/2015

832-131269 ATC22506 CMJX6Y1 ATC225 Computer Lab 06/10/2015

832-131270 ATC22507 CMJY6Y1 ATC225 Computer Lab 06/10/2015

832-131271 ATC22508 CMJZ6Y1 ATC225 Computer Lab 06/10/2015

832-131272 ATC22509 CMKX6Y1 ATC225 Computer Lab 06/10/2015

832-131273 ATC22510 CMKY6Y1 ATC225 Computer Lab 06/10/2015

832-131274 ATC22511 CMKZ6Y1 ATC225 Computer Lab 06/10/2015

832-131275 ATC22512 CMLX6Y1 ATC225 Computer Lab 06/10/2015

832-131276 ATC22513 CMLY6Y1 ATC225 Computer Lab 06/10/2015

832-131277 ATC22514 CMLZ6Y1 ATC225 Computer Lab 06/10/2015

832-131278 ATC22515 CMMX6Y1 ATC225 Computer Lab 06/10/2015

832-131279 ATC22516 CMMY6Y1 ATC225 Computer Lab 06/10/2015

832-131280 ATC22517 CMMZ6Y1 ATC225 Computer Lab 06/10/2015

832-131281 ATC22518 CMNX6Y1 ATC225 Computer Lab 06/10/2015

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832-131282 ATC22519 CMNY6Y1 ATC225 Computer Lab 06/10/2015

832-131283 ATC22520 CMNZ6Y1 ATC225 Computer Lab 06/10/2015

832-131284 ATC22521 CMPX6Y1 ATC225 Computer Lab 06/10/2015

832-131285 ATC22522 CMPY6Y1 ATC225 Computer Lab 06/10/2015

832-131286 ATC22523 CMPZ6Y1 ATC225 Computer Lab 06/10/2015

832-131287 ATC22524 CMQX6Y1 ATC225 Computer Lab 06/10/2015

832-131288 ATC225INST CMQY6Y1 ATC225 Computer Lab 06/10/2015

832-131289 W7-131289 934T7Y1 ADM167B Wanda Dail 05/06/2015

832-131387 CEC20501 JQSH9Y1 CEC205 Computer Lab 06/01/2015

832-131388 CEC20502 JQSJ9Y1 CEC205 Computer Lab 02/27/2015

832-131389 CEC20503 JQSK9Y1 CEC205 Computer Lab 02/27/2015

832-131390 CEC20504 JQSL9Y1 CEC205 Computer Lab 02/27/2015

832-131391 CEC20505 JQSM9Y1 CEC205 Computer Lab 02/27/2015

832-131392 CEC20506 JQSN9Y1 CEC205 Computer Lab 02/27/2015

832-131393 CEC20507 JQSP9Y1 CEC205 Computer Lab 02/27/2015

832-131394 CEC20508 JQSQ9Y1 CEC205 Computer Lab 02/27/2015

832-131395 CEC20509 JQSR9Y1 CEC205 Computer Lab 06/01/2015

832-131396 W7-131396 JQSS9Y1 CEC229B Trisha Sims 06/01/2015

832-131403 W7-131403 DXM9BY1 GCB211 Elijah Bass 05/28/2014

832-131408 W7-131408 DXZBBY1 ADM167C Jane Freeman 03/11/2015

832-131416 W7-131416 F0QQBY1 SR David Summers 02/11/2015

832-131417 W7-131417 F0QRBY1 SR Jeremy Jordan 05/26/2015

832-131443 W7-131443 GPJH9Z1 SLC100 Marie Callender 06/25/2015

832-131444 W7-131444 77XS9Z1 HTC202 Unknown 02/07/2014

832-131445 W7-131445 77YP9Z1 HTC202 Unknown 02/07/2014

832-800062 LIB200MOB01 2ZJVCX1 LIB200 Computer Lab 09/10/2014

832-800063 LIB200MOB02 2ZJWCX1 LIB200 Computer Lab 06/12/2014

OptiPlex 7010Dell Inc.

User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

8Total Computers Of This Model:

832-130440 W7-130440 GG2J7V1 PRD7 Lisa Starling 11/11/2013

832-131122 W7-131122 JXMBFX1 PRD7 ADJUNCT 11/11/2013

832-131123 W7-131123 JXMCDX1 PRD7 ADJUNCT 11/11/2013

832-131349 W7-131349 8Q1X8Y1 ATC15A Brian Oldham 01/21/2015

832-131350 W7-131350 8Q1Y8Y1 ATC15 Robert (Marty) Fulton 08/14/2014

832-131351 W7-131351 8Q209Y1 ATC15 Julian (Jay) Boyles 10/14/2014

832-131352 W7-131352 8Q1Z8Y1 ATC15 John Cade 01/08/2015

832-131355 W7-128302 6RDY8Y1 VCC209 Mary Mitchell 08/20/2014

OptiPlex 740 EnhancedDell Inc.

User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

6Total Computers Of This Model:

832-128991 WFD-W7-128991 1KHMTH1 WFD WorkForce Temp 11/17/2014

832-128999 WFD-W7-128999 7LVX3J1 WFD Nedra Clayborne-Rodriguez 11/17/2014

832-129003 WFD-W7-129003 7R83WH1 WFD Nedra Clayborne-Rodriguez 11/17/2014

832-129007 WFD-W7-129007 HQ83WH1 WFD Nedra Clayborne-Rodriguez 11/17/2014

832-129009 WFD-W7-129009 JQ83WH1 WFD Nedra Clayborne-Rodriguez 11/17/2014

832-129012 WFD-W7-129012 DQ83WH1 WFD Nedra Clayborne-Rodriguez 11/17/2014

OptiPlex 745Dell Inc.

User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

30Total Computers Of This Model:

832-124801 W7-124801 D09LGC1 CEC101 Kim Lewis 11/12/2013

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832-124860 W7-124860 2G8PKC1 ADM109 CASH REGISTER 04/27/2015

832-124861 W7-124861 6G8PKC1 ADM107 CASH REGISTER 04/04/2014

832-124877 W7-124877 3Y72MC1 CUH311B Ronald Montgomery 06/23/2015

832-124882 W7-124882 2D34NC1 NCB2 Charlotte Johnson 09/11/2014

832-124887 W7-124887 4C34NC1 CUH319 Joe Mullis 07/03/2014

832-124903 W7-124903 9834NC1 CEC133 ADJUNCT 06/19/2015

832-124904 W7-124904 9C34NC1 CUH334 Paul Melvin 01/15/2015

832-124917 W7-124917 G634NC1 TALL ADJUNCT 12/02/2014

832-124955 W7-124955 9KBGPC1 CUH311D Michael Landon 04/13/2015

832-124958 W7-124958 CDBGPC1 ATC133-SURPLUS AVAILABLE 07/10/2013

832-124966 W7-124966 FCBGPC1 CUH334 Unknown 01/15/2015

832-124974 W7-124974 JLBGPC1 HTC225A SIM LAB INSTRUCTORS

832-124992 W7-124992 BGMGPC1 GCB115 Loretta Gunn 10/09/2014

832-125000 W7-125000 JCMGPC1 ECC105 ADJUNCT 12/03/2013

832-125176 W7-125179 DW8X5D1 CUH346F Ann Taylor 10/28/2014

832-125188 W7-125188 JRJYCD1 GCB101 ADJUNCT 12/03/2013

832-125207 W7-125207 535GCD1 Adrian Gorum 05/06/2014

832-125210 W7-125210 825GCD1 HTC242B ADJUNCT 12/03/2013

832-125217 W7-125217 G25GCD1 Computer Lab 03/27/2015

832-125242 W7-125242 835GCD1 ATC133-SURPLUS AVAILABLE 06/29/2015

832-125271 SLC12701 BSCZFD1 SLC127 Security Video PC 03/03/2015

832-125344 W7-125344 1NXW0F1 ECC210 Genelle Blue 12/03/2013

832-125348 W7-125348 6NXW0F1 GCB202I Charlene Pierce-Jordon 05/29/2015

832-125349 W7-125349 7MXW0F1 GCB202C Matthew T. Thewes 05/01/2015

832-125354 W7-125354 CMXW0F1 CUH313A Marcella Golsteyn 10/28/2014

832-125355 W7-125355 DMXW0F1 GCB115 Unknown 04/01/2014

832-125367 W7-125367 FD3K2F1 LIB200D Patricia Brown 04/03/2014

832-125487 W7-125487 DRL67F1 CUH392 Brandon S. Burford 07/30/2014

832-125559 W7-125559 5MXN9F1 ATC133-SURPLUS AVAILABLE 01/21/2014

OptiPlex 755Dell Inc.

User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

232Total Computers Of This Model:

3WKL9G1 SDC14304 3WKL9G1 ATC133 Kenjuandru Rice 01/29/2015

832-012190 W7-012190 2NLCGH1 GCB109B CASH REGISTER

832-012191 W7-012191 4NLCGH1 GCB109B CASH REGISTER

832-012192 W7-012192 5NLCGH1 GCB104C CASH REGISTER

832-012193 W7-012193 HMLCGH1 SLC116B Quanda J. Woodard 06/05/2015

832-125494 W7-125494 29ZF6F1 LAH134 Walter Brannen 02/18/2015

832-125495 W7-125495 78ZF6F1 CUH384 Penny Jacobs 01/15/2015

832-125497 W7-125497 89ZF6F1 LAH120C Olga Butorina-Langdon 12/10/2014

832-125498 W7-125498 D8ZF6F1 CUH375 Michael Hess 07/30/2014

832-125499 W7-125499 G8ZF6F1 CUH378A Karis King 01/14/2015

832-125500 W7-125500 H8ZF6F1 AUB101B David Dominie 11/14/2013

832-125501 W7-125501 1MLB7F1 CBI120 Unknown 04/22/2014

832-125503 W7-125503 2LLB7F1 HOS633D Michael Hawkins 11/07/2013

832-125504 W7-125504 2NLB7F1 HOS610A ADJUNCT 12/09/2014

832-125509 W7-125509 4MLB7F1 HOS618P Sharlene Malloy 02/13/2015

832-125510 W7-125510 4NLB7F1 CUH387 Peter Chiodo 07/14/2014

832-125512 W7-125512 5KLB7F1 HOS618C Dianne Kenney 11/07/2013

832-125514 W7-125514 6GLB7F1 GCB102 ADJUNCT 07/22/2014

832-125515 W7-125515 6LLB7F1 CUH378G Samuel Zahran 05/05/2015

832-125516 W7-125516 6PLB7F1 HOS618E Mariann Lamoreux 11/07/2013

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832-125518 W7-125518 7JLB7F1 CUH390 Joseph White 01/07/2015

832-125520 W7-125520 8GLB7F1 LAH120K Sandra (Sandi) Crosmun 11/11/2013

832-125521 W7-125521 8JLB7F1 CUH334H Frank Guzman 03/19/2015

832-125534 W7-125534 FKLB7F1 ATC154B Samuel Whatley 08/14/2014

832-125535 W7-125535 FLLB7F1 CUH395 Lindsay Smith 03/10/2015

832-125536 W7-125536 GGLB7F1 HOS618D Norris Harvey 12/12/2013

832-125538 W7-125538 GLLB7F1 CUH389 Beata Peterson 04/20/2015

832-125541 W7-125541 HJLB7F1 LAH131 William Atkins 11/11/2013

832-125542 W7-125542 HKLB7F1 LAH120I Ray Matthews 11/11/2013

832-125545 W7-125545 JGLB7F1 LAH120H John Fields 11/11/2013

832-125611 W7-125611 JBWNGF1 ATC109 Brian (TJ) Haney 11/11/2013

832-125616 W7-125616 4ZKSGF1 CEC212 Unknown 04/02/2015

832-125617 W7-125617 61LSGF1 CUH377L Donna DeVault 05/23/2014

832-125618 W7-125618 70LSGF1 CUH377J Daisy Foxx 02/25/2014

832-125621 W7-125621 8ZKSGF1 HOS618T Marie Cash 12/04/2013

832-125622 W7-125622 B0LSGF1 HOS610C Unknown 08/28/2014

832-125623 W7-125623 CYKSGF1 HOS616N Shandrika S. McNair 08/21/2014

832-125625 W7-125625 DZKSGF1 GCB202N Jessica Matthews 01/14/2015

832-125626 W7-125626 H0LSGF1 HOS602D Unknown 02/06/2015

832-125627 W7-125627 JYKSGF1 HOS616D Kay Gilbert 05/13/2014

832-125628 W7-125628 1NVRGF1 HOS632 Jeffrey Zack 11/05/2014

832-125629 W7-125629 2MVRGF1 HOS616H Danette Johnson 05/15/2014

832-125630 W7-125630 3NVRGF1 HOS616A Lonnie Griffin 09/16/2014

832-125631 W7-125631 4MVRGF1 LIB120 Sonja Osborne 01/30/2015

832-125632 W7-125632 4NVRGF1 HOS618N David Martin 07/02/2014

832-125634 W7-124243 6MVRGF1 ECC208 Charisse Gainey 07/11/2014

832-125636 W7-125636 7NVRGF1 HOS618G Chris Diorietes 11/07/2013

832-125637 W7-125637 8MVRGF1 HOS616T Anne Greene 08/04/2014

832-125638 W7-125638 BMVRGF1 CUH377G Lisa Bailey 06/26/2015

832-125639 W7-125639 CLVRGF1 HOS618L Alvina Blanks 10/24/2014

832-125641 W7-125641 GLVRGF1 HOS610G Tiffany Troupe 11/21/2014

832-125642 W7-125642 HMVRGF1 AUB101A ADJUNCT 04/03/2014

832-125643 W7-125643 JLVRGF1 HOS618Q Cara Hogeland 01/15/2015

832-125644 W7-125644 1YKSGF1 HOS616G Daniel Stewart 03/05/2014

832-125645 W7-125645 1MVRGF1 LIB122 John Edwards 03/05/2015

832-125646 W7-125646 2NVRGF1 HOS616I Robert Nelms 11/07/2013

832-125648 W7-125648 5MVRGF1 HOS633C Elizabeth Willet-Cutler 06/29/2015

832-125649 W7-125649 7LVRGF1 HOS616S Larry Hogan 03/25/2014

832-125650 W7-125650 7MVRGF1 HOS616C Kenjuana McCray 09/18/2014

832-125651 W7-125651 8LVRGF1 HOS616B Phillip Pugh 06/22/2015

832-125652 W7-125652 9LVRGF1 HOS611B Bryon Smith 06/22/2015

832-125653 W7-125653 9MVRGF1 LIB121 Sandra Bowen 05/05/2014

832-125654 W7-125654 BLVRGF1 CUH378E Anne Benenhaley 06/02/2015

832-125656 W7-125656 DLVRGF1 HOS633F Kenneth N. Buckey 11/24/2014

832-125659 HLVRGF1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 07/25/2013

832-125660 W7-125660 JMVRGF1 CUH377O Jessie Bellflowers 01/07/2015

832-125661 W7-125661 157XGF1 CUH393 Sarah Bruton 01/15/2015

832-125662 167XGF1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 07/25/2013

832-125668 W7-125668 857XGF1 ADM162A Barbara Driscoll 12/05/2013

832-125670 W7-125670 C57XGF1 GCB102B Stanley A. Young 06/16/2015

832-125672 W7-125672 F57XGF1 CEC127 Charles Howard 06/16/2014

832-125676 W7-125676 J57XGF1 GCB102D Terry Church 06/16/2015

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832-125680 W7-125680 48LSGF1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 06/10/2015

832-125682 W7-125682 20LSGF1 GCB205 Unknown 04/01/2015

832-125683 W7-125683 3ZKSGF1 LIB122 Leslie Corpening 11/14/2013

832-125684 W7-125684 4YKSGF1 HOS618H Lori Kiel 11/07/2013

832-125685 W7-125685 5XKSGF1 HOS600A Anthony Hubert 01/06/2015

832-125686 W7-125686 60LSGF1 HOS618U Vincent Sei 12/11/2014

832-125690 W7-125690 9XKSGF1 HOS616L Stan Holgate 05/06/2015

832-125691 W7-125691 BYKSGF1 HOS616K Melinda Pash 01/13/2015

832-125692 W7-125692 BZKSGF1 LIB122 Garrett Flagg 10/01/2014

832-125693 W7-125693 CXKSGF1 HOS611C Jose Cruz 06/22/2015

832-125694 W7-125694 FXKSGF1 HOS633B Mark E. Vecellio 11/11/2014

832-125695 W7-125695 FZKSGF1 HOS616M Valeria Russ 03/05/2014

832-125696 W7-125696 HYKSGF1 CUH383 Lisa Grundy 07/15/2014

832-125698 W7-125698 33LSGF1 LIB119 Karen McClain 11/26/2014

832-125699 W7-125699 44LSGF1 HOS602C Katharine W. Austin 07/29/2014

832-125700 W7-125700 52LSGF1 CUH348D Margie Mullis 08/27/2014

832-125701 W7-125701 54LSGF1 HOS618J Thomas Strommer 11/07/2013

832-125703 W7-125703 74LSGF1 HOS616O Tomecia Sobers 08/18/2014

832-125704 W7-125704 94LSGF1 HOS618K Midori Murray 10/01/2014

832-125705 W7-125705 B2LSGF1 HOS603A Daryle Nobles 02/25/2015

832-125706 W7-125706 B3LSGF1 HOS618Y Jessica West 11/07/2013

832-125707 W7-125707 C4LSGF1 HOS616F James Robinson 11/07/2013

832-125708 W7-125708 D2LSGF1 LAH110 LaTonya Capers 11/11/2013

832-125709 W7-125709 D4LSGF1 LAH120B Danny Cunningham 01/12/2015

832-125710 W7-125710 F3LSGF1 LAH120E Jeffrey (Todd) Martin 04/11/2014

832-125711 W7-125711 H2LSGF1 MNT202 Francis J. Rideout 03/13/2015

832-125712 W7-125712 H3LSGF1 HOS701D ADJUNCT 03/02/2015

832-125713 W7-125713 78LSGF1 HOS618W Lindsey Lee 01/21/2014

832-125715 W7-125715 98LSGF1 GCB102 ADJUNCT 06/16/2015

832-125716 W7-125716 C7LSGF1 LAH110 David MacMillan 04/11/2014

832-125717 W7-125717 C8LSGF1 ADM107 ADJUNCT 12/05/2013

832-125718 W7-125718 D7LSGF1 LAH120D Carol Barker 11/11/2013

832-125719 W7-125719 D8LSGF1 HTC105 ADJUNCT 06/11/2014

832-125722 W7-125722 H7LSGF1 HOS618X Betty Major 09/16/2014

832-125723 W7-125723 J7LSGF1 HOS610A ADJUNCT 11/07/2013

832-125724 W7-125724 15LSGF1 CUH313A Carrie Nance 12/10/2013

832-125725 W7-125725 25LSGF1 HOS643A Jennifer Bledsole 02/28/2014

832-125726 W7-125726 26LSGF1 HOS610A ADJUNCT 11/07/2013

832-125727 W7-125727 35LSGF1 ADM107 ADJUNCT 12/12/2013

832-125729 W7-125729 55LSGF1 HOS610A ADJUNCT 11/07/2013

832-125731 W7-125731 85LSGF1 HOS618S Shelly Pruitt 11/11/2013

832-125732 W7-125732 86LSGF1 HOS617 Pam Gibson 11/07/2013

832-125733 W7-125733 95LSGF1 GCB205 Debra Campbell 12/03/2013

832-125736 XP123882 F4LSGF1 SDC126B Susanna Willock 05/11/2015

832-125739 W7-125739 H5LSGF1 HOS643B Tom Morley 05/12/2015

832-125740 W7-125740 12LSGF1 LAH120L Edward Barnes 04/30/2015

832-125741 W7-125741 13LSGF1 HTC101 ADJUNCT 06/11/2014

832-125743 W7-125743 43LSGF1 LAH146C Justin Hawkes 11/17/2014

832-125744 W7-125744 51LSGF1 HTC230 ADJUNCT 05/13/2014

832-125745 W7-125745 53LSGF1 HOS611A Richard Kugelmann 01/06/2015

832-125746 W7-125746 82LSGF1 HOS640E Jo Ann Helmer 01/17/2014

832-125748 W7-125748 B1LSGF1 GCB211 Monica McNeil 03/20/2015

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832-125751 W7-125751 D1LSGF1 GCB205 Unknown 12/03/2013

832-125752 W7-125752 G2LSGF1 LAH111C Ernest McKoy 07/14/2014

832-125753 W7-125753 G3LSGF1 HOS633E Pia Anderson 11/05/2014

832-125754 W7-125754 H1LSGF1 HOS633A Larry Vick 03/10/2014

832-125770 W7-125770 H6LSGF1 LAH137 Tiffany Alford 11/12/2013

832-125792 W7-125792 1V5WLF1 ADM167C Vincent Castano 12/10/2013

832-125793 W7-125793 JT5WLF1 ECC216 ADJUNCT 07/11/2014

832-125806 XP125806 29BQMF1 ADM168A David Sullivan 04/04/2014

832-125819 W7-125819 7CSXQF1 PRD2 Verl Stephenson 11/12/2013

832-125820 W7-125820 8CSXQF1 PRD7C Edison Maloy 11/11/2013

832-125849 W7-125849 4P0NSF1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 10/14/2014

832-125862 W7-125862 HM0NSF1 AUB101A ADJUNCT 01/17/2014

832-125894 W7-125894 1B10TF1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 08/12/2014

832-125895 W7-125895 1D10TF1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 10/13/2014

832-125896 W7-125896 2C10TF1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 08/12/2014

832-125897 W7-125897 3910TF1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 10/13/2014

832-125915 W7-125915 69NZTF1 GCB222A Tammy Duggins 02/07/2014

832-125932 W7-125932 1W100G1 VCC230 Jennifer Owens 11/11/2013

832-125935 W7-125935 3HZ80G1 HTC105 ADJUNCT 01/16/2015

832-125937 W7-125937 5HZ80G1 CSEC20 ADJUNCT 03/03/2015

832-125939 W7-125939 7GZ80G1 CUH377H Terika Haynes 04/17/2015

832-125940 W7-125940 7HZ80G1 CSEC2A Veronica Guions 06/30/2015

832-125943 W7-125943 9GZ80G1 CSEC24 ADJUNCT 06/30/2015

832-125944 W7-125944 BHZ80G1 SSC24 ADJUNCT 06/30/2015

832-125945 W7-125945 CFZ80G1 CSEC24A Silvia Sneed 06/30/2015

832-125946 W7-125946 DGZ80G1 CSEC24A Juanita Williams 06/30/2015

832-125947 W7-125947 FFZ80G1 CSEC23 Judy Graham 06/30/2015

832-125966 W7-125966 3KYV1G1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 07/22/2014

832-125968 W7-125968 BKYV1G1 HOS610C ADJUNCT 07/23/2014

832-125971 W7-125971 CXXT3G1 SLC116B Holly Silvey 09/04/2014

832-125974 W7-125974 FRY05G1 MNT201 Joseph Guy 05/29/2014

832-125989 XP124751 BZ0LCG1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 11/26/2013

832-126059 W7-126059 HZPVWG1 ADM101 Evon Driver 07/22/2014

832-126064 W7-126064 1WTH2H1 VCC105 Jeffrey B. Gowen 01/29/2015

832-126066 W7-126066 3WTH2H1 HTC105 ADJUNCT 06/11/2014

832-126069 W7-126069 5XTH2H1 VCC114 ADJUNCT 06/12/2015

832-126071 W7-126071 7XTH2H1 CBI120 Patricia Hye 05/28/2015

832-126073 W7-126073 9XTH2H1 MNT205 John McLean 03/24/2014

832-126078 W7-126078 HWTH2H1 GCB109 ADJUNCT 11/05/2014

832-126080 W7-126080 2WTH2H1 LAH149A Prentiss Mars 12/05/2014

832-126085 W7-126085 6XTH2H1 LAH142 Anthony Gamble 10/09/2014

832-126090 W7-126090 CXTH2H1 HOS618F Joyce A. Lewis 11/11/2013

832-126091 W7-126091 DWTH2H1 ECC104 Nell B. Gilbertson 10/14/2014

832-126094 W7-126094 HVTH2H1 LAH107 Dana Seals 02/25/2015

832-126095 W7-126095 JWTH2H1 CUH371 Sarah Camacho 09/17/2014

832-126097 W7-126097 1X3H2H1 LAH135 Renie Johnston 03/18/2015

832-126102 W7-126102 7X3H2H1 LAH100D Kimberly Snead-McDaniel 03/24/2015

832-126106 W7-126106 9X3H2H1 CUH348A Dawn Gillis 05/13/2014

832-126110 W7-126110 GV3H2H1 GCB218 Katherine Rettig 11/13/2014

832-126115 W7-126115 4LNH2H1 LAH146A David Dauria 04/17/2015

832-126118 W7-126118 7LNH2H1 HTC105 ADJUNCT 06/11/2014

832-126119 W7-126119 8KNH2H1 HTC105 ADJUNCT 01/16/2015

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832-126120 W7-126120 9LNH2H1 GCB211 Lisa Haywood 04/30/2015

832-126121 W7-126121 BKNH2H1 LAH149A Steven Scott 09/16/2014

832-126123 W7-126123 DKNH2H1 MNT205 Michael Rizzolo 11/11/2013

832-126125 W7-126125 GLNH2H1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 11/11/2013

832-126128 W7-126128 1WSQZG1 MNT200B Oscar King 12/09/2013

832-126130 W7-126130 7WSQZG1 HTC102B William Powers 04/24/2015

832-126132 W7-126132 DWSQZG1 CEC137 Doreen G. Barry 01/27/2015

832-126162 W7-126162 6DRB3H1 HTC157A ADJUNCT 10/17/2014

832-126163 SDC0508 7BRB3H1 LIB203 ONE STOP 06/18/2015

832-126165 SDC0502 7DRB3H1 LIB203 ONE STOP 06/18/2015

832-126166 SDC0510 8BRB3H1 LIB203 ONE STOP 06/18/2015

832-126167 SDC0505 8CRB3H1 LIB203 ONE STOP 06/18/2015

832-126168 SDC0504 8DRB3H1 SDC5 ONE STOP 09/15/2014

832-126169 W7-126169 9BRB3H1 GCB212 Jennifer Smith 04/09/2014

832-126170 SDC0507 9CRB3H1 LIB203 ONE STOP 06/18/2015

832-126171 SDC0503 9DRB3H1 LIB203 ONE STOP 09/12/2014

832-126172 GCB11501 BBRB3H1 GCB115 Computer Lab 06/18/2014

832-126173 GCB11502 BCRB3H1 GCB115 Computer Lab 06/18/2014

832-126174 GCB11503 BDRB3H1 GCB115 Computer Lab 01/13/2015

832-126175 GCB11504 CBRB3H1 GCB115 Computer Lab 06/18/2014

832-126176 GCB11505 CCRB3H1 GCB115 Computer Lab 06/18/2014

832-126177 GCB11506 DBRB3H1 GCB115 Computer Lab 06/18/2014

832-126178 GCB11507 DCRB3H1 GCB115 Computer Lab 01/13/2015

832-126179 GCB11508 FBRB3H1 GCB115 Computer Lab 06/18/2014

832-126180 GCB11509 FCRB3H1 GCB115 Computer Lab 07/15/2014

832-126181 GCB11510 GBRB3H1 GCB115 Computer Lab 06/18/2014

832-126233 W7-126233 J4J93H1 IMBC ADJUNCT 02/23/2015

832-126234 W7-126234 J5N93H1 IMBC ADJUNCT 03/04/2015

832-126248 LAH10601 28FW5H1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 02/27/2015

832-126260 LAH10705 F7FW5H1 LAH107 Multimedia PC 05/18/2015

832-126286 W7-126286 1816GH1 ATC107 Karen Williams 04/24/2014

832-126287 W7-126287 2816GH1 ATC105 Laura Cummins 04/24/2014

832-126298 W7-126298 3C6NGH1 VCC114 Sharnah Jones 06/10/2015

832-126304 SDC14301 1ZTZGH1 ATC133 Unknown 06/25/2015

832-126358 W7-126358 2FTBJH1 VCC232F William Conklin 12/17/2014

832-126360 W7-126360 CDTBJH1 VCC232F Kareka Chavis 10/03/2014

832-126361 XP126361 FDTBJH1 VCC232E Brenda Powell 12/03/2013

832-126364 W7-126364 9PQBJH1 LAH120J Rainey Parker 01/30/2015

832-126365 W7-126365 HPQBJH1 VCC232F Socorro Diaz 04/17/2015

832-126367 W7-126367 7CTBJH1 GCB215A Rosemary Kelly 06/19/2015

832-126368 W7-126368 8CTBJH1 CBI120 Jazmine Torrence 03/27/2014

832-126369 W7-126369 CCTBJH1 GCB202F Samuel McFadden 05/29/2015

832-126371 XP126371 FCTBJH1 GCB109 Angela Murray 03/20/2015

832-126381 W7-126381 1VVRKH1 ATC251 AVAILABLE 11/07/2014

832-126409 W7-126409 1PLJLH1 IMBC ADJUNCT 01/08/2015

832-126410 W7-126410 3PLJLH1 SLC214A AVAILABLE 08/12/2014

832-126411 XP126411 4PLJLH1 IMBC ADJUNCT 01/08/2015

832-126412 FBB0511 7PLJLH1 FBSDC206 Computer Lab 01/15/2015

832-126413 FBB0512 9PLJLH1 SLC214A AVAILABLE 01/15/2015

832-126415 FBB0514 2Z1LMH1 SLC214A AVAILABLE 01/15/2015

832-126417 SLC20705 6Z1LMH1 SLC214A AVAILABLE 05/26/2015

832-126419 W7-126419 9Y1LMH1 GCB115 Virlyn (Lyn) Jones 05/05/2015

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832-126420 W7-126420 9Z1LMH1 IMBC ADJUNCT 03/05/2015

832-126433 XP126433 HYDFNH1 CBI106A Sharmon Herring 04/08/2014

832-126448 W7-126448 C51CPH1 ADM108 Workstudy 05/28/2015

FVKL9G1 SDC14302 FVKL9G1 ATC133 Kenjuandru Rice 06/25/2015

OptiPlex 760Dell Inc.

User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

416Total Computers Of This Model:

832-012197 W7-012197 BN6HXH1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 06/17/2014

832-126484 W7-127190 CPDVTH1 VCC217 ADJUNCT 05/14/2015

832-126485 W7-126485 FPDVTH1 CUH365B Karen Atkinson 03/05/2015

832-126487 LAH12302 3XD4VH1 LAH123 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-126488 W7-126488 2YD4VH1 SLC214A AVAILABLE 01/30/2015

832-126489 SLC211INST 4YD4VH1 SLC211 Computer Lab 04/24/2015

832-126490 W7-126490 6XD4VH1 SLC216A Richard Overton 07/01/2015

832-126491 SLC22101 6YD4VH1 SLC214A AVAILABLE 12/19/2014

832-126492 SLC20705 7WD4VH1 SLC207 Computer Lab 06/03/2015

832-126493 W7-126493 9WD4VH1 ATC143 Unknown 12/05/2013

832-126494 W7-126494 9XD4VH1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 11/07/2013

832-126495 W7-126495 9YD4VH1 CUH378B Shane M. Wilson 07/14/2014

832-126496 W7-126496 CWD4VH1 CUH365 Gingerlyn McLymore 03/03/2015

832-126497 FB20113 CYD4VH1 FBSDC201 Computer Lab 05/22/2015

832-126498 W7-126498 DXD4VH1 ECC204 James Hinkle 02/04/2014

832-126499 W7-126499 FWD4VH1 CUH375 Wesley C. Parker 03/02/2015

832-126500 W7-126500 GXD4VH1 HOS618O Kelly Norman 09/25/2014

832-126502 W7-126502 4T66VH1 VCC200B Victor Forrester 05/11/2015

832-126504 W7-126504 1Z85VH1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 06/10/2015

832-126505 W7-126505 1ZD4VH1 CUH385 Jean L. Putnam 10/03/2014

832-126506 W7-126506 3ZD4VH1 CUH382 Alicia Hatcher 10/15/2014

832-126508 W7-126508 5YD4VH1 GCB109 Charita Smith 09/11/2014

832-126509 W7-126509 8XD4VH1 CUH348C Brenda McArthur-Strong 05/28/2015

832-126510 SLC101A01 8YD4VH1 SLC101A Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-126511 SLC101A02 BYD4VH1 SLC101A Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-126512 SLC101A03 CXD4VH1 SLC101A Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-126513 SLC101A04 DYD4VH1 SLC101A Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-126514 SLC101A05 FYD4VH1 SLC101A Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-126515 SLC101A06 GYD4VH1 SLC101A Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-126516 SLC101A07 HYD4VH1 SLC101A Computer Lab 06/18/2015

832-126517 SLC101A08 JWD4VH1 SLC101A Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-126518 SLC101A09 JYD4VH1 SLC101A Computer Lab 06/26/2015

832-126519 SLC101A10 1VH4VH1 SLC101A Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-126520 SLC20701 2VH4VH1 SLC207 Computer Lab 06/03/2015

832-126521 SLC20702 3VH4VH1 SLC207 Computer Lab 06/03/2015

832-126522 SLC20703 4VH4VH1 SLC207 Computer Lab 06/03/2015

832-126523 W7-126523 5VH4VH1 ECC105 ADJUNCT 01/22/2014

832-126524 6VN4VH1 SLC216A Gerald Huggins

832-126526 CSEC1902 8VH4VH1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 03/18/2015

832-126527 SLC12601 9VH4VH1 SLC126 Computer Lab 05/04/2015

832-126528 W7-126528 BVH4VH1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 08/13/2014

832-126529 W7-126529 CVH4VH1 CUH377B Cheryl Campbell 07/31/2014

832-126530 DTH4VH1 ATC133 ADJUNCT 07/25/2013

832-126531 W7-126531 FTH4VH1 LAH114 Jenie Chute 09/09/2014

832-126532 W7-126532 GTH4VH1 CUH377 Shahpour Dowlatshahi 04/02/2014

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832-126533 W7-126533 HTH4VH1 CUH377P Cheryl Thomas 07/06/2013

832-126534 W7-126534 JTH4VH1 CUH375 Gehan Y. Soliman 03/10/2015

832-126535 W7-126535 10J4VH1 ATC15 Robert (Marty) Fulton 05/29/2015

832-126536 W7-126536 1ZH4VH1 CUH377C Sharon Seaford 06/30/2015

832-126537 W7-126537 CZH4VH1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 02/27/2015

832-126538 SLC21101 30J4VH1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 04/29/2015

832-126539 W7-126539 3ZH4VH1 ATC120 Syraya Walker 12/16/2013

832-126540 W7-126540 5ZH4VH1 CUH375 Latasha R. Stabler 01/12/2015

832-126541 SLC21102 60J4VH1 SLC211 Computer Lab 04/29/2015

832-126542 W7-126542 70J4VH1 CUH377E Walter Boyle 10/15/2014

832-126543 W7-126543 7ZH4VH1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 06/25/2015

832-126544 W7-126544 90J4VH1 ATC244B Unknown 03/19/2015

832-126545 W7-126545 BZH4VH1 LAH146A John Jennings 08/20/2014

832-126546 W7-126546 C0J4VH1 SLC214A AVAILABLE 11/03/2014

832-126547 W7-126547 GYH4VH1 ATC120 Syraya Walker 12/16/2013

832-126548 W7-126548 GZH4VH1 CUH375 Cynthia N. Lawrence 03/30/2015

832-126549 W7-126549 HYH4VH1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 06/29/2015

832-126550 W7-126550 HZH4VH1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 01/07/2015

832-126551 W7-126551 20J4VH1 CUH348G Bridget Petzold 01/14/2015

832-126552 SLC21103 2ZH4VH1 SLC211 Computer Lab 04/29/2015

832-126553 HTC11101 4ZH4VH1 HTC111 AVAILABLE 04/24/2015

832-126558 CUH30201 B0J4VH1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 10/27/2014

832-126559 W7-126559 D0J4VH1 CUH386 Kellen Pagan 01/08/2015

832-126560 W7-126560 DZH4VH1 ATC120A Hyon Van Leeuwen 12/05/2013

832-126561 W7-126561 FYH4VH1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 01/29/2015

832-126562 W7-126562 FZH4VH1 HOS610 ADJUNCT 04/02/2015

832-126563 CUH35601 G0J4VH1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 07/10/2013

832-126564 HTC23301 H0J4VH1 HTC233 Multimedia PC 02/26/2015

832-126566 CUH30401 JZH4VH1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 11/10/2014

832-126567 XP126567 21J4VH1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 01/17/2014

832-126568 HOS600B01 22J4VH1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 10/23/2014

832-126569 CSEC1903 41J4VH1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 03/18/2015

832-126570 W7-126570 42J4VH1 HEC101C Security Video PC 06/10/2015

832-126571 W7-126571 61J4VH1 HOS616P Sarah Burgin 05/18/2015

832-126572 AUCS05 62J4VH1 Agape Computer Lab 05/02/2014

832-126573 W7-126573 81J4VH1 LRC122 ADJUNCT 03/09/2015

832-126574 HTC10701 82J4VH1 HTC107 AVAILABLE 02/26/2015

832-126575 HTC14501 B1J4VH1 HTC145 AVAILABLE 04/16/2015

832-126576 CSEC1904 B2J4VH1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 03/18/2015

832-126577 HTC20701 D1J4VH1 HTC207 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-126578 D2J4VH1 ATC133A AVAILABLE 11/14/2013

832-126579 HTC11301 G1J4VH1 HTC113 AVAILABLE 04/24/2015

832-126580 HTC15301 G2J4VH1 HTC153 AVAILABLE 02/26/2015

832-126581 HTC22901 J0J4VH1 HTC229 Multimedia PC 02/26/2015

832-126583 W7-126583 B3J4VH1 ATC133-SURPLUS AVAILABLE 05/20/2015

832-126584 W7-126584 C5J4VH1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 03/27/2015

832-126585 W7-126585 15J4VH1 CEC101 Karina Santiago 04/09/2014

832-126586 W7-126586 16J4VH1 CEC101 Paul Tangeman 04/14/2014

832-126588 XP126588 45J4VH1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 02/07/2014

832-126589 SLC21105 54J4VH1 SLC211 Computer Lab 04/29/2015

832-126590 W7-126590 74J4VH1 CEC222 Haeok Purvis 06/22/2015

832-126591 SLC21106 75J4VH1 SLC211 Computer Lab 04/29/2015

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832-126593 W7-126593 D4J4VH1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 07/14/2014

832-126594 W7-126594 G3J4VH1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 05/29/2015

832-126595 W7-126595 G5J4VH1 CEC246 Mary Long 08/06/2014

832-126596 W7-126596 H4J4VH1 ATC113H ADJUNCT 03/27/2015

832-126597 W7-126597 J3J4VH1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 09/11/2014

832-126598 W7-126598 J5J4VH1 CEC240 Marie Reid 02/04/2015

832-126599 SLC21107 85J4VH1 SLC211 Computer Lab 04/29/2015

832-126600 CEC10501 93J4VH1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 11/22/2013

832-126601 CEC10502 B5J4VH1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 04/30/2014

832-126602 W7-126602 C3J4VH1 HTC141 Computer Lab 03/30/2015

832-126603 W7-126603 C4J4VH1 ATC219 ADJUNCT 05/11/2015

832-126604 CEC10505 D3J4VH1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 11/22/2013

832-126605 CEC10506 24J4VH1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 07/16/2013

832-126606 CEC10507 35J4VH1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 07/16/2013

832-126607 CEC10508 44J4VH1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 07/16/2013

832-126608 CEC10509 64J4VH1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 07/16/2013

832-126609 CEC10510 65J4VH1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 07/16/2013

832-126610 CEC10511 F3J4VH1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 07/16/2013

832-126611 CEC10512 F5J4VH1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 07/16/2013

832-126612 W7-126612 G4J4VH1 GCB202Q Brittany J. McCall 03/13/2015

832-126613 W7-126613 H3J4VH1 GCB115 ADJUNCT 10/23/2014

832-126614 W7-126614 J4J4VH1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 11/04/2014

832-126615 CEC10517 1VD4VH1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 11/22/2013

832-126616 CEC10516 6VD4VH1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 11/22/2013

832-126617 CEC25701 1TD4VH1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 04/16/2014

832-126618 CEC25702 8VD4VH1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 04/16/2014

832-126619 CEC25703 9TD4VH1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 04/16/2014

832-126620 CLF20601 BVD4VH1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 05/06/2015

832-126621 W7-126621 CTD4VH1 GCB115 ADJUNCT 05/07/2015

832-126622 CEC25706 3VD4VH1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 04/16/2014

832-126623 CEC25707 4TD4VH1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 04/16/2014

832-126624 CEC25708 6TD4VH1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 04/16/2014

832-126625 W7-126625 FTD4VH1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 01/07/2015

832-126626 CEC25710 GSD4VH1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 04/16/2014

832-126627 CEC25711 HTD4VH1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 04/16/2014

832-126628 CEC25712 2TD4VH1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 04/16/2014

832-126629 CEC25713 11J4VH1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 04/16/2014

832-126630 CEC25714 12J4VH1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 04/16/2014

832-126631 CEC25715 13J4VH1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 04/16/2014

832-126632 CEC25716 31J4VH1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 04/16/2014

832-126633 CEC257INST 32J4VH1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 04/16/2014

832-126649 ALSD01 58J4VH1 ALSD Computer Lab 05/05/2014

832-126650 ALSD02 68J4VH1 ALSD Computer Lab 05/05/2014

832-126651 EMPT01 78J4VH1 Employment Source Computer Lab 04/29/2014

832-126652 EMPT02 87J4VH1 Employment Source Computer Lab 04/29/2014

832-126654 CREST02 B8J4VH1 C.R.E.S.T. Computer Lab 04/30/2014

832-126655 AUCS01 C7J4VH1 Agape Computer Lab 05/06/2014

832-126656 AUCS02 C8J4VH1 Agape Computer Lab 05/06/2014

832-126657 AUCS03 D8J4VH1 Agape Computer Lab 05/06/2014

832-126658 AUCS04 F6J4VH1 Agape Computer Lab 05/06/2014

832-126660 RHA01 H7J4VH1 RHA Computer Lab 04/29/2014

832-126669 W7-126669 F69JXH1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 01/16/2015

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832-126670 PFCS01 H69JXH1 PFCS Computer Lab 04/30/2014

832-126671 W7-126671 J69JXH1 GCB211 Valada E. McDaniel 05/11/2015

832-126673 W7-126673 1GGKXH1 SLC118 Al Vaden 06/03/2015

832-126674 W7-126674 1HGKXH1 SLC118 Grant Pilkay 06/03/2015

832-126675 W7-126675 2GGKXH1 SLC118 Angel Bacon 06/03/2015

832-126676 W7-126676 2HGKXH1 SLC118 Pia Anderson 06/03/2015

832-126677 W7-126677 3GGKXH1 SLC118 Cynthia Lawrence 06/03/2015

832-126678 W7-126678 4GGKXH1 SLC118 Tracy Welch 06/03/2015

832-126679 W7-126679 6GGKXH1 SLC118 Valerie Johnson 06/09/2015

832-126680 W7-126680 7GGKXH1 SLC118 Melanie V. Page 06/09/2015

832-126681 W7-126681 8GGKXH1 SLC118 Sandra Bowen 06/09/2015

832-126682 W7-126682 9GGKXH1 SLC118 Thomas L. Person 06/09/2015

832-126683 W7-126683 BGGKXH1 SLC118 Debra Baker 04/08/2015

832-126684 W7-126684 CGGKXH1 SLC118 Amanda M. Stroud 04/08/2015

832-126685 W7-126685 DGGKXH1 SLC118 Mary B. Ocel 04/08/2015

832-126686 W7-126686 GGGKXH1 SLC118 Helen Christensen 04/08/2015

832-126687 W7-126687 JFGKXH1 SLC118 Cynthia Long 04/08/2015

832-126688 W7-126688 JGGKXH1 SLC118 Workstudy 04/08/2015

832-126689 W7-126689 1VNKXH1 SLC118 Yovana Vest 04/09/2015

832-126690 W7-126690 8VNKXH1 SLC118 Teresa Myricks 05/26/2015

832-126691 W7-126691 9VNKXH1 SLC118 Joyce Pettengill 04/08/2015

832-126692 W7-126692 BVNKXH1 SLC125B Richard Yandle 05/19/2015

832-126693 W7-126693 CVNKXH1 SLC127 SECURITY 06/18/2015

832-126694 SLC10201 2VNKXH1 SLC214A AVAILABLE 01/07/2015

832-126695 W7-126695 3VNKXH1 SLC103A Lashonda Melvin 05/11/2015

832-126696 W7-126696 4VNKXH1 CEC240 ADJUNCT 04/30/2015

832-126697 W7-126697 5VNKXH1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 06/09/2015

832-126698 SLC22401 6VNKXH1 SLC224 Multimedia PC 05/05/2015

832-126699 W7-126699 DVNKXH1 CEC240 ADJUNCT 04/30/2015

832-126700 W7-126700 FVNKXH1 CEC240 ADJUNCT 04/30/2015

832-126701 W7-126701 GTNKXH1 CEC240 ADJUNCT 04/30/2015

832-126702 SLC11901 GVNKXH1 SLC119 Multimedia PC 04/14/2015

832-126703 SLC12101 HTNKXH1 SLC214A AVAILABLE 01/07/2015

832-126704 SLC20704 JTNKXH1 SLC207 Computer Lab 06/03/2015

832-126705 SLC202INST 1XNKXH1 SLC202 Computer Lab 06/19/2015

832-126706 SLC20401 4WNKXH1 SLC204 Multimedia PC 05/14/2015

832-126707 SLC20601 6WNKXH1 SLC206 Multimedia PC 05/05/2015

832-126708 SLC207INST 8WNKXH1 SLC207 Computer Lab 06/03/2015

832-126709 SLC20801 BWNKXH1 SLC216A AVAILABLE 02/23/2015

832-126710 SLC20901 DWNKXH1 SLC209 Multimedia PC 12/19/2014

832-126711 SLC21801 GWNKXH1 SLC218 Multimedia PC 05/05/2015

832-126712 SLC22001 JVNKXH1 SLC220 Multimedia PC 05/05/2015

832-126713 W7-126713 7YNKXH1 ATC219 CALL CENTER 05/21/2015

832-126714 W7-126714 1YNKXH1 ATC219 CALL CENTER 06/20/2014

832-126715 W7-126715 3YNKXH1 ATC219 CALL CENTER 05/11/2015

832-126716 W7-126716 5YNKXH1 ATC219 CALL CENTER 05/11/2015

832-126717 W7-126717 GXNKXH1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 05/16/2014

832-126718 W7-126718 9YNKXH1 ATC219 CALL CENTER 05/11/2015

832-126719 W7-126719 BXNKXH1 ATC219 CALL CENTER 05/11/2015

832-126720 W7-126720 DXNKXH1 ATC219 CALL CENTER 05/11/2015

832-126721 W7-126721 FXNKXH1 ATC219 Connie McKeithan 05/21/2015

832-126722 W7-126722 9N9LXH1 GCB202A ADJUNCT 04/13/2015

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832-126723 W7-126723 BM9LXH1 ATC219 CALL CENTER 05/11/2015

832-126724 W7-126724 2N9LXH1 ATC219 CALL CENTER 05/11/2015

832-126725 W7-126725 5N9LXH1 CUH377V Warren R. O'Brien 06/04/2014

832-126726 W7-126726 CM9LXH1 ATC133 Unknown 05/27/2014

832-126727 W7-126727 7M9LXH1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 05/13/2015

832-126729 W7-126729 8M9LXH1 HOS602 Workstudy 04/25/2014

832-126730 W7-126730 9M9LXH1 GCB115 Theodore Thomas 05/22/2014

832-126731 W7-126731 CN9LXH1 GCB202A ADJUNCT 01/29/2015

832-126732 W7-126732 D26QXH1 GCB115 Deborah Jordan 10/17/2014

832-126733 W7-126733 FM9LXH1 CEC239 Beverly Miller 04/14/2014

832-126734 W7-126734 GM9LXH1 GCB109 ADJUNCT 04/07/2015

832-126735 W7-126735 HM9LXH1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 04/07/2015

832-126736 W7-126736 HN9LXH1 GCB211 Mary Ray 05/11/2015

832-126737 W7-126737 JM9LXH1 GCB115 Reade Rizzolo 11/07/2014

832-126738 W7-126738 C69JXH1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 04/24/2015

832-126739 W7-126739 D69JXH1 GCB212 Tiffany Finklea 09/11/2014

832-126759 W7-126759 5BXP3J1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 04/30/2014

832-126760 W7-126760 6BXP3J1 PRD7 Rose Griffin 05/14/2015

832-126831 XP126831 DQ0WYH1 NCB12A Amanda Hurley 04/16/2015

832-126851 XP126851 4TRM3J1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 06/29/2015

832-126964 W7-126964 HVL3JG1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 05/13/2015

832-126965 W7-126965 HVL4JG1 HOS611D Unknown 06/22/2015

832-126966 W7-126966 HVL5JG1 GCB202J Beverly West 05/11/2015

832-126968 XP126968 HVL7JG1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 05/19/2014

832-126969 W7-126969 HVL8JG1 GCB202W Zilma Lopes 06/08/2015

832-126970 W7-126970 HVL9JG1 GCB109 Tiffany Youngblood 05/11/2015

832-127112 HTC102G01 8BV75J1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 10/20/2014

832-127113 HTC102G02 8BV85J1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 10/20/2014

832-127114 HTC10209 8BV95J1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 09/24/2014

832-127118 HTC10220 8BVD5J1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 09/24/2014

832-127120 W7-127120 5J686K1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 07/28/2014

832-127158 AUB01 CY43CK1 AUB101 Multimedia PC 04/17/2015

832-127175 W7-127175 B3SBNK1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 01/12/2015

832-127177 W7-127177 D3SBNK1 LAH105 ADJUNCT 01/13/2015

832-127178 W7-127178 135BNK1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 05/06/2015

832-127179 W7-127179 145BNK1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 05/06/2015

832-127180 W7-127180 255BNK1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 05/05/2015

832-127181 W7-127181 325BNK1 HEC101D Rebecca Pena 11/15/2013

832-127182 W7-127182 535BNK1 GCB115 Jack Brown 05/07/2015

832-127183 CUH35701 545BNK1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 04/24/2015

832-127184 CUH35901 565BNK1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 04/24/2015

832-127186 CUH33601 855BNK1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 04/10/2015

832-127188 CUH35801 C25BNK1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 03/11/2015

832-127190 W7-127190 F25BNK1 VCC212 Unknown 11/26/2014

832-127192 W7-127192 G45BNK1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 06/26/2015

832-127193 GCB225STU2 H55BNK1 C.R.E.S.T. Computer Lab 04/10/2014

832-127253 XP127253 6NXHFK1 ADM170 Unknown 02/25/2014

832-127269 W7-127269 1ZP66L1 LIB200 ADJUNCT 02/26/2015

832-127270 W7-127270 2ZP66L1 LIB200 ADJUNCT 04/29/2015

832-127271 W7-127271 FYP66L1 LIB200 ADJUNCT 02/26/2015

832-127272 W7-127272 GYP66L1 LIB104 Tammy Stewart 03/31/2014

832-127273 W7-127273 HYP66L1 LIB110 Pamela Williamson 01/16/2015

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832-127274 W7-127274 JYP66L1 LIB105 Carol White 03/31/2014

832-127275 W7-127275 54L17L1 ATC207 Unknown 05/08/2015

832-127276 W7-127276 J5J17L1 ATC207 Unknown 09/10/2014

832-127277 W7-127277 B5J17L1 ATC207 Unknown 09/10/2014

832-127278 W7-127278 14L17L1 VCC212 ADJUNCT 09/10/2014

832-127279 W7-127279 16J17L1 ATC207 Unknown 11/12/2014

832-127280 W7-127280 C5J17L1 ATC207 Unknown 11/11/2014

832-127281 W7-127276 24L17L1 ATC207 Unknown 11/13/2014

832-127282 W7-127282 26J17L1 ATC207 Unknown 11/13/2014

832-127283 W7-127283 34L17L1 ATC207 Unknown 04/16/2015

832-127284 W7-127284 D5J17L1 ATC207 ADJUNCT 11/12/2014

832-127285 W7-127285 44L17L1 ATC207 Unknown 09/10/2014

832-127286 W7-127286 F5J17L1 ATC207 ADJUNCT 09/10/2014

832-127287 W7-127287 G5J17L1 ATC207 Unknown 04/10/2015

832-127288 W7-127288 H5J17L1 ATC207 Unknown 10/27/2014

832-127289 W7-127289 J3L17L1 HOS618R David Leonard 12/12/2013

832-127290 W7-127290 64L17L1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 06/08/2015

832-127291 LIB12701 8KL17L1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 10/24/2014

832-127292 LIB12702 9KL17L1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 09/29/2014

832-127293 LIB12703 BKL17L1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 08/15/2014

832-127294 LIB12704 CKL17L1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 08/15/2014

832-127295 LIB12705 DKL17L1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 09/29/2014

832-127296 LIB12706 FKL17L1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 09/29/2014

832-127309 W7-127309 7R08GK1 GCB108 Almira Howard 07/01/2014

832-127310 W7-127310 7QYHGK1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 03/26/2014

832-127311 W7-127311 7QZFGK1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 03/13/2014

832-127312 7QX7GK1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 07/25/2013

832-127313 W7-127313 7QY6GK1 GCB115 Marlina Perkins 04/30/2015

832-127314 W7-127314 7QY4GK1 GCB Lobby Unknown 12/16/2014

832-127315 W7-127315 7QZDGK1 ECC105 Unknown 01/15/2015

832-127316 W7-127316 7QYBGK1 CUH334I Unknown 03/19/2015

832-127317 W7-127317 7QW5GK1 CUH391 Stephanie Wojt 04/01/2014

832-127318 W7-127318 7QWBGK1 HOS618M Unknown 07/23/2014

832-127319 W7-127319 7QZGGK1 GCB212 Catherine Jones 06/10/2015

832-127320 W7-127320 7QZCGK1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 02/07/2014

832-127321 W7-127321 7QWHGK1 HOS616E Karen Boyd 01/14/2015

832-127322 7QZ6GK1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 11/11/2013

832-127323 W7-127323 7QWCGK1 CUH377D Ernest Morgan 07/29/2014

832-127324 W7-127324 7QY2GK1 HTC157A Sacha B. Galloway 02/02/2015

832-127325 W7-127325 7QY5GK1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 02/07/2014

832-127326 W7-127326 7QYCGK1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 02/07/2014

832-127327 W7-127327 7QZBGK1 CUH388 John Isenhour 07/14/2014

832-127328 W7-127328 7QZ2GK1 CUH378H Debra Chapa 12/18/2014

832-127329 W7-127329 7QZHGK1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 02/07/2014

832-127330 W7-127330 7QX2GK1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 02/07/2014

832-127331 7QX5GK1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 07/25/2013

832-127332 7R0DGK1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 07/25/2013

832-127333 7QWFGK1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 10/01/2013

832-127334 FB20101 7QXDGK1 FBSDC201 Computer Lab 05/22/2015

832-127335 FB20102 7R0CGK1 FBSDC201 Computer Lab 05/22/2015

832-127336 FB20103 7R54GK1 FBSDC201 Computer Lab 05/22/2015

832-127337 FB20104 7R77GK1 FBSDC201 Computer Lab 05/22/2015

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832-127338 FB20105 7R6HGK1 FBSDC201 Computer Lab 05/22/2015

832-127339 FB20106 7R6GGK1 FBSDC201 Computer Lab 05/22/2015

832-127340 FB20107 7R8CGK1 FBSDC201 Computer Lab 05/22/2015

832-127341 FB20108 7R48GK1 FBSDC201 Computer Lab 05/22/2015

832-127342 FB20109 7R83GK1 FBSDC201 Computer Lab 05/22/2015

832-127343 FB20110 7R27GK1 FBSDC201 Computer Lab 05/22/2015

832-127344 FB20111 7R25GK1 FBSDC201 Computer Lab 05/22/2015

832-127345 FB20112 7R7GGK1 FBSDC201 Computer Lab 05/22/2015

832-127346 SLC21713 7R64GK1 SLC216A AVAILABLE 02/19/2015

832-127347 FB20114 7R35GK1 FBSDC201 Computer Lab 05/22/2015

832-127348 FB20115 7R5CGK1 FBSDC201 Computer Lab 05/22/2015

832-127349 FB20116 7R88GK1 FBSDC201 Computer Lab 05/22/2015

832-127350 FB20117 7R5GGK1 FBSDC201 Computer Lab 05/22/2015

832-127351 FB20118 7R38GK1 FBSDC201 Computer Lab 05/22/2015

832-127352 FB20119 7R87GK1 FBSDC201 Computer Lab 05/22/2015

832-127353 FB20120 7R3CGK1 FBSDC201 Computer Lab 05/22/2015

832-127354 FB201INST 7R75GK1 FBSDC201 Computer Lab 05/22/2015

832-127355 W7-1273XX 7R67GK1 SLC214A AVAILABLE 07/01/2015

832-127356 SLC21723 7R2CGK1 SLC217 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-127357 SLC21724 7R3BGK1 SLC214A AVAILABLE 05/15/2015

832-127358 SLC217INST 7R4CGK1 SLC214A AVAILABLE 05/15/2015

832-127359 W7-127359 7R43GK1 CUH381 Jo McEwan 07/14/2014

832-127360 W7-127360 7R7FGK1 GCB202A Unknown 06/29/2015

832-127361 W7-127361 7R46GK1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 07/03/2014

832-127362 W7-127362 7R5HGK1 CEC240 ADJUNCT 10/10/2014

832-127363 W7-127363 7R78GK1 ATC113G Unknown 12/16/2014

832-127364 W7-127364 7R5BGK1 CUH375 Chrisha L. Dolan 02/27/2015

832-127365 W7-127365 7R6FGK1 CUH378D Vicki Derka 07/14/2014

832-127366 W7-127366 7R56GK1 HTC242A ADJUNCT 04/07/2014

832-127367 W7-127367 7R26GK1 HOS800 ADJUNCT 04/22/2014

832-127368 W7-127368 7R44GK1 CEC101 Kendra Y. Haywood 07/25/2014

832-127369 W7-127369 7R7DGK1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 04/10/2014

832-127370 W7-127370 7R36GK1 GCB202R Mary Schmid 10/27/2014

832-127371 W7-127371 7R37GK1 GCB202S Mary Carter 11/13/2014

832-127372 W7-127372 7R8DGK1 CUH348E Denise Dedeaux 07/15/2014

832-127373 W7-127373 7R17GK1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 02/18/2015

832-127374 W7-127374 7R28GK1 GCB102C Joseph Bailer 06/16/2015

832-127375 SLC21108 7R1FGK1 SLC211 Computer Lab 04/29/2015

832-127376 W7-127376 7R53GK1 HTC242C ADJUNCT 04/07/2014

832-127377 W7-127377 7R55GK1 ATC154 ADJUNCT 03/03/2015

832-127378 W7-127378 7R1DGK1 HOS618I Rita Eads 09/29/2014

832-127379 W7-127379 7R86GK1 CUH334C ADJUNCT 01/15/2015

832-127380 W7-127380 7R45GK1 GCB202 Unknown 05/20/2015

832-127381 W7-127381 7R58GK1 CBI 120 Loutricia Nelson 05/28/2015

832-127382 W7-127382 7R1CGK1 HOS643D Tracy Welch 04/17/2014

832-127383 W7-127383 7R6CGK1 HOS618V Carol Conklin 04/17/2014

832-127384 W7-127384 9BZGHK1 SLC Lobby India Rives 06/11/2015

832-127385 W7-127385 9BZHHK1 SLC101 Gerald Page 04/03/2015

832-127386 W7-127386 9BZJHK1 SLC101 ID CARD CREATOR 04/14/2015

832-127387 W7-127387 9BZQGK1 SLC101C Martha Snipes 04/03/2015

832-127388 W7-127388 9BZSGK1 SLC116 Monique Parker 06/22/2015

832-127389 W7-127389 9BZVGK1 SLC116A Elaine Cole 05/07/2015

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832-127390 W7-127390 9BZWGK1 SLC116F Desandra Washington 04/09/2015

832-127391 SLCSH1 9C05GK1 SLC Lobby KIOSK 05/27/2015

832-127392 SLCSH2 9C07GK1 SLC Lobby KIOSK 04/22/2015

832-127393 SLCSH3 9C09GK1 SLC Lobby KIOSK 05/27/2015

832-127394 9C0CHK1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 07/25/2013

832-127395 9C0GHK1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 07/25/2013

832-127396 9C0HHK1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 07/25/2013

832-127397 9C0KHK1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 07/25/2013

832-127398 9C0RGK1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 07/25/2013

832-127399 ATC22724 9C0TGK1 ATC133 Computer Lab 04/15/2015

832-127400 ATC22213 9C0WGK1 ATC222 Computer Lab 05/14/2015

832-127401 ATC22214 9C0XGK1 ATC222 Computer Lab 05/14/2015

832-127402 ATC22215 9C14GK1 ATC222 Computer Lab 05/14/2015

832-127403 ATC22216 9C15GK1 ATC222 Computer Lab 05/14/2015

832-127405 W7-127405 9C1FHK1 SLC216A AVAILABLE 04/16/2015

832-127407 W7-127407 9C1JHK1 SLC216A AVAILABLE 04/20/2015

832-127408 ATC120ALT3 9C1KHK1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 02/25/2015

832-127418 W7-127418 HTW4GK1 CEC101 Ricardo Morgan 04/09/2014

832-127421 HTC23901 JW8FGK1 HTC239 Multimedia PC 02/05/2015

832-127422 W7-127422 JW8GGK1 HTC241 Phillip Warren 02/05/2015

832-127423 W7-127423 JW8CGK1 HTC241 Phillip Warren 04/09/2014

832-127427 W7-127427 97XNHK1 GCB108A Cynthia Rodriguez 06/06/2014

832-127428 W7-127428 97WSHK1 GCB109 Rose Mary Mitchell 09/09/2014

832-127429 W7-127429 97YKHK1 GCB202 Regina Anglin 11/06/2014

832-127430 W7-127430 97XRHK1 GCB109 Tamu Frazier 06/26/2015

832-127431 W7-127431 97WTHK1 PRD2 Margaret Silverest 04/29/2014

832-127433 W7-124283 97WWHK1 ATC133 Unknown 06/25/2015

832-127434 W7-127434 97XTHK1 MNT202 Francis J. Rideout 07/30/2014

832-127435 SLC21104 97YMHK1 SLC211 Computer Lab 04/29/2015

832-127436 W7-127436 97YPHK1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 07/09/2014

832-127437 W7-127437 97XMHK1 CUH346A Matthew M. Grobosky 07/30/2014

832-127438 W7-127438 97XKHK1 ECC212 Ann Johnston 07/11/2014

832-127452 W7-127452 2YNNML1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 02/12/2015

832-127458 XP127458 99RPML1 PRD3 Verl Stephenson 11/26/2013

832-127461 SLC21901 D6JPML1 SLC219 Computer Lab 06/19/2015

832-127462 SLC21902 D6LNML1 SLC219 Computer Lab 04/18/2015

832-127463 SLC21903 D6JQML1 SLC219 Computer Lab 04/18/2015

832-127464 SLC21904 D6LPML1 SLC219 Computer Lab 04/18/2015

832-127465 SLC21905 D6NPML1 SLC219 Computer Lab 04/18/2015

832-127466 SLC21906 D6KPML1 SLC219 Computer Lab 04/18/2015

832-127467 SLC21907 D6KNML1 SLC219 Computer Lab 04/18/2015

832-127468 SLC21908 D6MQML1 SLC219 Computer Lab 04/18/2015

832-127469 SLC21909 D6NNML1 SLC219 Computer Lab 04/18/2015

832-127470 SLC21910 D6JRML1 SLC219 Computer Lab 04/28/2015

832-127471 SLC21911 D6LRML1 SLC219 Computer Lab 06/19/2015

832-127472 SLC21912 D6MNML1 SLC219 Computer Lab 04/18/2015

832-127473 SLC21913 D6LQML1 SLC219 Computer Lab 04/18/2015

832-127474 SLC21914 D6KRML1 SLC219 Computer Lab 04/18/2015

832-127475 SLC21915 D6MPML1 SLC219 Computer Lab 04/18/2015

832-127476 SLC21916 D6JNML1 SLC219 Computer Lab 04/18/2015

832-127477 SLC21917 986QML1 SLC219 Computer Lab 04/18/2015

832-127478 SLC21918 987RML1 SLC219 Computer Lab 04/18/2015

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832-127479 SLC21919 988PML1 SLC219 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-127480 SLC21920 985QML1 SLC219 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-127481 SLC21921 986RML1 SLC219 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-127482 SLC21922 986PML1 SLC219 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-127483 SLC21923 985RML1 SLC219 Computer Lab 04/18/2015

832-127484 SLC21924 984RML1 SLC219 Computer Lab 04/18/2015

832-127485 SLC219INST 987QML1 SLC219 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

OptiPlex 780Dell Inc.

User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

269Total Computers Of This Model:

832-012278 W7-012278 85YK6M1 LAH100A Cathy Treadwell 02/02/2015

832-012300 XP012300 4313QN1 LAH111 Denise Kinnison 03/10/2015

832-127496 W7-127764 HC78WL1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 03/04/2014

832-127497 W7-127497 JC78WL1 ATC133 Unknown 01/22/2015

832-127505 HTC102MICRO FJBGNL1 HTC102 Computer Lab 12/06/2013

832-127514 W7-127514 GWLQ3M1 ADM100A Jeannie Plummer 05/05/2015

832-127516 GCB225STU1 5D275M1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 05/18/2015

832-127517 W7-127517 DJW63M1 ADM107 CASH REGISTER 04/04/2014

832-127539 W7-127539 GMW63M1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 02/16/2015

832-127545 W7-127545 29VQ3M1 ADM167A Christy Barton 12/10/2013

832-127547 W7-127547 CGHS4M1 GCB108 Mary Ross 08/21/2014

832-127548 GCB225STU2 DGHS4M1 ATC220B Torie Quismundo 05/18/2015

832-127549 XP127549 FGHS4M1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 12/05/2013

832-127550 W7-127550 GGHS4M1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 05/22/2015

832-127589 W7-127589 C8VS4M1 ATC241 AVAILABLE 06/18/2015

832-127590 W7-127590 C7VS4M1 SLC214A AVAILABLE 04/22/2015

832-127591 W7-127591 D8VS4M1 SLC214A AVAILABLE 06/23/2015

832-127592 W7-127592 F6VS4M1 SLC216A AVAILABLE 05/06/2015

832-127593 W7-127593 F7VS4M1 FBSDC201 Computer Lab 06/01/2015

832-127594 W7-127594 F8VS4M1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 02/11/2015

832-127595 W7-127595 G6VS4M1 BTEC118 Jessica Carter 06/11/2015

832-127596 W7-127596 G7VS4M1 BTEC123 Cathy Richardson 06/30/2015

832-127597 HEC20101 G8VS4M1 HEC201 Multimedia PC 01/27/2015

832-127598 HTC14101 H6VS4M1 HTC141 Multimedia PC 05/15/2015

832-127599 HEC10401 H7VS4M1 HEC104 Multimedia PC 01/27/2015

832-127600 ATC24112 H8VS4M1 ATC241 AVAILABLE 05/19/2014

832-127601 CSEC701 J6VS4M1 CSEC7 Multimedia PC 02/27/2015

832-127602 HTC222A01 J7VS4M1 HTC222 Computer Lab 02/10/2015

832-127603 W7-127603 J8VS4M1 CSEC10 ADJUNCT 04/16/2015

832-127604 HTC222A02 D7VS4M1 HTC222 Computer Lab 01/23/2015

832-127605 HTC222A03 68VS4M1 HTC222 Computer Lab 02/10/2015

832-127606 HTC222A04 17VS4M1 HTC222 Computer Lab 02/10/2015

832-127607 HEC10901 18VS4M1 HEC109 Multimedia PC 10/20/2014

832-127608 ATC241INST 19VS4M1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 05/22/2014

832-127609 W7-127609 27VS4M1 ATC133 Phyllis Bell 12/09/2013

832-127611 VCC232L01 77VS4M1 ATC239 AVAILABLE 02/27/2015

832-127612 VCC23502 78VS4M1 VCC235 Computer Lab 02/26/2015

832-127613 VCC23503 79VS4M1 VCC235 Computer Lab 02/26/2015

832-127614 VCC23504 87VS4M1 VCC235 Computer Lab 02/26/2015

832-127615 ATC23905 88VS4M1 ATC239 AVAILABLE 03/18/2014

832-127616 VCC23505 28VS4M1 VCC235 Computer Lab 02/26/2015

832-127617 VCC23101 29VS4M1 VCC231 Computer Lab 05/14/2015

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832-127618 ATC23908 37VS4M1 ATC239 AVAILABLE 03/19/2014

832-127619 VCC23102 38VS4M1 VCC231 Computer Lab 05/14/2015

832-127620 VCC23103 39VS4M1 VCC231 Computer Lab 05/14/2015

832-127621 VCC23501 47VS4M1 VCC235 Computer Lab 02/26/2015

832-127622 VCC23104 48VS4M1 VCC231 Computer Lab 05/14/2015

832-127623 VCC23301 49VS4M1 VCC233 Computer Lab 05/14/2015

832-127624 VCC23302 57VS4M1 VCC233 Computer Lab 05/14/2015

832-127625 VCC23303 58VS4M1 VCC233 Computer Lab 05/14/2015

832-127626 VCC23304 59VS4M1 VCC233 Computer Lab 05/14/2015

832-127627 VCC23305 67VS4M1 VCC233 Computer Lab 05/14/2015

832-127628 VCC23306 97VS4M1 VCC233 Computer Lab 05/14/2015

832-127629 VCC233INST 98VS4M1 VCC233 Computer Lab 05/14/2015

832-127630 VCC235INST B7VS4M1 VCC235 Computer Lab 02/26/2015

832-127631 VCC231INST B8VS4M1 VCC231 Computer Lab 05/14/2015

832-127638 W7-127638 GKS6BM1 ADM107 Christy Horne 05/18/2015

832-127698 W7-127698 B0V6GM1 BTEC118 Winette Vann 06/11/2015

832-127699 W7-127699 H0V6GM1 BTEC122 Phillip Raines 05/13/2015

832-127711 W7-127711 5ZCBHM1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 05/14/2015

832-127712 W7-127712 6ZCBHM1 ATC103 Lola Rogers 10/14/2014

832-127713 W7-127713 7ZCBHM1 HOS600 Jamie Stevens 06/23/2015

832-127714 W7-127714 BZCBHM1 HOS603 Barbara McCabe 09/12/2014

832-127715 W7-127715 13DBHM1 ATC145 Samantha Parry 06/08/2015

832-127716 W7-127716 14DBHM1 LAH120 Carol Norris 05/28/2015

832-127717 W7-127717 H3DBHM1 ECCLOBBY Yolanda S. Smith 07/11/2014

832-127718 W7-127718 33DBHM1 HOS633 Reva Cobb 12/10/2013

832-127719 W7-127719 34DBHM1 CUH 334 Dawn Nicholas 07/14/2014

832-127720 W7-127720 43DBHM1 ATC244 Judith Wilkinson 03/20/2015

832-127721 W7-127721 53DBHM1 ECC201 Judith Wilkinson 03/10/2015

832-127722 W7-127722 54DBHM1 CSEC2 Wendy Austin 11/07/2013

832-127723 W7-127723 63DBHM1 HTC169 Charmelle Adams 05/21/2015

832-127725 W7-127725 74DBHM1 CUH311C Ronald Montgomery 06/23/2015

832-127726 W7-127726 83DBHM1 ATC113 Sheila Goins 03/27/2015

832-127727 W7-127727 B2DBHM1 CUH377 Robert Jacobs 03/10/2014

832-127728 W7-127728 B3DBHM1 ATC103A William Griffin 05/06/2014

832-127729 W7-127729 C3DBHM1 HOS616 Ernestine Barnes 05/06/2014

832-127730 W7-127730 F2DBHM1 HOS618 Judy Humphrey 05/14/2014

832-127731 W7-127731 H2DBHM1 CUH378 Vanessa Jenks 01/27/2014

832-127732 XP127732 53GVHM1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 05/28/2015

832-127734 XP127734 DKLVHM1 ADM109A Alina Boenitz 01/12/2015

832-127735 W7-127735 FKLVHM1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 06/09/2014

832-127752 W7-127752 88NVHM1 GCB205 Denise Howard 09/03/2014

832-127754 W7-127754 B8NVHM1 GCB205 Trina Whitfield 03/24/2015

832-127755 W7-127755 C8NVHM1 GCB109 ADJUNCT 09/10/2014

832-127756 W7-127756 3VJVHM1 GCB Lobby Raquel Booyer 06/08/2015

832-127757 W7-127757 4VJVHM1 GCB Lobby Unknown 06/23/2015

832-127758 W7-126370 5VJVHM1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 12/02/2014

832-127759 W7-127759 6VJVHM1 GCB212 Barbara Wiley 06/26/2015

832-127760 W7-127760 7VJVHM1 GCB212 Sophia Butler 10/10/2014

832-127761 XP127761 8VJVHM1 HOS643C Yan Song 10/16/2014

832-127762 W7-127762 CVJVHM1 GCB202A Unknown 12/11/2014

832-127764 W7-127764 BVJVHM1 GCB211 Michelle Simmons 05/11/2015

832-127770 W7-127770 4LRXHM1 CEC101 Lakeisha C. Marshall 05/27/2015

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832-127771 SLC10901 5LRXHM1 SLC109 Multimedia PC 04/10/2015

832-127772 SLC11101 6LRXHM1 SLC111 Multimedia PC 06/30/2015

832-127773 W7-127773 7LRXHM1 CEC117 Melinda Britt 01/30/2015

832-127774 W7-127774 8LRXHM1 CEC119 Kathleen McLaurin 11/11/2013

832-127775 HTC14201 9LRXHM1 HTC142 Multimedia PC 02/10/2015

832-127776 W7-127776 70SXHM1 CBI116 Frankl Arnold 05/21/2014

832-127777 W7-127777 80SXHM1 CBI116 Don Hughes 06/04/2014

832-127778 W7-127778 90SXHM1 CBI116 William Rinehart 03/26/2014

832-127779 W7-127779 B0SXHM1 CBI103 Kathy Born 04/03/2014

832-127780 W7-127780 C0SXHM1 CUH377S Barbara Hill-Jones 09/08/2014

832-127781 FB20201 512YHM1 FBSDC202 Computer Lab 10/07/2014

832-127782 FB20202 422YHM1 FBSDC202 Computer Lab 10/07/2014

832-127783 FB20203 612YHM1 FBSDC202 Computer Lab 10/07/2014

832-127784 FB20204 622YHM1 FBSDC202 Computer Lab 10/07/2014

832-127785 FB20205 712YHM1 FBSDC202 Computer Lab 10/07/2014

832-127786 FB20206 722YHM1 FBSDC202 Computer Lab 10/07/2014

832-127787 FB20207 812YHM1 FBSDC202 Computer Lab 10/07/2014

832-127788 FB20208 822YHM1 FBSDC202 Computer Lab 10/07/2014

832-127789 FB20209 D22YHM1 FBSDC202 Computer Lab 10/07/2014

832-127790 FB20210 F12YHM1 FBSDC202 Computer Lab 10/07/2014

832-127791 FB20211 F22YHM1 FBSDC202 Computer Lab 10/07/2014

832-127792 FB20212 G12YHM1 FBSDC202 Computer Lab 10/07/2014

832-127793 FB20213 G22YHM1 FBSDC202 Computer Lab 10/07/2014

832-127794 FB20214 H02YHM1 FBSDC202 Computer Lab 10/07/2014

832-127795 FB20215 H12YHM1 FBSDC202 Computer Lab 10/07/2014

832-127796 FB20216 J02YHM1 FBSDC202 Computer Lab 10/07/2014

832-127797 FB20217 912YHM1 FBSDC202 Computer Lab 10/07/2014

832-127798 FB20218 J12YHM1 FBSDC202 Computer Lab 10/07/2014

832-127799 FB20219 922YHM1 FBSDC202 Computer Lab 10/07/2014

832-127800 FB20220 B12YHM1 FBSDC202 Computer Lab 10/07/2014

832-127801 FB202INST B22YHM1 FBSDC202 Computer Lab 10/07/2014

832-127802 ATC22104 C12YHM1 ATC221 Computer Lab 06/08/2015

832-127803 ATC22103 C22YHM1 ATC221 Computer Lab 06/08/2015

832-127804 ATC22102 D12YHM1 ATC221 Computer Lab 06/08/2015

832-127805 ATC22101 112YHM1 ATC221 Computer Lab 06/08/2015

832-127806 ATC22105 122YHM1 ATC221 Computer Lab 06/08/2015

832-127807 ATC22106 212YHM1 ATC221 Computer Lab 06/08/2015

832-127808 ATC22107 222YHM1 ATC221 Computer Lab 06/08/2015

832-127809 ATC22108 312YHM1 ATC221 Computer Lab 06/08/2015

832-127810 ATC22109 322YHM1 ATC221 Computer Lab 06/08/2015

832-127811 ATC22110 412YHM1 ATC221 Computer Lab 06/08/2015

832-127812 ATC22111 522YHM1 ATC221 Computer Lab 06/08/2015

832-127813 ATC22112 10VXHM1 ATC221 Computer Lab 06/08/2015

832-127814 ATC22113 61VXHM1 ATC221 Computer Lab 06/08/2015

832-127815 ATC22114 12VXHM1 ATC221 Computer Lab 06/29/2015

832-127816 ATC22115 20VXHM1 ATC221 Computer Lab 06/29/2015

832-127817 ATC22116 6ZTXHM1 ATC221 Computer Lab 06/29/2015

832-127818 ATC22117 70VXHM1 ATC221 Computer Lab 06/29/2015

832-127819 ATC22118 71VXHM1 ATC221 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-127820 ATC22119 7ZTXHM1 ATC221 Computer Lab 06/29/2015

832-127821 ATC22120 80VXHM1 ATC221 Computer Lab 06/08/2015

832-127822 ATC22121 81VXHM1 ATC221 Computer Lab 06/11/2015

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832-127823 ATC22122 8ZTXHM1 ATC221 Computer Lab 06/15/2015

832-127824 ATC22123 90VXHM1 ATC221 Computer Lab 06/23/2015

832-127825 ATC22124 91VXHM1 ATC221 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-127826 ATC221INST 9ZTXHM1 ATC221 Computer Lab 06/22/2015

832-127827 VCC219TECH B0VXHM1 VCC219 Computer Lab 10/15/2014

832-127828 ECC22801 B1VXHM1 ECC228 Multimedia PC 01/16/2015

832-127829 HTC24701 BZTXHM1 HTC247 Multimedia PC 05/19/2015

832-127830 VCC21903 C0VXHM1 VCC219 Computer Lab 10/15/2014

832-127831 HEC20701 C1VXHM1 HEC207 Multimedia PC 01/27/2015

832-127832 HTC23101 CZTXHM1 HTC231 Multimedia PC 05/19/2015

832-127833 HTC15501 D0VXHM1 HTC155 Multimedia PC 05/15/2015

832-127834 CSEC2101 D1VXHM1 CSEC21 Computer Lab 02/27/2015

832-127835 VCC21902 21VXHM1 VCC219 Computer Lab 10/15/2014

832-127836 HTC15101 22VXHM1 HTC151 Multimedia PC 05/15/2015

832-127837 LAH14301 30VXHM1 LAH143 Multimedia PC 05/18/2015

832-127838 HTC14601 31VXHM1 HTC146 Multimedia PC 05/15/2015

832-127839 HTC20702 DZTXHM1 HTC207 Computer Lab 10/22/2014

832-127840 HOS70601 F0VXHM1 HOS706 Multimedia PC 03/16/2015

832-127841 CSEC2102 F1VXHM1 CSEC21 Computer Lab 02/27/2015

832-127842 LAH10101 FZTXHM1 LAH101 Multimedia PC 05/18/2015

832-127843 CSEC2104 3ZTXHM1 CSEC21 Computer Lab 02/27/2015

832-127844 LAH12101 40VXHM1 LAH121 Multimedia PC 02/27/2015

832-127845 VCC219INST 41VXHM1 VCC219 Computer Lab 10/15/2014

832-127846 CSEC2103 4ZTXHM1 CSEC21 Computer Lab 04/03/2015

832-127847 HEC11201 50VXHM1 HEC112 Multimedia PC 01/27/2015

832-127848 ATC22201 G0VXHM1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 05/27/2015

832-127849 ATC22202 G1VXHM1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 05/14/2015

832-127850 ATC22203 GZTXHM1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 05/14/2015

832-127851 ATC22204 H0VXHM1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 05/14/2015

832-127852 W7-127852 H1VXHM1 VCC232 Computer Lab 06/04/2015

832-127853 W7-127853 HZTXHM1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 06/03/2015

832-127854 ATC22207 J0VXHM1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 05/14/2015

832-127855 ATC22208 J1VXHM1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 05/14/2015

832-127856 W7-127856 JZTXHM1 VCC232 Computer Lab 06/04/2015

832-127857 ATC22210 51VXHM1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 05/14/2015

832-127858 ATC22211 5ZTXHM1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 05/14/2015

832-127859 ATC22212 60VXHM1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 05/14/2015

832-127860 W7-127860 11VXHM1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 06/03/2015

832-127861 ATC21104 BXYXHM1 ATC211 Computer Lab 06/17/2015

832-127862 ATC21103 BWYXHM1 ATC211 Computer Lab 06/17/2015

832-127863 ATC21102 CWYXHM1 ATC211 Computer Lab 07/01/2015

832-127864 ATC21101 CXYXHM1 ATC211 Computer Lab 07/01/2015

832-127865 ATC21105 DVYXHM1 ATC211 Computer Lab 06/08/2015

832-127866 ATC21106 DWYXHM1 ATC211 Computer Lab 06/08/2015

832-127867 ATC21107 FVYXHM1 ATC211 Computer Lab 06/08/2015

832-127868 ATC21108 FWYXHM1 ATC211 Computer Lab 07/01/2015

832-127869 ATC21109 GVYXHM1 ATC211 Computer Lab 06/08/2015

832-127870 ATC21110 GWYXHM1 ATC211 Computer Lab 06/30/2015

832-127871 ATC21111 HVYXHM1 ATC211 Computer Lab 06/08/2015

832-127872 ATC21112 HWYXHM1 ATC211 Computer Lab 06/08/2015

832-127873 ATC21113 JVYXHM1 ATC211 Computer Lab 06/08/2015

832-127874 ATC21114 JWYXHM1 ATC211 Computer Lab 06/08/2015

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832-127875 ATC21115 CVYXHM1 ATC211 Computer Lab 06/30/2015

832-127876 ATC21116 4WYXHM1 ATC211 Computer Lab 06/30/2015

832-127877 ATC21117 1VYXHM1 ATC211 Computer Lab 06/08/2015

832-127878 ATC21118 1WYXHM1 ATC211 Computer Lab 06/08/2015

832-127879 ATC21119 1XYXHM1 ATC211 Computer Lab 06/08/2015

832-127880 ATC21120 2VYXHM1 ATC211 Computer Lab 06/30/2015

832-127881 ATC21121 2WYXHM1 ATC211 Computer Lab 06/08/2015

832-127882 ATC21122 2XYXHM1 ATC211 Computer Lab 06/08/2015

832-127883 ATC21123 3VYXHM1 ATC211 Computer Lab 06/08/2015

832-127884 ATC21124 3WYXHM1 ATC211 Computer Lab 06/08/2015

832-127885 ATC211INST 3XYXHM1 ATC211 Computer Lab 07/01/2015

832-127886 LAH12501 4VYXHM1 LAH125 Multimedia PC 05/15/2015

832-127887 LAH13001 4XYXHM1 LAH130 Multimedia PC 02/27/2015

832-127888 LAH12801 5VYXHM1 LAH128 Multimedia PC 05/15/2015

832-127889 LAH10801 5WYXHM1 LAH108 Multimedia PC 02/27/2015

832-127890 LAH14901 5XYXHM1 LAH149 Multimedia PC 05/18/2015

832-127893 LAH10201 6XYXHM1 LAH123 Multimedia PC 05/15/2015

832-127895 LAH10401 7WYXHM1 LAH104 Multimedia PC 05/18/2015

832-127896 LAH10301 7XYXHM1 LAH103 Multimedia PC 05/18/2015

832-127897 HTC20703 8VYXHM1 HTC207 Computer Lab 10/22/2014

832-127898 LAH14501 8WYXHM1 LAH145 Multimedia PC 05/18/2015

832-127899 VCC21904 8XYXHM1 VCC219 Computer Lab 10/15/2014

832-127900 W7-127900 9VYXHM1 CSECLOBBY ADJUNCT 01/26/2015

832-127901 LAH12401 9WYXHM1 LAH124 Multimedia PC 06/12/2015

832-127902 VCC21901 9XYXHM1 VCC219 Computer Lab 10/15/2014

832-127903 HTC14301 BVYXHM1 HTC143 Multimedia PC 05/15/2015

832-127908 W7-127908 FV6YPM1 ADM162B Carl Mitchell 09/09/2014

832-127918 W7-127918 B4MX1N1 GCB212 Adrienne Murphy 09/11/2014

832-127919 HTC10901 97MX1N1 HTC109 Multimedia PC 05/15/2015

832-127920 W7-127920 B8MX1N1 HEC101B Jeffrey Webb 11/15/2013

832-127921 HEC101 C6MX1N1 HEC101 Security Video PC 10/20/2014

832-127922 CEC12001 F7MX1N1 CEC120 Computer Lab 07/24/2014

832-127923 W7-127923 G4MX1N1 GCB108 ADJUNCT 05/29/2014

832-127924 W7-127924 G5MX1N1 GCB102A Security Video PC 06/16/2015

832-127925 W7-127925 J3MX1N1 CBI105 Winford Brock 02/19/2014

832-127926 W7-127926 J6MX1N1 CBI102 Melissa Frazee 07/22/2014

832-127927 W7-127927 16MX1N1 VCC230 Jennifer Owens 10/29/2014

832-127928 W7-127928 18MX1N1 CBILOBBY Whitney Lambert 04/20/2015

832-127929 W7-127929 25MX1N1 CBI135 Marietta Overton 06/04/2015

832-127930 W7-127930 48MX1N1 CBI135 ADJUNCT 07/14/2014

832-127931 W7-127931 57MX1N1 CBI102 ADJUNCT 11/07/2013

832-127932 W7-127932 64MX1N1 CBI119 Kimberly Allen 12/10/2013

832-127933 W7-127933 65MX1N1 CBI104A Robbie Johnson 07/07/2014

832-127934 W7-127934 66MX1N1 CBI104 Ethel Locklear 06/02/2015

832-127935 W7-127935 78MX1N1 CBI119 Samantha Cannady 12/18/2014

832-127937 CBI11101 CSSX1N1 CBI111 Multimedia PC 05/18/2015

832-127938 CBI12201 2TSX1N1 CBI122 Multimedia PC 01/06/2015

832-127939 CBI12401 FSSX1N1 CBI124 Multimedia PC 01/06/2015

832-127940 CBI12501 GSSX1N1 CBI125 Multimedia PC 05/22/2014

832-127941 CBI12601 HSSX1N1 CBI126 Multimedia PC 01/06/2015

832-127942 CBI12701 JSSX1N1 CBI127 Multimedia PC 05/18/2015

832-127943 CBI12801 DSSX1N1 CBI128 Multimedia PC 05/18/2015

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832-127944 CBI12901 3TSX1N1 CBI129 Multimedia PC 06/09/2015

832-127945 W7-127945 4TSX1N1 ATC133 Clifton Marshall 06/30/2015

832-127946 ART0101 5TSX1N1 ART01 Multimedia PC 05/18/2015

832-127947 EAGLESOFT-CBI 6TSX1N1 CBI110 Computer Lab 06/22/2015

832-127948 W7-127948 7SSX1N1 CBI117 Michael Gaster 11/07/2013

832-127949 W7-127949 7TSX1N1 CBI118F Donald Roberts 11/07/2013

832-127950 W7-127950 8SSX1N1 GCB202T Angela Smith 05/07/2015

832-127951 W7-127951 9SSX1N1 HOS700A Alan J. Dover 02/16/2015

832-127952 W7-127952 BSSX1N1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 06/12/2015

832-127953 W7-127953 1TSX1N1 CBI106 Ann-Mary Morrow 06/16/2015

832-128033 W7-128033 9DHCWN1 SR12 Danny D. Weaver 07/14/2014

832-128066 W7-128066 7V4N1P1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 09/16/2014

832-128067 XP128067 HNKM1P1 LIB202 Robert Antill 11/26/2013

832-128068 LIB12709 GNKM1P1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 09/29/2014

832-128083 W7-128083 1W4N1P1 VCC232F Jeanette Hales 07/23/2014

832-128184 XP128184 CJCVNN1 VCC114 ADJUNCT 10/27/2014

832-128187 W7-128187 4F11PN1 HOS616R Reed W. Taylor 07/30/2014

832-128188 W7-128188 4F12PN1 ADM101A Debbie Todd 04/04/2014

832-128189 W7-128189 4F20PN1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 06/16/2015

OptiPlex 790Dell Inc.

User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

17Total Computers Of This Model:

832-012461 W7-012461 BV50NS1 HOS708 Unknown 09/03/2014

832-012462 W7-012462 BV5XMS1 HOS708 Rex Perry 07/25/2014

832-012463 W7-012463 BV4ZMS1 GCB216A Gerald Daniel 10/17/2014

832-012562 W7-012562 F2BXYV1 LAH100B Harold Wyckoff 04/08/2015

832-012563 W7-012563 F2CQYV1 LAH111A Jeffrey Umphlet 03/24/2015

832-129131 ATC11602 DFW6WR1 ATC116 Multimedia PC 04/17/2015

832-129132 LAH10202 DFW7WR1 LAH102 Multimedia PC 04/13/2015

832-129133 CUH31802 DFX1WR1 CUH318 Multimedia PC 05/14/2015

832-129135 HTC205B02 DFX6WR1 HTC205B Multimedia PC 05/15/2015

832-129432 W7-129432 982TGS1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 12/03/2013

832-129433 XP-129433 982VGS1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 06/16/2015

832-129642 W7-129642 FD1LJS1 NC7 Media Services 02/28/2014

832-129837 W7-129837 3TRVKS1 GCB114 Multimedia PC 02/27/2015

832-130007 W7-130007 74FWMS1 SLC101B Christine Porchia 06/30/2015

832-130511 W7-130511 3FT8VV1 HOS700L ADJUNCT 04/10/2015

832-130649 W7-130649 9LLMXV1 HEC101A Brad Goodrum 06/25/2015

832-130708 W7-130708 JXBYWV1 ADM167 Mallory J. Cerda 12/10/2013

OptiPlex 9010Dell Inc.

User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

1Total Computers Of This Model:

832-012384 CUH31523 5WFGQW1 CUH315 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

OptiPlex 980Dell Inc.

User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

229Total Computers Of This Model:

3R2NDQ1 ATC22722 3R2NDQ1 ATC227 Computer Lab 06/11/2015

7PQNDQ1 SLC12201 7PQNDQ1 SLC216A AVAILABLE 06/02/2015

832-128322 HEC20601 GVB6CP1 HEC206 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-128323 HEC20602 GVD4CP1 HEC206 Computer Lab 06/24/2015

832-128324 HEC20603 GVC0CP1 HEC206 Computer Lab 06/24/2015

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832-128325 HEC20604 GVD0CP1 HEC206 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-128326 HEC20605 GVC1CP1 HEC206 Computer Lab 06/24/2015

832-128327 HEC20606 GVD2CP1 HEC206 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-128328 HEC20607 GVB7CP1 HEC206 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-128329 HEC20608 GVC5CP1 HEC206 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-128330 HEC20609 GVD1CP1 HEC206 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-128331 HEC20610 GVC4CP1 HEC206 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-128332 HEC20611 GVC7CP1 HEC206 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-128333 HEC20612 GVCZBP1 HEC206 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-128334 HEC20613 GVDZBP1 HEC206 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-128335 HEC20614 GVD7CP1 HEC206 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-128336 HEC20615 GVC2CP1 HEC206 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-128337 HEC20616 GVD6CP1 HEC206 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-128338 HEC20617 GVD5CP1 HEC206 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-128339 HEC20618 GVC3CP1 HEC206 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-128340 HEC20619 GVBZBP1 HEC206 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-128341 HEC20620 GVD3CP1 HEC206 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-128342 HEC206INST GVC6CP1 HEC206 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-128343 W7-128343 3KYFCP1 ATC159A Ketura Reaves 06/26/2015

832-128344 W7-128344 3KYCCP1 ATC159D Debora Young 07/01/2015

832-128345 W7-128345 3KYDCP1 ATC159B Charles McClung 07/01/2015

832-128346 VCC23201 GV85CP1 VCC232 Computer Lab 04/28/2015

832-128347 VCC23202 GVB2CP1 VCC232 Computer Lab 02/05/2015

832-128348 VCC23203 GV9ZBP1 VCC232 Computer Lab 02/05/2015

832-128349 VCC23204 GV76CP1 VCC232 Computer Lab 02/05/2015

832-128350 VCC23205 GV92CP1 VCC232 Computer Lab 03/18/2015

832-128351 VCC23206 GV96CP1 VCC232 Computer Lab 04/03/2015

832-128352 VCC23207 GV74CP1 VCC232 Computer Lab 04/03/2015

832-128353 VCC23208 GV93CP1 VCC232 Computer Lab 02/13/2015

832-128354 VCC23209 GV81CP1 VCC232 Computer Lab 04/14/2015

832-128355 VCC23210 GVB3CP1 VCC232 Computer Lab 02/05/2015

832-128356 VCC23211 GV73CP1 VCC232 Computer Lab 04/14/2015

832-128357 VCC23212 GV8ZBP1 VCC232 Computer Lab 02/10/2015

832-128358 VCC23213 GV95CP1 VCC232 Computer Lab 02/10/2015

832-128359 VCC23214 GV75CP1 VCC232 Computer Lab 02/05/2015

832-128360 VCC23215 GV91CP1 VCC232 Computer Lab 03/31/2015

832-128361 VCC23216 GV84CP1 VCC232 Computer Lab 04/22/2015

832-128362 VCC23217 GVB1CP1 VCC232 Computer Lab 03/30/2015

832-128363 VCC23218 GV97CP1 VCC232 Computer Lab 02/13/2015

832-128364 VCC23219 GVB0CP1 VCC232 Computer Lab 02/13/2015

832-128365 VCC23220 GV90CP1 VCC232 Computer Lab 04/13/2015

832-128366 VCC23221 GV94CP1 VCC232 Computer Lab 02/05/2015

832-128367 VCC23222 GV7ZBP1 VCC232 Computer Lab 02/05/2015

832-128368 VCC23223 GVB4CP1 VCC232 Computer Lab 03/24/2015

832-128369 VCC23224 GVB5CP1 VCC232 Computer Lab 03/24/2015

832-128370 VCC23225 GV77CP1 VCC232 Computer Lab 02/05/2015

832-128371 VCC23226 GV87CP1 VCC232 Computer Lab 02/13/2015

832-128372 VCC23227 GV86CP1 VCC232 Computer Lab 02/13/2015

832-128373 VCC23228 GV82CP1 VCC232 Computer Lab 02/26/2015

832-128374 VCC23229 GV80CP1 VCC232 Computer Lab 02/26/2015

832-128375 VCC23230 GV83CP1 VCC232 Computer Lab 05/01/2015

832-128404 ECC22213 573PGQ1 ECC222 Computer Lab 05/14/2015

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832-128405 ECC22214 575NGQ1 ECC222 Computer Lab 05/14/2015

832-128406 ECC22215 572PGQ1 ECC222 Computer Lab 05/14/2015

832-128407 ECC22216 575PGQ1 ECC222 Computer Lab 05/14/2015

832-128408 ECC22217 573MGQ1 ECC222 Computer Lab 05/14/2015

832-128409 ECC22218 576MGQ1 ECC222 Computer Lab 05/14/2015

832-128410 ECC22219 574MGQ1 ECC222 Computer Lab 05/14/2015

832-128411 ECC22220 576NGQ1 ECC222 Computer Lab 05/14/2015

832-128412 ECC22221 573NGQ1 ECC222 Computer Lab 05/14/2015

832-128413 ECC22222 575MGQ1 ECC222 Computer Lab 05/14/2015

832-128414 ECC22223 576PGQ1 ECC222 Computer Lab 05/14/2015

832-128415 ECC22224 574NGQ1 ECC222 Computer Lab 05/14/2015

832-128416 ATC11913 574PGQ1 ATC119 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-128603 W7-128603 DV3GDP1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 07/24/2014

832-128610 CEC20801 44R7DP1 CEC208 Computer Lab 04/10/2015

832-128611 CEC20802 44Q7DP1 CEC208 Computer Lab 04/10/2015

832-128612 CEC20803 44T3DP1 CEC208 Computer Lab 04/10/2015

832-128613 CEC20804 44R8DP1 CEC208 Computer Lab 04/10/2015

832-128614 CEC20805 44Q9DP1 CEC208 Computer Lab 04/10/2015

832-128615 CEC20806 44S3DP1 CEC208 Computer Lab 04/10/2015

832-128616 CEC20807 44S8DP1 CEC208 Computer Lab 04/10/2015

832-128617 CEC20808 44Q6DP1 CEC208 Computer Lab 04/10/2015

832-128618 CEC20809 44R6DP1 CEC208 Computer Lab 04/10/2015

832-128619 CEC20810 44S4DP1 CEC208 Computer Lab 04/10/2015

832-128620 CEC20811 44S6DP1 CEC208 Computer Lab 04/10/2015

832-128621 CEC20812 44T4DP1 CEC208 Computer Lab 04/10/2015

832-128622 CEC20813 44Q8DP1 CEC208 Computer Lab 04/10/2015

832-128623 CEC20814 44R5DP1 CEC208 Computer Lab 04/10/2015

832-128624 CEC20815 44S5DP1 CEC208 Computer Lab 04/10/2015

832-128625 CEC20816 44S7DP1 CEC208 Computer Lab 04/10/2015

832-128626 CEC20817 44R9DP1 CEC208 Computer Lab 04/10/2015

832-128627 CEC20818 44Q4DP1 CEC208 Computer Lab 04/10/2015

832-128628 CEC20819 44Q5DP1 CEC208 Computer Lab 04/10/2015

832-128629 CEC20820 44R3DP1 CEC208 Computer Lab 04/10/2015

832-128630 CEC208INST 44R4DP1 CEC208 Computer Lab 04/10/2015

832-128636 CEC24301 7SS8DP1 CEC243 Computer Lab 04/10/2015

832-128637 CEC24302 7SR7DP1 CEC243 Computer Lab 04/10/2015

832-128638 CEC24303 7SR5DP1 CEC243 Computer Lab 04/10/2015

832-128639 CEC24304 7SQ4DP1 CEC243 Computer Lab 04/10/2015

832-128640 CEC24305 7SS6DP1 CEC243 Computer Lab 04/10/2015

832-128641 CEC24306 7SR3DP1 CEC243 Computer Lab 04/10/2015

832-128642 CEC24307 7SS5DP1 CEC243 Computer Lab 04/10/2015

832-128643 CEC24308 7ST3DP1 CEC243 Computer Lab 04/10/2015

832-128644 CEC24309 7ST6DP1 CEC243 Computer Lab 04/10/2015

832-128645 CEC24310 7SQ5DP1 CEC243 Computer Lab 04/10/2015

832-128646 CEC24311 7ST4DP1 CEC243 Computer Lab 04/10/2015

832-128647 CEC24312 7SR9DP1 CEC243 Computer Lab 04/10/2015

832-128648 CEC24313 7ST7DP1 CEC243 Computer Lab 04/10/2015

832-128649 CEC24314 7SR4DP1 CEC243 Computer Lab 04/10/2015

832-128650 CEC24315 7SQ6DP1 CEC243 Computer Lab 04/10/2015

832-128651 CEC24316 7ST8DP1 CEC243 Computer Lab 04/10/2015

832-128652 CEC24317 7SS7DP1 CEC243 Computer Lab 04/10/2015

832-128653 CEC24318 7SQ9DP1 CEC243 Computer Lab 04/10/2015

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832-128654 CEC24319 7SR8DP1 CEC243 Computer Lab 04/10/2015

832-128655 CEC24320 7SQ3DP1 CEC243 Computer Lab 04/10/2015

832-128656 CEC24321 7SR6DP1 CEC243 Computer Lab 04/10/2015

832-128657 CEC24322 7ST5DP1 CEC243 Computer Lab 04/10/2015

832-128658 CEC24323 7SS3DP1 CEC243 Computer Lab 04/10/2015

832-128659 CEC24324 7SQ8DP1 CEC243 Computer Lab 04/10/2015

832-128660 CEC24325 7SS4DP1 CEC243 Computer Lab 04/10/2015

832-128661 CEC24326 7SV3DP1 CEC243 Computer Lab 04/10/2015

832-128662 CEC243INST 7SQ7DP1 CEC243 Computer Lab 07/01/2014

832-128667 W7-128667 7SV4DP1 ADM4A David Brand 12/05/2013

832-128668 W7-128668 7SV5DP1 ADM4 Tracy Verrier 12/12/2013

832-128676 W7-128676 1YDDDP1 VCC107 Vickie Villines 04/24/2014

832-128677 W7-128677 1YDCDP1 VCC232C Marissa Weymouth 08/20/2014

832-128678 W7-128678 1YFCDP1 LIB200C Deborah Foster 04/15/2015

832-128679 W7-128679 1YDBDP1 LIB108 Patricia Overfelt 01/20/2015

832-128680 W7-128680 1YFBDP1 LRC109 Timothy Novak 07/10/2014

832-128693 ATC11901 B3CLDQ1 ATC119 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-128694 ATC11902 B39KDQ1 ATC119 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-128695 ATC11903 B39JDQ1 ATC119 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-128696 ATC11904 B2ZHDQ1 ATC119 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-128697 ATC11905 B35JDQ1 ATC119 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-128698 ATC11906 B37JDQ1 ATC119 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-128699 ATC11907 B32LDQ1 ATC119 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-128700 ATC11908 B34KDQ1 ATC119 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-128701 ATC11909 B38KDQ1 ATC119 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-128702 ATC11910 B3BLDQ1 ATC119 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-128703 ATC11911 B30JDQ1 ATC119 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-128704 ATC11912 B36KDQ1 ATC119 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-128705 ATC11914 B2YJDQ1 ATC119 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-128706 ATC11915 B35KDQ1 ATC119 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-128707 ATC11916 B2XHDQ1 ATC119 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-128708 ATC11917 B3BJDQ1 ATC119 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-128709 ATC11918 B36JDQ1 ATC119 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-128710 ATC11919 B32KDQ1 ATC119 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-128711 ATC11920 B33KDQ1 ATC119 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-128712 ATC11921 3QVNDQ1 ATC119 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-128713 ATC11922 B38LDQ1 ATC119 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-128714 ATC11923 B30LDQ1 ATC119 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-128715 ATC11924 B2ZJDQ1 ATC119 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-128716 ATC119INST B34LDQ1 ATC119 Computer Lab 05/22/2015

832-128718 ATC22301 B38JDQ1 ATC223 Computer Lab 06/11/2015

832-128719 ATC22302 B33JDQ1 ATC223 Computer Lab 06/11/2015

832-128720 ATC22303 B34JDQ1 ATC223 Computer Lab 06/11/2015

832-128721 ATC22304 B35LDQ1 ATC223 Computer Lab 06/11/2015

832-128722 ATC22305 B30KDQ1 ATC223 Computer Lab 06/11/2015

832-128723 ATC22306 B3CKDQ1 ATC223 Computer Lab 06/11/2015

832-128724 ATC22307 B2ZKDQ1 ATC223 Computer Lab 06/11/2015

832-128725 ATC22308 B2YKDQ1 ATC223 Computer Lab 06/11/2015

832-128726 ATC22309 B37KDQ1 ATC223 Computer Lab 06/11/2015

832-128727 ATC22310 B31JDQ1 ATC223 Computer Lab 06/11/2015

832-128728 ATC22311 B2WKDQ1 ATC223 Computer Lab 06/11/2015

832-128729 ATC22312 B2XKDQ1 ATC223 Computer Lab 06/11/2015

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832-128730 ATC22313 B36LDQ1 ATC223 Computer Lab 06/11/2015

832-128731 ATC22314 B37LDQ1 ATC223 Computer Lab 06/11/2015

832-128732 ATC22315 B2WHDQ1 ATC223 Computer Lab 06/11/2015

832-128733 ATC22316 B2XJDQ1 ATC223 Computer Lab 06/11/2015

832-128734 ATC22317 B3BKDQ1 ATC223 Computer Lab 06/11/2015

832-128735 ATC22318 B2YHDQ1 ATC223 Computer Lab 06/11/2015

832-128736 ATC22319 B33LDQ1 ATC223 Computer Lab 06/11/2015

832-128737 ATC22320 B31LDQ1 ATC223 Computer Lab 06/11/2015

832-128739 ATC22322 B31KDQ1 ATC223 Computer Lab 06/11/2015

832-128740 ATC22323 B2WJDQ1 ATC223 Computer Lab 06/11/2015

832-128741 ATC22324 B32JDQ1 ATC223 Computer Lab 06/11/2015

832-128742 ATC223INST B39LDQ1 ATC223 Computer Lab 06/11/2015

832-128743 ATC22701 3QSLDQ1 ATC227 Computer Lab 06/11/2015

832-128744 ATC22702 3QXNDQ1 ATC227 Computer Lab 06/11/2015

832-128745 ATC22703 3QYLDQ1 ATC227 Computer Lab 06/11/2015

832-128746 ATC22704 3R0NDQ1 ATC227 Computer Lab 06/11/2015

832-128747 ATC22705 3R1NDQ1 ATC227 Computer Lab 06/11/2015

832-128748 ATC22706 3QYMDQ1 ATC227 Computer Lab 06/11/2015

832-128749 ATC22707 3QZNDQ1 ATC227 Computer Lab 06/11/2015

832-128750 ATC22708 3R1MDQ1 ATC227 Computer Lab 06/11/2015

832-128751 ATC22709 3QXMDQ1 ATC227 Computer Lab 06/11/2015

832-128752 ATC22710 3QTNDQ1 ATC227 Computer Lab 06/11/2015

832-128753 ATC22711 3R1PDQ1 ATC227 Computer Lab 06/11/2015

832-128754 ATC22712 3QRNDQ1 ATC227 Computer Lab 06/11/2015

832-128755 ATC22713 3QTMDQ1 ATC227 Computer Lab 06/11/2015

832-128756 ATC22714 3QWPDQ1 ATC227 Computer Lab 06/30/2015

832-128757 ATC22715 3QSNDQ1 ATC227 Computer Lab 06/11/2015

832-128758 ATC22716 3QSMDQ1 ATC227 Computer Lab 06/11/2015

832-128759 ATC22717 3QTLDQ1 ATC227 Computer Lab 06/11/2015

832-128760 ATC22718 3QXPDQ1 ATC227 Computer Lab 06/30/2015

832-128761 ATC22719 3QYNDQ1 ATC227 Computer Lab 06/11/2015

832-128762 ATC22720 3QZLDQ1 ATC227 Computer Lab 06/11/2015

832-128763 ATC22721 3R0MDQ1 ATC227 Computer Lab 06/11/2015

832-128764 ATC22722 3R2NDQ1 ATC227 Computer Lab 01/05/2015

832-128765 ATC22723 3QTPDQ1 ATC227 Computer Lab 06/11/2015

832-128766 ATC227INST 3QRPDQ1 ATC227 Computer Lab 06/11/2015

832-128767 ECC22201 3QWMDQ1 ECC222 Computer Lab 05/14/2015

832-128768 ECC22202 3QYPDQ1 ECC222 Computer Lab 06/18/2015

832-128769 ECC22203 3R2MDQ1 ECC222 Computer Lab 06/18/2015

832-128770 ECC22204 3QXLDQ1 ECC222 Computer Lab 05/14/2015

832-128771 ECC22208 3QWLDQ1 ECC222 Computer Lab 05/14/2015

832-128772 ECC22207 3QVMDQ1 ECC222 Computer Lab 05/14/2015

832-128773 ECC22206 3QVLDQ1 ECC222 Computer Lab 05/14/2015

832-128774 ECC22205 3QZMDQ1 ECC222 Computer Lab 05/14/2015

832-128775 ECC22211 3QSPDQ1 ECC222 Computer Lab 05/14/2015

832-128776 ECC22209 3R0PDQ1 ECC222 Computer Lab 05/14/2015

832-128777 ECC22210 3QVPDQ1 ECC222 Computer Lab 05/14/2015

832-128786 SLC20101 7PPMDQ1 SLC201 Multimedia PC 06/30/2015

832-128788 FBB0501 7PPPDQ1 FBSDC05 Computer Lab 01/21/2015

832-128789 SLC10301 7PPNDQ1 SLC103 Multimedia PC 04/10/2015

832-128790 FBB0503 7PKPDQ1 SLC216A AVAILABLE 12/03/2013

832-128791 SLC10501 7PLMDQ1 SLC105 Computer Lab 06/09/2015

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832-128792 SLC10201 7PJNDQ1 SLC102 Multimedia PC 04/09/2015

832-128793 SLC10601 7PJPDQ1 SLC106 Multimedia PC 04/10/2015

832-128794 SLC22101 7PQLDQ1 SLC221 Multimedia PC 05/05/2015

832-128795 SLC20801 7PNPDQ1 SLC208 Multimedia PC 05/05/2015

832-128797 W7-128807 7PMMDQ1 SLC216A AVAILABLE 01/15/2015

832-128798 BT13201 7PKNDQ1 BT132 Go Army 06/16/2015

832-128799 BT13202 7PLPDQ1 BT132 Go Army 12/05/2014

832-128800 BT13203 7PKMDQ1 BT132 Go Army 05/12/2015

832-128801 BT13204 7PQMDQ1 BT132 Go Army 07/01/2015

832-128802 FBB0515 7PJMDQ1 SLC216A AVAILABLE 01/15/2015

832-128804 SLC10801 7PNNDQ1 SLC108 Multimedia PC 06/02/2015

832-128805 SLC10401 7PLNDQ1 SLC104 Multimedia PC 04/10/2015

832-128806 SLC12101 7PNMDQ1 SLC121 Multimedia PC 04/14/2015

832-128807 W7-128807 7PHPDQ1 SLC216A AVAILABLE 01/28/2015

832-128808 SLC22301 7PMPDQ1 SLC223 Multimedia PC 05/05/2015

832-128810 ECC22212 3QWNDQ1 ECC222 Computer Lab 05/14/2015

OptiPlex 990Dell Inc.

User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

69Total Computers Of This Model:

832-012350 ATC120ALT3 8RFH0R1 ATC120A Computer Lab 06/30/2015

832-012351 W7-012351 BLNN0R1 GCB202M Louanna Castleman 06/18/2015

832-012354 W7-012354 8J2ZSR1 MNT202 Francis J. Rideout 08/25/2014

832-012361 CUH31501 6Z5HWR1 CUH315 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-012362 CUH31502 6Z6KWR1 CUH315 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-012363 CUH31503 6Z6LWR1 CUH315 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-012364 CUH31504 6Z6NWR1 CUH315 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-012365 CUH31505 6Z7KWR1 CUH315 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-012366 CUH31506 6Z7LWR1 CUH315 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-012367 CUH31507 6Z7NWR1 CUH315 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-012368 CUH31508 6Z8KWR1 CUH315 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-012369 CUH31509 6Z8LWR1 CUH315 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-012370 CUH31510 6Z8NWR1 CUH315 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-012371 CUH31511 6Z9KWR1 CUH315 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-012372 CUH31512 6Z9MWR1 CUH315 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-012373 CUH31513 6ZBKWR1 CUH315 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-012374 CUH31514 6ZBLWR1 CUH315 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-012375 CUH31515 6ZBMWR1 CUH315 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-012376 CUH31516 6ZCHWR1 CUH315 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-012378 CUH31517 6ZCKWR1 CUH315 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-012379 CUH31518 6ZCMWR1 CUH315 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-012380 CUH31519 6ZFKWR1 CUH315 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-012381 CUH31520 6ZHJWR1 CUH315 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-012382 CUH31521 6ZJGWR1 CUH315 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-012383 CUH31522 6ZJHWR1 CUH315 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-012385 CUH31524 6ZKGWR1 CUH315 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-012386 CUH315INST 6ZKHWR1 CUH315 Computer Lab 05/22/2015

832-012390 W7-012390 GBKYXR1 GCB103 Tina Williams 12/03/2013

832-012393 W7-012393 25D0YR1 GCB104 CASH REGISTER

832-012394 W7-012394 25D2YR1 GCB104 CASH REGISTER

832-012395 W7-012395 25D3YR1 GCB104 CASH REGISTER

832-012396 W7-012396 25DYXR1 GCB104 CASH REGISTER

832-012397 W7-012397 25F0YR1 GCB104 CASH REGISTER

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832-012398 W7-012398 25F3YR1 GCB104 CASH REGISTER

832-012399 W7-012399 25G0YR1 GCB104 CASH REGISTER

832-012400 W7-012400 25G1YR1 GCB104 CASH REGISTER

832-012401 W7-012401 25G3YR1 GCB104 CASH REGISTER

832-012402 W7-0123402 25G4YR1 GCB104 CASH REGISTER

832-012403 W7-012403 25H1YR1 GCB104 CASH REGISTER

832-012404 W7-012404 25H2YR1 GCB104 CASH REGISTER

832-012405 W7-012405 GBJYXR1 GCB109D Grover Bahr 03/23/2015

832-012406 W7-012406 GBK0YR1 GCB109B Mark A. McGee 10/03/2014

832-012407 W7-012407 GBK2YR1 GCB104C Patricia Bell 12/03/2013

832-012408 W7-012408 GBG1YR1 GCB104D ADJUNCT 10/10/2014

832-012409 W7-012409 GBK4YR1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 06/10/2015

832-012410 W7-012410 GBL1YR1 GCB104C Christopher S. Callagy 12/03/2013

832-128669 W7-128669 DLQTHQ1 Cynthia Crisostomo-Rivera 04/22/2015

832-128738 ATC22321 CW09ZV1 ATC223 Computer Lab 06/11/2015

832-129071 W7-129071 HXFWVR1 ADM107 Candace Callagy 08/12/2014

832-129072 W7-129072 HXFXVR1 ADM107 Lauren Arp 01/27/2014

832-129073 W7-129073 HXF7WR1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 05/18/2015

832-129348 W7-129348 CJF2XR1 LAH111B Sheila Cameron 03/24/2015

832-129383 W7-129383 J3HGXR1 ADM117 Reva Dunn 10/27/2014

832-129385 W7-129385 J3JBXR1 PRD1 Dennis Gyursco 09/09/2014

832-129386 W7-129386 J3JCXR1 PRD Front Desk Mary Ross 12/01/2014

832-129389 W7-129389 J3JFXR1 LIB200D Deborah Matthews 11/14/2013

832-129390 W7-129390 J3JGXR1 LIB200B ADJUNCT 04/15/2015

832-129391 ATC22724 J3JHXR1 ATC227 Computer Lab 06/11/2015

832-129392 W7-129392 J3KBXR1 VCC232D Roger Dostall 04/28/2015

832-129711 W7-129711 7L91KS1 SLC216A Gerald Huggins 07/02/2015

832-129712 W7-129712 7LB0KS1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 11/12/2013

832-129715 W7-129715 8NVWNS1 ADM167 Krista Smith 02/06/2014

832-129717 W7-129717 DWGFKS1 CEC208B Margarete Morley 11/12/2013

832-130011 W7-130011 5P3WMS1 ADM1A Larry Keen 05/13/2014

832-130012 W7-130012 5P3XMS1 ADM1 Lana Williams 12/06/2013

832-130013 W7-130013 5P3ZMS1 ADMLOBBY Monika Morris 03/27/2015

832-130465 W7-130465 51TVTV1 ADM115 Todd Dunn 06/22/2015

832-130512 W7-130512 90Y5VV1 GCB115 Corbett Bruntz 10/29/2014

832-130803 W7-130803 CT6TPW1 ADM162C Gail Davis 07/24/2014

OptiPlex GX620Dell Inc.

User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

10Total Computers Of This Model:

832-123682 XP123682 5TRFH81 ATC133 Willie Lockett 12/05/2013

832-123728 XP123728 CB29K81 ATC133 Thomas Hobgood, III 12/11/2013

832-124221 XP124221 8P78S91 VCC200 David Sholter 08/04/2014

832-124228 W7-124228 2C9BS91 ECC120 ADJUNCT 11/05/2013

832-124231 W7-124231 4C9BS91 ECC120 ADJUNCT 01/17/2014

832-124275 XP123722 8NHSX91 ATC133 Barbara Sheppard 04/24/2014

832-124426 W7-124426 3LZHKB1 GCB109A CASH REGISTER

832-124589 W7-124589 8Y9X0C1 IMBC ADJUNCT 05/27/2014

832-124760 W7-124760 995SBC1 CUH 313A Stephanie Davis 07/11/2014

832-124765 XP124765 D95SBC1 VCC201 Jennifer Hubbard 12/09/2013

Precision M6400Dell Inc.

User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

1Total Computers Of This Model:

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832-012265 LT-W7-012265 2FFDVK1 CUH377S Barbara Hill-Jones 06/26/2015

Precision T1500Dell Inc.

User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

3Total Computers Of This Model:

832-127568 DF-TEST 2T5SPL1 ATC133A Micheal Tyler 06/19/2015

832-127569 W7-127569 2T5WPL1 ADM162 ADJUNCT 05/07/2015

832-127570 W7-127570 2T6PPL1 ATC133 Roderick Brower 09/08/2014

Precision T3610Dell Inc.

User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

4Total Computers Of This Model:

832-131597 W7-131597 11L4K02 GCB102A ADJUNCT 04/15/2014

832-131598 W7-131598 11L6K02 GCB102A ADJUNCT 04/15/2014

832-131599 W7-131599 11L8K02 GCB102A ADJUNCT 04/15/2014

832-132390 ATC231INST G6MTN22 ATC231 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

Precision WorkStation 390Dell Inc.

User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

1Total Computers Of This Model:

832-125811 HTC22202 DFZ16F1 HTC222 Computer Lab 04/02/2015

Precision WorkStation 490Dell Inc.

User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

2Total Computers Of This Model:

832-125930 W7-125930 9B330G1 ATC159C Cynthia Massie 12/05/2013

832-125963 W7-125963 FJL51G1 VCC206 Lorraine Williams 08/20/2014

Precision WorkStation T3400Dell Inc.

User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

1Total Computers Of This Model:

832-012172 W7-012172 HT3JHF1 ADM100B ADJUNCT 05/13/2014

Precision WorkStation T3500Dell Inc.

User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

1Total Computers Of This Model:

832-128114 XP128114 1KRNMN1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 11/26/2013

Precision WorkStation T5400Dell Inc.

User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

27Total Computers Of This Model:

832-012166 VCC21320 J83QGF1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 05/22/2014

832-125794 W7-125794 H9NWLF1 ATC113A Kenneth Kleiner 06/13/2014

832-125795 W7-125795 J9NWLF1 ATC113D Roseann Thomas 03/03/2014

832-125796 W7-125796 2BNWLF1 ATC113C Anthony Cameron 09/19/2014

832-125797 W7-125797 1BNWLF1 ATC154G Stephen Umland 01/07/2015

832-126052 W7-126052 D728VG1 VCC209 Mary Mitchell 07/14/2014

832-126296 W7-126296 FDXPGH1 ATC154D Roseann Thomas 04/21/2015

832-126477 W7-126477 57M2SH1 VCC206B Bobby Ervin 06/17/2014

832-126861 ATC22901 FTM26J1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 06/03/2014

832-126862 W7-126862 9TM26J1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 10/21/2014

832-126863 W7-126863 BTM26J1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 10/13/2014

832-126864 W7-126864 CTM26J1 ATC154F David Joyner 04/21/2015

832-126865 W7-126865 DTM26J1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 10/21/2014

832-126866 ATC22906 6HB26J1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 06/03/2014

832-126867 W7-126867 7HB26J1 ATC244F Jenneth Honeycutt 10/21/2014

832-126868 W7-126868 8HB26J1 ATC154A Laura Galvan 10/15/2014

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832-126869 ATC22909 9HB26J1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 06/03/2014

832-126870 W7-126870 CNB26J1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 10/17/2014

832-126871 W7-126871 DNB26J1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 05/12/2015

832-126872 ATC22912 GNB26J1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 06/03/2014

832-126880 ATC23101 GHB26J1 ATC231 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-126881 ATC23102 HHB26J1 ATC231 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-126882 ATC23103 3KB26J1 ATC231 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-126883 W7-126883 4KB26J1 ATC220F Sandra Ivarsson 10/15/2014

832-126884 W7-126884 5KB26J1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 12/01/2014

832-126885 ATC231INST 6KB26J1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 08/15/2014

832-126960 XP126960 1HF7GJ1 VCC211 Leasha Davis 12/17/2014

Precision WorkStation T5500Dell Inc.

User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

28Total Computers Of This Model:

832-127445 XP-127445 7K4NSL1 ATC149A Mark Aerdelman 07/24/2014

832-127447 W7-127447 50NWLL1 ATC147 Nichole Holloway 06/18/2015

832-127573 XP127573 GDVHPL1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 09/19/2014

832-128032 W7-128032 62KWKN1 ATC149 Michelle Rieves 02/26/2014

832-128225 W7-128225 97LRPN1 ADM100 Larry Keen 06/23/2015

832-128226 VCC21502 97NQPN1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 05/19/2015

832-128227 VCC21503 97MQPN1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 05/19/2015

832-128228 VCC21504 97KSPN1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 05/19/2015

832-128229 VCC21505 97LQPN1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 05/19/2015

832-128230 VCC21506 97MRPN1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 05/19/2015

832-128231 VCC21507 97MSPN1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 05/19/2015

832-128232 VCC21508 97LSPN1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 05/19/2015

832-128233 VCC21509 97HRPN1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 05/19/2015

832-128234 VCC21510 97GSPN1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 05/19/2015

832-128235 VCC21511 97JRPN1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 05/19/2015

832-128236 VCC21512 97HQPN1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 05/19/2015

832-128237 VCC21513 97GQPN1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 05/19/2015

832-128238 VCC21514 97HSPN1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 05/19/2015

832-128239 VCC21515 97GRPN1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 05/19/2015

832-128240 VCC21516 97JQPN1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 05/19/2015

832-128241 VCC21517 97FRPN1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 05/19/2015

832-128242 VCC21518 97KQPN1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 05/19/2015

832-128243 VCC21519 97JSPN1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 05/19/2015

832-128244 VCC215INST 97FSPN1 ATC133 AVAILABLE 05/19/2015

832-129399 W7-129399 747YXR1 VCC211 Leasha Davis 05/07/2015

832-130449 W7-130449 DVGMTV1 ATC157B Lauren Mueller 11/07/2014

832-130450 W7-130450 DVFMTV1 ATC157A Nicholas Belden 08/27/2014

DVGKTV1 W7-130447 DVGKTV1 ATC157D Thomas Hobgood, III 01/26/2015

Precision WorkStation T7500Dell Inc.

User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

1Total Computers Of This Model:

832-129017 W7-129017 9V5YNN1 ATC133 Timothy McMahon 07/31/2014

Venue 11 Pro 7130 MSDell Inc.

User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

42Total Computers Of This Model:

832-132425 W8-132425-TB 59FJR02 ICAR Computer Lab 05/20/2015

832-132426 W8-132426-TB 1DFJR02 ICAR Computer Lab 02/02/2015

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832-132458 W8-132458-TB 1NVPR02 ICAR Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-132459 W8-132459-TB 1XVPR02 ICAR Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-132460 W8-132460-TB 1ZVPR02 ICAR Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-132461 W8-132461-TB 2YVPR02 ICAR Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-132462 W8-132462-TB 30WPR02 ICAR Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-132463 W8-132463-TB 3PVPR02 ICAR Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-132464 W8-132464-TB 3VVPR02 ICAR Computer Lab 01/30/2015

832-132465 W8-132465-TB 4ZVPR02 ICAR Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-132466 W8-132466-TB 51WPR02 ICAR Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-132467 W8-132467-TB 5MVPR02 ICAR Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-132468 W8-132468-TB 6XVPR02 ICAR Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-132469 W8-132469-TB 73WPR02 ICAR Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-132470 W8-132470-TB 77WPR02 ICAR Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-132471 W8-132471-TB 78WPR02 ICAR Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-132472 W8-132472-TB 7ZVPR02 ICAR Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-132473 W8-132473-TB 80WPR02 ICAR Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-132474 W8-132474-TB 81WPR02 ICAR Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-132475 W8-132475-TB 8KXPR02 ICAR Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-132476 W8-132476-TB 8SVPR02 ICAR Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-132477 W8-132477-TB 9TSPR02 ICAR Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-132478 W8-132478-TB 9TVPR02 ICAR Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-132479 W8-132479-TB 9VVPR02 ICAR Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-132480 W8-132480-TB 9ZVPR02 ICAR Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-132481 W8-132481-TB B2WPR02 ICAR Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-132482 W8-132482-TB BMVPR02 ICAR Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-132483 W8-132483-TB C0WPR02 ICAR Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-132484 W8-132484-TB C7WPR02 ICAR Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-132485 W8-132485-TB CNVPR02 ICAR Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-132486 W8-132486-TB CXVPR02 ICAR Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-132487 W8-132487-TB CYVPR02 ICAR Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-132488 W8-132488-TB CZVPR02 ICAR Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-132489 W8-132489-TB DSVPR02 ICAR Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-132490 W8-132490-TB DTVPR02 ICAR Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-132491 W8-132491-TB GYVPR02 ICAR Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-132492 W8-132492-TB GZVPR02 ICAR Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-132493 W8-132493-TB HYVPR02 ICAR Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-132494 W8-132494-TB J0WPR02 ICAR Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-132495 W8-132495-TB JTSPR02 ICAR Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-132496 W8-132496-TB JTVPR02 ICAR Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-132497 W8-132497-TB JVVPR02 ICAR Computer Lab 06/26/2015

Vostro 1520Dell Inc.

User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

1Total Computers Of This Model:

832-127571 W7-127571-LT BBJYZL1 ATC159E LOANER 04/29/2015

Vostro 1700Dell Inc.

User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

6Total Computers Of This Model:

832-125998 LT-W7-125998 J0V3GG1 ATC159 Unknown 08/01/2014

832-126003 LT-W7-126003 B1V3GG1 LRC120 Stephen Keating 03/03/2015

832-126004 LT-W7-126004 C1V3GG1 ECC203 Belva Hawley-Demendoza 12/12/2013

832-126007 LT-W7-126007 G1V3GG1 ATC133 Barbara Sheppard 03/23/2015

832-126018 LT-W7-126018 C3V3GG1 ATC159E Erin Hinson 02/13/2015

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832-126020 LT-W7-126020 14V3GG1 ATC159E LOANER 03/07/2014

Vostro 400Dell Inc.

User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

14Total Computers Of This Model:

832-012147 HTC24301 1ZM8HF1 HTC243 Computer Lab 05/19/2015

832-012148 HTC24302 JXM8HF1 HTC243 Computer Lab 05/19/2015

832-012149 HTC24303 5ZM8HF1 HTC243 Computer Lab 05/19/2015

832-012150 HTC24304 BYM8HF1 HTC243 Computer Lab 05/19/2015

832-012151 HTC24305 FYM8HF1 HTC243 Computer Lab 05/19/2015

832-012152 HTC24306 7YM8HF1 HTC243 Computer Lab 05/19/2015

832-012153 HTC243INST 3YM8HF1 HTC243 Computer Lab 02/27/2015

832-012154 HTC206A01 CYM8HF1 HTC206A Computer Lab 05/19/2015

832-012155 HTC206F01 6ZM8HF1 HTC206F Computer Lab 05/19/2015

832-012156 HTC206G01 DYM8HF1 HTC206G Computer Lab 05/19/2015

832-012157 HTC206H01 GYM8HF1 HTC206H Computer Lab 05/19/2015

832-012158 HTC21101 2ZM8HF1 HTC211 Multimedia PC 05/18/2015

832-012164 CSEC1101 4XCBHF1 CSEC11 Multimedia PC 06/19/2015

832-012165 CSEC1901 1XCBHF1 CSEC19 Multimedia PC 03/04/2015

XPS 630iDell Inc.

User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

1Total Computers Of This Model:

832-012211 W7-012211 H7FY3J1 ATC133 Unknown 04/28/2014

XPS L521XDell Inc.

User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

3Total Computers Of This Model:

832-130908 W7-130908-LT 7XNGXW1 FBSDC206 Ron Jahn 04/29/2015

832-130929 W7-130929-LT BQXPYW1 FBSDC206 Kristina Noriega 05/14/2015

832-130965 LT-W7-130965 3HYPYW1 VCC123C Ernesto Rivas 01/12/2015

XPS630Dell Inc.

User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

1Total Computers Of This Model:

832-012209 ATC116 F7FY3J1 ATC116 Computer Lab

EPSON 6Total Computers From This Manufacturer:


User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

1Total Computers Of This Model:

MIS-800333 VND3C56303 CUH371 Sarah Camacho


User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

4Total Computers Of This Model:

MIS-800033 L3AZ158200 HOS618L Michelle Robinson

MIS-800034 L3AZ158200 HOS618G Chris Diorietes

MIS-800319 L3AZ186372 HOS610D Susan Pitts

MIS-800320 L3AZ183246 HOS610H Antonio Jackson


User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

1Total Computers Of This Model:

MIS-800279 GPTV021133 HOS618H Lori Kiel

FUJITSU 15Total Computers From This Manufacturer:

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User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

1Total Computers Of This Model:

MIS-800221 A36D125065 GCB212 Catherine Jones


User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

1Total Computers Of This Model:

MIS-800226 A2JD001750 VCC114 Sharnah Jones


User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

1Total Computers Of This Model:

832-123755 711919 GCB205 Trina Whitfield


User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

1Total Computers Of This Model:

832-129051 341257 ADM114 Alina Boenitz


User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

2Total Computers Of This Model:

MIS-800172 A36D188279 GCB202T Tracie Hunter

MIS-800281 A36D155053 ADM114 Elena Turnbough


User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

1Total Computers Of This Model:

MIS-800404 530011 CUH314A Unknown


User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

1Total Computers Of This Model:

832-127913 179349 ADM115A Kimberly Gibbs


User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

1Total Computers Of This Model:

MIS-800450 A36D108272 CBI108A ADJUNCT


User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

5Total Computers Of This Model:

FUJITSU SCANSNAP IX500 A0VB338796 ATC143 Charlene Callahan

MIS-800120 A0VB338664 LAH120B Christina Fitch

MIS-800122 A0VB101266 CUH378 Vanessa Jenks

MIS-800192 A0VB339060 CEC101 Kim Lewis

MIS-800381 A0VB338563 VCC114 Sharnah Jones


User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

1Total Computers Of This Model:

MIS-800401 A04B055987 CUH334 Paul Melvin

GOOGLE 3Total Computers From This Manufacturer:


User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

3Total Computers Of This Model:

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832-132271 ANDROID-132271 D80KBC628969 ATC113C Anthony Cameron

832-132272 ANDROID-132272 D80KBC628111 ATC113C Anthony Cameron

832-132273 ANDROID-132273 D80KBC629548 ATC113C Anthony Cameron

Hewlett-Packard 2,217Total Computers From This Manufacturer:

HP 3115mHewlett-Packard

User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

101Total Computers Of This Model:

832-129437 GCB-QD-CARTA01 5CD2053ML0 GCB225 Computer Lab 05/21/2015

832-129438 GCB-QD-CARTA02 5CD2053MGT GCB225 Computer Lab 05/21/2015

832-129439 GCB-QD-CARTA03 5CD2053MGV GCB225 Computer Lab 05/21/2015

832-129440 GCB-QD-CARTA04 5CD2053MGW GCB225 Computer Lab 05/21/2015

832-129441 GCB-QD-CARTA05 5CD2053MGX GCB225 Computer Lab 05/21/2015

832-129442 GCB-QD-CARTA06 5CD2053MGY GCB225 Computer Lab 05/21/2015

832-129443 GCB-QD-CARTA07 5CD2053MGZ GCB225 Computer Lab 05/21/2015

832-129444 GCB-QD-CARTA08 5CD2053MH0 GCB225 Computer Lab 05/21/2015

832-129445 GCB-QD-CARTA09 5CD2053MH1 GCB225 Computer Lab 05/21/2015

832-129446 GCB-QD-CARTA10 5CD2053MH2 GCB225 Computer Lab 05/21/2015

832-129447 GCB-QD-CARTA11 5CD2053MH3 GCB225 Computer Lab 05/21/2015

832-129448 GCB-QD-CARTA12 5CD2053MH4 GCB225 Computer Lab 05/21/2015

832-129449 GCB-QD-CARTA13 5CD2053MH5 GCB225 Computer Lab 05/21/2015

832-129450 GCB-QD-CARTA14 5CD2053MH6 GCB225 Computer Lab 05/21/2015

832-129451 GCB-QD-CARTA15 5CD2053MH7 GCB225 Computer Lab 05/21/2015

832-129452 GCB-QD-CARTA16 5CD2053MH8 GCB225 Computer Lab 05/21/2015

832-129453 GCB-QD-CARTA17 5CD2053MH9 GCB225 Computer Lab 05/21/2015

832-129454 GCB-QD-CARTA18 5CD2053MHB GCB225 Computer Lab 05/21/2015

832-129455 GCB-QD-CARTA19 5CD2053MHC GCB225 Computer Lab 05/21/2015

832-129456 GCB-QD-CARTA20 5CD2053MHD GCB225 Computer Lab 05/21/2015

832-129457 GCB-QD-CARTA21 5CD2053MHF GCB225 Computer Lab 05/21/2015

832-129458 GCB-QD-CARTA22 5CD2053MHG GCB225 Computer Lab 05/21/2015

832-129459 GCB-QD-CARTA23 5CD2053MHH GCB225 Computer Lab 05/21/2015

832-129460 GCB-QD-CARTA24 5CD2053MHJ GCB225 Computer Lab 11/13/2013

832-129460 QCB-QD-CARTA24 5CD2053MHJ GCB225 Computer Lab 05/21/2015

832-129461 GCB-QD-CARTA25 5CD2053MHK GCB225 Computer Lab 05/21/2015

832-129462 GCB-QD-CARTB01 5CD2053MHL GCB108 Computer Lab 12/02/2013

832-129463 GCB-QD-CARTB02 5CD2053MHM GCB108 Computer Lab 04/22/2014

832-129464 GCB-QD-CARTB03 5CD2053MHN GCB108 Computer Lab 02/27/2015

832-129465 GCB-QD-CARTB04 5CD2053MHP GCB108 Computer Lab 02/26/2015

832-129466 GCB-QD-CARTB05 5CD2053MHQ GCB108 Computer Lab 02/26/2015

832-129467 GCB-QD-CARTB06 5CD2053MHR GCB108 Computer Lab 02/26/2015

832-129468 GCB-QD-CARTB07 5CD2053MHS GCB108 Computer Lab 02/26/2015

832-129469 GCB-QD-CARTB08 5CD2053MHT GCB108 Computer Lab 02/27/2015

832-129470 GCB-QD-CARTB09 5CD2053MHV GCB108 Computer Lab 02/27/2015

832-129471 GCB-QD-CARTB10 5CD2053MHW GCB108 Computer Lab 07/09/2014

832-129472 GCB-QD-CARTB11 5CD2053MHX GCB108 Computer Lab 02/27/2015

832-129473 GCB-QD-CARTB12 5CD2053MHY GCB108 Computer Lab 02/26/2015

832-129474 QCB-QD-CARTB13 5CD2053MHZ GCB108 Computer Lab 02/26/2015

832-129475 GCB-QD-CARTB14 5CD2053MJ0 GCB108 Computer Lab 02/26/2015

832-129476 GCB-QD-CARTB15 5CD2053MJ1 GCB108 Computer Lab 02/26/2015

832-129477 GCB-QD-CARTB16 5CD2053MJ2 GCB108 Computer Lab 02/07/2014

832-129478 GCB-QD-CARTB17 5CD2053MJ3 GCB108 Computer Lab 02/07/2014

832-129479 GCB-QD-CARTB18 5CD2053MJ4 GCB108 Computer Lab 02/26/2015

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832-129480 GCB-QD-CARTB19 5CD2053MJ5 GCB114 Computer Lab 02/27/2015

832-129481 GCB-QD-CARTB20 5CD2053MJ6 GCB108 Computer Lab 02/27/2015

832-129482 GCB-QD-CARTB21 5CD2053MJ7 GCB108 Computer Lab 02/26/2015

832-129483 GCB-QD-CARTB22 5CD2053MJ8 GCB108 Computer Lab 02/26/2015

832-129484 GCB-QD-CARTB23 5CD2053MJ9 GCB108 Computer Lab 02/27/2015

832-129485 GCB-QD-CARTB24 5CD2053MJB GCB108 Computer Lab 12/02/2013

832-129486 GCB-QD-CARTB25 5CD2053MJC GCB108 Computer Lab 11/15/2013

832-129487 GCB-QD-CARTC01 5CD2053MJD GCB225 Computer Lab 05/20/2015

832-129488 GCB-QD-CARTC02 5CD2053MJF GCB225 Computer Lab 05/20/2015

832-129489 GCB-QD-CARTC03 5CD2053MJG GCB225 Computer Lab 05/20/2015

832-129490 GCB-QD-CARTC04 5CD2053MJH GCB225 Computer Lab 05/20/2015

832-129491 GCB-QD-CARTC05 5CD2053MJJ GCB225 Computer Lab 05/20/2015

832-129492 GCB-QD-CARTC06 5CD2053MJK GCB225 Computer Lab 05/20/2015

832-129493 GCB-QD-CARTC07 5CD2053MJL GCB225 Computer Lab 05/20/2015

832-129494 GCB-QD-CARTC08 5CD2053MJM GCB225 Computer Lab 05/20/2015

832-129495 GCB-QD-CARTC09 5CD2053MJN GCB225 Computer Lab 05/20/2015

832-129496 GCB-QD-CARTC10 5CD2053MJP GCB225 Computer Lab 05/20/2015

832-129497 GCB-QD-CARTC11 5CD2053MJQ GCB225 Computer Lab 05/20/2015

832-129498 GCB-QD-CARTC12 5CD2053MJR GCB225 Computer Lab 05/20/2015

832-129499 GCB-QD-CARTC13 5CD2053MJS GCB225 Computer Lab 05/20/2015

832-129500 GCB-QD-CARTC14 5CD2053MJT GCB225 Computer Lab 05/20/2015

832-129501 GCB-QD-CARTC15 5CD2053MJV GCB225 Computer Lab 05/20/2015

832-129502 GCB-QD-CARTC16 5CD2053MJW GCB225 Computer Lab 05/20/2015

832-129503 GCB-QD-CARTC17 5CD2053MJY GCB225 Computer Lab 05/20/2015

832-129504 GCB-QD-CARTC18 5CD2053MJX GCB225 Computer Lab 05/20/2015

832-129505 GCB-QD-CARTC19 5CD2053MJZ GCB225 Computer Lab 05/20/2015

832-129506 GCB-QD-CARTC20 5CD2053MK0 GCB225 Computer Lab 05/20/2015

832-129507 GCB-QD-CARTC21 5CD2053MK1 GCB225 Computer Lab 05/20/2015

832-129508 GCB-QD-CARTC22 5CD2053MK2 GCB225 Computer Lab 05/20/2015

832-129509 GCB-QD-CARTC23 5CD2053MK3 GCB225 Computer Lab 05/20/2015

832-129510 GCB-QD-CARTC24 5CD2053MK4 GCB225 Computer Lab 05/20/2015

832-129511 GCB-QD-CARTC25 5CD2053MK5 GCB225 Computer Lab 05/20/2015

832-129512 GCB-QD-CARTD01 5CD2053MK6 GCB108 ONE STOP 02/27/2015

832-129513 GCB-QD-CARTD02 5CD2053MK7 GCB108 ONE STOP 01/31/2014

832-129514 GCB-QD-CARTD03 5CD2053MK8 GCB108 ONE STOP 01/30/2014

832-129515 GCB-QD-CARTD04 5CD209271D GCB108 ONE STOP 01/31/2014

832-129516 GCB-QD-CARTD05 5CD2053MKB GCB108 ONE STOP 02/26/2015

832-129517 GCB-QD-CARTD06 5CD2053MKC GCB108 ONE STOP 02/26/2015

832-129518 GCB-QD-CARTD07 5CD2053MKD GCB108 ONE STOP 02/26/2015

832-129519 GCB-QD-CARTD08 5CD2053MKF GCB108 ONE STOP 02/26/2015

832-129520 GCB-QD-CARTD09 5CD2053MKG GCB108 ONE STOP 02/26/2015

832-129521 GCB-QD-CARTD10 5CD2053MKH GCB108 ONE STOP 02/26/2015

832-129522 GCB-QD-CARTD11 5CD2053MKJ GCB108 ONE STOP 04/23/2014

832-129523 GCB-QD-CARTD12 5CD2053MKK GCB108 ONE STOP 03/06/2014

832-129524 GCB-QD-CARTD13 5CD2053MKL GCB108 ONE STOP 02/26/2015

832-129525 GCB-QD-CARTD14 5CD2053MKM GCB108 ONE STOP 02/26/2015

832-129526 GCB-QD-CARTD15 5CD2053MKN GCB108 ONE STOP 02/26/2015

832-129527 GCB-QD-CARTD16 5CD2053MKP GCB108 ONE STOP 02/26/2015

832-129528 GCB-QD-CARTD17 5CD2053MKQ GCB108 ONE STOP 02/26/2015

832-129529 GCB-QD-CARTD18 5CD2053MKR GCB108 ONE STOP 02/26/2015

832-129530 GCB-QD-CARTD19 5CD2053MKS GCB108 ONE STOP 01/31/2014

832-129531 GCB-QD-CARTD20 5CD2053MKT GCB108 ONE STOP 02/26/2015

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832-129532 GCB-QD-CARTD21 5CD2053MKV GCB108 ONE STOP 02/26/2015

832-129533 GCB-QD-CARTD22 5CD2053MKW GCB108 ONE STOP 02/10/2014

832-129534 GCB-QD-CARTD23 5CD2053MKX GCB108 ONE STOP 01/31/2014

832-129535 GCB-QD-CARTD24 5CD2053MKY GCB108 ONE STOP 02/27/2015

832-129536 GCB-QD-CARTD25 5CD2053MKZ GCB108 ONE STOP 02/26/2015

HP Compaq 6005 Pro MicrotowerHewlett-Packard

User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

9Total Computers Of This Model:

832-129281 GCB20710 2UA15204FJ GCB207 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-129743 CEC10807 2UA2100F8K CEC108 Computer Lab 06/03/2015

832-129775 ATC104B19 2UA2100F98 ATC104B Computer Lab 06/17/2015

832-130333 VCC12802 2UA2301CTN VCC128 Computer Lab 01/21/2015

832-130353 VCC12822 2UA2301CWL VCC128 Computer Lab 01/21/2015

832-130430 ATC11517 2UA2301CV9 ATC115 Computer Lab 06/19/2015

832-130581 HOS62801 2UA2430BT3 HOS628 Multimedia PC 05/15/2015

832-130591 HOS638A01 2UA2430BTC HOS638A Multimedia PC 06/30/2015

832-130600 HOS70701 2UA2430BTZ HOS707 Multimedia PC 03/16/2015

HP Compaq 6005 Pro MTHewlett-Packard

User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

1Total Computers Of This Model:

832-130306 HTC24247 2UA2301CQS HTC242 Computer Lab 05/20/2015

HP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PCHewlett-Packard

User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

675Total Computers Of This Model:

832-129138 GCB20925 2UA15204GB GCB209 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-129139 GCB21601 2UA15204DR GCB216 Multimedia PC 05/27/2015

832-129141 GCB22401 2UA15204DJ GCB224 Multimedia PC 05/18/2015

832-129142 GCB11301 2UA15204HC GCB113 Computer Lab 12/03/2013

832-129143 GCB11302 2UA15204HP GCB113 Computer Lab 03/14/2014

832-129144 GCB11303 2UA15204GL GCB113 Computer Lab 03/14/2014

832-129145 GCB11304 2UA15204G9 GCB113 Computer Lab 03/14/2014

832-129146 GCB11305 2UA15204HR GCB113 Computer Lab 03/14/2014

832-129147 GCB11306 2UA15204GS GCB113 Computer Lab 04/29/2014

832-129148 GCB11307 2UA15204GN GCB113 Computer Lab 07/18/2014

832-129149 GCB11308 2UA15204GW GCB113 Computer Lab 07/18/2014

832-129150 GCB11309 2UA15204G5 GCB113 Computer Lab 04/29/2014

832-129151 GCB11310 2UA15204GH GCB113 Computer Lab 04/29/2014

832-129152 GCB11311 2UA15204HQ GCB113 Computer Lab 04/29/2014

832-129153 GCB11312 2UA15204HJ GCB113 Computer Lab 01/16/2015

832-129154 GCB11313 2UA15204H8 GCB113 Computer Lab 04/29/2014

832-129155 GCB11314 2UA15204GJ GCB113 Computer Lab 04/29/2014

832-129156 GCB11315 2UA15204G0 GCB113 Computer Lab 05/29/2014

832-129157 GCB11316 2UA15204H0 GCB113 Computer Lab 04/29/2014

832-129158 GCB11317 2UA15204FB GCB113 Computer Lab 02/11/2015

832-129159 GCB11318 2UA15204H2 GCB113 Computer Lab 06/10/2015

832-129160 GCB11319 2UA15204KV GCB113 Computer Lab 04/29/2014

832-129161 GCB11320 2UA15204DX GCB113 Computer Lab 01/15/2014

832-129162 GCB11321 2UA15204HT GCB113 Computer Lab 04/29/2014

832-129163 GCB11322 2UA15204K9 GCB113 Computer Lab 02/11/2015

832-129164 GCB11323 2UA15204JX GCB113 Computer Lab 12/03/2013

832-129165 GCB11324 2UA15204K7 GCB113 Computer Lab 06/12/2015

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832-129166 GCB20926 2UA15204JS GCB209 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-129167 CUH31301 2UA15204G3 CUH313 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-129168 CUH31302 2UA15204HZ CUH313 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-129169 CUH31303 2UA15204F8 CUH313 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-129170 CUH31304 2UA15204FQ CUH313 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-129171 CUH31305 2UA15204JK CUH313 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-129172 CUH31306 2UA15204F5 CUH313 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-129173 CUH31307 2UA15204FY CUH313 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-129174 CUH31308 2UA15204FV CUH313 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-129175 CUH31309 2UA15204FX CUH313 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-129176 CUH31310 2UA15204HM CUH313 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-129177 CUH31311 2UA15204KB CUH313 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-129178 CUH31312 2UA15204F2 CUH313 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-129179 CUH31313 2UA15204F4 CUH313 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-129180 CUH31314 2UA15204FP CUH313 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-129181 CUH31315 2UA15204J8 CUH313 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-129182 CUH31316 2UA15204F9 CUH313 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-129183 CUH31317 2UA15204HY CUH313 Computer Lab 04/15/2015

832-129184 CUH31318 2UA15204KS CUH313 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-129185 CUH31319 2UA15204FS CUH313 ONE STOP 05/15/2015

832-129186 CUH31320 2UA15204HG CUH313 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-129187 CUH31321 2UA15204DV CUH313 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-129188 CUH31322 2UA15204J9 CUH313 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-129189 CUH31323 2UA15204DY CUH313 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-129190 CUH31324 2UA15204DW CUH313 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-129191 GCB225LT2 2UA15204KC GCB225 Computer Lab 07/01/2015

832-129192 GCB11719 2UA15204J1 GCB117 Computer Lab 03/13/2014

832-129193 GCB11720 2UA15204KG GCB117 Computer Lab 11/05/2013

832-129194 GCB11721 2UA15204JP GCB117 Computer Lab 04/23/2014

832-129195 GCB11722 2UA15204K0 GCB117 Computer Lab 07/09/2013

832-129196 GCB11723 2UA15204DS GCB117 Computer Lab 05/14/2015

832-129197 GCB11724 2UA15204KY GCB117 Computer Lab 07/09/2013

832-129198 GCB11713 2UA15204KW GCB117 Computer Lab 07/09/2013

832-129199 GCB11714 2UA15204DC GCB117 Computer Lab 11/20/2013

832-129200 GCB11715 2UA15204DH GCB117 Computer Lab 04/23/2014

832-129201 GCB11716 2UA15204KX GCB117 Computer Lab 07/11/2013

832-129202 GCB11717 2UA15204L7 GCB117 Computer Lab 07/11/2013

832-129203 GCB11718 2UA15204KP GCB117 Computer Lab 11/05/2013

832-129204 GCB11707 2UA15204KT GCB117 Computer Lab 07/09/2013

832-129205 GCB11708 2UA15204J4 GCB117 Computer Lab 07/09/2013

832-129206 GCB11709 2UA15204JJ GCB117 Computer Lab 07/09/2013

832-129207 GCB11710 2UA15204G6 GCB117 Computer Lab 07/09/2013

832-129208 GCB11711 2UA15204F0 GCB117 Computer Lab 11/11/2014

832-129209 GCB11712 2UA15204KH GCB117 Computer Lab 07/09/2013

832-129210 GCB11701 2UA15204F1 GCB117 Computer Lab 02/21/2014

832-129211 GCB11702 2UA15204L4 GCB117 Computer Lab 07/09/2013

832-129212 GCB11703 2UA15204FL GCB117 Computer Lab 07/09/2013

832-129213 GCB11704 2UA15204GC GCB117 Computer Lab 07/09/2013

832-129214 GCB11705 2UA15204DD GCB117 Computer Lab 07/09/2013

832-129215 GCB11706 2UA15204JY GCB117 Computer Lab 07/09/2013

832-129216 GCB20927 2UA15204HS GCB209 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-129217 GCB11901 2UA15204H4 GCB119 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

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832-129218 GCB11902 2UA15204GV GCB119 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-129219 GCB11903 2UA15204F3 GCB119 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-129220 GCB11904 2UA15204HH GCB119 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-129221 GCB11905 2UA15204JZ GCB119 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-129222 GCB11906 2UA15204H1 GCB119 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-129223 GCB11907 2UA15204GX GCB119 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-129224 GCB11908 2UA15204GF GCB119 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-129225 GCB11909 2UA15204FC GCB119 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-129226 GCB11910 2UA15204DQ GCB119 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-129227 GCB11911 2UA15204GP GCB119 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-129228 GCB11912 2UA15204HV GCB119 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-129229 GCB11913 2UA15204J0 GCB119 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-129230 GCB11914 2UA15204HF GCB119 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-129231 GCB11915 2UA15204H9 GCB119 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-129232 GCB11916 2UA15204H5 GCB119 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-129233 GCB11917 2UA15204GY GCB119 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-129234 GCB11918 2UA15204F6 GCB119 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-129235 GCB11919 2UA15204HD GCB119 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-129236 GCB11920 2UA15204HB GCB119 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-129237 GCB11921 2UA15204HN GCB119 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-129238 GCB11922 2UA15204HL GCB119 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-129239 GCB11923 2UA15204HX GCB119 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-129240 GCB11924 2UA15204KF GCB119 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-129241 W7-129241 2UA15204JR SLC216A James Walker 07/01/2015

832-129242 GCB20601 2UA15204DF GCB206 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-129243 GCB20602 2UA15204G4 GCB206 Computer Lab 03/19/2015

832-129244 GCB20603 2UA15204GG GCB206 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-129245 GCB20604 2UA15204FT GCB206 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-129246 GCB20605 2UA15204DK GCB206 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-129247 GCB20606 2UA15204L2 GCB206 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-129248 GCB20607 2UA15204L0 GCB206 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-129249 GCB20608 2UA15204HW GCB206 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-129250 GCB20609 2UA15204J5 GCB206 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-129251 GCB20610 2UA15204J2 GCB206 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-129252 GCB20611 2UA15204KD GCB206 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-129253 GCB20612 2UA15204JQ GCB206 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-129254 GCB20613 2UA15204JG GCB206 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-129255 GCB20614 2UA15204DL GCB206 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-129256 GCB20615 2UA15204KR GCB206 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-129257 GCB20616 2UA15204K2 GCB206 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-129258 GCB20617 2UA15204JW GCB206 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-129259 GCB20618 2UA15204JL GCB206 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-129260 GCB20619 2UA15204DG GCB206 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-129261 GCB20620 2UA15204DM GCB206 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-129262 GCB20621 2UA15204KZ GCB206 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-129263 GCB20622 2UA15204L6 GCB206 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-129264 GCB20623 2UA15204DP GCB206 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-129265 GCB20624 2UA15204JN GCB206 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-129266 GCB20928 2UA15204K4 GCB209 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-129267 GCB20717 2UA15204GT GCB207 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-129268 GCB20718 2UA15204GM GCB207 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-129269 GCB20719 2UA15204GQ GCB207 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

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832-129270 GCB20720 2UA15204DT GCB207 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-129271 GCB20721 2UA15204GD GCB207 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-129272 GCB20722 2UA15204GK GCB207 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-129273 GCB20723 2UA15204GZ GCB207 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-129274 GCB20724 2UA15204H3 GCB207 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-129275 GCB20716 2UA15204G7 GCB207 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-129276 GCB20715 2UA15204G1 GCB207 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-129277 GCB20714 2UA15204FD GCB207 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-129278 GCB20713 2UA15204G8 GCB207 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-129279 GCB20712 2UA15204DZ GCB207 Computer Lab 01/05/2015

832-129280 GCB20711 2UA15204F7 GCB207 Computer Lab 06/22/2015

832-129282 GCB20709 2UA15204GR GCB207 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-129283 GCB20701 2UA15204FN GCB207 Computer Lab 06/22/2015

832-129284 GCB20702 2UA15204FH GCB207 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-129285 GCB20703 2UA15204FG GCB207 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-129286 GCB20704 2UA15204FR GCB207 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-129287 GCB20705 2UA15204H6 GCB207 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-129288 GCB20706 2UA15204FM GCB207 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-129289 GCB20707 2UA15204FF GCB207 Computer Lab 04/17/2015

832-129290 GCB20708 2UA15204FZ GCB207 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-129291 GCB225LT1 2UA15204FK GCB225 Computer Lab 06/12/2015

832-129292 GCB20901 2UA15204JT GCB209 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-129293 GCB20902 2UA15204K1 GCB209 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-129294 GCB20903 2UA15204JD GCB209 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-129295 GCB20904 2UA15204JF GCB209 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-129296 GCB20905 2UA15204JC GCB209 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-129297 GCB20906 2UA15204JV GCB209 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-129298 GCB20907 2UA15204J6 GCB209 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-129299 GCB20908 2UA15204K3 GCB209 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-129300 GCB20909 2UA15204K5 GCB209 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-129301 GCB20910 2UA15204KN GCB209 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-129302 GCB20911 2UA15204JH GCB209 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-129303 GCB20912 2UA15204DN GCB209 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-129304 GCB20913 2UA15204K6 GCB209 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-129305 GCB20914 2UA15204KK GCB209 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-129306 GCB20915 2UA15204JM GCB209 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-129307 GCB20916 2UA15204J3 GCB209 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-129308 GCB20917 2UA15204L3 GCB209 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-129309 GCB20918 2UA15204HK GCB209 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-129310 GCB20919 2UA15204J7 GCB209 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-129311 GCB20920 2UA15204L1 GCB209 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-129312 GCB20921 2UA15204KQ GCB209 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-129313 GCB20922 2UA15204DB GCB209 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-129314 GCB20923 2UA15204L5 GCB209 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-129315 GCB20924 2UA15204KL GCB209 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-129316 CUH313INST 2UA15204KJ CUH313 Computer Lab 05/22/2015

832-129317 GCB202J01 2UA15204KM GCB202 Multimedia PC 10/22/2014

832-129318 GCB22101 2UA15204FW GCB221 Multimedia PC 05/18/2015

832-129319 GCB22201 2UA15204JB GCB222 Multimedia PC 05/28/2014

832-129320 GCB21501 2UA15204H7 GCB215 Multimedia PC 05/18/2015

832-129720 W7-129720 2UA2100F7H NCB7B ADJUNCT 06/18/2014

832-129721 SLC20201 2UA2100F7J SLC202 Computer Lab 07/01/2015

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832-129722 SLC20202 2UA2100F7K SLC202 Computer Lab 06/19/2015

832-129723 SLC20203 2UA2100F7L SLC202 Computer Lab 06/19/2015

832-129724 SLC20204 2UA2100F7M SLC202 Computer Lab 06/19/2015

832-129725 SLC20205 2UA2100F7N SLC202 Computer Lab 06/19/2015

832-129726 SLC20206 2UA2100F7P SLC202 Computer Lab 06/19/2015

832-129727 SLC20207 2UA2100F7Q SLC202 Computer Lab 06/19/2015

832-129728 SLC20208 2UA2100F7R SLC202 Computer Lab 06/19/2015

832-129729 SLC20209 2UA2100F7S SLC202 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-129730 SLC20210 2UA2100F7T SLC202 Computer Lab 06/19/2015

832-129731 SLC20211 2UA2100F7V SLC202 Computer Lab 06/19/2015

832-129732 SLC20212 2UA2100F7W SLC202 Computer Lab 06/19/2015

832-129733 SLC20213 2UA2100F7X SLC202 Computer Lab 06/19/2015

832-129734 SLC20214 2UA2100F7Y SLC202 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-129735 SLC20215 2UA2100F7Z SLC202 Computer Lab 06/19/2015

832-129736 SLC20216 2UA2100F8B SLC202 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-129737 CEC10801 2UA2100F8C CEC108 Computer Lab 06/29/2015

832-129738 CEC10802 2UA2100F8D CEC108 Computer Lab 04/10/2015

832-129739 CEC10803 2UA2100F8F CEC108 Computer Lab 04/10/2015

832-129740 CEC10804 2UA2100F8G CEC108 Computer Lab 04/10/2015

832-129741 CEC10805 2UA2100F8H CEC108 Computer Lab 04/10/2015

832-129742 CEC10806 2UA2100F8J CEC108 Computer Lab 06/29/2015

832-129744 CEC10808 2UA2100F8L CEC108 Computer Lab 04/10/2015

832-129745 CEC10809 2UA2100F8M CEC108 Computer Lab 04/10/2015

832-129746 CEC10810 2UA2100F8N CEC108 Computer Lab 04/10/2015

832-129747 CEC10811 2UA2100F80 CEC108 Computer Lab 06/29/2015

832-129748 CEC10812 2UA2100F81 CEC108 Computer Lab 04/10/2015

832-129749 CEC10813 2UA2100F82 CEC108 Computer Lab 04/10/2015

832-129750 CEC10814 2UA2100F83 CEC108 Computer Lab 04/10/2015

832-129751 CEC10815 2UA2100F84 CEC108 Computer Lab 04/10/2015

832-129752 CEC10816 2UA2100F85 CEC108 Computer Lab 04/10/2015

832-129753 CEC10817 2UA2100F86 CEC108 Computer Lab 04/10/2015

832-129754 CEC10818 2UA2100F87 CEC108 Computer Lab 04/10/2015

832-129755 CEC10819 2UA2100F88 CEC108 Computer Lab 06/29/2015

832-129756 CEC108INST 2UA2100F89 CEC108 Computer Lab 04/10/2015

832-129757 ATC104B01 2UA2100F8S ATC104B Computer Lab 06/17/2015

832-129758 ATC104B02 2UA2100F8P ATC104B Computer Lab 06/17/2015

832-129759 ATC104B03 2UA2100F8Q ATC104B Computer Lab 06/17/2015

832-129760 ATC104B04 2UA2100F8R ATC104B Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-129761 ATC104B05 2UA2100F8T ATC104B Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-129762 ATC104B06 2UA2100F8V ATC104B Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-129763 ATC104B07 2UA2100F8W ATC104B Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-129764 ATC104B08 2UA2100F8X ATC104B Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-129765 ATC104B09 2UA2100F8Y ATC104B Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-129766 ATC104B10 2UA2100F8Z ATC104B Computer Lab 06/17/2015

832-129767 ATC104B11 2UA2100F90 ATC104B Computer Lab 06/17/2015

832-129768 ATC104B12 2UA2100F91 ATC104B Computer Lab 06/17/2015

832-129769 ATC104B13 2UA2100F92 ATC104B Computer Lab 06/17/2015

832-129770 ATC104B14 2UA2100F93 ATC104B Computer Lab 06/17/2015

832-129771 ATC104B15 2UA2100F94 ATC104B Computer Lab 06/17/2015

832-129772 ATC104B16 2UA2100F95 ATC104B Computer Lab 06/17/2015

832-129773 ATC104B17 2UA2100F96 ATC104B Computer Lab 06/17/2015

832-129774 ATC104B18 2UA2100F97 ATC104B Computer Lab 06/17/2015

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832-129776 ATC104B20 2UA2100F99 ATC104B Computer Lab 06/17/2015

832-129777 ATC104B21 2UA2100F9B ATC104B Computer Lab 06/17/2015

832-129778 CUH34101 2UA2100F9C CUH341 Multimedia PC 05/14/2015

832-129779 CEC15101 2UA2100F9D CEC151 Multimedia PC 02/03/2015

832-129780 ATC20201 2UA2100F9F ATC202 Multimedia PC 02/02/2015

832-129781 HOS641A01 2UA2100F9G HOS641A Multimedia PC 12/05/2014

832-129782 CUH34201 2UA2100F9H CUH342 Multimedia PC 05/14/2015

832-129783 HOS644B01 2UA2100F9J HOS644B Multimedia PC 05/14/2015

832-129784 VCC21601 2UA2100F9K VCC216 Multimedia PC 05/29/2015

832-129785 ATC15601 2UA2100F9L ATC156 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-129786 ATC15602 2UA2100F9M ATC156 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-129787 ATC15603 2UA2100F9N ATC156 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-129788 ATC15604 2UA2100F9P ATC156 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-129789 ATC15605 2UA2100F9Q ATC156 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-129790 ATC15606 2UA2100F9R ATC156 Computer Lab 01/05/2015

832-129791 ATC15607 2UA2100F9S ATC156 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-129792 ATC15608 2UA2100F9T ATC156 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-129793 ATC15609 2UA2100F9V ATC156 Computer Lab 05/13/2015

832-129794 ATC15610 2UA2100F9W ATC156 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-129795 ATC15611 2UA2100F9X ATC156 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-129796 ATC15612 2UA2100F9Y ATC156 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-129797 ATC15613 2UA2100F9Z ATC156 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-129798 ATC15614 2UA2100FB0 ATC156 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-129799 ATC15615 2UA2100FB1 ATC156 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-129800 ATC15616 2UA2100FB2 ATC156 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-129801 ATC15617 2UA2100FB3 ATC156 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-129802 ATC15618 2UA2100FB4 ATC156 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-129803 ATC15619 2UA2100FB5 ATC156 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-129804 ATC15620 2UA2100FB6 ATC156 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-129805 ATC15621 2UA2100FB7 ATC156 Computer Lab 05/12/2015

832-129806 ATC15622 2UA2100FB8 ATC156 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-129807 ATC15623 2UA2100FB9 ATC156 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-129808 ATC15624 2UA2100FBB ATC156 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-129809 ATC15625 2UA2100FBC ATC156 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-129810 ATC15626 2UA2100FBD ATC156 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-129811 ATC156INST 2UA2100FBF ATC156 Computer Lab 05/22/2015

832-129812 ATC1204B01 2UA2100FBG ATC120 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-129813 ATC1204B02 2UA2100FBH ATC120 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-129814 ATC1204B03 2UA2100FBJ ATC120 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-129815 ATC1204B04 2UA2100FBK ATC120 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-129816 ATC1204B05 2UA2100FBL ATC120 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-129817 ATC1204B06 2UA2100FBM ATC120 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-129818 ATC1204B07 2UA2100FBN ATC120 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-129819 ATC1204C01 2UA2100FBP ATC120 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-129820 ATC1204C02 2UA2100FBQ ATC120 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-129821 ATC1204C03 2UA2100FBR ATC120 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-129822 ATC1204C04 2UA2100FBS ATC120 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-129823 ATC1204C05 2UA2100FBT ATC120 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-129824 ATC1204C06 2UA2100FBV ATC120 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-129825 ATC1204C07 2UA2100FBW ATC120 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-129826 ATC1204C08 2UA2100FBX ATC120 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-129827 ATC1204D01 2UA2100FBY ATC120 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

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832-129828 ATC1204D02 2UA2100FBZ ATC120 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-129829 ATC1204D03 2UA2100FC0 ATC120 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-129830 ATC1204D04 2UA2100FC1 ATC120 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-129831 ATC1204D05 2UA2100FC2 ATC120 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-129832 ATC1204D06 2UA2100FC3 ATC120 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-129833 ATC1204D07 2UA2100FC4 ATC120 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-129834 ATC1206A06 2UA2100FC5 ATC120 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-129835 ATC1206A07 2UA2100FC6 ATC120 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-129836 ATC1206A08 2UA2100FC7 ATC120 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-129858 ATC1202A01 2UA2111RQB ATC120 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-129859 ATC1202A02 2UA2111RQC ATC120 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-129860 ATC1202A03 2UA2111RQD ATC120 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-129861 ATC1202A04 2UA2111RQF ATC120 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-129862 ATC1202A05 2UA2111RQG ATC120 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-129863 ATC1202A06 2UA2111RQH ATC120 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-129864 ATC1202A07 2UA2111RQJ ATC120 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-129865 ATC1202A08 2UA2111RQK ATC120 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-129866 ATC1202B01 2UA2111RQL ATC120 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-129867 ATC1202B02 2UA2111RQM ATC120 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-129868 ATC120A2B03 2UA2111RQN ATC120 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-129869 ATC1202B04 2UA2111RQP ATC120 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-129870 ATC1202B05 2UA2111RQQ ATC120 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-129871 ATC1202B06 2UA2111RQR ATC120 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-129872 ATC1202C01 2UA2111RQS ATC120 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-129873 ATC1202C02 2UA2111RQT ATC120 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-129874 ATC1202C03 2UA2111RQV ATC120 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-129875 ATC1202C04 2UA2111RQW ATC120 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-129876 ATC1202C05 2UA2111RQX ATC120 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-129877 ATC1202C06 2UA2111RQY ATC120 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-129878 ATC1202C07 2UA2111RQZ ATC120 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-129879 ATC1202C08 2UA2111RQ3 ATC120 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-129880 ATC1203A02 2UA2111RQ4 ATC120 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-129881 ATC1203A01 2UA2111RQ5 ATC120 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-129882 ATC1203A03 2UA2111RQ6 ATC120 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-129883 ATC1203A04 2UA2111RQ7 ATC120 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-129884 ATC1203A05 2UA2111RQ8 ATC120 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-129885 ATC1203A06 2UA2111RQ9 ATC120 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-129886 ATC1203B01 2UA2111RRB ATC120 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-129887 ATC1203B02 2UA2111RRC ATC120 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-129888 ATC1203B03 2UA2111RRD ATC120 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-129889 ATC1203B04 2UA2111RRF ATC120 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-129890 ATC1203B05 2UA2111RRG ATC120 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-129891 ATC1203B06 2UA2111RRH ATC120 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-129892 ATC1203B07 2UA2111RRJ ATC120 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-129893 ATC1203B08 2UA2111RRK ATC120 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-129894 ATC120A4E01 2UA2111RRL ATC120 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-129895 ATC120A4E02 2UA2111RRM ATC120 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-129896 ATC120A4E03 2UA2111RRN ATC120 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-129897 ATC120A4E04 2UA2111RRP ATC120 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-129898 ATC120A4E05 2UA2111RRQ ATC120 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-129899 ATC120A4E06 2UA2111RRR ATC120 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-129900 ATC120A4E07 2UA2111RRS ATC120 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

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832-129901 ATC120A4E08 2UA2111RRT ATC120 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-129902 ATC1205A01 2UA2111RRV ATC120 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-129903 ATC1205A02 2UA2111RRW ATC120 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-129904 ATC1205A03 2UA2111RRX ATC120 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-129905 ATC1205A04 2UA2111RRY ATC120 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-129906 ATC1205A05 2UA2111RRZ ATC120 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-129907 ATC1205A06 2UA2111RR0 ATC120 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-129908 ATC1205B01 2UA2111RR1 ATC120 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-129909 ATC1205B02 2UA2111RR2 ATC120 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-129910 ATC1205B03 2UA2111RR3 ATC120 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-129911 ATC1205B04 2UA2111RR4 ATC120 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-129912 ATC1205B05 2UA2111RR5 ATC120 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-129913 ATC1205B06 2UA2111RR6 ATC120 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-129914 ATC1206A01 2UA2111RR7 ATC120 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-129915 ATC1206A02 2UA2111RR8 ATC120 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-129916 ATC1206A03 2UA2111RR9 ATC120 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-129917 ATC1206A04 2UA2111RSB ATC120 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-129918 ATC1206A05 2UA2111RSC ATC120 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-129919 ATC20901 2UA2111RSD ATC209 Computer Lab 06/17/2015

832-129920 ATC20902 2UA2111RSF ATC209 Computer Lab 06/17/2015

832-129921 ATC20903 2UA2111RSG ATC209 Computer Lab 06/17/2015

832-129922 ATC20904 2UA2111RSH ATC209 Computer Lab 06/17/2015

832-129923 ATC20905 2UA2111RSJ ATC209 Computer Lab 06/17/2015

832-129924 ATC20906 2UA2111RSK ATC209 Computer Lab 06/17/2015

832-129925 ATC20907 2UA2111RSL ATC209 Computer Lab 06/17/2015

832-129926 ATC20908 2UA2111RSM ATC209 Computer Lab 06/17/2015

832-129927 ATC20909 2UA2111RSN ATC209 Computer Lab 06/17/2015

832-129928 ATC20910 2UA2111RSP ATC209 Computer Lab 06/17/2015

832-129929 ATC20911 2UA2111RSQ ATC209 Computer Lab 06/17/2015

832-129930 ATC20912 2UA2111RSR ATC209 Computer Lab 06/17/2015

832-129931 ATC20913 2UA2111RSS ATC209 Computer Lab 06/17/2015

832-129932 ATC20914 2UA2111RST ATC209 Computer Lab 06/17/2015

832-129933 ATC20915 2UA2111RSV ATC209 Computer Lab 06/17/2015

832-129934 ATC20916 2UA2111RSW ATC209 Computer Lab 06/17/2015

832-129935 ATC20917 2UA2111RSX ATC209 Computer Lab 06/17/2015

832-129936 ATC20918 2UA2111RSY ATC209 Computer Lab 06/17/2015

832-129937 ATC20919 2UA2111RSZ ATC209 Computer Lab 06/17/2015

832-129938 ATC20920 2UA2111RS0 ATC209 Computer Lab 06/17/2015

832-129939 ATC20921 2UA2111RS1 ATC209 Computer Lab 06/17/2015

832-129940 ATC20922 2UA2111RS2 ATC209 Computer Lab 06/17/2015

832-129941 ATC20923 2UA2111RS3 ATC209 Computer Lab 06/17/2015

832-129942 ATC209INST 2UA2111RS4 ATC209 Computer Lab 06/17/2015

832-129943 CUH33701 2UA2111RS5 CUH337 Multimedia PC 05/14/2015

832-129944 CUH33801 2UA2111RS6 CUH338 Multimedia PC 05/14/2015

832-129945 CUH35701 2UA2111RS7 CUH357 Multimedia PC 05/14/2015

832-129946 CUH35801 2UA2111RS8 CUH358 Multimedia PC 05/14/2015

832-129947 CUH35901 2UA2111RS9 CUH359 Multimedia PC 05/14/2015

832-129948 HTC10701 2UA2111RTB HTC107 Multimedia PC 05/15/2015

832-129949 HTC11101 2UA2111RTC HTC111 Multimedia PC 05/19/2015

832-129950 HTC11301 2UA2111RTD HTC113 Multimedia PC 05/15/2015

832-129951 HTC14501 2UA2111RTF HTC145 Multimedia PC 05/15/2015

832-129952 HTC15301 2UA2111RTG HTC153 Multimedia PC 05/15/2015

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832-129953 HTC22901 2UA2111RTH HTC229 Multimedia PC 06/17/2015

832-129954 HTC23301 2UA2111RTJ HTC233 Multimedia PC 05/18/2015

832-129955 HTC23901 2UA2111RTK HTC239 Multimedia PC 05/18/2015

832-129956 AUB10101 2UA2111RTL ATC120A AVAILABLE 04/30/2015

832-129957 ATC13901 2UA2111RTM ATC139 Computer Lab 04/24/2015

832-129958 CUH33601 2UA2111RT0 CUH336 Multimedia PC 05/14/2015

832-129959 LAH10601 2UA2111RT1 LAH106 Multimedia PC 06/10/2015

832-129960 ATC21318 2UA2111RT2 ATC120A AVAILABLE 02/19/2015

832-129961 HTC24101 2UA2111RT3 HTC241 Multimedia PC 05/18/2015

832-129962 HOS62501 2UA2111RT4 HOS625 Multimedia PC 05/14/2015

832-129963 VCC232J01 2UA2111RT5 VCC232J Computer Lab 05/01/2015

832-129964 VCC232J02 2UA2111RT6 VCC232J Computer Lab 05/01/2015

832-129965 VCC232J03 2UA2111RT7 VCC232J Computer Lab 05/01/2015

832-129966 VCC232J04 2UA2111RT8 VCC232J Computer Lab 05/01/2015

832-129967 VCC232J05 2UA2111RT9 VCC232J Computer Lab 05/01/2015

832-130210 SLC21401 2UA2301CWK SLC214 Computer Lab 06/24/2015

832-130211 SLC21402 2UA2301CWH SLC214 Computer Lab 06/24/2015

832-130212 SLC21403 2UA2301CSW SLC214 Computer Lab 06/24/2015

832-130213 SLC21404 2UA2301CT6 SLC214 Computer Lab 06/24/2015

832-130214 SLC21405 2UA2301CSV SLC214 Computer Lab 06/24/2015

832-130215 SLC21406 2UA2301CSM SLC214 Computer Lab 06/24/2015

832-130216 SLC21407 2UA2301CSQ SLC214 Computer Lab 06/24/2015

832-130217 SLC21408 2UA2301CTV SLC214 Computer Lab 06/24/2015

832-130218 SLC21409 2UA2301CSL SLC214 Computer Lab 06/24/2015

832-130219 SLC21410 2UA2301CVD SLC214 Computer Lab 06/24/2015

832-130220 SLC21411 2UA2301CTP SLC214 Computer Lab 06/24/2015

832-130221 SLC21412 2UA2301CSX SLC214 Computer Lab 06/24/2015

832-130222 SLC21413 2UA2301CV7 SLC214 Computer Lab 06/24/2015

832-130223 SLC21414 2UA2301CWY SLC214 Computer Lab 06/24/2015

832-130224 SLC21415 2UA2301CPF SLC214 Computer Lab 06/24/2015

832-130225 SLC21416 2UA2301CWP SLC214 Computer Lab 06/24/2015

832-130226 SLC21417 2UA2301CWX SLC214 Computer Lab 06/24/2015

832-130227 SLC21418 2UA2301CX4 SLC214 Computer Lab 06/24/2015

832-130228 SLC21419 2UA2301CX8 SLC214 Computer Lab 06/24/2015

832-130229 SLC21420 2UA2301CRF SLC214 Computer Lab 06/24/2015

832-130230 SLC21421 2UA2301CPK SLC214 Computer Lab 06/24/2015

832-130231 SLC21422 2UA2301CXJ SLC214 Computer Lab 06/24/2015

832-130232 SLC21423 2UA2301CWV SLC214 Computer Lab 06/24/2015

832-130233 SLC21424 2UA2301CXB SLC214 Computer Lab 06/24/2015

832-130234 SLC214INST 2UA2301CX6 SLC214 Computer Lab 06/24/2015

832-130235 SLC21601 2UA2301CXC SLC216 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-130236 SLC21602 2UA2301CQ2 SLC216 Computer Lab 06/19/2015

832-130237 SLC21603 2UA2301CPC SLC216 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-130238 SLC21604 2UA2301CQD SLC216 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-130239 SLC21605 2UA2301CX2 SLC216 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-130240 SLC21606 2UA2301CX0 SLC216 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-130241 SLC21607 2UA2301CXH SLC216 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-130242 SLC21608 2UA2301CWQ SLC216 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-130243 SLC21609 2UA2301CXL SLC216 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-130244 SLC21610 2UA2301CWT SLC216 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-130245 SLC21611 2UA2301CXG SLC216 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-130246 SLC21612 2UA2301CX5 SLC216 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

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832-130247 SLC21613 2UA2301CTM SLC216 Computer Lab 05/19/2015

832-130248 SLC21614 2UA2301CV5 SLC216 Computer Lab 05/19/2015

832-130249 SLC21615 2UA2301CSP SLC216 Computer Lab 05/19/2015

832-130250 SLC21616 2UA2301CTX SLC216 Computer Lab 05/19/2015

832-130251 SLC21617 2UA2301CT1 SLC216 Computer Lab 05/19/2015

832-130252 SLC21618 2UA2301CRS SLC216 Computer Lab 05/19/2015

832-130253 SLC21619 2UA2301CV3 SLC216 Computer Lab 05/19/2015

832-130254 SLC21620 2UA2301CSK SLC216 Computer Lab 05/19/2015

832-130255 SLC21621 2UA2301CTB SLC216 Computer Lab 05/19/2015

832-130256 SLC21622 2UA2301CV4 SLC216 Computer Lab 05/19/2015

832-130257 SLC21623 2UA23413RH SLC216 Computer Lab 05/19/2015

832-130258 SLC21624 2UA2301CS3 SLC216 Computer Lab 05/19/2015

832-130259 SLC216INST 2UA2301CSZ SLC216 Computer Lab 05/26/2015

832-130260 HTC24201 2UA2301CVW HTC242 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-130261 HTC24202 2UA2301CVN HTC242 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-130262 HTC24203 2UA2301CT7 HTC242 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-130263 HTC24204 2UA2301CPB HTC242 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-130264 HTC24205 2UA2301CVT HTC242 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-130265 HTC24206 2UA2301CWB HTC242 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-130266 HTC24207 2UA2301CT5 HTC242 Computer Lab 06/22/2015

832-130267 HTC24208 2UA2301CRK HTC242 Computer Lab 06/22/2015

832-130268 HTC24209 2UA2301CRQ HTC242 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-130269 HTC24210 2UA2301CQK HTC242 Computer Lab 06/22/2015

832-130270 HTC24211 2UA2301CRP HTC242 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-130271 HTC24212 2UA2301CW0 HTC242 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-130272 HTC24213 2UA2301CW1 HTC242 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-130273 HTC24214 2UA2301CVZ HTC242 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-130274 HTC24215 2UA2301CSY HTC242 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-130275 HTC24216 2UA2301CTF HTC242 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-130276 HTC24217 2UA2301CR4 HTC242 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-130277 HTC24218 2UA2301CQT HTC242 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-130278 HTC24219 2UA2301CTR HTC242 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-130279 HTC24220 2UA2301CTY HTC242 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-130280 HTC24221 2UA2301CR3 HTC242 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-130281 HTC24222 2UA2301CRT HTC242 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-130282 HTC24223 2UA2301CW3 HTC242 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-130283 HTC24224 2UA2301CRW HTC242 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-130284 HTC24225 2UA2301CPN HTC242 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-130285 HTC24226 2UA2301CR0 HTC242 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-130286 HTC24227 2UA2301CW6 HTC242 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-130287 HTC24228 2UA2301CQZ HTC242 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-130288 HTC24229 2UA2301CQP HTC242 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-130289 HTC24230 2UA2301CVS HTC242 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-130290 HTC24231 2UA2301CS4 HTC242 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-130291 HTC24232 2UA2301CV2 HTC242 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-130292 HTC24233 2UA2301CTH HTC242 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-130293 HTC24234 2UA2301CQL HTC242 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-130294 HTC24235 2UA2301CWN HTC242 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-130295 HTC24236 2UA2301CTZ HTC242 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-130296 HTC24237 2UA2301CQX HTC242 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-130297 HTC24238 2UA2301CPH HTC242 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-130298 HTC24239 2UA2301CR1 HTC242 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

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832-130299 HTC24240 2UA2301CQQ HTC242 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-130300 HTC24241 2UA2301CRG HTC242 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-130301 HTC24242 2UA2301CRX HTC242 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-130302 HTC24243 2UA2301CRR HTC242 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-130303 HTC24244 2UA2301CQ3 HTC242 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-130304 HTC24245 2UA2301CVJ HTC242 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-130305 HTC24246 2UA2301CVV HTC242 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-130307 HTC24248 2UA2301CRV HTC242 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-130308 VCC12901 2UA2301CTG VCC129 Computer Lab 03/03/2015

832-130309 VCC12902 2UA2301CVX VCC129 Computer Lab 03/03/2015

832-130310 VCC12903 2UA2301CRZ VCC129 Computer Lab 03/03/2015

832-130311 VCC12904 2UA2301CVK VCC129 Computer Lab 03/03/2015

832-130312 VCC12905 2UA2301CVF VCC129 Computer Lab 03/03/2015

832-130313 VCC12906 2UA2301CRH VCC129 Computer Lab 03/03/2015

832-130314 VCC12907 2UA2301CRN VCC129 Computer Lab 03/03/2015

832-130315 VCC12908 2UA2301CVL VCC129 Computer Lab 03/03/2015

832-130316 VCC12909 2UA2301CTQ VCC129 Computer Lab 03/03/2015

832-130317 VCC12910 2UA2301CRC VCC129 Computer Lab 03/03/2015

832-130318 VCC12911 2UA2301CVP VCC129 Computer Lab 03/03/2015

832-130319 VCC12912 2UA2301CRB VCC129 Computer Lab 03/03/2015

832-130320 VCC12913 2UA2301CVH VCC129 Computer Lab 03/03/2015

832-130321 VCC12914 2UA2301CS9 VCC129 Computer Lab 03/03/2015

832-130322 VCC12915 2UA2301CQ4 VCC129 Computer Lab 03/03/2015

832-130323 VCC12916 2UA2301CS7 VCC129 Computer Lab 03/03/2015

832-130324 VCC12917 2UA2301CVC VCC129 Computer Lab 03/03/2015

832-130325 VCC12918 2UA2301CSF VCC129 Computer Lab 03/03/2015

832-130326 VCC12919 2UA2301CW4 VCC129 Computer Lab 03/03/2015

832-130327 VCC12920 2UA2301CPG VCC129 Computer Lab 03/03/2015

832-130328 VCC12921 2UA2301CR7 VCC129 Computer Lab 03/03/2015

832-130329 VCC12922 2UA2301CV8 VCC129 Computer Lab 03/03/2015

832-130330 VCC12923 2UA2301CVG VCC129 Computer Lab 03/03/2015

832-130331 VCC129INST 2UA2301CVY VCC129 Computer Lab 05/22/2015

832-130332 VCC12801 2UA2301CSH VCC128 Computer Lab 01/21/2015

832-130334 VCC12803 2UA2301CTK VCC128 Computer Lab 01/21/2015

832-130335 VCC12804 2UA2301CSG VCC128 Computer Lab 01/21/2015

832-130336 VCC12805 2UA2301CR5 VCC128 Computer Lab 01/21/2015

832-130337 VCC12806 2UA2301CRY VCC128 Computer Lab 01/21/2015

832-130338 VCC12807 2UA2301CV6 VCC128 Computer Lab 01/21/2015

832-130339 VCC12808 2UA2301CQR VCC128 Computer Lab 01/21/2015

832-130340 VCC12809 2UA2301CS6 VCC128 Computer Lab 01/21/2015

832-130341 VCC12810 2UA2301CQG VCC128 Computer Lab 01/21/2015

832-130342 VCC12811 2UA2301CVQ VCC128 Computer Lab 01/21/2015

832-130343 VCC12812 2UA2301CWJ VCC128 Computer Lab 01/28/2015

832-130344 VCC12813 2UA2301CT3 VCC128 Computer Lab 01/21/2015

832-130345 VCC12814 2UA2301CS5 VCC128 Computer Lab 01/21/2015

832-130346 VCC12815 2UA2301CW5 VCC128 Computer Lab 01/21/2015

832-130347 VCC12816 2UA2301CPJ VCC128 Computer Lab 01/21/2015

832-130348 VCC12817 2UA2301CW7 VCC128 Computer Lab 01/21/2015

832-130349 VCC12818 2UA2301CXK VCC128 Computer Lab 01/21/2015

832-130350 VCC12819 2UA2301CWM VCC128 Computer Lab 01/21/2015

832-130351 VCC12820 2UA2301CP9 VCC128 Computer Lab 01/21/2015

832-130352 VCC12821 2UA2301CRL VCC128 Computer Lab 01/21/2015

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832-130354 VCC12823 2UA2301CW2 VCC128 Computer Lab 01/21/2015

832-130355 VCC128INST 2UA2301CSC VCC128 Computer Lab 05/22/2015

832-130356 ATC12201 2UA2301CPL ATC122 Computer Lab 03/10/2015

832-130357 ATC12203 2UA2301CQ1 ATC122 Computer Lab 03/10/2015

832-130358 ATC12204 2UA2301CXF ATC122 Computer Lab 03/10/2015

832-130359 ATC12205 2UA2301CR9 ATC122 Computer Lab 03/10/2015

832-130360 ATC12206 2UA2301CR2 ATC122 Computer Lab 03/10/2015

832-130361 ATC12207 2UA2301CSD ATC122 Computer Lab 03/10/2015

832-130362 ATC12210 2UA2301CVR ATC122 Computer Lab 03/10/2015

832-130363 ATC12211 2UA2301CS8 ATC122 Computer Lab 03/10/2015

832-130364 ATC12212 2UA2301CVB ATC122 Computer Lab 03/10/2015

832-130365 ATC12213 2UA2301CW8 ATC122 Computer Lab 03/10/2015

832-130366 ATC12214 2UA2301CPM ATC122 Computer Lab 03/10/2015

832-130367 ATC12215 2UA2301CPS ATC122 Computer Lab 03/10/2015

832-130368 ATC12216 2UA2301CQ8 ATC122 Computer Lab 03/10/2015

832-130369 ATC12217 2UA2301CQF ATC122 Computer Lab 03/10/2015

832-130370 ATC12218 2UA2301CXN ATC122 Computer Lab 05/12/2015

832-130371 ATC122INST 2UA2301CWG ATC122 Computer Lab 05/22/2015

832-130372 ATC20924 2UA2301CX3 ATC209 Computer Lab 06/17/2015

832-130373 ATC20925 2UA2301CQW ATC209 Computer Lab 06/17/2015

832-130374 ATC20926 2UA2301CPX ATC209 Computer Lab 06/17/2015

832-130375 CUH34301 2UA2301CW9 CUH343 Dawn Nicholas 05/14/2015

832-130376 OSPREY-TEST 2UA2301CPP ATC133 William Whitehead 04/10/2015

832-130377 CUH35401 2UA2301CTL CUH354 Multimedia PC 05/14/2015

832-130378 HOS636A01 2UA2301CRM HOS636A Multimedia PC 05/14/2015

832-130379 CUH30101 2UA2301CXD CUH301 Multimedia PC 05/14/2015

832-130380 ATC23321 2UA2301CXM ATC233 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-130381 ATC23322 2UA2301CX9 ATC233 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-130382 ATC23323 2UA2301CPQ ATC233 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-130383 ATC23324 2UA2301CWS ATC233 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-130384 CUH30301 2UA2301CWW CUH303 Multimedia PC 05/14/2015

832-130385 CUH35501 2UA2301CX7 CUH355 Multimedia PC 05/14/2015

832-130386 CUH35601 2UA2301CX1 CUH356 Multimedia PC 05/14/2015

832-130387 ATC20301 2UA2301CPY ATC203 Multimedia PC 06/17/2015

832-130388 CUH30601 2UA2301CPR CUH306 Multimedia PC 05/14/2015

832-130389 ATC20101 2UA2301CWR ATC201 Multimedia PC 06/17/2015

832-130390 ATC12202 2UA2301CS1 ATC122 Computer Lab 05/04/2015

832-130391 ATC12208 2UA2301CWZ ATC122 Computer Lab 03/10/2015

832-130392 ATC12209 2UA2301CQ7 ATC122 Computer Lab 03/10/2015

832-130393 ATC23301 2UA2301CPV ATC233 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-130394 ATC23302 2UA2301CQ9 ATC233 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-130395 ATC23303 2UA2301CR8 ATC233 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-130396 ATC23304 2UA2301CPD ATC233 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-130397 ATC23305 2UA2301CQV ATC233 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-130398 ATC23306 2UA2301CQB ATC233 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-130399 ATC23307 2UA2301CQN ATC233 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-130400 ATC23309 2UA2301CPW ATC233 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-130401 ATC23116 2UA2301CQC ATC233 Computer Lab 05/15/2014

832-130402 ATC23117 2UA2301CQM ATC233 Computer Lab 05/15/2014

832-130403 ATC23118 2UA2301CXP ATC233 Computer Lab 05/15/2014

832-130404 ATC23308 2UA2301CR6 ATC233 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-130405 ATC23313 2UA2301CPT ATC233 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

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832-130406 ATC23314 2UA2301CQH ATC233 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-130407 ATC23315 2UA2301CQJ ATC233 Computer Lab 05/14/2015

832-130408 ATC23316 2UA2301CQY ATC233 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-130409 ATC23317 2UA2301CQ5 ATC233 Computer Lab 05/14/2015

832-130410 ATC23318 2UA2301CPZ ATC233 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-130411 ATC23319 2UA2301CRJ ATC233 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-130413 ATC233INST 2UA2301CQ6 ATC233 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-130414 ATC11501 2UA2301CWF ATC115 Computer Lab 07/01/2015

832-130415 ATC11502 2UA2301CT9 ATC115 Computer Lab 07/01/2015

832-130416 ATC11503 2UA2301CT4 ATC115 Computer Lab 06/01/2015

832-130417 ATC11504 2UA2301CS0 ATC115 Computer Lab 05/27/2015

832-130418 ATC11505 2UA2301CT2 ATC115 Computer Lab 05/26/2015

832-130419 ATC11506 2UA2301CSR ATC115 Computer Lab 07/01/2015

832-130420 ATC11507 2UA2301CV0 ATC115 Computer Lab 05/26/2015

832-130421 ATC11508 2UA2301CSN ATC115 Computer Lab 06/22/2015

832-130422 ATC11509 2UA2301CSS ATC115 Computer Lab 05/26/2015

832-130423 ATC11510 2UA2301CTT ATC115 Computer Lab 07/01/2015

832-130424 ATC11511 2UA2301CS2 ATC115 Computer Lab 05/26/2015

832-130425 ATC11512 2UA2301CWC ATC115 Computer Lab 05/26/2015

832-130426 ATC11513 2UA2301CT8 ATC115 Computer Lab 05/26/2015

832-130427 ATC11514 2UA2301CST ATC115 Computer Lab 07/01/2015

832-130428 ATC11515 2UA2301CSJ ATC115 Computer Lab 07/01/2015

832-130429 ATC11516 2UA2301CV1 ATC115 Computer Lab 05/26/2015

832-130431 ATC11518 2UA2301CSB ATC115 Computer Lab 07/01/2015

832-130432 ATC11519 2UA2301CVM ATC115 Computer Lab 07/01/2015

832-130433 ATC11520 2UA2301CTS ATC115 Computer Lab 06/26/2015

832-130434 ATC11521 2UA2301CTW ATC115 Computer Lab 06/29/2015

832-130435 ATC11522 2UA2301CTC ATC115 Computer Lab 06/03/2015

832-130436 ATC11523 2UA2301CT0 ATC115 Computer Lab 05/26/2015

832-130437 ATC11524 2UA2301CTD ATC115 Computer Lab 05/26/2015

832-130438 ATC115INST 2UA2301CWD ATC115 Computer Lab 05/26/2015

832-130439 HTC242TECH 2UA2301CQ0 HTC242 Computer Lab 07/01/2015

832-130572 CUH35101 2UA2430BSY CUH351 Multimedia PC 05/14/2015

832-130573 ATC24601 2UA2430BT8 ATC246 Multimedia PC 10/15/2014

832-130574 HOS60401 2UA2430BV6 HOS604 Multimedia PC 05/14/2015

832-130575 ATC20701 2UA2430BT4 ATC207 Multimedia PC 06/17/2015

832-130576 HOS642B01 2UA2430BTQ HOS642B Multimedia PC 05/14/2015

832-130577 SOFTWARE-TEST 2UA2430BV7 ATC133A Micheal Tyler 05/22/2015

832-130578 CUH35201 2UA2430BTP CUH352 Multimedia PC 05/14/2015

832-130579 HOS61201 2UA2430BT7 HOS612 Multimedia PC 05/14/2015

832-130580 ATC22601 2UA2430BSZ ATC226 Multimedia PC 06/16/2015

832-130582 ATC20501 2UA2430BSW ATC133 Computer Lab 03/10/2015

832-130583 CUH366A01 2UA2430BV1 CUH366A Multimedia PC 03/11/2015

832-130584 CUH30201 2UA2430BTB CUH302 Multimedia PC 05/14/2015

832-130585 CUH30401 2UA2430BTD CUH304 Multimedia PC 05/14/2015

832-130586 HOS642A01 2UA2430BT1 HOS642A Multimedia PC 05/14/2015

832-130587 HOS636B01 2UA2430BT9 HOS636B Multimedia PC 06/30/2015

832-130588 HOS638B01 2UA2430BTJ HOS638B Multimedia PC 06/25/2015

832-130589 HOS60601 2UA2430BT5 HOS606 Multimedia PC 05/14/2015

832-130590 HOS639A01 2UA2430BTH HOS639A Multimedia PC 05/14/2015

832-130592 HOS63501 2UA2430BTR HOS635 Multimedia PC 05/14/2015

832-130593 HOS61501 2UA2430BTG HOS615 Multimedia PC 05/14/2015

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832-130594 HOS622B01 2UA2430BT0 HOS622B Multimedia PC 04/29/2015

832-130595 HOS644A01 2UA2430BT6 HOS644A Multimedia PC 05/14/2015

832-130596 CUH34001 2UA2430BT2 CUH340 Multimedia PC 05/14/2015

832-130597 CUH31601 2UA2430BV3 CUH316 Multimedia PC 05/14/2015

832-130598 HOS641B01 2UA2430BTY HOS641B Multimedia PC 05/15/2015

832-130599 HOS600B01 2UA2430BV2 HOS600B Multimedia PC 10/23/2014

832-130601 HOS63001 2UA2430BTV HOS630 Multimedia PC 05/14/2015

832-130602 CUH31701 2UA2430BV0 CUH317 Multimedia PC 05/14/2015

832-130603 CUH33001 2UA2430BSX CUH330 Multimedia PC 05/15/2015

832-130604 LAH12701 2UA2430BTN LAH127 Multimedia PC 05/15/2015

832-130605 CUH33901 2UA2430BTM CUH339 Multimedia PC 05/14/2015

832-130606 CUH30501 2UA2430BTT CUH305 Multimedia PC 05/14/2015

832-130607 CUH32501 2UA2430BTK CUH325 Multimedia PC 05/15/2015

832-130608 HOS639B01 2UA2430BTX HOS639B Multimedia PC 05/14/2015

832-130609 CUH32901 2UA2430BTL CUH329 Multimedia PC 05/15/2015

832-130610 HOS61301 2UA2430BV4 HOS613 Multimedia PC 05/14/2015

832-130611 CUH30801 2UA2430BV5 CUH308 Multimedia PC 05/14/2015

832-130612 HOS60501 2UA2430BST HOS605 Multimedia PC 05/14/2015

832-130613 CUH34401 2UA2430BTW CUH344 Multimedia PC 03/11/2015

832-130614 HOS62601 2UA2430BV8 HOS626 Multimedia PC 05/14/2015

832-130615 CUH31101 2UA2430BTS CUH311 Multimedia PC 05/14/2015

832-130616 CUH35001 2UA2430BV9 CUH350 Multimedia PC 05/14/2015

832-130617 CUH35301 2UA2430BSV CUH353 Multimedia PC 05/14/2015

832-130618 CUH32001 2UA2430BTF CUH320 Multimedia PC 05/14/2015

HP Compaq Elite 8300 CMTHewlett-Packard

User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

8Total Computers Of This Model:

832-130745 W7-130745 MXL23902GQ CDP203 Unknown 04/02/2015

832-130746 W7-130746 MXL23902GT Computer Lab 04/01/2015

832-130747 CLF20501 MXL23902GX CDP204 Computer Lab 05/04/2015

832-130750 W7-130750 MXL23902HC Computer Lab 12/03/2013

832-130753 W7-130753 MXL23902HJ Computer Lab 04/01/2015

832-130755 W7-130755 MXL23902HL Computer Lab 12/03/2013

832-130756 W7-130756 MXL23902HM Computer Lab 04/02/2015

832-130757 W7-130754 MXL23902HV Computer Lab 03/26/2015

HP Compaq Elite 8300 Convertible MicrotoHewlett-Packard

User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

1Total Computers Of This Model:

832-130748 W7-130748 MXL23902H0 CDP205 Computer Lab 03/26/2015

HP Compaq Pro 6005 MTHewlett-Packard

User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

1Total Computers Of This Model:

832-130412 ATC23320 2UA2301CRD ATC233 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

HP Compaq Pro 6300 MTHewlett-Packard

User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

90Total Computers Of This Model:

832-131356 CUH32101 2UA325086S CUH321 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-131357 CUH32102 2UA325086V CUH321 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-131358 CUH32103 2UA325086X CUH321 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-131359 CUH32104 2UA325086Z CUH321 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-131360 CUH32105 2UA3250870 CUH321 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

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832-131361 CUH32106 2UA3250871 CUH321 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-131362 CUH32107 2UA325087T CUH321 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-131363 CUH32108 2UA325088G CUH321 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-131364 CUH32109 2UA32508B0 CUH321 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-131365 CUH32110 2UA32508B1 CUH321 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-131366 CUH32111 2UA32508B5 CUH321 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-131367 CUH32112 2UA32508B6 CUH321 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-131368 CUH32113 2UA32508BD CUH321 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-131369 CUH32114 2UA32508BK CUH321 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-131370 CUH321INST 2UA32508BS CUH321 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-131463 ATC11101 2UA3250GGF ATC111 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-131464 ATC11102 2UA3250GKR ATC111 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-131465 ATC11103 2UA3250GKB ATC111 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-131466 ATC11104 2UA3250GKH ATC111 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-131467 ATC11105 2UA3250GLK ATC111 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-131468 ATC11106 2UA3250GLH ATC111 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-131469 ATC11107 2UA3250GL4 ATC111 Computer Lab 06/01/2015

832-131470 ATC11108 2UA3250GGT ATC111 Computer Lab 06/01/2015

832-131471 ATC11109 2UA3250GM2 ATC111 Computer Lab 06/01/2015

832-131472 ATC11110 2UA3250GLV ATC111 Computer Lab 06/01/2015

832-131473 ATC11111 2UA3250GHZ ATC111 Computer Lab 06/01/2015

832-131474 ATC11112 2UA3250GL7 ATC111 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-131475 ATC11113 2UA3250GKC ATC111 Computer Lab 06/01/2015

832-131476 ATC11114 2UA3250GL6 ATC111 Computer Lab 06/01/2015

832-131477 ATC11115 2UA3250GLZ ATC111 Computer Lab 06/01/2015

832-131478 ATC11116 2UA3250GKP ATC111 Computer Lab 06/01/2015

832-131479 ATC11117 2UA3250GL0 ATC111 Computer Lab 06/01/2015

832-131480 ATC11118 2UA3250GKZ ATC111 Computer Lab 06/01/2015

832-131481 ATC11119 2UA3250GKT ATC111 Computer Lab 06/01/2015

832-131482 ATC11120 2UA3250GKK ATC111 Computer Lab 06/01/2015

832-131483 ATC11121 2UA3250GL3 ATC111 Computer Lab 06/01/2015

832-131484 ATC11122 2UA3250GLX ATC111 Computer Lab 06/01/2015

832-131485 ATC11123 2UA3250GG1 ATC111 Computer Lab 06/01/2015

832-131486 ATC11124 2UA3250GM0 ATC111 Computer Lab 06/01/2015

832-131487 ATC111INST 2UA3250GFZ ATC111 Computer Lab 05/22/2015

832-131488 ATC12301 2UA3250GH2 ATC123 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-131489 ATC12302 2UA3250GH0 ATC123 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-131490 ATC12303 2UA3250GFY ATC123 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-131491 ATC12304 2UA3250GGZ ATC123 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-131492 ATC12305 2UA3250GG2 ATC123 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-131493 ATC12306 2UA3250GFT ATC123 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-131494 ATC12307 2UA3250GGP ATC123 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-131495 ATC12308 2UA3250GG9 ATC123 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-131496 ATC12309 2UA3250GGH ATC123 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-131497 ATC12310 2UA3250GH7 ATC123 Computer Lab 04/13/2015

832-131498 ATC12311 2UA3250GG4 ATC123 Computer Lab 04/13/2015

832-131499 ATC12312 2UA3250GGQ ATC123 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-131500 ATC12313 2UA3250GJP ATC123 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-131501 ATC12314 2UA3250GGM ATC123 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-131502 ATC12315 2UA3250GGD ATC123 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-131503 ATC12316 2UA3250GG8 ATC123 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-131504 ATC12317 2UA3250GGX ATC123 Computer Lab 04/13/2015

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832-131505 ATC12318 2UA3250GJ9 ATC123 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-131506 ATC12319 2UA32508CB ATC123 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-131507 ATC12320 2UA3250GG6 ATC123 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-131508 ATC12321 2UA3250GG0 ATC123 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-131509 ATC12322 2UA3250GH4 ATC123 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-131510 ATC12323 2UA3250GFW ATC123 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-131511 ATC12324 2UA3250GGB ATC123 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-131512 ATC123INST 2UA3250GGV ATC123 Computer Lab 06/18/2015

832-131513 ATC12901 2UA3250GGR ATC129 Computer Lab 04/10/2015

832-131514 ATC12902 2UA3250GLG ATC129 Computer Lab 04/10/2015

832-131515 ATC12903 2UA3250GKQ ATC129 Computer Lab 04/10/2015

832-131516 ATC12904 2UA3250GKF ATC129 Computer Lab 04/10/2015

832-131517 ATC12905 2UA3250GKY ATC129 Computer Lab 04/10/2015

832-131518 ATC12906 2UA3250GKL ATC129 Computer Lab 04/10/2015

832-131519 ATC12907 2UA3250GL2 ATC129 Computer Lab 04/10/2015

832-131520 ATC12908 2UA3250GL1 ATC129 Computer Lab 04/10/2015

832-131521 ATC12909 2UA3250GKG ATC129 Computer Lab 04/10/2015

832-131522 ATC12910 2UA3250GG3 ATC129 Computer Lab 04/10/2015

832-131523 ATC12911 2UA3250GFR ATC129 Computer Lab 04/10/2015

832-131524 ATC12912 2UA3250GG5 ATC129 Computer Lab 04/10/2015

832-131525 ATC12913 2UA3250GKS ATC129 Computer Lab 04/10/2015

832-131526 ATC12914 2UA3250GFX ATC129 Computer Lab 04/10/2015

832-131527 ATC12915 2UA3250GKX ATC129 Computer Lab 04/10/2015

832-131528 ATC12916 2UA3250GGC ATC129 Computer Lab 04/10/2015

832-131529 ATC12917 2UA3250GKV ATC129 Computer Lab 04/10/2015

832-131530 ATC12918 2UA3250GK3 ATC129 Computer Lab 04/10/2015

832-131531 ATC12919 2UA3250GFV ATC129 Computer Lab 04/10/2015

832-131532 ATC12920 2UA3250GK1 ATC129 Computer Lab 05/21/2015

832-131533 ATC12921 2UA3250GKD ATC129 Computer Lab 04/10/2015

832-131534 ATC12922 2UA3250GK2 ATC129 Computer Lab 04/10/2015

832-131535 ATC12923 2UA3250GK4 ATC129 Computer Lab 04/10/2015

832-131536 ATC12924 2UA3250GG7 ATC129 Computer Lab 04/10/2015

832-131537 ATC129INST 2UA3250GGY ATC129 Computer Lab 05/22/2015

HP Compaq Pro 6305 MicrotowerHewlett-Packard

User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

2Total Computers Of This Model:

832-130886 ATC12508 2UA30707P3 ATC125 Computer Lab 03/10/2015

832-131164 ECC217INST 2UA32428YK ECC217 Computer Lab 05/14/2015

HP Compaq Pro 6305 MTHewlett-Packard

User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

91Total Computers Of This Model:

832-012594 W7-012594 2UA31007BD GCB102F ID CARD CREATOR 12/03/2013

832-012595 W7-012595 2UA31007BF GCB102F ID CARD CREATOR 12/08/2014

832-012607 WFD-W7-012607 2UA32104KK WFD Computer Lab 07/17/2014

832-012608 WFD-W7-012608 2UA32104KL WFD Computer Lab 05/23/2014

832-012609 WFD-W7-012609 2UA32104KM WFD Computer Lab 07/17/2014

832-012610 WFD-W7-012610 2UA32104KN WFD Computer Lab 07/17/2014

832-012611 WFD-W7-012611 2UA32104KP WFD Computer Lab 12/05/2013

832-012612 WFD-W7-012612 2UA32104KQ WFD Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-012613 LT-W7-129054 2UA32104KR WFD Wilma Jean Burton 07/17/2014

832-012614 WFD-W7-012614 2UA32104KS WFD Computer Lab 06/23/2015

832-012615 WFD-W7-012615 2UA32104KT WFD Computer Lab 12/09/2013

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832-012616 WFD-W7-012616 2UA32104KV WFD Computer Lab 07/17/2014

832-012617 WFD-W7-012617 2UA32104KW WFD Computer Lab 07/17/2014

832-130717 HOS622A01 2UA24528FY HOS622A Computer Lab 05/29/2015

832-130718 HOS622A02 2UA24528FZ HOS622A Computer Lab 05/29/2015

832-130719 HOS622A03 2UA24528GB HOS622A Computer Lab 05/29/2015

832-130720 HOS622A04 2UA24528GC HOS622A Computer Lab 05/14/2015

832-130721 HOS622A05 2UA24528GD HOS622A Computer Lab 05/14/2015

832-130722 HOS622A06 2UA24528GF HOS622A Computer Lab 05/14/2015

832-130723 HOS622A07 2UA24528GG HOS622A Computer Lab 05/14/2015

832-130724 HOS622A08 2UA24528GH HOS622A Computer Lab 05/29/2015

832-130725 HOS622A09 2UA24528GJ HOS622A Computer Lab 05/14/2015

832-130726 HOS622A10 2UA24528GK HOS622A Computer Lab 05/14/2015

832-130727 HOS622A11 2UA24528GL HOS622A Computer Lab 05/14/2015

832-130728 HOS622A12 2UA24528GM HOS622A Computer Lab 05/14/2015

832-130729 HOS622A13 2UA24528GN HOS622A Computer Lab 05/14/2015

832-130730 HOS622A14 2UA24528GP HOS622A Computer Lab 05/14/2015

832-130731 HOS622A15 2UA24528GQ HOS622A Computer Lab 05/14/2015

832-130732 HOS622A16 2UA24528G0 HOS622A Computer Lab 05/14/2015

832-130733 HOS622A17 2UA24528G1 HOS622A Computer Lab 05/14/2015

832-130734 HOS622A18 2UA24528G2 HOS622A Computer Lab 05/14/2015

832-130735 HOS622A19 2UA24528G3 HOS622A Computer Lab 05/14/2015

832-130736 HOS622A20 2UA24528G4 HOS622A Computer Lab 05/14/2015

832-130737 HOS622A21 2UA24528G5 HOS622A Computer Lab 05/14/2015

832-130738 HOS622A22 2UA24528G6 HOS622A Computer Lab 05/14/2015

832-130739 HOS622A23 2UA24528G7 HOS622A Computer Lab 05/14/2015

832-130740 HOS622A24 2UA24528G8 HOS622A Computer Lab 05/14/2015

832-130741 HOS622AINST 2UA24528G9 HOS622A Computer Lab 05/29/2015

832-130854 ATC11701 2UA30707N2 ATC117 Computer Lab 06/22/2015

832-130855 ATC11702 2UA30707N3 ATC117 Computer Lab 06/22/2015

832-130856 ATC11703 2UA30707N4 ATC117 Computer Lab 06/22/2015

832-130857 ATC11704 2UA30707N5 ATC117 Computer Lab 06/22/2015

832-130858 ATC11705 2UA30707N6 ATC117 Computer Lab 06/22/2015

832-130859 ATC11706 2UA30707N7 ATC117 Computer Lab 06/22/2015

832-130860 ATC11707 2UA30707N8 ATC117 Computer Lab 06/22/2015

832-130861 ATC11708 2UA30707N9 ATC117 Computer Lab 06/22/2015

832-130862 ATC11709 2UA30707NB ATC117 Computer Lab 06/22/2015

832-130863 ATC11710 2UA30707NC ATC117 Computer Lab 06/22/2015

832-130864 ATC11711 2UA30707ND ATC117 Computer Lab 06/22/2015

832-130865 ATC11712 2UA30707NF ATC117 Computer Lab 06/22/2015

832-130866 ATC11713 2UA30707NG ATC117 Computer Lab 06/22/2015

832-130867 ATC11714 2UA30707NH ATC117 Computer Lab 06/22/2015

832-130868 ATC11715 2UA30707NJ ATC117 Computer Lab 06/22/2015

832-130869 ATC11716 2UA30707NK ATC117 Computer Lab 06/22/2015

832-130870 ATC11717 2UA30707NL ATC117 Computer Lab 06/22/2015

832-130871 ATC11718 2UA30707NM ATC117 Computer Lab 06/22/2015

832-130872 ATC11719 2UA30707NN ATC117 Computer Lab 06/22/2015

832-130873 ATC11720 2UA30707NP ATC117 Computer Lab 06/22/2015

832-130874 ATC11721 2UA30707NQ ATC117 Computer Lab 06/22/2015

832-130875 ATC11722 2UA30707NR ATC117 Computer Lab 06/22/2015

832-130876 ATC11723 2UA30707NS ATC117 Computer Lab 06/22/2015

832-130877 ATC11724 2UA30707NT ATC117 Computer Lab 06/22/2015

832-130878 ATC117INST 2UA30707NV ATC117 Computer Lab 06/22/2015

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832-130879 ATC12501 2UA30707NW ATC125 Computer Lab 06/10/2015

832-130880 ATC12502 2UA30707NX ATC125 Computer Lab 03/10/2015

832-130881 ATC12503 2UA30707NY ATC125 Computer Lab 03/10/2015

832-130882 ATC12504 2UA30707NZ ATC125 Computer Lab 03/10/2015

832-130883 ATC12505 2UA30707P0 ATC125 Computer Lab 03/10/2015

832-130884 ATC12506 2UA30707P1 ATC125 Computer Lab 03/10/2015

832-130885 ATC12507 2UA30707P2 ATC125 Computer Lab 03/10/2015

832-130887 ATC12509 2UA30707P4 ATC125 Computer Lab 06/10/2015

832-130888 ATC12510 2UA30707P5 ATC125 Computer Lab 06/10/2015

832-130889 ATC12511 2UA30707P6 ATC125 Computer Lab 03/10/2015

832-130890 ATC12512 2UA30707P7 ATC125 Computer Lab 06/10/2015

832-130891 ATC12513 2UA30707P8 ATC125 Computer Lab 03/10/2015

832-130892 ATC12514 2UA30707P9 ATC125 Computer Lab 03/10/2015

832-130893 ATC12515 2UA30707PB ATC125 Computer Lab 03/11/2015

832-130894 ATC12516 2UA30707PC ATC125 Computer Lab 06/10/2015

832-130895 ATC12517 2UA30707PD ATC125 Computer Lab 03/10/2015

832-130896 ATC12518 2UA30707PF ATC125 Computer Lab 03/10/2015

832-130897 ATC12519 2UA30707PG ATC125 Computer Lab 03/10/2015

832-130898 ATC12520 2UA30707PH ATC125 Computer Lab 03/13/2015

832-130899 ATC12521 2UA30707PJ ATC125 Computer Lab 03/10/2015

832-130900 ATC12522 2UA30707PK ATC125 Computer Lab 03/10/2015

832-130901 ATC12523 2UA30707PL ATC125 Computer Lab 03/10/2015

832-130902 ATC12524 2UA30707PM ATC125 Computer Lab 03/10/2015

832-130903 ATC125INST 2UA30707PN ATC125 Computer Lab 06/10/2015

832-130997 W7-130997 2UA3161P5D ADM162 Renee Wilson 09/11/2014

832-130998 W7-130998 2UA3162G9L ADM166 Jaquia Wilson 06/09/2015

832-131165 ECC223INST 2UA32428YJ ECC223 Multimedia PC 05/14/2015

832-131166 ECC225INST 2UA32428YL ECC225 Multimedia PC 05/14/2015

HP Mini 5102Hewlett-Packard

User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

1Total Computers Of This Model:

CNU01815M9 W7-CNU01815M9 CNU01815M9 ATC149C Daniel Fullerton 01/17/2014

HP Mini 5103Hewlett-Packard

User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

86Total Computers Of This Model:

832-012312 LT-W7-012312 CNU1153PQ4 GCB108 ONE STOP 05/07/2015

832-012322 LT-W7-012322 CNU1153PQY GCB108 ONE STOP 05/15/2015

832-012330 LT-W7-012330 CNU1153PR8 GCB108 ONE STOP 05/14/2015

832-012331 LT-W7-012331 CNU1153PRC GCB108 ONE STOP 05/19/2015

832-012334 LT-W7-012334 CNU1153PS1 GCB108 ONE STOP 05/13/2015

832-128137 LT-W7-128137 CNU0500DM6 ATC133 IPASS 12/10/2013

832-128138 LT-W7-128138 CNU0500DMH ATC133 IPASS 12/10/2013

832-128139 LT-W7-128139 CNU0500DMN ATC133 IPASS 12/10/2013

832-128140 LT-W7-128140 CNU0500DMZ ATC133 IPASS 12/10/2013

832-128141 W7-128141-LT CNU0500DNB GCB108 IPASS 02/26/2015

832-128142 LT-W7-128142 CNU0500DNS ATC133 IPASS 12/10/2013

832-128143 LT-W7-128143 CNU0500DPL ATC133 IPASS 12/10/2013

832-128144 LT-W7-128144 CNU0500DPX ATC133 IPASS 12/10/2013

832-128145 LT-W7-128145 CNU0500DQ8 ATC133 IPASS 12/10/2013

832-128147 LT-W7-128147 CNU0500DQR ATC133 IPASS 12/10/2013

832-128149 LT-W7-128149 CNU0500DR6 ATC133 IPASS 12/10/2013

832-128150 LT-W7-128150 CNU0500DRJ GCB108 Tristan Gray 02/19/2015

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832-128151 LT-W7-128151 CNU0500DL7 ATC133 IPASS 12/10/2013

832-128152 LT-W7-128152 CNU0500DLL ATC133 IPASS 12/10/2013

832-128153 LT-W7-128153 CNU0500DLY ATC133 IPASS 12/10/2013

832-128159 W7-128159 CNU0500DNZ SLC105 Computer Lab 11/27/2013

832-128160 W7-128160LT CNU0500DPN SLC105 Computer Lab 10/29/2014

832-128161 W7-128159LT CNU0500DNZ SLC105 Computer Lab 10/30/2014

832-128162 W7-128162LT CNU0500DQ9 SLC105 Computer Lab 10/29/2014

832-128163 W7-128163LT CNU0500DQM SLC105 Computer Lab 10/23/2014

832-128164 W7-128164LT CNU0500DQT SLC216A Gerald Huggins 10/29/2014

832-128165 W7-128165LT CNU0500DR1 SLC105 Computer Lab 10/28/2014

832-128166 W7-128166LT CNU0500DR8 SLC105 Computer Lab 11/04/2014

832-128167 W7-128167LT CNU0500DRQ SLC105 Computer Lab 10/23/2014

832-128168 W7-128168LT CNU0500DLD SLC105 Computer Lab 10/23/2014

832-128169 W7-128169LT CNU0500DLR SLC105 Computer Lab 10/25/2014

832-128170 W7-128170LT CNU0500DM3 SLC105 Computer Lab 10/29/2014

832-128171 W7-128171LT CNU0500DMD SLC105 Computer Lab 11/03/2014

832-128172 W7-128172LT CNU0500DMM SLC105 Computer Lab 11/04/2014

832-128173 W7-128173LT CNU0500DMW SLC105 Computer Lab 05/13/2015

832-128174 W7-128174LT CNU0500DN7 SLC105 Computer Lab 11/03/2014

832-128175 W7-128175LT CNU0500DNL SLC105 Computer Lab 10/29/2014

832-128176 W7-128176LT CNU0500DPH SLC105 Computer Lab 10/29/2014

832-128177 W7-128177LT CNU0500DPR SLC105 Computer Lab 10/29/2014

832-128178 LT-W7-128178 CNU0500DQ3 GCB108 ONE STOP 05/15/2015

832-128179 LT-W7-128179 CNU0500DQC GCB108 ONE STOP 05/07/2015

832-128180 LT-W7-128180 CNU0500DQQ GCB108 ONE STOP 05/11/2015

832-128181 LT-W7-128181 CNU0500DQW GCB108 ONE STOP 05/08/2015

832-128182 LT-W7-128182 CNU0500DR3 GCB108 ONE STOP 05/12/2015

832-128183 W7-128183LT CNU0500DRC SLC105 Computer Lab 11/03/2014

832-128835 LT-W7-128835 CNU1164N7T CEC241 Computer Lab 03/17/2014

832-128836 LT-W7-128836 CNU1164N7Y CEC241 Computer Lab 08/26/2014

832-128837 LT-W7-128837 CNU1164N82 CEC241 Computer Lab 11/26/2013

832-128838 LT-W7-128838 CNU1164N84 CEC241 Computer Lab 03/17/2014

832-128839 LT-W7-128839 CNU1164N8F CEC241 Computer Lab 12/19/2013

832-128840 LT-W7-128840 CNU1164N8K CEC241 Computer Lab 03/17/2014

832-128841 LT-W7-128841 CNU1164N8N CEC241 Computer Lab 03/17/2014

832-128845 LT-W7-128845 CNU1164N92 CEC241 Computer Lab 11/27/2013

832-128846 LT-W7-128846 CNU1164N9X CEC241 Computer Lab 03/18/2014

832-128847 LT-W7-128847 CNU1164N9Z CEC241 Computer Lab 03/18/2014

832-128848 LT-W7-128848 CNU1164NB4 CEC241 Computer Lab 03/18/2014

832-128849 LT-W7-128849 CNU1164NBB CEC241 Computer Lab 03/18/2014

832-128850 LT-W7-128850 CNU1164NBH CEC241 Computer Lab 03/17/2014

832-128851 LT-W7-128851 CNU1164NBM CEC241 Computer Lab 03/17/2014

832-128853 LT-W7-128853 CNU1164NBS CEC241 Computer Lab 11/27/2013

832-128854 LT-W7-128854 CNU1164NBV CEC241 Computer Lab 11/26/2013

832-128856 LT-W7-128856 CNU1164NC2 CEC221 Computer Lab 11/27/2013

832-128857 LT-W7-128857 CNU1164NC7 CEC241 CEC COWS 03/18/2014

832-128858 LT-W7-128858 CNU1164NCB CEC221 Computer Lab 11/26/2013

832-128859 LT-W7-128859 CNU1164NCT CEC221 Computer Lab 06/03/2014

832-128860 LT-W7-128860 CNU1164NCZ CEC221 Computer Lab 11/27/2013

832-128862 LT-W7-128862 CNU1164ND6 CEC221 Computer Lab 11/26/2013

832-128863 LT-W7-128863 CNU1164NDJ CEC241 CEC COWS 03/18/2014

832-128864 LT-W7-128864 CNU1164NDL CEC221 CEC Notebook Cart 11/26/2013

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832-128865 LT-W7-128865 CNU1164NDP CEC221 Computer Lab 11/26/2013

832-128867 LT-W7-128867 CNU1164NDV CEC221 Computer Lab 11/26/2013

832-128869 LT-W7-128868 CNU1164NF1 CEC221 Computer Lab 11/27/2013

832-128870 LT-W7-128870 CNU1164NF6 CEC221 Computer Lab 11/26/2013

832-128871 LT-W7-128871 CNU1164NFM CEC241 CEC COWS 03/18/2014

832-128872 LT-W7-128872 CNU1164NFP CEC221 Computer Lab 11/27/2013

832-128873 LT-W7-128873 CNU1164NFV CEC221 Computer Lab 11/22/2013

832-128874 LT-W7-128874 CNU1164NFZ CEC221 Computer Lab 06/03/2015

832-128875 LT-W7-128875 CNU1164NG2 CEC241 CEC COWS 03/17/2014

832-128876 LT-W7-128876 CNU1164NG8 CEC241 CEC COWS 03/17/2014

832-128877 LT-W7-128877 CNU1164NGC CEC241 CEC COWS 03/18/2014

832-128878 LT-W7-128878 CNU1164NGJ CEC221 Computer Lab 11/27/2013

832-128879 LT-W7-128879 CNU1164NGP CEC221 Computer Lab 11/27/2013

832-128880 LT-W7-128880 CNU1164NHC CEC241 CEC COWS 03/18/2014

832-128881 LT-W7-128881 CNU1164NHR CEC241 CEC COWS 03/17/2014

832-128882 LT-W7-128882 CNU1164NHZ CEC241 CEC COWS 03/17/2014

832-128883 LT-W7-128883 CNU1164NSB CEC221 Computer Lab 11/22/2013

HP Mini 5103 (WQ211AV)Hewlett-Packard

User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

1Total Computers Of This Model:

832-128844 LT-W7-128884 CNU1164N8X CEC241 CEC COWS 03/18/2014

HP ProBook 4320sHewlett-Packard

User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

10Total Computers Of This Model:

832-128813 W7-128813-LT CNF1163T7D SLC116F Desandra Washington 10/31/2014

832-128816 W7-128816-LT CNF1163T7H SLC116F Desandra Washington 09/05/2014

832-128817 W7-128817-LT CNF1163T7J SLC116F Desandra Washington 10/29/2014

832-128823 W7-128823-LT CNF1163T7Q SLC116F Desandra Washington 09/12/2014

832-128825 W7-128825-LT CNF1163T7S SLC116F Desandra Washington 09/10/2014

832-128827 W7-128827-LT CNF1163T7V SLC116F Desandra Washington 09/10/2014

832-128828 W7-128828-LT CNF1163T7W SLC116F Desandra Washington 10/31/2014

832-128829 W7-128829-LT CNF1163T7X SLC116F Desandra Washington 09/09/2014

832-128830 W7-128830-LT CNF1163T7Y SLC116F Desandra Washington 09/10/2014

832-128831 W7-128831-LT CNF1163T7Z SLC116F Desandra Washington 09/11/2014

HP ProBook 4430sHewlett-Packard

User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

17Total Computers Of This Model:

832-129603 LT-W7-129603 CNU21133QF CEC241 CEC Notebook Cart 12/16/2013

832-129604 LT-W7-129604 CNU211360F CEC241 CEC Notebook Cart 12/16/2013

832-129605 LT-W7-129605 CNU2113619 CEC241 CEC Notebook Cart 12/16/2013

832-129606 LT-W7-129606 CNU211361Q CEC241 CEC Notebook Cart 12/16/2013

832-129607 LT-W7-129607 CNU211363Y CEC241 CEC Notebook Cart 12/16/2013

832-129608 LT-W7-129608 CNU2113642 CEC241 CEC Notebook Cart 12/16/2013

832-129610 LT-W7-129610 CNU211364K CEC241 CEC Notebook Cart 12/16/2013

832-129611 LT-W7-129611 CNU211364Z CEC241 CEC Notebook Cart 12/16/2013

832-129612 LT-W7-129612 CNU2113651 CEC241 CEC Notebook Cart 12/16/2013

832-129614 LT-W7-129614 CNU2113656 CEC241 CEC Notebook Cart 12/16/2013

832-129616 LT-W7-129616 CNU211365G CEC241 CEC Notebook Cart 12/16/2013

832-129617 LT-W7-129617 CNU211365Q CEC241 CEC Notebook Cart 12/16/2013

832-129618 LT-W7-129618 CNU211365X CEC241 CEC COWS 12/18/2013

832-129619 LT-W7-129619 CNU2113660 CEC241 CEC Notebook Cart 12/16/2013

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832-129620 LT-W7-129620 CNU2113667 CEC241 CEC Notebook Cart 12/16/2013

832-129622 LT-W7-129622 CNU211366Y CEC241 CEC COWS 06/03/2014

832-130209 LT-W7-130209 CNU22304BZ NC3 Terri D. Dodd 05/12/2015

HP ProBook 4440sHewlett-Packard

User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

49Total Computers Of This Model:

832-130485 LT-W7-130485 2CE2371BDS CDP Computer Lab 12/12/2013

832-130486 LT-W7-130486 2CE2371BDT CDP Computer Lab 06/25/2014

832-130487 LT-W7-130487 2CE2371BF1 CDP Computer Lab 12/12/2013

832-130488 LT-W7-130488 2CE2371BDN CDP Computer Lab 12/12/2013

832-130489 LT-W7-130489 2CE2371BF7 CDP Computer Lab 12/12/2013

832-130490 LT-W7-130490 2CE2371BF8 CDP Computer Lab 12/12/2013

832-130491 LT-W7-130491 2CE2371BFB CDP Computer Lab 12/12/2013

832-130492 LT-W7-130492 2CE2371BDY CDP Computer Lab 12/12/2013

832-130493 LT-W7-130493 2CE2371BDQ CDP Computer Lab 12/12/2013

832-130494 LT-W7-130494 2CE2371BDW CDP Computer Lab 12/12/2013

832-130495 LT-W7-130495 2CE2371BFD CDP Computer Lab 12/12/2013

832-130496 LT-W7-130496 2CE2371BF5 CDP Computer Lab 12/12/2013

832-130497 LT-W7-130497 2CE2371BFC CDP Computer Lab 12/12/2013

832-130498 LT-W7-130498 2CE2371BF9 CDP Computer Lab 12/12/2013

832-130499 LT-W7-130499 2CE2371BF0 CDP Computer Lab 12/12/2013

832-130500 LT-W7-130500 2CE2371BF4 CDP Computer Lab 12/12/2013

832-130502 LT-W7-130502 2CE2371BDR CDP Computer Lab 12/12/2013

832-130503 LT-W7-130503 2CE2371BDX CDP Computer Lab 12/12/2013

832-130504 LT-W7-130504 2CE2371BDV CDP Computer Lab 12/12/2013

832-130505 LT-W7-130505 2CE2371BF3 CDP Computer Lab 12/12/2013

832-130506 LT-W7-130506 2CE2371BDZ CDP Computer Lab 12/12/2013

832-130507 LT-W7-130507 2CE2371BF6 CDP Computer Lab 12/12/2013

832-130508 LT-W7-130508 2CE2371BF2 CDP Computer Lab 12/12/2013

832-130509 LT-W7-130509 2CE2371BDM CDP Computer Lab 12/12/2013

832-130546 CBI108C01-LT 2CE2422FH8 CBI108C Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-130547 CBI108C02-LT 2CE2422FHH CBI108C Computer Lab 05/13/2015

832-130548 CBI108C03-LT 2CE2422FHS CBI108C Computer Lab 05/13/2015

832-130549 CBI108C04-LT 2CE2422FJV CBI108C Computer Lab 06/24/2015

832-130550 CBI108C05-LT 2CE2422FK5 CBI108C Computer Lab 05/13/2015

832-130551 CBI108C06-LT 2CE2422FN6 CBI108C Computer Lab 05/13/2015

832-130552 CBI108C07-LT 2CE2422FND CBI108C Computer Lab 05/13/2015

832-130553 CBI108C08-LT 2CE2422FNV CBI108C Computer Lab 05/13/2015

832-130554 CBI108C09-LT 2CE2422FP8 CBI108C Computer Lab 05/13/2015

832-130555 CBI108C10-LT 2CE2422FPF CBI108C Computer Lab 05/13/2015

832-130556 CBI108C11-LT 2CE2422FPH CBI108C Computer Lab 05/13/2015

832-130557 CBI108C12-LT 2CE2422FPS CBI108C Computer Lab 06/09/2015

832-130558 CBI108C13-LT 2CE2422FQ3 CBI108C Computer Lab 06/09/2015

832-130559 CBI108C14-LT 2CE2422FQ9 CBI108C Computer Lab 06/10/2015

832-130560 CBI108C15-LT 2CE2422FQF CBI108C Computer Lab 06/09/2015

832-130561 CBI108C16-LT 2CE2422FR1 CBI108C Computer Lab 06/09/2015

832-130562 CBI108C17-LT 2CE2422FR4 CBI108C Computer Lab 06/09/2015

832-130563 CBI108C18-LT 2CE2422FRS CBI108C Computer Lab 06/09/2015

832-130564 CBI108C19-LT 2CE2422GJF CBI108C Computer Lab 06/09/2015

832-130565 CBI108C20-LT 2CE2422GJY CBI108C Computer Lab 06/09/2015

832-130566 CBI108C21-LT 2CE2422GKW CBI108C Computer Lab 06/09/2015

832-130567 CBI108C22-LT 2CE2422GL3 CBI108C Computer Lab 06/10/2015

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832-130568 CBI108C23-LT 2CE2422GLB CBI108C Computer Lab 06/10/2015

832-130569 CBI108C24-LT 2CE2422GLL CBI108C Computer Lab 06/11/2015

832-130570 CBI108C25-LT 2CE2422GLQ CBI108C Computer Lab 06/10/2015

HP ProBook 450 G1Hewlett-Packard

User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

66Total Computers Of This Model:

2CE4150050 BT11726-LT 2CE4150050 FBSDC206 Ron Jahn 01/06/2015

832-131447 LT-W7-131447 2CE3481318 LRC120 Sonja Osborne 03/12/2015

832-131448 LT-W7-131448 2CE348131F CUH371A Cindy Burns 06/26/2014

832-131455 W7-131455-LT 2CE3481319 ATC159E AVAILABLE 06/25/2015

832-131543 LT-W7-131543 2CE4020ZGG ATC159E LOANER 07/01/2015

832-131544 LT-W7-131544 2CE4020ZGJ ADM117A Betty Smith 10/02/2014

832-131545 LT-W7-131545 2CE4020ZGH ATC159E LOANER 06/23/2015

832-131546 LT-W7-131546 2CE4020ZGK ATC147A Roderick Brower 11/07/2014

832-131547 LT-W7-131547 2CE4020KZ4 SLC101B Christine Porchia 03/12/2015

832-131608 XP125971 2CE4150050 BT117 Computer Lab 08/22/2014

832-131609 BT11727-LT 2CE4150051 BT117 Computer Lab 08/22/2014

832-131610 BT11728-LT 2CE4150052 BT117 Computer Lab 03/16/2015

832-131611 BT11729-LT 2CE4150053 BT117 Computer Lab 08/22/2014

832-131612 BT11730-LT 2CE4150054 BT117 Computer Lab 08/25/2014

832-131613 BT11731-LT 2CE4150055 BT117 Computer Lab 08/25/2014

832-131614 BT11732-LT 2CE4150056 BT117 Computer Lab 08/26/2014

832-131615 BT11733-LT 2CE4150057 BT117 Computer Lab 08/26/2014

832-131616 BT11734-LT 2CE4150058 BT117 Computer Lab 08/27/2014

832-131617 BT11735-LT 2CE4150059 BT117 Computer Lab 08/26/2014

832-131618 BT11736-LT 2CE415005B BT117 Computer Lab 08/27/2014

832-131619 BT11737-LT 2CE415005C BT117 Computer Lab 08/27/2014

832-131620 BT11738-LT 2CE415005D BT117 Computer Lab 08/27/2014

832-131621 BT11739-LT 2CE415005F BT117 Computer Lab 08/27/2014

832-131622 BT11740-LT 2CE415005G BT117 Computer Lab 08/27/2014

832-131623 BT11741-LT 2CE415005H BT117 Computer Lab 08/27/2014

832-131624 BT11742-LT 2CE415005J BT117 Computer Lab 08/27/2014

832-131625 BT11743-LT 2CE415005K BT117 Computer Lab 09/04/2014

832-131626 BT11744-LT 2CE415005L BT117 Computer Lab 09/04/2014

832-131627 BT11745-LT 2CE415005M BT117 Computer Lab 09/04/2014

832-131628 W7-128789 2CE415005N BT117 Computer Lab 09/04/2014

832-131629 BT11747-LT 2CE415005P BT117 Computer Lab 01/23/2015

832-131630 BT11748-LT 2CE415005Q BT117 Computer Lab 04/20/2015

832-131631 BT11749-LT 2CE415005S BT117 Computer Lab 03/20/2015

832-131632 BT11750-LT 2CE415004Z BT117 Computer Lab 07/02/2015

832-131635 LT-W7-131635 2CE4140CSN CEC133 ADJUNCT 05/02/2014

832-131637 LT-W7-131637 2CE415005R LAH149A Steven Scott 06/10/2014

832-131640 LT-W7-131640 2CE4162075 ATC159E LOANER 06/24/2015

832-131641 LT-W7-131641 2CE4162076 GCB202T Tracie Hunter 05/20/2015

832-131683 LT-W7-131683 2CE4171JK7 WFD Nedra Clayborne-Rodriguez 06/05/2014

832-131684 LT-W7-131684 2CE4171JK8 WFD Nedra Clayborne-Rodriguez 06/05/2014

832-131685 LT-W7-131685 2CE4171JK9 WFD Nedra Clayborne-Rodriguez 06/05/2014

832-131686 LT-W7-131686 2CE4171JKB WFD Nedra Clayborne-Rodriguez 06/05/2014

832-131687 LT-W7-131687 2CE4171JKC WFD Nedra Clayborne-Rodriguez 06/05/2014

832-131688 LT-W7-131688 2CE4171JKD WFD Nedra Clayborne-Rodriguez 06/05/2014

832-131689 LT-W7-131689 2CE4171JKF WFD Nedra Clayborne-Rodriguez 06/05/2014

832-131690 LT-W7-131690 2CE4171JKG WFD Nedra Clayborne-Rodriguez 06/05/2014

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832-131691 LT-W7-131691 2CE4171JKH WFD Nedra Clayborne-Rodriguez 06/05/2014

832-131692 LT-W7-131692 2CE4171JKJ WFD Nedra Clayborne-Rodriguez 06/05/2014

832-131693 LT-W7-131693 2CE4171JKK WFD Nedra Clayborne-Rodriguez 06/05/2014

832-131694 LT-W7-131694 2CE4171JKL WFD Nedra Clayborne-Rodriguez 06/05/2014

832-131695 LT-W7-131695 2CE4171JKM CEC241 CEC COWS 06/05/2014

832-131696 LT-W7-131696 2CE4171JKN CEC241 CEC COWS 06/05/2014

832-131697 LT-W7-131697 2CE4171JKP CEC241 CEC COWS 06/05/2014

832-131698 LT-W7-131698 2CE4171JKQ CEC241 CEC COWS 06/05/2014

832-131699 LT-W7-131699 2CE4171JKR CEC241 CEC COWS 06/05/2014

832-131700 LT-W7-131700 2CE4171JKS CEC241 CEC COWS 06/09/2014

832-131701 LT-W7-131701 2CE4171JKT CEC241 CEC COWS 06/05/2014

832-131702 LT-W7-131702 2CE4171JKV CEC241 CEC COWS 06/05/2014

832-131703 LT-W7-131703 2CE4171JKW CEC241 CEC COWS 06/05/2014

832-131704 LT-W7-131704 2CE4171JKX CEC241 CEC COWS 06/05/2014

832-131705 LT-W7-131705 2CE4171JKY CEC241 CEC COWS 06/05/2014

832-131706 LT-W7-131706 2CE4171JKZ CEC241 CEC COWS 06/05/2014

832-131707 LT-W7-131707 2CE4171JL0 CEC241 CEC COWS 06/05/2014

832-131710 LT-W7-131710 2CE420043D ADM167A Christy Barton 05/27/2015

832-132080 LT-W7-132080 2CE4210HQV GCB202W Zilma Lopes 10/02/2014

832-132081 LT-W7-132081 2CE4210HQW GCB202V Regina Anglin 07/03/2014

HP ProBook 450 G2Hewlett-Packard

User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

113Total Computers Of This Model:

832-132199 LT-W7-132199 CND4337L8S VCC230 Paul M. Gage 11/13/2014

832-132249 HTC102C01-LT CND441CDKH HTC102C Computer Lab 11/17/2014

832-132250 HTC102D01-LT CND441CDKJ HTC102D Computer Lab 11/17/2014

832-132251 HTC104A01-LT CND441CDKK HTC104A Computer Lab 11/17/2014

832-132252 HTC104B01-LT CND441CDKL HTC104B Computer Lab 11/17/2014

832-132253 HTC104C01-LT CND441CDKM HTC104C Computer Lab 11/17/2014

832-132254 HTC104D01-LT CND441CDKN HTC104D Computer Lab 11/17/2014

832-132255 HTC104E01-LT CND441CDKP HTC104E Computer Lab 11/17/2014

832-132256 HTC14801-LT CND441CDKQ HTC148 Computer Lab 11/17/2014

832-132257 HTC14802-LT CND441CDKR HTC148 Computer Lab 11/17/2014

832-132258 HTC14803-LT CND441CDKS HTC148 Computer Lab 11/17/2014

832-132259 HTC14804-LT CND441CDKT HTC148 Computer Lab 11/17/2014

832-132260 HTC14805-LT CND441CDKV HTC148 Computer Lab 11/17/2014

832-132261 HTC14806-LT CND441CDKW HTC148 Computer Lab 11/17/2014

832-132262 HTC14807-LT CND441CDKX HTC148 Computer Lab 11/17/2014

832-132263 HTC14808-LT CND441CDKY HTC148 Computer Lab 11/17/2014

832-132264 HTC14809-LT CND441CDKZ HTC148 Computer Lab 11/17/2014

832-132265 HTC14810-LT CND441CDL0 HTC148 Computer Lab 11/17/2014

832-132274 LAH13001-LT CND44275VQ LAH130 Computer Lab 03/13/2015

832-132275 LAH13002-LT CND44275VR LAH130 Computer Lab 03/13/2015

832-132276 LAH13003-LT CND44275VS LAH130 Computer Lab 03/13/2015

832-132277 LAH13004-LT CND44275VT LAH130 Computer Lab 03/13/2015

832-132278 LAH13005-LT CND44275VV LAH130 Computer Lab 03/13/2015

832-132279 LAH13006-LT CND44275VW LAH130 Computer Lab 03/13/2015

832-132280 LAH13007-LT CND44275VX LAH130 Computer Lab 01/08/2015

832-132281 LAH13008-LT CND44275VY LAH130 Computer Lab 03/13/2015

832-132282 LAH13009-LT CND44275VZ LAH130 Computer Lab 03/13/2015

832-132283 LAH13010-LT CND44275W0 LAH130 Computer Lab 03/13/2015

832-132284 LAH13011-LT CND44275W1 LAH130 Computer Lab 05/29/2015

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832-132285 LAH13012-LT CND44275W2 LAH130 Computer Lab 03/13/2015

832-132286 LAH13013-LT CND44275W3 LAH130 Computer Lab 03/13/2015

832-132287 LAH13014-LT CND44275W4 LAH130 Computer Lab 03/13/2015

832-132288 LAH13015-LT CND44275W5 LAH130 Computer Lab 03/13/2015

832-132289 LAH13016-LT CND44275W6 LAH130 Computer Lab 03/13/2015

832-132290 LAH13017-LT CND44275W7 LAH130 Computer Lab 03/13/2015

832-132291 LAH13018-LT CND44275W8 LAH130 Computer Lab 03/13/2015

832-132292 LAH13019-LT CND44275W9 LAH130 Computer Lab 03/13/2015

832-132293 LAH13020-LT CND44275WB LAH130 Computer Lab 03/13/2015

832-132294 LAH13021-LT CND44275WC LAH130 Computer Lab 03/13/2015

832-132295 LAH13022-LT CND44275WD LAH130 Computer Lab 03/13/2015

832-132296 LAH13023-LT CND44275WF LAH130 Computer Lab 03/13/2015

832-132297 LAH13024-LT CND44275WG LAH130 Computer Lab 03/13/2015

832-132411 LT-W7-132411 CND445DSX3 ATC159E LOANER 04/07/2015

832-132412 LT-W7-132412 CND445DT26 ATC159E LOANER 03/12/2015

832-132568 ECC22501-LT CND5150PF3 ECC225 Computer Lab 06/05/2015

832-132569 ECC22502-LT CND5150PF5 ECC225 Computer Lab 06/05/2015

832-132570 ECC22503-LT CND5150PF9 ECC225 Computer Lab 06/05/2015

832-132571 ECC22504-LT CND5150PFD ECC225 Computer Lab 06/05/2015

832-132572 ECC22505-LT CND5150PFF ECC225 Computer Lab 06/05/2015

832-132573 ECC22506-LT CND5150PFG ECC225 Computer Lab 06/05/2015

832-132574 ECC22507-LT CND5150PFH ECC225 Computer Lab 06/05/2015

832-132575 ECC22508-LT CND5150PFL ECC225 Computer Lab 06/05/2015

832-132576 ECC22509-LT CND5150PFN ECC225 Computer Lab 06/05/2015

832-132577 ECC22510-LT CND5150PFP ECC225 Computer Lab 06/30/2015

832-132578 ECC22511-LT CND5150PFQ ECC225 Computer Lab 06/16/2015

832-132579 ECC22512-LT CND5150PFS ECC225 Computer Lab 06/16/2015

832-132580 ECC22513-LT CND5150PFT ECC225 Computer Lab 06/05/2015

832-132581 ECC22514-LT CND5150PG1 ECC225 Computer Lab 06/05/2015

832-132582 ECC22515-LT CND5150PG2 ECC225 Computer Lab 06/05/2015

832-132583 ECC22516-LT CND5150PG3 ECC225 Computer Lab 06/05/2015

832-132584 ECC22517-LT CND5150PG7 ECC225 Computer Lab 06/05/2015

832-132585 ECC22518-LT CND5150PG8 ECC225 Computer Lab 06/05/2015

832-132586 ECC22519-LT CND5150PG9 ECC225 Computer Lab 06/05/2015

832-132587 ECC22520-LT CND5150PGF ECC225 Computer Lab 06/05/2015

832-132588 ECC22521-LT CND5150PGG ECC225 Computer Lab 06/05/2015

832-132589 ECC22522-LT CND5150PGJ ECC225 Computer Lab 06/05/2015

832-132590 ECC22523-LT CND5150PGK ECC225 Computer Lab 06/05/2015

832-132591 ECC22524-LT CND5150PGM ECC225 Computer Lab 06/05/2015

832-132592 ECC22525-LT CND5150PGN ECC225 Computer Lab 06/05/2015

832-132593 ECC22526-LT CND5150PGP ECC225 Computer Lab 06/05/2015

832-132594 ECC22527-LT CND5150PGQ ECC225 Computer Lab 06/05/2015

832-132595 ECC22528-LT CND5150PGS ECC225 Computer Lab 06/05/2015

832-132596 SLC20704-LT CND5150PF6 SLC207 Computer Lab 05/06/2015

832-132596 SLC20701-LT CND5150PF1 SLC207 Computer Lab 05/06/2015

832-132597 SLC20702-LT CND5150PF2 SLC207 Computer Lab 05/06/2015

832-132598 SLC20703-LT CND5150PF4 SLC207 Computer Lab 05/06/2015

832-132600 SLC20705-LT CND5150PF7 SLC207 Computer Lab 05/06/2015

832-132601 SLC20706-LT CND5150PF8 SLC207 Computer Lab 05/06/2015

832-132602 SLC20707-LT CND5150PFB SLC207 Computer Lab 05/06/2015

832-132603 SLC20708-LT CND5150PFC SLC207 Computer Lab 05/06/2015

832-132604 SLC20709-LT CND5150PFJ SLC207 Computer Lab 05/06/2015

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832-132605 SLC20710-LT CND5150PFK SLC207 Computer Lab 05/06/2015

832-132606 SLC20711-LT CND5150PFM SLC207 Computer Lab 05/06/2015

832-132607 SLC20712-LT CND5150PFR SLC207 Computer Lab 05/06/2015

832-132608 SLC20713-LT CND5150PFV SLC207 Computer Lab 05/06/2015

832-132609 SLC20714-LT CND5150PFW SLC207 Computer Lab 05/06/2015

832-132610 SLC20715-LT CND5150PFX SLC207 Computer Lab 05/06/2015

832-132611 SLC20716-LT CND5150PFY SLC207 Computer Lab 05/06/2015

832-132612 SLC20717-LT CND5150PFZ SLC207 Computer Lab 05/06/2015

832-132613 SLC20718-LT CND5150PG0 SLC207 Computer Lab 05/06/2015

832-132614 SLC20719-LT CND5150PG4 SLC207 Computer Lab 05/06/2015

832-132615 SLC20720-LT CND5150PG5 SLC207 Computer Lab 05/06/2015

832-132616 SLC20721-LT CND5150PG6 SLC207 Computer Lab 05/06/2015

832-132617 SLC20722-LT CND5150PGB SLC207 Computer Lab 05/06/2015

832-132618 SLC20723-LT CND5150PGC SLC207 Computer Lab 05/06/2015

832-132619 SLC20724-LT CND5150PGD SLC207 Computer Lab 05/06/2015

832-132620 SLC20725-LT CND5150PGH SLC207 Computer Lab 05/06/2015

832-132621 SLC20726-LT CND5150PGL SLC207 Computer Lab 05/06/2015

832-132622 SLC20727-LT CND5150PGR SLC207 Computer Lab 05/06/2015

832-132623 SLC20728-LT CND5150PGT SLC207 Computer Lab 05/06/2015

CND4320XZN LT-W7-012702 CND4320XZN ATC133 Kenjuandru Rice 10/08/2014

CND4320Y8L LT-W7-012703 CND4320Y8L ATC133 Kenjuandru Rice 04/08/2015

CND4320YCQ LT-W7-012704 CND4320YCQ ATC133 Kenjuandru Rice 11/03/2014

CND4320YLY LT-W7-012705 CND4320YLY ATC133 Kenjuandru Rice 10/08/2014

CND4320YM1 LT-W7-012706 CND4320YM1 ATC133 Kenjuandru Rice 10/08/2014

CND4320YM7 LT-W7-012707 CND4320YM7 ATC133 Kenjuandru Rice 12/19/2014

CND4320YMD LT-W7-012708 CND4320YMD ATC133 Kenjuandru Rice 11/03/2014

CND4320YNB LT-W7-012709 CND4320YNB ATC133 Kenjuandru Rice 10/08/2014

CND4320YNC LT-W7-012710 CND4320YNC ATC133 Kenjuandru Rice 10/08/2014

CND4320ZLS LT-W7-012711 CND4320ZLS ATC133 Kenjuandru Rice 11/03/2014

CND4320ZQ5 LT-W7-012712 CND4320ZQ5 ATC133 Kenjuandru Rice 11/03/2014

CND4320ZR8 LT-W7-012713 CND4320ZR8 ATC133 Kenjuandru Rice 04/08/2015

CND4405XCQ LT-W7-132238 CND4405XCQ ATC133 Timothy McMahon 10/24/2014

HP ProBook 4530sHewlett-Packard

User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

9Total Computers Of This Model:

832-012353 LT-W7-012353 CNU1320P1Z CBI120 Loutricia Nelson 12/11/2013

832-130466 HTC20701-LT CNU2291F24 HTC207 Computer Lab 05/20/2015

832-130467 HTC20702-LT CNU2291LL0 HTC207 Computer Lab 05/21/2015

832-130468 HTC20703-LT CNU2291KKQ HTC207 Computer Lab 05/20/2015

832-130469 HTC20704-LT CNU2291KQM HTC207 Computer Lab 05/21/2015

832-130470 HTC20705-LT CNU2291RCJ HTC207 Computer Lab 05/21/2015

832-130471 HTC20706-LT CNU2291KJV HTC207 Computer Lab 05/20/2015

832-130472 HTC20707-LT CNU2291TS3 HTC207 Computer Lab 05/21/2015

832-130473 HTC20708-LT CNU2291QTK HTC207 Computer Lab 05/21/2015

HP ProBook 4540sHewlett-Packard

User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

144Total Computers Of This Model:

832-012565 BT11701-LT 2CE2490NQ8 BT117 Computer Lab 05/27/2015

832-012566 BT11702-LT 2CE2490NQD BT117 Computer Lab 09/23/2014

832-012567 BT11703-LT 2CE2490NQG BT117 Computer Lab 09/23/2014

832-012568 BT11704-LT 2CE2490NVQ BT117 Computer Lab 09/23/2014

832-012569 BT11705-LT 2CE2490NVR BT117 Computer Lab 06/19/2014

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832-012570 BT11706-LT 2CE2490NVS BT117 Computer Lab 06/19/2014

832-012571 BT11708-LT 2CE2490NVW BT117 Computer Lab 06/19/2014

832-012572 BT11707-LT 2CE2490NVY BT117 Computer Lab 06/19/2014

832-012573 BT11709-LT 2CE2490NVZ BT117 Computer Lab 06/19/2014

832-012574 BT11710-LT 2CE2490NW0 BT117 Computer Lab 07/03/2014

832-012575 BT11711-LT 2CE2490NW1 BT117 Computer Lab 06/19/2014

832-012576 BT11712-LT 2CE2490NW2 BT117 Computer Lab 06/19/2014

832-012577 BT11713-LT 2CE2490NW3 BT117 Computer Lab 06/19/2014

832-012578 BT11714-LT 2CE2490NW4 BT117 Computer Lab 06/19/2014

832-012579 BT11715-LT 2CE2490NW5 BT117 Computer Lab 07/03/2014

832-012580 BT11716-LT 2CE2490NW6 BT117 Computer Lab 06/19/2014

832-012581 BT11717-LT 2CE2490NW7 BT117 Computer Lab 03/20/2015

832-012582 BT11718-LT 2CE2490NW8 BT117 Computer Lab 06/19/2014

832-012583 BT11719-LT 2CE2490NW9 BT117 Computer Lab 06/19/2014

832-012584 BT11720-LT 2CE2490NWB BT117 Computer Lab 06/19/2014

832-012585 BT11721-LT 2CE2490NWC BT117 Computer Lab 06/19/2014

832-012586 BT11722-LT 2CE2490NWD BT117 Computer Lab 06/19/2014

832-012587 BT11723-LT 2CE2490NWF BT117 Computer Lab 07/31/2014

832-012588 BT11724-LT 2CE2490NWG BT117 Computer Lab 07/29/2014

832-012589 BT11725-LT 2CE2490NWH BT117 Computer Lab 10/08/2014

832-012618 WFD-W7-012619 2CE3221LHK WFD Timothy McMahon 02/10/2014

832-012619 WFD-W7-012618 2CE3221LHN WFD Computer Lab 07/17/2014

832-012620 WFD-W7-012620 2CE3221LHL WFD Computer Lab 12/09/2013

832-012621 WFD-W7-012621 2CE3221LHJ WFD Computer Lab 12/05/2013

832-012622 WFD-W7-012622 2CE3221LHM WFD Computer Lab 12/09/2013

832-012654 LT-W7-012654 2CE3382G86 WFD Nedra Clayborne-Rodriguez 10/02/2014

832-012656 LT-W7-012656 2CE3382G88 ATC133 Unknown 10/02/2014

832-130967 SLC20401-LT 2CE3141RHP SLC204 Computer Lab 06/24/2015

832-130968 SLC20402-LT 2CE3141RHQ SLC204 Computer Lab 04/21/2015

832-130969 SLC20403-LT 2CE3141RHR SLC204 Computer Lab 04/28/2015

832-130970 SLC20404-LT 2CE3141RHS SLC204 Computer Lab 04/21/2015

832-130971 SLC20405-LT 2CE3141RHT SLC204 Computer Lab 05/05/2015

832-130972 SLC20406-LT 2CE3141RHV SLC204 Computer Lab 04/21/2015

832-130973 SLC20407-LT 2CE3141RHW SLC204 Computer Lab 04/21/2015

832-130974 SLC20408-LT 2CE3141RHX SLC204 Computer Lab 04/21/2015

832-130975 SLC20409-LT 2CE3141RHY SLC204 Computer Lab 04/21/2015

832-130976 SLC20410-LT 2CE3141RHZ SLC204 Computer Lab 04/21/2015

832-130977 SLC20411-LT 2CE3141RJ0 SLC204 Computer Lab 04/21/2015

832-130978 SLC20412-LT 2CE3141RJ1 SLC204 Computer Lab 04/21/2015

832-130979 SLC20413-LT 2CE3141RJ2 SLC204 Computer Lab 05/05/2015

832-130980 SLC20414-LT 2CE3141RJ3 SLC204 Computer Lab 05/05/2015

832-130981 SLC20415-LT 2CE3141RJ4 SLC204 Computer Lab 05/05/2015

832-130982 SLC20416-LT 2CE3141RJ5 SLC204 Computer Lab 04/21/2015

832-130983 SLC20417-LT 2CE3141RJ6 SLC204 Computer Lab 04/21/2015

832-130984 SLC20418-LT 2CE3141RJ7 SLC204 Computer Lab 04/21/2015

832-130985 SLC20419-LT 2CE3141RJ8 SLC204 Computer Lab 04/21/2015

832-130986 SLC20420-LT 2CE3141RJ9 SLC204 Computer Lab 04/21/2015

832-130987 SLC20421-LT 2CE3141RJB SLC204 Computer Lab 04/21/2015

832-130988 SLC20422-LT 2CE3141RJC SLC204 Computer Lab 04/21/2015

832-130989 SLC20423-LT 2CE3141RJD SLC204 Computer Lab 04/21/2015

832-130990 SLC20424-LT 2CE3141RJF SLC204 Computer Lab 04/21/2015

832-130991 SLC20425-LT 2CE3141RJG SLC204 Computer Lab 04/21/2015

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832-131167 ECC21701-LT 2CE3231M7K ECC217 Computer Lab 05/22/2015

832-131168 ECC21702-LT 2CE3231M7L ECC217 Computer Lab 05/22/2015

832-131169 ECC21703-LT 2CE3231M7M ECC217 Computer Lab 05/22/2015

832-131170 ECC21704-LT 2CE3231M7N ECC217 Computer Lab 05/22/2015

832-131171 ECC21705-LT 2CE3231M7P ECC217 Computer Lab 05/22/2015

832-131172 ECC21706-LT 2CE3231M7Q ECC217 Computer Lab 05/22/2015

832-131173 ECC21707-LT 2CE3231M7R ECC217 Computer Lab 05/22/2015

832-131174 ECC21708-LT 2CE3231M7S ECC217 Computer Lab 05/22/2015

832-131175 ECC21709-LT 2CE3231M7T ECC217 Computer Lab 05/22/2015

832-131176 ECC21710-LT 2CE3231M7V ECC217 Computer Lab 05/22/2015

832-131177 ECC21711-LT 2CE3231M7W ECC217 Computer Lab 05/22/2015

832-131178 ECC21712-LT 2CE3231M7X ECC217 Computer Lab 05/22/2015

832-131179 ECC21713-LT 2CE3231M7Y ECC217 Computer Lab 05/22/2015

832-131180 ECC21714-LT 2CE3231M7Z ECC217 Computer Lab 05/22/2015

832-131181 ECC21715-LT 2CE3231M80 ECC217 Computer Lab 05/22/2015

832-131182 ECC21716-LT 2CE3231M81 ECC217 Computer Lab 05/22/2015

832-131183 ECC21717-LT 2CE3231M82 ECC217 Computer Lab 05/22/2015

832-131184 ECC21718-LT 2CE3231M83 ECC217 Computer Lab 05/22/2015

832-131185 ECC21719-LT 2CE3231M84 ECC217 Computer Lab 05/22/2015

832-131186 ECC21720-LT 2CE3231M85 ECC217 Computer Lab 03/12/2014

832-131187 ECC21721-LT 2CE3231M86 ECC217 Computer Lab 05/22/2015

832-131188 ECC21722-LT 2CE3231M87 ECC217 Computer Lab 05/22/2015

832-131189 ECC21723-LT 2CE3231M88 ECC217 Computer Lab 05/22/2015

832-131190 ECC21724-LT 2CE3231M89 ECC217 Computer Lab 05/22/2015

832-131191 ECC21725-LT 2CE3231M8B ECC217 Computer Lab 11/04/2014

832-131192 ECC21726-LT 2CE3231M8C ECC217 Computer Lab 03/12/2014

832-131193 ECC21727-LT 2CE3231M8D ECC217 Computer Lab 03/12/2014

832-131194 ECC21728-LT 2CE3231M8F ECC217 Computer Lab 03/12/2014

832-131195 ECC224INST-LT 2CE3231M8G ECC224 Multimedia PC 05/14/2015

832-131196 ECC21730-LT 2CE3231M8H ECC217 Computer Lab 05/22/2015

832-131197 ECC215INST-LT 2CE3231M8J ECC215 Multimedia PC 05/14/2015

832-131198 ECC222INST-LT 2CE3231M8K ECC222 Computer Lab 04/13/2015

832-131199 ECC21729-LT 2CE3270Z23 ECC217 Computer Lab 03/12/2014

832-131200 ECC228INST-LT 2CE3231M8M ECC228 Multimedia PC 01/16/2015

832-131201 ECC229INST-LT 2CE3231M8N ECC229 Multimedia PC 05/14/2015

832-131291 HTC-CARTA01-LT 2CE33615P2 HTC207 Computer Lab 05/21/2015

832-131292 HTC-CARTA02-LT 2CE33615P3 HTC207 Computer Lab 05/20/2015

832-131293 HTC-CARTA03-LT 2CE33615P4 HTC207 Computer Lab 05/20/2015

832-131294 HTC-CARTA04-LT 2CE33615P5 HTC207 Computer Lab 05/21/2015

832-131295 HTC-CARTA05-LT 2CE33615P6 HTC207 Computer Lab 05/20/2015

832-131296 HTC-CARTA06-LT 2CE33615P7 HTC207 Computer Lab 05/21/2015

832-131297 HTC-CARTA07-LT 2CE33615P8 HTC207 Computer Lab 05/21/2015

832-131298 HTC-CARTA08-LT 2CE33615P9 HTC207 Computer Lab 05/20/2015

832-131299 HTC-CARTA09-LT 2CE33615PB HTC207 Computer Lab 05/21/2015

832-131300 HTC-CARTA10-LT 2CE33615PC HTC207 Computer Lab 05/20/2015

832-131301 HTC-CARTA11-LT 2CE33615PD HTC207 Computer Lab 05/20/2015

832-131302 HTC-CARTA12-LT 2CE33615PF HTC207 Computer Lab 05/21/2015

832-131303 HTC-CARTA13-LT 2CE33615PG HTC207 Computer Lab 05/20/2015

832-131304 HTC-CARTA14-LT 2CE33615PH HTC207 Computer Lab 05/21/2015

832-131305 HTC-CARTA15-LT 2CE33615PJ HTC207 Computer Lab 05/20/2015

832-131306 HTC-CARTA16-LT 2CE33615PK HTC207 Computer Lab 05/21/2015

832-131307 HTC-CARTA17-LT 2CE33615PL HTC207 Computer Lab 05/21/2015

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832-131308 HTC-CARTA18-LT 2CE33615PM HTC207 Computer Lab 05/21/2015

832-131309 HTC-CARTA19-LT 2CE33615PN HTC207 Computer Lab 05/21/2015

832-131310 HTC-CARTA20-LT 2CE33615PP HTC207 Computer Lab 05/20/2015

832-131311 LT-W7-130486 2CE33615PQ HTC207 Computer Lab 05/20/2015

832-131312 HTC-CARTA22-LT 2CE33615PR HTC207 Computer Lab 05/20/2015

832-131313 HTC-CARTA23-LT 2CE33615PS HTC207 Computer Lab 05/21/2015

832-131314 HTC-CARTA24-LT 2CE33615PT HTC207 Computer Lab 05/21/2015

832-131315 HTC-CARTA25-LT 2CE33615PV HTC207 Computer Lab 05/21/2015

832-131316 HTC-CARTB01-LT 2CE33615PW HTC207 Computer Lab 05/20/2015

832-131317 HTC-CARTB02-LT 2CE33615PX HTC207 Computer Lab 05/21/2015

832-131318 HTC-CARTB03-LT 2CE33615PY HTC207 Computer Lab 05/21/2015

832-131319 HTC-CARTB04-LT 2CE33615PZ HTC207 Computer Lab 05/20/2015

832-131320 HTC-CARTB05-LT 2CE33615Q0 HTC207 Computer Lab 05/20/2015

832-131321 HTC-CARTB06-LT 2CE33615Q1 HTC207 Computer Lab 05/20/2015

832-131322 HTC-CARTB07-LT 2CE33615Q2 HTC207 Computer Lab 05/20/2015

832-131323 HTC-CARTB08-LT 2CE33615Q3 HTC207 Computer Lab 05/20/2015

832-131324 HTC-CARTB09-LT 2CE33615Q4 HTC207 Computer Lab 05/20/2015

832-131325 HTC-CARTB10-LT 2CE33615Q5 HTC207 Computer Lab 05/21/2015

832-131326 HTC-CARTB11-LT 2CE33615Q6 HTC207 Computer Lab 05/21/2015

832-131327 HTC-CARTB12-LT 2CE33615Q7 HTC207 Computer Lab 05/21/2015

832-131328 HTC-CARTB13-LT 2CE33615Q8 HTC207 Computer Lab 05/20/2015

832-131329 HTC-CARTB14-LT 2CE33615Q9 HTC207 Computer Lab 05/21/2015

832-131330 HTC-CARTB15-LT 2CE33615QB HTC207 Computer Lab 05/21/2015

832-131331 HTC-CARTB16-LT 2CE33615QC HTC207 Computer Lab 05/20/2015

832-131332 HTC-CARTB17-LT 2CE33615QD HTC207 Computer Lab 05/21/2015

832-131333 HTC-CARTB18-LT 2CE33615QF HTC207 Computer Lab 05/21/2015

832-131334 HTC-CARTB19-LT 2CE33615QG HTC207 Computer Lab 05/21/2015

832-131335 HTC-CARTB20-LT 2CE33615QH HTC207 Computer Lab 05/21/2015

832-131336 HTC-CARTB21-LT 2CE33615QJ HTC207 Computer Lab 05/21/2015

832-131337 HTC-CARTB22-LT 2CE33615QK HTC207 Computer Lab 05/21/2015

832-131338 HTC-CARTB23-LT 2CE33615QL HTC207 Computer Lab 05/21/2015

832-131339 HTC-CARTB24-LT 2CE33615QM HTC207 Computer Lab 05/21/2015

832-131340 HTC-CARTB25-LT 2CE33615QN HTC207 Computer Lab 05/21/2015

832-131401 W7-131401-LT 2CE3382G82 SLC216A Ron Jahn 05/28/2015

832-131402 W7-131402-LT 2CE3382G83 SLC216A Gerald Huggins 06/01/2015

HP ProDesk 600 G1Hewlett-Packard

User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

1Total Computers Of This Model:

832-132118 CBI12111 2UA42915XP CBI121 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

HP ProDesk 600 G1 SFFHewlett-Packard

User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

11Total Computers Of This Model:

832-132240 W7-132240 2UA4410PCD HTC102 Frederick Knobloch 01/29/2015

832-132241 HTC10209 2UA4410PC5 HTC102 Computer Lab 11/12/2014

832-132242 HTC10211 2UA4410PC8 HTC102 Computer Lab 01/15/2015

832-132243 HTC10212 2UA4410PC9 HTC102 Computer Lab 11/12/2014

832-132244 HTC10219 2UA4410PCC HTC102 Computer Lab 11/12/2014

832-132245 HTC10220 2UA4410PC7 HTC102 Computer Lab 11/12/2014

832-132246 HTC102G01 2UA4410PC6 HTC102 Computer Lab 06/15/2015

832-132247 HTC102G02 2UA4410PCB HTC102 Computer Lab 06/15/2015

832-132308 LIB200CAT02 2UA4430FSX LIB200 Computer Lab 06/12/2015

832-132309 LIB200CAT01 2UA4430FSW LIB200 Computer Lab 06/12/2015

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832-132310 LIB200CAT03 2UA4430FSY LIB200 Computer Lab 06/12/2015

HP ProDesk 600 G1 TWRHewlett-Packard

User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

547Total Computers Of This Model:

2UA4430FJL W7-132302 2UA4430FJL TALL Kimberly Carlton 12/02/2014

832-131563 W7-131563 2UA4060Y7P NCB12A Laura Rozier 05/13/2014

832-131566 W7-131566 2UA4061P3J ADM116A Robin Deaver 02/26/2014

832-131578 W7-131578 2UA410119L TALL222 ADJUNCT 09/18/2014

832-131579 W7-131579 2UA410119G Tallywood Unknown 09/25/2014

832-131580 W7-131580 2UA410119H Tallywood Unknown 06/03/2014

832-131581 W7-131581 2UA410119K TALL ADJUNCT 05/30/2014

832-131582 W7-131582 2UA410119J Tallywood Unknown 08/14/2014

832-131583 W7-131583 2UA4101H9Q ADM166 Patrick McMillian 05/12/2015

832-131594 W7-131594 2UA4131VPY ADM167C Jessica Small 06/09/2015

832-131595 W7-131595 2UA4131VPZ ADM101B Linda Harrell 04/25/2014

832-131596 W7-131596 2UA4131VQ0 ADM114A Charles Smith 05/28/2015

832-131601 W7-131601 2UA41320RT GCB222 Unknown 05/20/2015

832-131602 W7-131602 2UA41320RV GCB222 Unknown 06/25/2015

832-131603 W7-131603 2UA41320RX GCB202A Unknown 04/23/2015

832-131604 W7-131604 2UA41320RW GCB222 Unknown 06/25/2015

832-131605 W7-131605 2UA41320RQ GCB202E VA Workstudy 06/26/2015

832-131606 W7-131606 2UA41320RR GCB202E Karen Owen 07/01/2015

832-131607 W7-131607 2UA41320RS GCB222 ADJUNCT 04/13/2015

832-131633 W7-131633 2UA41326BN NCB01 Betty Lee 12/12/2014

832-131634 W7-131634 2UA41326BP NCB12 Anke Turner 03/11/2015

832-131636 W7-131636 2UA41326BQ FBSDC206 Ron Jahn 06/25/2015

832-131667 W7-131667 2UA4151P5P NC1B Joe Mullis 05/05/2014

832-131670 W7-131670 2UA4151WF3 ADM102 Mona Watkins 05/28/2015

832-131671 W7-131671 2UA4151WF5 ADM117A Betty Smith 07/22/2014

832-131672 W7-131672 2UA4151WF4 ADM109 Crystal Kendall 07/22/2014

832-131673 W7-131673 2UA4151WF0 ADM102 Penny Tew 05/22/2015

832-131674 W7-131674 2UA4151WF1 ADM168 Moneak Perrington 05/05/2014

832-131675 W7-131675 2UA4151WF6 ADM116 Dawn Johnson 03/24/2015

832-131676 W7-131676 2UA4151WF2 ADM109 Faith McGee 07/22/2014

832-131677 W7-131677 2UA4151WDZ ADM102A Amy Samperton 07/29/2014

832-131725 CBI11001 2UA42113DL CBI110 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-131726 CBI11002 2UA42113DM CBI110 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-131727 CBI11003 2UA42113DN CBI110 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-131728 CBI11004 2UA42113DP CBI110 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-131729 CBI11005 2UA42113DQ CBI110 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-131730 CBI11006 2UA42113DR CBI110 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-131731 CBI11007 2UA42113DS CBI110 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-131732 CBI11008 2UA42113DT CBI110 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-131733 CBI11009 2UA42113DV CBI110 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-131734 CBI11010 2UA42113DW CBI110 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-131735 CBI11011 2UA42113DX CBI110 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-131736 CBI110INST 2UA42113DY CBI110 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-131737 CBI11012 2UA42113DZ CBI110 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-131738 CBI11013 2UA42113FB CBI110 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-131739 CBI11014 2UA42113FC CBI110 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-131740 CBI11015 2UA42113FD CBI110 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-131741 CBI11016 2UA42113FF CBI110 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

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832-131742 CBI11017 2UA42113FG CBI110 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-131743 CBI11018 2UA42113FH CBI110 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-131744 CBI11019 2UA42113FJ CBI110 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-131745 CBI108B01 2UA42113FK CBI108B Computer Lab 06/17/2015

832-131746 CBI108B02 2UA42113FL CBI108B Computer Lab 06/17/2015

832-131747 CBI108B03 2UA42113FM CBI108B Computer Lab 06/17/2015

832-131748 CBI108B04 2UA42113FN CBI108B Computer Lab 06/17/2015

832-131749 CBI108B05 2UA42113FP CBI108B Computer Lab 06/17/2015

832-131750 CBI108B06 2UA42113FQ CBI108B Computer Lab 06/17/2015

832-131751 CBI108B07 2UA42113FR CBI108B Computer Lab 06/17/2015

832-131752 CBI108B08 2UA42113FS CBI108B Computer Lab 06/22/2015

832-131753 CBI108B09 2UA42113FT CBI108B Computer Lab 06/17/2015

832-131754 CBI108B10 2UA42113FV CBI108B Computer Lab 06/17/2015

832-131755 CBI108B11 2UA42113FW CBI108B Computer Lab 06/17/2015

832-131756 CBI108B12 2UA42113FX CBI108B Computer Lab 06/17/2015

832-131757 CBI108B13 2UA42113FY CBI108B Computer Lab 06/17/2015

832-131758 CBI108B14 2UA42113FZ CBI108B Computer Lab 06/17/2015

832-131759 CBI108B15 2UA42113F0 CBI108B Computer Lab 06/17/2015

832-131760 CBI108B16 2UA42113F1 CBI108B Computer Lab 06/17/2015

832-131761 CBI108BINST 2UA42113F2 CBI108B Computer Lab 06/17/2015

832-131762 CEC25701 2UA42113F3 CEC257 Computer Lab 04/10/2015

832-131763 CEC25702 2UA42113F4 CEC257 Computer Lab 04/10/2015

832-131764 CEC25703 2UA42113F5 CEC257 Computer Lab 04/10/2015

832-131765 CEC25704 2UA42113F6 CEC257 Computer Lab 04/10/2015

832-131766 CEC25705 2UA42113F7 CEC257 Computer Lab 04/10/2015

832-131767 CEC25706 2UA42113F8 CEC257 Computer Lab 04/10/2015

832-131768 CEC25707 2UA42113F9 CEC257 Computer Lab 04/10/2015

832-131769 CEC25708 2UA42113GB CEC257 Computer Lab 04/10/2015

832-131770 CEC25709 2UA42113GC CEC257 Computer Lab 04/10/2015

832-131771 CEC25710 2UA42113GD CEC257 Computer Lab 04/10/2015

832-131772 CEC25711 2UA42113GF CEC257 Computer Lab 04/10/2015

832-131773 CEC25712 2UA42113GG CEC257 Computer Lab 04/10/2015

832-131774 CEC25713 2UA42113GH CEC257 Computer Lab 04/10/2015

832-131775 CEC25714 2UA42113GJ CEC257 Computer Lab 04/10/2015

832-131776 CEC25715 2UA42113GK CEC257 Computer Lab 04/10/2015

832-131777 CEC25716 2UA42113GL CEC257 Computer Lab 04/10/2015

832-131778 CEC257INST 2UA42113GM CEC257 Computer Lab 04/10/2015

832-131779 W7-131779 2UA42113GN CEC105 Lee A. Graham 05/20/2015

832-131780 CEC10502 2UA42113GP CEC105 Computer Lab 05/20/2015

832-131781 CEC10503 2UA42113GQ CEC105 Computer Lab 05/20/2015

832-131782 CEC10504 2UA42113GR CEC105 Computer Lab 05/20/2015

832-131783 CEC10505 2UA42113GS CEC105 Computer Lab 05/20/2015

832-131784 CEC10506 2UA42113GT CEC105 Computer Lab 05/20/2015

832-131785 CEC10507 2UA42113GV CEC105 Computer Lab 05/20/2015

832-131786 CEC10508 2UA42113GW CEC105 Computer Lab 05/20/2015

832-131787 CEC10509 2UA42113GX CEC105 Computer Lab 05/20/2015

832-131788 CEC10510 2UA42113GY CEC105 Computer Lab 05/20/2015

832-131789 CEC10511 2UA42113GZ CEC105 Computer Lab 05/20/2015

832-131790 CEC10512 2UA42113G0 CEC105 Computer Lab 05/20/2015

832-131791 CEC10513 2UA42113G1 CEC105 Computer Lab 05/20/2015

832-131792 CEC10514 2UA42113G2 CEC105 Computer Lab 05/20/2015

832-131793 CEC10515 2UA42113G3 CEC105 Computer Lab 05/20/2015

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832-131794 CEC10516 2UA42113G4 CEC105 Computer Lab 05/20/2015

832-131795 CEC10517 2UA42113G5 CEC105 Computer Lab 05/20/2015

832-131796 W7-131796 2UA42113G6 CEC105 Lee A. Graham 02/27/2015

832-131797 W7-131797 2UA42113G7 NC2 Marcia Robertson 09/05/2014

832-131798 W7-131798 2UA42113G8 CEC101 Serina Britton 09/05/2014

832-131799 W7-131799 2UA42113G9 CEC201B Deborah Bloom 09/19/2014

832-131800 W7-131800 2UA42113HB NC11A Courtney G. Baughard 09/05/2014

832-131801 W7-131801 2UA42113HC CEC203 Mary Winder 04/02/2015

832-131802 W7-131802 2UA42113HD CEC212 Dayatra Brown 05/20/2015

832-131803 W7-131803 2UA42113HF CEC201A Carrie M. Heffney 04/17/2015

832-131804 W7-131804 2UA42113HG NC3 Amber Bass 09/05/2014

832-131805 W7-131805 2UA42113HH NC8A Cathy Baxley 09/05/2014

832-131806 W7-131806 2UA42113HJ CEC201 Randolph Williams 02/26/2015

832-131807 W7-131807 2UA42113HK NC3 Geraldine Hastie 09/04/2014

832-131808 W7-131808 2UA42113HL NC9B Gail Staley 03/16/2015

832-131809 W7-131809 2UA42113HM NC11A Sydney Darden 09/05/2014

832-131810 W7-131810 2UA42113HN CEC203C Tara Washington 10/09/2014

832-131811 W7-131811 2UA42113HP CEC101 Ann Van Elsue 09/08/2014

832-131812 W7-131812 2UA42113HQ NC3 Charlotte Johnson 09/10/2014

832-131813 W7-131813 2UA42113HR NC12D Angela Herrmann 09/05/2014

832-131814 W7-131814 2UA42113HS NC9A Betsy Melton 09/05/2014

832-131815 W7-131815 2UA42113HT NC10A Amy McLamb 09/04/2014

832-131816 W7-131816 2UA42113HV CEC201A Ricarda Roberson 10/09/2014

832-131817 W7-131817 2UA42113HW CEC101 Kim Lewis 05/27/2015

832-131818 W7-131818 2UA42113HX NC9A Dana Pulliam 02/06/2015

832-131819 W7-131819 2UA42113HY NC11A Nancy Sanderson 12/11/2014

832-131820 W7-131820 2UA42113HZ CEC240 Cheryl Perkins 09/18/2014

832-131821 W7-131821 2UA42113H0 CEC205 Trisha Sims 11/20/2014

832-131822 W7-131822 2UA42113H1 CEC101 Sakiyna Ragland 09/05/2014

832-131823 W7-131823 2UA42113H2 NC3 Stephanie Bellomy 11/05/2014

832-131824 W7-131824 2UA42113H3 NC4A Katherine S. Carter 04/20/2015

832-131825 W7-131825 2UA42113H4 NC8A ADJUNCT 11/04/2014

832-131826 W7-131826 2UA42113H5 CEC126 Janis Holden-Toruno 05/07/2015

832-131827 W7-131827 2UA42113H6 NC9A Rosania Portela 04/20/2015

832-131828 W7-131828 2UA42113H7 NC4A William D. Shelton 04/22/2015

832-131829 W7-131829 2UA42113H8 CEC223 Steven McCrimmons 04/10/2015

832-131830 W7-131830 2UA42113H9 CEC203 Margaret Wright 03/27/2015

832-131831 W7-131831 2UA42113J0 NC8 Nicole E. Daughtry 06/02/2015

832-131832 W7-131832 2UA42113J1 NC2 Georgia Burden 09/08/2014

832-131833 W7-131833 2UA42113J2 CEC203A Amy Cain 01/07/2015

832-131834 W7-131834 2UA42113J3 CEC212 Adrienne Ingram 09/05/2014

832-131835 W7-131835 2UA42113J4 NC12A Kristi Bellomy 09/08/2014

832-131836 W7-131836 2UA42113J5 CEC203B Phillip Crawford 12/03/2014

832-131837 W7-131837 2UA42113J6 NC10B Lisa O'Hern 09/04/2014

832-131838 W7-131838 2UA42113J7 NC5A Margo Ogg 09/05/2014

832-131839 W7-131839 2UA42113J8 CEC208A Hazel Gelpi 11/19/2014

832-131840 W7-131840 2UA42113J9 NC11A Suzanne Bolton 09/08/2014

832-131953 ATC25101 2UA4212HYF ATC251 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-131954 ATC25102 2UA4212HYG ATC251 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-131955 ATC25103 2UA4212HYH ATC251 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-131956 ATC25104 2UA4212HYJ ATC251 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-131957 ATC25105 2UA4212HYK ATC251 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

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832-131958 ATC25106 2UA4212HYL ATC251 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-131959 ATC25107 2UA4212HYM ATC251 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-131960 ATC25108 2UA4212HYN ATC251 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-131961 ATC25109 2UA4212HYP ATC251 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-131962 ATC25110 2UA4212HYQ ATC251 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-131963 ATC25111 2UA4212HYR ATC251 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-131964 ATC25112 2UA4212HYS ATC251 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-131965 ATC25113 2UA4212HYT ATC251 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-131966 ATC25114 2UA4212HYV ATC251 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-131967 ATC25115 2UA4212HYW ATC251 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-131968 ATC25116 2UA4212HYX ATC251 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-131969 ATC25117 2UA4212HYY ATC251 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-131970 ATC25118 2UA4212HYZ ATC251 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-131971 ATC25119 2UA4212HZB ATC251 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-131972 ATC25120 2UA4212HZC ATC251 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-131973 ATC25121 2UA4212HZD ATC251 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-131974 ATC251INST 2UA4212HZF ATC251 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-131975 VCC21301 2UA4212HZG VCC213 Computer Lab 08/15/2014

832-131976 VCC21302 2UA4212HZH VCC213 Computer Lab 08/15/2014

832-131977 VCC21303 2UA4212HZJ VCC213 Computer Lab 08/15/2014

832-131978 VCC21304 2UA4212HZK VCC213 Computer Lab 08/15/2014

832-131979 VCC21305 2UA4212HZL VCC213 Computer Lab 08/15/2014

832-131980 VCC21306 2UA4212HZM VCC213 Computer Lab 08/15/2014

832-131981 VCC21307 2UA4212HZN VCC213 Computer Lab 08/15/2014

832-131982 VCC21308 2UA4212HZP VCC213 Computer Lab 05/28/2015

832-131983 VCC21309 2UA4212HZQ VCC213 Computer Lab 05/28/2015

832-131984 VCC21310 2UA4212HZR VCC213 Computer Lab 08/15/2014

832-131985 VCC21311 2UA4212HZS VCC213 Computer Lab 08/15/2014

832-131986 VCC21312 2UA4212HZT VCC213 Computer Lab 08/15/2014

832-131987 VCC21313 2UA4212HZV VCC213 Computer Lab 08/15/2014

832-131988 VCC21314 2UA4212HZW VCC213 Computer Lab 08/15/2014

832-131989 VCC21315 2UA4212HZX VCC213 Computer Lab 08/15/2014

832-131990 VCC21316 2UA4212HZY VCC213 Computer Lab 08/15/2014

832-131991 VCC21317 2UA4212HZZ VCC213 Computer Lab 08/15/2014

832-131992 VCC21318 2UA4212HZ0 VCC213 Computer Lab 08/15/2014

832-131993 VCC21319 2UA4212HZ1 VCC213 Computer Lab 08/15/2014

832-131994 VCC213INST 2UA4212HZ2 VCC213 Computer Lab 05/22/2015

832-131995 LAH14801 2UA4212HZ3 LAH148 Computer Lab 06/10/2015

832-131996 LAH14802 2UA4212HZ4 LAH148 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-131997 LAH14803 2UA4212HZ5 LAH148 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-131998 LAH14804 2UA4212HZ6 LAH148 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-131999 LAH14805 2UA4212HZ7 LAH148 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-132000 LAH14806 2UA4212HZ8 LAH148 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-132001 LAH14807 2UA4212HZ9 LAH148 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-132002 LAH14808 2UA4212J0B LAH148 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-132003 LAH14809 2UA4212J0C LAH148 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-132004 LAH14810 2UA4212J0D LAH148 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-132005 LAH14811 2UA4212J0F LAH148 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-132006 LAH14812 2UA4212J0G LAH148 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-132007 LAH14813 2UA4212J0H LAH148 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-132008 LAH14814 2UA4212J0J LAH148 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-132009 LAH14815 2UA4212J0K LAH148 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

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832-132010 LAH14816 2UA4212J0L LAH148 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-132011 LAH14817 2UA4212J0M LAH148 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-132012 LAH14818 2UA4212J0N LAH148 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-132013 LAH14819 2UA4212J0P LAH148 Computer Lab 06/19/2015

832-132014 LAH14820 2UA4212J0Q LAH148 Computer Lab 06/19/2015

832-132015 LAH14821 2UA4212J0R LAH148 Computer Lab 06/19/2015

832-132016 LAH14822 2UA4212J00 LAH148 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-132017 LAH14823 2UA4212J01 LAH148 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-132018 LAH14824 2UA4212J02 LAH148 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-132019 LAH14825 2UA4212J03 LAH148 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-132020 LAH14826 2UA4212J04 LAH148 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-132021 LAH14827 2UA4212J05 LAH148 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-132022 LAH14828 2UA4212J06 LAH148 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-132023 LAH14829 2UA4212J07 LAH148 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-132024 LAH14830 2UA4212J08 LAH148 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-132025 LAH148INST 2UA4212J09 LAH148 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-132027 SLC21701 2UA421204B SLC217 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-132028 SLC21702 2UA421204C SLC217 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-132029 SLC21703 2UA421204D SLC217 Computer Lab 06/11/2015

832-132030 SLC21704 2UA421204F SLC217 Computer Lab 06/11/2015

832-132031 SLC21705 2UA421204G SLC217 Computer Lab 06/11/2015

832-132032 SLC21706 2UA421204H SLC217 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-132033 SLC21707 2UA421204J SLC217 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-132034 SLC21708 2UA421204K SLC217 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-132035 SLC21709 2UA421204L SLC217 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-132036 SLC21710 2UA421204M SLC217 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-132037 SLC21711 2UA421204N SLC217 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-132038 SLC21712 2UA421204P SLC217 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-132039 SLC21713 2UA421204Q SLC217 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-132040 SLC21714 2UA421204R SLC217 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-132041 SLC21715 2UA421204S SLC217 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-132042 SLC21716 2UA421204T SLC217 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-132043 SLC21717 2UA421204V SLC217 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-132044 SLC21719 2UA421204X SLC217 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-132045 SLC21718 2UA421204W SLC217 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-132046 SLC21720 2UA421204Y SLC217 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-132047 SLC21721 2UA421204Z SLC217 Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-132067 W7-132067 2UA421205N FBSDC04 Computer Lab 06/29/2015

832-132068 W7-132068 2UA421205P FBSDC04 Computer Lab 06/02/2015

832-132069 W7-132069 2UA4212052 FBSDC04 Computer Lab 07/01/2015

832-132070 W7-132070 2UA4220GQS GCB222A Debra Fulton 04/16/2015

832-132071 W7-132071 2UA4220GQT GCB212 Unknown 06/18/2015

832-132072 W7-132072 2UA4220GQV GCB214A Harper Shackelford 07/02/2014

832-132073 W7-132073 2UA4220GQW GCB211 Tatila Dickerson 01/07/2015

832-132074 W7-132074 2UA4220GQX GCB211 Evelyn Bryant 10/23/2014

832-132075 W7-132075 2UA4220GQY GCB212 Chakita L. Ross 11/05/2014

832-132076 W7-132076 2UA4220GQZ GCB202P Melissa Jones 12/02/2014

832-132077 W7-132077 2UA4220GR0 GCB211 Cynthia Montgomery 07/02/2014

832-132078 W7-132078 2UA4220GR1 GCB222A Tammy Duggins 12/11/2014

832-132079 W7-132079 2UA4220GR2 GCB211 Michael Council 07/01/2014

832-132108 CBI12101 2UA42915XC CBI121 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-132109 CBI12102 2UA42915XD CBI121 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

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832-132110 CBI12103 2UA42915XF CBI121 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-132111 CBI12104 2UA42915XG CBI121 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-132112 CBI12105 2UA42915XH CBI121 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-132113 CBI12106 2UA42915XJ CBI121 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-132114 CBI12107 2UA42915XK CBI121 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-132115 CBI12108 2UA42915XL CBI121 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-132116 CBI12109 2UA42915XM CBI121 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-132117 CBI12110 2UA42915XN CBI121 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-132119 CBI12112 2UA42915XQ CBI121 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-132120 CBI12113 2UA42915XR CBI121 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-132121 CBI12114 2UA42915XS CBI121 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-132122 CBI121INST 2UA42915XT CBI121 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-132123 CBI123INST 2UA42915XV CBI123 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-132124 CBI12301 2UA42915XW CBI123 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-132125 CBI12302 2UA42915XX CBI123 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-132126 CBI12303 2UA42915XY CBI123 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-132127 CBI12304 2UA42915XZ CBI123 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-132128 CBI12305 2UA42915Y0 CBI123 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-132129 CBI12306 2UA42915Y1 CBI123 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-132130 CBI12307 2UA42915Y2 CBI123 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-132131 CBI12308 2UA42915Y3 CBI123 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-132132 CBI12309 2UA42915Y4 CBI123 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-132133 CBI12310 2UA42915Y5 CBI123 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-132134 CBI12311 2UA42915Y6 CBI123 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-132135 CBI12312 2UA42915Y7 CBI123 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-132136 CBI12313 2UA42915Y8 CBI123 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-132137 CBI12314 2UA42915Y9 CBI123 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-132138 CBI12315 2UA42915YB CBI123 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-132139 CBI12316 2UA42915YC CBI123 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-132140 CBI108A01 2UA42915YD CBI108A Computer Lab 04/14/2015

832-132141 CBI108A02 2UA42915YF CBI108A Computer Lab 04/14/2015

832-132142 CBI108A03 2UA42915YG CBI108A Computer Lab 04/14/2015

832-132143 CBI108A04 2UA42915YH CBI108A Computer Lab 04/14/2015

832-132144 CBI108A05 2UA42915YJ CBI108A Computer Lab 04/14/2015

832-132145 CBI108A06 2UA42915YK CBI108A Computer Lab 04/14/2015

832-132146 CBI108A07 2UA42915YL CBI108A Computer Lab 04/14/2015

832-132147 CBI108A08 2UA42915YM CBI108A Computer Lab 04/14/2015

832-132148 CBI108A09 2UA42915YN CBI108A Computer Lab 04/14/2015

832-132149 CBI108A10 2UA42915YP CBI108A Computer Lab 04/14/2015

832-132150 W7-132150 2UA42915YQ CBI107 Roger Britt 12/16/2014

832-132151 W7-132151 2UA42915YR CBI108A Computer Lab 06/22/2015

832-132152 W7-132152 2UA42915YS CBI108A Computer Lab 03/04/2015

832-132153 W7-132153 2UA42915YT CBI108A Computer Lab 10/21/2014

832-132154 W7-132154 2UA42915YV CBI108A Computer Lab 10/07/2014

832-132155 W7-132155 2UA42915YW CEC124 Brian Smith 06/23/2015

832-132156 W7-132156 2UA42915YX CEC124 Mary Mendez 02/23/2015

832-132157 W7-132157 2UA42915YY CEC212 Pacita Watford 10/16/2014

832-132158 W7-132158 2UA42915YZ CEC253 John Sloan 02/03/2015

832-132159 W7-132159 2UA42915Z0 CEC114 Tanielle Moorehead 09/23/2014

832-132160 W7-132160 2UA42915Z1 CEC103 Brian Wagoner 05/01/2015

832-132161 W7-132161 2UA42915Z2 CEC237 Deborah Stuckey 10/10/2014

832-132162 W7-132162 2UA42915Z3 CEC108A Remelle Cromartie 04/21/2015

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832-132163 W7-132163 2UA42915Z4 CEC218 Mavis Cogdell 10/09/2014

832-132164 W7-132164 2UA42915Z5 CEC228 Vivian Fields 11/20/2014

832-132165 W7-132165 2UA42915Z6 CEC225 Taureeq Bradley 10/10/2014

832-132166 W7-132166 2UA42915Z7 CEC126 Ronald Liggins 06/11/2015

832-132167 W7-132167 2UA42915Z8 CEC212 Connie McKeithan 10/10/2014

832-132168 W7-132168 2UA42915Z9 CEC217 ADJUNCT 02/03/2015

832-132169 W7-132169 2UA42915ZB CEC235 Saresa Aiken 06/11/2015

832-132170 W7-132170 2UA42915ZC CEC252 Tamekia Whitfield 02/03/2015

832-132171 W7-132171 2UA42915ZD CEC233 Sheila H. Reid 10/10/2014

832-132172 W7-132172 2UA42915ZF CEC126 Lynne Kreiser 05/07/2015

832-132173 W7-132173 2UA42915ZG CEC239 ADJUNCT 02/03/2015

832-132174 W7-132174 2UA42915ZH CEC240 ADJUNCT 10/10/2014

832-132175 W7-132175 2UA42915ZJ CEC230 Roberta Sinclair 10/10/2014

832-132176 W7-132176 2UA42915ZK CEC255 Andrea Richard 02/09/2015

832-132177 W7-132177 2UA42915ZL CEC246 ADJUNCT 08/14/2014

832-132178 W7-132178 2UA42915ZM CEC214 Kimberly Hammond 11/24/2014

832-132179 W7-132179 2UA42915ZN CEC220 Effie Willis 03/09/2015

832-132180 W7-132180 2UA42915ZP CEC224 Charles Howard 02/25/2015

832-132181 W7-132181 2UA42915ZQ CEC112 Ninette N. Roberts 01/14/2015

832-132182 W7-132182 2UA42915ZR CEC222 Haeok Purvis 02/27/2015

832-132183 W7-132183 2UA42915ZS CEC135 Delores McLauchlin 10/22/2014

832-132184 W7-132184 2UA42915ZT CEC243 Kaira Bullock 04/10/2015

832-132185 W7-132185 2UA42915ZV CEC131 Otis Robinson 03/25/2015

832-132186 W7-132186 2UA42915ZW CEC227 Lori Reckler 08/06/2014

832-132187 W7-132187 2UA42915ZX CEC251 Joy Melvin 02/03/2015

832-132188 W7-132188 2UA42915ZY CEC226 Linda Mullins 11/26/2014

832-132189 W7-132189 2UA42915ZZ CEC219 Kathleen Howell 02/03/2015

832-132191 W7-132191 2UA4291J6H ATC113D Darlene Wood 11/05/2014

832-132193 W7-132193 2UA4291J6D ATC113F Tenette Prevate 08/14/2014

832-132194 W7-132194 2UA4291J6J VCC201 Jennifer Hubbard 01/30/2015

832-132195 W7-132195 2UA4291J6F ATC244D Chris Herring 09/03/2014

832-132196 W7-132196 2UA4291J6G ATC244H Carlos Bodden 08/07/2014

832-132200 W7-132200 2UA4331PTT ADM3A Joseph Levister 08/28/2014

832-132203 W7-132203 2UA4340L52 ADM166 Janet Sexton 12/09/2014

832-132239 W7-132239 2UA4401TNJ VCC114 Lorna Ricotta 03/03/2015

832-132248 W7-132248 2UA4410PCF HTC102A Darla Hudock 11/19/2014

832-132299 W7-132299 2UA4430FJP NCB3 Cynthia Johnson 04/20/2015

832-132300 W7-132300 2UA4430FJN CEC151A Virginia Stinney 03/31/2015

832-132301 W7-132301 2UA4430FJK CEC151A ADJUNCT 03/31/2015

832-132304 CEC11801 2UA4430FJJ CEC118 Multimedia PC 06/04/2015

832-132305 CEC14301 2UA4430FJM CEC143 Multimedia PC 12/12/2014

832-132306 CEC14701 2UA4430FJQ CEC147 Multimedia PC 12/12/2014

832-132307 W7-132307 2UA4430FJS CEC151B Pamela V. Sinclair 12/08/2014

832-132311 LIB20004 2UA4431BJC LIB200 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-132312 LIB20005 2UA4431BJD LIB200 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-132313 LIB20006 2UA4431BJF LIB200 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-132314 LIB20007 2UA4431BJG LIB200 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-132315 LIB20008 2UA4431BJH LIB200 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-132316 LIB20009 2UA4431BJJ LIB200 Computer Lab 05/19/2015

832-132317 LIB20010 2UA4431BJK LIB200 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-132318 LIB20011 2UA4431BJL LIB200 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-132319 LIB20012 2UA4431BJM LIB200 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

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832-132320 LIB20013 2UA4431BJN LIB200 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-132321 LIB20014 2UA4431BJP LIB200 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-132322 LIB20015 2UA4431BJQ LIB200 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-132323 LIB20016 2UA4431BJR LIB200 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-132324 LIB20017 2UA4431BJS LIB200 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-132325 LIB20018 2UA4431BJT LIB200 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-132326 LIB20019 2UA4431BJV LIB200 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-132327 LIB20020 2UA4431BJW LIB200 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-132328 LIB20001 2UA4431BJX LIB200 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-132329 LIB20002 2UA4431BJY LIB200 Computer Lab 05/19/2015

832-132330 LIB20003 2UA4431BJZ LIB200 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-132331 LIB11701 2UA4431BKB LIB117 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-132332 LIB11702 2UA4431BKC LIB117 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-132333 LIB11703 2UA4431BKD LIB117 Computer Lab 05/19/2015

832-132334 LIB11704 2UA4431BKF LIB117 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-132335 LIB11705 2UA4431BKG LIB117 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-132336 LIB11706 2UA4431BKH LIB117 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-132337 LIB11707 2UA4431BKJ LIB117 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-132338 LIB11708 2UA4431BKK LIB117 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-132339 LIB11709 2UA4431BKL LIB117 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-132340 LIB11710 2UA4431BKM LIB117 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-132341 LIB11711 2UA4431BKN LIB117 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-132342 LIB11712 2UA4431BKP LIB117 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-132343 LIB11713 2UA4431BKQ LIB117 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-132344 LIB11714 2UA4431BKR LIB117 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-132345 LIB11715 2UA4431BKS LIB117 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-132346 LIB11716 2UA4431BKT LIB117 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-132347 LIB11717 2UA4431BKV LIB117 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-132348 LIB11718 2UA4431BKW LIB117 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-132349 LIB11719 2UA4431BKX LIB117 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-132350 LIB11720 2UA4431BKY LIB117 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-132351 LIB11721 2UA4431BKZ LIB117 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-132352 LIB11722 2UA4431BK0 LIB117 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-132353 LIB11723 2UA4431BK1 LIB117 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-132354 LIB11724 2UA4431BK2 LIB117 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-132355 LIB117INST 2UA4431BK3 LIB117 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-132356 LIB12701 2UA4431BK4 LIB127 Computer Lab 05/19/2015

832-132357 LIB12702 2UA4431BK5 LIB127 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-132358 LIB12703 2UA4431BK6 LIB127 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-132359 LIB12704 2UA4431BK7 LIB127 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-132360 LIB12705 2UA4431BK8 LIB127 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-132361 LIB12706 2UA4431BK9 LIB127 Computer Lab 05/19/2015

832-132362 LIB12707 2UA4431BLB LIB127 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-132363 W7-132633 2UA51714TZ HTC101H Barbara Sheppard 06/10/2015

832-132363 LIB12708 2UA4431BLC LIB127 Computer Lab 05/18/2015

832-132364 W7-132364 2UA4431BLD LIB127 ADJUNCT 01/16/2015

832-132365 W7-132365 2UA4431BLF CUH346B James Moisley 12/12/2014

832-132366 W7-132366 2UA4431BLG LAH120A Cameron Harmon 12/08/2014

832-132367 W7-132367 2UA4431BLH CUH311D Michael Landon 04/13/2015

832-132368 W7-132368 2UA4431BLJ HOS640B Nicole Davis 12/11/2014

832-132369 W7-132369 2UA4431BLK CUH377Q Ross Brown 05/13/2015

832-132370 W7-132370 2UA4431BLL HOS701E Nicole Knotts 12/15/2014

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832-132371 W7-132371 2UA4431BLM HOS640D Krystal Byrd 03/20/2015

832-132372 W7-132372 2UA4431BLN LAH120B Christina Fitch 05/15/2015

832-132373 W7-132373 2UA4431BLP CUH371A Cindy Burns 12/12/2014

832-132374 W7-132374 2UA4431BLQ CUH377U Ray Walters 12/05/2014

832-132375 W7-132375 2UA4431BLR HOS640B Deborah House 12/15/2014

832-132376 W7-132376 2UA4431BLS HOS640C Janae Poe 12/05/2014

832-132377 W7-132377 2UA4431BLT HOS618B Charlese Gibbs 12/10/2014

832-132378 W7-132378 2UA4431BLV CUH346C Carol Dickey 12/12/2014

832-132379 W7-132379 2UA4431BLW HOS618A Joannis Rodgers 12/10/2014

832-132380 W7-132380 2UA4431BL0 LAH100C Stephen Emery 06/25/2015

832-132381 W7-132381 2UA4431BL1 LAH132 James Stephens 01/16/2015

832-132382 W7-132382 2UA4431BL2 ATC220C ADJUNCT 12/09/2014

832-132383 W7-132383 2UA4431BL3 CUH377M Karen Elsom 05/28/2015

832-132384 W7-132384 2UA4431BL4 ATC220D Beymer Bevill Jr. 03/20/2015

832-132385 W7-132385 2UA4431BL5 CUH377F Linda Sanders 12/16/2014

832-132386 W7-132386 2UA4431BL6 CUH334B Jason Fairfax 04/22/2015

832-132387 W7-132387 2UA4431BL7 LAH114 Donald Owens 03/03/2015

832-132389 W7-132389 2UA4431BL9 CUH311A Leslie Keenan 12/09/2014

832-132399 W7-132399 2UA4440PNM ATC143 Charlene Callahan 05/26/2015

832-132415 W7-132415 2UA4460RTX VCC210 Theron Smith 03/10/2015

832-132421 W7-132421 2UA4461QLG ATC120 David Gardner 06/29/2015

832-132506 ATC21301 2UA5091G5P ATC213 Computer Lab 04/08/2015

832-132507 ATC21302 2UA5091G5Q ATC213 Computer Lab 04/08/2015

832-132508 ATC21303 2UA5091G5R ATC213 Computer Lab 04/08/2015

832-132509 ATC21304 2UA5091G5S ATC213 Computer Lab 04/08/2015

832-132510 ATC21305 2UA5091G5T ATC213 Computer Lab 04/08/2015

832-132511 ATC21306 2UA5091G5V ATC213 Computer Lab 04/08/2015

832-132512 ATC21307 2UA5091G5W ATC213 Computer Lab 04/08/2015

832-132513 ATC21308 2UA5091G5X ATC213 Computer Lab 04/08/2015

832-132514 ATC21309 2UA5091G5Y ATC213 Computer Lab 04/08/2015

832-132515 ATC21310 2UA5091G5Z ATC213 Computer Lab 04/08/2015

832-132516 ATC21311 2UA5091G6B ATC213 Computer Lab 04/08/2015

832-132517 ATC21312 2UA5091G6C ATC213 Computer Lab 04/08/2015

832-132518 ATC21313 2UA5091G6D ATC213 Computer Lab 04/08/2015

832-132519 ATC21314 2UA5091G6F ATC213 Computer Lab 04/08/2015

832-132520 ATC21315 2UA5091G6G ATC213 Computer Lab 04/08/2015

832-132521 ATC21316 2UA5091G6H ATC213 Computer Lab 04/15/2015

832-132522 ATC21317 2UA5091G6J ATC213 Computer Lab 04/15/2015

832-132523 ATC21318 2UA5091G6K ATC213 Computer Lab 04/08/2015

832-132524 ATC21319 2UA5091G6L ATC213 Computer Lab 04/08/2015

832-132525 ATC21320 2UA5091G6M ATC213 Computer Lab 04/15/2015

832-132526 ATC21321 2UA5091G6N ATC213 Computer Lab 04/08/2015

832-132527 ATC21322 2UA5091G6P ATC213 Computer Lab 04/08/2015

832-132528 ATC21323 2UA5091G6Q ATC213 Computer Lab 04/08/2015

832-132529 ATC21324 2UA5091G6R ATC213 Computer Lab 04/08/2015

832-132530 ATC213INST 2UA5091G6S ATC213 Computer Lab 05/22/2015

832-132531 CUH31401 2UA5091G6T CUH314 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-132532 CUH31402 2UA5091G6V CUH314 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-132533 CUH31403 2UA5091G6W CUH314 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-132534 CUH31404 2UA5091G6X CUH314 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-132535 CUH31405 2UA5091G6Y CUH314 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-132536 CUH31406 2UA5091G6Z CUH314 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

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832-132537 CUH31407 2UA5091G60 CUH314 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-132538 CUH31408 2UA5091G61 CUH314 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-132539 CUH31409 2UA5091G62 CUH314 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-132540 CUH31410 2UA5091G63 CUH314 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-132541 CUH31411 2UA5091G64 CUH314 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-132542 CUH31412 2UA5091G65 CUH314 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-132543 CUH31413 2UA5091G66 CUH314 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-132544 CUH31414 2UA5091G67 CUH314 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-132545 CUH31415 2UA5091G68 CUH314 Computer Lab 06/24/2015

832-132546 CUH31416 2UA5091G69 CUH314 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-132547 CUH31417 2UA5091G70 CUH314 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-132548 CUH31418 2UA5091G71 CUH314 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-132549 CUH31419 2UA5091G72 CUH314 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-132550 CUH31420 2UA5091G73 CUH314 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-132551 CUH31421 2UA5091G74 CUH314 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-132552 CUH31422 2UA5091G75 CUH314 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-132553 CUH31423 2UA5091G76 CUH314 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-132554 CUH31424 2UA5091G77 CUH314 Computer Lab 05/15/2015

832-132555 CUH314INST 2UA5091G78 CUH314 Computer Lab 05/22/2015

832-132628 W7-132628 2UA5171G8F HTC101D Michelle C. Ping 05/28/2015

832-132629 W7-132629 2UA5171G8C HTC101E Melinda (Mindy) Creech 05/28/2015

832-132630 W7-132630 2UA5171G8G HTC101A Jeanette Herring 05/28/2015

832-132631 W7-132631 2UA5171G8H HTC101F Lisa Johnson 05/28/2015

832-132632 W7-132632 2UA5171G8D HTC101B Jodi Crowell 05/28/2015

832-132634 W7-132634 2UA51714V0 HTC101G Stephanie W. Wilson 06/10/2015

832-132635 W7-132635 2UA5170THR HTC169E Roni Paul 05/13/2015

832-132636 W7-132636 2UA5170THQ HTC169K Renee Ellis 05/12/2015

832-132637 W7-132637 2UA5170THN HTC169F Sandra Monroe 05/12/2015

832-132638 W7-132638 2UA5170THM HTC169L Jane Dickerhoff 05/13/2015

832-132639 W7-132639 2UA5170THP HTC169J Karron Boyles 05/12/2015

832-132640 W7-132640 2UA5202940 HTC253M Erin Hinson 06/05/2015

832-132641 W7-132641 2UA5170TFC HTC253L Barbara Britton 05/14/2015

832-132642 W7-132642 2UA5170TFD HTC105 Barbara Chapman-Nellis 05/13/2015

832-132643 W7-132643 2UA5170TFF HTC253C Melanie Ebbert 05/13/2015

832-132644 W7-132644 2UA5170TFG HTC253G Janice Elliott 05/13/2015

832-132645 W7-132645 2UA5170TFH HTC253B April Shular 05/19/2015

832-132646 W7-132646 2UA5170TFJ HTC253D Marian Hackett 05/11/2015

832-132647 W7-132647 2UA5170TFK HTC253A Colleen Gordon 05/19/2015

832-132648 W7-132648 2UA5170TFL HTC201G Kathy McAllister 05/21/2015

832-132649 W7-132649 2UA5170TFM HTC253E LeeAntoinette Moore 05/19/2015

832-132650 W7-132650 2UA5170TFN HTC253H Judy Peniston 05/19/2015

832-132651 W7-132651 2UA5170TFP HTC201C Linda Spjute 05/08/2015

832-132652 W7-132652 2UA5170TF7 HTC253J Sarah Stamey 05/19/2015

832-132653 W7-132653 2UA5170TF8 HTC253K Melanie Stephens 05/19/2015

832-132654 W7-132654 2UA5170TF9 HTC253 Heather Nance 05/19/2015

832-132655 W7-132655 2UA5171G8K HTC204A Susan Ellis 05/27/2015

832-132656 W7-132656 2UA5171G8N HTC204 Patricia Gorum 05/14/2015

832-132657 W7-132657 2UA5171G8P HTC201 Arie Pittman 05/14/2015

832-132658 W7-132658 2UA5171G8L HTC202 Lynne Carver 05/14/2015

832-132659 W7-132659 2UA5171G8M HTC169 Charmelle Adams 05/21/2015

832-132660 W7-132660 2UA5171G8J HTC169H Michelle Walden 05/14/2015

832-132661 W7-132661 2UA5171G8Q HTC169G Anita McKnight 05/14/2015

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832-132662 W7-132662 2UA5171G8R HTC101 Evelyn Grove 05/14/2015

832-132663 W7-132663 2UA5171G8S HTC169D Elisa Hill 05/14/2015

832-132664 W7-132664 2UA5171G8T HTC169C Eunice Hoefling 05/14/2015

832-132665 W7-132665 2UA5171G8V HTC201D Lynne M. McDonough 05/20/2015

832-132666 W7-132666 2UA5171G8W HTC201B Casey A. Criscione-Devine 05/20/2015

832-132667 W7-132667 2UA51714LS HTC253F Dina Adams 05/20/2015

832-132668 W7-132668 2UA51714MY HOS811 Larzaris Butler 05/19/2015

832-132669 W7-132669 2UA51714MT HOS800A Mary Pines 05/20/2015

832-132670 W7-132670 2UA51714MW HOS810 Daniel Rosser 05/19/2015

832-132671 W7-132671 2UA51714MV HOS809 Qadeerah Rasheed-Spriggs 05/19/2015

832-132672 W7-132672 2UA51714MS HOS800B Unknown 05/19/2015

832-132673 W7-132673 2UA51714MX HOS800 Workstudy 05/20/2015

832-132674 W7-132674 2UA51714N2 HTC201A Denise Pate 05/18/2015

832-132675 W7-132675 2UA51714P7 HTC169A Katrina T. Simpson 05/26/2015

832-132676 W7-132676 2UA51714PC HTC201E Terry Herring 06/26/2015

832-132677 W7-132677 2UA51714W4 HTC201H John Holloman 06/04/2015

832-132678 W7-132678 2UA51714W3 HTC201F Kecie Thompson 05/14/2015

832-132679 W7-132679 2UA51714W6 HTC169M Richard (Rick) Criste 05/29/2015

832-132680 W7-132680 2UA51714W5 HTC169B Mary Kaylor 05/22/2015

832-132681 W7-132681 2UA51714W8 HTC206B Mitzi Averette 05/14/2015

832-132682 W7-132682 2UA51714W9 HTC209 Bradley J. Accipiter 06/16/2015

832-132795 W7-132795 2UA5191RY0 SDC18 Unknown 06/12/2015

832-133064 W7-133064 2UA5201GXY ADM101 Kimberly Henderson 06/04/2015

832-133065 W7-133065 2UA5201GXZ ADM101C Brenda Nightingale 06/03/2015

832-133066 W7-133066 2UA5201GY0 ADM101D Judith Hollingsworth 06/17/2015

832-133067 W7-133067 2UA5201GY1 ADM114 Alina Boenitz 06/02/2015

832-133068 W7-133068 2UA5201GY2 ADM114 Elena Turnbough 06/01/2015

832-133069 W7-133069 2UA5201GY3 ADM115A Kimberly Gibbs 06/02/2015

832-133070 W7-133070 2UA5201GY4 GCB104E William Parry 06/10/2015

832-133071 W7-133071 2UA5201GY5 GCB Bookstore William Parry 06/08/2015

832-133073 W7-133073 2UA5201GXX GCB202T Tracie Hunter 06/26/2015

HP Z220 CMT WorkstationHewlett-Packard

User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

15Total Computers Of This Model:

832-130630 W7-130630 2UA24229SW ATC133 Lillian Kinlaw 06/22/2015

832-130631 W7-130631 2UA24229SX ATC133A Micheal Tyler 06/30/2015

832-130632 W7-130632 2UA24229SY ATC133 Barbara Sheppard 06/29/2015

832-130633 W7-130633 2UA24229SZ ATC118 Derek Davis 06/26/2015

832-130634 W7-130634 2UA24229T0 ATC133 Timothy McMahon 06/29/2015

832-130635 W7-130635 2UA24229T1 ATC133 Kenjuandru Rice 06/25/2015

832-130636 W7-130636 2UA24229T2 ATC133A William Whitehead 06/17/2015

832-130637 W7-130637 2UA24229T3 ATC120A Hyon Van Leeuwen 11/13/2013

832-130638 W7-130638 2UA24229T4 SDC206 Ron Jahn 06/03/2015

832-130639 W7-130639 2UA24229T5 ATC159 Cynthia Massie 10/13/2014

832-130640 W7-130640 2UA24229T6 ATC118 Adrian Gorum 06/22/2015

832-130641 W7-130641 2UA24229T7 ATC133 Ebonie Cannon 06/15/2015

832-130642 W7-130642 2UA24229T8 ATC133A Kyle Seaford 06/29/2015

832-131372 W7-131372 2UA3160J49 ATC149A Mark Aerdelman 07/24/2014

832-131374 W7-131374 2UA3160J53 ATC149 Unknown 02/26/2014

HP Z230 Tower WorkstationHewlett-Packard

User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

152Total Computers Of This Model:

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832-131841 ATC22901 2UA4221GLB ATC229 Computer Lab 04/10/2015

832-131842 ATC22902 2UA4221GLC ATC229 Computer Lab 04/10/2015

832-131843 ATC22903 2UA4221GLD ATC229 Computer Lab 04/10/2015

832-131844 ATC22904 2UA4221GLF ATC229 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-131845 ATC22905 2UA4221GLG ATC229 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-131846 ATC22906 2UA4221GLH ATC229 Computer Lab 04/22/2015

832-131847 ATC22907 2UA4221GLJ ATC229 Computer Lab 06/29/2015

832-131848 ATC22908 2UA4221GLK ATC229 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-131849 ATC22909 2UA4221GP6 ATC229 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-131850 ATC22910 2UA4221GLM ATC229 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-131851 ATC22911 2UA4221GLN ATC229 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-131852 ATC22912 2UA4221GLP ATC229 Computer Lab 06/29/2015

832-131853 ATC22913 2UA4221GLQ ATC229 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-131854 ATC22914 2UA4221GLR ATC229 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-131855 ATC22915 2UA4221GLS ATC229 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-131856 ATC22916 2UA4221GLT ATC229 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-131857 ATC22917 2UA4221GLV ATC229 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-131858 ATC22918 2UA4221GLW ATC229 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-131859 ATC22919 2UA4221GLX ATC229 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-131860 ATC22920 2UA4221GLY ATC229 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-131861 ATC22921 2UA4221GLZ ATC229 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-131862 ATC22924 2UA4221GL8 ATC229 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-131863 ATC22923 2UA4221GL9 ATC229 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-131864 ATC22922 2UA4221GMB ATC229 Computer Lab 06/29/2015

832-131865 ATC229INST 2UA4221GMC ATC229 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-131866 ATC23901 2UA4221GMD ATC239 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-131867 ATC23904 2UA4221GMF ATC239 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-131868 ATC23903 2UA4221GMG ATC239 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-131869 ATC23902 2UA4221GMH ATC239 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-131870 ATC23906 2UA4221GMJ ATC239 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-131871 ATC23905 2UA4221GMK ATC239 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-131872 ATC23908 2UA4221GML ATC239 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-131873 ATC23907 2UA4221GMM ATC239 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-131874 ATC23910 2UA4221GMV ATC239 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-131875 ATC23909 2UA4221GMP ATC239 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-131876 ATC23912 2UA4221GMQ ATC239 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-131877 ATC23911 2UA4221GMR ATC239 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-131878 ATC23913 2UA4221GMS ATC239 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-131879 ATC23916 2UA4221GMT ATC239 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-131880 ATC23915 2UA4221GMN ATC239 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-131881 ATC23914 2UA4221GMW ATC239 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-131882 ATC23917 2UA4221GMX ATC239 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-131883 ATC23918 2UA4221GMY ATC239 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-131884 ATC23919 2UA4221GMZ ATC239 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-131885 ATC23920 2UA4221GM0 ATC239 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-131886 ATC23921 2UA4221GM1 ATC239 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-131887 ATC23922 2UA4221GM2 ATC239 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-131888 ATC23923 2UA4221GM3 ATC239 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-131889 ATC23924 2UA4221GM4 ATC239 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-131890 ATC239INST 2UA4221GM5 ATC239 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-131891 ATC24101 2UA4221GM6 ATC241 Computer Lab 04/22/2015

832-131892 ATC24102 2UA4221GM7 ATC241 Computer Lab 04/22/2015

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832-131893 ATC24103 2UA4221GM8 ATC241 Computer Lab 04/22/2015

832-131894 ATC24104 2UA4221GM9 ATC241 Computer Lab 04/22/2015

832-131895 ATC24105 2UA4221GNB ATC241 Computer Lab 04/22/2015

832-131896 ATC24106 2UA4221GNC ATC241 Computer Lab 04/22/2015

832-131897 ATC24107 2UA4221GND ATC241 Computer Lab 04/22/2015

832-131898 ATC24108 2UA4221GNF ATC241 Computer Lab 04/22/2015

832-131899 ATC24109 2UA4221GNG ATC241 Computer Lab 04/22/2015

832-131900 ATC24110 2UA4221GNH ATC241 Computer Lab 04/22/2015

832-131901 ATC24111 2UA4221GNJ ATC241 Computer Lab 04/22/2015

832-131902 ATC24112 2UA4221GNK ATC241 Computer Lab 04/22/2015

832-131903 ATC24113 2UA4221GNL ATC241 Computer Lab 04/22/2015

832-131904 ATC24114 2UA4221GNM ATC241 Computer Lab 04/22/2015

832-131905 ATC24115 2UA4221GNN ATC241 Computer Lab 04/22/2015

832-131906 ATC24116 2UA4221GNP ATC241 Computer Lab 04/22/2015

832-131907 ATC24117 2UA4221GNQ ATC241 Computer Lab 04/22/2015

832-131908 ATC24118 2UA4221GNR ATC241 Computer Lab 04/22/2015

832-131909 ATC24119 2UA4221GNS ATC241 Computer Lab 04/22/2015

832-131910 ATC241INST 2UA4221GNT ATC241 Computer Lab 05/22/2015

832-131911 ATC24501 2UA4221GNV ATC245 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-131912 ATC24502 2UA4221GNW ATC245 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-131913 ATC24503 2UA4221GNX ATC245 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-131914 ATC24504 2UA4221GNY ATC245 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-131915 ATC24505 2UA4221GNZ ATC245 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-131916 ATC24507 2UA4221GN0 ATC245 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-131917 ATC24506 2UA4221GN1 ATC245 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-131918 ATC24508 2UA4221GN2 ATC245 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-131919 ATC24509 2UA4221GN3 ATC245 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-131920 ATC24510 2UA4221GN4 ATC245 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-131921 ATC24511 2UA4221GN5 ATC245 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-131922 ATC24512 2UA4221GN6 ATC245 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-131923 ATC24513 2UA4221GN7 ATC245 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-131924 ATC24514 2UA4221GN8 ATC245 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-131925 ATC24515 2UA4221GN9 ATC245 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-131926 ATC24516 2UA4221GPB ATC245 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-131927 ATC24517 2UA4221GPC ATC245 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-131928 ATC24518 2UA4221GPD ATC245 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-131929 ATC24519 2UA4221GPF ATC245 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-131930 ATC24520 2UA4221GPG ATC245 Computer Lab 04/09/2015

832-131931 ATC245INST 2UA4221GPH ATC245 Computer Lab 05/22/2015

832-131932 ATC24701 2UA4221GPJ ATC247 Computer Lab 04/16/2015

832-131933 ATC24702 2UA4221GPK ATC247 Computer Lab 04/16/2015

832-131934 ATC24703 2UA4221GPL ATC247 Computer Lab 08/13/2014

832-131935 ATC24704 2UA4221GPM ATC247 Computer Lab 04/16/2015

832-131936 ATC24705 2UA4221GPN ATC247 Computer Lab 04/16/2015

832-131937 ATC24706 2UA4221GPP ATC247 Computer Lab 04/16/2015

832-131938 ATC24707 2UA4221GPQ ATC247 Computer Lab 04/16/2015

832-131939 ATC24708 2UA4221GPR ATC247 Computer Lab 04/16/2015

832-131940 ATC24709 2UA4221GPS ATC247 Computer Lab 04/16/2015

832-131941 ATC24710 2UA4221GPT ATC247 Computer Lab 04/16/2015

832-131942 ATC24711 2UA4221GPV ATC247 Computer Lab 04/16/2015

832-131943 ATC24712 2UA4221GP0 ATC247 Computer Lab 04/16/2015

832-131944 ATC24713 2UA4221GP1 ATC247 Computer Lab 04/16/2015

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832-131945 ATC24714 2UA4221GP2 ATC247 Computer Lab 04/16/2015

832-131946 ATC24715 2UA4221GP3 ATC247 Computer Lab 04/16/2015

832-131947 ATC24716 2UA4221GP4 ATC247 Computer Lab 04/16/2015

832-131948 ATC24717 2UA4221GP5 ATC247 Computer Lab 04/16/2015

832-131949 ATC24718 2UA4221GLL ATC247 Computer Lab 04/16/2015

832-131950 W7-131950 2UA4221GP7 ATC244G Ronald Massie 01/09/2015

832-131951 W7-131951 2UA4221GP8 ATC244A Timothy Peppers 06/03/2015

832-131952 W7-131952 2UA4221GP9 ATC244C Cathy Autry 06/10/2015

832-132686 ATC104B28 2UA5201CNB ATC104B Computer Lab 06/25/2015

832-132687 ATC104B27 2UA5201CNC ATC104B Computer Lab 06/17/2015

832-132688 ATC104B26 2UA5201CND ATC104B Computer Lab 06/17/2015

832-132689 ATC104B25 2UA5201CNF ATC104B Computer Lab 06/17/2015

832-132690 ATC104B24 2UA5201CNG ATC104B Computer Lab 06/17/2015

832-132691 ATC104B23 2UA5201CNH ATC104B Computer Lab 06/17/2015

832-132692 ATC104B22 2UA5201CNJ ATC104B Computer Lab 06/17/2015

832-132693 ATC22201 2UA5201CNK ATC222 Computer Lab 05/29/2015

832-132694 ATC22202 2UA5201CNL ATC222 Computer Lab 06/03/2015

832-132695 ATC22203 2UA5201CNM ATC222 Computer Lab 06/04/2015

832-132696 ATC22204 2UA5201CNN ATC222 Computer Lab 06/04/2015

832-132697 ATC22205 2UA5201CNP ATC222 Computer Lab 05/29/2015

832-132698 ATC22206 2UA5201CNQ ATC222 Computer Lab 06/03/2015

832-132699 ATC22207 2UA5201CNR ATC222 Computer Lab 06/18/2015

832-132700 ATC22208 2UA5201CNS ATC222 Computer Lab 06/18/2015

832-132701 ATC22209 2UA5201CNT ATC222 Computer Lab 06/04/2015

832-132702 ATC22210 2UA5201CNV ATC222 Computer Lab 06/03/2015

832-132703 ATC22211 2UA5201CNW ATC222 Computer Lab 06/03/2015

832-132704 ATC22212 2UA5201CNX ATC222 Computer Lab 05/29/2015

832-132705 ATC222INST 2UA5201CNY ATC222 Computer Lab 06/04/2015

832-132706 VCC21501 2UA5201CNZ VCC215 Computer Lab 06/10/2015

832-132707 VCC21502 2UA5201CN0 VCC215 Computer Lab 06/10/2015

832-132708 VCC21503 2UA5201CN1 VCC215 Computer Lab 06/10/2015

832-132709 VCC21504 2UA5201CN2 VCC215 Computer Lab 06/10/2015

832-132710 VCC21505 2UA5201CN3 VCC215 Computer Lab 06/10/2015

832-132711 VCC21506 2UA5201CN4 VCC215 Computer Lab 06/10/2015

832-132712 VCC21507 2UA5201CN5 VCC215 Computer Lab 06/10/2015

832-132713 VCC21508 2UA5201CN6 VCC215 Computer Lab 06/10/2015

832-132714 VCC21509 2UA5201CN7 VCC215 Computer Lab 06/10/2015

832-132715 VCC21510 2UA5201CN8 VCC215 Computer Lab 06/10/2015

832-132716 VCC21511 2UA5201CN9 VCC215 Computer Lab 06/10/2015

832-132717 VCC21512 2UA5201CPB VCC215 Computer Lab 06/10/2015

832-132718 VCC21513 2UA5201CPC VCC215 Computer Lab 06/10/2015

832-132719 VCC21514 2UA5201CPD VCC215 Computer Lab 06/10/2015

832-132720 VCC21515 2UA5201CPF VCC215 Computer Lab 06/10/2015

832-132721 VCC21516 2UA5201CP0 VCC215 Computer Lab 06/10/2015

832-132722 VCC21517 2UA5201CP1 VCC215 Computer Lab 06/10/2015

832-132723 VCC21518 2UA5201CP2 VCC215 Computer Lab 06/10/2015

832-132724 VCC21519 2UA5201CP3 VCC215 Computer Lab 06/10/2015

832-132730 VCC215INST 2UA5201CP9 VCC215 Computer Lab 06/10/2015

HP ZBook 17Hewlett-Packard

User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

1Total Computers Of This Model:

832-132026 W7-132026-LT CND4142TJC FBSDC206 Ron Jahn 06/04/2014

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MINI 5103 NETBOOKHewlett-Packard

User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

2Total Computers Of This Model:

832-012307 LT-W7-012307 CNU1153PPV ATC133 Unknown

832-012309 LT-W7-012309 CNU1153PPZ ATC133 Unknown

PROBOOK 450 G2Hewlett-Packard

User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

12Total Computers Of This Model:

832-012702 W7-012702-LT CND4320XZN WFD Ray Ave. Nedra Clayborne-Rodriguez

832-012703 W7-012703-LT CND4320Y8L WFD Ray Ave. Nedra Clayborne-Rodriguez

832-012704 W7-012704-LT J5P14UT WFD Ray Ave. Nedra Clayborne-Rodriguez

832-012705 W7-012705-LT CND4320YLY WFD Ray Ave. Nedra Clayborne-Rodriguez

832-012706 W7-012706-LT CND4320YM1 WFD Ray Ave. Nedra Clayborne-Rodriguez

832-012707 W7-012707-LT CND4320YM1 WFD Ray Ave. Nedra Clayborne-Rodriguez

832-012708 W7-012708-LT CND4320YMD WFD Ray Ave. Nedra Clayborne-Rodriguez

832-012709 W7-012709-LT CND4320YNB WFD Ray Ave. Nedra Clayborne-Rodriguez

832-012710 W7-012710-LT CND4320YNC WFD Ray Ave. Nedra Clayborne-Rodriguez

832-012711 W7-012711-LT CND4320ZLS WFD Ray Ave. Nedra Clayborne-Rodriguez

832-012712 W7-012712-LT CND4320ZQ5 WFD Ray Ave. Nedra Clayborne-Rodriguez

832-012713 W7-012712-LT CND4320ZR8 WFD Ray Ave. Nedra Clayborne-Rodriguez

ProLiant DL380 G7Hewlett-Packard

User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

1Total Computers Of This Model:

USE138ND94 IMGHOUSE USE138ND94 ATC133A Unknown 06/10/2015

HP 187Total Computers From This Manufacturer:


User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

1Total Computers Of This Model:

MIS-800192 CN6113Z0H6 CEC101 Kim Lewis

CLJ 400 415DNHP

User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

1Total Computers Of This Model:

MIS-800201 CNDF262142 CBI104 Ethel Locklear


User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

1Total Computers Of This Model:

MIS-800171 CNDCH2V2DH ADM102 Penny Tew

CLJ PRO 200 M276nwHP

User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

1Total Computers Of This Model:

MIS-800222 CNF8G2DCZL HTC253 Heather Nance


User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

1Total Computers Of This Model:

MIS-800232 CNBH501552 HOS616 Ernestine Barnes


User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

1Total Computers Of This Model:

MIS-800173 CNG6GDT6V1 GCB202T Tracie Hunter

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User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

1Total Computers Of This Model:

MIS-800255 VNB3N34978 HOS618L Michelle Robinson


User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

1Total Computers Of This Model:

MIS-800326 CNG7CP7P1QQ CUH311B Unknown

LJ 1200HP

User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

1Total Computers Of This Model:

MIS-800309 CNBJG12440 HOS800B Unknown

LJ 1300HP

User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

5Total Computers Of This Model:

MIS-800306 CNBJB00774 HOS810 Daniel Rosser

MIS-800307 CNBJB38592 HOS811 Larzaris Butler

MIS-800332 CNBB414018 CUH346B James Moisley

MIS-800362 CNCB777336 CUH377Q Ross Brown

MIS-800363 CNCB876998 CUH377S Barbara Hill-Jones

LJ 1320HP

User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

4Total Computers Of This Model:

MIS-800316 CNRC698561 HOS700A Alan J. Dover

MIS-800323 CNHC58402Z CUH311 ADJUNCT

MIS-800361 CNHC61D4ZY CUH377N David Creedon

MIS-800365 CNHC59P09T CUH377W Paul Salada

LJ 2100HP

User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

1Total Computers Of This Model:

832-120473 USG2302814 HOS633F Kenneth N. Buckey

LJ 2300HP

User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

3Total Computers Of This Model:

MIS-800259 CNBFB00401 HOS610G Tiffany Troupe

MIS-800322 CNBGH35213 HOS618 Judy Humphrey

MIS-800335 CNBGH39411 CUH378A Karis King

LJ 2300LHP

User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

1Total Computers Of This Model:


LJ 2420HP

User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

30Total Computers Of This Model:


MIS-800231 CNGKJD16473 HOS616T Anne Greene

MIS-800236 CNGJD16475 HOS611C Jose Cruz

MIS-800237 CNGJD16475 HOS611D David Young

MIS-800240 CNGKK67869 HOS616E Karen Boyd

MIS-800241 CNGKJ52065 HOS616F James Robinson

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MIS-800242 CNGKK67884 HOS616G Daniel Stewart

MIS-800243 CNKJ63774 HOS616H Danette Johnson

MIS-800244 CNGKK67876 HOS616I Robert Nelms

MIS-800245 CNGKJ68803 HOS616K Melinda Pash

MIS-800247 CNGKK54965 HOS616M Valeria Russ

MIS-800249 CNGKJ63119 HOS616O Tomecia Sobers

MIS-800250 CNGJF15157 HOS618Q Cara Hogeland

MIS-800251 HOS618P Sharlene Malloy

MIS-800252 CNGKJ68804 HOS618Y Jessica West

MIS-800253 CNGJD21707 HOS618O Kelly Norman

MIS-800255 CNGJD21717 HOS618M Bala Raman

MIS-800257 CNGKC82491 HOS618A Joannis Rodgers

MIS-800258 CNGKK68375 HOS618B Charlese Gibbs

MIS-800264 CNGKK97711 HOS618U Vincent Sei

MIS-800265 CNGKK97702 HOS618V Carol Conklin

MIS-800266 CNB9N58186 HOS618S Shelly Pruitt

MIS-800272 CNGJD21715 HOS618I Rita Eads

MIS-800274 CNGJD21709 HOS618J Thomas Strommer

MIS-800276 CNGKK97709 HOS618F Joyce A. Lewis

MIS-800278 CNGKK68391 HOS618H Lori Kiel

MIS-800293 CNGKJ68798 HOS633E Pia Anderson

MIS-800302 CNGKJ52032 HOS643B Ilona Pelerin

MIS-800303 CNGKJ63693 HOS643A Jennifer Bledsole

MIS-800312 CNGKK52490 HOS602D Robin Teas


User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

1Total Computers Of This Model:

MIS-800260 CNGKK69916 HOS616S Larry Hogan

LJ 4100NHP

User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

3Total Computers Of This Model:

832-120529 USBBD00199 CUH311C Ronald Montgomery

832-121289 USJNG38369 CUH365 Gingerlyn McLymore

832-121387 USJN17692 ATC133 AVAILABLE

LJ 4200HP

User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

1Total Computers Of This Model:

832-121909 CNBX320904 ATC133 AVAILABLE


User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

2Total Computers Of This Model:

832-121706 LNBX136131 HOS603 Barbara McCabe

832-121900 CNBX139434 ATC244H Carlos Bodden

LJ 4200NHP

User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

11Total Computers Of This Model:

832- NPI8F5087 USGNX21043 SLC Lobby Unknown

832- SLC209_LJ4100N USGNN20953 SLC118 Unknown

832- NPIF05FB7 USGNM12213 SLC217 Computer Lab

832- SLC101A_P1 USGNX12767 SLC101A Computer Lab

832-121900 CNBX139434 ATC133 AVAILABLE

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832-121901 CNBX139445 ATC133 AVAILABLE

832-122138 USDNM17955 HOS600A Daryle Nobles

832-122716 NPIF05FB7 USGNM12213 ATC133 Computer Lab

832-122727 NPI8F5087 USGNX21043 SLC100 ADJUNCT

832-122754 NPIF05FC9 USGNP44626 SLC202 Computer Lab

832-125573 CNRXG82543 HOS611 Jose Cruz

LJ 4250HP

User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

2Total Computers Of This Model:

832- SLCB01 CNBXG00626 SLC116A Unknown

832-123637 SLC211_P CNDXD15633 SLC211 Computer Lab

LJ 4250NHP

User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

1Total Computers Of This Model:

832-124857 CNRXL44950 IMBC ADJUNCT


User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

2Total Computers Of This Model:

832-124151 CNGXH18763 HOS610A ADJUNCT

832-124151 CNGXH18763 HOS610 Susan Pitts

LJ 4515NHP

User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

1Total Computers Of This Model:

832-129704 CNDYB66279 ADM114 Alina Boenitz

LJ 600 M601HP

User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

4Total Computers Of This Model:

832- SLC116_A CNCCF340V7 SLC116A Unknown

MIS-800199 CNDCH151KD ATC143 Charlene Callahan

MIS-800277 CNCCF1F1HW HOS618G Chris Diorietes

MIS-800280 CNDCG7G0MJ ADM114 Elena Turnbough

LJ 600 M602HP

User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

2Total Computers Of This Model:

832- NPI7ADA7B CNCCF4G22F SLC219 Computer Lab

832- SLC_207 CNDCH4F0FV SLC207 Computer Lab

LJ 600 M603HP

User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

4Total Computers Of This Model:

832- NPIE8D7D4 CNBCD6L1H6 SLC214 Computer Lab

832- NPIE8E725 CNBCD6L1HK SLC216 Computer Lab

832-130205 NPIE8D7D4 CNBCD6L1H6 SLC214 Computer Lab

832-130206 NPIE8E725 CNBCD6L1HK SLC216 Computer Lab


User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

1Total Computers Of This Model:

832-123792 3PDLR74648 HOS643 ADJUNCT


User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

1Total Computers Of This Model:

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832-123791 JPBBC60753 HOS618 ADJUNCT


User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

1Total Computers Of This Model:

MIS-800325 CNBF178935 CUH311B Unknown


User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

1Total Computers Of This Model:

MIS-800228 CNDF282922 HOS603 Barbara McCabe


User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

1Total Computers Of This Model:

832- NPIFD4326 MB1503Y SLC216A Unknown


User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

1Total Computers Of This Model:

MIS-800175 JPGFH31276 ADM101C Brenda Nightingale


User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

10Total Computers Of This Model:

MIS-800123 CNDCH2T2R2 SR14 Jeremy Jordan

MIS-800124 NCAR1 CNDCH2T2QG NCB3 Terri D. Dodd

MIS-800126 CNDCH2T2R7 ADM115A Kimberly Gibbs

MIS-800151 CNDCH2T2R0 ADM101B Linda Harrell

MIS-800152 CNDCH2T206 ADM107 Candace Callagy

MIS-800153 CNDCH2T2R4 ADM102 Felipa Dozier

MIS-800154 CNDCH2T2OX ADM117A Betty Smith

MIS-800156 CNDCH2T2RC ADM114A Charles Smith

MIS-800157 CNDCH2T2RH ADM101D Judith Hollingsworth

MIS-800XXX CNDCH1M0NT GCB202S Mary Carter


User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

1Total Computers Of This Model:

MIS-800170 CNDCGBN2JQ ADM107C Paula Cochran


User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

1Total Computers Of This Model:

MIS-800380 CNDCH280JP ADM166 Vincent Castano


User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

3Total Computers Of This Model:

832- NPI461FE9 CNC9C82BZ9 SLC216A Unknown

MIS-800155 CNF8FCG11N CBI104 Ethel Locklear

MIS-800308 CNC9C5RBZF HOS800A Mary Pines


User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

1Total Computers Of This Model:

MIS-800233 VNB3P01228 HOS616D Kay Gilbert

LJ P1606DNHP 15Total Computers Of This Model:

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User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

MIS-800158 VNB3J08362 ATC133 AVAILABLE

MIS-800200 VNB3L64643 GCB212 Tiffany Finklea

MIS-800231 VNB3M01339 HOS610A Daisy Foxx

MIS-800238 VNB3P01228 HOS616 Ernestine Barnes

MIS-800246 VND3F25624 HOS616L Steven Dammer

MIS-800261 VND3F25624 HOS616R Reed W. Taylor

MIS-800269 VNB3N34977 HOS618X Akeyta Thomas

MIS-800271 VNB3N34945 HOS618C Dianne Kenney

MIS-800291 VND3C96623 HOS633B Mark E. Vecellio

MIS-800292 VNB3N27638 HOS633C Elizabeth Willet-Cutler

MIS-800296 VNB3L88793 HOS632 Jeffrey Zack

MIS-800304 VNB3L57457 HOS640B Nicole Davis

MIS-800311 VNB3P01056 HOS602C Katharine W. Austin

MIS-800334 L3AZ128933 CUH371 Sarah Camacho

MIS-800337 VNB3J09120 CUH377F Linda Sanders


User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

2Total Computers Of This Model:

MIS-800220 VNB3L64635 GCB212 Catherine Jones

MIS-800359 CNBJB15323 CUH377K Kelly Gold

LJ P2015HP

User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

5Total Computers Of This Model:

MIS-800297 CNB1N49955 HOS633 Reva Cobb

MIS-800300 CNBJB21720 HOS643D Tracy Welch

MIS-800310 CNB1S76592 HOS800 ADJUNCT

MIS-800314 CNB1S80029 HOS602E Dennis Johnson

MIS-800364 CNB1P31630 CUH377V Warren R. O'Brien


User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

7Total Computers Of This Model:

MIS-800254 CNBJC45103 HOS618N David Martin

MIS-800270 CNBJB21701 HOS618K Midori Murray

MIS-800275 CNBJC45114 HOS618E Mariann Lamoreux

MIS-800295 CNBJB14501 HOS633D Michael Hawkins

MIS-800305 CNBJC43465 HOS640D Krystal Byrd

MIS-800330 CNBJB15323 CUH377E Walter Boyle

MIS-800403 CNBJC13575 CUH378E Anne Benenhaley

LJ P2035HP

User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

10Total Computers Of This Model:

MIS-800022 VNB3D71297 HOS640C Janae Poe

MIS-800082 VNB3244477 HOS616C Kenjuana McCray

MIS-800093 VNB3240209 CUH311A Leslie Keenan

MIS-800093 VNB3240209 CUH311A Leslie Keenan

MIS-800150 VNB3410788 ATC147 Nichole Holloway

MIS-800239 VNB3334110 HOS616A Lonnie Griffin

MIS-800248 VND3F25624 HOS616N Shandrika S. McNair

MIS-800290 VNB3D86662 HOS633A Larry Vick

MIS-800313 VNB3B85403 HOS602F Sean McDaniel

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MIS-800402 VNB3D83721 CUH382 Alicia Hatcher


User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

7Total Computers Of This Model:

MIS-800263 CNB9N58187 HOS618T Marie Cash

MIS-800267 CNB9N58186 HOS618W Lindsey Lee

MIS-800268 CNBJC45103 HOS618R David Leonard

MIS-800317 CNBN88717 HOS701J Nicole Knotts

MIS-800318 CNB9L36072 HOS701E Nicole Knotts

MIS-800355 CUH313A Carrie Nance

MIS-800366 CUH346C Carol Dickey


User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

1Total Computers Of This Model:

MIS-800411 CNJ1B07405 CUH377G Lisa Bailey

LJ P3015HP

User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

5Total Computers Of This Model:

MIS-800092 VNB3146077 HOS611A Richard Kugelmann

MIS-800121 JPBDG14757 CUH378 Vanessa Jenks

MIS-800224 VND3621290 HOS600 Jamie Stevens

MIS-800227 VND3621290 HOS600A Chris Diorietes

MIS-800234 VND3G35785 HOS616B Phillip Pugh


User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

1Total Computers Of This Model:

MIS-800020 VNB3R63308 HOS610H Antonio Jackson


User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

1Total Computers Of This Model:

MIS-800229 CND3630301 HOS610D Susan Pitts


User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

4Total Computers Of This Model:

832-126663 CNDY348419 ATC133 AVAILABLE

832-129068 CNDYC62218 ATC133 AVAILABLE

832-129068 CNDYC62218 ATC151 Ricardo A. Weems

832-129374 GCB108_P1 CNDYC60533 GCB108 ONE STOP


User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

1Total Computers Of This Model:

832-127204 CNDY268073 CUH314A Unknown

LJ P4515nHP

User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

1Total Computers Of This Model:

832-127230 CNDY193612 CBI106 Ann-Mary Morrow


User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

1Total Computers Of This Model:

MIS-800324 CNB8C38974 CUH311D Ronald Montgomery

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User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

1Total Computers Of This Model:

MIS-400023 CNBH309442 NCB10C Courtney G. Baughard

LJ PRO 400 M401HP

User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

1Total Computers Of This Model:

MIS-800108 PHGDC64280 VCC200 David Sholter


User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

2Total Computers Of This Model:

MIS-800273 VNB3N24208 HOS618D Norris Harvey

MIS-800301 VNB3B27950 HOS643C Yan Song

LJ PRO 400 M401NHP

User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

4Total Computers Of This Model:

MIS-800099 PHGDB59711 NCB10B Lisa O'Hern

MIS-800164 PHGDD63150 CUH394 Kellen Pagan

MIS-800230 PHGDD54516 HOS616P Sarah Burgin

MIS-800315 VNG3F49110 HOS602A Daniel C. Pappas


User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

3Total Computers Of This Model:

MIS-800106 CUH329 Computer Lab

MIS-800174 CEC101 Lakeisha C. Marshall

MIS-800360 VNB3F07351 CUH377M Karen Elsom


User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

2Total Computers Of This Model:

MIS-800160 CN0935Q0S2 HTC204A Susan Ellis

MIS-800223 CN07D7R0HZ HTC201H John Holloman


User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

1Total Computers Of This Model:

MIS-800350 CN0935Q0T7 HTC101H Sandra Walker


User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

2Total Computers Of This Model:

MIS-800235 SG47931DR1 HOS611C Jose Cruz

MIS-800262 SG47931055 HOS616U Unknown


User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

1Total Computers Of This Model:

MIS-800293 CN0AHA60M6 HOS633E Pia Anderson

LENOVO 16Total Computers From This Manufacturer:


User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

2Total Computers Of This Model:

832-012725 LT-W7-012727 MP06DGTY CEC201A Jolee Fedak 01/27/2015

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832-012727 LT-W7-012725 MP06DHA5 CEC215 Janis Holden-Toruno 01/16/2015

Lenovo ThinkCentre M93zLENOVO

User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

11Total Computers Of This Model:

832-131716 W7-131716 MJ0109EH SLC214 Computer Lab 08/05/2014

832-131717 W7-131717 MJ0109EJ ATC120 Computer Lab 08/05/2014

832-131718 W7-131718 MJ0109EK ATC120 Computer Lab 08/04/2014

832-131719 W7-131719 MJ012PA7 HTC242 Computer Lab 10/07/2014

832-131720 W7-131720 MJ0164FW ATC120 Computer Lab 08/04/2014

832-132220 W7-132220 MJ01BXRY VCC232D Computer Lab 03/31/2015

832-132221 W7-132221 MJ01BXRW VCC232D Computer Lab 02/25/2015

832-132222 W7-132222 MJ01BXS0 VCC232D Computer Lab 02/25/2015

832-132223 W7-132223 MJ01BXS1 VCC232D Computer Lab 09/25/2014

832-132224 W7-132224 MJ01BXRU VCC232D Computer Lab 09/25/2014

832-132225 W7-132225 MJ01BXSC VCC232D Computer Lab 09/25/2014


User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

3Total Computers Of This Model:

832-012355 THINKPAD-012355 LROTX4Y ATC122 Unknown

832-012356 THINKPAD-012356 LROTY3N ATC122 Unknown

832-129127 THINKPAD-129127 ATC122 Unknown

MICROSOFT 5Total Computers From This Manufacturer:


User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

1Total Computers Of This Model:

832-012742 TABLET-012742 060363344583 WFD Ray Ave. Peggy Aazam


User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

4Total Computers Of This Model:

832-012743 TABLET-012743 04700643453 WFD Ray Ave. Peggy Aazam

832-012744 TABLET-012714 049432643453 WFD Ray Ave. Peggy Aazam

832-012745 TABLET-012745 047785443453 WFD Ray Ave. Peggy Aazam

832-012746 TABLET-012746 045394343453 WFD Ray Ave. Peggy Aazam

OKIDATA 2Total Computers From This Manufacturer:


User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

2Total Computers Of This Model:

MIS-800104 VCC124_P3 AL48025786 VCC124 Computer Lab

MIS-800105 VCC125_P3 AL48025781 VCC125 Computer Lab

SAMSUNG 1Total Computers From This Manufacturer:


User Audit DateLocationNameState ID Serial #

1Total Computers Of This Model:

MIS-800299 Z2SABFFB700242F HOS633 Reva Cobb

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4,276Grand Total Of All Assets Listed:

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7/6/2015 9:10:20AMListing of FTCC Assets By Manufacturer

APPLE 189Total Assets From This Manufacturer:

Dell Inc. 1,635Total Assets From This Manufacturer:

EPSON 6Total Assets From This Manufacturer:

FUJITSU 15Total Assets From This Manufacturer:

GOOGLE 3Total Assets From This Manufacturer:

Hewlett-Packard 2,217Total Assets From This Manufacturer:

HP 186Total Assets From This Manufacturer:

LENOVO 16Total Assets From This Manufacturer:

MICROSOFT 5Total Assets From This Manufacturer:

OKIDATA 2Total Assets From This Manufacturer:

SAMSUNG 1Total Assets From This Manufacturer:

4,275Grand Total Of All Assets Listed:

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7/1/2015Ending Date:

Starting Date:

Work Order History Report By Type

623Total Amount of Work Orders Made During The Selected Dates:

9:19:49AM7/6/2015Report Created on:

Hardware Support

WO # Work Order Summary




Date Status

27 05/04/2015 ClosedMid ( 3 - 5 Days )Computer Beeps 5 times and power light flashes red

28 06/01/2015 ClosedMid ( 3 - 5 Days )Install New Equipment from PO#P2178E - 832-132632

34 06/03/2015 ClosedMid ( 3 - 5 Days )Install New Equipment from PO#P2178E - 832-132628

35 06/01/2015 ClosedMid ( 3 - 5 Days )Install New Equipment from PO#P2178E - 832-132629

36 06/10/2015 ClosedMid ( 3 - 5 Days )Install New Equipment from PO#P2178E - 832-132630

37 06/01/2015 ClosedMid ( 3 - 5 Days )Install New Equipment from PO#P2178E - 832-132631

39 06/10/2015 ClosedMid ( 3 - 5 Days )Install New Equipment from PO# P2179E - 832-132633

41 06/10/2015 ClosedMid ( 3 - 5 Days )Install New Equipment from PO# P2179E - 832-132634

42 05/27/2015 ClosedMid ( 3 - 5 Days )Install New Equipment from PO# P2180E - 832-132635

43 05/26/2015 ClosedMid ( 3 - 5 Days )Install New Equipment from PO# P2180E - 832-132636

44 05/26/2015 ClosedMid ( 3 - 5 Days )Install New Equipment from PO# P2180E - 832-123637

45 05/26/2015 ClosedMid ( 3 - 5 Days )Install New Equipment from PO# P2180E - 832-132638

46 05/26/2015 ClosedMid ( 3 - 5 Days )Install New Equipment from PO# P2180E - 832-132639

49 05/05/2015 ClosedHigh ( 1 - 3 Days )MONITOR NOT WORKING IN NC 5 CONNECTED TO PC 832-131828

52 05/28/2015 ClosedMid ( 3 - 5 Days )Install New Equipment from PO# P2182E - 832-132655

53 05/19/2015 ClosedMid ( 3 - 5 Days )Install New Equipment from PO# 2182E - 832-132656

54 05/19/2015 ClosedMid ( 3 - 5 Days )Install New Equipment from PO# P2182E - 832-132657

55 05/19/2015 ClosedMid ( 3 - 5 Days )Install New Equipment from PO# P2182E - 832-132658

56 05/26/2015 ClosedMid ( 3 - 5 Days )Install New Equipment from PO# P2182E - 832-132659

58 06/10/2015 ClosedMid ( 3 - 5 Days )Install New Equipment from PO# 2181E - 832-132640

59 05/19/2015 ClosedMid ( 3 - 5 Days )Install New Equipment from PO# P2181E - 832-132641

60 05/13/2015 ClosedMid ( 3 - 5 Days )Install New Equipment from PO# P2181E - 832-132642

62 05/19/2015 ClosedMid ( 3 - 5 Days )Install New Equipment from PO#P2181E - 832-132643

63 05/19/2015 ClosedMid ( 3 - 5 Days )Install New Equipment from PO# P2181E - 832-132644

65 05/20/2015 ClosedMid ( 3 - 5 Days )Install New Equipment from PO# P2181E - 832-132645

66 05/19/2015 ClosedMid ( 3 - 5 Days )Install New Equipment from PO# P2181E 832-132646

67 05/19/2015 ClosedMid ( 3 - 5 Days )Install New Equipment from PO# P2181E - 832-132647

68 05/21/2015 ClosedMid ( 3 - 5 Days )Install New Equipment from PO# P2181E 832-132648

69 05/19/2015 ClosedMid ( 3 - 5 Days )Install New Equipment from PO# P2181E - 832-132649

70 05/19/2015 ClosedMid ( 3 - 5 Days )Install New Equipment from PO# P2181E - 832-132650

71 05/19/2015 ClosedMid ( 3 - 5 Days )Install New Equipment from PO# P2181E - 832-132651

72 05/19/2015 ClosedMid ( 3 - 5 Days )Install New Equipment from PO# P2181E - 832-132652

73 05/19/2015 ClosedMid ( 3 - 5 Days )Install New Equipment from PO# P2181E - 832-132653

74 05/19/2015 ClosedMid ( 3 - 5 Days )Install New Equipment from PO# P2181E - 832-132654

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75 05/26/2015 ClosedMid ( 3 - 5 Days )Install New Equipment from PO# P2183E - 832-132660

76 05/26/2015 ClosedMid ( 3 - 5 Days )Install New Equipment from PO# P2184E - 832-132661

77 05/26/2015 ClosedMid ( 3 - 5 Days )Install New Equipment from PO# P2184E - 832-132662

78 05/26/2015 ClosedMid ( 3 - 5 Days )Install New Equipment from PO# P2184E - 832-132663

79 05/26/2015 ClosedMid ( 3 - 5 Days )Install New Equipment from PO# P2184E 832-132664

82 05/07/2015 ClosedLow ( 5 - 7 Days )INSTALL CABLE PROTECTOR STRIPS FOR PC'S IN CEC 240

84 05/21/2015 ClosedMid ( 3 - 5 Days )Install New Equipment from PO# P2185E - 832-132665

85 05/21/2015 ClosedMid ( 3 - 5 Days )Install New Equipment from PO# P2185E - 832-132666

86 05/21/2015 ClosedMid ( 3 - 5 Days )Install New Equipment from PO# P2186E - 832-132667

87 05/21/2015 ClosedMid ( 3 - 5 Days )Install New Equipment from PO# P2187E - 832-132668

88 05/21/2015 ClosedMid ( 3 - 5 Days )Install New Equipment from PO# P2187E - 832-132669

89 05/21/2015 ClosedMid ( 3 - 5 Days )Install New Equipment from PO# P2187E - 832-132670

90 05/21/2015 ClosedMid ( 3 - 5 Days )Install New Equipment from PO# P2187E - 832-132671

91 05/21/2015 ClosedMid ( 3 - 5 Days )Install New Equipment from PO# P2187E - 832-132672

92 05/21/2015 ClosedMid ( 3 - 5 Days )Install New Equipment from PO# P2187E - 832-132673

94 05/07/2015 ClosedPRINTER NEEDS CLEANING

95 05/19/2015 ClosedMid ( 3 - 5 Days )Install New Equipment from PO# P2188E - 832-132674

96 05/26/2015 ClosedMid ( 3 - 5 Days )Install New Equipment from PO# P2189E - 832-132675

97 05/19/2015 ClosedMid ( 3 - 5 Days )Install New Equipment from PO# P2190E - 832-132676

98 05/19/2015 ClosedMid ( 3 - 5 Days )Install New Equipment from PO# P2191E - 832-132677

99 05/19/2015 ClosedMid ( 3 - 5 Days )Install New Equipment from PO# P2191E - 832-132678

100 05/26/2015 ClosedMid ( 3 - 5 Days )Install New Equipment from PO# P2192E - 832-132679

101 05/26/2015 ClosedMid ( 3 - 5 Days )Install New Equipment from PO# P2192E - 832-132680

103 05/12/2015 ClosedSPEAKERS NOT WORKING

104 05/08/2015 ClosedHigh ( 1 - 3 Days )CONNECT 2 PC'S IN CEC 126

105 05/26/2015 ClosedMid ( 3 - 5 Days )Install New Equipment from PO# P2193E - 832-132681

109 05/19/2015 ClosedLow ( 5 - 7 Days )Install A New Printer from PO# P48325 M401DN

110 06/04/2015 ClosedLow ( 5 - 7 Days )Install A New SCANNER from PO# P48231

111 05/28/2015 ClosedLow ( 5 - 7 Days )Install A New SCANNER from PO# P48204 FUJITSU SCANSNAP IX 500

113 05/14/2015 ClosedLow ( 5 - 7 Days )Install A New Printer AND SCANNER from PO# P48211 FUJITSU SCANSNAP IX 500 & HP LJ PRO 400 M401N

115 06/04/2015 ClosedMid ( 3 - 5 Days )PRINTER MOVES

116 05/13/2015 ClosedHigh ( 1 - 3 Days )NO NETWORK

117 05/14/2015 ClosedHigh ( 1 - 3 Days )PRINTER ISSUE

119 05/14/2015 ClosedHigh ( 1 - 3 Days )SET UP USED PC AND 2 USED MONITORS FOR NEW FIN AID DIRECTOR

120 05/15/2015 Closed832-131601 DOES NOT GO TO LOGIN SCREEN

122 05/26/2015 CancelledMid ( 3 - 5 Days )Install New Equipment from PO# P189ES 832-012728

123 05/26/2015 CancelledMid ( 3 - 5 Days )Install New Equipment from PO# P189ES - 832-012729

124 05/26/2015 CancelledMid ( 3 - 5 Days )Install New Equipment from PO# P189ES - 832-012730

125 05/26/2015 CancelledMid ( 3 - 5 Days )Install New Equipment from PO# P189ES - 832-012731

126 05/15/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )VIDEO CARD ON PC? NEED SIGN IN LAPTOP ON RADIUS

127 05/26/2015 CancelledMid ( 3 - 5 Days )Install New Equipment from PO# P189ES - 832-012732

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128 05/26/2015 CancelledMid ( 3 - 5 Days )Install New Equipment from PO# P189ES - 832-012733

129 05/26/2015 CancelledMid ( 3 - 5 Days )Install New Equipment from PO# P189ES - 832-012734

130 05/26/2015 CancelledMid ( 3 - 5 Days )Install New Equipment from PO# P189ES - 832-012735

131 05/26/2015 CancelledMid ( 3 - 5 Days )Install New Equipment from PO# P189ES - 832-012736

132 05/26/2015 CancelledMid ( 3 - 5 Days )Install New Equipment from PO# P189ES - 832-012737

133 05/26/2015 CancelledMid ( 3 - 5 Days )Install New Equipment from PO# P189ES - 832-012738

134 05/26/2015 CancelledMid ( 3 - 5 Days )Install New Equipment from PO# P189ES - 832-012739

135 05/26/2015 CancelledMid ( 3 - 5 Days )Install New Equipment from PO# P189ES - 832-012740

136 05/26/2015 CancelledMid ( 3 - 5 Days )Install New Equipment from PO# P189ES - 832-012741

139 05/18/2015 ClosedLow ( 5 - 7 Days )SET UP USED DUAL MONITORS

140 05/15/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )NO NETWORK


144 05/18/2015 ClosedHigh ( 1 - 3 Days )PC WILL NOT BOOT. . . .HARD DRIVE DISK ERROR

145 05/18/2015 ClosedHigh ( 1 - 3 Days )NOT ABLE TO SCAN

146 05/18/2015 ClosedMid ( 3 - 5 Days )INSTALL SOFTWARE

147 05/18/2015 ClosedNO NETWORK ACCESS

148 05/18/2015 ClosedHigh ( 1 - 3 Days )NEEDS SPEAKERS TODAY ASAP

149 05/18/2015 ClosedHigh ( 1 - 3 Days )ASSISTANCE NEEDED IN CUH AUDITORIUM


151 06/01/2015 ClosedHigh ( 1 - 3 Days )PC WILL NOT BOOT UP

152 06/04/2015 ClosedPROBLEMS IN LAB CEC 105


155 05/19/2015 ClosedWORK ORDERS AT WFD

156 05/21/2015 ClosedHigh ( 1 - 3 Days )MISSING DRIVES, HAS REBOOTED AT LEAST 10 X

157 05/20/2015 Closed131601 WILL NOT PRINT TO PRINTER (832-123634)

159 05/20/2015 ClosedHigh ( 1 - 3 Days )PRINTER NOT WORKING CUH 348C

160 05/26/2015 ClosedHigh ( 1 - 3 Days )TESTING PRINTER IS DOWN IN CEC 240

162 05/19/2015 CancelledUrgent ( 1 Day )PC WILL NOT BOOT/SHUT DOWN

164 05/28/2015 ClosedSCANNER IS DOWN

166 05/20/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )REPLACE PC

167 05/26/2015 ClosedLow ( 5 - 7 Days )Install A New Printer from PO# P48490 HP LASERJET ENT 600 M603XH

168 05/28/2015 ClosedLow ( 5 - 7 Days )Install A New Printer from PO# P48490 HP LASERJET EN 600 M602N

169 05/28/2015 ClosedLow ( 5 - 7 Days )Install A New Printer from PO# P48490 HP LASERJET EN 600 M602N

170 05/28/2015 ClosedLow ( 5 - 7 Days )Install A New Printer from PO# P48490 HP LASERJET 600 M602N

171 05/28/2015 ClosedLow ( 5 - 7 Days )Install A New Printer from PO# P48490 HP LASERJET 600 M602N

172 05/28/2015 ClosedLow ( 5 - 7 Days )Install A New Printer from PO# P48490 HP LASERJET 600 M602N

173 05/28/2015 ClosedLow ( 5 - 7 Days )Install A New Printer from PO# P48490 HP LASERJET 600 M602N

174 05/27/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Install A New Printer from PO# P48490 HP LASERJET 600 M602N

175 05/27/2015 ClosedLow ( 5 - 7 Days )Install A New Printer from PO# P48490 HP LASERJET 600 M602N

176 05/28/2015 ClosedLow ( 5 - 7 Days )Install A New Printer from PO# P48490 HP LASERJET 600 M602N

177 05/29/2015 ClosedLow ( 5 - 7 Days )Install A New Printer from PO# P48490 HP LASERJET ENT 400 M401DNE

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178 05/26/2015 ClosedLow ( 5 - 7 Days )Install A New Printer from PO# P48490 HP COLOR ENTERPRISE 500C M551N

181 05/19/2015 ClosedHigh ( 1 - 3 Days )SHARNAH JONES SCANNER NOT WORKING

182 05/28/2015 ClosedMid ( 3 - 5 Days )SCANNER ISSUE

187 05/20/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )PREPARE LAPTOP

188 05/26/2015 ClosedPRINTER ISSUE

192 05/20/2015 ClosedLow ( 5 - 7 Days )Install A New Printer from PO# P48240 HP LASERJET P2035

193 06/01/2015 ClosedMid ( 3 - 5 Days )Install A New Scanner from PO# P4095B FUJITSU 7280 DUPLEX SCANNER

194 05/22/2015 ClosedHigh ( 1 - 3 Days )SCANNER ISSUE- CUH 378

197 05/21/2015 ClosedLow ( 5 - 7 Days )Install A New Printer from PO# P48441 - HP LASERJET PRO 400 M401N

204 05/29/2015 ClosedMid ( 3 - 5 Days )REPLACE KEYBOARD

211 05/22/2015 ClosedHigh ( 1 - 3 Days )NOISY FAN- CUH 314A

212 05/22/2015 ClosedHigh ( 1 - 3 Days )PREPARE LAPTOP

215 05/28/2015 ClosedLow ( 5 - 7 Days )Install A New Printer from PO# P48224 - HP LASERJET PRO M201DW

217 05/29/2015 ClosedMid ( 3 - 5 Days )Install New Equipment from PO# P2203E - 832-133064 - KIM HENDERSON

218 05/29/2015 ClosedMid ( 3 - 5 Days )Install New Equipment from PO# P2203E - 832-133065 - BRENDA NIGHTINGALE

219 06/19/2015 ClosedLow ( 5 - 7 Days )Install New Equipment from PO# P2203E - 832-133066 - JUDY HOLLINGSWORTH

220 06/02/2015 ClosedMid ( 3 - 5 Days )Install New Equipment from PO# P2203E - 832-133067 - ALINA BOENITZ

221 06/02/2015 ClosedMid ( 3 - 5 Days )Install New Equipment from PO# P2203E 832-133068 - ELENA TURNBOUGH

222 06/02/2015 ClosedMid ( 3 - 5 Days )Install New Equipment from PO# P2203E - 832-133069 - KYM GIBBS

227 05/28/2015 ClosedMid ( 3 - 5 Days )REPLACE KEYBOARD

241 05/29/2015 ClosedHigh ( 1 - 3 Days )PC WILL NOT BOOT

242 05/27/2015 ClosedLow ( 5 - 7 Days )CAN NOT PRINT

244 05/29/2015 ClosedHigh ( 1 - 3 Days )CBI108 TWO PC'S NOT BOOTING PROPERLY

246 05/27/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )GCB 108 NETWORK PRINTER JAMMED

247 05/29/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )PHONE/INTERNET DOWN

253 05/28/2015 ClosedHigh ( 1 - 3 Days )NEEDS ADDED BACK TO DOMAIN

256 06/02/2015 ClosedLow ( 5 - 7 Days )COMPUTER SLOW TO BOOT. POSSIBLE MALWARE

261 05/27/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )SET UP PC IN ATC 143


279 05/28/2015 ClosedHigh ( 1 - 3 Days )Install A New Printer from PO4095 - FUJITSU 7280 DUPLEX SCANNER

286 05/28/2015 ClosedMid ( 3 - 5 Days )IE CRASHING


305 05/29/2015 ClosedMid ( 3 - 5 Days )ASSESSMENT

306 05/29/2015 ClosedMid ( 3 - 5 Days )UPDATE LAPTOP

309 06/02/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )PC GOES STRAIGHT TO DESKTOP



317 06/04/2015 ClosedHigh ( 1 - 3 Days )SCANNER DRIVER INSTALL

328 06/01/2015 ClosedMid ( 3 - 5 Days )RECONFIGURE TO NEW NETWORK PRINTER

332 06/01/2015 ClosedLow ( 5 - 7 Days )REIMAGE

333 06/01/2015 ClosedHigh ( 1 - 3 Days )VIRUS

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336 06/01/2015 ClosedMid ( 3 - 5 Days )ADD SCAN FOLDER

340 06/02/2015 ClosedMid ( 3 - 5 Days )PRINTER ISSUE

343 06/02/2015 ClosedMid ( 3 - 5 Days )UPDATE LAPTOP


345 06/09/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )ERROR PRINTING

353 06/03/2015 ClosedPRINTER IS DOWN IN ATC 244

357 06/04/2015 ClosedHigh ( 1 - 3 Days )Install 2 New HP SB 23.6 inch Monitors for Tracie Hunter

368 06/12/2015 ClosedLow ( 5 - 7 Days )POSSIBLE MALWARE ON PC CEC 235

370 06/09/2015 ClosedHigh ( 1 - 3 Days )ERNEST TART, NO ACCESS TO GW ON PROFILE

377 06/11/2015 ClosedMid ( 3 - 5 Days )Install A New Printer PO# P48576 HP COLOR ENTERPRISE 500C M551N

384 06/10/2015 ClosedMid ( 3 - 5 Days )Install New Equipment from PO# P2204E

385 06/10/2015 ClosedMid ( 3 - 5 Days )Install New Equipment from PO# P2204E 2 HP 21.5 INCH MONITORS FOR ANN JONES

386 06/05/2015 ClosedHigh ( 1 - 3 Days )RENAME PRINTER?

387 OpenMid ( 3 - 5 Days )Install New Equipment from PO# P2203E - 832-133072

388 06/24/2015 ClosedMid ( 3 - 5 Days )Install New Equipment from PO# P2203E - 832-133070

389 06/09/2015 ClosedMid ( 3 - 5 Days )Install New Equipment from PO# P2203E - 832-133071

391 06/08/2015 ClosedMid ( 3 - 5 Days )Install A New Scanner from PO# P48580 - FUJITSU SCANSNAP IX500 SCANNER

393 06/05/2015 ClosedHigh ( 1 - 3 Days )PRINTER DOWN

394 06/09/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )DOCESCAN PRINTING

395 06/05/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )PRINTER HAS MESSED UP OVER 1300 FTCC DIPLOMAS

397 06/10/2015 ClosedREINSTALL PRINTER

398 06/11/2015 ClosedMEMORY ERROR

399 06/08/2015 ClosedHigh ( 1 - 3 Days )DOC E SCAN ERROR, "CAN NOT FIND SCANNER

400 06/15/2015 ClosedLow ( 5 - 7 Days )Install A New SCANNER FROM PO# P48579

401 06/10/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )ID PRINTER DOWN IN CEC 240


403 06/29/2015 ClosedPRINTER SMUDGING BADLY

415 06/15/2015 ClosedHigh ( 1 - 3 Days )PRINTER IS ONLY PRINTING 1ST PAGE CORRECTLY

419 06/22/2015 ClosedHigh ( 1 - 3 Days )PLACE PRINTERS THAT ARE ON FLOOR ON DESK IN CUH 311

427 06/09/2015 CancelledUrgent ( 1 Day )NOT ABLE TO PRINT TO COLOR PRINTER


429 06/10/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )RECONNECT NETWORK PRINTER

436 06/16/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )CAN ONLY PRINT ONE CERTIFICATE AT A TIME

438 06/10/2015 ClosedHigh ( 1 - 3 Days )Install A New SCANNER from PO # 48579 - FUJITSU iX500

439 06/10/2015 ClosedHigh ( 1 - 3 Days )DOCESCAN

445 06/17/2015 ClosedLow ( 5 - 7 Days )UPDATE LAPTOP-129405

446 06/11/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )COMPUTER WILL NOT BOOT


448 06/12/2015 ClosedHigh ( 1 - 3 Days )Install A New SCANNER AND SOFTWARE from PO #2206E - SEE PHILLIP CRAWFORD FOR EQUIPMENT

449 06/15/2015 ClosedHigh ( 1 - 3 Days )NETWORK PRINTER- REINSTALL

451 06/12/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )PRINTER JAM

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453 06/19/2015 ClosedHigh ( 1 - 3 Days )Install New Equipment from PO# P2193E 832-132682

457 06/15/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )OFFICE MOVE MONDAY MORNING

480 06/18/2015 ClosedHigh ( 1 - 3 Days )FILE TRANSFER

482 06/17/2015 ClosedMid ( 3 - 5 Days )832-127192 LOCATION IS AT ICAR DELL 760 HAS LOST ITS TRUST MEMBERSHIP

483 06/18/2015 ClosedMid ( 3 - 5 Days )HP LASERJET 3015 WILL NOT PRINT


501 06/19/2015 ClosedHigh ( 1 - 3 Days )UNABLE TO PRINT FROM DOC E SCAN

515 06/25/2015 ClosedHigh ( 1 - 3 Days )PRINTER JAM

516 06/19/2015 ClosedHigh ( 1 - 3 Days )UPDATE/PREPARE LAPTOP FOR NEW USER

517 06/19/2015 ClosedMid ( 3 - 5 Days )UPDATE LAPTOP

518 06/22/2015 ClosedHigh ( 1 - 3 Days )UPDATE LAPTOP

521 06/24/2015 ClosedHigh ( 1 - 3 Days )WFD BREAKDOWN

522 06/22/2015 ClosedHigh ( 1 - 3 Days )UPDATE LAPTOP

523 06/22/2015 ClosedMid ( 3 - 5 Days )RE-INSTALL SCANNER

525 06/23/2015 ClosedHigh ( 1 - 3 Days )UPGRADE PC FROM 745

527 06/24/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )CANNOT SCAN IN DOCESCAN

529 06/26/2015 ClosedMid ( 3 - 5 Days )SCANNER NOT WORKING ON MFP

532 06/23/2015 ClosedMid ( 3 - 5 Days )UPDATE LAPTOP


538 06/23/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )PC DOWN

539 06/23/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )PC DOWN

545 06/23/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )DATATEL, GROUPWISE AND MAJOR CLEAN UP NEEDED

554 06/25/2015 ClosedMid ( 3 - 5 Days )GCB 205 SCANNER INSTALL

558 06/24/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )IMAGE PC FOR DR. KEEN'S CONF. ROOM

563 06/25/2015 ClosedHigh ( 1 - 3 Days )3 PC'S DOWN IN CUH 314A DISABILITY SUPPORT CENTER

567 06/24/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )REINSTALL PRINTER

570 06/23/2015 ClosedMid ( 3 - 5 Days )UPDATE LAPTOP

575 06/24/2015 ClosedMid ( 3 - 5 Days )UPDATE LAPTOP

580 OpenUrgent ( 1 Day )SET UP ASSISTANCE- AUG. 14 BEFORE 9

581 06/25/2015 ClosedMid ( 3 - 5 Days )UPDATE LAPTOP

583 07/02/2015 ClosedLow ( 5 - 7 Days )PC RELACEMENT

584 06/30/2015 ClosedMid ( 3 - 5 Days )ASSISTANCE WITH GW ON IPAD

585 06/29/2015 ClosedLow ( 5 - 7 Days )SURPLUS LAPTOP

590 06/30/2015 ClosedHigh ( 1 - 3 Days )UPGRADE WINDOWS ON LAPTOP 125298

594 06/25/2015 ClosedHigh ( 1 - 3 Days )PC IN CORNER WILL NOT CONNECT TO INTERNET CEC 101 832-124801 *** WORK ORDER IN CEC 101 ******

595 06/25/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )PC WILL NOT BOOT UP

596 06/25/2015 ClosedHigh ( 1 - 3 Days )MOUSE

600 06/30/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )RE-IMAGE LAPTOP

602 06/30/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )COPY DATA

604 06/30/2015 ClosedPC REBOOTING AT WILL


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607 06/29/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )OFFICE MOVE

608 06/26/2015 ClosedMid ( 3 - 5 Days )SET UP DUAL MONITORS

613 OpenHigh ( 1 - 3 Days )PC CLEAN UP

614 OpenLow ( 5 - 7 Days )PLUG SPEAKER BACK IN

617 OpenHigh ( 1 - 3 Days )LAPTOP REPAIR

618 07/01/2015 ClosedHigh ( 1 - 3 Days )SCANNER NOT INSTALLED

619 06/29/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )SCANNER NOT WORKING

622 OpenUrgent ( 1 Day )PC FREEZING

624 06/29/2015 ClosedMid ( 3 - 5 Days )PRINTER

625 OpenMid ( 3 - 5 Days )PRINTER DOWN

627 OpenHigh ( 1 - 3 Days )HELP WITH PRINTING IN DATATEL

628 06/29/2015 ClosedHigh ( 1 - 3 Days )COMPUTERS DOWN CEC 108

629 OpenLow ( 5 - 7 Days )SETUP 2 MONITOR

632 06/30/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )NO NETWORK

635 07/02/2015 ClosedHigh ( 1 - 3 Days )INSTALL SCANNER

639 06/30/2015 ClosedMid ( 3 - 5 Days )NEEDS HELP WITH PORT SECURITY


650 OpenHigh ( 1 - 3 Days )SCANNER DOWN

652 07/02/2015 ClosedHigh ( 1 - 3 Days )ERROR MESSAGE AFTER LOGIN "PC AT SERIOUS RISK"

655 OpenMid ( 3 - 5 Days )UPDATE LAPTOP

657 OpenHigh ( 1 - 3 Days )RUN NETWORK CABLES

658 OpenHigh ( 1 - 3 Days )RUN NETWORK CABLES

659 OpenHigh ( 1 - 3 Days )RUN NETWORK CABLES

660 OpenHigh ( 1 - 3 Days )RUN NETWORK CABLES

661 OpenHigh ( 1 - 3 Days )RUN NETWORK CABLES

Total Amount of Work Orders For Hardware Support 264

Help Desk Support

WO # Work Order Summary




Date Status

93 05/07/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Doc-E-Scan


179 05/19/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Student Email

180 05/19/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Student Email


189 05/20/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Web Advisor

190 05/20/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to E-Forms

195 05/20/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Web Advisor

196 05/20/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Student Email

198 05/20/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to E-Forms

199 05/20/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Student Email

202 05/21/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Web Advisor

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203 05/21/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Student Email

205 05/21/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Web Advisor

207 05/21/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Student Email

209 05/21/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Datatel

210 05/21/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Student Email

214 05/21/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to E-Forms

216 05/21/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Student Email

223 05/22/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Student Email

224 05/22/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Student Email

225 05/22/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Student Email

226 05/22/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Datatel

228 05/22/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Student Email

230 05/22/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Web Advisor

231 05/22/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Student Email

233 05/26/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Datatel

234 05/26/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Datatel

235 05/26/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Active Directory

236 05/26/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Student Email

237 05/26/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Student Email

238 05/26/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Student Email

239 05/26/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to E-Forms

243 05/26/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Web Advisor

249 05/27/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to GroupWise Email

250 05/27/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to GroupWise Email

251 05/27/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Student Email

252 05/27/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Web Advisor

258 05/27/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to E-Forms

260 05/27/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to E-Forms

262 05/27/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Student Email

263 05/27/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Datatel

264 05/27/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Blackboard assistance

265 05/27/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Student Email

266 05/27/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Datatel

267 05/27/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Student Email

268 05/27/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to E-Forms

269 05/27/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Datatel

271 05/27/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Student Email

272 05/27/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Student Email

274 05/27/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Blackboard/Email

275 05/27/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Student Email

276 05/27/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Web Advisor

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Page 111: Fayetteville Technical Community · Implementation Description: We will pick first server to complete documentation on

277 05/27/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Datatel

282 05/27/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Datatel

283 05/27/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Student Email

284 05/28/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Datatel

285 05/28/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Datatel

287 05/28/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Datatel

288 05/28/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Student Email

289 05/28/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Datatel

290 05/28/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Web Advisor

292 05/28/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to a Novell Account (GW Messenger)

293 05/28/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Datatel

294 05/28/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Student Email

295 05/28/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Datatel

296 05/28/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Datatel

297 05/28/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Student Email

298 05/28/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Student Email

299 05/28/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to E-Forms

300 05/28/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Active Directory

301 05/28/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to E-Forms

304 05/29/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Student Email

307 05/29/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to GroupWise Email

308 05/29/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Student's Blackboard

311 05/29/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Web Advisor

312 05/29/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Datatel

313 05/29/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Datatel

314 05/29/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Datatel

315 05/29/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Active Directory

318 05/29/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Student Email

319 05/29/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to BLACKBOARD

320 05/29/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to BLACKBOARD

321 05/29/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Student Email

322 06/01/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Active Directory

323 06/01/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Library access

324 06/01/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to logging into FTCC after being away for over a year

325 06/01/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Active Directory

326 06/01/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Web Advisor

327 06/01/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Datatel

329 06/01/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Student Email

330 06/01/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Active Directory

334 06/01/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Student Email

341 06/01/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Student Email

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Page 112: Fayetteville Technical Community · Implementation Description: We will pick first server to complete documentation on

342 06/02/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to GroupWise Email

346 06/02/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Datatel

347 06/02/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Web Advisor

348 06/02/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Datatel

349 06/02/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Student Email

350 06/02/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Library access

351 06/02/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Active Directory

352 06/02/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Datatel

354 06/02/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Student Email

355 06/02/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Student Email

356 06/02/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Library access

361 06/02/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Student Email

362 06/02/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Student Email

365 06/03/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Active Directory

369 06/03/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Web Advisor

371 06/04/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )CBI 134 AT 7:30 TOMORROW

372 06/26/2015 ClosedASSISTANCE W/SET UP JUNE 15-19 AND JUNE 22-26


374 06/03/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Active Directory

375 06/03/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Web Advisor

376 06/03/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Student Email

378 06/04/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Student Email

379 06/04/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Blackboard

380 06/04/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to GroupWise Email

382 06/04/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Web Advisor

390 06/04/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Active Directory/WIFI

392 06/04/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Datatel

396 06/04/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Web Advisor

404 06/08/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Active Directory

405 06/08/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Datatel

406 06/08/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Student Email

407 06/08/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Web Advisor

408 06/08/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Datatel

409 06/08/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Active Directory

411 06/08/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to a BLACKBOARD Account

412 06/08/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Web Advisor

413 06/08/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Student Email

414 06/08/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Active Directory

416 06/08/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Student Email

417 06/09/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )ASSISTANCE WITH SET UP

418 06/11/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )ASSISTANCE WITH SET UP ADM 170 5:15

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Page 113: Fayetteville Technical Community · Implementation Description: We will pick first server to complete documentation on

421 06/09/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Student Email

422 06/09/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Student Email

423 06/09/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Student Email

425 06/09/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Student Email

426 06/09/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Active Directory

430 06/09/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to E-Forms

431 06/09/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Student Email

432 06/09/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Student Email

433 06/10/2015 Closedreset student email for Ansu Sheku


437 06/10/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Datatel

440 06/11/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )ASSISTANCE IN ATC 116 TOMORROW @ 8

441 06/11/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )ASSISTANCE IN ATC 116 TOMORROW @ 8

442 06/10/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Web Advisor

443 06/10/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Student Email

444 06/10/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Student Email

452 06/12/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Student Email

454 06/12/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Student Email

456 06/12/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Active Directory/LIBRARY

461 06/15/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Datatel

462 06/15/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to E-Forms

463 06/15/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Datatel

464 06/15/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Student Email

465 06/15/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Student Email

470 06/16/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Student Email

471 06/16/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Active Directory

473 06/16/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to E-Forms

474 06/16/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Datatel

475 06/16/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Datatel

476 06/16/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Student Email

477 06/16/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Web Advisor

478 06/16/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Datatel

481 06/16/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Student Email

484 06/16/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Student Email

485 06/16/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Web Advisor

486 06/16/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Student Email

487 06/16/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Web Advisor

488 06/16/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Datatel

489 06/16/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Datatel

490 06/16/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Active Directory

491 06/17/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Datatel

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Page 114: Fayetteville Technical Community · Implementation Description: We will pick first server to complete documentation on

492 06/17/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Active Directory

493 06/17/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Web Advisor

494 06/17/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Student Email

495 06/17/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Student Email

504 06/18/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Datatel

506 06/18/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Student Email

507 06/18/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Datatel

508 06/18/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Web Advisor

509 06/18/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Student Email

510 06/18/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Student Email

511 06/18/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Active Directory

512 06/18/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Web Advisor

513 06/18/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Active Directory

514 06/18/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Student Email

520 06/22/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Active Directory

524 06/22/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Datatel

526 06/22/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Student Email

530 06/22/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Datatel

531 06/22/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Datatel

536 06/23/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Student Email

537 06/23/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to E-Forms

540 06/23/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to E-Forms

541 06/23/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Student Email

542 06/23/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to E-Forms

543 06/23/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Student Email

546 06/23/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Student Email

547 06/23/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Web Advisor

548 06/23/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Web Advisor

549 06/23/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Student Email

550 06/23/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Student Email

551 06/23/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Student Email

552 06/23/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Web Advisor

553 06/23/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Web Advisor

555 06/23/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Student Email

556 06/23/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Web Advisor

559 06/23/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Web Advisor

560 06/23/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Student Email

561 06/23/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Web Advisor

562 06/23/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Active Directory (Scholarships)

569 06/23/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to E-Forms

571 06/24/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Active Directory

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Page 115: Fayetteville Technical Community · Implementation Description: We will pick first server to complete documentation on

572 06/24/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Datatel

573 06/24/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Web Advisor

574 06/24/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Web Advisor

576 06/24/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Web Advisor

577 06/24/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Web Advisor

578 06/24/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Web Advisor

579 06/24/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Web Advisor

582 06/24/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Active Directory

586 06/24/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Active Directory

587 06/24/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Datatel

588 06/24/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Web Advisor

593 06/25/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Student Email

598 06/25/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to E-Forms

599 06/25/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Datatel

601 06/25/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to E-Forms

603 06/25/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to GroupWise Email

606 06/25/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Active Directory

609 06/26/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Datatel

610 06/26/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Web Advisor

612 06/26/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Student Email

615 06/29/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Web Advisor

621 06/29/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Student Email

623 06/29/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Student Email

630 06/29/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Web Advisor

634 06/30/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to E-Forms

636 06/30/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Web Advisor

640 06/30/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Student Email

641 06/30/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Student Email

642 06/30/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Web Advisor

643 06/30/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to E-Forms

644 06/30/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Student Email

645 06/30/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Student Email

646 06/30/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Student Email

654 07/01/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Active Directory-LIBRARY

656 07/01/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to E-Forms

662 07/01/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to Datatel

663 07/02/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Received a call from Requestor in regards to E-Forms

Total Amount of Work Orders For Help Desk Support 254

Phone Support

WO # Work Order Summary




Date Status

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Page 116: Fayetteville Technical Community · Implementation Description: We will pick first server to complete documentation on

121 07/02/2015 CancelledUrgent ( 1 Day )FIRE PANEL LINE #1 DOWN

137 07/02/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )NAME CHANGE ON PHONE

138 07/02/2015 ClosedPHONE NOT RINGING

141 05/15/2015 ClosedPHONE DOWN

142 07/02/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )NOT RECEIVING EXT. CALLS

183 07/02/2015 ClosedCONFIG

184 07/02/2015 ClosedPHONE ISSUE

185 07/02/2015 ClosedECC FIRE PANEL

201 07/02/2015 ClosedVM IN EMAIL

206 07/02/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )NAME CONFIG

229 05/29/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )VM RESET

232 05/26/2015 ClosedVM RESET

240 05/27/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )NOT RECEIVING EXTERNAL CALLS

245 05/26/2015 ClosedBlackboard

248 05/27/2015 ClosedPHONE DOWN- GCB 115 8-9843


259 07/02/2015 ClosedVM RESET 8-1049

270 05/27/2015 ClosedVM RESET

291 05/28/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Tony Marshall classes dropped

331 07/02/2015 ClosedVM RESET

335 07/02/2015 ClosedNAME CONFIG 8-8239

337 06/01/2015 CancelledPHONE FORWARDING

339 07/02/2015 ClosedVM TO EMAIL

363 06/03/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )PHONE DOWN

383 06/04/2015 ClosedHigh ( 1 - 3 Days )NOT ABLE TO ACCESS VOICE MAIL--USER JUST CALLED ME. . . .RICK HER NEW PHONE NUMBER = 8582

420 07/02/2015 ClosedPHONE ISSUES

424 07/02/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )NOT RECEIVING EXTERNAL CALLS

435 06/11/2015 ClosedVM RESET

450 06/15/2015 ClosedHigh ( 1 - 3 Days )PHONE LINE IN THE SALON FOR THE CREDIT CARD TERMINAL

620 06/29/2015 ClosedCALL PILOT REDIRECT

626 06/30/2015 ClosedLow ( 5 - 7 Days )VM PASSWORD NOT WORKING

647 07/02/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )CANNOT PICK CALLS

648 07/01/2015 CancelledVM RESET

651 07/02/2015 ClosedPHONE ERROR

Total Amount of Work Orders For Phone Support 34

Software Support

WO # Work Order Summary




Date Status

50 05/07/2015 ClosedHigh ( 1 - 3 Days )LEASHA DAVIS NEEDS ADOBE ACROBAT 11 REINSTALLED

57 05/05/2015 ClosedHigh ( 1 - 3 Days )GROUPWISE IS LOCKING UP


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Page 117: Fayetteville Technical Community · Implementation Description: We will pick first server to complete documentation on

81 05/07/2015 CancelledMid ( 3 - 5 Days )MAY 11TH (MONDAY) ASSISTANCE FOR EVENT IN CBI 134 STARTING AT 7:45AM

83 05/15/2015 ClosedLow ( 5 - 7 Days )PROVIDE SUPPORT ON MAY 14TH (THURSDAY) STARTING AT 9:30 AM IN ATC 123



112 05/14/2015 ClosedMid ( 3 - 5 Days )PROBLEMS OPENING ATTACHMENTS


118 05/26/2015 ClosedCANNOT PRINT IN DATATEL


163 05/27/2015 ClosedLow ( 5 - 7 Days )NOT ABLE TO OPEN FACULTY SUPPORT

165 05/21/2015 ClosedHigh ( 1 - 3 Days )ASSISTANCE OPENING FILE

191 05/20/2015 ClosedMid ( 3 - 5 Days )GCB 202 FRONT DESK PC

200 05/21/2015 ClosedMid ( 3 - 5 Days )INSTALL GW MESSENGER

208 05/21/2015 ClosedHigh ( 1 - 3 Days )Remove possible virus on this device

213 05/22/2015 ClosedHigh ( 1 - 3 Days )Remove possible virus on this device

254 05/28/2015 ClosedMid ( 3 - 5 Days )SCANNING SOFTWARE

257 05/28/2015 ClosedMid ( 3 - 5 Days )REMOVE TOOLBAR

273 05/27/2015 ClosedHigh ( 1 - 3 Days )NEED FAULTY SUPPORT INSTALLED

280 06/01/2015 ClosedLow ( 5 - 7 Days )INSTALL VMWARE FUSION PROFESSIONAL

281 05/28/2015 ClosedMid ( 3 - 5 Days )ASK TOOLBAR

303 06/03/2015 ClosedHigh ( 1 - 3 Days )TROUBLE PRINTING LABELS ON NEW PRINTER

338 06/03/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )CON ED TOOLKIT


359 06/04/2015 ClosedHigh ( 1 - 3 Days )UNABLE TO OPEN THE DOC E SCAN ICON


364 06/15/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )NEW PC'S SETTINGS

366 06/05/2015 ClosedHigh ( 1 - 3 Days )ADOBE ISSUE

367 06/03/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )GBC 202B FRONT DESKS WILL NOT OPEN DATATEL

381 06/04/2015 ClosedMid ( 3 - 5 Days )SET UP SCANNER SOFTWARE

410 06/08/2015 ClosedHigh ( 1 - 3 Days )NOT ABLE TO ACCESS HER NETWORK DRIVES

455 06/15/2015 ClosedHigh ( 1 - 3 Days )Remove possible virus on this device

458 06/16/2015 ClosedMid ( 3 - 5 Days )REGCURE PRO GIVING ERROR MESSAGES

459 06/15/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )SILVERLIGHT ERROR

460 06/16/2015 ClosedHigh ( 1 - 3 Days )CLEAN UP PC FOR NEW USER


467 06/22/2015 ClosedMid ( 3 - 5 Days )INSTALL ROSETTA STONE SOFTWARE

468 06/26/2015 ClosedMid ( 3 - 5 Days )INSTALL ROSETTA STONE SOFTWARE

469 06/26/2015 ClosedMid ( 3 - 5 Days )INSTALL ROSETTA STONE SOFTWARE

472 06/17/2015 ClosedHigh ( 1 - 3 Days )THE ROSETTA STONE DISK WILL NOT WORK.

479 06/22/2015 ClosedHigh ( 1 - 3 Days )SEE ATTACHED ERROR MESSAGE WITH GW MESSENGER

496 06/18/2015 ClosedHigh ( 1 - 3 Days )INSTALL AVAYA CALL CENTER IP OFFICE- LRC 203

497 06/19/2015 ClosedMid ( 3 - 5 Days )INSTALL AVAYA CALL CENTER IP OFFICE

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Page 118: Fayetteville Technical Community · Implementation Description: We will pick first server to complete documentation on

498 06/19/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )INSTALL VISIO 2010

499 06/26/2015 ClosedHigh ( 1 - 3 Days )REMOTE INSTALL

502 06/19/2015 ClosedHigh ( 1 - 3 Days )SMART BOARD IN CEC 133, SLIDES WILL NOT ADVANCE

503 06/18/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )XFTP NOT WORKING CORRECTLY ON HER NEW PC

505 06/22/2015 ClosedMid ( 3 - 5 Days )INSTALL EPANIC AND ADOBE PRO

519 06/22/2015 ClosedPROBLEMS WITH OFFICE

528 06/24/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )CANNOT PRINT IN DOCEVIEW

534 06/23/2015 ClosedHigh ( 1 - 3 Days )Remove possible virus on this device

535 06/23/2015 ClosedHigh ( 1 - 3 Days )INSTALL VISIO 2010

544 06/23/2015 ClosedHigh ( 1 - 3 Days )Remove possible virus on this device- HOS 600

557 06/23/2015 ClosedMid ( 3 - 5 Days )INSTALL NETEXTENDER ON ALL USERS DESKTOP

564 06/25/2015 CancelledMid ( 3 - 5 Days )INSTALL ACROBAT PRO

565 06/25/2015 CancelledMid ( 3 - 5 Days )INSTALL ACROBAT PRO

566 06/25/2015 CancelledMid ( 3 - 5 Days )INSTALL ACROBAT PRO

568 06/24/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )DATATEL WILL NOT OPEN

589 06/30/2015 ClosedMid ( 3 - 5 Days )INSTALL SOFTWARE ON PC'S IN COSMETOLOGY

591 07/02/2015 ClosedMid ( 3 - 5 Days )SHAREPOINT

592 06/26/2015 ClosedMid ( 3 - 5 Days )ADOBE

597 06/25/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )Remove possible virus on this device

611 06/26/2015 ClosedUrgent ( 1 Day )INSTALL AVAYA SOFTWARE

616 06/30/2015 ClosedHigh ( 1 - 3 Days )REINSTALL THE AVAYA SOFTWARE

631 07/02/2015 ClosedHigh ( 1 - 3 Days )PRINTER SOFTWARE

633 06/30/2015 ClosedHigh ( 1 - 3 Days )NOT ABLE TO LOG INTO DOC E SCAN


638 OpenHigh ( 1 - 3 Days )UNABLE TO DOWNLOAD FROM CFNC

653 07/02/2015 ClosedHigh ( 1 - 3 Days )UNINSTALL SOFTWARE ON 10 PC'S FOR BARBARA AND MARIE

664 OpenMid ( 3 - 5 Days )EPANIC INSTALL x2

Total Amount of Work Orders For Software Support 71

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Fayetteville Technical Community College

Detailed Assessment Report2014-2015 Dean's Office for Science

As of: 8/18/2016 11:11 AM EST

Mission / PurposeThe Associate of Science and General Education Programs are committed to providing graduates of FTCC with acommon core of competencies that promote success in the work place, facilitate the learning of technical skills, ease thetransition to further higher education, and enhance quality of life.

Other Outcomes/Objectives, with Any Associations and Related Measures, Targets, ReportingFindings, and Action Plans

O/O 1: New Math Courses Ensure math faculty are teaching content appropriate for the new math courses added to the combined course library.

Relevant Associations:InstitutionalGoals Associations

3 Ensure fiscal responsibility, accountability and financial stability.StrategicObjectives Associations

FTCC17 More clearly define and articulate expectations for the role of instructional leaders.

Related Measures

M 1: New Math CoursesWhat: To determine if faculty are using appropriate content in new math classes.

Why: To ensure all math faculty are using appropriate content for the new math courses as outlined in the CombinedCourse Library.

How: Have a common exam for each new course and gather statistics from the exams. Monitor the use of projects andactivities in courses for which these types of assignments are required.

When: During the 2014-2015 assessment cycle.

Who: Dean of Math & ScienceSource of Evidence: Focus groups on teaching, learning, program value

Target: Ninety percent of the math faculty will demonstrate that they are fulfilling course content and assessmentrequirements as per the Combined Course Library descriptions of new courses.

Reporting Finding (2014-2015) - Target: MetNinety percent of the math faculty demonstrated that they are fulfilling course content and assessmentrequirements as per the Combined Course Library descriptions of new courses.

Resources gathered from CIP conference were shared with instructors and posted in MAT Bb site.

Course instructors met to discuss challenges/share resources.

Common final exams were developed for each course and were implemented Spring 2015 (except 143 - to beimplemented Fall 2015).

Activities/projects assigned by instructors in each course were collected (some examples included).Connected Documents

Data Collection MAT 152Girl Scout Project MAT 143MAT 110 MAT ActivitiesMAT 110 Math Descriptions and Student Learning OutcomesMAT 143 Math Descriptions and Student Learning OutcomesMAT 152 Math Descriptions and Student Learning OutcomesMat 152 Round TableMAT 152 Round Table AttendeesMath Professional Development DescriptionsMortgage Refinancing MAT 143Round Table MAT 143Round Table MAT 143 AttendeesSurvey MAT 152

O/O 2: Transfer Performance The transfer performance objective is to ensure that FTCC graduates from the Associate of Science program maintain aGPA of 2.0 at transfer institutions. The NC Performance Measures for Student Success monitors and evaluatescommunity college associate degree completers and those who have completed 30 or more credit hours who transfer to afour year university or college, the percentage who earn a GPA of 2.00 or better after two consecutive semesters withinthe academic year at the transfer institution.

Relevant Associations:

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InstitutionalGoals Associations1 Respond to student and community needs through measurable goals.3 Ensure fiscal responsibility, accountability and financial stability.4 Focus on workforce preparedness to support economic development.

StrategicObjectives AssociationsFTCC

10 Improve assessment plans with documented evidence of outcomes.49 100% of new instructors will successfully complete the Excellence in Teaching course prior toteaching their first class.56 100% of new instructors will successfully complete the Excellence in Teaching Course prior toteaching their first class.60 Analyze Academic Advisory Committee data, retention and graduation trends by program, GAPstudies, Labor Market information by program area, and annual employer surveys.61 Continue enhancements to support services and academic programs to meet the changing needs ofthe military and veteran students.

Related Measures

M 2: Transfer PerformanceWhat: To measure the performance of FTCC graduates from the Associate of Science at four-year institutions.

Why: To ensure that graduates are academically successful at four-year institutions as a result of what they learnedat FTCC.

How: External reports received from the North Carolina Performance Measures for Student Success report, and theUNC General Administration Transfer Summary Report.

When: During the 2014-2015 assessment cycle.

Who: Dean of Math & ScienceSource of Evidence: External report

Target: Seventy five percent of Associate of Science students who transfer to a four year school will maintain a GPA of 2.0or higher during the first 12 hours at their new institution.

Reporting Finding (2014-2015) - Target: MetEighty-eight percent of College Transfer students who transferred to a UNC school maintained a GPA of 2.0 orhigher during the first year at their new institution.Connected Documents

Overall Success Rate Transfer Students 2013Success Rate of College Transfer Table 2013

O/O 3: Technology The Dean will promote appropriate training, professional development opportunities, and leadership initiatives that lead toan increase in the effective use of educationally compatible technologies in completion of administrative tasks and in bothface-to-face and online classes.

Relevant Associations:InstitutionalGoals Associations

1 Respond to student and community needs through measurable goals.2 Establish a culture of quality customer service.3 Ensure fiscal responsibility, accountability and financial stability.

StrategicObjectives AssociationsFTCC

11 Create and administer a professional development program to support academic quality for studentsuccess.39 Standardize technology across the campus to reduce maintenance cost and maximize replacementparts.40 Cascade technology when replacements are made to reduce cost.

Related Measures

M 3: TechnologyWhat: Improve Technology Integration within the Division of Math & Science.

Why: Provide educational and support programs in order to recruit, serve, and retain students.

How: Promote appropriate training, professional development opportunities, and leadership initiatives that lead to anincrease in the effective use of educationally compatible technologies in completion of administrative tasks and inboth face-to-face and online classes.

When: During the 2014-2015 assessment cycle.

Who: Dean of Science

Source of Evidence: Existing dataTarget: At least 75% of the faculty in Math and Science will participate in professional development related to TechnologyIntegration Initiatives.

Reporting Finding (2014-2015) - Target: MetAt least 75% of the faculty in Math and Science participated in professional development related to Technology

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Integration Initiatives.

Shared new Datatel features with instructors, SPRT for checking prerequisites and XFWAWD for online drop ofstudents.Connected Documents

BIO Faculty Attendance at WileyPLUS BIO TrainingCalculator RosterE-Book RosterMath Professional Development DescriptionsTechnology Integration in the Physical Science DepartmentTechnology Workshop AttendeesWileyPLUS BIO Training description

Analysis Questions and Analysis Answers

What were the strengths of your assessment process?

Achievement of one of the assessment outcomes/objectives required close engagement with math faculty in thedevelopment of new curricula.

To facilitate technology integration initiatives I had to become the subject matter expert in some cases, thus expanding myown knowledge of new technologies. For example, I became an expert on the TI-Nspire CX calculator in order to lead afaculty workshop on its use.

What were the weaknesses of your assessment process?

Data provided by the UNC System on performance of transfer students during their first year at the four-year college wasnot broken down by type of College Transfer degree from NCCCS schools. Data for Associate of Science, Associate ofArts, and Associate of Fine Arts students was grouped together, preventing analysis of Associate of Science students as astandalone category.

What was learned as a result of your assessment process?

Math faculty have risen to the challenge of adopting the new MAT courses and are actively working to develop resourcesfor these courses and to refine course content and assessment measures to most closely mirror the state CommonCourse Library descriptions. Although faculty are becoming more comfortable with the new courses, there is room forimprovement in designing activities/projects/assessments that promote and measure the student learning outcomes foreach course.

How will what was learned impact the direction and emphasis of your academic or support unit?

I will continue to monitor new math courses, collect and review data regarding student progress in the new courses, andencourage faculty to work together to develop meaningful activities and projects to support student learning outcomes.

Annual Report Section Responses

Program Review (Academic Units) Support entities are not required to have academic program reviews.

Advisory Comm. Minutes (Academic Units) Attached are the Advisory Board for April.Connected Documents

Advisory Board Meeting April 2, 2015Advisory Board Survey Results April 2, 2015

End Of Year Reports (VPs, AVPs, Deans) Attached is the Strategic Plan for FTCC 2014-2019.Connected Documents

End of Year Report 2014_15Strategic Plan 2015-2020

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