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Title: Ramadaan an Auspicious Month Transcription of a Majlis delivered by: Hadhrat Maulana

Shah Abdul Hamid Is’haq Sahib Dâmat Barakatuhum

Transcribed By: Mufti Mohammed Desai

Edited By:-

First Edition: Muharram 1437 / October 2015

Publication no: Kab 049

Published by:

Khanqah Akhtari, Azaadville;

Tel: (+2711) 413-2785/6,

Fax: (+2711) 413-2787,

Email: [email protected].


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CONTENTS FOREWORD .............................................................................. 4

CORRECTING ONE’S INTENTION ............................................... 6


MAKE A NIYYAT DAILY .............................................................. 8

RESULT OF NOT MAKING A NIYYAT .......................................... 9

WHISPERS OF SHAYTAAN ....................................................... 12

IBAADAT OF ALLAH ............................................................ 13

EARN GREATER REWARD........................................................ 15


ISAALE THAWAAB .................................................................. 18

INCIDENT OF ZUBAIDA ........................................................... 19

SPEAKING WITH THE NIYYAT OF SHOW .................................. 19

SEEING TO NEEDS OF OTHERS ................................................ 21

LOSING THE REWARD OF 3 HAJ .............................................. 22

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IMAAM AHMED IBN HAMBAL ............................................ 23

NIYYAT WHEN DOING GROCERY SHOPPING ........................... 25

QURAAN SHARIF .................................................................... 26

ZAMBIAN CHIEF ACCEPTS ISLAM ............................................ 27

DIRECTING ONE’S EMPLOYEE ................................................. 29

THE HAA-MEEM SERIES .......................................................... 30

PRESCRIPTION OF SHEIKH-UL-HIND ................................... 34

LAWS PERTAINING TO PURDAH.............................................. 35

CAPITAL CRIME ...................................................................... 36

LOVE OF THE QURAAN ........................................................... 37

COVERING THE QURAAN SHARIF ............................................ 38

LEARN THE QURAAN .............................................................. 39

MINIMUM RECITATION .......................................................... 41

DUAS FOR THE QURAAN SHARIF ............................................ 41

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RECITING QURAAN SHARIF ..................................................... 42

ACTING UPON THE QURAAN SHARIF ...................................... 43

HONOURING THE HUFFAZ ...................................................... 44


TEACH THE QURAAN .............................................................. 46

THE MAKTAB SYSTEM ............................................................ 47

SERMON OF RASULULLAH ................................................. 56


VIRTUES OF RAMDAAN .......................................................... 62

ALLAH IS PLEASED .............................................................. 63

BENEFITS OF FASTING ............................................................ 64

5 BOUNTIES OF ALLAH UPON THIS UMMAT ....................... 65

THE DUA OF 3 PEOPLE ARE NEVER REJECTED ......................... 65


DUA ....................................................................................... 67

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In Ramdaan 1436 corresponding with the year 2015, Hadrat

Maulana Abdul Hamid Is’haq Saheb D.B. delivered a lecture

explaining the virtues and the great value of the month of

Ramadaan over a few days. Hadrat Maulana’s advices have been

compiled in this little booklet.

We make Dua that Allah makes it beneficial for one and all.


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احلمد هلل وكفى وسالم على عباده الذين اصطفى

مث الصلوةعلى املختار ىف القدم ......احلمد هلل منشى اخللق من عدم

اي رب صل وسلم دائما ابدا

على حبيبك على رسولك خري اخللق كلهم

موالي صل وسلم دائما ابدا

على بشري نذير حممدا

موالى صل وسلم دائما ابدا

املرسلني على طه سيد

بلغ سالمى روضة فيها النىب احملرتم

اعظمه اي خري من دفنت ابلقاع

فطاب من طيبهن القاع واالكم

روحي الفداء لقرب انت ساكنه

فيه العفاف وفيه اجلود والكرم

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هو احلبيب الذي ترجى شفاعته

لكل هول من االهوال مقتحم

مضى اي واسع الكرم اي رب ابملصطفى بلغ مقاصدان واغفر لنا ما

اما بعد فقد قال هللا تبارك وتعاىل اعوذ ابهلل من الشيطان الرجيم

بسم هللا الرمحن الرحيم

من كان يريد العاجلة عجلنا له فيها ما نشاء ملن نريد مث جعلنا له جهنم ها مذموما مدحورايصل

مشكوراومن اراد االخرة وسعى هلا سعيها وهو مؤمن فاولئك كان سعيهم

امنا االعمال ابلنيات

ميسر ملا خلق له كل


The object of our stay here in the Khanqah is our Islaah (to rectify

ourselves). In order to derive maximum benefit in any matter

(whether it be a Darul Uloom or Maktab) our intention should be

correct. We should not only have intention of various actions

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(Aamaal) but we should have an intention of life (i.e. why are we

living in the world). If we carefully reflect over this, we will realise

that we haven’t even made an intention as to why we are living in

the world. Without having an intention of life, all other actions

won’t really have any meaning to it to such an extent that even our

Salaah won’t have the value that it ought to have.

We haven’t come into the world to acquire the wealth and riches of

the Dunya. We have been placed in the world by Allah , and we

should now make a Niyyat. From the Quraan Sharif we understand

that if a person doesn’t do the right thing then wrong things will

immediately fill the vacuum. For example, if a person doesn’t dress

according to Sunnat then he will adorn himself with the clothing of

the enemies. If our time is not spent correctly, it will be spent in

futile / useless activities incorrectly. Similarly, if we do not make the

correct intention, we will have an incorrect intention.

One should make the Aakhirat his objective. In other words his

intention should be the Aakhirah, and gaining the Ma’rifat of Allah

. This recognition of Allah will finally lead one to the love of

Allah . When one attains the love of Allah then performing Salaah,

Fasting, etc. will be enjoyable and not a burden in spite of all

obstacles. Allah has created us to find Allah , to recognise Him

and prepare for the Aakhirat.

If a person doesn’t make this his intention then he is far from his

target even though he may be a great Alim or even the best Hafiz in

the world. On the other hand if a person is not an Alim or Hafiz yet

he has a correct intention then such a person will reach far.

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According to one’s intention Allah makes things easy for a person.

Allah makes Dunya easy for those that intend the world. It

becomes easy for a person to work night shift for the little extra

income. It is easy for them to leave for work in the early hours of the

morning even though it may be the months of winter. It is extremely

difficult for such people to understand how we perform our five

daily Salaah, fast throughout the day in Ramdaan, spend our lifelong

savings on Haj. In short according to the Niyyat that you make, Allah

will make things easy for you.

الدين يسر

Deen is easy

A great deal of effort has to be put in acquiring Dunya, the profit is

minimal and there are various risk factors, yet people do it. There is

minimal effort in Deen yet the profits are so great. A tree is planted

in Jannat for a person that utters Subhanallah once. A single

utterance of Alhamdulillah fills the pans of the scale. The reward of

reciting the fourth Kalimah at the market place is that the reciter

gets a million rewards credited to his book of deeds and a million

sins are written off. This is such an easy action that it won’t even

cause your mouth or throat to dry. Deen is easy.


A person should refresh his intention on a daily basis, else making an

intention gradually fades away. When we go to partake of Iftaari

which is after this programme we will forget our intention, thus a

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fresh Niyyat is required on a daily basis. Without a Niyyat at the time

of eating, a person forgets to even recite Bismillah. He doesn’t

contemplate even for a moment how Allah has gathered all the

ingredients from the world in a single plate of food.

When the Niyyat of a person is Aakhirat then he will think as to how

he can attain Aakhirat with his earnings. These people enquire from

trustworthy people as to where their funds can be channelled and

utilised. The Hadith states,

امنا االعمال ابلنيات

All actions are according to (one’s) intention

One should have the intention of fulfilling the command of Allah

when standing up for every Salaah, when reciting Quraan,

discharging Sadaqatul Fitr, etc. Therefore one should have a Niyyat

and he should ensure that it is a correct Niyyat. This has been

explained in the Quraan,

ها مذموما ما نشاء ملن نريد مث جعلنا له جهنم يصل من كان يريد العاجلة عجلنا له فيها مدحورا

Whoever desires the pleasures of this world, We shall speedily grant

(him/her) whatever We will for whoever We will in this very world,

and then We shall appoint Jahannam for him. He shall enter it

admonished and rejected.


If a person doesn’t make Niyyat of Aakhirat, then his Niyyat will

automatically be towards Dunya. Therefore one must make Niyyat

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of the Aakhirat so that he prepares for the Aakhirat. When the

Niyyat of a person is Aakhirat, Dunya will be thrown at his feet as a

humble sheep. The Ambiya simply worked for Deen. An Alim

should also work with a pure intention, and not for a salary. The

remuneration that the Alim receives is merely to see him through

and not a wage. An Alim should adopt the way of the Ambiya who


ال اسئلكم عليه اجرا

I do not ask you for any reward upon it (calling towards the oneness

of Allah )

The Alim should also have the intention of earning that amount by

which he will survive. Deen should not be made a business and a

means of acquiring wealth. Khidmat of Deen is to serve mankind and

please Allah . In short, we should make a Niyyat of gaining the

recognition of Allah and the Aakhirat. The moment a person does

this, things will become easy for a person especially that which he

has been created for. Learning Deen will also become easy for a

person. It will become easy for those going in Jamaat to spend their

time in the path of Allah, going for I’tikaaf, spending time in the

Khanqah, etc. We won’t be counting the days of Ramdaan, when

will Ramdaan come to an end. Some people scratch the dates that

have passed on the timetable so that they never return. Allah


شكوراومن اراد االخرة وسعى هلا سعيها وهو مؤمن فاولئك كان سعيهم م

And whoever intends the Aakhirat and makes an effort for it whilst

being a believer, their effort is appreciated.

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In this verse Allah thanks us for making an effort of Aakhirat. We

perform Salaah by the Taufeeq of Allah , so we supposed to be

thankful to Allah , yet He shows appreciation to us. What is the

definition of Shakoor?

الذى يعطى االجر اجلزيل على العمل القليل

Shakoor is that being that grants great rewards upon little actions.

When a person recites the following Dua at the end of any action,

فون وسلم على المرسلني والمد لل رب العالمني سبحان ربك رب العزة عما يص

Allah will not multiply but compound his rewards. There is

difference between multiply and compound. Compound can be

understood from a person that finances his home through a bank for

one million Rand. He pays the bank for ten years. Then his uncle

gives him money to settle the debt. When he goes to pay, he

realises that the debt is not one Million even though he has been

paying for ten years, it is now 1,5 million. You had only been paying

the interest in fact the interest hasn’t even been paid as yet. This is

compound interest, it doesn’t just blow up rather it explodes. This is

the Jewish conspiracy that you work hard whilst we sit in our offices

and jugulate things and make money. You just keep working like a

fool. By reciting this Dua, Allah will increase the rewards of the

reciter to such an extent that the normal scale used to weigh the

Aamaal of a person on the day of Qiyaamah will be too small to

weigh the actions of this person.

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When a person makes his Niyyat the Aakhirat, Shaytaan will whisper

to him, “What is going to happen to your Dunya?” The Sahaaba

were always out in Jihaad. Whenever there was a need for

Mujaahideen they went out in the path of Allah. They left their

farms, businesses and proceeded in Jihaad. Sometimes Bilaal

would call out, “As Salaatu Jaamiatum” yet it was not the time of

Salaah. When Sahaaba would gather, they would be told that a

Jamaat is leaving in Jihaad.

There are those Awliya that are considered to be wealthy whilst

most of the Awliya are not wealthy. Yes, they are wealthy in their

hearts. You don’t have to worry of having bank accounts and worry

of the revenue tracking your accounts, etc. Wherever in the world

you may be, Allah will make sure that your needs are fulfilled. You

will get the best accommodation even better than hotels, you will

be driven and taken around. Simply make your concern the Aakhirat.

All the Ambiya, Sahaaba, Awliya that made Aakhirat their Niyyat had

their needs fulfilled by Allah . This applies in this day and age as

well that Allah will take care of that person that has made

Aakhirat his concern whether he is an Alim or not. Allah provides

for such a person from sources that he cannot imagine with great

respect and honour. First make your Aakhirat and then the Aakhirat

of other Muslims by making an effort on them.

Then Allah says,

يلا انظر كيف فضلنا ب عضهم على ب ع رة أكب ر درجات وأكب ر ت فض ض ولآلخ Look at how We had given virtue to some over some, and the

hereafter is certainly greater in rank and superiority.

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We had given preference to those that had made Aakhirat their objective and purpose of life. Open your eyes and see! Look at the position of Rasulullah who never possessed a business,

properties, etc. What do the Ambiya leave behind when they depart from this world? When the intention of Essa was Aakhirat, the

Christians elevated him to such an extent that they equated him to Allah , whereas he is not god. How don’t the Jews love Hadrat

Moosa ! In Ajmer what and what aren’t the people doing at the

graveside of one Wali of Allah . Their practices are totally wrong

but what respect aren’t they giving to him. When the Niyyat of a person is in order, then see the Barakah and blessings that Allah

showers. Niyyat is not only made with the tongue or with the heart. The Imam of Niyyat is certainly the heart but the body must follow accordingly. May Allah grant us the Taufeeq!

وما خلقت اجلن واالنس اال ليعبدونAnd I have not created Jinn and human beings except for my worship


Our Niyyat should be that we are in the world for the Ibaadat of Allah . The primary Ibaadat is Salaah. For this reason we should

centre our day around Salaah and not centre our Salaah around our work. In other words we work out our routine and then fit in Salaah. Due to not having the correct intention in life we fit in Salaah by the way. A businessman fits the Asr Salaah in his schedule and just manages to fulfil his obligation. The same applies when one undertakes a journey. This is the condition of those that are regarded as pious.

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Previously, the Zuhr Salaah time was standard throughout the week. Later, the time of Zuhr on a Sunday had changed to an earlier time. If the reason for changing the time was to increase the Jamaat, there is no harm in it whatsoever. If the reason for this change was that we have ample time after Salaah to relax and partake of meals then we have sacrificed Salaah for our meals. Hadrat Maulana Saeed Khan Sahib used to say, “If we can acquire 1/10th of the

concentration in Salaah that we normally have whilst eating, then our Salaah will be extremely valuable. Allah has placed us in the world for His Ibaadat yet we are not

utilising the bounties of Allah correctly. Our eyes, body, life has

been bestowed to us for the Ibaadat of Allah . In short, the above

verse clearly indicates that we have been created for the Ibaadat of Allah . The Tafseer states that Ibaadat actually means that we

should recognise Allah . The Hadith states,

ان الدنيا خلقت لكم وانكم خلقتم للخرةVerily the world has been created for you, and you have been

created for the Aakhirat.

These intentions should be renewed on a continuous basis. Those

that have made an intention in life have punched in the correct

destination in his GPS. If one hasn’t punched in any details then the

incorrect destination will be automatically entered. This will lead a

person to the wrong things which are the Dunya such as acquisition

and amassing wealth, searching for prestige and popularity, living in

a comfort zone, etc. If we make the intention of life, it will take a

long time to seep into us. If we don’t make a Niyyat, we won’t even

come close to it.

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نية املؤمن خري من عمله

The Niyyat of a Mumin is better than his Amal.

If a person makes a Niyyat as to why he is in the world as explained

above, his actions will never match the intention that he has made.

If a person makes an intention and then carries out an act, the act

will be even more superior and improved in comparison to that act

being carried out without a Niyyat. This causes the Aamaal of a

person to be more weighty.

For example, a person goes for breakfast and is served with eggs

and soup which he enjoys very much. A second scenario is where

the wife calls the husband to come for breakfast and he goes with

the intention of eating his eggs and having his soup. How doesn’t he

enjoy the food now!


A Mumin gets a much greater reward for merely making an

intention in comparison to doing the action. The Buzurgs have

reached their position due to their intention. They also have 24 hrs

in their day, the same strength as other human beings, yet where

have they reached on the basis of their intention. Maulana Qamaruz

Zaman Saheb D.B. had beautifully explained that when a person

ages he is unable to carry out those actions that he used to carry out

when younger. He can now attain great rewards by making


Hadrat Maulana Yusuf Saheb Kandhelvi had delivered the Jumuah

in the presence of his father Maulana Muhammad Ilyas Saheb .

The father asked, “What intention did you make?” The son replied,

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“It is Sunnah thus I am delivering the Khutbah.” The father advised,

“Had you made the Niyyat that Allah must convey it to all the

people of the world then your reward would have been

accordingly.” There are many great Ulema that had spent their

entire lives in their Madrasahs and never left their province. Allah

spread their knowledge by means of their students who spread out

in various parts of the world.

When the freeways came into existence in the world and more

specifically in our country, Hajee Bhai Padia said, “We want more

Jamaats to go out in the path of Allah .” It is just a matter of how

one looks at things.


Mazahirul Haq states that when a person comes for Jamaat Salaah

he can make up to fifteen intentions. If a person manages to make

all fifteen intentions then it is as though he has come seventy five

times to the Masjid. Who will come 75 times to the Masjid, yet by

making the Niyyat one attains the reward of coming seventy five

times to the Masjid. After practising upon this a few times, it will

become routine. The moment you start an Amal, the intention will

follow suit. When starting to eat one will recite Bismillah

automatically. Spending forty days in the Khanqah is absolutely

effective in developing these things. What to say then about four

forty day periods? In a four month period a complete change comes

into the life of a person, just as life is put into a baby after four


When proceeding to the Masjid, make intention of making Salaam

to people or responding to those that make Salaam. In a narration of

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Kanzul Ummal, if one makes Salaam to twenty people a day he gets

the death of a Shaheed. This is all achieved on the basis of Niyyat.

Another intention when proceeding to the Masjid is that you will

accept the advice offered by people. If there is an opportunity, I will

advise the people. I will be in the best place on the surface of the

earth, I will engage in Duas, Muhaasaba, Muraaqaba, etc. The

intelligence of a person is how can he bring out these things and

thereby make his Deen valuable.

This is the month of Ramdaan and we should try and make as many

Khatm as possible. Ibn Katheer has written that there are so

many intentions that can be made when reciting Quraan Sharif.

These intentions have all been listed on the website. One page of

Quraan recited with intention is far superior to reciting a complete

Para without any intention. One Niyyat that one should make is that

this is the speech of Allah by which I will attain a close connection

with Allah . If Quraan is recited without understanding then too

Allah will bless a person with the Haqeeqat of Deen. An ordinary

person will be bestowed with deep understanding of Deen even

more than an Alim who has studied the science of Tafseer and has

perhaps written on the subject as well.

There are many things that we learn from the elderly people. It is


الكماء سائلوا العلماء وجالسوا الكرباء وخالطوا

Question the Ulema, sit with the elderly, mix with the wise (Allah


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A person that is advising his wife and children should make an

intention of all the children of the world and Allah will convey the

message. Ibrahim was commanded to call the people towards

Makkah Sharif for Haj. He said, “O Allah! I am in the barren lands of

Makkah where there isn’t a single soul, who will listen to this

message of mine?” Allah said, “Your duty is to call, and my duty is

to convey.” How didn’t Allah convey the message! So, Allah will

convey the message, and you will get the reward whether Allah

conveys the message or not.


In the Nawafil Salaah that we perform various intentions can be

made. One can make a Niyyat that the reward of this Nafl be passed

over to Rasulullah and his family, all the Ambiya , the Sahaaba,

Tabi’een, Ulema, Fuqaha, Muhadditeen, Mufasirren, Mashaaikh and

the entire Ummat from the era of Adam till the day of Qiyaamah.

When visiting the sick, make a Niyyat of visiting for the pleasure of

Allah . We generally say, “I haven’t been there, I have to attend.”

This means that you simply going to show your face. If a person

visits the sick in the morning seventy thousand angels make Dua for

the ill till the evening, and if a person goes in the evening then

70 000 angels make Dua till the morning. Therefore choose such a

time whereby the ill will derive maximum benefit from the Dua of

the angels. How far doesn’t the intention of a person take him.

Many don’t even have an intention when performing their Fardh

Salaah. The Salaah will be done, complete but one will not attain the

full benefit. May Allah give us Taufeeq to make our intentions and

be conscious of it all the time.

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The wife of Haroun-Ar-Rasheed had a canal dug so that the Hujjaj

may have access to water. This was at such a time when water was

not easily available in Makkah Sharif. When she had passed away

somebody had seen her in a dream and asked her, “How did she

fare?” She said, “Allah has blessed me with plenty of bounties.”

She was asked, “Is this because of the social welfare work that you

had done?” She replied, “No! That went to its partners.” It is

mentioned in the Hadith Sharif that any action that is done for Allah

and another person, Allah leaves the entire action for the

other person for whom it was done. Allah is most independent of

partners. In the world, when partners distribute profits there are

always fights and each one wants a bigger chunk than the other.

Allah is that being that leaves everything to the other when a an

action is done for Allah and another person.

Generally, when a person does public work then some desire of

name and fame, popularity, acceptance in the eyes of people, etc.

enters a person. A person should be careful of these things. Imaam

Shafi says that every person should carry out some action either

Nafl or Mustahab which is hidden from the people and only Allah

is aware of. Actions carried out with sincerity will carry weight and

be accepted on the day of Qiyaamah.


Shaytaan lets a person perform Tahajjud Salaah for a long duration

with Ikhlaas. He then causes you to speak about this action one day

in a discussion with the intention of show. The rewards are all

destroyed. The listener should always think good that the speaker is

speaking of his Tahajjud to encourage us to perform Tahajjud. A

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person that wants to boast of his great achievement doesn’t boast

in explicit words but covers it in a wrapping of humility by saying

that in 30 years I never had a problem of getting up for Tahajjud, but

I don’t know what happened today. This is also dependent on his

intention. We should understand the value of Ikhlaas, that whatever

action is done is solely for the pleasure of Allah .

When Abdullah ibn Mubarak (Amirul Mumineen in Hadith)

passed away someone seen him in a dream and asked, “How did it

go?” He said, “Allah has rewarded me greatly but my neighbour

who was a blacksmith has reached a position even higher than me.”

This person was surprised and therefore went to the house of the

blacksmith to enquire about his actions. The wife said, “My husband

used to say that Ibn Mubarak is an extremely pious person and

loved by the people. As a result of their love for him, he receives

gifts frequently and thus has no need to work. Therefore he is free

to worship Allah all the time, whereas I have to work throughout

the day and get extremely tired in the evening. If I was free like Ibn

Mubarak then I would have also worshipped Allah in a like

manner.” On this intention he was blessed with such a high and lofty

stage than he surpassed Ibn Mubarak as well. This is a clear

indication that the Niyyat of a Mumin is better than his actions.

However, an important question is, “Are we true in our intentions?”

For example, a person is building a Masjid all by himself or he is

sponsoring one Million Rand towards a Masjid. A poor person seeing

the generosity of the wealthy person said, “If I had money then I

would have also sponsored a Masjid.” How do we know whether

one is sincere in his statement? Mufti Mahmood Hassan Saheb

Gangohi explained that the poor man earns R2000.00 a month so

he can perhaps afford to give R20.00 or R2.00 towards the building

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of the Masjid. This is a sign of his sincerity. We have noticed that

normally a person finds it difficult to spend in the path of Allah when

he is blessed with wealth. The less fortunate people easily share

their provisions.


Hadratjee Maulana Yusuf Saheb used to say that Allah has

given every person two eyes. Why two? A person is able to see even

with one eye. He explained that one eye is to see to your own needs

whilst the other eye is to see to the needs of the poor. Earn with one

hand and spend with the other hand in such a manner that nobody

is aware of it.

By the time of Maulana Ilyaas Saheb passed away the system in

Nizaamud-Deen was fully functional. How many people eat three

meals in the Markaz on a daily basis. On the demise of Maulana

Ilyaas Saheb , many Ulema had advised Hadrat Maulana Yusuf

Saheb to be careful in regards to his spending as there wasn’t any

income. He replied, “The receiving hand has changed but the giving

hand is still the same.” There is a lot of difference in the taking hand

as well. Allah gives according to the condition of the taking hand.

In the Tablighi Marakiz, Darul Uloom Deoband, Saharanpur, etc.

there are 12 000 - 15 000 students. These students are fed three

times a day free of charge, they are given 2 pairs of clothing free of

charge as well. They also provide blankets and linen as well. The

people in charge of all these things are Maulanas and they don’t

have any income as well. When your Niyyat is to spend then Allah

opens up for one and one is then able to feed so many people.

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Anyway coming back to our subject, we have to make Niyyat which

must be coupled with Ikhlaas. This is actually regarded as part of

one’s Niyyat. In reality Niyyat and sincerity are two separate things

but they overflow. A simple way of understanding this, a person

performed Salaah throughout his life, he goes for Haj and Umrah,

but he is void of sincerity. His actions are actually zero due to having

no Ikhlaas. Zero plus zero is equal to zero. If you add a hundred

zero’s to zero, the result will still be zero due to not having sincerity.

If there is sincerity, you are doing the action for one Allah so you

have one in the beginning. By adding one zero the result is ten, by

adding a second zero the result is hundred, by adding a third zero

the result is thousand. If the action was not done for Allah , you

will have zero at the beginning.


Hadrat Thanvi narrates an incident that a person performed three

Haj at a time when things were difficult. There would be a Dawat in

the village as so and so is going for Haj. Anyone that went for Haj got

the title of Haji Saheb as an honour as very few people had the

opportunity of performing Haj. The entire village would accompany

him to the bus stop and bid him farewell. The Haji Saheb would take

his flour, ghee, rice, etc. with him as they would travel by ship in

those days. Then he would have to take a train from Lahore station

so half the people will accompany him up to Lahore station. From

Lahore station some of his village people will return whilst others

will accompany him further until Karachi. They would now get their

Haj passport in Karachi which is only valid for Haj. There are certain

people undertaking this journey of Haj yet he doesn’t know Kalimah.

It would take seven days by ship to reach Jeddah and generally the

seas were rough. The interrogation at customs was really Qiyaamah.

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They poke a knife into a bag of flour and the entire bag is now torn

or a knife is poked into the ghee can. They would then travel by

caravan from Jeddah to Makkah Sharif and there was a fear of the

Bedouins waylaying them. They would then have to travel to

Madinah Sharif by camel. Then later came the busses unlike the

luxury busses of today. Now, a person performs Haj with so much of

difficulty. When a guest visits him he instructs the worker saying,

“Bring the Zam Zam of the third Haj that I had performed.” In one

sentence he exposed that he is not a single or double Hajee, rather

he is a triple Hajee. Hadrat Thanvi says that he poured water over

his three Haj in one sentence. We should really be concerned of our

Imaan and Aamaal that it should remain with us until death.


Imaam Ahmad bin Hambal kept saying “not yet” repeatedly at

the time of death. He then lost consciousness. On regaining

consciousness the children asked, “What is this utterance ‘not yet’

that you are repeating? He replied, “Shaytaan is saying, O Ahmad,

you have been freed from my clutches and going to Jannat. I

respond by saying, not yet as long as I don’t leave with Imaan.”

Sheikh Abdur Rahman Dabbaagh is a great Sufi and Wali of Allah

. He compares Imaan to the flame of a candle. He says that at the

time of death Shaytaan makes every attempt to extinguish that

flame. If a person leaves without Imaan that is the greatest disaster

that one can ever face. The winds that blow to extinguish the candle

is actually our sins.

There are three groups of people, one is the group of disbelievers

who will be destroyed forever. The second group of people are

those believers that committed evil but never repent for their evil.

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Allah will deal with justice with them. The third group of people

are the Awliya and friends of Allah who will be dealt or treated

with kindness. The favours and generosity of Allah pours on them

in this very world. When he dies then two angels are appointed at

the Qabr to make Ibaadat for the deceased until the day of

Qiyaamah and the reward will be credited to the deceased person’s

account. Such a person has no sins so Shaytaan will not have any

power and ability over such a person.

A certain Sahaabi told Hadrat Abu Darda that I notice the angels

greet you all the time. He said that you can also enjoy this favour.

Allah Ta’ala mentions in the Quraan Sharif,

يلا ي أي ها الذين آمنوا اذكروا الل ذكراا كثرياا وسبحوه بكرةا وأصلمؤمنني ن الظلمات إل النور وكان اب هو الذي يصلي عليكم وملئكته ليخرجكم م

يماا رحO you who have Imaan! Remember Allaah in abundance (at all


and glorify Him (especially during the) morning and evening.

It is He Who showers mercy on you, and so do His Angels (pray for

your forgiveness), so that He may remove you from a multitude of

darkness (kufr, Shirk, sin and bring you) into light (Imaan and

Islaam). He is always Most Merciful towards the Mu'mineen.

May Allah grant us the Taufeeq to appreciate the great bounty of

Niyyat. One is to make an intention and one is to live an intention. For example, a person owns a button factory. He doesn’t have to remind himself that he has a button factory and has to go to the factory daily. It is in his blood. He ensures that he gets up on time

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and goes to the factory. He knows exactly which key opens which lock, these things are ingrained in a person. The factory is the objective of his life and his life rotates around his factory. He will adjust his Salaah in order to ensure that he is on time at the factory. When planning Haj he will choose such a year for performance of Haj when the business is quite. He will plan his child’s marriage at such a time when it will not affect his business functioning. Similarly our Niyyat of gaining Allah, the recognition of Allah , that

we are in the world for the Ibaadat of Allah should be ingrained

within us. Our Niyyat should be the Aakhirat. If we go out to the town we will find that the people are continuing with their lives normally. They have no concern of the Aakhirat and therefore Ramdaan means nothing to them. This is the result of not making our intention the pleasure of Allah. Those that have made their Niyyat the Aakhirat have the concern of correcting themselves, they value every moment of the day and night as they have to prepare for the Aakhirat. Such a person will be engaged in recitation of the Quraan Sharif, Durood, Istighfaar, etc.


When doing our grocery shopping we should make an intention that we are buying these items for guests that will come to visit. We won’t be accountable in the court of Allah for the shopping.

When buying a car, we should make an intention of taking Buzurgs around, using the car in Jamaat, etc. When building a house built facing the north, our intention should not be so that we receive sunlight rather our intention should be that the sound of Adhaan will be heard. We should make an intention that we will recite Quraan Sharif in our homes, and we should build a Namaaz room in our homes.

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The Quraan Sharif was revealed in the month of Ramdaan. Hadrat Sheikh has written that all heavenly scriptures were revealed in

this month. The revelation of Quraan Sharif in the night of Qadr has made this month honourable. Mufassireen have written that the place of revelation had become honourable viz. Makkah Sharif, Madinah Sharif, and the surrounding areas, etc. All these areas are now regarded as valuable. In a way we go to these places to collect the Barakaat of the Quraan Sharif. All the Ambiya had gone to Makkah Sharif thus their Barakaat is

contained therein. The blessings will only be attined if our hearts are opened. If our hearts are closed or we are wearing a rain coat of sins then too we will not be able to attain the blessings. For example, it is extremely hot outside but we are travelling in an air-conditioned vehicle so we do not feel the extremely hot temperature that others are experiencing outside. Similarly, on an extremely cold day when it is snowing we do not feel the cold whilst travelling in a warm vehicle with the heater switched on. In a like manner, a person is in the blessed lands of Makkah Sharif and Madinah Sharif where the mercy of Allah is descending in torrents yet a person is deprived of the

mercy of Allah due to being engulfed in sins.

Anyway the month is valuable due to the revelation of the Quraan Sharif. It is said,

نعم الراكب ونعم املركبWhat a great rider and what an excellent conveyance

In order to receive a guest we will hire a limousine or Rolce Royce to receive him. The mode of transport for bringing the Quraan Sharif was Rasulullah . The Quraan Sharif is that Kitaab that is protected

by Allah Himself.

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إن نن ن زلنا الذكر وإن له لافظون

The word Zikr quoted in the verse means ‘to repeat’ which means that Quraan Sharif should be recited continuously. We make Zikrullah to repeat the name of Allah . The effect of the name of

Allah is such that it will purify your heart. The Quraan Sharif is

that rope of Allah by which one gets connected to Allah . The

one end of this rope is in the hands of Allah and the other end of

the rope is in our hands. This rope is so strong that it is free of all forms of wear and tear. The general masses will benefit from the Quraan Sharif by reciting and fulfilling every right of the Quraan Sharif. We are required to bring Imaan on the Quraan Sharif and every Aayat of the Quraan Sharif, learn the Quraan, act upon the injunctions of the Quraan Sharif, to recite and propagate the Quraan Sharif, teach, have love and respect for the Quraan Sharif. Ramdaan is the spring board to start all of this.


Allah has taken responsibility to protect the words and meaning

of the Quraan Sharif. A chief of a particular clan in Zambia was an educated person at university level had accepted Islam. His acceptance of Islam had become the means of approximately 200 villages accepting Islam. When the news had reached the town of Chipata, the businessmen were eager to meet him. They asked, “What was the cause of your acceptance to Islam?” He said, “As a university graduate, I read quite excessively. I came across the Quraan Sharif and was fascinated with the subject matter. The second aspect is that every book has the name of the author printed on the front cover whereas this was not case with this Kitaab. He then realised that this is the book of Allah as the subject matter

was also of such a nature. This led him to accept Islam.

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He belonged to the Christian religion and was learned in Christianity. He says, “I had seen various bibles that were printed at different times but each edition was different to the previous but there was absolutely no change in the Quraan Sharif irrespective of when and where it was printed. The jewish testament was reversed to its original language but cannot be the original testament that was revealed. The bible is not in the original language but it is translations. People read the bible in the language of their choice. The Quraan Sharif was revealed in Arabic and will be preserved in Arabic by Allah till the day of Qiyaamah.

In reality, it is not the Hafiz that preserves the Quraan Sharif but Allah preserves the Hafiz. Allah says, “Quraan is Hidaayat for

mankind.” It is actually our ‘GPS’. All we are required to do is type in our destination. If our destination is Aakhirat, Ma’rifat of Allah ,

pleasure of Allah then the GPS will take us on that road. If we punch in the Dunya, degrees of the world, etc. then the ‘GPS’ will take us on that road. The Quraan misleads many people and guides many people. There isn’t a Kitaab greater in science than the Quraan Sharif, neither is there a Kitaab greater in mathematics than the Quraan Sharif yet if you search for mathematics and science in the Quraan Sharif you will not find it. If we look at the contents of the Quraan Sharif, we have Suratun Nisaa (women). You may think that you are going to read all about women in this chapter. The aspect of women that the Quraan Sharif has discussed is totally different. The Quraan is to take a person to Allah . Anyway the Quraan Sharif is Hidaayat

for mankind. The Quraan has taught us how do live with our spouses, family, how to do business, get married, divorce in the case of extreme need, etc. All these aspects have been discussed in detail. This is such a guide book and ‘GPS’ that it is absolutely free of all doubts. It is 100% correct in all directions to such an extent that a person will never go wrong.

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A person explains to his delivery guy where to deliver the goods. You made out that he hasn’t understood where to go. You write down the directions in detail. You then show him on the GPS and even enter the destination on the GPS. He still fails to understand. You give him a cell phone and keep in touch with him on the phone. He still gets lost. You will say, “What kind of a person is this?” A child first learns the alphabets of the Quraan Sharif, then learns to join the alphabets, passes the different books for beginners and now commences with recitation of the Quraan Sharif. He then becomes a Hafiz of the Quraan Sharif and further a Qari of the Quraan Sharif but he still didn’t find Allah . Then he studied Tafseer of the

Quraan Sharif yet he didn’t find Allah . Then a person teaches

Tafseer or even writes a Tafseer Kitaab yet he hasn’t found Allah .

What can be said of such a person? He is even more unfortunate than the driver that was unable to find his destination in spite of all the guidance from the person sending him. The object of the Quraan Sharif is to find Allah and our route to Jannat and Aakhirat. The word Quraan is from Qiraat which means ‘recitation’. If any person wants to benefit from the Quraan, it is through recitation of the Quraan. The more a person recites the greater the benefit. Recitation is not confined to Ramdaan only but should be throughout the year. Many Huffaz that remember their Quraan very well abuse the bounty and do not recite throughout the year. That Ni’mat (bounty) has been changed to ‘Niqmat’ (punishment). A Hafiz is one that is able to recite at anytime from anywhere, one that recites Quraan daily in and out of Salaah. A person that has made the aakhirat his objective will enjoy Quraan Sharif from the beginning till the end, he will become die hard for the Quraan.

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In the Quraan Sharif, we have the Haa Meem series which commences in the 24th Para.

تنزيل الكتاب من الل العزيز العليم م ح

HaaMeem (Only Allaah knows the correct meaning of these letters).

This Book is revealed from Allaah, the Mighty, the All Knowing

The word ‘Haa Meem’ is only known to Allah as it is from

amongst the Huroof-e-Muqata’aat. These letters are used often in Taweezaat indicating the power within them. Allah Himself states

that this Kitaab has been revealed from that being that is “All powerful, All knowing.” The next is Haa Meem Sajda where Allah says,

يم ن الرحن الرح م تنزيل م ح HaaMeem (Only Allaah knows the correct meaning of these letters).

(This Qur'aan is) A revelation from the Most Compassionate, the

Most Merciful.

In Surah Shurah Allah says,

م ي إليك ح العزيز الكيم عسق كذلك يوح وإل الذين من ق بلك الل

HaaMeem (Only Allaah knows the correct meaning of these letters).

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Ayn Seen Qaaf (Only Allaah knows the correct meaning of these


In this manner (just as Allaah has revealed this Surah containing

many directives and advice,) did Allaah, the Mighty, the Wise send

revelation to you (O Rasulullaah ) and to those (Ambiyaa) before


In the previous Surah Zumur Allah describes Himself with the

quality of Aleem and here with the Quality of Hakeem. There is a difference between the two. There are people that are not knowledgeable yet they are wise. Allah is most wise and most

powerful. These points are being discussed so that we may understand the greatness of the Quraan Sharif. In Surah Zukhruf Allah says,

Everyone wants a clear picture. If a person wants a clear picture of his life and the Aakhirat, it is in the Quraan Sharif.

م إن جعلناه ق رآنا عربيا لعلكم ت عقلون والكتاب المبني ح

HaaMeem (Only Allaah knows the correct meaning of these letters).

By the oath of the Clear Book (the Qur'aan) !

We have made it an Arabic Qur’aan so that you (O people of Arabia, who were the first recipients of the Qur'aan) understand.

If you want to be referred to an intelligent person then attach yourself to the Quraan Sharif. In Surah Dukhaan Allah says,

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م لة مباركة إن كنا منذرين والكتاب المبني ح إن أنزلناه ف لي

HaaMeem (Only Allaah knows the correct meaning of these letters).

By the oath of the Clear Book (the Qur'aan) !

We have revealed it (the Qur'aan) on a blessed night (the Night of Qadr). Verily We are the Ones Who warn (people about the

consequences of rejecting Imaan).

Here the commentators have explained that the place where the Quraan was revealed became blessed. The time when the Quraan Sharif was revealed became blessed (i.e. the month of Ramdaan). How great is the Quraan Sharif that it had made these thrity days of Ramdaan so blessed that it consist of the days of mercy, forgiveness, and emancipation from Jahannam. It comprises of Lailatul Qadr. In Surah Jaathiya Allah says,

م تنزيل الكتاب من الل العزيز الكيم إن ف السماوات والرض ليت للمؤمنني ح

HaaMeem (Only Allaah knows the correct meaning of these letters).

The revelation of the Book (the Qur'aan) is from Allaah, the Mighty, the Wise.

There are certainly many Aayaat (proving the Greatness and

Oneness of Allaah) in the heavens and the earth for the Mu'mineen.

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All these verses indicate towards the greatness of the Quraan yet how much of time do we have to read, study and practice upon the Quraan Sharif. In Surah Ahqaaf Allah says,

م ن هما إال تنزيل الكتاب من الل العزيز الكيم ح ما خلقنا السماوات والرض وما ب ي ى والذين كفروا عما أنذروا معرضون لق وأجل مسم اب

We have created the heavens, the earth and whatever is between

the two with wisdom (for specific purposes) and (for) a specified

term (until the time of their deaths or until the Day of Qiyaamah

when everything will come to an end). The Kuffaar turn away from

the warnings they are given (and are not fearful of the end).

Allah is creator of place, space, time, etc. The Quraan Sharif is His

Kitaab which He has revealed which is a Sifat of Allah . We should

think of these things which will make us realise the status of this Kitaab. On the other hand Quraan states,

ي اتذوا هذا القرآن مهجوراا وقال الرسول ي رب إن ق وم(On the Day of Qiyaamah) The Rasool will say (attesting to the

kufr of his people), “O my Rabb! My people have ignored this Qur’aan (regarded it to be obsolete).”

The Rasul will complain of the people divorcing themselves from the Quraan. How many people even touch the Quraan Sharif? How much do we recite out of Ramdaan? This is a direct means of communication with Allah . If the headquarters had sent a

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communication to one of their regiments, with what care isn’t it taken care of and how isn’t it honoured. A lover sends a letter to his beloved. He stops everything that he is doing and reads the letter. The Quraan is the Kitaab of Allah .

Hadrat Umar states,

ان هللا تعال يرفع هبذا الكتاب اقواما ويضع به ا خرين Verly Allah elevates nations by means of this Kitaab in the world

and humiliates others by means of it Those that make the Quraan Sharif their life are honoured by Allah . Those that put it aside are destroyed by Allah .


Sheikh ul Hind was imprisoned in Malta. When he was released

he gave three advices. He said, “One of the solutions to the problems that the Ummah faces is that they should get connected to the Quraan Sharif.” How connected are we to the Quraan Sharif? The Quraan Sharif is a great gift and a living miracle that was given to Rasulullah . How many Khatms take place in Taraweeh Salaah

in the world! This itself is a living miracle. The Hafiz that is on the Musallah will not be able to get away with a mistake in a hurry. How hasn’t Allah protected the Quraan!

There are a few basic rights of the Quraan Sharif which we should endeavour to fulfil. The first and foremost right of the Quraan Sharif is Imaan bil Quraan (believe in the Quraan). We should believe that this is the word of Allah with the meaning that Allah had

intended. The Quraan Sharif in book form which is referred to as the Mus’haf is only a representation of Allah’s word. The non-Muslims particularly those that are bent on destroying Islam, want to remove

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this that the Muslims are too strict in believing that this is the word of Allah. They expect the Quraan to be changed as was done with the bible. The original Injeel (bible) that was revealed upon Isa is

the word of Allah but He hadn’t taken the promise of protecting

it. Allah has promised to protect this Kitaab till the day of



We may believe that the Quraan is the word of Allah but we err in

the specifics. For example, the law of Hijaab is clearly proven from the Quraan Sharif. Allah says,

ك وب ناتك ونساء المؤمنني يدنني عليهن من جلبيبهن ذل زواج قل ل ك ي أي ها النبيماا أدن أن ي ع غفوراا رح رفن فل ي ؤذين وكان الل

O Nabi ! Tell your wives, your daughters and the women of the

Mu'mineen that (when they have to leave their homes for some

necessity) they should draw down their “jalaabeeb” over themselves

(they should wear a loose garment that covers the entire body

without revealing the shape of the body and which has only a little

opening to allow the woman to see). This is best for their recognition

(to allow people to distinguish them from slaves who are not

required to cover themselves in this fashion) so that they are not

harmed (not teased or made fun of as was done to slave women in

the time of Rasulullaah ). Allaah is Oft Forgiving, Most Merciful.

In regards to this ruling we want to cut corners and we say that we cannot maintain Purda in the family. We sometimes try to explain that there isn’t a need for Purda. If we cannot accept then we should accept our weakness but we shouldn’t try and change the word of Allah in anyway. If the basic disease of pride is eliminated

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then we will easily regard it as our weakness else pride doesn’t allow a person to accept his weakness. Pride leads a person to the point that he even thinks that he can change the law of Allah .

In rulings pertaining to inheritance, we ignore the Shari’ee law and opt for the secular law as we will receive a larger portion of inheritance by following secular law. In the will the husband has bequeathed various assets for the wife whereas Islam does not recognise such a bequest thus the wife will only be entitled to a portion of the estate fixed by Shariah and nothing more. So, she will opt for secular law. This is going against Quraan. The wealth to be received will be Haraam as it is against Quraan. Here too, we should not try and justify ourselves.


Another area where we fail is the rulings pertaining to capital crimes. These are the rulings that have been fixed in Islam and cannot be changed. It is a weakness of Imaan that we look at capital punishments as barbaric. If the death penalty is reintroduced in South Africa the crime rate will drop by at least 75%. Laws do not come into effect overnight. If parliament just discusses this law, the rate of crime will certainly drop almost immediately. When it will be gazetted then the rate of crime will be virtually nil. Yes, now and again there will be an example. Our Imaan should be that the laws of Allah are 100% percent

correct. We shouldn’t suffer from an inferiority complex. Many Ulema have fallen prey to these things. Those that enjoy sitting in seminars and talk shows, etc. have to become apologetic. The environment that they are in is anti Islamic. It is very difficult to prove an Islamic point if you aren’t strong enough and haven’t understood. How many are involved in interest. When Mufti Saeed Saheb Palanpuri was asked in a particular country in regards to Islamic banking, he said, “Don’t even start that subject. There are

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four major banks in the world who deal in interest. Every bank in the world bank with one of these four major banks resulting in every bank being linked to interest.” Therefore there is no question of Halaal Islamic finance. So, if you are involved in interest transactions make Taubah as you are involved in sin. If a person acknowledges and admits to his wrong then there is great hope of him being forgiven. A person that is not prepared to admit his mistake is on dangerous grounds. .


Another right of the Quraan is having love for the Quraan. Our Sheikh has written how a person should create love with Allah .

This is a simple and logical prescription. If you love a particular person, you will visit for the first day, second day, and perhaps take a little gift for him on the third day. Whenever you meet him, you greet him. If he doesn’t see you for a few weeks, he will ask, “Where is so and so?” A little connection with a person breeds love. Similarly, a connection is created with the Quraan Sharif by reciting daily. It is sad that a Maulana doesn’t read Quraan, a Hafiz-ul-Quraan doesn’t read Quraan. Mufti Ahmed Khanpuri D.B. says that Ulema teaching senior books of Hadith in the Darul Ulooms are not reciting Quraan Sharif. We have not allocated a slot in our day for recitation of the Quraan. We should love Quraan Sharif and recite accordingly. Hadrat Maulana Abrar-ul-Haq Saheb used to say that the Quraan

Sharif should be placed on a Rahl and not on a desk. In the Haramain we will not find any desk up to this day. We find that the Rahl have been kept for recitation of the Quraan Sharif. Hadrat Maulana used to say that the king is not permitted to sit on any chair as the throne has been reserved solely for him. Nobody besides the king is permitted to sit on the throne. The Rahl is the throne of the Quraan Sharif therefore no other Kitaab should be placed on the Rahl.

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Hadrat used to further explain that we are born without any clothing on the body. Thereafter, we adorn ourselves with clothing so we should cover the Quraan Sharif. Further we live in a house. We should therefore place the Quraan Sharif in a Juzdaan which is so to say the house of the Quraan Sharif.


There are those Masajid that ensure that the Quraans are covered properly and even numbered. However, over a period of time the covers wear out and require new covers. In some Masajid the Quraan Sharif have been placed in a very pitiable state. There was a time (in the 70’s) when there were many torn Quraans in the Haram of Makkah Sharif. Today, there is such system in the Haram Sharif. The Quraans are used regularly but it is the duty of the helpers to ensure that every single Quraan is dusted. There are those shelves that have a plastic cover included to protect the Quraan Sharif from getting wet in the case of rain. Check the condition of our shelves at home, are they clean and tidy. Hadrat Maulana used to further say, “The clothing that we wear at the time of birth is not worn by us for life but our clothing is washed on a regular basis. Similarly, we should wash the cover of the Quraan Sharif as well. The used water of the Quraan Sharif shouldn’t be left to flow down the sewerage pipes. That water should be sprinkled in the house as this is blessed water because of the Quraan Sharif. If we do not want to sprinkle it in the house, then at least throw it in the garden but it shouldn’t be allowed to flow away with the sewerage water. We should also change the English idioms. When enjoying something we normally say, “This is music to the ears, rather we should say, “This is Quraan to the ears.” Music is Haraam so how can a person enjoy it. When a person undertakes a journey, he should be concerned of whether he is carrying the Quraan Sharif more than his concern of carrying his travel documents. When moving house the little children bring their toys first to be packed. Is this our attitude with the Quraan Sharif? Just having love is not sufficient but

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it should be coupled with respect and honour. A person loves his cell phone to such an extent that he cannot do without it, but he takes the phone into the toilet when he goes to relieve himself, he plays games on the phone, and some even watch pornographic material on the phone. This shows that there is love but without form of honour. This is not the type of love one should express for the Quraan Sharif.


The third right of the Quraan is to learn the Quraan Sharif from the cradle till the grave. Previously a child would attend Madrasah and learn recitation of the Quraan till it reaches grade 7 / standard 5. Once the child commences high school it is too busy to learn Quraan. Madrasah is now regarded as a burden and the Quraan Sharif is not touched for the entire duration whilst one is in high school. If kids are writing exams during the month of Ramdaan then parents permit the kids to leave out their fasts. If the paper is at Jumuah time then Jumuah Salaah can be omitted but not the paper. At completing high school, one starts work or attends college or university. Then too there isn’t any connection with the Quraan Sharif. After marriage, a person is too busy with his new marriage life. Then gradually one starts to come to his senses. By then how many people have even forgotten how to recite Quraan Sharif. Some even forget the alphabets of the Quraan Sharif. A friend of ours who was so intelligent that he used to recite the lessons before the Ustaad in the final year of the Alim course. He got involved in business after graduating and once came for collection to South Africa. I had also given him some money for which he started writing out a receipt. He asked the month of the year and I had given him the Islamic month which had confused him. I then told the 3rd month translates to Rabi-Ul-Awwal. He put down his pen and said, “I’ve really been blessed with wealth but I have even forgotten the Islamic months of the year.” This was the condition of an Alim that drifted away from Deen. A person has to continuously

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maintain his Hifz, Naazara, etc. else one will forget. In the Darul Uloom the first lesson of the day starts with Quraan Dor and immediately after Maghrib the students commences Muta’la with his Quraan Dor. The reason for this system is that we had seen good Huffaz that didn’t learn their Dor during their student days, they had forgotten their Dor. A Qari has to keep up to date with the laws of Qiraat and recitation. The value of Quraan Sharif is on the recitation of the Quraan. How much do we recite Quraan and how much do we improve on our recitation? Every person needs to improve his recitation all the time. Ml Ihtishaamul Haq Saheb used to recite Quraan like Hadrat

Thanvi . When Hadrat Maulana Thanvi used to go for Umrah he

used to practice to recite in the Lahja (mode of recitation) of the Arabs. Qari Muhammad Tayyib Saheb would recite in the manner

Maulana Thanvi used to recite. This is the manner in which

Rasulullah would recite Quraan Sharif. What enjoyment to hear

Quraan recited like that! Fortunate is the father that makes a law that nobody will leave the house until he has recited Quraan. Fortunate is that mother that makes a law that nobody will get breakfast until he has recited Quraan Sharif. When we were small it was a practice that the entire family would sit around the table and recite Quraan Sharif, as many individuals would share a room so all used to sit around the table and recite. Nowadays, each one has his own room and is supposed to recite Quraan sharif in his room. What actually goes on in that room, Allah alone knows. Up to this day there are those areas of Mombasa that still maintain pure Islamic culture. These are little galleys where even cars cannot go through. In these areas you just hear the sound of Quraan Sharif after Fajr and Maghrib. I asked the people if there is a Madrasah in this area. They responded, “This is the sound of recitation from the

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houses around the Masjid.” The houses are very close to the Masjid there.


Anyway, a ordinary person should recite one Para a day and a Hafiz should recite three Paras a day. This is the prescription from every Khanqah until now. The minimum a person can do is recite four to five pages daily so that a Khatm of Quraan can be completed in the year and a Khatm in Ramdaan. Women should recite quarter Para daily so that a Khatm can be completed in a year. Imaam Abu Hanifa used to make 60 Khatm of the Quraan in Ramdaan but he

prescribed two Khatm per year for the masses. Many people complain of deficiency of Deen in their families but they not worried of their own deficiencies. We take out our anger on our wives, children but we don’t take out our anger on our worst enemies (i.e. Nafs and Shaytaan.) Removal of the quality of anger in totality is not required rather channelling it in the correct direction is required. A person told Maulana Thanvi , “I have purchased a fire arm and

this is now bringing pride into me so should I get rid of it?”. Hadrat said, “You have the firearm of committing Zinah also, but you are not required to get rid of it. Ensure that it is used in the correct manner. This proves that Izaala (removal of the quality) is not required rather Imaala (channelling it in the correct direction) is required.


Once we were by our Sheikh and Hadrat Maulana Aslam Saheb

Sheikhupuri came to visit. He was that person that had devoted

his life to the Quraan Sharif. He explained a pertinent point. He said that the Duas mentioned in the Ahadith for the Quraan Sharif, such Duas have not been mentioned for anything else. This also points out the importance of the Quraan Sharif in the life of a believer. Quraan should be centre stage yet we pack it away in the cupboard.

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The Ulema should keep up with the Quraan by conducting Tafseer classes every morning for the public. This was one of the advices given to me by Hadrat Maulana Fakhrud-Deen Saheb when I

asked him as to how I should conduct myself when I return to South Africa. The Alim benefits the most as he has to study the Tafseer at night and repeat it in the morning. The Ulema should start with this. We should have classes in the Masjid, best is after Fajr, else after Asr, Maghrib, Esha. If it cannot be done daily, then it can be done twice or thrice a week. If for some reason we are unable to do it in the Masjid, we should do it at home. It can be done with friends, family, neighbours, etc. If no one is interested then one should do the Tafseer himself. We should do two to three verses which will take approximately 5 – 7 minutes. Normally, a person that is doing Tafseer by himself becomes lax and eventually gives it up. When you are responsible for others then only does this practice continue.


The 4th right of the Quraan is recitation of the Quraan. This applies to the entire Ummat. After being blessed with the Quraan Sharif, if a person attaches importance to something else then he has actually shown ingratitude to the Quraan Sharif. We shouldn’t do Hifz for a title and then study to be a doctor and lawyer. After qualifying as a Hafiz, learn the meaning of the Quraan Sharif and devote one’s life to the Quraan Sharif. A great Sheikh-ul-Hadith taught Bukhari Sharif for many years. After his demise someone had seen him in a dream and asked him how it fared. He said, “Allah had blessed me with

great position.” He was then asked, “How did he manage to achieve this?” He said, “A villager used to come to learn Surah Fateha from me, on account of this I was forgiven.” We should teach our kids Quraan Sharif at home. Our recitation will certainly improve as they recite with Tajweed.

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The 5th right is to act upon the Quraan Sharif. The Quraan is not a Istikhaara Kitaab nor is it a Taweez Kitaab. We actually are required to make Amal on the Quraan Sharif. The Sahaaba were a walking

Quraan. If you wanted to see Islam then you were required to look at a Sahaabi. When Aisha was questioned regarding the character

of Rasulullah , she said, “Did you not recite the Quraan?” He was a

living Quraan. Our Sheikh explained that when Allah appeared to

the mount of Toor, it split into pieces. We commonly hear the reason being the mountain was unable to endure the Tajalli of Allah . Our Sheikh says that the mountain wanted to take the Tajalli

of Allah into its crevasses. We recite Quraan Sharif but it hasn’t

entered the heart. We need to first soften the heart with Zikrullah, then only will it enter the heart. The Quraan Sharif is also a Zikr but we need to recite Quraan Sharif with the intention of Zikr. When the heart has been softened then by listening to even a minute of a Bayaan is sufficient to change our lives. Then we will receive the mercy of Allah that is pouring on Rawdah-e-Mubarak by going

once as the heart has been opened. On the contrary if the heart is closed then one will not even acquire a single drop of the mercy of Allah .

How many Haafiz Students and their Ustaads do not dress correctly, nor are their beards proper simply because the Quraan haven’t entered their hearts. There are 3 things that will assist in softening the heart. The first being, companionship of the pious; Zikrullah and recitation of the Quraan. Now Quraan will pour forth from a person. He will not be able to lie as his speech is in accordance to the Quraan Sharif. He will look with the eyes of the Quraan, speak with the speech of the Quraan Sharif, touch with the hands of the Quraan, and the entire life of a person will become Quraan. Then only will a person realise what a miracle and gift Allah has blessed

us with.

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The son of a Khansaheb completed Hifz and due to happiness they wanted to give a gift to the Ustaad. He was poor and had nothing to give. He thought of what to do and thought of a wonderful gift for his Ustaad. He came to the class and whilst speaking to the Ustaad he said, “You had made me Hafiz.” The Ustaad said, “It is an honour my son!” He then said, “I want to give a gift to you.” He took out a dagger and said, “I want to make you a martyr. What can be a greater status than a Shaheed?” The Ustaad realised that his mind operates like a real Khansaheb. He was a true Ustaad, so he said, “Let me perform two Rakaats of Salaah and then you may make me a Shaheed.” The Ustaad then closed the door from outside and called the town people and said, “Take care of this man, he wants to make me Shaheed.”


Those that know the value of Huffaz and Ulema will afford respect to them, and those that do not know their value will not respect them. Maulana Ahmed Hathurani was a great Alim who was very

pious. He used to open the car door for his children as he knew the value. Those that do not afford respect to the Ulema are deprived of having Huffaz in their family. They try for Huffaz in their family but not a single Hafez or Alim in the family. An Alim that doesn’t respect other Ulema will not have any Ulema or Huffaz in his family. A porter had a donkey which he used to transport goods. He had beautified the donkey and placed a diamond on the forehead of the donkey. One day the Jeweller saw the diamond and asked the porter for the stone. He told the jeweller that he will have to pay. The value is perhaps 5 million Rupees but the jeweller offered five rupees. The porter said, “I’ll give it at ten.” They began negotiating and finally concluded the sale. When the sale was concluded and the jeweller took the diamond in his hand, the diamond broke. The jeweller addressed the diamond, “When you were on the donkey that didn’t know your value, you remained intact.” When you came into my hands you broke. The diamond spoke and said, “You don’t know my

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value, you paid five Rupees for me in spite of knowing my true value. I have broken due to you not appreciating me. The rank enjoyed by the Huffaz and Ulema is very great but they should realise their value first. Then the people will appreciate them. In one Hadith Rasulullah reports, “The most honourable in my

Ummat are those that carry the Quraan (Hafez) and those that stand in Tahajjud Salaah. The Hafez and Tahajjud are connected with each other. How can a Hafez use the eyes with which he looks at Quraan to look at television and porn. How can he use the tongue which he uses to recite Quraan Sharif to kiss Haraam women and speak vulgar language? No CA can reconcile between the two.



The Quraan Sharif will be a complainant against a person on the day of Qiyaamah. Also, the Quraan Sharif will lay a charge against a person. The day of Qiyaamah is a very horrific and long day when these court cases will take place. The judge will be none other than Allah . What chance does a person have against the Quraan Sharif.

Nowadays, the Quraan is taken out on the demise of a person and people then recite Quraan Sharif. The Quraan Sharif is for the living and not the dead. We should recite Quraan and mould our lives according to the Quraan Sharif. At the same time our Aqaaid, Ibaadaat (acts of worship), Mua’malaat (business dealings), Muaa’sharaat (social conduct) and character should be in accordance to the Quraan. A person may recite and pass over the rewards to the deceased. There is no problem as long as it is done within the limits of Shariat.

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This is another right of the Quraan that we should teach the Quraan.

The best is to personally teach the Quraan Sharif particularly the

Ulema and the Huffaz. Everyone has the ability of teaching Surah

Fateha and Surah Ikhlaas. Many a times people come and inform

Maulana that a brother wants to accept Islam. The basics we can all

do, we can teach the person Kalimah. Dont delay in making the

person recite Kalimah and enter into the fold of Islam. It is written

that if a person wants to accept Islam but you tell him, “Read about

it and then come back to me, then your Imaan is at stake as you are

pleased that he remains in a state of Kufr.” We shouldn’t present

the excuse, “If he accepts Islam, will he practise upon Islam or not?”

The signature of Islam is the Kalimah. When buying a property a

person signs on the dotted line, he doesn’t have to take out the

deed of sale every day. When death approaches the contract is still

binding. By signing on the dotted line and acting upon the

commands of Allah , one will go to Jannat.

We have heard of people that passed away a few hours after

accepting Islam. They will enter Jannat immediately. A born Muslim

may think that I had performed so many Salaah, Tilaawat, Zikrullah,

etc. yet he got Jannat immediately. There is a world of difference

between the two. Imaan is only the ticket to Jannat, Aa’maal will

help elevate the ranks of people in Jannat. We can then imagine

how high will the rank of a born Muslim be who had carried out

good deeds throughout his life.

It is mentioned in the Hadith that two people had accepted Islam

together. One died a year earlier and the other a year later. The one

that died later enjoyed a higher rank in Jannat. Rasulullah said,

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“The latter had performed extra Salaah in the one year, fasted in

Ramdaan for one year, etc.

Parents should teach their kids, supervise them and they will have

much more interest. Parents help children with their school work

and not Madrasah work.


We are very lax in paying the Madrasah fees. We generally pay the

school fees, give our children their pocket expenses, etc. The pocket

expense is sometimes more than the fees. In fact if we are wealthy,

we should pay on behalf of those kids that are unable to afford the

Madrasah fees.

Alhamdulillah, in our neighbourhood many Makaatib have been

established in the local indigenous areas. This is also a system of

Allah . The seeds are being planted but we don’t know when the

crops will grow. This is similar to those that plant trees from which

paper is manufactured. The trees mature in forty years time. The

person that is planting the tree will perhaps never live to see the

tree mature fully. Therefore, generally these are projects

undertaken by the governments. Similarly, a person that has

reached the age of forty will not make such an investment the

benefit and returns of which he will only reap at the age of eighty. If

the governments don’t undertake such projects, we won’t have

writing paper. This is a great bounty that we are enjoying. We

scribble on a piece of paper not contemplating on how the paper

reached us. We never contemplate of the manner in which a pen is


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Anyways, the fruit of the Makatib that have been established in the

indigenous areas can be seen before us immediately. The real fruit

will be witnessed after another thirty or forty years. There isn’t a

speck of doubt that Islam is going to spread in the world. The so

called advanced countries can fight Islam phobia as much as they

want they will not be able to stop that which Allah has decreed.

There are clear signs of Islam spreading like wild fire in the world.

We thought that Islam was the fasting growing religion in France but

lately we have found out that it is the fasting growing religion in

Italy. This is where the Vatican is located. They are really fearful of

the spread of Islam.

These Makatib are blossoming throughout our country and the

world at large. In our country there are those brothers who have

taken the concern of other countries such as South America,

Malawi, Mozambique, Vietnam, etc. The Makatib are the

foundations of our Deen.

Whilst lecturing at the Rand Afrikaans university, a professor

acknowledged that as long the Makatib system is in place the

Muslims will thrive as a Muslim community. If the Makatib are

removed the Muslims will be a professional community as they are

businessmen by nature. There is plenty of work in the work of

Dawat and Tabligh, but if it is not coupled with the Maktab system

then there is a fear of great danger of the Salafis ruining all the

effort that was made. This is the reason Maulana Sa’ad Saheb is

stressing that the Maktab system should also be in place.

Education is one’s power and strength without which one can be

moved in different directions. When the education of a person is in

order, his Aqaaid will also be in order. With Islamic education we will

have knowledge of the injunctions of the Quraan Sharif.

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In the 90’s the Christian NGO’s were doing missionary work in Africa

and they spent huge amounts of money in order to propagate their

beliefs. In a particular place they had purchased a farm in order to

accommodate their workers. These workers leave their residence

even before dawn. They target underprivileged people and provide

the learners with school books, food, blankets, etc. These missionary

workers had a seminar to discuss their progress thus far. In their

discussion they mentioned that they were unable to make inroads

into the Muslim communities due to the Maktab system that they

have in place.

When a child is born, Adhaan is given in the right ear and Iqaamah in

the left. If we look at it logically, is there any benefit to this action?

The child doesn’t understand anything even if he is an Arabian child

whose mother tongue is Arabic. The teachings of Rasulullah are

by the command of Allah . The Quraan states,

وما ينطق عن اهلوى ان هواال وحى يوحى

This means that the procedure of Azaan in the right ear and Takbeer

in the left ear is in actual fact the command of Allah . The reason

for this is that the first words that a child hears has a lifelong

impression of it. The child that heard the Azaan and Takbeer will

leave the world with Imaan Insha’Allah. He may go off the straight

path but will eventually return to the straight path and eventually

leave the world with Imaan.

Every woman that goes for delivery of a child is told to have a

caesar. Those that have some understanding will tell that it is just a

money making technique. In previous time, every woman had a

normal birth. When Mozambique experienced floods a few years

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ago, the American and European newspaper had made headlines

that a woman had delivered on the top of a tree. We are told to go

to the maternity homes where music is being played softly. They

claim that this is to soothe the nerves of the mother. The ladies

delivering the child are busy engaged in their conversations which

are affecting the child. At the same time we suffer from an

inferiority complex and therefore do not call out the Azaan

immediately. Some even give Azaan after a week. When the kids

grow up like the kids of today (with a rebellious nature) then who

else is worthy of blame? We are taught in the Ahadith that a man

should recite certain Duas when cohabiting with his wife, else

Shaytaan also has a share.

If the mother is a smoker or the mother is a HIV patient the disease

is transmitted into the child. Approximately ten to fifteen years ago

we used to visit Durban quite often. There was an 8 year old boy

that had completed Hifz and would recite Qiraat without any fear. I

asked the father, “How did he acquire this?” He said, “When the

mother had conceived she would recite fifteen Paras a day. There is

a family that resides in Muzaffar Nagar which is in India close to

Deoband, that are Sayyids. All the members of the family are Huffaz.

The last child born in that family was able to recite the entire

thirtieth Para when he started speaking. The mother of this child

would recite all the time. When the mind is clear, free from cell

phones, games, nursery rhymes, etc. then whatever is taught to the

child immediately registers. The six year old child commenced with

Hifz and the mother used to teach him the Sabaq. Whilst teaching

the six year old the four year old child would be playing. Before the

six year old memorized his Sabaq the four year old would have

memorized the Sabaq. This is because of his mind being so pure and


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In that seminar another point that was mentioned, the Roman

Catholics said that if a newly born child is handed over to them until

the age of five, then such a child will always remain a Roman

Catholic. There is a famous Arabic saying, “Whatever is inscribed in

childhood remains in one like something that has been inscribed on

a rock.” In other words it will never be removed. We feel that a child

should be left to play in the first few years, so the child is left to do

as he pleases. This is the type of foundation that we have placed in

the child. Of course, there shouldn’t be any type of formal teaching

but a Muslim home should be a Madrasah. There cannot possibly be

a better teacher than the mother. What interest will the helper have

in the child? Her interest is her wages at the end of the month. The

love that a mother gives to a child cannot be given by anyone else.

We have got nursery rhymes, music, etc. playing in the home and

then we complain of the children. We have got no right to complain.

We chop our legs with a chopper and then we complain. Our rise

and fall is within us. It is extremely important that we teach the

Quraan Sharif to our children at home.

Lately we have heard that the moment a girl has learnt to recite the

Quraan Sharif (naazara) then her Islamic education is considered as

complete. This was the trend in the past that only Quraan Sharif was

taught to the girls and then they were required to remain at home.

Nowadays, the girls are taught Quraan, Hadith, Fiqh, history, Aqaaid,

etc. When a child completes Naazara then this is ingrained within

the child. Allah has not prescribed anything that is in vain.

فعل الكيم ال خيلوا عن الكمة

An action of The Wise is not void of wisdom

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The Mizaaj (temperament) of being a Muslim is created by the

Quraan Sharif. The Quraan builds the heart and mind of a person.

The source where these things are taught unadultered are the

Makatib. The same things may be taught in an Islamic school but it is

adulterated. The Maktab is the place where Quraan Sharif and other

Islamic subject should be taught under such an Alim that has

sacrificed seven years to study and has Deen in his life as well. There

may be an Alim at the Islamic school but the environment is mixed

up. We may refer to the Muslim schools as ‘Islamic school’ but

secular teachers and secular subjects enjoy preference over Islamic

subjects. The mindset created is that Islamic education is under

secular education then the child also grows up with that mentality

that Islam is secondary and Dunya is primary.

Everyone should devote himself to the teaching of the Quraan

Sharif. We should take a personal interest in the Makaatib that are

established in our towns. Many people don’t like to assume the

position of becoming a Mutawalli. However, if a person is interested

in the future of a community then he should get involved in the

Maktab system. We should ensure and see that we have a proper

Maktab system with the best teachers and ensure that everything is

functioning very smoothly. We should also remember that in Islam

education is not only restricted to formal education but the actual

thing in practice. Whatever knowledge we acquire should be

practiced upon.

Knowledge plays the position of the Imaam and Amal is like the

Muqtadi (follower of the Imaam in Salaah). If we only have an

Imaam without any Muqtadis then we cannot have Jamaat Salaah.

In the Makatib the teachers only impart knowledge, they show no

concern whether the child is performing Salaah or not, or whether

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the child is dressed correctly or not. This indicates that the Ustaad is

failing in his duty. The responsibility of the Ustaad is that he should

see that the child has Islamic Ethos and character as well.

The mindset of society is such that if a one year old is dressed in a

Burqah then the pious members of the family also object to such a

code of dressing. Many even comment by saying, “You are making

her look like an old lady, dressing her in Burqah.” On the other hand

if the child is dressed like a Hindu, Christian, Jewish woman then

nobody will object, in fact then she is referred to as smart and cute.

If a little boy is dressed in Kurta on Eid’s day, then the maximum that

he will be allowed to remain in such clothing is an hour and then the

casual clothing is put on again. We dress our children in such

clothing that contain pictures of animate objects. They are given

shoes that play musical tunes. By doing so, we are actually

prohibiting the angels from entering.

If our homes are free of pictures, music, tv, video, newspapers,

magazines, etc. this indicates that our homes are open to the angels.

If we cannot do without our newspapers and magazines, then at

least keep them in the garage. Having these things in our houses

stop the angels from entering.

In Germiston there was a revert lady in the throes of death on one

Sunday morning. A particular person who was actively involved in

assisting the community was also present, but the soul wasn’t

leaving the body. He was wondering as to what was the reason for

this. Later he found a puppy under her bed. The moment the puppy

was removed her soul departed. It is due to such things that the

angels of mercy do not enter the house.

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One person told a Maulana that he won’t die. The Maulana asked

the reason. He said, “I keep a dog with me so the angel of death will

not approach me.” He said, “The angel of mercy won’t approach

you, but the angel of Adhaab will approach you.” How many people

have their wives displayed on their phones screen! In a foreign

country, the main Imaam of the Masjid had the picture of a young

woman most probably his wife on the key holder. Where is the

sense of our shame and modesty? Anyway, the Ustaads should

ensure that our kids are dressed in Islamic attire as this is his

responsibility as well.

There are those people that have time allocated for Ta’leem in their

business places. In fact some have got madrasahs that are operating

at their businesses. Every Muslim home should be a Maktab. The

Maktab is a Ta’leemi Markaz as well. We should all try and engage in

the teaching of the Quraan.

A very good friend of mine who is an Alim has great passion for the

great Sharif. He goes to the offices and businesses of people and

teaches them Quraan accommodating those that have forgotten

how to recite Quraan Sharif. The people are under the impression

that Maulana has come for some work with the employer yet he is

busy teaching them Quraan Sharif. He gets people reciting Quraan

quite easily as he has an art is teaching. We should therefore make

our businesses a Madrasah as well.

We should ensure that every Muslim child receives Islamic

education and knows how to recite Quraan. No child in our

community should be left out or deprived of Islamic education.

Every adult should know how to recite Quraan Sharif. Once or twice

a week, there should be an adult class 15 min before Esha Salaah.

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Those that aren’t fluent in recitation can easily brush up on their


This will draw the mercy of Allah and the problems in our towns and

families will be easily solved. We always try and solve our problems

in our way. The only way of solving our problems is by drawing the

Rahmat of Allah . We can only draw the mercy of Allah with

A’amaal, and these A’amaal take place in the Madrasah, Khanqah,

etc. We on the contrary have the television switched on in the

house, a video playing, etc. These things obstruct the mercy of Allah

. Even worse we have a TV switched on playing filth and at the

same time we have a frame with the name of Allah on the wall.

A person that knows how to recite Surah Fateha should teach Surah

Fateha or a few Surahs. A person that accepts Islam should learn

that much by which he can perform his Salaah even if it means

repeating the Surah initially. If the maid at home had accepted Islam

then we should teach her, we shouldn’t just push over the

responsibility to Imaam Saheb or Maulana. If we can’t impart

knowledge of Deen, then at least sponsor a Hafiz so that you may

have a Hafiz to your credit on the day of Qiyaamah. What great

rewards have been kept for a person that makes his son a Hafiz-ul-

Quraan, and if one is unable to do so then at least sponsor a

student. Currently there is a demand that South Africans run

Makatib in other countries. There are brothers that are running

institutes in Mozambique, Malawi, etc. and other countries. Get a

few businessmen involved and incorporate an Alim as well in these

projects. Once these projects have taken on then regular visits

should take place to ensure the smooth functioning of these

institutes. South Africans have a share in many parts of the world.

We should therefore try and work locally or abroad or do both if it is

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within our means. Whatever work is currently taking place whether

Darul Ulooms, Madrasahs, Maktabs, etc. we shouldn’t interfere with

them. Some people have a problem as they say that the Tabligh

Jamaat doesn’t go to non-Muslims. If they aren’t going then you

should go to the non-Muslims. Leave the Tablighis to do their work.

Some people told Hadrat Mufti Mahmood Saheb that people are

going for Haj and Umrah yearly and neglecting the poor. Hadrat

Mufti Saheb said, “In that case you should see to the needs of the

poor people.” We shouldn’t interfere with others or remove people

from their work. All works are absolutely necessary and should carry

on. We should fill the vacuums, if any.


Rasulullah had delivered a lecture on the last day of Shabaan and

said, “A great month has dawned upon you which is blessed.” He is preparing them for the month of Ramdaan that they shouldn’t waste a minute or even a second of this month. The value of this month increases as we move along reaching its height in the last ten days of Ramdaan. The Hadith states that in the last ten days of Ramdaan Rasulullah would tie his lungi could mean that he would

engage even more in the Ibaadat of Allah . We should also try and

give maximum time to the Ibaadat of Allah . This is really not

difficult. Whilst carrying out our other household chores we can engage in Durood, Istighfaar, recitation of Surah Ikhlaas, etc. By paying a little attention how valuable won’t we make this month. When Rasulullah said that this month is great then how great

isn’t it! The Barakat is the preparation for the Aakhirat, coining it for the hereafter. When the month of December is drawing closer, the father tells the son to be fully prepared for business. The stocks for December should be in from June. Arrangements should be made

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for extra staff as well. Nobody plans a holiday trip in December or puts up a board stating, “Gone fishing”. This consciousness is very sadly lacking in Deen. Someone is gone out to receive a prize. Someone is attending a soccer cup final. A person that knows the value of Ramdaan won’t waste a single minute in this month. This month has a night that is superior to one thousand months. It is most probably the 27th night of Ramdaan but could also come at any other time of the month. It is a month in which Allah has made fasting obligatory upon you.

The fasting of Ramdaan is not a burden actually it is a celebration of this month. The greatness of the month is because of the Ramdaan. When having a wedding we have cooks that prepare the food, we then have people that are serving the guests. The cook and those in charge of serving also feels hungry but they tolerate it in honour of the guest. In honour of the guest of Ramdaan which is Quraan, we should honour it by fasting. The standing at night in Taraweeh Salaah is a Sunnat of Rasulullah . It is stated in the Hadith that a person that fasts in the month of

Ramdaan is forgiven for his part and future sins, and a person that stands up in Salaah (Taraweeh Salaah) at night gets his sins forgiven. This is an indication that the days and nights of Ramdaan are valuable. On other occasions, the night is valuable such as Shab-e-Baraat, or the day is valuable such as the day of Aa’shura. A person that carries out a Nafl in this month gets the reward of carrying out a Fardh. A person that carries out a Fardh gets the reward of fulfilling seventy Faraaidh. Our Buzurgs have written that the Nafl of a person’s life cannot equate a single Fardh. For example, all the Tahajjud, Ishraaq, Chaasht, Awwaabien of one’s life cannot equal two Rakaats of Fardh. Can we imagine what is the status of a Fardh! In this month every Nafl is raised to the rank of a Fardh. We should therefore take care of our Nawafil. It is not difficult to

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perform these Nawafil. We are awake at the time of Sehri so reading Tahajjud Salaah is not difficult. A short while after Fajr Salaah one may perform the Ishraaq Salaah, even if it means performing Ishraaq after taking a little rest. In our Nawafil Salaah we may make various other intentions as well such as Salaatut Tauba, Salatul Haajah, Salaatush Shukr, etc. On completion of Ishraaq read another two Rakaats with the intention of Salaatut Duhaa (Chaasht). After Maghrib perform Awwaabien, even if they are short Rakaats. The more the Niyyats the greater the reward. Also, make Niyyat that this Salaah is made for the Isaale-Thawaab of Rasulullah, his family, the Ambiyaa Alaihimus Salaam, the Sahaaba, the Ulema, Fuqahaa, Muhadditeen, the Awliya, Sufiyaa, your parents and forefathers, your brothers and sisters, children, yourself and your progeny till the day of Qiyaamah. If you are the husband make Niyyat of the wife and vice versa. Also make Niyyat for the Asaatiza and Mashaaikh, for your students, Mureeds, friends, those that have favoured you in anyway. In this way Insha’Allah it is hoped you will get the rewards as though they carried out the Ibaadat and passed the reward over to you. Where will a person reach just by making an intention, this is actually the month to do it. It is not permissible to touch the Quraan Sharif without Wudhu but it is permissible to read the Quraan Sharif without Wudhu. If Quraan is read without Wudhu then you will get 10 rewards for every letter and if read with Wudhu, you will get 25 rewards. If Quraan is recited in Salaah in the sitting position, you will get 50 rewards, and 100 rewards if read in the standing posture in Salaah. This is a Nafl Salaah, and in Ramdaan the reward of a Nafl is increased to that of a Fardh. The value of a Fardh is increased to the reward of seventy Faraaidh. Then if Salaah is made with Jamaat the reward is further multiplied by 27. This should be quite easy for a businessman to understand. Businessmen love the word coining, big deals, etc. What are Eskom deals and the deals of oil refineries and gold mine deals. These are actually the real deals.

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This is the month of patience and the reward of patience is Jannat. The patience is really brotherhood. Allah has made it such that

Allah has made fasting Fardh on the wealthy as well as the

underprivileged. The poor feel hunger throughout the year whilst the wealthy only feel hunger in the month of Ramdaan. The psychological mindset is such that we say that within the next three or four hours the samoosas will be available. There are those poor people that cannot dream of a samoosa even in the next three hours. So, this is the month of patience for all, rich or poor. When sitting on the Dastarkhaan let our minds go towards the poor people. We have hardly eaten from the platter and it is filled again. We have a five and six course meal daily taking into consideration the savouries, desserts, main meal, etc. There are also such people in the world that cannot even dream of the kind of food that we are eating. We should at least make Dua for them when enjoying our food. If Allah gives us Taufeeq, send money for them, or even better we

should personally take food for them. The smile on the face of that little child will bring even more satisfaction than Biryani and roast. The minimum that we can do is sympathize with them. On a cold day Bishr Haafi wasn’t wearing warm clothing. Someone asked,

“Why aren’t you dressed warm?” He said, “If I cannot assist the poor, let me sympathize with them by resembling them.” This is the month of showing sympathy to our fellow Muslim brothers. This is a month in which the sustenance of a believer is increased. Allah dangled the carrot so the fasting becomes easy.

Many look forward to Ramdaan because of the samoosas and good food. Whoever provides Iftaari for a fasting person, it will be a means of forgiveness for his sins and emancipation from the fire of Jahannam. The Sahaaba said, “We are all not in a position of providing Iftaari

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for a fasting person.” Rasulullah said, “Allah will grant this

reward to the one who provides a date, or a sip of water, or a sip of milk as Iftaari.” At this point we should consider that a certain person recites Surah Ikhlaas thrice and gets the reward of reciting the entire Quraan whilst another recites the entire Quraan from cover to cover. The two can never be equal. The one got the reward of reciting the entire Quraan but the one that recited the entire Quraan will receive much more reward. It is mentioned in the Hadith that the Jews work from Fajr up until Zuhr which is a very lengthy duration and receive one Qiraat as their reward. The Christians work from Zuhr until Asr and receive one Qiraat as their payment. This Ummat work from Asr until Maghrib which is a very short period and receive two Qiraat. The Jews and Christians complained to Allah that we work longer yet we earn

less, yet this Ummat works the least and earn the most. Allah

asked, “Did I oppress you?” This is My choice that I granted them a higher wage even though the time is less. So coming back to the point, a person that provides Iftaari will certainly receive the rewards but the one that kept a fast, we cannot imagine what rewards he will get. In the first ten days of this month the mercy of Allah descends.

During the middle ten days, the forgiveness of Allah descends,

and in the last ten days a person gains emancipation from the fire of Jahannam. For those that entered the month clean and pure (prepared for the month of Ramdaan) will attain Rahmat from the very beginning, then after some cleansing some attain the forgiveness of Allah , and finally those that hadn’t been fully

cleansed are fully cleansed in the last ten days and granted emancipation from the fire of Jahannam. The example of those that didn’t prepare for the month of Ramdaan is like that of a car that is on a incline and tries taking off in the fourth gear. The car will switch off after jerking. If the car took off in

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the first gear and then changed to second and third and so forth then the car will be running smoothly on the freeway in 5th and 6th gear. Those that cleansed themselves started from 1st gear to second and third. Those that didn’t make any effort they will have a problem taking off. They coin very late, perhaps in the last ten days whilst others are busy coining it from the start of Ramdaan.



Hadrat Ka’ab ibn Ujrah says that Rasulullah asked us to come

close to the Mimbar. We came closer to the Mimbar. When Rasulullah ascended the first step he said, “Ameen!” Similarly, he

said ‘Ameen’ on ascending the second and third step. We said, “O messenger of Allah ! We had seen you doing something that you

had never done before. He said, “Jibraeel appeared before me

and said, Woe and destruction to that person that finds the month of Ramdaan yet he cannot get his sins forgiven.” On this I said, “Ameen.” In one narration it is mentioned that Jibraeel

commanded Rasulullah to say, “Ameen.” From this we can

understand the greatness of this month. Everything has been put in place for the forgiveness of a person. In this month the doors of Jahannam are closed so there aren’t any effects of Jahannam. The rebellious Shayateen are chained. There isn’t any intake of food and water so a person doesn’t even have energy to indulge in sin. When there is supply of food and water then one has sufficient energy to do as he wants. When Rasulullah ascended further, Jibraeel said, “Woe and

destruction to that person that finds both his parents or either one of them in their old age yet does not attain Jannat as a result of not serving them.” On this Rasulullah said, “Ameen.”

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Finally Jibraeel said, “Woe and destruction to that person who

hears the name of Rasulullah yet does not send Durood upon

him.” On this Rasulullah said, “Ameen!”


In a narration of Hadrat Ubaada bin Saamith , he says that we

came to Rasulullah and he told us, “The month of Ramdaan has

come to you which is filled with Barakah. Allah showers his

mercy, forgives sins, and accepts Duas (in this month). There is guaranteed acceptance of one Dua in the month of Ramdaan. Whilst fasting the fish in the water make Dua for a person, the birds in the skies make Dua for a person. At night Allah Himself descends and

asks, “What is it that you require?” This is the procedure throughout the month of Ramdaan. Allah wants to see you competing with

one another in doing good deeds. A person said, “When a person gets involved in corruption, the government feels threatened as you are trying to compete with them.” If a person asks another as to what time he gets up for Tahajjud so that he may get up earlier then there is no harm in doing so. The household of Hadrat Sheikh used to compete with one

another to see who can recite more Quraan Sharif. The household used to recite 15 -20 Paras per day at a time when there weren’t any maids in the house. The house ladies would carry out all the house work as well. Their houses were not like our houses. Our homes are like palaces in comparison to their homes, we require three or four maids to tidy up our houses. In spite of all our luxuries we don’t have time for Ibaadat. We switch on our stoves by the touch of a button, whereas the people of the pass had to chop wood, or light the coal to start cooking yet they had so much of time for Ibaadat. We have our lentils and rice cleaned for us whereas previously the house ladies had to clean everything themselves. Previously, the floors would be scrubbed, polished, shined, etc. Nowadays, we do not have to do all these things yet we have no time. In previous

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times, the ladies would wake up at one or two in the morning, ignite the stove, cook fresh Kari Kitchri, wash the dishes and then take rest. Allah is “Quddus”, that being that is absolutely pure and will

always be pure in the future. He is that being that even if the entire creation goes against Him, it will not harm His grandeur in the least bit. He is in control of everything. Such a great being boasts of our Ibaadat in this month of Ramdaan. In this month, the Quraan Sharif is being recited twenty fours a day. How happy isn’t Allah

becoming with those Qurrah that are reciting the Quraan Sharif!


Our Masajid are filled in Ramdaan, how brothers are sitting for I’tikaaf. How pleased isn’t Allah with all these Aa’maal taking

place. When the gatherings of Zikr are held the angels throng around such a gathering and finally ask, “Are we the angels or these people the angels?” These people haven’t seen Allah, neither have they seen Jannat or Jahannam yet they are engaged in the Zikr of Allah . The angels don’t have any family needs to tend to. Human

beings have their personal needs to tend to, their families to see to, ensure all their bills are paid, etc. In spite of all these things they are sparing time for the Ibaadat of Allah .

Rasulullah then informs us in the Hadith that a wretched person

is one deprived of the Rahmat of Allah in this month. ‘Wretched’

actually refers to a person that dies without Imaan. We should therefore not deprive ourselves of the mercy of Allah .

In another narration, “Everyday Allah sets people free from

Jahannam.” In another narration it is mentioned that in this month Allah uplifts any form of punishment from the people. There is a

Dua that is certainly accepted everyday for the believers. The women should be particularly careful in this month in regards to

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cursing especially the dear ones. When Hadrat Yusuf was

tempted by Zuleikha he said, “The prison is more beloved to me that what these people are calling me towards.” Allah accepted the

Dua and he was imprisoned. When his lengthy stay was becoming difficult and he complained to Allah , He told Yusuf that this is

actually the outcome of your Dua. This proves that there are times when Duas are accepted even if you are not serious about your words.


Another great bounty of this month is that Allah had made fasting

obligatory upon us. The Fardh fast are exclusive to Ramdaan and not fasting in general. We should fast Mon and Thurs, in Shabaan, etc. In Ramdaan the Quraan was revealed and made the month blessed as well. This is like receiving a wonderful visitor coming in a wonderful car. A dietician once told a person that you people are fortunate in the sense that your messenger has prescribed fasting for you people. There cannot be anything better than fasting as far as dieting is concerned. There is a scientific research which explains as to how the body of a person detoxes over thirty days and a person is blessed with a new life altogether. When a person breaks his fast with eating fried foods, he has caused more harm to himself than benefit. This is similar to people that eat all sorts of take away food but in order to look after their diet they consume diet coke. We should remember that diet products are unhealthier than normal products. We should therefore try and abstain from fried things. There are many alternatives available on the market. We can air fry our chips, samoosas, etc. or we can spray it with olive oil spray. It is best to make Iftaari with dates and water, and then eat the savouries after Salaatul Maghrib. Besides the physical detox, if our Ramdaan is spent correctly we will have a spiritual detox as well.

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Hadrat Abu Hurairah narrates that Rasulullah said, “My

Ummat were given five things that was not given to anyone besides them.” The smell of the mouth of a fasting person is sweeter to Allah than the smell of musk. Everyone has his distinct feature. We have all been created similar to each other but each one is different from the other, each twins are different. The manner of walking of people differs. By hearing the cough of a person we can tell that so and so is present. The sounds of clearing the throat (of different people) also differ. Allah loves a person due to him fasting so the

smell of the mouth is also beloved to Allah . The fish in the sea

seek forgiveness for the fasting people until they break their fast. We should try to fast out of Ramdaan as well. In Ramdaan everyone keep their fast, old, sick, children, pregnant women, etc. Allah prepares and decorates a special garden in Jannat everyday and says, “The time is near when the faithful servants shall cast aside the great trials of the world and come to you. Death is not a calamity but actually removes one from the prison of the world. When death approaches then a person is no longer required to wake up for Fajr. In this month the evil Shayateen are chained so that a person does not reach those evil that he would reach in other months. This allows us to perfect our fasts, else we will spoil our fasts. On the last night of Ramdaan they are forgiven. The month of Ramdaan has great value and the fasting of Ramdaan also has great value. In another narration it is mentioned that fasting is a shield as long as one does not break the shield.


Abu Hurairah reports that the Duas of three people are not

rejected. The fasting person until he breaks his fasts. We should really think to ourselves, who amongst us make Dua throughout the day? After Sehri, we go for Fajr, sit for some programme after Fajr, then take some rest. Do we dedicate some time to Dua? We may be

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making some customary Dua after the Fardh Salaah. Dua is actually supplicating with the heart being attached. Our needs are then poured out before Allah .

Hadrat Abu Hurairah says that many fast but attain nothing

thereby except hunger.


Hadrat Abu Hurairah explains that whoever eats on one day of

Ramdaan without a valid excuse or a genuine excuse that is acceptable in Shariah shall not be able to recompensate for that day even by fasting for the rest of his life. If a person missed his Fardh fast in Ramdaan, he will not be able to compensate for the missed fast even if he has to fast throughout his entire life. To break one’s fasts without a valid reason is even worse. A person will have to keep sixty fasts in return. Generally the people keep their fasts even when they on Safr unless it is absolutely taxing. If a person keeps the Qadah fasts he will not get the Barakaat of Ramdaan. Keeping of Qadah fasts is much more difficult than keeping the fast of Ramdaan. We notice that little kids are also eager to fast in Ramdaan, but keeping the six fast of Shawaal are extremely difficult except for those whom Allah makes it easy.

These are the words of Rasulullah . That personality who has been

blessed with the knowledge of the former and latter times. Rasulullah is that personality that had desired our good. In the

Hadith Rasulullah mentions that people want to fall in the fire whilst I am catching them by their waist and pulling them out. People want to fall into the fire of Jahannam and I am trying my utmost to protect them. These are the words of Rasulullah so try and instil

within our hearts the value of the month of Ramdaan.

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The month was valuable but the revelation of the Quraan Sharif added further value to it. We should engage in recitation of Quraan for the rest of the year and for the rest of our lives.


Another great gift that we are bestowed with in this month is the great bounty of Dua. The Duas of the fasting person is certainly accepted by Allah during the day and at night Allah Himself

asks him as to what he requires. At the time of Iftaari, the entire Haram of Makkah Sharif and Madinah Sharif are engaged in Duas. Allah says,

ن يبوا ل ولي ؤم اع إذا دعان ف ليستج يب دعوة الد وا وإذا سألك عبادي عن فإن قريب أج ب لعلهم ي رشدون

When my servants ask you regarding Me (then say), Verily I am close. I respond to the call of the caller when he calls unto Me.

In another verse Allah says,

ونن أق رب إليه من حبل الوريد

We are closer to him than his jugular vein In other words, we are closer to him than his life. Who amongst us don’t have needs? I had seen two people in a different world when making Dua, the one was Hadrat Sheikh and the other was Hadrat

Shah Hakim Muhammad Akhtar Saheb . When making Dua their

bodies would shake. They are besides themselves. To make Dua, Zikr, Tilaawat, plenty of strength is required in a person. These actions shouldn’t be carried out in a half sleepy state but one should be completely alert. A person should give that part of the day for Zikr when he is fresh and alert. We should learn a lesson from the

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beggars. How don’t they cling to a person particularly in India and Pakistan. A person just gives them something so that they leave him. Such a person didn’t give for Allah’s sake. Allah says,

هو الغ الميد ي أي ها الناس أنتم الفقراء إل الل والل ن O mankind, You are beggars unto Allah

The kings, wealthiest people, financial advisors, etc. are all

addressed in this verse. If these financial advisors knew how to

make money they would have kept quiet and not disclosed the

secret to anyone else. Our Sheikh explains that the professional

beggar has his office hours for begging which is 8am – 5pm. He puts

away his earings thereafter. We are all beggars, all the time as this is

a nominal sentence which shows continuity. The greatest

optometrist in the world is in need of Allah for the smooth

functioning of his own eyes. The cardiologist who attends to the

hearts of so many people yet he is dependent on Allah for his

own heart.

Anyway, Allah has blessed each one of us with our begging bowl.

The beggar puts his bowl on the shelf at night when he finishes his

work. Our begging bowl is with us all the time, and we have it for

diverse works. When eating we use the same bowl (the fingers to

eat), we break the bread with the same bowl, when cooking, driving,

etc. we use the same hands. These hands serve so many purposes

and they are attached to a person. In Salaah the Ka’ba is our Qibla,

but in Dua the Qibla is the Arsh of Allah . The Arsh of Allah is

where all the treasures are kept. The bowl of the beggar is a neat

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bowl yet our bowl is a broken bowl. The fingers are different sizes,

the bowl is also upside down.

It is Mustahab to keep the hands apart from each other in Dua

which indicates towards a broken bowl. If a little content is filled, it

will fall down so Allah also fills a lot of content. This is a royal

bowel with which a person takes from the treasures of Allah

directly. After Dua, a person wipes his hand over his face. The face is

the most honourable part of the human being’s body. This means

that the person is now telling Allah , “I have received what You

have gave me.”

A child is begging the father for R5.00 but the father hasn’t given it

to him. Then the child says, “Jazakallah” even though the father

hasn’t given him. Now, how can the father hold back from giving

him? He will certainly give the child the R5.00. Similarly, when a

person passes his hand over his face, Allah Who is most generous

will fulfil his needs. When the fish are making Dua for you, the entire

creation is making Dua, the angels are making Dua for you, and your

Duas are extremely valuable. We are trying all types of medication

but we haven’t tried the medication of Dua which is the greatest.

We should therefore use this medication. We should also request

those that are close to us and have our welfare at heart to make Dua

for them. We ask people to make Dua, but how many actually make

Dua. If we had promised a person that we will make Dua for him

then it is Waajib for us to make Dua for him. The easiest way of

solving this problem is that we give the person a Dua immediately

which I found in Qari Abdul Hamid Saheb of Kerk Street Masjid.

He would say, “May Allah forgive us and you.” This is one of the

greatest Duas as sins cause us all the problems. The moment the

sins are out of our way the mercy of Allah descends. Dua is a big

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business yet we have made it an insignificant business. Dua has

great power.

Mulla Jeewan was a great Alim and Buzurg. A road was to be

constructed which was to pass by his little hut. He was informed of

the intentions of the road that is to be built and the construction

company will come with their bulldozers and dynamite certain

areas. Mulla Jeewan told his servant, “Bring my bulldozers and

dynamites as well.” The servant knew him and brought his Lota,

Musallah and Miswaak. When the one that informed him saw these

things, he informed the king to change the direction of the road.

When he will sit on the Musallah and make Dua unto Allah you

will be destroyed. This is Dua.

When Afghanistan was attacked by America after the collapse of the

twin towers the Americans had put a lot of pressure on Pakistan. At

that time Parwez was the president of Pakistan. He started

tightening up and making things difficult. He said that Ijtimas should

be suspended due to the current situation. Bhai Abdul Wahhab

Saheb D.B. sent him a message, “I haven’t cursed anyone up to this

day.” If you want to be the first one, it is totally your choice. He

immediately changed his intentions. Dua is certainly a powerful

weapon. No security check can check this weapon.

Once a person asked Maulana Abbas Zubair Ali when he was

undertaking a journey, “What can I do for you?” He replied, “Dua.”

He then asked, “What else should we do?” He said, “With your Dua,

I will pass security, immigration, check in, etc. properly. If you give

me something it will only help me at one particular place.

Understand the value of Dua.

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Another great bounty that Allah has gifted us with, in this month,

is Zikr. We shouldn’t do it in a half sleepy mode. We should make

Zikr in the appropriate mode. A person bought a seven series BMW

and then phoned the company two days later telling them that they

had sold him a dud. They asked his reason for saying so. He said,

“This car only moves in the day by engaging it into ‘D’, when I

engage the night mode ‘N’ it doesn’t move at all. We too are similar,

we sleep during Zikr as we have engaged the ‘N’ mode. He said, “I

stopped at a traffic light and a jalopie next to me challenged me to a

race. When I engaged it in ‘R’ race mode the poor chap behind

didn’t exist thereafter.”

May Allah grant us the Taufeeq of dedicating a portion of our

time to Dua in this Mubarak month of Ramadaan. Ameen

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