  • Far Private Copy Supp.

    AMIYER) Lanone ilil/Court. EXAMM Suppl Secti tif (Copy Form No:11CJD/C-121 IN THE LAHORE HIGH COURT LAHORE



    W.P. No. 42174/2020 Case No.

    Federation of Pakistan & others

    Order with signature of judge, and that of parties or counsel, where


    Ms Ralique Fabries (Pvt.) Ltd. & others Versus

    Date of S.No.of order/ oder

    14.09.2020 Mr. Mustafa Kamal, Advocate for the petitioners. Mr. Zahid Hussain, Assistant Attorney General.

    Proceedng Proceeding

    This petition is identical to W.P.No.42176/2020 in

    which notices have been issucd to the respondents.

    2. Issue pre-admission notice to the respondents in

    this petition as well. Mr. Imran Javed, Senior Law

    Officer, SNGPL, present on Court's call, accepts notice

    on behalf of respondent Nos.3 and 3 and shall ensure

    presence of a legal counscl on the next date of hearing.

    Reply shall also be filed to this petition. Adjourned to



    3 Dispensation sought for is allowed subject to all

    just and legal exceptions

    C.M.No.02/2020 4. Notice. Subject to the payment of GIDC due to industrial consumer, the rest of the payment for GIDC shall remain suspended. lowever, for the differencethe amount as required to be paid by the ind


    ostdated consumer and the captive power consumely cheque shall be furnished by the petitio

  • W.P No.42174/2020 2

    satisfaction of respondent No.3. In respect of the amount

    relating to payment of GIDC on actual calculation priorto 2015, same shall be detcrmined on the next date of

    icaring. A revised bill shall be generated by the relevant

    officer of SNGPL within thrce days to be paid by the

    petitioners within the next three days of its issuance

    hlul ihrd


    True Copy In Case No...



    Exanminer'NS (rit Branch)

    Lahore 11igh Codrt, 1.ahore



    Section (Copy


    Authorized under

    Article 87

    of 19981 ap Petition No:--(EXAMINER) S




    Qanuil-e-Shahadai Order, 1944

    Urgeri ec if

    Total F. c (7s, Date of Cory Date of Delivery:

    1 17,


    Writ Petition No. 1/Y of 2020

    1M/s Rafique Fabries Pvt Ltd. 2 KM Jaranawala Road,

    Faisalabad. Through Khurrianwala its authorized

    representative. Acct D: 81835900002.

    2- M/s A.T.S Synthetie Pvt Ltd. 3rd Floor, ATS Heights, 7-Durand Road, Lahore. Through its authorized representative. Acct ID:,

    9300741009, 67207410001.

    3- M/s Nimir Chemicals Pakistan Ltd. 1st Floor, Amin Arcade, 7-

    Durand Road, Lahore. Through its authorized representative. Acct ID: 26988719956.

    4- M/s Pakistan Vinyl Industries. Plot No. 118, Industrial Area, Kot Lakhpat, Lahore. Acct 1D: 82996-410005.

    5- M/s Multan Fabries Pvt Ltd. Mehr Manzil, P.O. Box 28, O/s Lahori Gate, Multan. Through its authorized representative.Acet D: 47337998801.

    6- M/s Khawaja Tanners Pvt Ltd. Mei1r Manzil, P.O. Box 28, O/s Lahori Gate, Multan. Through its authorized representative. Acct D:28551 100002.

  • 7- Ms Mlurree Sparkletts. Head Office: 3 National Park Road Rawalpindi. Through its authorized representative. Acct ID: 1777377984.

    S-Ms Mlurree Glass. Head Office National Park Road Rawalpindi.

    Through its authorized representative. Acet 1D: 03463793103,

    56938336205, 69961040008.

    9- s Tops Food & Beverages. 3 National Park Road. Through its

    authorized representative. Acct ID: 49961040000.

    10- M/s Murree Brewery Company Ltd. 13, Ayub Park Road, Rawalpindi. Through its authorized representative. Acct ID: 59087030009.

    M/s Rehman Cotton Mills Ltd. Lahore Office: 2nd Floor, Gardee Trust Building Napier Road, Lahore. Through its authorized representative. Account ID: 17952930000.




    Ifederation of Pakistan, Ministry of Petroleum and Natural1 Resources Through its Seeretary. Pak Secretariat, Islamabad.

    Sui Northern Gas Pipelines Limited (SNGPL), Gas House, Edgerton Road. Labore, through its Managing Director.

    3- Gener:al lanager lslamabad. (Distribution).. Plot 28-30, Sector 1-9, Islamabd.

    4- Oil and Gas Regulatory Authority Islamabad. 54-B, Fazal-e-Haq Road. Blue Area, 1slamabad. Through its Registrar.


  • 2

    GIDC Which stand exempted. the gas supply to the premises of the

    petilner shall be diseonneeled causing huge and irreversible loss.


    In view of the above, it is respectfully submitted as under:

    . n the meanwhile. Respondents may very kindly be restrained from raising any demand of the arc:ars ol GIDC through GIDC TNSTALLMENT BILLS as

    the petilioner stand exempled IrOm the recovery ol the sme and tlicy may very

    indly be directed to issue an amended bill excluding the amount for the

    lTears of GIDC:

    2. in lie menwhile. Respondents may very kindly be restrained Irom

    disconneeting the gas supply to the premises of the Petitioner on the basis of

    hove demand of the arrears of GIDC;

    3. Any other relief deenmed appropriate in the peculiar cireumstances of the case

    may also be very kindly afforded to the Petitioners.



    amal tústafa Ramal Advocate

    Mustafa Law Associates 27-Edgerton Road, Ajmal House,

    Lahore. Phone No. 042-36309440


    Mobile No. 0333-4639440 Email. mlawakil@

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