
Faith Presbyterian Church Happenings! November 12, 2018

Groundbreaking Date set for new

church building

Following a very productive meeting between

representatives of the New Building Committee

and our Contractor last Friday, the Session met

on Sunday, November 11 and set the date for

the Groundbreaking for our new church


Sunday, November 25, 2018 at Noon. See all

the details in today’s Newsletter.

Updated news and other resources available online at:

If you are a Facebook user and have not yet “liked” the Faith Presbyterian Church Facebook page – click this Facebook button

(you may need to press the CTRL key and click the button…)

Pastor Simpson will be on Study Leave November 15-21. If you need assistance, please contact an Elder or

your Shepherd.

MONDAY, November 12

Church Office – Peggy Reich and Elaine Whitley

9:00 Officer Training

1:00 Congregational Care Planning Team

TUESDAY, November 13

Church Office: Janice Cary

4:00 Spiritual Development Planning Team

WEDNESDAY, November 14

Church Office: Sylvia Goodyear

5:30 Cantata Practice and Choir Practice

THURSDAY, November 15

Church Office: Lynn Hayes

Faith Serves at Food Pantry

10-12 Bud and Treva Wheatley

1-3 Bob and Fidelia Salley

2:00 Faith Group

FRIDAY, November 16

Church Office: Treva Wheatley

SATURDAY, November 17

Merry Maids: Men of the Church

9:00 Men’s Breakfast at Pete’s Place

SUNDAY, November 18

9:30 Choir Rehearsal

10:30 Worship Service, Michael Gable


11:45 Mission and Outreach Planning Team

MONDAY, November 19

Church Office: Peggy Reich and Elaine Whitley

Worship Attendance November 11: 107

November Head Usher: Nancy Goodson

Faith Presbyterian Church Happenings! November 12, 2018

Worship Information at Faith Presbyterian Church

This Sunday …. November 18, 2018... The Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time…

DAY BY DAY…. Faithfully Forward 6. Where no expense is spared

Revised Common Lectionary Readings for this Sunday of the Year: 1 Samuel 1:4-20 or Daniel

12:1-3 I Samuel 2:1-10 or Psalm 16 Heb. 10:11-14, (15-18), 19-25 Mark 13:1-8

Scripture Readings: Psalm 16 and Mark 14:1-11

Sermon Title: “Outpouring”

Our guest preacher will be Michael Gable.

The Sunday after next…. November 25, 2018... The Reign of Christ Sunday…


10:30 a.m. “Taking Stock and Looking Forward” – Service of Worship for the Lord’s Day

at 56 Mountain Street

Revised Common Lectionary Readings for this Sunday of the Year: 2 Samuel 23:1-7 or Daniel

7:9-10, 13-14 Psalm 132:1-12, (13-18) or Psalm 93 Revelation 1:4b-8 John 18:33-37

Scripture Readings: Revelation 1:4b-8 and John 18:33-37

Sermon Title: “Testifying to the truth”

NOON: GROUNDBREAKING CEREMONY for new Church building at Bluebird Road

Guests joining us already include, The Rev. Joan S. Gray, current Interim Mission

Coordinator/Stated Clerk of Cherokee Presbytery and Moderator of the 217th General

Assembly of the Presbyterian Church(USA) held in Birmingham, AL in 2006. Joan and

her husband, Bill, were contacted yesterday afternoon and are able to confirm their

participation with us.

All members and friends of Faith Presbyterian Church are invited, as are all former and

future members.

Everyone is asked to extend an invitation to your friends,

neighbors, cousins and colleagues. This is an important moment

for all who have shared and share in the life of Faith Presbyterian

Church and its work and witness in our community.

To follow Celebratory Lunch back at 56 Mountain Street

Additional notes: The Groundbreaking Ceremony at the Bluebird Road property will last 15-20 minutes.

As you can bring a shovel with you as we will all share in this special moment. Carpooling to/from the site

is encouraged and will be offered.

Faith Presbyterian Church Happenings! November 12, 2018

Our next Discovery Class is scheduled for this Sunday, Sunday, December 9, 2018. If you

would like to discover more about the life of Faith Presbyterian Church, or are ready to be

welcomed as a member, please contact Pastor Jim Simpson [email protected] and plan to

attend the Discovery Class, a one Sunday introduction and welcome to Faith Presbyterian

Church, including a welcome to the congregation during the 10:30 a.m. Service of Worship.

From yesterday’s sermon: “Not a mite would I withhold”

“…. The theme of sacrifice is front and center in the incident recorded for us in today’s reading

from the Gospel of Mark. We watch, as Jesus watches, a widow makes her offering in the

Temple, offering two small coins not worth very much at all in the coinage of that time, but

worth everything to the one making this offering.

Today’s reading as it appears in the New Revised Standard Version is an example of how

sometimes the little headings inserted in our translations get in the way of seeing the full impact

of a passage. These little editorial additions are not part of the received text of the New

Testament and while offered in good faith to provide a sense of order and as a guide for readers

can be less than helpful sometimes. Today’s reading carries two such headings… the first three

verses, verses 38-40 are given the heading: “Jesus denounces the Scribes”; while verses 41-44

appear under the heading, “The Widow’s Offering.” This is unfortunate because the contents of

all these verses relate together and should not be viewed as in any way separate episodes.

Yes, this is story about the sacrificial and faithful giving of the widow, she did indeed “put [in

the offering] everything she had”; she did give unselfishly, maybe even unwisely; she did what

she thought she needed to do, but what she did also underlined Jesus’ criticism of the religious

authorities because, to a large extent, the woman’s poverty was the result of how the system

they oversaw oppressed her as a widow…. A topic which as we have seen over the past several

weeks was an ongoing and recurring theme for Jesus in His concern for the widows and

orphans. This entire story, the interaction with the religious leaders and the extravagant

generosity of the widow are absolutely linked exposing the hypocrisy of those called to lead and


The widow who gives found herself poor, isolated, put upon, in part because of the economic

system imposed and administered by the religious leaders of the day. Their policies were

causing widows to be cheated out of their homes, and made poorer.

In comparison to Bartimaeus from last week, the widow here is unnamed. Jesus does not

address her or interact with her in any way. All Jesus does is point out her faithfulness to the

disciples. In contrast to the rich man who was unwilling to accept Jesus’s prescription to sell all

he had and give it to the poor, the woman in this story, a materially poor widow does just that –

she gives it all, all she has, she places in the service of God.

Faith Presbyterian Church Happenings! November 12, 2018

By the giving of her mite, the widow connects to God’s might which is forever expressed in

true kindness and lasting mercy. Unlike most all of the worshipers in the Temple, Jesus noticed

this woman. Jesus recognized her courage as she made her gift right beside the rich with their

wads of cash; her courage as the last scrap of security fell into the offering plate. Jesus paid

attention to her sense of worth, while other people saw her only as a widow or a poor widow

Jesus saw her intentionality, to act as she believed…..

… And isn’t this exactly what all of us wish to do?

To so live, to so commit, to so share, to so give, to so serve, to so be that we might connect

with, express and share God’s might by means of kindness and mercy?

Isn’t this the place and point we have reached in our lives? Hasn’t our journey through life

revealed to us, little by little, that the point of life is not the stuff, not the title, not the executive

corner office, not the latest gear or gadget, not fame and fortune, not the richest food or the

finest wine, but the relationships of love and care and mercy and justice that express the heart of

what really matters?

And aren’t we even now concluding that we each have the opportunity and responsibility in the

here and now to share through our living and through the corporate life and experience of this

church, God’s mighty love and overflowing mercy and perfect justice, with all people and in

every situation?

By means of the gift of the two small coins the widow placed her whole life in God’s hands.

She placed her whole living in trust, trust to God. How might you and I likewise place our

whole lives, even if they are somewhat broken into God’s hands? How might we place our

whole living into God’s hands? What risks are we being asked to take for God, not that trusting

God is ever a risk?

From our broken places will we step forward into a deepening and widening trust in God’s

grace and find a deeper and wider purpose in trusting and serving in the reality of life?

I conclude this sermon by quoting a blessing that originated in the Franciscan tradition. I want

to offer these words and their thoughtfulness to you as a blessing,

a blessing as you look to respond to the story of the widow and

her mite and consider what it means to express that line from the

hymn, “Take my Life and Let it be”, that grows out of this Gospel

incident. “Take my silver and my gold; Not a mite would I


Faith Presbyterian Church Happenings! November 12, 2018

“May God bless you with a restless discomfort about easy answers, half-truths, and

superficial relationships, so that you may seek truth boldly and love deep within your


May God bless you with holy anger at injustice, oppression, and exploitation of people, so

that you may tirelessly work for justice, freedom, and peace among all people.

May God bless you with the gift of tears to shed for those who suffer from pain, rejection,

starvation, or the loss of all that they cherish, so that you may reach out your hand to

comfort them and transform their pain into joy.

May God bless you with enough foolishness to believe that you really can make a

difference in this world, so that you are able, with God’s grace, to do what others claim

cannot be done.”

May God bless you in all these ways! Amen.…”


“Draw Near”! Advent 2018 is coming!

Advent Events and Opportunities

There are many ways for you to celebrate this Advent Season – when we will Draw Near to our Lord and Savior.

Advent Devotional “Draw Near” Advent Devotional booklet available beginning November 18th

Decorate the Chrismon Tree – November 26 at 3:00 pm Draw Near to continue our tradition of decorating the Chrismon Tree with beautiful, handmade ornaments.

Advent Lunch & Learns – each Wednesday, Nov. 28, Dec. 5, Dec. 12, Dec. 19 at 12 noon Draw Near as we fellowship with soup, bread, and dessert and enjoy an Advent lesson with Pastor Jim.


Cantata – December 16 at the 10:30 worship service and at a 5:00 performance Draw Near and enjoy an inspiring worship performance, “The Glory of Christmas.”

Christmas Eve Candlelight Service – December 24 at 5:00, Prelude of Music from 4:30 p.m. Draw Near in song, praise, and worship, welcoming the Light of Jesus.

Faith Presbyterian Church Happenings! November 12, 2018

Stewardship Response - Week Three Update....

Just a note to say Bob Goodyear our Financial Secretary is traveling, actually he is

enjoying one of his favorite hobbies, sailing… Bob, stay safe!

This means that we won’t be able to provide any detailed updates on the ongoing response to

this year’s Pledge Campaign. Except to say that on top of what was reported last week, Bob will

have at least five additional pledges to include in the total, because by yesterday that is the

number of new pledges received.

As of week2 62 pledges totaling $197,020 have been received from members and friends of

Faith for financial support in 2019. Assuming the 11 pledges outstanding from current pledgers

come in at the same level as 2018, we would anticipate another $23,900 to be pledged bringing

the total to $220,920.

“Thank you to all who have and will make a pledge for 2019. For those who have yet to

communicate their commitment to the church for 2019, we look forward to hearing from you.”




2018 Session Retreat

At this year’s Session Retreat, Pastor Jim was surprised with a birthday cake.

Faith Presbyterian Church Happenings! November 12, 2018

Faith was recently presented with a Marine

Corps Commander’s Award as a sustaining

donor to Toys for Tots.

This was at the end of the day on Saturday

November 10. Two of our faithful workers, Randy

Griggs and Doug Morris, left only shortly before

the picture was taken. Faith Pres was well

represented! In case you don’t recognize anyone

in this picture see if you can find Bill and Frances

Young and Bruce Burn. Debbie Peterson took the

picture of this amazing crew!

Second Sunday Lunch was a full house

with 90+ lunch attendees. Wonderful

fellowship and delicious Thanksgiving


Faith Presbyterian Church Happenings! November 12, 2018

Everyone greatly enjoyed the Tartan Angel Ornament workshop.

Thanks to Beth Huckleberry for her wonderful (and very patient) instruction.

Save the Date!

Sunday, December 2

2 p.m. Matinee – tickets are $20

Outing to see this classic Christmas play at

Blue Ridge Community Theater.

Tickets have been ordered and a signup sheet

will be in the Gathering Room this week.

Mission and Outreach

Good Samaritans Needs You! Community Thanksgiving Dinner

Fannin County High School Cafeteria

Wednesday November 21

Food preparation or Set-up

9am - Noon

Noon - 3pm


Sign-up sheets at Faith

Thursday, November 22nd

Food Prep

7:30am - 10:30am

Serving Line

10:30am - 1:30pm

Faith Presbyterian Church Happenings! November 12, 2018

10:30am - 1:30pm

1:30pm - 4:30pm

4:30pm - 6:30pm

1:30pm - 4:30pm

4:30pm - 6:30pm

Cafeteria - Front of the House

10:30am - 1:30pm

1:30pm - 4:30pm

4:30pm - 6:30pm

Musical Talent Various times

Good Samaritan Community Thanksgiving Dinner: November 22. Volunteer

opportunities and Pie donations. Faith traditionally donates pumpkin, apple, and pecan

pies to this dinner that is held at Fannin County High School each year. Sign up in the

gathering room to bring a pie. If you cannot bring the pie to the church the day before

Thanksgiving, you may bring one to church the Sunday before and place it in our


Christmas Parade Opportunities:

Light Up Blue Ridge Parade November 24 5:30pm.

Looking for interested persons to light-up (decorate) our float at the Wheatleys at

10 AM on Friday, November 23, people to ride on the float and “walkers” to

hand out candy along the route.

In addition, our Music Director, Kathy Cardwell will be leading the Christmas

Caroling in Downtown Blue Ridge this year, and she invites you to join in.

You do not need to be in the church choir to do this! Details have not been set yet,

except that it's the evening of the Friday after Thanksgiving. Details to follow.

Kiwanis Christmas Parade McCaysville/Copperhill

December 1 at 2:00pm

Theme: Christmas Around the World. If you cannot make the Blue Ridge parade, please

consider participating in this one.

Family Connection Opportunity--Food Bank volunteers: For all

community-minded folks! For everyone interested in volunteering, there

is a food handling class which new volunteers will be given later on. You

may work before you receive the training. Registration is now online at but I have been using the church signup sheets and

registering Faith Presbyterian. If you need to get in touch, my contact

information is Hilda Giles [email protected] 770-605-0040. The food

Faith Presbyterian Church Happenings! November 12, 2018

bank is located just off Ada Road on Fannin Industrial (about 5 minutes from church).

Update on Missionaries Charles and Melissa Johnson

Charles and Melissa Johnson, the missionary team we help support, will be in the states in December to attend

their son Brien’s graduation from the University of Alabama. This will also allow them to spend Christmas with

their family. Brien will return with them to Zambia to spend a couple of weeks and learn about what God is

doing in Zambia. They also will be back in the states next year and are scheduling church visits which

hopefully will include Faith.

Over the past year, the Johnson’s have experienced successes and challenges in their work. At Chasefu

Theological College, they welcomed four new first-year students in January and saw eight third-year students

complete their studies. Despite hail damage, they experience a good maize harvest, providing an ample supply

of food for the seminary students in the coming year and allowing some maize to be sold.

Melissa has been training four women in a women’s feminine hygiene and reproductive health program. The

department is partnering with Days for Girls International (, and they have just

completed the training necessary to become the first Days for Girls Enterprise in Zambia. They also are

completing the solar electrification project at the mother care shelter in Ndaiwala and preparing to begin

construction of a new clinic in the Phalaza community.

See their full report on the mission and outreach board in the gathering room. It is also available online at

Children's Church Schedule for November

November 18: Patty Morris

November 25: Doris Riggs and Treva Wheatley

Click to get to the Faith Facebook page


KNITTED HAT UPDATE: My vision was to put a warm hat

in every Snack in a Backpack bag going home for Christmas.

We are 85 hats away from reaching our goal of 429 hats.

Holiday bags will be packed on December 12th so have your

hats to me by Sunday, December 9th. There is yarn in the tub in

the narthex (it's thin so it will need to be doubled). GOD bless

to those who are helping me knit & to those who have donated yarn. Kim King

([email protected])

Faith Presbyterian Church Happenings! November 12, 2018

Women of Faith Meets Monday, November 26th: The 2018/2019 study, Twelve

Women of the Bible, started, August 27 and will proceed the 4th Monday of each

month through November 26, then January 28 through May 20. Books for the new

study are available for $5 from the church office, Frances Young, or Patty Morris.

FaithGroups and Study Group for Fall 2018

Thursday Faith Group – Unshakable Hope from October 11 – November 15 from 2:00-4:00 pm.

Facilitator is Sylvia Goodyear. Unshakable Hope by Max Lucado. In a trembling, unsteady

world, how do you gain stability, find peace, and learn to trust God? Through scripture and

lessons, we will be building our lives on the promises of God. The study continues for six

weeks, ending on November 15th. You do NOT have to make each week to participate.

Elders, Patty Morris, [email protected] and Frances Young [email protected]

will be happy to provide any further information. Sign Up Clipboards are in the Gathering


Online Church Directory (Please note the church is transitioning to a new database to handle

membership and contact information. In this period the online church directory will no longer

be updated. Stay tuned for updates. If you have any experience using the database, Microsoft

Access, we would love to hear from you, email Bob Goodyear [email protected] )

The most up to date version of the Directory is found online. Access the Directory at any time

online – Click Publications. Click DIRECTORY TAB on

home page – Put in password: Faith


Would you like to sing in the Faith Christmas Cantata to be held on

Sunday, December 16th? “The Glory of Christmas,” this year’s music,

will be practiced at the beginning of each choir practice. You are

welcome to stay for the first part or all.


Interested in singing in the choir? Just call or email Kathy

Cardwell at [email protected] or at 828-361-0007 for more

details. Kathy Cardwell, our Music Director, is also able to offer

private piano and voice lessons on Wednesday afternoons at the Church.

Contact Kathy to discuss further.


The New Building Committee and Capital Campaign Committee continue their work.

Members of the committees are:

Faith Presbyterian Church Happenings! November 12, 2018

Reverend Simpson serves,

ex-officio, both committees.

New Building Committee… Asks for your continuing prayers for wisdom and guidance as

it enters the “value engineering” phase of its work, reviewing the initial and alternate

pricing, and working to ensure that we get the best value and most sensible options.

Day by Day, Faithfully Forward Some highlights and ways to be involved.

November Faith Groups

Thursday Faith Group 2:00 pm 11/8, 11/15

Thursday Evening Study 5:45 pm 11/8, 11/15

November 22 Thanksgiving—Good Samaritan meal at Fannin County High


November 23 10:00 Decorate parade float at the Wheatleys

November 24 Saturday, Light Up Blue Ridge, Caroling

November 25 Groundbreaking for New Church at Blue Bird Lane at Noon

November 26 Monday, 1:00 Women of Faith, 3:00 Chrismon Tree setup

Advent 2018 at Faith Presbyterian Church

Sundays: Weekly Worship Services at 10:30 a.m.

Wednesdays: Lunch and Learns Noon – 1:30 p.m. Sign up in

Gathering Room

Christmas Cantata – December 16 at 10:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.

Christmas Eve Candlelight Service 5:00 p.m. Monday December

24th. Prelude of Music from 4:30 p.m.

**Church Newsletter: Email articles and photos for the newsletter to [email protected]

New Building Committee


Capital Campaign Committee (CCC)

Bruce Burn Janeese Glascock

Candy Frank Bill Green

Tim Huffstetler Tom Barrentine

Jim Reich Grace Thomas

Carl Riggs Rick Borden

Barbara Schmus Carl Riggs

Bill Young

Catherine Branch

Rita Oberle

Faith Presbyterian Church Happenings! November 12, 2018

by 10 AM on Monday for publishing in that day’s Faith Happenings.

Prayer Requests: During office hours (M-F, 9-1), please call the church office or at other times, please email

or call Candy Frank at [email protected] (706) 632-5920. Prayer requests for immediate needs relating to

persons directly connected to members and friends of Faith are circulated via email and others are included and

published weekly in the Prayer List circulated via the Newsletter.

Name Requestor Reason From

Maggie March Maggie asks for prayers that the doctors will soon discover the

reason for her frequent seizures that she has been having in the last

month; she sees the neurologist this week. They are Grand Mal

seizures and she is losing consciousness and blacking out for hours

at a time with no warning. The thoracic surgeon has referred

Maggie to a radiation oncologist for treatment for the spot on her

lower left wedge of her lung that is remaining. She sends praise

and thanks for healing of her blood clots and resolution of internal

bleeding from coumadin


Victor Christian,

Jr. and the



The congregation extends its sympathy and offer its prayers to

Chuck Huckleberry and his wider family: Chuck's uncle, Victor

Christian, Jr., died at 1 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 11, at his home in

Lexington, VA. His funeral will be Saturday. Beth and Chuck ask

for our prayers for comfort for Victor's family, particularly his

wife Melba and daughters Sarah and Lisa.


Victims of


Camp, Woolsey

and Hill wildfires

Our prayers are needed for all those affected by ongoing

California wildfires, and for all the workers providing aid and

restoring services to impacted areas. Please keep them all in your

prayers. Several at Faith have family and loved ones in the

affected areas. Prayers are greatly appreciated


Faith Mission

Team to S. GA

We pray for Jim Reich and Carl Riggs as they travel to South

Georgia on Tuesday, Nov. 13, to work on hurricane recovery with

fellow Presbyterians in Flint River Presbytery.


Janis and Jack


Judy Evans Please pray for Judy’s sister, Janis and for Janis’ husband Jack

Burel. Jack will begin his second course of chemotherapy on

November 7th for diffuse liver cancer.


Tom Barrentine Pat


PRAISE UPDATE: Tom Barrentine's recent heart procedure at

Northside Hospital in Canton went well; our prayers are



Wayne Sutton Frances


Wayne Sutton, (friend of the Thompsons) Methodist minister in

North Carolina, died of cancer recently. Please pray for his wife,

Pat, and family.


Allie Willis Sally


Please pray for healing for Allie Willis as she undergoes tests and

medical procedures for her legs.


Patrick Masson Sonya


Please pray for Sonya's grandson, Patrick

Masson, who recently had a virus and is now experiencing heart

problems. Prayers for healing are greatly appreciated.


Faith Presbyterian Church Happenings! November 12, 2018

Peggy Zinsli Prayers for continued pain issues and that her doctors will be able

to help her find relief.


Nance Huish Our continued prayers for Nance's numerous health issues are



Virginia McPhee Please continue prayers for Virginia as she deals with various

health issues. Virginia very much values all the prayers of her

Faith Church family.





Legacy" Faith's

Capital Building


As we approach the Groundbreaking on Sunday,

November 25, 2018 join your prayers of joy and prayers

for a safe and speedy construction process. Thanksgiving

2018 now has a very special extra reason for our shared

gratitude. Let us pray for the response to our Capital Campaign as we plan

for our future building: Our Loving God, by your love and grace,

may we run, and not be weary. May we rise up on the wings of

eagles. May we know that You, our everlasting God, are always

with us! Amen.

Faith Presbyterian Church

Mission Statement:

By God's love and grace, we are Called, Committed and Led.

Vision Statement:

Called by God to be Faith Presbyterian Church of the North Georgia Mountains, we welcome all to join

together to worship God.

Committed to following Jesus' example, we joyfully share God's love, grace and gifts with all in our church

family and community.

Led by the Holy Spirit, we invite all to grow spiritually in this community of Faith.

Church Priorities for 2019 (as adopted by the Session at the Session Retreat, November 2018):

• Increase membership and participation through connecting with and serving those who reside in our community

• Continue as a spiritual community worshiping God by the sharing of our time, talent and treasure.

• Equip and encourage all to follow in Jesus' footsteps and to show God's love, grace and care.

• Develop effective church leaders

• Develop effective communication to include appropriate use of technology

• Construct our new church facility.

• Prepare for the transition to our new church facility.

• Recognize the challenge of the expense of the new building, while maintaining and developing our ongoing life and


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