  • 8/20/2019 Faculty Documentation


    Documentation v3.1 Faculty WordPress Theme

  • 8/20/2019 Faculty Documentation


  • 8/20/2019 Faculty Documentation


  • 8/20/2019 Faculty Documentation



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    7.6. How to add/edit publication type?........................ ................ ......... 22

    7.7. How to add the Gallery page? ................................ ................ ......... 22

    7.8. How to add images to Gallery? ........................... ................. ........... 23

    7.9. How a page is structured?................................................................. 23

    7.10. How to add a row? ................. ................ .................. ................ ......... 23

    7.11. How to add columns to a row? ................ ................. ................. ... 23

    7.12. How to add a title and text? ................. ................ ................. ......... 24

    7.13. How to add my academic positions?....................... ................. ... 24

    7.14. How to add educations background? ................ ................ ......... 25

    7.15. How to add honors and awards? ................ ................. ................. 25 7.16. How to add research interests? ................ ................. ................. ... 25

    7.17. How to build the Lab carousel?..................................................... 26

    7.18. How to add/edit Research Projects? ................ ................ ............ 26

    7.19. How to add icons beside lists? ................. ................. ................. ... 26

    7.20. How to add those big Icons? .................. ................ ................. ...... 26

    7.21. How to add background image to a row? .............................. ... 26

    7.22. How to add contact form to a page? ................. ................ ......... 27

    7.23. How to add Google Map to a page? .................. ................ ......... 27

    8. Updates .......................................................................................................... 28

    8.1. Updating to v1.4 .................................................................................. 28

    8.2. Updating to v1.5 .................................................................................. 28

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    8.3. Updating to v2.0 .................................................................................. 28

    8.4. Updating to v3.0 .................................................................................. 29

    9. Change log .................................................................................................... 31

    9.1. v1.0 -- 11 February 14 ........................................................................ 31

    9.2. v1.2 -- 13 February 14 ........................................................................ 31

    9.3. -v1.3 -- 17 February 14............................. ................. ................. ........ 31

    9.4. - v1.4 -- 25 February 14 ..................................................................... 32

    9.5. - v1.5 -- 27 March 14 .......................................................................... 32

    9.6. v2.0 -- 09 May 14 ................................................................................. 33

    9.7. V3.0 -- 01 Sep 14 ................................................................................. 34

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    1. InstallationTo install Faculty theme you need a WordPress website up andrunning either on your local machine or your online host.

    1- Extract the zipped package downloaded from ThemeForest to yourdesktop, in the extracted package you will find file.

    2- You can install the theme in two ways, via admin panel or via FTP. 1.1. Install theme using admin panel

    1- Login to admin panel.2- Go to Appearance > Themes and click on the tab Install Themes.

    Choose upload.3- Click on Browse , select the downloaded theme file and click in

    Install Now .4- After successful installation click on Activate or go to Appearance

    > Themes and click on Activate to activate the newly installedtheme.

    1.2. Install theme using FTP

    Extract file and upload the extracted folder to /wp-content/themes/ folder on your server. Then you will find new itemat your WordPress admin panel under Appearance > Themes menu.Click install and activate it.

    It is recommended to upgrade your WordPressto the latest stable version (currently 3.8.1) tomake use of the latest features.

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    2. First things first

    2.1. Plugins

    Faculty theme makes use of 3 WordPress plugins, make sure toinstall them before you begin to build your website.

    2.1.1. Visual Composer plugin

    This plugin is a premium WordPress plugin which is included in you

    package. Find it form the file you downloaded from ThemeForestand install > activate it.

    What this plugin does? In short, it makes your life easier withWordPress helping you to visually build amazing pages and addfeatures to your pages quickly without having to know any coding.

    2.1.2. Font Awesome 4 Menus

    This plugin is used to add icons to our menu items. The icons arenot images, instead, they are fonts with special character sets.

    The plugin is included in your package and you should install it tohave the capability to show icons along with your menu items.

    Note: The Font Awesome 4 Menus plugin is a free plugin and can beupdated with WordPress as soon as any update is published by theauthor of the plugin.

    Visual Composer plugin by WPBakery providedwith you package is highly customized andadapted to the Faculty theme and you can justuse it with Faculty WordPress theme.

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    2.1.3. Contact Form 7

    Contact Form 7 plugin is a popular free plugin for WordPress andwe use it to build the contact form for the website, it is supportedwith Visual Composer plugin as an item in the list of short-codes.

    It is included in your package and you can use it but one may grab itfrom WordPress plugins website and use it, there won't be aproblem. Please go ahead and update it whenever the authorpublished new version.

    2.2. Important theme options

    After installing theme itself and required plugins mentioned above,you should consider adding some important things to your themeoptions before you continue.

    2.2.1. Add your Personal info

    In order to add you name to the sidebar of the site you should

    1- Go to Appearance > Theme Options menu.2- Navigate to General Tab at the sidebar of the Theme Options.

    Fill your name, a sub-title and a squared image with your face at thecenter.

    2.2.2. Add a favicon to your website

    Favicon is the small icon you see at the title tab of your browserwhen you open a website.

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    3. Quick Start guideIf you have done what you read at section 1 and 2 of thisdocumentation, you are ready to build a structure for your website.

    Before any further action think about the structure of your website.

    - How many pages you want to add to your profile?- How you want to structure your information in your site?- What would be the contents of each page?

    For the demo sake we assume we need these pages:

    - Home ( basic information about me )- Research ( information about my research )- Publications ( list of my publications )- Teaching ( what courses I teach and what I've taught )- Gallery ( a gallery of my images )- Blog ( my thoughts and news )- Contact me ( information about contacting me )

    3.1. Add some naked pages

    So, we need to add those pages to our website, to add new simplepages do as follows. In this stage, pages are naked and we are just

    Be creative about your content and presentthem in an informative way, you can build almostany possible layout with faculty page builder.

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    adding them and giving them a title. We will add content to thesepages later.

    - Select Pages form menu at Admin panel

    - Click on Add New text - Fill out the Title field - Hit the Publish bottom on the sidebar. - Repeat above procedure for any of your pages.

    What we have until now?

    Here is the list of our pages and you can the list by clicking on Pages menu.

    You should be able to see the titles of pages which you just build.

    Note: If you are using the Visual Composer plugin to build yourpage, make sure to set the Template at Page attributes to Pagebuilder Template , otherwise you can use the Default Template .

    Note: It is necessary to add Blog , Publications and Gallery pages.The titles are not important, just add a page for them so you canlater show them to your website.

    3.2. Build your menu

    More or less, we need a menu. After you added your pages (blank orcontented) you can add items to the menu of your website, but firstyou have to add a menu.

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    Note: Have you installed the Font Awesome 4 Menus Plugin? No?Install it first.

    Add a menu:

    - Go to admin panel- Click on Appearance > Menus - Type a title at Menu Name field- Hit Create menu button - Make sure to check Main Menu under Theme locations

    In order to add menu items to your site:

    - Go to Admin panel > Appearance > Menus - From the right sidebar tick home under Pages tab and click on

    Add to Menu - It will be added to the Menu structure panel.- Open it and fill the Navigation Label. - Click on screen options at the top of the page and check CSS

    classes - Add class : fa-home - Click on Save Menu

    - Open your website and inspect the changesNote: find the name of the icon from Font Awesome website andadd it to CSS Classes.

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    3.3. There are two types of pages, Ordinary andAjax

    As you can see from the demo page of faculty, there are two typesof pages:

    - Ordinary pages like home and blog- Ajax pages which slide in the page when you click on the menu


    So, How to set which page is which type?

    It is pretty easy. It is handled by the CSS Classes that you set at themenu.

    - Page will be Ajax type if you type ajax-fac- Don't put that keyword to open a page as an ordinary.

    3.4. Two very important setting

    First: WordPress is by default a blogging platform, so it assumesyou are building a blog which has some pages, but we are building awebsite which has a blog, there is a way to tell this to WordPressthat hey! Use this page as my home page instead of blog indexpage.

    - Go to admin panel- Click on Settings > Reading - At Front page displays set it to An static page

    How to make a page to slide in?

    Just add the ajax-fac keyword as a classto the corresponding menu item.

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    4. Templates for pagesThere are 4 types of templates provided by Faculty that you canmake use of to build your pages.

    - Default Template- Page Builder Template- Gallery Template- Publications Template- Page builder with sidebar

    4.1. Default Template

    This is the main Template you can use for your simple pages, exceptpages which are build using Visual composer, Galley page andPublications page.

    4.2. Page Builder Template

    If you want to use the Visual Composer to build a page make sure touse this Template.

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    4.3. Galley Template

    Use this page template just for your Gallery. It is take a Title and

    Description from you and the rest of the page will be populated withthe images you add to the Galley Custom Page type .

    4.4. Publications Template

    Use this page template just for your Publications page.

    4.5. Page builder with sidebar

    This page template uses a built-in dynamic sidebar of the theme,and you can build the content of the page either using visualcomposer or the native WordPress editor. This page template addedat v3.0 of the theme.

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    5. Custom Page TypesCustom page types (CPTs) in WordPress are much like pages, exceptthey use custom fields. There are two CPTs provided by Facultytheme to ease the process of data entry for you.

    - Gallery page type- Publications page type

    5.1. Gallery page type

    This type of pages are specialized to build your gallery page. Thinkof it as a tool to add individual images to your gallery, each item inyour gallery - which is an image with a title and description - isconsidered as a custom page.

    5.2. Publications page typeSimilarly each publication needs more fields such as title, authors,DOC file, abstract, etc. These entries are handled by publicationspageTheme Options

    In this section we introduce the theme options for Faculty which youcan use to customize the functionality and look of theme.

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    6. Theme Options

    6.1. General

    - Your name- Sub-title- Personal Photo

    6.2. Social Icons

    In the social Icons Tab you can choose which social icons you wantto show at the bottom of the sidebar.

    Note: You can just turn on maximum 3 items.

    Available social icons are:

    1. Facebook2. Twitter3. linkedIn4. ResearchGate5.

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    6.3. Theme colors

    Colors of the Faculty theme are highly customizable using some

    color-pickers! You can go to Theme-colors tab and try to edit them.Note: if you changed a color you can simply go back to defaultcolor. Just open the color picker and click on the default button.

    Play with the colors and inspect your website to get the best feel ofyour desire.

    6.4. Typography

    There is a possibility for you to change the font sizes of thetheme. Find the settings at Typography tab.

    - Sidebar title size, in case your name is long and does not fit thespace there, you can adjust the size here

    - Menu text size, in case one or more of your menus are longlabeled you can adjust the size of the text in you menus.

    - Global font size, here you can adjust the size of the test speciallyparagraphs in your website.

    - Big titles, you wonder how to make those giant titles of pages alittle bit smaller? This setting is for you.

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    6.5. Blog

    In the blog section there are few settings that you can make to your

    blog posts mainly.

    6.6. Sidebars

    Since v3.0 you can have unlimited sidebars and use each of themmaking use of visual composer to any page of the theme.

    6.7. Miscellaneous

    Other settings of your theme are here.

    - Analytics and scripts: Copy and paste your Google analytics codehere. Be careful with this you may break your site if you don't knowwhat is this for.

    - Site favicon upload your site favicon here

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    7. HOW-TOs

    7.1. How to import sample data?

    You can add our sample data to your WordPress website to inspecthow various pages are build. We don't recommend to do this onyour production website.

    1- Install a fresh WordPress on you host or localhost2- Go to admin panel


    Install Faculty theme and required plugins4- Click on Tools > import menu5- Click on WordPress option6- It will offer you to install a plugin named "WordPress importer"7- Follow the instructions and install > activate the plugin8- After installation choose the sample-data.xml 9- Hit the Upload file and Import button10- Choose your current admin user and assign post to it11- Check the Download and import fi le attachments12- Click submit

    What next?

    1- You need to go to Theme Options and fill your General info there2- Go to menus and check the Theme locations to be Side Bar Menu

    and save the menu

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    7.2. How to upload my CV file?

    - Go to admin panel- Click on Appearance > Theme Options - Go to General tab and upload your cv file ( DOC or PDF )

    7.3. How to add a menu to download CV?

    - Go to admin panel- Click on Appearance > Theme Options - Copy the URL from upload cv field- Click on Appearance > Menus


    At the left sidebar click and open the Links - Paste the URL the field and give the menu a name- Click on add to Menu button- Pick a fontawesome class for it (read 3.2 Build your menu) - Save menu

    7.4. How to add publications page?

    Add a new page to your WordPress and fill the title and contentwith a text, then at the Page attributes panel select thePublications template to handle the content,

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    7.5. How to add a new publication?

    You publications are listed as a custom page type which are

    available from the publications menu.Click on Add New and fill the f ields.

    7.6. How to add/edit publication type?

    Publication types (journal paper, conference paper, book, etc.) canbe managed at submenu of Publications menu , go there and add

    as many types you want, then they can be used to organize yourpublications when you are editing a publication you can assign it toone or more types.

    7.7. How to add the Gallery page?

    The process is pretty much same for publications page. Except youshould choose the Galley Template for this page.

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    7.8. How to add images to Gallery?

    Go to Gallery form admin panel and click on Add New, then pick a

    title and description and upload a photo.

    7.9. How a page is structured?

    Except for publications and gallery pages which are special pagesyou are flexible to build your pages in the way you want them to be.

    While editing a page click on the to switch to a

    more flexible content management interface.Each page consists of rows. In each row you can have one or morecolumns. You can put secondary rows in columns too.

    Then you can put your content in the columns.

    7.10. How to add a row?

    To add a row, click on .

    7.11. How to add columns to a row?

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    7.14. How to add educations background?

    Click on the Plus sign inside any column then click on the box says

    Educations, or search for educations. It adds a container for you inthe column. Now you can click on the plus sign and add as manyeducations as you want.

    7.15. How to add honors and awards?

    Click on the Plus sign inside any column then click on the box saysAwards, or search for awards. It adds a container for you in thecolumn. Now you can click on the plus sign and add as many awardsas you want.

    7.16. How to add research interests?

    Read the 7.12 questions and follow the answer.

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    7.17. How to build the Lab carousel?

    Read the 7.12 questions and follow the answer.

    7.18. How to add/edit Research Projects?

    Read the 7.12 questions and follow the answer.

    7.19. How to add icons beside lists?

    Use the List with icons short-code in visual composer.

    7.20. How to add those big Icons?

    Use the Single fontawesome icon short-code in visual composer.

    7.21. How to add background image to a row?

    Click on the little icon at the top right corner of the row which says"Edit this row" and add a background image for it. At the Extra classname filed put this keyword: fix-bg

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    7.22. How to add contact form to a page?

    Use the contact form 7 short-code in visual composer. Also, youcan make some changes and setting at the admin Menu > Contact

    7.23. How to add Google Map to a page?

    Use the Google maps short-code in visual composer.

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    8. Updates

    8.1. Updating to v1.4

    Please notice an important change in visual composer plugin, youshould back-up your project description for each single project.Because after this update with an important bug fix, they will begone and you should use your backup to re-fill the content forthem.

    8.2. Updating to v1.5

    To update, you should backup you WordPress files, first. Thenreplace new faculty theme files with old file. Also you should replacevisual composer plugin files with new files.

    After replacing the files you just need to go to theme options and

    hit save to update new theme options.

    8.3. Updating to v2.0

    1- Backup your WordPress files.2- Replace Faculty theme files with old files.3- Replace js_composer files with old f iles.

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    with the existing files inside your wp-contents > plugins > js_composer

    3- Replace Faculty theme files with old files.4- Go to admin panel > appearance > theme options and just hit save

    to update theme option changes.

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    9.4. - v1.4 -- 25 February 14

    ** CAUTION **

    Back-up your project descriptions first, after update to 1.4 you willhave to re-fill project descriptions

    - Documentation updated- Stellar.js deprecated and removed

    - Sidebar responsive bug fixed- Analytics code fixed- Publications upload button bug fixed- Visual composer: image for single award is optional now- Visual composer: year filed for single position is optional now- Visual composer: lab carousel's link is optional now- Visual composer: lab carousel's hyperlink text is configurable now- Visual composer: single project bug is fixed and now accepts

    images and hyperlinks as well

    9.5. - v1.5 -- 27 March 14

    - Publication drop-down is fixed.- Publications sort by date, fixed.

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    - Multiple category for publications, fixed.- Alternative filter layout added to publications page. You can switch

    between layouts from theme options now.- Publication details (content) can be empty now.- Added alternative compact layout for publications. You can switch

    between layouts from theme options now.- Preset filtering on page load of publications added.- Awards accordion bug fixed.- Visual composer plugin updated ~ default project image will be

    used if no image is selected.- Blog single sidebar bug fixed.- Now you can choose if you want to load blog post via ajax or nor

    via theme options.- Social icons black-box fixed.- 10 social icons available now.


    Added copyright text as a theme option.- Sidebar picture is linked to homepage.- Fancy scrollbars are now optional you can enable/disable it.- Circle wrap around the profile picture is optional now.

    9.6. v2.0 -- 09 May 14

    - Update for wp 3.9- Child theme compatibility fixed- Added a child theme structure to the package- Added submenu- Added an option to hide/unhide the profile picture (logo) for

    mobile devices- Added some extera text size and color as theme options- Social icons bug fix for new tab- Added ordering feature for publications- Added counts for each publication type

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    - Added HTML editor for shor tcodes (awards,interests,positions)- Enhanced blog layout for mobile devices- Lab carousel now support less than 4 items

    9.7. V3.0 -- 01 Sep 14

    - Added WPML compatibility- Added a page-template with wigetized sidebar- Added unlimited sidebars capability through theme options- Updated Visual Composer to latest Version- Added New short codes to Visual Composer- Added TGM support; now all required plugins will be installed

    automatically- Added new theme options- Fixed present filtering on publications- Fixed in-line styles of visual composer for ajax pages- Fixed some minor bugs reported by customers- Documentation updated- Removed perfect scroll bar and now theme is using nicescroll

    jQuery plugin- Added Search result page

    9.8. V3.1—03 Sep 14

    ** CAUTION **

    Please deactivate and delete Visual Composer plugin beforeinstalling new version.

    - Fixed Blog ajax minor bug- Fixed skillbars

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    - Fixed fancy scrollbars

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