Page 1: Faceted Search for Finding Expertise Bibliographies

Faceted Sear ch for Finding Exper t ise Bibl iogr aphies

Teh Chek Wei & Gan Keng HoonSchool of Computer SciencesUniversit i Sains Malaysia27 May 2016

Page 2: Faceted Search for Finding Expertise Bibliographies

Content s of Pr esentat ion

◉Faceted Search◉Bibliographical- based Facets ◉Framework + Components◉Use Case + Demo

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Faceted Sear cha technique for accessing information

organized according to a faceted classification system.

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Faceted Sear ch

Faceted search is used in different domains …

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Bibl iogr aphical –based Faceted Sear ch

Example filters are



Value of Facet

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Bibl iogr aphical –based Faceted Sear ch

◉ The current facets are general filter.

◉ A facet and its value is normally given.

E.g. “Year” facet and its value “2009” “Author” facet and its value “Syaheerah L. Lutfi”, “Juan Manuel Montero” etc.

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Bibl iogr aphical –based Faceted Sear ch

Facets like algorithm, framework, model, application etc. are may be useful to refine the search results.

Challenge to extract the value dynamically


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Bibl iogr aphical –based Faceted Sear ch Why is this Challenging ?

as facets and their values are normally not specified as part of the structured/ descriptive information of a bibliographical text. <year>2015</ year>

Scattered throughout the text, e.g Title, Abstract, Headings, Paragraphs !

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This wor k

◉ Automate the extraction of dynamic facets. (Backend Engine)

◉ Use the dynamic facets in bibliographical search results filtering.

(Frontend App)

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Fr amewor k

Facet Lexicon Preparation

Values Extraction

Facet –Value Mapping

I . Facet and Value Ext r act ion

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Facet Lexicon Pr epar at ion

The facet and facet stemming list is prepared domain expert.

Stemming list• Detect variant of

words of the same facet

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Values Ext r act ion

1. Split text to sentences.

2. Detect facet. 3. Detect value of

the facet. Algorithm for (3)a. Sentence

segmentation with Stop Words

b. Capital Detection

c. Other issues.

Facet Facet value

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Facet – Value Mapping

Knowledge base on facet and values are created.

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Fr amewor k

Retrieval of search results.

Display facet-value in based on search results.

Selection of facet value by user.

I I . Faceted Sear ch

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Ret r ieval of Sear ch Result s

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Display facet -value in based on sear ch r esult s.


Value of Facet

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Select ion of facet value by user

Facetvalues can be selected for results filtering

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Place your screenshot here


Let’s proceed to our demo.

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Thank you

You can find our works at ◉

You can email us at ◉ chekwei7280 (Teh Chek W ei)◉ [email protected] (Gan Keng Hoon)

Credits: Presentation template by SlidesCarnival

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