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*Men and Money-The Engl ish needed a new powerful army-Wil l iam of Orange persuaded parl iament to expand the Engl ish mil i tary-They had an army of 48,000 subjects and 21,000 German mercenaries-The needed funding for the mil i tary so they used heavy new taxes-Creation of the Bank of England

13- REVOLUTIONS (1685-1730)

*Union-English union with Scotland

-Each kingdom remained distinctive and independent from each other-Many merchants had their own commercial business-In 1707 the Scottish Parliament embraced a union that created “a new composite realm ‘ by the mane of Great Britain’”.-Great Britain and Scotland had common things but different legal, educational and church establishments.

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14- THE ATLANTIC (1700-1780)

*News-By 1730, many ships arrived to the colonies with letters, and newspapers from England.-It gave to the colonies a feeling of better informed about different aspects form Europe.-They also felt more secure for being aware of many things-The Boston News-Letter was the first colonial newspaper in 1704.

*Trade-Trade became played an important role during the 18th Century.-The colonies developed a multilateral trading system.-The Navigation Act also helped a lot on exporting merchandise such as sugar and tobacco, fish, provisions, wheat, flour, salt and wine.-They traded with England, West Indies, Iberia, some Atlantic Islands.-It contributed to the economic growth of the colonies.

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15- AWAKENINGS (1700-1775)

*Growth and Limits

-There were 450 Congregationalists churches mostly in New England by 1750-Anglicans 300 parishes-Quakers with 250 meetings -Presbyterians 160 churches-Religion played an important role on providing social services, books, etc.-High church attendance-Evangelicals vs. rationalists

*Revivals-Evangelical traditions of Congregational and Presbyterian congregations-There were 6 main revivals: in 1679, 1683, 1696, 1712, 1718, and 1727.-Emotional process of conversion that transformed sinners into saints-Usage of “awakening“ sermons

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16- FRENCH AMERICA (1650-1750)

*Opportunity-Many French who emigrate to Canada improved their life style-Opportunities of hunting, fishing, keeping warm during cold seasons-Limited opportunities of employment in rural New France-”Little effect on the legal and cultural subordination of women”.-Patriarchal authority-Women also helped in the field work-Women could remarry if widowed

*Authority-French colonies revealed more militaristic, paternalistic and centralized form of authority.-Louis XIV 1661-1715-Competititon for power-The New French tolerated no other faith-Seigneurs-Every male between the ages of 16 and 60 to serve in the militia

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17- THE GREAT PLAINS (1680-1800)

*Genizaros-Colony of New Mexico-There were a decrease of trade with nomads because of the Hispanics-Slavery-Nomads killed and captured Hispanics, and people from the pueblo.-Nomads traded everything in exchange of deer and buffalo hides, gold and silver-People who were sold were sent to work in the silver mines of Northern Mexico-They were called Genizaros.

*Comanche and Apache

-Comanche lived in the southern plains, and they were the most important-Important usage of horses-Moved from one place to another for hunting-The Apache were another tribe-The Comanche made an alliance with the Wichita-Some Apache were known as Hispanics as the Apache de Navihua, and later on as Navajo-New Mexico, Texas-Rivality-Comanche against Apache

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*Renewed War-Renewed war with France-War of Jenkins’s Ear-Spanish assault on the new colony of Georgia in 1742-The War of Austrian Succession; the French government supported Spain-Louisburg commander-The France vs. Britain War finally ended nine years later, after many incidents and deaths

*The Seven Years War

-It officially began in 1756 in Europe-George Washington played an important role-Great Britain main purpose was to destroy France’s colony empire-More than 20,000 soldiers were sent to America to fight-At the end France ceded the New France colony-The War finally ended in 1763

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19-THE PACIFIC (1760-1820)

*Missions-Native people labeled as gente sin razon-Hispanics against California Indians-Hispanics wanted to convert gente sin razon into gente de razon-Baptism-Made use of mass, Holy days, and powerful and magic objects-All conversions were voluntary-Conversion offered security-Neophytes were mission Indians-New converts should live apart from the unconverted

*Kamehameha-Hawaiian Island became a place to rest, repair, resupply water, wood and provisions for the new transpacific trade.-Chief Kamehameha of Hawaii became the dominant chief of the islands from 1780 to 1790-He was a man with “restless intelligence, and voracious ambition”-He contributed to invade many islands including Maui and Oahu-He died in 1819 and helped Hawaii to recover from his wars of conquest.

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