
Expand Geographic Reach in Local Organic (unpaid) Search

April, 2015

Do You Need More Online Customers From More Local Markets?

Then you need to overcome many obstacles restricting the geographic reach of your website and product keywords in organic search.

Your Website

Local Search Trends

3 billion searches each month are for local-based keywordsSource: Google, SXSW 2011

Nearly All Consumers (97%) Now Use Online Media to Shop LocallySource: BIA/Kelsey and ConStat

90% of smartphone users took action after performing a local searchSource: Google, The Mobile Playbook, 2012

82% of local searchers follow up offline with an in-store visit, phone call or purchaseSource: TMP / comScore

78% of mobile phone and 61% of PC/laptop local searches result in a purchaseSource: comScore, Neustar Localeze, 15 Miles

Overcome Information Explosion claims Google indexed over 58 billion websites in 2012 alone.

Using the same advertising techniques as your competitors will do little to separate you in this ocean.

Advertise Your Products the Way Your Customers Search for Them

Savvy web shoppers search by specific products, features and locations to narrow and filter results; especially if they need to pick it up locally.

Search engines can see where people are searching from and favor results they can identify as local to them.

“Custom Implant-Supported & Implant-Retained Dentures in Los Angeles, CA” is far more effective than just “Dentists” or even “Dentists in Los Angeles, CA”

Your Website is Great…

…but search engines really don’t want any single organization to dominate local search for their own benefit beyond their own city.


Your SEO is Top Notch…

…but on-page optimization and inbound links do little to help your products break out of your own local market in unpaid search.

Google+ is Great in Your Own City…

…but limits your keyword options and restricts your geographic reach in organic search results.

You Are Listed in Over 50 Online Directories…

…but your website and products are herded into general categories, and every directory limits your listing to only your city.

How Do You Break Geographic Barriers in Local Organic Search?

You need the help of a trusted online platform with years of proven success and thousands of top local unpaid search results.

You need The Boomja Network.

How Do We Do It?

We provide search engines with the best possible matches they can return to local shoppers in unpaid search results…

…in a neutral, authoritative format.

Step 1

We identify all the top keywords your buyers might use when they search for your products online.

Step 2

Custom categories are created in industry-specific directories for each of your products using long-tail key-terms…

… to cover many of the different ways your prospects might search for them online.

Step 3

Your custom categories are localized in every city in one or more counties, states, or even in thousands of cities across the U.S.

Step 4

We create listings for your products that can include video and images…

…and localize them in your custom category within all your target cities.

What Happens Next?

Our local category pages get found and stay found in search because they are among the best and most specific product and location matches available to search engines…

…your exact prospects can now find your products in organic search from many more local markets.

Short-Tail SuccessAnd the success of shorter keyword variations can multiply the

sales opportunities of long-tail categories.

1,000+ Hand-Built Directories

Search engines view our 1,000+ hand-built directories as comprehensive, unbiased and “Authoritative” online resources.

Our industry-specific directories are indexed frequently by search engines and provide the context and localizations your products need to compete in unpaid search in local markets beyond your own city.

Monitor and Measure

We help you monitor and measure the search result placements of your listings, including many of their short-tail variations - in every city you target!

Agencies Use Us – Why Don’t You?

SEO, Website Designers, Advertising, Social Media and other Agencies package our listings with their own services.

Agencies can attract new clients of their own with our exclusive “Partner Marketing Program”.

Contact us today!

Find out how The Boomja Networkcan be a game changer for your business.

[email protected]

(203) 513-9338

Agencies Welcome

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