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Exercise, Aches and Pains, Oh My!

Dr. Ryan Dunn D.CMile High Spine and Sport

[email protected]


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Major Aspects to Getting rid of Pain

• Posture/Exercise• Nutrition• Brain/Emotions

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• 50 percent of older adults who live on their own and 75-85 percent of the elderly in care facilities suffer from chronic pain. Yet, pain among older adults is largely undertreated, with serious health consequences, such as depression, anxiety, decreased mobility, social isolation, poor sleep, and related health risks.

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Upper Crossed Syndrome

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Brugger’s Relief Position

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Foam Rolling for Upper Back

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• Mckenzie roll ( – Good for lumbar support

• You can buy numerous reading stands for ipads, computers, books, etc on

• Postural taping

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Things to Keep in Mind

• Posture while exercising• There is no perfect posture if you are still all

the time

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Lower Crossed Syndrome

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Hip Flexor Stretches

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Other Options

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Glute Bridge

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Core Work

• Side Planks

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Ankle Motion

• Loss of ankle motion is directly correlated with increases in falls, knee pain, ankle sprains, hip pain, and low back pain (Powers et al 2009)

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Standing Balance Progressions

• Standing two feet- eyes closed (EC)• Standing still on one leg eyes open (E0)• One leg triplanar balance (EO)• Standing still on one leg eyes closed (EC)• One leg triplanar balance (EC)• Make sure you can pass these for greater than

15 seconds before trying unstable surface training

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Exercise• Do something active at least 30 minutes a day• Add in the exercises I gave you to help keep

you healthy

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Other things that Can help with pain and staying healthy

• Chiropractic– help restore posture, lost movement, and decrease

pain• Corrective Exercise and Functional Exercise

– Important for strength, balance, and injury prevention• Manual therapy (massage, graston, active release

treatment) – help restore range of motion and decrease pain

• Acupuncture/Dry Needling– Can be used to relax and activate various muscles, aid

in mental/emotional relaxation and many other conditions

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What is Inflammation?• Pain• Disease• Sickness• Swelling• Redness• infection

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• Inflammation is the body's attempt at self-protection; the aim being to remove harmful stimuli, including damaged cells, irritants, or pathogens - and begin the healing process.

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Feb 23rd


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Over the counter NSAIDS (Cox1 and 2 inhibitors• Aspirin (Bufferin, Bayer, and Excedrin•Ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin, Nuprin•Ketoprofen (Actron, Orudis•Naproxen (Aleve)

Presciption NSAIDS (Cox 1 and 2 inhibitors• Daypro•Indocin•Lodine•Naprosyn•Voltare

Prescription Cox 2 inhibitors• Celebrex

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Are You Eating Your Pain?

• The body perceives the the consumption of inflammatory foods as INJURIOUS, which leads to the release of a host of inflammatory chemicals that cause pain

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Inflammatory Foods• Wheat• Soy• Corn and all corn products• Alcohol, cigarettes, etc• Dairy• Sugar• Vegetable Oil (includes Canola Oil and many

others)• Artificial sweeteners• Grain fed meats, poultry, farm raised fish

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Anti-inflammatory foods• Fruits• Veggies• Nuts• Seeds• Pasture Raised Poultry, eggs• Pasture Raised Grass fed meats• Wild Fish• Quinoa, wild rice, legumes• Dark chocolate- 80 percent cocoa or greater• Red wine and Stout beer (1-2 servings)• Coconut oil, Olive Oil, Grass fed pasture raised butter,

ghee (clarified butter) and many others

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• Easy places to start. – Cut back on processed foods and

foods that come in a bag or box– Eat one more veggie a day than

you do currently– Cook with one or more new

spices/herbs a week– Learn to cook one new meal a

week– 80/20 rule

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• For more information on eating an anti-inflammatory diet please visit

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Brain Pain relief

• Breathing with visualization/positive imagery• True relaxation for the mind• Recognition of possible emotional/mental


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Dr. Ryan Dunn D.CMile High Spine and Sport

[email protected]


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