Page 1: Excellence, Opportunity and Success Phone: 5881-2612 Fax ... · taller, and smiles a little wider, our students looked very smart in their Edward uniforms on Monday morning. It is

Principal’s Report

Dear Parents and Friends,

Welcome back to school! Certainly a few centimetres

taller, and smiles a little wider, our students looked very smart in their Edward uniforms on Monday morning. It is

always good to see our parents and friends of the school

for the traditional ‘first day send off’ as well. We welcome many new families to our school this year, and especially

our ‘littlest students’ in kindergarten, who will have their first day at Big School on Wednesday. I look forward to

having a chat with the mums and dads at the morning tea. Felicity Michael, our P & C President will be coming

along as well to meet you all.

At the P & C meeting next Tuesday, 14th February 2012,

at 6:30pm Agnetha from the Department of Education will be presenting a brief information session about a survey

we will be asking all of our Edward parents to complete

very soon. The Priority Schools Funding Program provides schools with extra funds and resources for literacy and

numeracy– and the completion of the parent surveys is important for us to continue to receive those funds. An

overview of our recent Wellbeing review will also be given

at the meeting, and will give an insight into the future directions for engaging learning and positive wellbeing at

our school. So come along and join us in the library at 6:30pm, next Tuesday.

The 2012 new year brings with it many new and exciting ideas for learning in the classrooms at Edward Public

School. This week students have focussed on literacy and numeracy assessment tasks to provide teachers with

student learning information. Each Kindergarten student

has come along to school, already, this week to meet their teacher and to take part in the Best Start Kindergarten

Assessments. This is a very important and useful process which ensures quality teaching programs and helps

teachers to track each child’s learning growth.

Teachers’ learning growth is equally as important. Stage 2

and 3 teachers will be continuing the Focus On Reading Program, and Early Stage One teachers will be learning

about the L3 Program. Both of these programs are exceptional literacy learning initiatives designed to

maximise student achievement in talking and listening,

reading and writing. Skills in Leadership, and initiatives for Gifted and Talented Education will also be learned and

enjoyed by students in 2012 at Edward.

You may have noticed the hive of activity in the

playground after school yesterday. As our Edward students left for the end of the school day, we welcomed

the children and the carers from the OOSH after school care program from Intereach. The program will be run

from our old school hall in 2012, while the Intereach

facility undergoes renovation. Mr Lance Rickard, CEO from Intereach, dropped in yesterday to see how everything

was going, and we were all delighted with a very

successful first day. The children enjoyed our

playground and beautiful grounds very much.

Best wishes,

Joy Soper



Term 1 Calendar

Edward School Swimming Carnival Note - Years 2

to 6

Student Record Sheet/Contact Details

Swimming Carnival

Get the cossies out! It’s time for a swim. Our Annual Swimming Carnival will be held at Deniliquin Swimming

Pool on Thursday 16th February. Look for the note in this newsletter. All students in Years 3 -6 will participate

as swimmers or spectators at this event and are

expected to attend the pool on the carnival day. Year 2 students who can competently swim 50 metres are also

invited to participate. Permission notes must be signed by all attending. Looking forward to a great day!

House Captains

Later this week the school will be running sports

meeting to elect sport for leaders for 2012.

Class Placements

As we have done for the past few years, class placements will be announced in a few days’ time, as

soon as possible. This is due to the uncertainty of enrolments in the first week of school. In the past, our

enrolments have considerably varied from the expected number, which has resulted in students being ‘moved’

from their originally allocated class to another. We

know that this can be upsetting, for both students and their parents, and it is our aim to avoid this happening

this year.

While we have already, tentatively, allocated students

and teachers to classes, given the expected numbers, they will be finalised later this week if possible, or early

next week. Much care and consideration has been given to the placements.

Until then, students will be with the classes they had in 2011. The children will begin learning our school’s

programmed Welfare Initiatives, and Personal Development Curriculum. Students in Stages 2 and 3

will also engage in the school’s assessment schedule.

This is an important process which informs teachers’ planning and programming for student learning.

We understand that students may be anxious to see

which teacher they will have when they return after the

Christmas break, but we feel that the few days’ wait, will result in peace of mind for all.

Phone: 5881-2612 Fax: 5881-5090 Email: [email protected]

Website: Week 3 Term 1 - 7th February 2012

Excellence, Opportunity and Success

Page 2: Excellence, Opportunity and Success Phone: 5881-2612 Fax ... · taller, and smiles a little wider, our students looked very smart in their Edward uniforms on Monday morning. It is

New Kindergarten Parents Morning Tea

Edward School would like to welcome our new Kinder

parents with a morning tea tomorrow morning 8th February in the staffroom from 9.00am-10.00am. All

are most welcome to attend.

Yellow Student Information Sheet

Attached to the newsletter is the Yellow Student Information Sheet for 2012. Every family needs to fill

one of these in (including new kinders and new families) and return to the school office ASAP. This is to

ensure the school has up to date information on all

families. All forms are strictly confidential. On the back of the information sheet is a permission form to allow

media to photograph and include your child’s name/photo in their publication and also the head lice check

permission. Please complete this if you have no objections. All students who return this form by

Friday 17th of February will receive a merit card.

Getting Off to a Good Start

Wondering how to help your kids do well at home and at school this year? The department’s parent resource

School A to Z has a webcast full of expert tips for you

to help your children have a more successful year. The ‘Getting off to a great start webcast’ has a number

of chapters on how to motivate children for learning, advice on peer relationships and how to handle

bullying, communicating with children and the

importance of strong home-school relationships. The expert panel features advice from a child

psychologist, an experienced family doctor and the department’s deputy director-general (schools) Greg

Prior. Watch the webcast at: http://


National Year of Reading 2012

Welcome to a new school year. This is the national year

of reading and to celebrate, there is a host of literary-

related events and competitions happening right around Australia. For an events calendar and more information

go to: Why not make a late New Year resolution to read more yourself? And if you

have younger children and don’t already read regularly to them, set aside some quality time to help instil a love

of books and reading.

We’ve Got School Covered

Practical help for parents is available online at the School A to Z site. Created by the Department of

Education and Communities, this is a thriving online

community with comprehensive homework and school life support for parents that is easy to use, relevant and

engaging. There are free apps to download, informative podcasts, videos and articles by experts in the field.

Check it out and save it to your favourites:


Mrs Jacobs’s classroom is looking for donations of 2 litre plastic ice cream containers. If you have spare at home

they would be much appreciated.

Canteen Roster

Wed 8th Feb Cathy Hardy, Gail Howitt, Tracy Theobald Thurs 9th Feb Sarah Graham, Janet Peterson, Gwen

Busby, Tracy Theobald Fri 10th Feb Janet Peterson, Gwen Busby, Tracy


Mon 13th Feb Jan Peterson, Gail Howitt, Tracy Theobald Tues 14th Feb Janet Peterson, Gail Howitt, Tracy

Theobald Wed 15th Feb Tracy Theobald, Jim Howitt

Book Club

Issue 1 of Bookclub was sent home yesterday. All orders

are to be placed at the school office no later than Monday 13th February 2012. No late orders can be accepted.

Student Banking

Student banking is Mondays for Commonwealth Bank and

Bendigo Bank student banking. If you would like an information pack please collect one from the school office.

Edward Awards from Last Day 2011

Olivia Redden Kinder Silver 1 Tara Sykes Year 2 Bronze 1

Ebony Behsman Year 2 Gold 2 Ella Harvey Year 2 Gold 2 Nikiela Larcombe Year 4 Bronze 4 Caleb Hupfield Year 6 Gold 3 Tori Charlton Gold 4 Year 2 Gold Achiever Emily Mildren Year 6 Gold 4 Gold Achiever


Week 4

Tuesday 14th Feb Library Lovers Day

P&C Meeting

Thursday 16th Feb Edward School Swimming for

Years 2-6

Page 3: Excellence, Opportunity and Success Phone: 5881-2612 Fax ... · taller, and smiles a little wider, our students looked very smart in their Edward uniforms on Monday morning. It is

Edward Public School ‘After School communitieS progrAm’

The Active After School Communities Program will continue this term. The program will operate on Monday and Thursday afternoons starting on Monday 20th February and finishing on Thursday 5th April. Both sessions will be held at Edward School from 3.15pm-4.15pm.

Mondays - Students will be offered ‘triathlon’ (involving waterplay, scooter riding and running). John Arthur from the stadium will operate this activity. Children participating will require swimmers, shorts, t.shirt and runners. Scooters and helmets will be provided.

Thursday - students will partipate in Tennis and Table Tennis activities at Edward School. All equipment will be supplied

This term funding has only been provided for 15 students and is available for all students from Kinder to Year 6. Afternoon tea of fruit, water and cheese and biscuits will also be provided.

If you are interested in your child being considered for the A.A.S.C program could you please complete the expression of interest note below and return it to the school office by Friday 10th February 2012


After School Communities Program

Please return to the school office by this Friday 17th February 2012

I am interested in my child/children being considered for the Active After School Communities Program.

Child/Children name/s

Signed: Date:

Page 4: Excellence, Opportunity and Success Phone: 5881-2612 Fax ... · taller, and smiles a little wider, our students looked very smart in their Edward uniforms on Monday morning. It is

Edward Public School

Term 1 Calendar 2012

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday



January 30

31 February 1

2 3 4 5




Best Start Kinder


Best Start Kinder


New Kinders Start

9 10 11 12



13 14

Library Lovers Day P&C Meeting

15 16

EPS Swimming Carnival Year 2-6

17 18 19



20 21 22 23 24 25 26



27 28 29 March 1 2 3






Basketball Trials


7 8 9

Riverina Swimming Carnival Albury

10 11




Cricket Trials-Boys

13 14

Cricket Trials - Girls

15 16 17 18



19 20 21 22

AFL Trials


Life Education

24 25




Life Education


Life Education


Life Education

29 30

Final AFL Trials

31 April 1



2 3 4

State Swimming Homebush


State Swimming Homebush LAST DAY OF TERM 1





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