  • 8/13/2019 Exam 1 Study Guide_2013 -2


    Exam #1 Study Guide

    Be able to apply them to an example.

    1. The research process: know the steps in conducting a research project1.Define the issue and population

    -selecting the problem2.Formulate research question or hpotheses-what do ou reall want to know! "hild-parent interaction !!!-research goals should be narrowl defined and as specific as possible

    #$pothesis : prediction e%planation of the relationship of 2 or more &ariables.#two tpes:

    $1- our prediction on the relationship on 2 &ariables$o-the prediction is incorrect

    '.(e&iew the literature-what do we know about the topic!-helps with methods-peer re&iew

    ).Design and sample-(esearch design

    #participant recruitment#sample si*e

    +.,ist measures-use e%isting measures sur&es or scales

    ."ollect Data-/thical issues-0dhering to the protocol and research design

    .0nal*e the data-statistical procedure

    .3eneral conclusion-what can ou conclude! (elationship to pre&ious work in this area! 4trengths andlimitation of our stud!

    5.6rite report and disseminate the findings

    -mo&ing from being a consumer of knowledge to being a producer of knowledge

    2. 7now the parts of a manuscript as well as writing stle and format8art of manuscript

    8eer re&iew- journals 9submit to editorre&iew board 9'; accepted not accepted publish"onference- present it and peer re&iew process as well

    080 stle:#running head authors name affiliation and date

    0bstract-1stimpression what ou did wh what ou found2+< words=ntroduction-literature re&iew what has been done before and state the hpothesis>ethods: stud sample- define and describe? population sample techniques rationale ofusing the methods

    >ethods: Data "ollection- describe design? correlational descripti&e e%perimental.Describe how and where date were collected manipulation of =ndepended &ariable>ethods: measures-(esults: findings -(eferencing-

  • 8/13/2019 Exam 1 Study Guide_2013 -2


  • 8/13/2019 Exam 1 Study Guide_2013 -2


    . =mportance of calculating sample si*e? how to 9no calculations;? issues in sample si*e determination

    . /thics in research: informed consent debriefing uremberg codes =(E procedures etc.

    . Threats to internal &alidit

    5. (esearch Designs: 0ll the ones co&ered in the te%t 9e%cept 4olomonAs; and lecture? knowad&antages and disad&antages of each within group design &s. between group designs. Descripti&e&s. correlational &s. cross-sectional &s. e%perimental designs? random assignment.

  • 8/13/2019 Exam 1 Study Guide_2013 -2


    1ultiple "hoice

    1. (esearch articles with the authors name and journal reference can be found in which of the followingdatabases!:

    0. /(=" Test locatorE. et ,ibrar". 84G"=nfoD. EurrowAs (eference 4stem

    4hort 0nswer

    1. 6hat is the difference between Hpeer- re&iewedI periodicals and other articles 9like Time >aga*ineetc.;!

  • 8/13/2019 Exam 1 Study Guide_2013 -2


    2. 0 health educator is e&aluating the effect of a 1- week tobacco pre&ention curriculum on decreasing protobacco attitudes on ++ 5thgrade students who recei&e the curriculum. @sing the H8ercei&ed Dangers ofTobacco @se 4caleI 9with 1J pro attitudes to +J negati&e attitudes; the researcher collected data one dabefore the program began and one da after the program ended.

    0. 6hat tpe of research design is this! Draw it.

    E. 6hat are the researcherAs hpothesis and null hpothesis!

    ". 6hat threats to internal &alidit might there be if an!

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