Download - Ewatch June 2013


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Sussex Police Ewatch

My monthly newsletter on what we’re doing in your local area

Crime Figures


Location O R S O R S O R S ES Burglary 0 0 8 (6 OTD) 0 5(1otd) 1 0 1 1 0 Vehicle Crime 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 2 1 0

Criminal damage 1 0 3 0 1 1 0 0 0 0

Public Place Violence 0 3 (*) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


17TH Elvin Crescent, over the weekend while occupants where away, entry via rear of property and untidy search made. TV and Comp taken, a number of forensic markers where left at the scene. 20th Lustrells Crescent, while the occupants where away at work the property was broken into via the rear patio doors, items taken from around the tree along with jewellery. Possible lead from CCTV of two males getting onto a bus.

Vehicle Crime

Criminal Damage

PCSO Chris Kingswood Tel 101 Ext 19365

Mobile 07766 997863 [email protected]

Welcome to your monthly Ewatch newsletter. We aim to keep you informed about current issues in your area and the latest crime figures. If you know of anyone that would like to be added to the scheme, please get them to send me an email. If you wish to discuss local policing issues you can email me directly on the address above.

To report an emergency call 999

To report a non-emergency call 101

Remember, you can also visit our website at where you can check local crime information and find out about events taking place in your area.

Getting involved in your community

Want to know more about what’s happening in your area and the locally identified priorities that we are tackling? Then come along to the next Local Action Team (LAT) meeting. The idea of the LAT is to address problems of crime and disorder at a very local level and to work with residents and partner agencies to find a sustainable solution. New members are always needed and you are urged to attend your local meeting. It need not be the case that you have a particular concern and it could just be that you feel you may have something to offer. Why not come along to your next meeting and find out more. The next meeting of the LAT will take place at The Saltdean Lido on Wednesday 19th @ 19:00hrs

Come and meet me

Local priorities

1. Stop anti-social unorganised youth gathering.

2. Anti-social driving and parking

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Location O R S O R S O R S ES Burglary 0 2 2 0 2 (3otd) 7otd) 3 2-1otd2otd 0 Vehicle Crime 1 1 0 0 3 2 0 5 8 1

Criminal damage 0 0 2 1 0 2 1 0 5 1

Public Place Violence 0 1 0 0 2 1 0 2 0 0


2nd Greenways Ovingdean entry gained by smashing window and laptop taken 11th Ashdown Avenue Saltdean shed broken into two cycle’s stolen 1x male, 1 x small girls. 18th Longhill Road Ovingdean 19:00 - 00:00hrs, point of entry not clear, jewellery taken. 24th Tremola Avenue Saltdean entry gained to unlocked garage and unlocked car with mobile phone, bank cards and vehicle documentation taken. 24th Falmer Road Rottingdean entry via French doors decorating items taken. 25

th Ovingdean Road Saltdean tools taken from locked storage bin on building site.

27th Eley Drive Rottingdean entry gained to unlocked garage cycle and power tools taken.

Vehicle Crime:

6th Eley Drive Rottingdean attempted theft of vehicle, steering lock broken off, small items taken, and no sign of forced entry. 20th Tumulus Road Saltdean motorcycle taken from front of property and found burnt out. 20th Arundel Drive West Saltdean vehicle broken into but owner provided no other info. 20th Dean Court Road Rottingdean vehicle stolen overnight. 22nd Lower car park Rottingdean owner reported bag taken from insecure vehicle 24th Newlands Road Rottingdean vehicle broken into, no reports of anything taken. 24th Lenham Avenue Saltdean moped stolen overnight. 25th Tumulus Road Saltdean vehicle left insecure and money taken. 25th Dean Court Road Rottingdean vehicle entered and small items taken. 25th Chiltington Close Saltdean owner not sure if vehicle was left secure but keys to property taken along with credit/bank cards. 25th Arlington Gardens Saltdean vehicle entered but nothing taken. 25th Wivelsfield Avenue Saltdean vehicle left insecure, mobile phone taken. 29th Wivelsfield Avenue Saltdean owner noticed on 19th that both driver and passenger door slightly open, sat-nav and vehicle docs taken.

Criminal Damage:

7th Saltdean Drive, damage to drivers door lock. 11th Longhill Road Ovingdean damage to computer and camera which was in the garage, named suspect, issue over tenant and landlord. 21st Lustrells Vale Saltdean locks to charity bin in the recycling area had items jammed into the key slot. 19th Founthill Saltdean overnight wiper blade broken off car. 30th Rowan Way Saltdean damage to plants in rear garden, believed to be by neighbour. 31st Oval Park Saltdean male detained by two off duty officers for running over cars.

Public place violent crime:

3rd Balsdean Farm area Rottingdean offroad biker pulled knife on shepherd when being spoken to over riding in area where sheep are in lamb. 5th Falmer Road Rottingdean young male pushed to ground by older boy during which time the victim’s mobile fell out of pocket which was then taken by older male.

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