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Unit 11- Evaluation


This report will be an evaluation of my work during unit 11. It will include the designs of my website, the final product of my webpage, evaluation of my work and also a evaluation of my progress.


The reason I designed the website the way I did was because, our topic was superheroes and I had chosen to focus on the character Wonder woman. I designed a webpage that would be easy to use and suitable for my target audience which ranges from the ages 10 to 20 and onwards. The website is designed for people that have a joy in comics and are fascinated in Wonder woman and wish to gain more information about her.

The pages on my website were named:

Home- This is my front page as well as my home page, it introduces the website and gives a little explanation on what it is about.

Biography- This is my biography page it gives a detailed explanation on Wonder woman’s life and her powers, it also links to another biography page.

Media- This is my media page which has a link to a YouTube video and a wallpaper design which is downloadable.

Collectables- This is my collectables page which has various products which are Wonder woman inspired, there are links to the items.

Comics- This is my comics page which has a selection of superhero comics featuring Wonder woman, there is also links to these items.

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My webpage is very practical and straight forward to use, the colours I chose to use where blue, yellow, red and white because they all link to my superheroes image and generally fit well together. My colour scheme was complimentary which are colours that visually work well together and it was important to use in setting the tone and feel of the website, however not all the colours were complimentary as you can see on my website but still worked well together. The banner I used was a image of Wonder woman herself it suited well with the whole aspect of my website.

I designed my website originally all angled at Wonder woman, because that was my character and I wanted it to look professional, I chose not to add other pages as that would make it more complicated and difficult.

Final Product:

The designs for my website were all made on the software PowerPoint Presentation; I had to design the buttons, the pictures, the banner and each of the different pages.

In the picture you can see that I have two of the same buttons, this is because I wanted my buttons to be rollover buttons, which are buttons that change in some when you hover over it or click it with your mouse. I had to save the buttons as different images so I could use them easily for my work.

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I started building my website on the Dreamweaver Programe. I began by saving all my buttons and pages as different assets, this helped start the beginning of my website and build the structure of it. I made sure I saved each page as its name for example the home page as home content.

I made sure I had a folder to save all my pages and buttons in, this made it easier to open my work in lessons and so I did not lose my work.

This is how my pages looked in my Website folder. Each page was saved as a different asset.

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I had to sort out all my context for each of the pages and import it onto the programe so I could start building the website after I did that for each page, I then had to link the buttons to the page it was named, for example; I linked the home button to the home page and so on for each page and button. I also had to link the star on my biography page as it is a button to the second biography page I had created.

For my collectables and comics page I had to use the hotspot tool and highlight the ‘click here’ button and the picture together as well as linking it to an actual website where you can purchase the item from.

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The designs I made on PowerPoint were in fact the same as my website, I used my presentation to make my website I copied every slide I did which was pages and used the buttons I designed as well. I did not change anything from my pre designs.

I chose not to draw my designs out but in fact make it into a presentation, this made creating my website easier as all I had to do was copy the pages out and put it onto Dreamweaver. My design was clear and easy to understand, I didn’t want to create a complicated website. The main parts of my plan like the banner, logo, and buttons all stayed the same as my original ideas. For the use of my buttons I had to use the hotspot tool and make sure it went to the right link or page.

I wanted to build a website that was quick to use and not slow, my simple design helped this happen and made it easy for users.

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The course taught me how to build websites and how to design and create it for example some design conventions used were the rule of thirds which is applied to the layout of the website. I also learnt about the different colour schemes such as Monochromatic, Analogous and Complimentary colours. In the web authoring assignments I realised that as well as colour and context being important for a website the font is just as vital and that fonts are divided into two categories Serif which is a line that trails of the letter shape and Sans Serif which does not have any flourishes.

This course also taught me about software which is Visual based editors which lets you build websites visually and makes you do much of the programming by yourself, we used this when creating our website on the software application called Dreamweaver which’s main function is to design, manage and publish websites.

I also gained knowledge in Web authoring; I understood that there were different aspects of making a website such as Protocols, Design conventions and Software;, I used these to create my website successfully.

During the course my confidence raised at the beginning of the course I thought that I wouldn’t enjoy it but I learnt a lot of things and liked creating the website. I learnt all the tools and techniques needed to produce a website and overall it came out good.

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