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Wabi Sabi BeautyWe are not separate from the beauty we seek. It is already here, now, in front of us.

Wabi Sabi is the Japanese art of finding beauty in imperfection and profundity

in nature. Pared down to the barest essence is where real beauty lies. It’s to give

voice to the thought that authentic beauty is never perfect, nor elusive, but lies in

the cracks and crevices of our lives every minute of the day.

To be beautiful is a commitment to one’s self. There comes a time when we have

to look beyond the mundane, to stop critical thoughts and pinpointing ridiculous

details and move towards acceptance.

Who you are is enoughLooking in someone’s face is a sacred affair.

Anti-aging goes against nature. You can hold your finger in the dike only so long

before the dam breaks. But feeling beautiful is something you can do at any age.

By realigning ourselves with nature and its rhythms, and drawing inspiration

from the ways of our ancestors we bring our bodies back into balance and our

minds and spirits into a reverent peace.

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Less is moreThe concept of ‘less is more’ is consistently missed by a beauty industry fueled by

the ‘ingredient du jour’. By pairing organic ingredients with non-invasive treatment

methods, Evan’s holistic philosophy supports the totality of skin functions, encouraging

the skin’s inherent ability to breathe.

“I developed evanhealy based on my experience that the less you interfere with the

skin’s own ability to achieve balance the better. I’ve taken my love of plants, and my

experience of what works on the skin, and created a selection of simple plant-based skin

care, that radically changes how women view their skin.”~ Evan

When you use products that have been made from isolated, synthesized ingredients,

you have removed all the magic, the alchemy. By doing this, you have eliminated the

sometimes thousands of essential supporting micronutrients. Essentially you’re working

out of a test tube.

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Our skin connects us to the cosmos

Yet today there is a resurgence of farmers respecting the earth, working to nourish

the soil, and support the harmony and complexity of the microbiome. By bringing a

diversity of nutrients to the skin in the form of oils, hydrosols, butters and clays, we too

are realigning ourselves – our skin and bodies – with the rhythms of the earth.

Skin is the transmitter, the liaison, the connector between us and the cosmos. Through

our skin, we know the elements: we feel the heat of fire, the coolness of water, the

magic of air, and the nourishment of earth. Skin is a messenger; it is a portal. Our skin

grounds us – out of the ether and into our bodies. Through our skin we experience the

world. And through our skin the world experiences us.

The skin is an exquisite delivery system. It experiences life directly through the sense of

touch and the sense of smell reconnecting us with the natural world. It’s an experience

that has a transformative effect, not only on the skin, but also on the central nervous

system, which is so out of balance in today’s tech-heavy world.

The skin is a diagnostic tool, communicating the inner workings of our bodies. Through

it we see systemic heat, digestive, hormonal and nervous system imbalances. Not only

is it a mirror of our inner-world, it’s also a mirror of our outer-world – a reflection of

the soil, the ‘skin of the earth’. Both skin and soil have three layers and a protective top

layer. Each is home to a rich microbiome, and each exchanges nutrients and gasses with

the outside world.

Beyond the striking similarities of structure and function, we also see that modern

skin care treatments reflect the practices of modern agriculture. Current commonly

accepted agricultural practices take little consideration of the long-term health of the

soil. Mono-cropping, pesticides, and over-working of fields leaves the soil stripped

of its nutrients and life force. In a similar shortsighted manner, over use of invasive

treatments, exfoliants, and prescription medication leaves the skin overworked,

stripped and sterilized.

“We need the tonic of wildness.” ~Henry David Thoreau

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Skincare visionary Beauty radical Evan Healy is a holistic aesthetician, a recognized pioneer and skin care

educator who has worked in the natural personal care industry for over thirty

years. She has long been known as a purist with a passion for authenticity. Her

direct participation with our growers and distillers ensures that what goes on

your face comes directly from the fields. Her approach to skin health is steeped

in innovative methods that value tradition and simplicity: aromatherapy,

homeopathy, Ayurveda.

1984 ~ Independent natural foods retailer in San Diego.

1986 ~ Trains with a European-based organization using biodynamically

grown plants and holistic practices.

1988 ~ Opens private aesthetics practice in San Diego.

1990s ~ Studies aromatherapy, Ayurveda, and homeopathy in US, Europe

and India.

1999 ~ Creates evanhealy.

2000s ~ Cultivates relationships with family farms, women’s co-operatives

and tribal villages.

“Nature is what sustains me and is therefore the very heart and soul of my

business and my philosophy.” ~ Evan

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The skin breathes

It is made up of literally millions of tiny dermal passages regulating the inward

movement of air, fluids, heat and light. In healthy skin, these passages are

unobstructed, and each breath activates the absorption of nutritive substances

and stimulates vital functions of a restorative nature. Unlike other products,

evanhealy does not use synthetics that coat or cover the skin interfering with

its own natural functions.

The skin’s protective barrierSimply, here’s how the skin works: sweat glands and sebaceous glands work

together to produce a thin coating of lipids (oil) and perspiration (water) – called

the acid mantle. The acid mantle is the skin’s protective barrier against disease.

When the delicate balance of acidity and alkalinity that makes up the acid mantle

is disrupted, the skin’s ability to protect is weakened. Help restore the natural

balance of the skin by turning to the oils and waters of the plant kingdom.

It has a rhythm, an inhalation and an exhalation.

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Oil Serum and HydroSoul

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Deeply immersed in the enchanting bioregion of northeastern Washington

State, we root our hands and feet in the cool, soft earth, elbow-deep in fragrant

Rose Geranium, Lavender, Tulsi and Lemon Thyme. Here, we get to intimately

know our distillers and the land that bears the plants that become our tools in

therapeutic skin care.

American Family Farm Revival

Every summer we gather members of our sales, education and production

team to witness and participate in the harvest and distillation of our Certified

Organic, Artisan-Distilled HydroSouls. From all corners of the country we

come together to celebrate and be inspired by the blossoming revival of the

American Family Farm Tradition.

DistillationThe plants are harvested by hand at peak hours then immediately packed into

hand-hammered alembic copper stills. They are distilled at low temperatures, over

the course of several hours. This slow, labor-intensive artisan process creates a

vitalizing and energetic hydrosol, offering subtle, aromatic benefits for all skin.

In contrast, conventional distillation distills primarily for the essential oil –

the hydrosol being reduced to a by-product – and uses stainless steel and high

temperatures; the entire process typically lasting only forty-five minutes.

Columbia River Valley, Washington State

Being on the land with these artisans, and participating in the harvest and

distillation, has provided us a deep appreciation of the energetic connection that

we as individuals have to the earth. In fact it is the very relationship that these

individuals have with their land that infuses our plant waters with not only an

exceptional aromatic vitality but also a profound therapy.

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Ancient Alchemy These beautiful alembic copper stills look like temples, and in some ways they are.

Sacred places where divinity dwells, emanating grace. Here the spirits of the plant

are transformed into matter through the mysterious alchemy of the elements we

call distillation. This fluid ‘plant-milk’ embodies the soul of the plant, symbolizing

a transformation of spirit (ether) into matter (water). Aromatic molecules are

part of the plant’s immune system and a hydrosol represents the watery aspect

of this complex, intelligent system – a system that has biologically adapted over

millions of years to live in symbiotic harmony with its environment. Hydrosols are

gentle botanical remedies and their extraordinary aromatic vitality acts to subtly

reawaken the quiet connection we have to nature. Distillation is a transformation

in many ways. Being with the earth and participating in this ancient alchemy, like

the plants, we too are transformed.

HydroSoulOur HydroSouls restore proper pH to the skin, keeping it slightly acidic. They

plump, hydrate, and help anchor moisture from various oils, butters and creams

deeper into the skin when used together. Each brings unique properties and benefits

to the skin. Use morning, evening, and throughout the day to bring suppleness,

hydration and vital luminescence to the skin.

Acres cultivated: 200+ | Farms engaged: 9+ Individuals at work: 25+ | Families engaged: 11

# of crops 8 | Invested: $400,000+

Since 2007

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Kpersi Village, Northern Ghana

Women’s Gold

In 2014 Evan visited northern Ghana with key members of the evanhealy team.

There, in a small village, she met the women of a shea butter collective, and over

three days watched and participated in the incredibly labor-intensive process that

goes into transforming raw, unadulterated shea nuts into the rich, creamy yellow

butter that plays a central role in so many of our products. For centuries shea butter

has been called “women’s gold” not only for its rich golden color, but also because it

provides employment and income to millions of women across the continent.

Remarkable SheaRich in essential fatty acids and vitamins, and exhibiting impressive cooling and

protective qualities, shea butter is remarkably versatile, offering nourishment and

exceptional skin-revitalizing activity. It is part of an age-old tradition and is used

daily throughout one’s lifetime – to celebrate birth, to dress wounds, as a butter to

cook with and a balm to moisturize skin and hair.

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Our purchases of Kpersi Shea Butter have seen over one hundred village

women secure a better livelihood for the village, while providing three hundred

and fifty school uniforms for the children. At present we’re working to secure

Organic and Fair Trade Certification. Additionally, we recently completed the

construction of a milling shed and purchase and installation of a grinding mill

– the life force of the community.

School Uniforms: 350+

Women Engaged: 100+

Fair Trade + Organic Certification Co-Sponsor

Grinding Mill + Shed Sponsorship

Since 2007

We rely on Waca Development Partners, a non-governmental organization, to

realize all of our projects with the Village. In fact it has been the founders of Waca

who have been our guides these past many years in the world of shea butter. Waca’s

mission is to initiate and support development projects with women, families and

communities in Ghana’s northern regions. Waca is the creation of Wayne Dunn

and Gifty Serbeh-Dunn. Gifty was born and raised in Wa, a neighboring town

to Kpersi Village. Her father is a well-respected Chief in the community. Wayne

is Professor of Practice in Corporate Social Responsibility at McGill University,

Montreal, and is recognized globally as a CSR pioneer.

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In August 2015, we made a commitment to fund a modern grinding mill in the

Village. At that time the women of the Village had to leave the Village and walk a

mile and a half with their harvest to use such a mill.

The grinding mill is central to the daily routine of women and families in Kpersi.

When the women of the Village were asked what would have the most impact on the

community, they immediately identified a grinding mill as the one thing that would

improve health, education, household economics and village life. Food and crop

processing would be more efficient, allowing more production, improving health

and nutrition and enabling more children to go to school with proper supplies and


With Waca organizing, we purchased the grinding mill, constructed the shed to

house the mill, trained operators, and set up a financial and management system to

fund future repairs and maintenance.

The grinding mill is the life force of the community

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The Al Amal co-operative knows where every seed comes from. Each step of

production is tracked from harvesting and drying of the fruit to hand crushing and

pressing of the nut.

Our Argan oil, which offers exceptional regenerative action, is exclusively produced

by this small, self-governed Berber Women’s Co-Operative of Morocco. Indigenous

Berber women produce traditional Argan oil from the seeds of this wild-growing

thorny evergreen – a tree that can be traced back twenty million years.

Unfortunately the majority of Argan oil sold in the skin-care industry today is

mass-produced by private companies often claiming association with women’s co-

operatives without evidence. According to BEFAIR, the Belgian Development

Agency, less than 10% of the Argan oil exported from Morocco today is made by

women’s co-operatives.

Known as ‘ghost co-operatives’, these fake co-ops are controlled by local business

people whose employees are paid far below fair labor rates. The Argan oil from

these ‘ghost co-ops’ is likely produced from open, oxidized nuts. Often rancid, the

oil would need to be deodorized to disguise the unpleasant smell.

The beautiful oil is featured in our Argan Intensive Serum, Rose Vetiver Day

Moisturizer, Blue Chamomile Day Moisturizer, Light Moisture Replenishing

Fluid, Whipped Shea Butter for Lips, and Whipped Moroccan Argan Body Butter.

Most legitimate women’s co-operatives are members of the National Association of

Argan Co-operatives (ANCA):

Handcrafted argan oil by the Al Amal women’s co-operative

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Whole Essential OilsWe believe in holistic therapy and when creating our products we opt for the

complexity of whole plant wisdom by using the complete essential oil, not an

isolated molecule. While it might be tempting to use an isolate for its consistency

of fragrance or low cost, we trust in the wisdom of nature knowing that variations

in the fragrance profile of an essential oil reflect the biodiversity of the land from

where the plant was grown.

An isolate is not aromatherapy. It does not include the hundreds of complex

aromatic molecules that exist within an essential oil. At evanhealy, we believe in

the potential of the whole essential oil for the whole person.

Each step of our production is done by hand. From the fields and forests where the

plants that become our hydrosols, oils, and butters are harvested. To our production

facility where we hand-blend our formulas, hand-label and hand-package each

bottle. Maintaining this intimate connection with plants elevates the efficacy and

therapeutic benefits they provide. It keeps the profound prana of the plant alive and

well, so that by the time the bottle is in your hand, it’s still bursting with vitality. A

vitality you can smell, feel and see on the skin.

Certified Organic and Handcrafted

We rely on certified organic and wild-crafted plants, mineral-rich clays, and

sustainable harvesting practices. All of our oil serums and hydrosols are certified

organic by Oregon Tilth, the foremost certifying body in the USA.

We source our certified organic essential oils from a few select distilleries and a

European-based farm co-operative, whose members stretch from Madagascar and

Sri Lanka, to Nepal, Egypt, and South Africa, and throughout Europe.

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In the Spring of 2015 Evan traveled to the south of France to meet the head of

a forty-plus certified organic farm co-operative. From them, we source a variety

of aromatic plants including lavender, thyme and clary sage and use these lovely,

single-grower oils in our serums, moisturizers, cleansers, butters and balms.

We were comforted by just how easy it all was. Each relationship was simply

ratified with that time-honored gesture of human contact – a handshake. Around

here that is how business is still done.

Co-op FarmsEvan’s journey into the heart of Provence

Though we had been working with this group for some time, it was a treat to meet

the people and see the farms first hand. We toured the region’s lush surrounding

valleys of the Rhône Provençal. Travelling along the narrow winding roads that

hug the meandering Drôme River, we made our way from Loriol to the honey-

scented fields of Vercheny nestled between the cascading Alpine mountains to see

how three generations of farmers carry on a proud family tradition.

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Flower EssencesDrop-by-drop, we add wild-crafted Flower Essences to our Cleansing Milks, Day

Moisturizers and Whipped Shea Butters. Flower Essences, not to be confused

with essential oils, are thought to represent energetic imprints of the life force of

plants that contribute to holistic beauty.

Working in collaboration with Flower Essence Practitioner Alexis Smart, Evan has

custom formulated each treatment line to address various skin imbalances. These

subtle essences cultivate a vibrant, glowing and peaceful face.

PurityFree of GMOs, parbens, artificial fragrance, sulfates, and silicones. Not tested on

animals. All products are vegan with the exception of Whipped Shea Butter for

Lips and Wild Carrot Nourishing Eye Balm, which contain beeswax. The bristles

of our fan mask brush are boar’s hair carefully harvested using a process similar

to the methods employed in shearing sheep. All products are gluten free with the

exception of Chamomile Eye Care Cream and Light Moisture Replenishing Fluid.

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• Actively draws congestion, purifies and minimizes appearance of pores, and balances excess oil leaving skin clear and balanced

• High in natural pro-vitamin A, and rich in EFAs. Used for centuries by the

indigenous people of the Chilean Andes to treat burned and damaged skin


Rose Geranium Facial Tonic HydroSoul • Featuring a soft and delicate rosy-leaf fragrance

Rose Cleansing Milk • With rejuvenating plant oils, antioxidant-rich gotu kola and purifying white kaolin clay — leaves skin feeling clean, relaxed and refreshed

For all skin especially normal, oily, dry, combination and mature

Rosehip Treatment Facial Serum Rose • Sweet, rosy-leaf geranium and earthy, vitalizing carrot seed combine to balance and rejuvenate diverse skin condition

Rose Vetiver Day Moisturizer • Featuring organic, hand pressed argan oil from the Al Amal Women’s

co-operative in Morocco, and organic sea buckthorn berry oil

French Rose Clay• For all skin including sensitive, gently active and congested

Rose Kit • Up to 14 days of treatment

• Vitalizing plant hydrosols combine with fresh steam-distilled rosy-leaf geranium essential oil to thoroughly cleanse and harmonize

• Gentle and slightly astringent

Rose Petal Facial Tonic HydroSoul• Ideal for mature, delicate, fragile, devitalized skin

• A classic humectant with a sweet rosy-floral aroma and notes of lemon blossom

• Hydrating, cooling and balancing

• Combine together with our Facial Tonic HydroSouls to bring vitality and suppleness to dehydrated, combination and mature skin

• Enlivens and balances skin with the nourishing and revitalizing essential oils of rose geranium, carrot seed, vetiver and clary sage, and botanical extracts of kelp, horsetail, and green tea

• A natural exfoliating alternative to harsh acid treatments

• Five trial/travel sizes of our core Rose line

• USDA certified organic

• USDA certified organic

• USDA certified organic

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• Actively draws congestion, purifies and minimizes appearance of pores,

and balances excess oil leaving skin clear and balanced

• High in natural pro-vitamin A, and rich in EFAs. Used for centuries by the indigenous people of the Chilean Andes to treat burned and damaged skin


Lavender Facial Tonic HydroSoul

• Fresh herbal fragrance with honey-like sweetness

Immortelle Facial Tonic HydroSoul

• Soothes and cools redness while offering much-needed hydration to dry,

sensitive skin

For all skin especially sensitive, irritated, sun-damaged and normal

• Nourishes, moisturizes and protects with shea butter, jojoba oil, olive oil, and

hand-pressed argan oil from the Al Amal Berber Women’s Co-operative

of Morocco

Rosehip Treatment Facial Serum Blue

• Calming essential oils of blue chamomile, immortelle, and lavender combine to

soothe, cool and rejuvenate

Blue Chamomile Day Moisturizer

Green Tea Clay

• A natural exfoliating alternative to harsh acid treatments or peels

Blue Kit

• Up to 14 days of treatment

• Calms redness and soothes sensitive skin

• A buttery fragrance — soft and smokey with sweet notes of hay and maple syrup.

Blue Lavender Cleansing Milk

• Handmade with rejuvenating plant oils, antioxidant-rich gotu kola and purifying

white kaolin clay, leaves skin feeling clean, relaxed and refreshed

• Vitalizing plant hydrosols combine with fresh steam-distilled essential oils of

lavender and blue chamomile to thoroughly cleanse and soothe sensitive skin

• Combine together with our Facial Tonic HydroSouls to bring vitality and suppleness to dehydrated, sensitive and mature skin

• Essential oils of lavender, blue chamomile and carrot seed work to restore

vitality, smoothness and tranquility to irritated, reactive skin

• A deep-action cleansing mask with the antioxidant properties of powdered

green tea; leaves the skin feeling clean, light and refreshed

• Five trial/travel sizes of our core Blue line

• USDA certified organic

• USDA certified organic

• USDA certified organic

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• Deeply nourishing and luxurious, this highly rejuvenate daily treatment

restores radiance, tone and suppleness

• With sea buckthorn, calendula and chamomile and steam-distilled

essential oils of tea tree, lavender and lavandin

Light Moisture Replenishing Fluid

• A sheer, antioxidant moisturizing treatment for normal, oily or sensitive skin


Tea Tree Gel Cleanser • A non-detergent gel ideal for deep cleansing skin without stripping protective oils

Lemon Thyme Facial Tonic HydroSoul

• Sweet and refreshing notes of lemon

Pomegranate Repair Serum • For all skin including dry, damaged, sensitive, delicate, mature and blemish-prone

For all skin especially blemished, congested, oily and/or teen

• Botanical spot treatment is an effective choice for teen or impure skin

Blemish Purifying Serum

Blemish Kit • Up to 14 days of treatment

• Minimizes appearance of pores, absorbs excess oil, hydrates, tones and enlivens

• Pomegranate, sea buckthorn berry, and rosehip seed oils offer significant levels of essential fatty acids, carotenoids, tocopherols and phytosterols – important

elements in maintaining healthy skin

• Features organic and hand-crushed argan oil from the Al Amal women’s co-operative of Morocco, along with nourishing tamanu and pomegranate

seed oils

• Helps purify blemishes without irritating sensitive skin

• No drying alcohol

• A deep-action cleansing mask with the antioxidant properties of powdered

green tea; leaves the skin feeling clean, light and refreshed

• A natural exfoliating alternative to harsh acid treatments or peels

Green Tea Clay

• Actively draws out congestion, purifies and minimizes appearance of pores,

and balances excess oil leaving skin clear and balanced

• USDA certified organic

• USDA certified organic

• USDA certified organic

• Five trial/travel sizes of our core Blemish line

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• This multi-use oil can be applied as an nourishing serum, or used to Oil Cleanse

• Spicy and sweet; slightly clove like fragrance


Tulsi Facial Tonic HydroSoul

• A vitalizing and energetic hydrosol

Rose Cleansing Milk • With rejuvenating plant oils, antioxidant-rich gotu kola and purifying white

kaolin clay, leaves skin feeling clean, relaxed and refreshed

Hawaiian Sandalwood Facial Tonic HydroSoul

For all skin

• A remarkable blend of two deeply harmonizing herbal oil infusions: Neem, one of Ayurveda’s most effective treatments for all skin-related imbalances,

and Immortelle

Neem Immortelle Purifying Infusion

Lemongrass Facial Polish

• Cleanser, exfoliant, mask & skin tonic

• Reveals clarity and glow, smoothes and refines complexion, balances uneven pigmentation

Ayurvedic Kit • Up to 21 days of treatment

• Five trial/travel sizes of our core Ayurvedic Line

Argan Intensive Serum

• Hand-pressed argan oil from the Al Amal Berber Women’s Co-operative

of Morocco woven with essential oils of ancient sandalwood, dawn-blooming

jasmine & sanctified frankincense to create a luscious fragrant tapestry to

cocoon your sacred skin

• Vitalizing plant hydrosols combine with fresh steam-distilled rosy-leaf

geranium essential oil to thoroughly cleanse and harmonize

• Stimulating and awakening

• A sublime perfume of soft butterscotch-caramel notes, and a delicate smokiness

• Ancient + ethically harvested from a family-run reforestation project on the


Island of Hawaii

• Rich in tocopherols, squalene and saponins, Argan Serum works to soften the

skin and to minimize the appearance of brown spots, fine lines and wrinkles

• Enhancing the powers of neem-cured sesame oil are the rejuvenative,

heat-pacifying properties of a certified organic maceration of fresh, whole plant,

immortelle in extra virgin olive oil

• USDA certified organic

• USDA certified organic

• USDA certified organic

• USDA certified organic

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SpecialtyExceptional supplemental support for all skin conditions

• Feverfew flowers calm while shea butter and oils of borage, avocado, sea buckthorn and macadamia nut deeply moisturize and nourish

Chamomile Eye Care Cream • Protects and nourishes delicate eye area

• Beta glucan and natural plant-sourced peptides smooth the appearance of

fine lines and wrinkles

• Unrefined virgin coconut oil is layered with sweet orange and vetiver to

calm and quiet the skin

Coconut Cream Cleanser • An ancient cleansing method for all skin

• Oil cleanser, makeup remover, and moisturizer, offering an exceptionally effective yet incredibly gentle pore cleansing action, while leaving the skin

silky and supple

Light Moisture Replenishing Fluid

• A sheer, antioxidant moisturizing treatment for normal, oily or sensitive skin

• Features organic and hand-crushed Argan oil from the Al Amal women’s

co-operative of Morocco, along with nourishing Tamanu and Pomegranate

seed oils

• Deeply nourishing and luxurious, this highly rejuvenative daily treatment

restores radiance, tone and suppleness

Pomegranate Repair Serum

• For all skin including dry, damaged, sensitive, delicate, mature and blemish-prone

• Pomegranate, sea buckthorn berry, and rosehip seed oils offer significant levels of essential fatty acids, carotenes, tocopherols and phytosterols – important elements in maintaining healthy skin

Sea Algae Serum • Silky and sheer antioxidant firming treatment.

• Sea buckthorn oil, seaweed, algae, hyaluronic acid and CO Q-10 combine

with gotu kola to plump and tone, while natural liposomes enhance

penetration of nutrients into skin

• Fresh botanical extracts and energizing plant oils visibly revitalize skin damaged caused by sun, pollutants, and aging

• Fresh plant infusions of olive leaf and sweet violet in olive oil, Madagascar

vanilla in coconut oil, and calendula blossoms in sunflower oil, make our

Whipped Shea Butter an excellent source of essential fatty acids, vital phyto-

nutrients and antioxidants

Whipped Shea Butter with Olive Leaf• The ultimate protection for face. Ideal for sensitive and dry skin

• Use both as a moisturizer, and as a hydrating mask

• USDA certified organic

• USDA certified organic

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• Features cold pressed wild carrot seed oil and our own handmade whipped

shea butter with certified organic oils of sunflower avocado, cocoa butter,

rosehip and coconut oil

• The ultimate protection for lips

Whipped Shea Butter for Lips

Wild Carrot Nourishing Eye Balm

• Easy applicator tube makes it ideal for travel & purse

Clay Kit

• Features a small terra cotta mixing bowl, a

professional fan-shaped application brush, and

samples of clay

Whipped Patchouli Vanilla Shea Butter

• The ultimate protection for face. Ideal for sensitive and dry skin

BodyNourishing selections for head-to-toe use on all skin.

• Coconut oil infused with Madagascar vanilla, infused calendula flowers and

our own aged Indonesian honey-sweet patchouli make our Whipped Shea

Butter an excellent source of essential fatty acids, vital phyto-nutrients and antioxidants

• Use both as a moisturizer, and as a hydrating mask

• Featuring Raspberry Seed oil, Avocado & Moroccan Argan oils

• Daily application tones, nourishes, brightens, smoothes and protects the

delicate skin of the eye area

• Purifies pores; a natural alternative to harsh acid

treatments for all skin

Sweet Blossom Body Lotion

• Featuring precious and exotic essential oils of neroli, petitgrain, ylang ylang

& frankincense

Sweet Blossom Body Oil

• A nourishing blend of cold pressed, certified organic oils of apricot kernel,

jojoba, sesame and sunflower combine with sensual and serene essential oils

to quench and soothe dry, dehydrated skin

Whipped Moroccan Argan Body Butter

• Supports Tribal Villages and Women’s Co-operatives

• Deeply nourishes with shea butter and oils of sea buckthorn, sunflower

& jojoba

• A rich and creamy treatment that leaves the skin soft and silky smooth

• Scented with the fresh fragrance of petitgrain leaf, layered with sweet neroli

blossoms, exotic ylang ylang and synergized with meditative frankincense to

perfume your sacred skin

• Velvety argan oil is whipped into rich shea butter to create a luscious

moisturizing balm for all over body

• USDA certified organic

• USDA certified organic

• USDA certified organic

• USDA certified organic

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Daily Product Treatment Guide




Oil Serum +HydroSoul









Oily/Dry Combination,Mature & Delicate,

Normal to Dry

Rose Cleansing Milk

Rose Geranium HydroSoul~ or ~

Rose Petal HydroSoulCOMBINES WITH

Rosehip Rose Serum ~ or ~

Pomegranate Repair Serum

French Rose Clay~ or ~

Whipped Shea Butter

Rose Vetiver Moisturizer ~ or ~

Light Moisture Fluid~ or ~

Whipped Shea Butter

Sea Algae Serum


Normal to Sensitive

Calms, soothes, reduces redness

Blue Lavender Cleansing Milk

Lavender HydroSoul ~ or ~

Immortelle HydroSoulCOMBINES WITH

Rosehip Blue Serum~ or ~

Pomegranate Repair Serum

Blue Chamomile Moisturizer ~ or ~

Light Moisture Fluid~ or ~

Whipped Shea Butter

Green Tea Clay~ or ~

Whipped Shea Butter

Sea Algae Serum

Chamomile Eye Care Cream~ or ~

Wild Carrot Eye Balm

Chamomile Eye Care Cream~ or ~

Wild Carrot Eye Balm


Purifies, clarifies, deep cleanses

Congested, Impure, Teen, Oily, Blemished

Tea Tree Gel Cleanser ~ or ~

Blue Lavender Cleansing Milk

Lemon Thyme HydroSoul ~ or ~

Rose Geranium HydroSoulCOMBINES WITH

Pomegranate Repair Serum~ or ~

Neem Immortelle Infusion

Blue Chamomile Moisturizer ~ or ~

Light Moisture Fluid

Green Tea Clay~ or ~

Whipped Shea Butter

Blemish Purifying Serum



All Skin

Tulsi HydroSoul ~ or ~

Sandalwood HydroSoulCOMBINES WITH

Argan Intensive Serum~ or ~

Neem Immortelle Infusion

Rose Cleansing Milk

Light Moisture Fluid

Lemongrass Facial Polish

Sea Algae Serum

Chamomile Eye Care Cream~ or ~

Wild Carrot Eye Balm

Chamomile Eye Care Cream~ or ~

Wild Carrot Eye Balm

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