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This shows that my target audience is 16-19 year olds. This also shows why I chose to use the photo that I did and reinforces why I used the colour scheme I used throughout my magazine. My target audience of 16-19 year olds also influenced the style of language I used throughout my magazine.

Page 2: Evaluaton  survey results

My survey results are also very female bias. This shows that more females are probably likely to buy my magazine than males and also shows my target audience is slightly more female orientated.

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The majority of people who said they wouldn’t buy my magazine stated that this was because they like to view the whole magazine or the music type portrayed doesn’t interest them.36.4% of my survey participants said that they would buy my music magazine based on the front cover, showing that the front cover has been designed to attract my target audience.

The result of the ‘other’ option responses were that 2 of my participants say the don’t read that much.

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The main 2 things which my survey participants picked out as being the interesting points of the front cover were the imagery and the colour scheme. These are the two main things which are consistent throughout the magazine.

8 participants of my survey said they wouldn’t buy my magazine based on the front cover.

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Those who previously said they wouldn’t buy my magazine, wouldn’t buy it because it does not cover the type of music they are interested in.11 of my survey participants said they would buy my music magazine.

The ‘other’ text field of answers explains why people wouldn’t buy my magazine, with the top answer being it looks aimed at younger people.

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This reinforces that my colour scheme suits my target audience and they are attracted to this style of colour scheme.

One of the text responses I received was that the colour was neither “to bold or to boring” however 2 other people said that it “could be more colourful” or that it “could be brighter”. This shows that it is difficult to reach out to everyone in your target audience.

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21/22 people said that they felt the contents page was easy to follow and had a clear layout which was the design style I was aiming for when I designed my contents page.

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The majority of people who answered my survey said that they wouldn’t change anything on the contents page which again shows that it reaches out to my target audience.

4 out of 22 people commented that they would change the colour scheme of the contents page.

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This scale shows that overall everyone felt that the contents page fitted in well with the front cover. The majority of people found it easy, whilst 6 people found it very easy and 7 found it neither easy or difficult. This shows that I have managed to maintain a house style throughout my magazine through my use of imagery, text/font style, colour scheme and by locating the masthead on each page.

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Participants of my survey described by contents page alone as ‘interesting’ and ‘eye-catching’. This again reinforces that it meets the requirements of what my target audience look for in a magazine and shows that I was designing it with a target audience in mind, meaning I had the ability to concentrate on what they would find “eye-catching” and “interesting”.

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I feel that throughout my magazine it was important to keep a good balance between the images and text so that readers felt engaged to read and/or look at the photos.

To improve on this comment I feel I could have merged the photo a little more into the background or added a ‘cut out’ effect background behind the photo. This would have ensured the photo did not look like it had been ‘blocked there’.

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My survey participants stated that the front cover was the most eye-catching page out of the front cover, contents page and double page spread. This is good because it is the first thing the readers will see so they will be attracted to my magazine.

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The majority of people stated that the brush worked well on the background to break up the colour and make it more interesting.

The text comments give me qualitative data which is very useful to find out how I could have improved my magazine designs. Most people either didn’t notice the brush or found it subtle which is the effect I was aiming for.

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When I originally set out to design my music magazine I stated that my target audience would like spending time with their friends, partying and listening to music. This data shows that I have reached my target audience when designing my magazine.

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I feel that it is important to find out where people think my magazine would be sold. My target audience are most likely to go into newsagents rather than book shops so again this reinforces that I have reached my target audience.

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By asking people their opinion on the house style I was able to see whether or not they felt it worked with the rest of the magazine. The majority of people (63.6%) said that they thought it was good.

One survey participant said it was “OK” and another answered that it could have been more consistent. To make it more consistent I could have used the background colour from the contents page on the DPS.

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The masthead is one of the most important parts of my magazine, with it being located on every page and featured throughout the magazine. It also needs to be effective so that people are interested in it and so that it becomes associated with a ‘good’ music magazine.

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I asked people about the genre of music that the imagery represents as imagery takes up a large part of my magazine. It is good to see that people relate the imagery to pop/chart music as this is the kind of music my magazine covers so shows I am portraying the right image.

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When designing my magazine I didn’t ‘base’ the design work on any music magazine so it is interesting to see that it reminds people of smash hits and top of the pops. It is possible that people related my magazine to these magazines due to the genre of music.Two people also referred to my magazine as ‘unique’. This could be a good thing because it means they will remember it.

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People commented that my music magazine would be too expensive for them too buy priced at £3.99. I chose to price it at £3.99 because of my previous survey results asking how much people spend on magazines per month.

I realise now that I should have put a date or month on my magazine so people knew how often the magazine was published.

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