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What would be the audience for your media product?

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GenderThough my magazine is mainly focused towards the female audience, I have also tried to include the male audience as well. To do this, I have use an image of a female on the cover which will attract a female audience but will also encourage some males to pick up the magazine as they may be attracted to the girl on the cover.

I have also tried to use colours which are suitable for both genders (like red, black, grey and yellow) so that the colours do not put people off buying the magazine.

The images that I have used on both the cover and throughout the magazine are of both males and females so that it includes both of them in my audience and does not cater to just one gender.

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AgeThrough my questionnaire, I found that my magazines target audience would be between 16 and 24. To appeal to this age range, I have included images of people between this age range and I have used informal text throughout which is what is commonly used with this age range.

The colours and images used throughout the magazine are very bright and bold which is typically related with this audience which helps me to appeal even more to them.

I have taken pictures outside in York which is somewhere that my audience would be. By having the images taken here, the magazine helps to appeal to them as it makes it seem like the people in the magazine are the same as them and they can relate to the people in the images more.

The magazine advertises free posters inside which will attract my audience as they are likely to have posters up in their rooms and will want more to put up. Due to this, giving free posters away will encourage the reader to buy the magazine as they are not only getting more posters but they are also for free. By them being free, it will help to appeal to the audience as they will not have much disposable income so it is better if they can get something for free as opposed to paying for it.

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ClassMy audience is likely to be in the B-C2 social class bracket. This is because they are either still in education or just going into the working world which means that they will not have as much disposable income as other people.

To appeal to this class, I have made the price £3.50 which is how much people said that they were willing to pay in my questionnaire. This is similar to Kerrang and NME as they both come out weekly and cost about £3.50 so it is a reasonable amount to ask for my audience to pay.

Due to them not having as much disposable income as other classes and ages would, the price of the magazine is the best way to appeal to my magazines audience. This means that they can buy the magazine and still have some extra money to spend which helps to attract the audience. The adverts inside the magazine will also keep this in mind so that they will be influenced to buy things inside the magazine as they will still have extra money left over.

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