
How effective is the combination of your main

product and ancillary texts?

Film Title

Film title is obviously main feature that connects all of my ancillary texts to the teaser trailer. The font and colouring is the same but on the teaser posters I chose to position the title a bit differently because it was the main attraction of the whole poster. I designed the film title in a way that even on it's own with no additional pictures or taglines it would make clear what genre this film is.

Sometimes audience can forget what the film is called but if the title design is impressive they might remember it better and that's why I tried to promote it as much as possible in different ways.

Magazine Cover Film Poster Teaser Poster 'Him' Teaser Poster 'Her'

Title at the end of the teaser trailer

Main Star

When I started this project I had to be under the impression that I'm working with an existing magazine, actors, film productions and so on. Since the main star of my film is Larissa I also used her on my magazine cover to promote the film. In hopes that she as an 'recognised actress' will attract the audience or even if people didn't know who she is the fact that she's on a magazine cover might interest people especially when the film title is based directly on her picture meaning they are connected in some way.

Poster and Trailer (Town)

I tried to connect my film poster with my teaser poster as much as possible since I didn't do the usual 'charcters looking at each other lovingly' scenario that so many romantic film posters do. The town will play a big part in the film and that's why it takes up a significant part of the poster and appears quite a lot in the trailer.

Poster and Trailer (Feet)

The male lead throughout the whole teaser trailer and the poster stays a mystery. The only hint the audience receives are the feet. Body language experts say that our feet express our inner feelings without us even realising because we don't give much thought about what our feet are doing. In this case both main characters walk confidentaly towards each other and then stop in a very close proximity and shift to a position that can suggest a kiss. I used the exact same feet position in my poster to suggest romantic feeling that might take place in the film.

Teaser Posters and Trailer

From the very beginning I wanted my project to have that 'Him' and 'Her' scenario. I created separate teaser posters for male lead and female lead. The fact that I included actors names at the top of the posters slightly ruin the 'mystery' theme I have going on in my teaser trailer but at least the audience still has no idea about the male leads persona in this film. In the actual trailer we only ever see the female lead but at the very beginning there is a hint showing that there will be two people involved that enjoy similar lifestyles. This is shown with two split screens - two toasters going off athe same time and two glasses being filled with drinks.

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