Page 1: EUSIF Board Presentation - Dec 2014

Employment and Skills

Page 2: EUSIF Board Presentation - Dec 2014

Key Principles

Co-ordination of employment and skills delivery will be undertaken through an integrated portfolio of projects that respond to clearly identified and evidenced need using research from the Skills for Growth Strategy, SEP and ESIF strategy, which will operate across the D2N2 area, but operate at local levels through strategic input from the D2 ESB, N2 SEB and D2N2 LEP.

The procurement process will be equitable and transparent, and also open to influence from all stakeholders via an on-going dialogue.

A focused set of ‘delivery’ principles have been developed to inform the ‘route to market’ for each of the identified delivery programmes.

Driven by effectively delivering to the target client group and geography Simple, transparent and allow for effective performance management Not duplicate existing provision Extend the benefits of best practice To be undertaken by organisations with demonstrable capacity to deliver in local

areas Minimise funding ‘lost’ in administrative overheads

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Develop sector growth

agreements to make explicit ownership and

shared responsibilities for investment, ICT, labour market

intelligence and impact measures

Improve business

leadership, management

skills and training needs

analysis to help increase

productivity and performance

Promote and develop

apprenticeships and traineeships

to achieve higher level skills

and improve social mobility

Foster enterprise and the

characteristics of entrepreneurial

behaviour, career

adaptability and resilience

Raise the visibility of and access to career

insights and specialist careers support for young

people and adults to raise aspirations,

participation, retention and

achievement in learning and work

Promote graduate

recruitment and facilitate

graduate retention in the region

EMPLOY Local SFA £6,000,000 

  √ √ √ √

Time2Change DWP £6,000,000     √ √ √ √

To be Programmed DWP £1,570,541 


YEI for Nottingham OPEN £3,200,000     √ √ √ √

D2N2 Youth Engagement SFA £3,200,000     √ √ √ √

SKILLS Local SFA £7,000,000 √ √ √ √ √ √

Generating Outcomes SFA £1,000,000 √ √ √ √    

Higher Skills Development OPEN £4,500,000 √ √ √ √ √ √

Develop Sector Growth OPEN £1,111,498 √ √ √ √    

CAREERS Local SFA £2,000,000 

  √ √ √ √

Enterprise, Innovation and Pathways

OPEN £1,731,337     √ √ √ √

TOTALS £37,313,376 7% 7% 22% 22% 21% 21%

Strategic Overview of the Key Priorities

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Gateways and Pathways

D2N2 Growth Hub

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Feedback fromConsultation

Clear lines and linkages: D2N2 Growth Hub Other ESF programmes

Clarity: Roll out of the Apprenticeship Hub Time2Change (name change required and more flexibility) Outputs Ensure there is no duplication (existing and across programmes) Sector focus Commissioning Principles (the ‘how’)

Geography: Focussed activity (to support the hardest to reach) Local delivery at D2 and N2 level for some programmes

Allocations: YEI Nottingham (request for maximum funding – eg D2N2 YE) D2N2 YE (just for Derby, Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire) Clarity on ring-fenced activity for Nottingham (SUDs, YEI)

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Routes to Procurement

D2N2 LEP, with partners including the opt-in providers, will be responsible for the design, strategic performance management and monitoring of all programmes.

D2N2 LEP, with partners including the opt-in providers, will reserve the requirement to sign off the strategic criteria for contracts and sub-contracts and the assessment of tenders against those strategic criteria.

D2N2 LEP wish to ensure a strategic input from Employment and Skills

Boards at a local level to ensure delivery is locally sensitive.

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