
Eucalyptus Woodlands


Eucalyptus Woodlands are mainly found on the south eastern coast of Australia.

Climate Climate doesn’t have extremesNorthern eucalyptus forest- Has an

average of 4 inches of rainfall a month but it rains about 11-12 days per month

Southern- Has an average of 4-5 inches of rain a month with about 8 rainy days per month



Eucalyptus Tree…

Eucalyptus TreeSclerophyll forestDoesn’t lose its leaves every year and

it doesn’t have dormant periods.Growth is continualTakes advantage of any rain it

receivesAble to generate a growth spurtDoesn’t lose leaves in dry times

Eucalyptus LeavesThick, waxy cuticle

and hard tissue skeleton that work to reduce water loss

Leaves hang vertically to reduce transpiration

Pygmy PossumMarsupialNocturnalFeed on the nectar and pollen from Eucalyptus blossom

Sugar GliderMarsupialLocated in Eastern AustraliaLive in tree hollows on a bed of

leavesFeed on sap and eucalyptus plantsWhen food is scarce they go into

torpor to help conserve energy.

KoalaLocated in Eastern AustraliaLive in the Eucalyptus treesLive in societiesStrong claws and opposable thumbs

on front and hind legsFeed on the leaves of the EucalyptusSlow metabolic rate

Major threats to our biome…

Clearing of landBrushfiresDie backLong droughts

Effects of threats

No food, shelter, or social contact for the koala population

Less trees= Unhealthy koala population

Koala’s prefer trees that have adequate rainfall and more nutrients


Created for your viewing pleasure by:

Carlee Krippaehne

and Danielle Murphy

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