
Ethical Implications for Work in The Media Industries Case Study

Q1. Were all participants fully informed of the study and what is being asked of them, in order to make a fully informed decision about whether or not to participate in the research? (This must be an active step on behalf of the participant and not due to any inducement, coercion or perceived pressure to participate.)


There are no human participants (N/A)

If No, please explain why:

Q2: Does your research involve any implications in relation to ANY of the following? Research involving vulnerable groups - for example children, and young people, those with a learning disability or cognitive impairment, or individuals in a dependent or unequal relationship Research involving sensitive topics - for example participants' sexual behaviour, their illegal or political behaviour, their experience with violence, their abuse or exploitation, their mental health, or their gender or ethnic status Research involving groups where permissions of a gatekeeper is normally is normally required for initial access to members - for example ethnic or cultural groups, native peoples or indigenous communities Research involving deception or which is conducted without participants full and informed consent at the time the study is carried out Research involving access to records of personal or confidential information, including genetic or other biological information, concerning identifiable individuals Research which would induce psychological stress, anxiety or humiliation or cause more than minimal pain Research involving intrusive interventions for example, the administration of drugs or other substances, vigorous physical exercise, or techniques such as hypnotherapy. Participants would not encounter such interventions, which may cause them to reveal information which causes concern, in the course of their everyday life.


There are no human participants (N/A)

If Yes, please explain in detail:

Q3: All participants have the right for their participation to remain confidential in that only the researcher will be aware who has participated. Data can be anonymous in the final report so that nothing can be attributed back to an individual participant. Has the participant been made aware of this? Please tick the box that applies:The participant has been made aware of confidentiality and has decided to remain confidential

The participant has been made aware of confidentiality but does not object to being named X

The participant has NOT been made aware of confidentiality but the researcher has kept the participant confidential.

The participant has NOT been made aware of confidentiality but the researcher has named them in the study.

There are no human participants

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