Page 1: Estoablished 1878 - Phillipian · demiaiid. the( rate -stoodI between 5 The -hurdle'. will probably ble I louse, if it is available, or,

Estoablished__1878Vol. LIX No. 45 PHILLIPS ACADEMY, ANDOVER, MASS., SATURDAY, APRIL .20, 1935 Ten Cents

THE WORLD P. A. Certain Of Victory Three Puppet Plays I AEALCPANj Blue Batsmen OvercomeAROUND US In Opening Track Meet Scheduled At Abbot BSBL ATI Harvard Jayvees 10.9

,Ilirce jpuppet pilays. The Le qendVeterans Again New Hampton And St. Johns- of Two Beans. Tra'ined Seals. and Withi Weather Relenting

Senator H arrison has introdlucedl bury Combined As One thc Blue D~anube JI'al/fz, are to hle W wrCae n 'rea bontus bill offering a comnpromnise Team Against Blue lrcsented W'cdncsday'. Ap~ril 24. at Stodard, InaugurAld GaBrento thle supporters of the Patiman 4 P'.M.. hi lDavis Star. \o On Bnaseb rall Seasn'greenback" bonus bill. which de-. DONNELILY ourSTANDING \cadceiY.ii~* lir. Pluc's ok

inands iiiitiediate cash paymnent of shopl. Mr. Geddes. whoII is the ~ ~ ~ IN USADNthe bontus in *'greenbacks," and tile OdAdvrMnLserTra edn authority onl lpuliet.; in the

I nited States, ad ~vho k respon-Blue Triumphant Over Freshmengroup that wants to give Inure For Ine Broad Jump ~ ible for the revival of thki~ type of V

bcnefits to the veterans. Byy a r~ue~ iue hc Hard-Fought CompetitionUnder the present law%, veterans ply a rdcdfgrswihIn Overtime Game

11o1( adljustedl service certificates. Connlined as one tealil. New are'true masterpiece, in dretail andissuCel iii 1925, (fIUe in 1945. andl I IanI itonl Academy and St. johill. perfection to mlake thle performn- nartesgyI rtisfelhearing 4 percent interet The ury will facre thle Andover track ances. - . \ dnesday thle I ue baseball teanianiount of tile certificate was figured aggrgaIontoay inl thle opening The Pluppet Play was one of thle topdheIarrdJyesyaait $1.00 for eatch (lay's hoine ser- mtoftesan. hecnpt-eritfrsoftelraa d i score of 10-9. A\pproximately' 350

vice ad $1.2 for ech (las for-tioll pronmises to1 l)C gooil. but na~opera tlhenic.; have been (le- tlitswchdheta pyis

cign service. 1)hts 25 llercetfr ciSpadi.cndent offorloe rm hs ldpa.I first gaine of the year. Although~the period of delay fromt 1918 to Pitr ihsc usaiigpr ~ Inn haktI r r.-de hindered byv cold weather. A\ndover

l~25 Thereare some 3,00,000 of riners as D onnlellv in thc quarter, hias greatly iniproved upon it. for hiidupwlonte hl.certificates outstandling to L an Irne andi W\atsonl in tile mnile ort lie hasl- made a1 sience of the inant- Ili a gare sp~ottedl with errors

a'i'otnit of 53.700,000. 880. I I ite ill the shot put. and( Sliar- fracture of the figure.; ;a. well as thlean brlitlla.Adoe d-

I lrrions bllprovidesfis that ret l Itl ig jump. paiiltiiig of the scenery. Dres.;es feated it,. first opl)Toleit of the year.the interest (latle oif these certificate.; I )onnellv. wvho, wa'. undefeated ij1 'are mnade with great care. aInn mul- * .I *ll( gamic was wvon in the tenth

iue set hak froni 195 to 1918.thi.te 30OO-var(I last season with the '.etims, are visited so that every (eallowing a longer tune for the xception of th&e Fxeter mneet and tail may lbe checked carefully. The .~ llllgatr h iehdls

nio-niev to draw interest. SecondlyWh was the anchor manif onl the re- ILe qend of T-wo Beans is anl old - i-rand lead ien the preun behinn-a veteran ,ila~~~~~~ ~ lay teani. giin Andover avitr Korean tale Ielte to Mr. Geddeslgan a be in u bhn

;I viern my a Il.,;optioiix' 'r timeI~vI cligrbe d bito y r cq aite Ill tIle fir'.t hal~f of the tenth. W\ithch~gehi pesntiitiiiotalleevr~~tihe1wa oni~erl~e eal.lCAa a aulunaice and arrangedChane hi preent onneotia lie~ lt alreadlv adabrlin pe-frtePpes.Edward I 1. Kellogg, 'tle olut u1 ac Iean received a lbaSe

certificate. ininus all loans mladle to ... inade ' brilliantlpfrmnio' '' e teamet t ill halls%, aInd wa,-s -advanced] to sve-filer il t. n echage or pe- orniace( ill t.iC quarter. He wil lc The ..gires are mnI~ipulated , ro wipiu Icd Ili, ri'. t 1-1)vctr ,iwm liv ', I(1l. whol( also was walked.

Cent on it. iondsexchangcfrh ler sue'tre to take a first todayV if Ile canl underneath the -stage by tile hands iIVCr I I artlV.1rd inl time 1e;I oI`n opener I la'/eii grotinced out, meaking twvo

~cll for cah. Or. if le prefers eiitil or better tile 52 .3-5 secoid.z 'if ;tten'lants. and tlimm. are mucih ~au .(flilt'.. ( liase caine up1 with mien Oilcaii lethis cerificateruil ti le45 which lie did in time trials Wed in ire niniblc than marionettes - i r-~t amnd ~econd~. lie topped! net

l ltie'dav. This lowered the _Ca'.t( which are dTangled fromt striiig-.1Wpthrwothe idt iscramis take advanitage of tieact, the record 4-5 second, inh theremile andgl life-like. Thle Lacrosse Team To Play ~ chrin.- 'lMacleani awll \ieiis. the tAv.cost to thet froverni'ent will he arbr eorkonPgi t uS500.000.000. -880 ira., pass by the boards. at a1ny Tufts Freshm~fen Toay" lCue might haive i"-oil ill reigu-

This blill does iii t lpartictilarlv t-eihIfreadWto 'l at iiin ti-re had it not been for herelease he ranlcal houe, whic 'haeil( cnipel(titioni. FIlorne ha;m thet Lower Class Elections Blue Squad Under Coach James ain\y errors,; which totalled six.relaseti(- adcalhoi-w %-Inh ai x\ter caerecord of I liiihl. 18 Take Place On Friday To Open Current Season W\oodward. Itmuior. playin- hli'

aledy1ass(' the Patnian liiiiti'. - agbill. Vetean leader are quotd as '~ 'ec. in the 600 to his credit. At Medford first gamne for A\ndover. scored'h

,avuin iti "on)lyv a step', ~ \Vtsoii wais a coniissteniitv ciiid A\t a recent electiiin tile find- -firs;t rulu for the hoiie teani). A\sis er~~~~~~~~~Ifornier iii the 1000 last 'season. lowving .were t'e-ted off~icers f lihihbnl of oflicoyi hela-f a e rapped a single over

Thi'. bill further states iii 11o tli- "uIl ac ('(;tel exPects that lie the L ower Mliddle Class: lPresi- li'tgneo h esn teA-tid ae 'Brien laid nlo'owi acertaili t('ri',s that this ;uct. if passed. n-ewl iuei h is I~t Ici itti ftl ~a;nte n hr aewill ble the( lamst veteran aidegorewilfiur n h frttmi.\ cik . .\drw. Jr.. of dofver lacrii-,'e team ijmirnie\s to beautifuil, wsell-executed. sacrifice

leilain *uw'i~ ,)Ia '.1wscon\rather curions proviso, for one Gw reentiwic. Connl.: Vice-Piresi- .Niedf ori todiav to hiattle thle 'I'ltts buntit putating Woodward on ecnd

Coingress cannot bind the handls of Ifi~t( will have qurite a bit (i f dent. C harles F.Rud.Wn ~~'hii.tiah .1 g' e beivsAfe elggwsptot ithe( ii(ext. It is rltiii'redl that die- "i'nipet it ii i in the shii iot put fro at a cl ester. \Iass. : Secretar., De- that lie ha'. a ver\ strong teami this niade first onl a juggled ground ball

niandls for a geeral pension Ia v froniiNts Hamipitoilni w lia,~ I aicy' Kiphititl. N~ew I laven. yecar. Calpable of producing a Sic- %Ivhile \\oodward crossed the plateivilldsforli ~entrw tesotoerifafetlf ('tn esi awCC-41fll seasoill. for the first rtni of the gamne. I-Ta-

wil son Ie made. throw cn te niltie tovheav fitheet shot nl I ktcketl i\ thle return tif three 7ell endled thle inning by .groundingInterest Rates a. WeIll a. lie did ini tile paSt season.- - - letter-niemi the teami.i iesaeot

The iiite~rest rate onl short ter"' -articularly in thle Exeter mecet, a frifrtln.Teatc ak l h is afo h hr lrcall loans onl the New York stock first will hi)rolaldv go(' to himi. I le Andover Team To Debate& ftie it'. frst ame Thatcklak Inr thoe f irs hal oft the Mthird tiarex\chamlge hast dropped to the lowest holds. a recnirn of .52 ft. 1 1-5 in. hsthe abiiet'.r wegto but, the teaml var-lA score ont al theit b alf cthern

level i -thrt ears-q1lin percetlt. Sharretts and H ail are expectedWif Ware Ifg colU curately and' swiftly. M.\r. Jamecs third A\ndover canic back with theThink is anl alarming svymptomn of. otu to c'uiie through today in the high is confi~dent the attack canl be relied second rumi of the gamne. Gardnerimr(s('it colundlition. where surplus itmuin. Sharretts cleairenl six feet inl Spitzer, Ballard, And Smith upon to tally manyir\ goal.s through- sigll"ed : XN'wxlward w a I k e d:ftmnds have been piled tit) so highl the Exeter mieet last Sprimng and in With Beaty As Alternate olit tie sea'.oi. The dlefense is also ()'13rien tried to sacrifice but Gard-andI Peonle are 4o little inctlned to the itnhoor tileet wvith Exeter this Compose Blue Team well prepared for thle gamea today. ncr was out onl a fieldr's choice atrisk their mioney in regular bus- i~ii heI I ticll wvithi Wilson for an1 eN- Althoughl tile\ fail to mnake conii~ tihirdl. Kellogg hlit into another

mess clterpises or new caiaAf-ctngfrtpaea f.8i.Sa. \ter heing defeated! in the last plete use of the bodi in repellhng fielder's choice, O'Brien out at sec-- otaotion that the\' are wvilliniz to in- -ett;Iv ha; lust recently- trakns upl thle debate with Exeter. thle A\ndover tile attack. they- offset thle nleficiency ond~. Mfeanwhile, however. Wood-vest-it at the negligible rate of i/i iavehin. ;udI is. already. doinmz, well. deliating tewui will conice ill) against by the sk-ill fil manner lii Whichl ward w~as cro-ssing the rubber withoerc~mt. flack in thle (lays of the Nilehendl is the ioutstandnig javelin thle Ware I igh School debaters thiey handle the stick. Ini practice \ndover's second run. L~en Vierishuooim. wh'len nioniev was in great thrower. ne't lTiesday. A\pril 23, in Peabodlv 'ast;t \ednesila they played their amiI-I(Haz.en wtere out ending thle inn-demiaiid. the( rate -stoodI between 5 The -hurdle'. will probably ble I louse, if it is available, or, if not. '.ecOmld fmll lengt gam, Icre. Thle ngi,'s activity for the homefi team-.:111( 10 liervent. Another ano'i'aht taken hiy Ford.whio ha's edluaifed the in the Sawyver Room inl thle ('olil. '.crimIniiage11 was 'UCCessful in show- Il~arvardl scored in their half of theis the present coidhitioil of the rail- 'clio~l 'record of six seconds in the mnoms. at 8:1.5. M~r. Arthur W\. illg 'everal \\eakne-ss' -to bie fourth. but A-\mdover failed to tahliv.road bond market. First graile 40-vard hilgh humrdles,. lIeI took a1 L eonmardl of thle Emiglish departinminet dwvelt up1)0n in practice in thle (lays The score wias now% 2-2.hionds. the scenior obligatiomis of third place in the recent rxeter will piresidle. biefore thle gaie. r. [atlleq re- At thle lieginlninz of thle sixth thestrong roads, are sellimig at a lpre- necet. Cochran aind Wa-rd. bothi \ndlover wvill '.upport the ilega- i'ealeiltihe 'fact that tlle Anldover .;ciire stood 4-3. hlarvard leaditiz.maiuni amid vield about 3-4 percent. newconlers. ltook proinisimlg imn the live side (if the 'jiuestioli, '"Re'olved :lacro'.s etteams ill thle pasit lave licTeriiel -core rui for th1Butt the juniior obligations of eyeii pole vauilt tui'l the hammnier throw ~ Cnntinued on Page 51 always; bienm 'lightly ragged inl the ('rinisomi. the only onle in her half.the strong roads, which bonds de- resp~ectively. -Sears; is; a powerful t irst quarter of tIle games;. FIIC i5 IGoinmZ to hat with .Andover twopeldi ohl the coiitiiltld earlilmi Ilainlnie thrower. -_______________________-tyn hard to ioverco~mnle this; di f- mrums behind. C'hiase sin~gled andc wvaspower of thle railroad, are (lowil iii Newt H amlptoni has ( ld:,, all All- Calendar of Events ficultv of thle teami this; year. advamiced to seconid by Tfolt. Miir-mnany cases to 50 and( yield 10 per- (lover timul of last veaur as a threat ).-unilaes plans5 to take about dett flied out ann! Bacon received aCent. in tlte biroadI julnip, and their The~ folhhflciny( pi-tures will be~ eighteen "ICm" w'itll Iillintdy thle baise o~in halls. tIlus-- fillinz tie base,Long vs.,Ickes stretugth in the -sh]ot put, hurdles, tiikiem loda' tit time Htuntrcss tean ]ieting choseil fromt the fo[- W\oodwvard. the niext hatter, drove

.Apparemltlv L~ong has. at last niet das.hes.. ,ind. the hammner iiiaY prove~ Studio.b(, lowing.,: defense inien : Grahiam. a, smigzle thrrough1 the infield scoring,somieoiie who wtill stand tip) to hlimn a s.otrce of trotihle to thle I')lue. 12:45 Class l)avt Speakers. Swxartwooid. Craft, . '.-\. Kemimiedy. I'Tolt aiid Chase. aiid brinziimg Pa-

(rnntinuwrd on Page. 2) (Continued on Page 5) I 1:00 Ski Squad. WCnitinurii ntn Page 6) (Continued on Page 5)___________________________________ I :15 Orchestra. _______________________

1 :25 oid'uhle (iuartet.

Social A dvantagres Of English Universities 1 :30 0)llicer.( of the Miusical Present Locations Of Academy Buildingsall ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~('Jul's.

5 2 'ass Dayl Coe itte. Comp letelyv e ile Old P .A u nDiscussed By Mr. John Hawes of Faculty 5:00 Swnmn/Tam - eide . .Aun

5:30 M.1 nsEsavst.\mm% 1 I afihmi'm if fortv' the old 111aim building wxas, thle an-,'everal (lifferences are notice- ter kniowiledge of their special stmlb- - as;o%,Irtre omk i eetliosfns ohsarae

-able between Amercicami amid English -ject thian ant .\midover gradiuate 12:30 Bits heaves for .lledford er.,i xhrtundomaeiscmtmlini'.fd obn.tna-imtiiversities. - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~first vi'sit siiice -raduatuoll wvould~ be illmit. tile hlouse now Occupied lIv%

'.ttment a theSays Mr. Johmi B . does. Amnerican prep schools. how- -teiit la'icossi' teamn. thullri'kathermrabeM.i'te.wnihsdtoetelawes (if tiefaculity. formuerly a ever, often give a broader andI milore 12:45 Maso'ball squiad riporlsn. chang'(. iln tIne .\ili'rchnpi.Ilanatrsrsdne:1(vihstuentat.\mldover. Harvard, and extensive general education. An- 1 :30 Ilaiiini'i' and jIrt'hil Without ihiuiht line iiouli . lie a per- n'.ed tot stand whiere the new chapel

C'ambhridge. "Probably iTIost no- oitler thimig which puts F.nglish ble- Irthemes bui'jin in track nilei'. fc nprt~ o nte Rp.,nwtable of tllese differences are the ginimers iii the umiiversities ahead of 2 :00 Masel'alh gaii1te -witll icciti Winl'.him'tiinor. anotherk "Ripho .-. imow.chapfacts that conmparatively fewx stu- their Amnericani cointe'iporaries- is Tih uer . t-adenly.'m ikc tot.\fe sig bu h ~ hp(leuts-fromn prep~aratorv schools and tile fact that students are admitted 2:00 Track incet wioth St. Allh tile splendid new\ '.tructures, e.l. nminv replaced 1y thet A\ddison

liotit' to S'imiiuel l~~~~~~~~~hiihlips. George X~~~~~~~a'.hlimlg- ( ;~~~~~~hh(~Geoge l~ei telllr,.ane interestingerstinnoefroni ordituary high schools go to me universities usually iii the Ieahiiishiri' and NVeu Ilanip- tn ae s. r ~n h nagm~ fta

to tile umiiversities amid that those fall terni of their seinior year. amid toil.tol oreec.wudb tk as -\tiena-nit fttwho dit go. (It) so more for social canl spend thle rest of tlleir school 7:30 .lovies fin .Ih'e'tiiiq Roomn. a mitla eeoiimt utjs etcae.Teewsam.-dfrmrreasons; than for thue intellectual y'ear sttidyiiig their selected special- !b11-vd CopterfiirId.' himi trv ti' finil ally- of thle old lamld. ceat'. and instead] of Crectitu,' a lie\,side of life." tv awl tasking tipl their schedules. Su'lndlni .j1pri 21 mak hr hytsdt i.Pa-bibig he'1 merelyi (lack inift\d

iusnhythe excep- Tit thle umliversities themselves 11I:00 Chape'l Ser-rifi. Serniioni '.Ol1 h all thaut ftitiriu'erly ap~pearedI di- the back tbc itflecatise it rectlv betix ecur Foite iffeent rrofthoa 1_ l'_Bait-R feete CeamFoncoft im 1ltttwo ivandlbuit tu wa a a roa r

Page 2: Estoablished 1878 - Phillipian · demiaiid. the( rate -stoodI between 5 The -hurdle'. will probably ble I louse, if it is available, or,



Member of Southern New England Federation of School Newspasperso.N"i

Member of Columbia Scholastic Press Association. The school life and activities of Q ~ N ECK W EA RMunber of Daily Princetonian Association of Preparatory School Newspapers. MIr. Abbot Stevens and Mr. I.

Abbot Goodhue, recently elected

Editor-in.Chiel members of the Board of Trustees,Is V r S mtRICHARD MI. WEISSMAN were quite varied. Mir. Goodhue, ~.' s V r m r 5

Business Manager ~~who graduated from P'. A. in 1902,JAMwES MS. COPE was very prominent in a number of Assortment Most Varied

JAMES S. COPLEY nMangeractivities. Manager of the football

Ma~nagiog Editor CrlainMaerteami, business nianager of the Se- KNITS REPPS


.4sshitant Managing Editor Badlness Manager Forumt (then anl organization rival-WOE W OLNRGI NT S


Alumi EdtorELLI A. ALLAD. 2 Excow Ekor.C. CCORT Inquiry, he also inadle the firstAlumni Edito, ELLIS A. BLLARD. 2o Exhmugt Edit~r C. C. CORT honor roll. Mr. Stevens onl the $10 175

In Passing Editor: CHARLES M. WING Photograph Editor. J. C. CAIUSEY other hand, was not so active in $.0to "ASSOCIATE EDITORS ~~extra-curricular affairs. According

Newell Brown, '35 G.. E. Dioniok. '35 W. D. Hart. Jr.. '36totePtPurithg vy

R. Cushman, '&S F. W. Coker. Jr., '35 W. A. Trafton, Jr.. *36 lx)Pular with his classmates, hie was : t ur C . 3J .A. L. Reed, '35 1. 1T. Shea. '36 R. B. Tweedy, '37vtel b thm a aon teJ.D.-Siter C. . S. Burr. '36 "meekest"' members of the class; OPEN EVENINGS PHONE 78

B. Spitrer. ~~~~~~~~~~ hle was, however, also consideredBUSINESS BOARD to be one of the wittiest.

I. M. Bird, '35 A. B. Adams, '35 William R. KitcIWI '36 1 Iis only exr-criclar activ-

W. P. Carer, '35 W. A. Wickwire. Jr.. '35 'Stepheni F. Ginsboerg '37 1 iiSchdtlaOfPupetrlay

G. Witochief. Jr.. '35 R. D. Coursen. '36 P. T. Coren '37 ities w~ere ats secretarY oif Phil aI M SchduF Entertapnent PatyAbo

T. S. Curtis. Jr., '35 R. T. Thompson. '36 Quentin 'Mitchell. '37 aMO~aeedtro il 11.VIE PRE-VIEW oC. M. Woolley. Jr.-. '35 K. H. Capers, '36 1 iAi-lAN. Ilie graduatedl in 1907. after II

TutPKILIPANdoes-not necessarily endorse ststemnents expressed in communi- having spent five years at Andover. (Continued from Page 1)Tax PKI~~~~~~~~~~~aPIAN l~~~~~~~~~~ot Ce'~er Daivprmnnt Inid Copperfield. which will be

cations. Communications must be signed by the author. Hoat menrvd Mer.qit ( roodh e t assontig has been acclaimed 'tage is 12 by 8 feet, offering ex-

Tut PsitiLLYPiA is published Wedne~days and Saturdays during the school year sctcHrear r. of rhi freshman wand show crticseeyhereI asoeo ih raordinar' j)ossibilities for natural

by Tm Par~~~~~~~~~~tD~~~aw board. soj~~~~~~~~~~~~llonu~~~~~~re classes. iiianager of f~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~)t- le~~~~~~liiig tjltiis of the curretit seasoti. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ffect5 in lightingr andes costumeoot andngfilnsofth curet eaon

Ta: PUtLLIPIATN is distributed to suboteriberso at the Commons and is for sale at ball, and onl the committee for the S-onic (if the best actors in Holly- it is an imnusual ojpportunity for

the Phillips Inn. regulation of athletic sports. lie-Ice- wood -ire included] in the cast.. Al. anyone interested to see the plays.

Advertising rates on application, longed to several clubs. thle F~euc- though it is impossible. (If course. Tickets are on1 sale at M~Nr. Dye's

Terms: Subscription, $3.50 the year. Sl.2 the term. ing Club. Iliastv~ Pudding. Institute to entirely catch the Illickens at- oiffice.

Entered as second class matter at the post office at Andover. Mass., under the of 1770. I-lar-card Vnion. Stylui lnoisphecre. the prodticers with the

art of March 3, 1879. Club, and( 'Meniorial Societv. Prob-_ aid of I Itgh Walpole. anti 8nglish The World Around Usably his greatest honor 'received auithor, have accomiplishedI atit ad-

Office of publication: Smith & Coutta Co.. Park Street. Andover. Mass. frmIlradcie2 er fc trable Iliece oft work. (Continued from Page 1)

his graduation when his class elected I1)avid. thle boy. is, very well Ickes. -administering the public

Andover, Mass., April 20. 1985 himi Chief Marshal. Mr. Stevens platyed by Freddie I8artho loimew works fund. has refused to place

wa nottstandling member of who wa~; picked froni live~ hundred tenoe ntehnso og

uestion ~~~~~~~~~his class att the Cambridge institu- hosin England. Frank I .awton. cItr ~dsaeofcas u nds

tion. I )evoting his tiiie to the( who wa-I- inl "Cavaleadc.[ does a re-'trd of a state law has continued

I arvard -student publication. Thr - vIl job as lI )vid. thle mall. The to Inrs it to federal ;appointel of-

Does Andover force her studies dtown our throats or dloe. shte simply 7rihnson. hie becanie iii his junior other p~arts are well played bv E~dna !ical,. A\llotnments of- S&4.000 to

offer theni to iis to take at will:, Does shte so compel us. to swallowv vear its secretary. atidl iii hi~; stetior May;' (I)liver -is-\unt lBets.- Rolaiid I on isiana have been suspended.

cou repecivesubect tht w lse ll nteestin hei assoo as we. one (if the( ,senior as,~ociate edlitors. Y0111ug a .11 Lriah Ilecep. M adg~e

our respective subjects that ~ lse all interest in them as soojr. tIorfdliie hie w~as at ic-ui- Evalis ;t. Agines. aiid p~erhap) the ToWnsend Plan In Defeat

ieave the clas.srooni )r (to our masters fail to instill in uts a love for hr(fsvrlcus nogte wtI~Iatmso h at aie. TeT~nedPa a ~o'~

our work and an bambtion to pursuie our -subjects ftirther onl our gown? tl at udu.Isitt I \ .Fed s M icawber. -awil' 'a narranted liogey. [in a vote of

It has ben neary two yers now ince thenew curiculum ws first1770. Memorial .Society:, ()v I imnel H'arryinore as Dan Peg- 266 to 56 thle ILouse' definitely re-

Ihei .111iil Si-net t.(ttv. UInfortunatelv siome critics jectedl the stililosed panacea, for all

put into effect at Andover.' - Pecrhaps two y~ears constitutes tool short V1 icrc dlisapipointedl bv Mauireen (uirl economIlic ills. not only elnnin-

-time in which to judge conclusively whether we have profited or lost ( VSullivan as Illora. atinig unemployment andl bringing

byv its institution. Nevertheless, it is aI long enough period to, enable To those who" have no(t recad thle hack prosperity, but giving' our

us to formi siome impression of it and miake a survey of _its 'accoimplish- boo5k. it is 'stfficieiit to sav that the agedi thle lrotectioli they dreserve

ments. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~locinitiing (if the p~ictuire dteals with I al so a S20.000.000.OO0 per annumlments. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~the almost plerpetutal wvhippiiiI! expense. three tinmes the total of

There are embodied in the :iew curriculum both pleasing and dis- David receives at the hands of hlis, tai'cs now collected).

turbing features. Certaimi new courses; have been aldCel. cliange, miade hard-hearted stepfather. The boy

in oters.In afew Ilace cerain iodifcatins- re ne~le~. ( n th ( )nce upon a time there w~ere tv o is then sent to London wh'ere lie Sweden will have one of thle bestin others. Ili . ( )n ti~~~~~le ucks, I )onald and ( )scar. Now is befriended by 'Micawber. Next highway systems in Europe when

whole howverit isa stp inthe rght lireti~li. bu Wul' l~tst te stI- )onald and ( iscetr w~ere good litii(e lie is brought tip byv Aunt PBctV. it.. present 10-year program of ill-

dents be so hard put for timne that they canl only turn in faithful. d1aily. (Itick.s. and their ii a'.ter cared fi ,r and finiall hie warries first Dora provcnients is -completed.

uninspired work. Not muaul% boys at presemit enjoy their regular work themn tenderly. Theii one day thcw) who (lies and then Agnes. Since______________________

or think about wvhat they read. 0tnce the lesson is conipleted. the booki wvere stricken byv sonic insidjit-., the filIn lasts two full hours. it isforni of (dtck infantile 1)ar.tlN-s.i- limit onii' difficult but also undlesir- W alter E. Billings

ire closed wvith a bang and a sigh of relief, not to be opened again until ~hc ~rl~elterlg.lsa~ bet ieacmlt umr.3 anSre

necessary. Is it the student's fault that he refuses to pursue his courses ly thle iiiheru brualtyMainei -Street___

for more than the specified timle? Are wve too occupied with other af- miaster. aii Andover stuidenit too. Fiftt'-.five million (dollars have Andover. Massachusetts

fairs to consider working more than we arc forced to? Or are we in- displayed itself. With fiendish "lecm: been invested in the Empire State OPT7CIAN - JEWELERcapable of taking advantage of thle opportunities' a great school like lie seized tlie]i by their tende~.r B~uilding. New York.

\ndover nas to offer? ~~~~~throats and squirted ether d __________________________

Anoe st- ofr their wee gullets until the\ expired. ~ ~ itp nSince the new curriculum wvas begun. several honor courses have Then, seeking to hide thle' traces of s eA t i~o3111

bween instituted in tie A\cademyv with the purpose of allowing the ex- hlis heinous crime, lie went outl to J. M. STEWA~Rr, Proprietor N1"EGRI vtile garden. miade a little pile of Strictly fire-proof. Connecting IN E R T

ceptional studeiit a chance to further his pursuit -of certain courses. sik n o)Olwse ,tt-LeIros wt rwtotbt. Sm ihyegtyasao

But still there are few boyssick annowoton ast.who rfteelrootheihuorwitoutbatavSoe eihtyeighiyerstaoeBut stll thee arc e~v bos now vho fel the rge orhave te initativethe mess., with ether, and creiniated Open thruout the year. Dia- New England farmer established

iogo to the library to read andh delve deeper into any single subject. his moribund pets (l dihis ini gram and termso on application, eusinsts and Bstoll bershichstname.

Ini the last analysis, is the wvhole itmatter uip to the student himnIsef? PoiltiP i The acceptance was immediate

is it only his coiicern \whether he broadens himself in his sttidies? 0 r W\itli ajmloiicie to the authtor. we an tUrwhasue eas

is it the fault of th hl vti feducation? lireseit mir slightly atrlolpliedl ver: tL LLE M. PHILLIPS of two sound attributes which it

is it the fault of the ~~~~~~vliole systeni ~~~sionl (f ''eit to thle lhoickhitig aA RIDING I inherited-the high integrity and

In a succeeditig edlitorial to ajpiwar in these coluiins in the iear future "I had a little (luckie. Todayrhistdescendantssstilldown

we shall attempt to aiiswer somie of these (Itestions. \Ve shall discuss A\ hit go yello)w fluff RIDING AND Tand opr his They

those aspects of the newv curriculum which wve believe are meritorious I kissed hii'i and I loved hli-I JUMPING LESSN have been ever mindful of thisI coutldn't love entiuff. heritage and the ever increasing

and those defects which we thiiik should be corrected. And we shall IsliLZ~ tit

poit ot watsees t be the mnodern trend and anl advance in educa- I squeezed himi most too hard. fact.

tion and howv its application in some degree at Andov'er would remedy AIPhtogrph b Tr thim'il doay-iee indw

many of the defects oIf thle preselit systemi of edtucatioii. I le's plantedf in the vard.- iee oyu om- LOUIS HUNTRESS H.PHOD&SN

COMMUNICTION to)effect. wvould give those who are Th cievsladiiat\i- P O GR H R- Lawrence 5167

COMMUNICATION tilo sholstcal erichi o aii listoycas:tell(fe'' is pleasing in style. a good likeness.

To the Editor oflw Tchlasticlly sP[thiig toTas (lScusitg thle Philippine striti-

To the Editor If Timi-: l~ I ir % imi: worl< for. and a conipensatioll to gle for iildelpendlence il 1899. sitid- ainl moderate in price.

Rencently,. two suggestionis wvortliv the ones who have wvorked hard and (hdetily a dlove fluittered to the %VIl.- Allha houh' ee hoo

o~f facuilty, comisideration ha'-e been hiave miade good niarks. The pla do~ aiid p~erchedl against th itie .peranncrosy.~Ti prto graphied elsew here for big pictures

madeiiiregr~l o cts hat houd ~to give a cut for every hionorr-teAeia oeniit"bgnor litepctre-.coiehr fr

lie allowved tio certaini Iersonl. The ceiv~ed at the iniid-terni ratings. Ifthe proesr.i'cs-. ''Coomen." e O r littleii plictuireaileios. I'll Sincefo1846

first is tat student ~~'ho ha e bee the piersoni had any conditions or said the (love and flew awaA. sav' "Huirry."

conifined in the iitfirliiarv. plarticti- failures wvith the honors, one cuit

larlv those inl for a wueek or more. for ev-ery inon-passing grade would Club BasblGae?-ul ie rne tltccisilb eiofteoe obtained ble- To Start Thursday

proiportioli too the( nuniber of (lays cMiNus of thle honors. This is not S i okE d .5ad22toi tie intirmary inl o~rder that thle ng.-igsted for thle terni ratings. be- Roman Team Considered Outstand-

pter-o couiIld niake upl the school cttuise it wottluil result in a great dleal in In Strong Field. CoachedPo la Fit ninBu RbbnE ton10woirk miissed. This would bie an (If coiifusion. but merely for thle By Mr. Bllhhardt Poua-ito nBu ibnE iin10-excelleiit mieasure. because it is alt- nid-terin ratings. It wotild give

111(1st implhossible to catch tii) o(l as anl opjlortuinitv for an extended MXthougli hindered greatly by

mluch as a week',; work and pre- week-cud wyhich. if takemi imnmedi- poor baseball weather the .club Library Edition at 95cpare the regular assignments at thle atelv- after thle rating. wotild not ble baseball teamns wuill play their first-

-.amle tnime. The athletic periodl is muhchl of anl interference wvith school games next Thuirsday. Coach Bill-

goodtiuie fr coicetratlli. anl wrk. hereis evermuc tvok lar.thass .ccede igetneah T-rLIE ANDOVER117 BnnuKqIuR

Page 3: Estoablished 1878 - Phillipian · demiaiid. the( rate -stoodI between 5 The -hurdle'. will probably ble I louse, if it is available, or,


Students Rebel On Anti-Slavery Issue forcenment of strict discipline out-

S K I P P y During Administration Of Osgood Johnson impossible, for the Commons boys___________ ~~~~could wander out, day or night,

flsgood Johnson is one of the Tin 1834 the step was taken that whenever they chose, as independ-pirincipals of Phillips Academy who aileant so much to the boys because ently as if they were in college.

NOT EVEN CANNON FODDER ~~~~~has never received the appreciation of the freedom it offered. The Whle" Osgoo ono awhich lie merits. H-is few years in Truistees voted that instead of hav- taken ill and died May%9 1837, theA\ndover. 1831 to 1837. followed ing to remnain in the Academy Hall Trustees felt at the time that his

D '0 L/NCL~~ LOL.6 andl overshadowed by the long and certain "o rery(eprmn and loss was irreparable. He is thevigorous administration of Samuel studious habits" might be permitted only onie of the PrinpasoPhl

5SELL W-S OAR? 1-. Taylor. have often been ignored to study in their own rooms during lips Academly of whom no one has1wv thle' annalists. Johnson had anl a portion of the (lay. Out of this sail a word of condemnation or

active. untiring mind, was ratted as resolution grew a further extenbysion lcrlytaiticimoanh letbhind him aoone of the finest classical scholars of the theory behind it. whenb coal'taiinwihwl oof his time, and as a teacher was re- August, 1834, under the direction be altogether forgotten.

K ~~~~~~~~~~~~inark-ablv efficient. of Squire Farrar. the Treasurer

- ~~~~~~~~lie governed without harshness, who wasn't happy unless some ad- Photography Contestlhut with perfect- self-control, dition to the school was being pro--through the love and respect which jected, five "Academic Halls" bet- Przsotwdlasecwilblie inspired in his pupils. Johnson's ter known as the "Latin Commons" arides of Two dollars ach wilob

administration saw ~'were conipleted. The "Laitin Corn- awaddbTn PILLIA fo;adinitraionsawthe innovation n1IoS. Onl Phillips Street in nthe the five best photographs taken by

4' 0~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~ofmc oefedoifrtesu the studlents during the spring term.4 dent b~~~~~~~~~~odvouchimrefeeh for thegl stun- vicinity of the present soccer field, h-s pictures will be printed in

licantl in'the history of the school."ccii~iiet pcmn t~' thy four page pictorial supplementhut the mnost strikiing incidlent ofchitecture, preserving tin their gen- -f the Commencement issue. pubh-t-s ro a h s-ald"rt-eral outlines that unadorned sim-ihdnr' omecmn ek

thi peiodwasth socaled Ati:-plicity characteristic of the pack- e lrn omneet~ekSlavery Rebellion, which for ha ing-b'ox. They 'were all framed on Th1e photos can be of any size ortime s'celned likely to disrupt the di aemdllk ov ftn-.ject w~hatsoever, except athletics,

NO;, E~~~~eN THE JARS A~~.cadenmy. Throutgh the efforts of ma -iemdl ik o ftn-id W~ill be judged on form and the

~..JOULD t SGOir6 v IT MUST such lolitical agitators as WHViaia nients: clapboarded!. wooden strtic- esentials of photography as well asOULDN r BUY IT Now~~~~~lod Garrison. the problem of aues ntvr sellow. Thig floor panere bjc material.

FOR SC~~~AP gE' SOME CA~~~~'- negro slaverv had become a burn- conceHy arw inig 1re is anl easy chance to win

,, ing issue in New England by 1835. staircases. fromt the strategic points two dollars without much work.IRON ~~~~~~~~~~~When George Thompson, brilliant of which it wvas easy to throw Tv I'l IIPII'AN is announcing the

anti-slavery orator, camne to An- water on studlents coming up. The contest early' so that there will be

(lover to arouse enthusiasm for his rooms were heated by stoves, for wlnyofk .. Tim ohe aitrsmastbeur tnbcause. Professor Johnson. after re- which each student secured his ow Thee pictre Musy b in byertferring in a scathing voice to a lec- fuiel b%- hook or crook. copte:ahe latweki ay win s ordry

ttire announced bly Thompson for coemsps oeieswt heiistete:o tand he that ee waits ma

inPartleveig shapelto "t warneyou, glowing embers clearl visible, were ing to get. just slip a Brtle Chpel:"T arn ouusually hurled recklessly down the never utind the size, into your

yoting gentlemen. T warn you on cellar tae- ho o hefunthe peril of your souls, not t. ot cla tairs. regardless of the pce nltk hto h un

tog o(langer of a conflagration. I-owv the pose of your teacher or the fellowthat meeting tonight." Commons lasted for nearly seventy shIovelinlg soup in the beanery. Na-

d The crisis in Phillips Academy years with only two dlestructive fires ture is still good to us and stillcame when a student named Slher- is a mystery. .Bathroom facilities hands out prize-1winning pictures.lock Bristol. somewhat excitable were, of course, at that time nil. At least it does no harm to try. All

W :N 1,T AlN' T ol60 0ad puimaciouis in temperament, The Commons, boys could grumble ~utcdt oi o~rt 'u~~~4JE' (hEE: G >0 isregardedl thle Principal's specific about their accommodations, hut namie nn the hack of the picture and

E'NCUGH *ro Se-oar c~o OF command and delivered an infla'n- they' could never complain 'about hand it in at the desk in the library.0 t getting niatory speech against slavery at not getn heir money 's wvorth. The faculity judges, Mr. Benedict

eANNON i- 7 7,. the meeting. The effect wuas 'senl- The rent of the rooms' was one and '.Mr. Boynton. will do the- rest.K sational. and the offense was cer-, dollar a ternm.

tainly not overlooked. At the chapel "'¶he boys were left almost wholly ye ANDOVER MANSLC

qZT-5 exercises the following morning, to themselves for no teacher lived STUDENT'S DINNER, $1.00w'*~ ith all the students and teachers inl the Commons, and the boastedK ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~t'~, present. Johnson arose to condemn supervision amounted merely toStaan ChkeZ /1 ' in solemn fashion Bristol's insubor- weekly inspections by a callous Week End Guests Accommodated

1)f, d~~~(ination. When he began, in slow membe~r of the faculity. The en- logo Main St. Tel. 86 noeand measured speech. to rebuke the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

-- - 111W ~~~~disobedient pupil, the excitement

1 ~~r~~scr~~~cd j ~was intense. Johinson finished by ESTABLISHED lose

I. Cosb. ~r1I lrib 9 i dismnissing himn from Phillips Acad-Perev L r nin ailin rei enly: and thenBristol, who had sat

____ _________ ~~~~~~~arose with much self-control anddo'er bou ths (istrl~iigitia- aked'to be allowved to defend him-

Bird-andes Eng ge (~mer boutthis istubing iva-self. Johinson. however, his faceBird-Banders Engage * w%-ieii one (if their number. ordet wiere himtoh b supeated.( ~ L T

In Lively Mud Fight klenier sighted than his comirades. passion" ordere wimth b supessed. trecognizing the uiigraceful gait of Not often have such exciting situ-

Mud Around Banding Station a friend even through the shameful iations materializ.ed at Andover. MADISON AVENUE COR.111ORTY-FOURTHIISTREETIIFound Particularly Good disguise, cried out. "It's those bird- NEW VR

For Such Enterprises banders.' A\s it turned out he was

From thle woods behind Johnson correct. It sceems that the lads had latter retaliated, and soon the battleI la]] emerged,. late ,lie Sunday af - (""gaged iil (of all things) a mud wvas on. Various, students reportternoon. a groitip) of ~traiige andI tight down at thle bird-banding sta- that Langrock's and Burns's are Our Representative, Mr. William Peterson

to Tisdsgaeflfih -as iirotnL- their customers to join themenacing appc-rue . othswho were playing baseball inl the 'tartedl. accodrliilg to reliable report. 1Bird-Baniding Club. will be at

fiels. i looed f it snill goup whenl (ilie of the more youthful _________________________

ofieldspi loo re d aIfasmalln group mi(mber., told his rather larger - - - - - -- - -nof tramp for( (leverhdin upone friend to look tipl towards thle skyN H C PO R

\ndoer.forneve ha a ore-it at large hird which was circling H ILL BARBER SHOP T E C P O Rsorrowvful-looking agaregation beet 'l~t di o pniA

seen on the Hill. Uncout)(face 'I-l i n but upnfeeling -MnaAtprl2seeankod bye Hil.i'mo, lac fue a l)icCC of sliniv stibstance enter his THE PHILLIPS INN

n~ ~orbs. tturnedl onl his comrade wrath- SAM DE LUCCAripth betwixtl anrl bdet w ith fully andl tlbre~v a large Piece of un-1 'PHONE 903

they lotihcd long t a lo~~ plea santlv muddv turf at him. The 0

dletermined but rather hangdog ____________________ SAY ff WITH FLOWERSpac(. thevre can lbd no wvonoler at thealarm of the innocent baseball "FLOATING UNIVERSITY" Telegraphed Anywhere, AnytimePlaYers. CRUISE NZ OKs 0 ALL URS 9

Indeed, they were just alout During July and August to the j 0[TO~As fnTOUNS Colt 1NE 11LITS1111

readly to run to the nearest port of J.rn H.llAPLAAYDON'',afeti' to warn the povomlace of Ani- MVIEDUITERRAEA'ULI 60 Main Street TeL. 70 ________________________________

Here is the ideal trip for students-a- ~~~splendid opportunity co derive the

greatest benefits from your summervacation andecnjoyawonderfultraveIB adventure.Visit E.Fypt,theHolyLand,

BILL POLAND Russia-I7countriesand islandsin theurious tropical cruiser S.S. SLAMAT

Successor to as your floating campus. Return on------H. F. CHASE c~te magnificent S.S. BERENGARIA.

EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMProminentprofcssorswill givestand-

Full Line of- Economnics, Governmnent, Histo, Po.DRcO

BASEBALL, TENNIS ~~~~Litcraturc and other su' ~ BoW-f FOR BEGINNERS WIH I TE I LEM PHILLIPSwith countries visited.\NiExRICD POLO COACH

and LACROSSE C~~~~redit forthe.secourses .N XEINEand LACROSS F~~ 4 maybarngd I P-i..-H~s - ALL SPORTS M OU TA N PHILLIPS ACADEMY

SUPPLI ES Travel arrangement%4 u El'-- ~~~are in charge ofteSOCIALr ACTIVITILs 74 SALEMI STREET

comp=.ees o( POLOE

Enlarging I ku~~~~~~,It it or:: .- 29 -ALx,. 24 r L0ANDOVER, MASS.Developing Printing IIIRates from New York BOLTTL 2

Outfitter for all ,,WtIEIID EWHMSHR

F Phillips Academy Teams I------ ------

Page 4: Estoablished 1878 - Phillipian · demiaiid. the( rate -stoodI between 5 The -hurdle'. will probably ble I louse, if it is available, or,

PAGE FOUR THEl PHILLIPIAN 5.\Tt'lIJ.\Y .\1"IffI 20, 1935

SuIrvey OIf Proper Us~e Of Wo'rds Corrects middle syllable so slurred that it is B~arksdale lie1ld at Shreveport, I'i'.h that1. not thoroughlyMost Generally Abused Pronunciations ,,ntinictes hardly lleardl. The mta- La., now under construction, will c~kdcanl tr.1Illnit tapewornis tojiority mnake it R0( ()SE'-Vclt. havc It. landing areaL 3 1-2 miles human Icings.Those (~~~~lng and a mile widle anid will hie -____\Vords. their usc aiti] their pro. small portalble hecating stove. Chatif- Ths who are ardItilt admnirers the largest airport inl the woritd The face annlf neck contain one-

nunciation. are generally of more feuir is sho-FUR1 with accent on tihe timfe, alrni btwho., at tile same, 'I oti siitela Anuuu fourthi (if all ouir muscles.than comilion interest 'to thle m~a- final syllable. lteaeconscientious abo(ut their IC~ sCtlltda 70000jorityof peole. A ecentabsorb- 'pronunciations, niay be apt to dis-oingsuvy of thise. topcenat th I cenehope is Pen-F-. L-o-pee. credit the famous )ld Maestro t gers Plee

interesting contrast, showing that a I ean s E..-a-no wvith A\ as inl because lie does nothiiig less thianvocabulary does not make a writer. 'tl)otit. [i~t (dd1y einouigh thle most 'l'islronlotllce lliaestro." There iswhich is the belief of many. miuspronoulnced namec in thle world not muich chance of this; mistake

Theodore Roosevelt had a vf) today is Roosevelt. Thericncegtbingcoreced ftew Haanvenr~cahullary of 125,000 words, 1.loyd( (i tliClname inl l)utch is field of ro- of ".\ut revoir. plul(sant dreams" andGeorge. 100.000. while Shakespetrc es It* is Pronouniced with three NIV-stro. but, nevertheless,, it is approve our cl1o th es!had 24.000 and Milton 13,000. The s1llable', ROSE-R-VEILT. t ile *i'hESt',

-simplicity of the wording of suchfamous orations as, thle Gettysburgaddress and the Sermon onl the We have what -young menMount was poilltedl out. TFromn the 6A oA268 words in Lincoln's speech. onily/ want! We asked 1800 Prince-20 contain more than two svllables. ton andNew Havn menbtParticularly engaging were the B eaux -~rts '3'''=i to ndNw Hae mntcorrections of the most abused proi- YMvt n-u-pig-atrsintnciations: vote oyour Sringoptterns"Calliope is ka-TLY-C)-PF`,:' thewer Yoam *- The amazing result was allmnu1sic of the show boat. Attractiver Comfortably Funisbed tepten pae"wtChassis is STTA-see. Suft's4 of 1-2-3 rooms at Nominal Vtepten pae"wt

Cle-o-patra.i l-- Tarifs by day, week, month, season. big votes!-no "also rans"!Gladioli is' gla-l)YT-o-lee. noctSo.ofheutriw fatrae: '

glad-ce-OFT-l-a. Sme n ofAe -erstnge-2r.-re..STTO-fer. Rpelled chatiffer, is a * 1111AAS so- v .la 6a rom at-'no Clothing. Shoes.

41 SAV ON TAXI M111I FREE KMS 38ffla t Enimts RFmisingfHts

RAINVILLE BARBER SHOP early mmFtrllshingly Hats.96 MAIN STREET C SUVMPAWlUI- dmarnedS gvfer Ims

* MM? =D USUAL bedl on and bath, bet a conipwo seFortiierhv viii Ihring romfor entertilning.

day for $10 a week Those wh~o mansot utilize all of itheHlaircuts; 40 cents IPhone 77'9 lumdcheos or dinners, may tinit a Ilkik number of guests.

'Do you realize that 2 persons ma haveNE Y RK OS O~~LEON~~~S _______________ ________________'EW YRK-BSTOL E 0 N 'S, ~~~an attractively furnisfed apartmentFor good Sandwiches here with meals for $45 a week?

Cream I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Fifth Avenue at 41st Street; Broadway at Liberty, Warren, 13th, and 35th Sit.Sdas anid lee Cr-a JOHN M. COBDEN, Mgr. MUrray Hill 4 4800 In Bamton: Trenmont at Bromficid.

hear about," says Capers Smith. "I have to bucIt'kabsobingwork-ut Ihownand sludy to get results. When I'm nor hitting theo bookslog, irrgularhour.

It's easy to sc how full my tme is! When I felired brWdengI' teeGldeng late down.I

Then I always smoke a Camcl. It rcvives me-retorcs my Whmoen a Cmewor tout restoht uy cenergy. And cach Camcl that follows seems to bc even Camelg ant qicklyrestieames are amore chock-full of that mellow, rich flavor! I smoke 'smotheredes Isnke too.dTheyado

tayt beterve." (ii

never make. mays n aervs jumpyh." SIghaed tAoR buckle'3 (doedwn .CNE ne

a *~~~~~~~~n ad ogt eut.We ' no httn th oos

Page 5: Estoablished 1878 - Phillipian · demiaiid. the( rate -stoodI between 5 The -hurdle'. will probably ble I louse, if it is available, or,


BlIue Batsmen Overcome was the Phillips Academy (lairy, he grants to the states." The Andover A\lan Manning. with i Iuniphlrey I.. Discus: DeWitt, Ford, I lite,Harvard JaYvees 10.9 finds the Phillips Inn that doesn't teatl will consist of John IB. Spit- Nash, Jr.. as alternate. and Adams.

look a lbit like the old wooden ex zer, Ellis A. Ballard, and H-ugh R.(Continued from Page 1) tension onl Stowe House. II. Smith, with John T. Beatv. al. Andover Certain Of Victory Club Baseball Games

conto hir; OBrin ws ot, nd Disconcertingly eog. the ternate. The question was given lo In First Track Meet Today To Start ThursdayKellogg singled. To climax the Hos Mr. Lynde now lives in was oti tennisnAinuedIfromsiPaget2)joillilg, Bacon and WVoodward Onl the site of the Archaeolog t ne they have received no coach- (Continued from Page 1) oniudfmPae2

oying onl it. The judlges wvill not bKe~corcd on a wild throw. Puilding. and Tucker House, nlow announced in advance. '[le Andover entries are as far. The strongest outfit at present

The summary: utof sight behind Taylor, was olw itatfteRmnsANDOVER right across the street. At his wits W\are II igh School. which is sit-folw:ithtfteRo ns

ab r bh po a e end, the alumnus drives down tiatedl in Fare, Mass., between Wvor- 0-adhg an 10-yard low Th oasavtebstpch~oodwsrd. 2b 3 4 1 4 3I Phillips Street remarking about the cester and Springfield, is sending hudes: WVingate. W~illhelmi, andigmaealoalthcubonr

r. O'Brien. ss 5 0 2 1 51 2 fact that the Laitin Commons, Bati- over a teai ma~de up) of two boys P'ayne. and Taradaslh being the foremostacelln.g 3b 4oI 2 o 2 0croft, andl Pemiberton Cottage had and two girls. They' will stay a-t Qutarter minle: D~onnelly, Parsons, hurlers. In fact, the Romans have

%ins C 4 1 2 7 2 2 been torn down. He turns left, Andover over Tuesday night aiid and Lynde. an excellent ififield and outfield, theliazen. If 6 0 0 0 0 I dIrives a few yards. and to his stir- will bie entertained by the A\ndover 100 and 220-yard dashes: Wolf, outstanding veterans of last seasonCHLtW. lb 4 2 I 2 0 prise there is Pemberton. a good team at dinner Tuesday night and Kilev, and] Ganimions. bigWlim n lfodmaier. rf 2 a 0 o o o lblock away from "where it shouild breakfast W\ednesday morning inl Mile and -880: Ihome. WVatson, The Gallic tribe looks veryBurdett, rf 3 0 1 1 0 0 be." To make matters worse. 'lhe Coriinions. The dlebate w~ill be Childs. Il-awkes, Lena, Healey rmsn with four returningGurdncr. p I 0 1 0. 2 0ofnrftapas the sacol f thesir type as the one wvith Murphy. Ilinman, Harvey, and veterans in the persons of Dimock,Bicon. p 1 0 0 0 9 faicroft-_"just facing the wrong E~xeter. Each team wvill be allowed Xifidle. who will catch ; Cross, who is anCortis, 1) 0 0 0 1 uBier, p o a o a o o street." 'Mr. Paradise's residence three comistructivc speeches of eight Pole vaul1t: Cochran,- Capers, experienced pitcher; J. Mersereau,.4oll. P I 0 0 0 2 0 inl Iidden Field was formerly oili m~iiutes each audI one rebuttal and Kellogg. w~ho will cover first; and Tower,

-…-… … …-…-Salem street behind the Commnscii Speech of ten miputes. I ligh jump): Sharretts, Hall, w~ho will fill the shortstop assign-Totals 40 10 13 30 19 6 the "Commons" was in Bulfinch Spitzer. Ballard, and Beatv. (I- \rrasrnith. and Jackson. 1wenit.

HARVARD JAYVEES -_____________AicC~odwin. If 4 12 2 0 0 Hall. and Graves -Hall w~as the sci- bated aEgainist Exeter last Ttiesdav B'road jun11): Hurflhntt, Moody,Connelly. 31) 5 2 1 4 0 euee bulilding. The o1(1 dormitory, with Smith as alternate. with and Sharretts.SP CA!1iiic. rf 4 0 1 0 0 0 Brick House, which was a pr~t!nig Spitz~er presenting the rebuttal. Shot put : H-ite. Melendy. andSPCArumters. 0 0 0 0 0 0 shop) a ml a book store way 1-ack ill \ndnver supported the iiegative Chaney. SUNDAY BREAK-FASTiVcTemen. cf 6 3 4 -I 0 0Haill Ss 61 2 3 2 2 18.32, is gone. It was aross. the -sidle of the dluestion. "Resolved: I lanimer throwv: Sears. Gernerdl,35G O'Brirn. lb) 4 1 2 10 0 0 street from Stuart House. By this that the movies of today do more andI Ward.cirr. 2b 3 0 - 0 1 0 0 time,. the visitor is so cofurse;1 that good than harm.~ E-xeter wa,; javelin: Sharretts. Melendy THE BURTT HOUSECray. rf I I I 0 0 0 lie- forgets that there ever was a awardled the decision In' a1 two-to- Telling~ton, and SwartzA. 26 Salem StreetUtinn. 1) 2 0 o 11 3 0 carpenter shop facing Stuart Hc4'tse t)IlC (lecisioil of the judges. Mr. V7. _________________________________hgalk. p 2 1 1 0 3 0 and all about the quaint affair b~e- r. Nunez., Tudge F. N. Chandler.

2bn 1 I 0 0 0 0 0 hind Bartlet which used to contain, and Rev. Roderick 'Macleod. OnlO'Connor. 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 till the lavatory facilities. the Exeter teami were Paul WV.

Ijahony. ~, 0 0 0 0 I 1 __________Cherington. Richard WVitkin. and

Totals' 41 0 151 29 13 3 Andover Team Will DebateX JInning-& 1 2 34 56 7 8910 Agvainst Ware High School GET TICKETS NOW Young , e~(ndtmcr 1 01 0 14 100 2-10 BERMUDA TRIPSRarnard i. 0 0 1 12 1 11 11-9 (Continued from Page 1) Some Special Rates C lothesLocation Of P. A. Building. AIRPLANE TICKETS,

Totally Baffles Old Alumnus Trhat edltcatioiial opplortlunities ANDOVER TRAVEL BUREAU SAFE, nulstantial, smart. In the colorsthroughout the [nited State%; FREn K. CHEEVER. Use.

(Continued from Page 1) should be equalized by Federal BankiBuilding Phone 775 or i098 and cuts youno men lihe ... No fads

atright angles wvith the present one, -... ***** *** or fantastic stunts. Comfort for your hody,i disappeared, and he decides to DR. ADELBERT FERNALD * Ii. E. M IL LLE R contentment for your mind. OutstandinC,ethe Headmaster about it. lie ORTHODONTIST 49 Mein Street alttho'hndhrub

!~sn't find the Headmaster, how- winl t- n Andover Wednesda~s where be win SHOE REPAIRING qaiytruha Jtruhecr, because this office is no longer sp-cialire in the straightening of teeth al lo' 1111aif Soles.. SiJ; Hall Soles Heels. $i SO. Suits S40-S4.3 Topcoaitm S40 to S50

the Phillps Club. lso, instad ,an CRyreet. Telephnne Andnver 466-W *- Ful Soles01. AaS2.0thle Phoulise Cith the o bansthich Rsttn nffice. 29 comrnnnwealth Avenue. lin Agn. ~ W.Mt. Olanrof Adm I.~s a

tile house with the barn which more 6275. Office hour% 9:3n t. J~~~~~~~~~~~~nO Wm. Reiter. Bancroftmre 6275 ffice huda 930 n tO,,mu m u.....


"The Siogget Littl fe.COSVOLO 336 to 30 Washington Street, BIOSTONStore is th* staete"_______________________

47MAIN ST. ANDOVER, MASS* ______________________





WV*.W. HARRISON COMPANYEstablished 1876



Page 6: Estoablished 1878 - Phillipian · demiaiid. the( rate -stoodI between 5 The -hurdle'. will probably ble I louse, if it is available, or,


Cambridge Life DiscussedBy J. P. Hawes of Faculty Academic Calendar ~~~~~goalies, 1-legemlan., Stannard; and clubi tearms possible, so that, Hazeltine. the group is being dividled in~to

(Continued from Page 1) Aoi 3 Dbt ihWr -. S:"eovd htEua While Mr. Jaines's varsity is two definite squads for daily coili.A pril 23 - Debat witi II are i. .' "A1 solt' d cc being w hipped into shape, thle bush P ti onhiis headq~uarters. Student life at lional Opp~ortunities in U. S. should bcerqiialiked bv F'ederal (;ranits.' lagic teams are mastering lal.Cambridge center.s largely ablout .- Pri! 26 - Checster S. [lowland: "Hunting G;iantls of fbi' Sea,"' crosse uinder Mr G y. Although lish nmly le kept fresh fo athes~e cpollcges. There are about 18ISa.'. Ioof thein varying from 250 to 550 April 30 - Debate with Lowell !liqh School. there are few who7 have ever nio01th bY a chemical process iln.Ma,1- Cocrlwtlbbt andledl a lacrosse stick hefore, vented in Norway.%tildent.s ill each. The colleges are Mayid iConcermntwith Abbot.talmtost a world in themselves. hav- May 3 - Theatre Guild Play, Arapid imposemseciaty prfcvient. Apoiaev 50000oing their own (lorilitor'ies. chapels la'v 5 - J. H. Holmes: A'ddress to the S. of , t'n hs pcal rfcet .prxmtl 500O~o

and classroom building.,. t'sually ~~~~~~~~~are MacDonald. I lector, Williams. w'cre spent bv \mericans for vaca-and classroom buildings. tsutally M1av 8 - Mlid-term Rating. W ~ ing, Miller, and Vrooni. Not tions in 1934.acollege consists of a quadrangle.

like the west quadrangle of An\I- Ma 14 - Robinson Prizec Dlebate. ____________________

clover. only inuch larger. The col- Mlay 17 - .11arjorie Af1offelt: Mlonolo gist.lege dormitories, are not large May 18 - Society Reunions.enontlII to acconimoclate all mtemn- Mlay 30 - Mfesorial Day.hers of tht. college, hence there are J111 9 - Ba;,calaireale SPermton -Dean If' L. S'r'r.* P H O T O S TJA 1'Salwav, qui1te a1 nuinher living out- (sile thle collegze in private hoarding JuneW 13 and 14 - Co~injineimnent.houises- These students are 1'tiown Juine 14 - Alumnni Dinner.Cois f

a"digs. June 14 - Spring Proum: opesoCanibridge is more given to _______________________________________________

"speciali7atiOln" inl its courses thanPH T G A Sj,~2 Tarvard. A\t Cambridge one cati Roadway To Be Made th omn.* akn pc.DIPLOMAS

Tedall three years of hli,; collegr beside thle cemnetery. N hich w~ill aic-career studying only onie phase (if Behind Paul Revere 'conliniodate somne what mnore than DRAW~INGSone sithiect. whereas at Ilarvard fifty cars. hist. also lbeelt consideredcertain courses are comtiulsorv wvith \iucht to thle advantage of those butt thle plan, for it are not dIefi-.a vieN% towards btroadlening the fietld who frequent the campus with nite. The I )epartinent of Groundi E Tsof knowled~ge. The examinations witomnobiles. plans for a roadwal hla, als() inaile arrangements for the C E Kat C.ambridize are so broad that if fromt behind Samuel Phillip Ha. planting of several elmn, ''n thleC E KMnlv onle field of work has b~eeni to Salemt Street have been drawn i"ortlh -nd 'if tihe campums to coin-,Stttldied one canl ;till pass. A\ctual u l) The road- will be staked out pllete thle Elini Arch.- REPORTSstuidy is, not, however, oVer-In.1-(Itlge inatCitubrdg. \ostofWithin thle next few (lavs hut the Md

dil_,d il t Cmbid~. os aof tual work will not be ginl utitl Blue Lacrosse Team To Play M d bythe real work i; (lonle cduring thle Tuf ts Fresh In First GamevI~jjoI, %Ilcl Ie lyh.onerLEXINGTON PHOTO PRINT CO.vacaion~. ~~ich re mch lnger'ite new dIrivewaywileg t

there. incidentally, than) inl America. (ContnuedbeginPgeatL.echire, are po(.irv attended, since the present turnabout and continue (ConEatinuedStfromNewPYoe Cit

that t~~~~n h ~ behind Samuel Phillips and Hl t Pal 'oyntter, and P Reed : Ittack meni 2 Es 2dStet - Nw okCttemvar toio thit.~ tio~, lho ok tho R evere to the Salem St. entrv of Capt. hlenrv. C. P'. I Tanmitond.,work for themselves.

\s mlenitionledI beftore. lli ist peopleco ... e tri the tllivi-lsities fbr soci'dreau'wins. anditi I'''ake social coil-t ,ct,.,\Ith' 'tijI i the stidenit" acti -

doi a -treat dleal oif eiitertainin':.g'..''ic'allv at tv'', \%hich last fromi4 *3()O ~to (* IPee:mit therv rart' iinmovJ.-1am 4d'nttslil nIuINt ('it dinl-II-'s" *t thle c(' Ille-' dinling hall1f'rvaukfat'.t i.s a tirict lv iii-kate tmlO'h

w utei w itl-11' 'vaitt uo'on 'f ltn'-turi't't 'i,1iic, foxy wdtnlt'n, \%il

1':i rd tlwkm-' lvi'md rtu mtlw-

"t Ca ~~~8,271 men and womenS',-rt are vor\Y i"mortant inl i",, viited the Cheterfield

.f itli. avera-v, Camblrid-f,' n.'.f r~radidiate. ceenunmiwre 1)' tbaiu ',i fa~ctories during thetiti'. cli mte' T\,x pn'.f. yeatrt. r.e.

lmvthe..eiret 1 t¶ ii hrt' llnt si irii

thou'di t rack,:~ titiI ullers are a l'.i-v,'u ml'ur C Ir iunt(restiw-i. thive' -

A,i ,ut t hiv'-e ~, irtN i. that the( zalnwehue.t' di''¶ ('0110.''' vr,' as i"''morihit

f tIn'( 01tt,111t I 1,4l,ut ;I, thle, cinte.t,

\I r. -1 Iaxe' r-,'a rked thiat hli cli.1-

leva st :tlietics of ;ll it,~ track teamiui'.isted oif only\ four men.

Mr. H aw('- mtent ii ns that there'i re nuire re'.trictionii at Canihrid-ethain at Harvard No qtnlenlt max'\~ta vont later than 12 mlidnigh'It\liv student caught outa a fter this

booir is; very ;mp)t tol'. mis enec-tiont with the c' 'l~ege. I1n'leedrl('v(rv onel( raughflt comingl~ inl a fmtr10 o'clock mnuu't iniv a- finin' 1'I'

* keetn Iaw ~ in' or't er inl the U iii "er--it. inrictor. tire emtploy'ed TheseNx tider abmout the 4 reets, after dlarkinl capI atid giu.ready' to repOrtaiy'tl l'tl-li'cidutn theml-'.elve... \loncg xx ih each proctoir gos;everal aids~ known a'.I 'bulldogs."The bulldlogs are '1rv,'.ed inl evenlitn(lre,,--tail coat. 'tarched 'hirt. awdall that zoes withl it. It is thev m n w otstdaC etri lwhlo, at the b~iddinlg -if the( plilctor. A m nw ovstdaC etril

E~,and chaset after the cullpritsacor recently, said: "No that Ih vAltlioug-l thev are Iny no nitetinshav

popular. the( proctori are recour-- seen Chesterfields made, I understandnired , as nece'.sary evil. Their lif

i,; iota hpiw il~. fir~te\-arebetter than ever why people say Chester-oftenl thle victimuts of praictical i' tkes.Many tinme' fas~t members; of thle ~i ae '

track teams w\ill create aI 'listur- fields are milder and a v a better fastebance inl orde(r to get the proctnrand "bulldlogs'' a fter them. Thereare now- at Cambridge several silly If you too could visit our factories you couldrule'. ab' nit pr- ctor'.. of which the sete' hmnost prominient. perhapi-. i-ste e the clean, airy surroundings;th employeesriule thanst (Utl certain s~treets, proctors; in their sols uniforms, and the modern ciga-canl chise -tuident, l (1 vOnex' 4i- solsrectiont. It i'. a habitl of -students rette making machinery.titp colnimit anl (ffens(' at thle end (if You could notice how carefully each Chester.aI street 'where thle priinctor cannot -

gil. ~~~~~~~~~~~~field cigarette is inspected and see also howiliere ai'e in sudent'. "workingChesterfields are practically untouched b human

their way thItmio-uh s hi ir l' at Cam-lbybridge. It i.. tlnlo'.t ful' klv a aris- hands.tocratic iui'titiutioii. attendfed inily Wheneveryo happen to be in RichmondVa.,hy thle "''uilvelect ' \mniting itsyo)\vI ntumlwr, however, it is il('lemo- Durham, N. C., or San Francisco, California, we

~';tcen' 'ugh. 'F11w' E1iglish 11ut-differ I _,r(-.t (teat frolliinvite you to stop at the Liggcrtt & Myers plants

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