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political awarenessSocial media become an important medium of communication in the modern time in which it is provide powerful channels of information between politician and citizens. Besides that, the social media act as proactive devices for encouraging the citizen to participate in democratic process. The social media an important medium of information have influence people's thought and action about politics and encouraged people to give opinions, critics and suggestions as well as participate in politics. Therefore, the social media is one of the primary mechanism in the political scene and capable of making political issues. However, it gives a negative aspects on political issues in which people may give wrong information and it also enjoys a positive function by spreading information across society quickly and enjoys freedom of speech.

The development of new technology encourages youth to engage in politics. Youth today most likely to use the social media like Facebook, twitter, blog and you tube as medium of communication to interact with others. For example, blogs play an important role in political communication and in forming the opinions of political actors and politically interested users. Their ability to facilitate active interaction, present opinions, mobilize voters, as well as influence public opinion and eventually election outcomes makes political blogs an interesting.

Online social networks provide us with convenient platform for such analysis. The data from many social networks is publicly available. Furthermore, social media has emerged as a significant platform for discussion and dissemination of political information. For example, Pew surveys (Smith, 2011) found that 22% of adult Internet users participated in political campaigns through at least one of the major social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and Myspace during the 2010 U.S. elections. However, people would not use social media regularly for interaction that lead to political...

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Brain Drain in Pakistan!!Majid Tamoor

When one hears this word, they surprisingly mistake the meaning to a serious disease and many go to  the extent by calling it a disease which affects the memory. Well I believe although mistaken but the intensity is same as of major disease. Pakistan , sadly, is greatly affected by brain-drain. So, what is Brain-Drain? Brain-Drain is actually the loss of skilled intellectual and technical labor through the movement of such labor to more favorable geographic, economic, or professional environments.

Countries like Pakistan, Russia and India are facing problems of brain-drain. Unemployment, population explosion and corrupt political systems are main reasons for migration of skilled workers from Asia. In countries like India, Pakistan, Bangladesh etc graduates, post graduates, experienced and skilled professionals are not getting enough opportunities to develop and succeed. So with dreams of development these professionals leave their native country in search of better future. This brain-drain is a great loss to the developing countries.

A highly skilled workforce is the key to the development of a knowledge economy. Countries that have invested massively in their human resources have been able to establish high-technology industries with the resulting stupendous impact on their respective economies. The quality of higher education, availability of world class R&D (Research and Devolpment) centres and an environment in which innovation and entrepreneurship can flourish are essential to wealth generation and poverty alleviation.

Pakistan has since its creation never really invested in the field of R&D centres and this now has become the need of time. Most of Pakistani students going abroad for higher, or specialized, education every year, very often never return to their homeland. Though Pakistan has a number of institutions for higher education, various students prefer going abroad. Many experience a good lifestyle and then prefer settling there which in the long run has damaged Pakistan in growing economically as well as socially.

Other reasons that contribute to brain-drain in Pakistan are

1.   Economics reasonsIn addition to several legitimate political reasons including peace and

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security for himself and his family, another reason is economic; such as job satisfaction, academically progressive environment, better pay and service conditions.

2.   Lack of financial and academic reasonsThe lust for better life and higher education is a strong reason behind the brain-drain from Pakistan. There is no doubt that more and better opportunities in the US and UK are one of the attractions to moving there. No good institution for research and doctorate level and post doctorate level is available in Pakistan.3.  Role of political will in the prevention of brain drain

The political instability let the people leave the motherland for a better future with some prediction. There is a dire need to assure the manpower to remain present in Pakistan. A diplomatic solution should be given a priority to resolve conflicts rather than going to let the people do what they want.

4.    Lack of higher education Institutes

Science and technology is an area that is not fully exploited by the Pakistan resources. A less budget sliced away for education is the reason in leaking the higher studies which trigger the brain-drain.

This is just the tip of the iceberg and a lot more reasons  are there.For the balance of power and for the staggered development of the world, it is very important to stop the phenomenon of brain-drain. This will help a particular country to use all local skilled citizens for development and proliferation. But to hold these skilled workers at Pakistan, it is also important to provide them enough work opportunities and living facilities. For this purpose the government of Pakistan believes that developed nations should help developing countries with necessary money and resources but this is not all right! Government should draft policies which ensure a better future to every individual and improve the living standard of people. The government should try to rectify problems mentioned above with good policies so that each and every human of this planet can have good standard of living and each and every nation can introduce itself as a developed nation.

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Essay On The Influence Of Advertisements - With A Free Essay Review

Consumers Are Faced With Increasing Numbers Of Advertisements From Competing Companies. To What Extent Do You Think Are Consumers Influenced By Advertisements? What Measures Can Be Taken To Protect Them?

These days competition are becoming cut-throat more and more, so companies focus on advertising to take a head of rivals and keep their position which are at risk. Therefore there is no doubt that the tidal wave of advertisements impacts deeply customers because new approach which companies choose for advertising. I will explain some of them and also mention how to protect customers.

To start with, advertising which is sometimes considered as a modern art, try to take some intricate and impressive method to persuade people that especial products can make their lives better . In this regard, advertising companies employ prominent and famous people such as actors, artists and even athletes. They are making an attempt to convince customer to associate some well-known brand with successful people. These type of advertisements discreetly compel us to accept such seductive idea that buying that goods can bring happiness and triumph. In addition, advertising companies aim to temp children, who become easily influenced. Afterward children put much pressure on their parents and force them to buy goods.

Nevertheless, there are some activities which may halt such worrying trend or slow it down at least. First Of all, I think it could be helpful idea that advertising which focus on children should be banned or restricted. Furthermore, companies should be encouraged to introduce their productions and show the advantages of their instead of some exaggeration massage which are usually seen on TV.

TO sum up, people these days are affected by advertisements, which try to persuade customers to buy goods by conveying this illusion that these product can make them look happy and successful. In addition, they aim children to temp. I think government should tale a step to halt that trend such

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as restriction advertising and encourage companies to introduce their products truly

ifImportance of tolerance

In an age where the electronic media has drawn us closer together into what is called a global village, or a global society, its benefits will only be felt when mutual goodness prevails, when mutual respect and understanding prevail.

If, instead of good feelings, hatred emerges, if restlessness usurps heartfelt peace, then we must accept that this is not progress, but is something that will take us towards unexpected results.

In this globalisation, where people of different backgrounds, cultures and religions are living together, and where the world has become multicultural and full of diversity, establishing tolerance and harmony has become very crucial and important, and fostering mutual love and affection has become vital.

Without tolerance and harmony the lasting peace of societies cannot be maintained, and loyalty for each other cannot be established.

Loyalty is borne from feelings of love and affection. At a personal level the feelings of love strengthens the feelings of loyalty. When a citizen loves his country, he exhibits loyalty and devotion and makes sacrifices for the sake of the nation.

If sentiments of love do not exist, then the spirit of sacrifice cannot be formed. Unless a person loves another he can never have good feelings in his heart towards him, and he cannot faithfully fulfil the rights due to that person.

Lack of tolerance leads to fighting, violence, and finally it destroys the peace and security of society. When people fail in their arguments they become intolerant, and then they use force and aggression to support their point of view.

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We have seen considerable incidents in recent history where, because of lack of tolerance, people have attacked people of other faiths, their places of worship, their communities. How nice it would be if everyone tries to express himself in a decent and respectful way with tolerance.

The world is full of diversity, and that is the beauty of our universe. If there had not been any diversity, the world would appear boring and unattractive, and without any competition.

The worldwide celebration of the International Day for Tolerance was an annual observance declared by Unesco in 1995 to generate public awareness of the dangers of intolerance, and to help people understand the importance of tolerance.

The annual celebration of this day reminds us how important and crucial these values are. And it does not mean that we only observe tolerance on this day, but this day is just a reminder, so we carry on these values throughout the year.

The word tolerance means the willingness to accept or to tolerate, especially opinions or behaviour you may not agree with, or to behave sensibly with those who are not like you. It means showing respect for the race, gender, opinions, religion and ideologies of other people or groups, and to admire the good qualities and good work of others. And to express one’s point of view in a decent and respectful way while respecting the sentiments of others.

Tolerance can be shown in many ways, on different occasions and at different times. A person might fully disagree with others on any issue, from religion to politics, while at the same time honouring and respecting those with different ideas and opinions and treating them with full dignity and honour.

Tolerance is needed in all spheres of life, and on every level and on every stage, because it plays a vital role to establish peace and love, from the smallest unit up to the highest unit of society.

Tolerance does not mean that only one person or party shows tolerance and the others do not. When some people disagree on a certain issue they must advocate and express their opinion in a respectful manner, and hateful and provocative words should not be used. Tolerance must be shown from both sides on issues, in order for it to be effective.

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Here, let it be clear that showing respect and tolerance to the opinions of others does not necessarily mean you have to compromise your principles or embrace or accept others’ ideas. It is simply a matter of fundamental human rights.

The right of every human being that his sensibilities and sentiments shall not be violated and offended must be recognised. And every human person has the right to have an opinion and to express it.

Essay on My Country Essay on My Country

Pakistan is my country. I am proud of my country. I call myself Pakistani. Pakistan is the largest democratic country in the world. It's a land of ancient culture and tradition. The wisdom of the songs enlightens the world, and guides the human race to the path of peace and coexistence.

Pakistan is rich in minerals, agricultural products, consumer goods, spices, textiles, etc. It is a major nuclear power of the day, and well advanced in science and technology.

Pakistan has a large population comprising of various castes, religions, languages and customs. But there is unity in diversity. Our national anthem is Pak Sir Zameen Shaad Baad. We hoist our Two

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Color (Green and White) national flag on the Independence Day that is 14th August.

The country is run by a government, elected by the people by vote. The parliament makes rules and takes decisions in all important matters, local and international, in the interest of the public.

Pakistan is now the sixth Big Power country in the world. It is an Islamic democratic state where all religions are respected equally. Pakistan believes in peace and prosperity. Many great men and women were born in Pakistan. They brought glory and pride to their countrymen. We salute those immortal souls.

Preservation And Conservation Of EnvironmentPeople those who are mainly concerned with protecting the environment will often use the terms preservation and conservation. Let’s know in details what preservation and conservation of environment exactly means. These two terms are often confused and are generally used to mean the same thing, although differences exist. In this article we will briefly discuss about environmental preservation and conservation and their major differences.

Conservation of environment simply implies the sustainable use as well as management of natural resources which include wildlife, water, air, and earth deposits. There are renewable and non-renewable natural resources. Conservation of natural resources generally focuses on the needs & interests of human beings, for instance the biological, economic, cultural and recreational values. Conservationists have the view that development is necessary for a better future, but only when the changes occur in ways that are not wasteful. Read on to know more about preservation and conservation of environment.

As far as preservation of environment is concerned, it tries to maintain the present condition areas of the nature or Earth which are not yet touched by humans. This is because of the fat that mankind is encroaching onto the environment at such a rate that various wild landscapes are being given over to farming, industry, housing, tourism and other human developments. And we lose much of the natural areas. Preservationists also strongly support the protection of nature for purely human-centered reasons. However, some adopts less human-centered approach to environmental protection, placing a value on nature that does not relate to the needs and interests of human beings. But is a fact that by preserving and conserving environment we can make a healthy atmosphere to live in.

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Considering preservation and conservation of environment, the United States Environmental preservation is viewed or seen as the setting aside of earthly resources for preventing damage normally caused by contact with humans or by certain human activities, such as logging, mining, hunting, and fishing, only to replace them with new human activities such as tourism and recreation. Furthermore regulations and laws may be enacted for the preservation of natural resources. Being earth friendly is very essential as this will save our planet at the time making a better place to live in for us, for future generations.

Nothing great was ever achieved without Enthusiasm.

A man can succeed at almost anything for which he has unlimited enthusiasm. Charles schwab.Enthusiasm can be defined as an insurmountable passion or an immense interest for something. It is the most essential tool for achieving any great thing in life. Life is a pack of difficulties and jeopardizes but one can cross all hurdles with the power of enthusiasm. Nothing is unattainable in this world, all great inventions and discoveries are succeeded on account of immense zest of humanity. Man-kind has discovered atoms and stars and these all great achievements were done with infinite enthusiasm. History speaks about achievements of human-kind and tells that behind every achievement there is role of enthusiasm.When one turns pages of history he finds thousands of history makers and what they had achieved was enormous. Hence, their all achievements were succeeded because of great enthusiasm. They moved heavens into earth with everlasting passion and spirited. They achieved and sought which was impossible for others and they made themselves an example for entire world. Isaac Newton, Alexander and Bill Gates are one of them who did their best and achieved most excellent of universe. Isaac Newton a great scientist was from a poor family. He was a posthumous child. He was clever and intelligent since his childhood but was not engrossed in school life and his mother used to say that he will grow to be a farmer. When he had stepped in university life he dedicated his being for Mathematics and science. He had burnt candles of nights and changed the world of science and technology. His laws gave a new soul to mechanics, physics and astrology. Almost three centuries are passed but Isaac Newton is known all over the world. Indeed, it was passion and ardor of him which

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raised him like a sun and enlightened entire world.Alexander the great a powerful conqueror of world was man of might and was taught by great philosopher Aristotle. He wanted to conquer world and he was succeeded. In age of 33 years he overcame world of his time. In this short age of life he bloomed like Lilly and his aroma spread everywhere in world. He achieved this great task on account of his unlimited enthusiasm. He beard the lion in his den and achieved what he had desired for. Bill Gates was a boy of Middle Class family of Washington, his father was a lawyer, at his adult age he was interested in computer programming, he worked hard and stood like passion of falcon, havoc circumstances subjugated him but he remained insurmountable. Gates graduated from Lakeside School in 1973. He went the extra mile, bulked down and developed Microsoft Windows operating system and the Microsoft Office. He gave a new track to world and become richest man of the densest planet. His all successes spoke about his struggle which he did from dawn to dusk and from dark to peep of day. It was his passion which made it so.There were many human who tried to attain something special but could not because they had not a fine passion and zest. They stepped back and shown their tails to difficulties. They wanted to make palace of butter in front of sun. They claimed to get but could not as they were cowards and less passionate. Only thing which made one achieve great tasks was enthusiasm. Enthusiasm was a secret of success. Every great thing achieved in world from beginning of time to present is because of indefatigable enthusiasm. He who works with everlasting zest he gets whatever he wants. Enthusiasm and passion take one towards his aim and destination. He gets courage and hope through passion. He walks like lion and flies like falcon. Faith and courage of him touches the summits and Fate and destiny bow in front him. As poet of east Allama Iqbal says. "Increase your selflessness to such heights that before creating each destiny, God himself ask the human 'What do you say about this' ". Nature destines for him what he desires. He acquires great things in his life.Enthusiasm drives man crazy. He who gets zest and taste of enthusiasm he bulks down on work and forgets his existence. He even forgets about what he ate and when did he eat. As, scientists remain in laboratory day and night and get engaged with their tasks. Isaac Newton and Einstein forgot to comb their hairs. This is how enthusiasm makes man crazy and he gets what he was willing for. There is an ancient proverb "The end of passion is the beginning of repentance." Person whose passion or enthusiasm is decreased in hurdles of life, he cannot access his goal and he gets failed. He gives up hope and surrenders in front of adversities and miseries therefore he admits him failure. That's why to get a great achievement one needs to have everlasting

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enthusiasm which can take him till his destination otherwise he shall fall down in amid of trek. Life is worth living with enthusiasm and it is most important thing for each individual. Enthusiasm does not provide only power to struggle but it also teaches significance of time. Time which is most precious thing is handled with zeal. He who goes parallel with time and enthusiasm he gets his goals of life. Indeed, those who were passionate, enthusiastic and caring of time they made histories and became heroes. I would like to conclude with this quotation of Isaac Disraeli"Enthusiasm is that secret and harmonious spirit which hovers over the production of genius." There was need of enthusiasm to achieve great, there is and will be its need. Enthusiasm is soul of all efforts. One should be extremely enthusiastic to achieve immense inestimable targets.

Electricity Crisis In Pakistan Economics Essay

Intensity of electricity crisis: The Electricity crisis in Pakistan has made it unbearable for people to live in Pakistan. As they have to suffer from sleepless nights due to load shedding. The energy crisis is one of the most troublesome crisis that has been faced by Pakistan. Though it has been a couple of years that the country is suffering from this crisis, but till now no proper steps have been take, neither any proper planning has come into existence by the government or the private sector. This crisis may become more serious or acute as no proper understanding or correct implementations are being taken into consideration.

This energy crisis has not only left people to bear load shedding driven sleepless nights but has also made it difficult to live for the youth of Pakistan. It has resulted in low productivity of the youth as due to shortage of electricity it is very difficult for the students to concentrate on their health, education and other important factors of life. The area of education is being affected vastly by this electricity crisis as due to this electricity shortage there is no possible way to access personal computers (PC), internet, WLAN and other electronic devices. Moreover, at night it is impossible for the student to study without electricity.

Why in the era of energy reservation Pakistan is not utilizing its energy resources? Pakistan is just relaying on the electricity production by Dams. But Pakistan has not enough dams or water to generate electricity. Although WAPDA is enjoying the monopoly but government has to pay 2 rupee/unit as incentive. Our neighbouring country India has built a number of Dams to overcome the energy crisis but Pakistan government has paid no heed on this issue. Many projects are delayed due to provincialism the glaring example is

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of Kala Bagh Dam. The costly machinery amounted US $9 million is now functionless due to (rust) delay in the construction of Kala Bagh Dam, Some scientists predicted that in next 10year world has to face the water shortage also. If the government fails to construct dams for the generation of electricity due to Provincialism government should have to adopt alternative options to accomplish the energy needs of the country. As Iran has large treasure of natural energy resources like natural gas and fuel, despite this Iran is engaged in the attainment of nuclear power generation plant. Pakistan, despite being an atomic power does not think about the nuclear electric generation plant. International community is imposing sanctions on Iran due to uranium enrichment but Iran pays no heed to them. Then why is the Pakistani government reluctant to use its nuclear plants to tackle energy crisis?

Secondly, Pakistan’s western area especially Thar is enriched by natural coal, which is the fifth largest treasure of the world. Pakistan has signed a contract with China to generate 300 Mega watts by coal deposits in 2003, but due to some reasons it has not been completed till now.

Industrialists due to high prices of electricity use alternative resources (petrol) in electric generators to fulfill their energy needs but, the fuel (petrol) prices in international market cross the psychological limits of US $110/beryl recently. The high prices of fuel and electricity created a long-term cost pull inflation (increase in the prices of raw material of one commodity cause high prices of other commodities).There are a lot of expectations with the new government as Nawaz Sharif pledged that if he came in rule he will fix the prices of domestic commodities like vegetables oil, floor, sugar and rice for two years. Now the new government should take basic steps to eradicate inflation. I think energy crisis is the real cause of this inflationary pressure. We are hopeful that new government will take some positive steps to fulfil its promises and public expectations.

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Traffic problems in a big city

Urban centers are bloodline for a country’s economy. These centers generate great amounts of revenue through business activity and industrial estates. The facilitated lifestyle in big cities attracts more and more number of village dwellers to migrate to the cities. The rapid expansion of urban cities in Pakistan has generated many problems for its residents.

One of the biggest problems of metropolitan is the traffic blocks they witness every day. The irregular expansion has caused a disrupted road networks in the cities. And at the same time the easy access to cars through bank loans and lack of public transportation has increased the number of vehicles on roads. Both of the above mentioned causes create a chaos on the main roads of city. With that arises the next challenge of implementing traffic rules. The traffic sergeants are at every signal but the people disregard their signs either deliberately or unknowingly. A lot of people driving on the roads are unaware of these rules.

For example in a big city like Lahore, traffic blockades are very common and may consume more than 1 hour of a traveler on an average day. The city was expanded irregularly on one side and the absence of facilities in the newly found towns draws its residents to drive to other parts of city to shop for their necessities. Lack of proper public transports pushes everyone to keep his own vehicle. And with the ongoing construction projects and absence of proper alternative routes, the traffic jams have added to the woes

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of people. The recent Metro Bus system has solved the problem and relieved the drivers from anxiety.

To conclude I would like to say that in future all the big cities should be planned, keeping in mind the next 60 years expansion. The road networks must be built at the very beginning to ensure a proper access. New projects for public transport will also decrease the number of cars. Above all the traffic rules must be strictly implemented and followed. There must also be the media campaigns which highlight the hazards of fast and drunk driving. With these solutions we can improve the situation of traffic in a big city.

Accounting And Finance Play A Big Role


Accounting and finance play a big role in an organization. It will help the organization to have a well organized flow and management of financial resources. They include classifying the asset, expenditure, liability, revenue and capital, recording them in a proper procedure then summarize the whole information recorded to have an actual look of how well the financial resources being handled by the organization. Every business company need to know how to manage its financial system so that the owner will know whether he or she is gaining profit or loss. Proper way of documenting the financial outflows also would detect any kind of suspicious transaction to prevent corruptions.

A good company will always manage to succeed in manipulating the financial environment to gain any chance or advantage. The company know how to control the three main components of financial environment; its financial manager, financial market, and its potential investors. These three components will help the company to have the chance in expanding its business thus maximizing the probability to gain profits. The ability of controlling these three components will determine how well the company

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running business. The explanation of every each of the components will be discussed later in the assignment.

Well, when we are working in a group of people, having issues is a normal thing. Misunderstanding, dissatisfaction, and having different thoughts may lead to agency issues. This kind of thing will tear down the company thus disturbing the growth of the company. It is the responsibility of the board of directors to be aware of this kind of thing. They have to act quickly before this situation becomes worse. Be rational to build a harmonious employer-employee relationship.

These things are only parts of vast accounting and finance knowledge. Briefly, we can say that this knowledge is the main pillars of a success company.Basically, we know that financial managers are a part of internal users of a company. They are directly involved in managing and operating a business-basis of organization. They use the accounting information to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the organization. A financial manager is responsible to determine how to wisely invest the company’s fund to keep the business growing. They are also responsible to make financial decision that will maximize the firm’s value hence maximizing the value of the firm’s stock price.

The financial manager should make smart investment decisions because it will affect the firm’s degree of success and determine the amount on the left hand side of the balance sheet. The amount of the balance sheet shows the firm’s size. The financial manager also has to decide which of the fixed assets should be invested in such as buildings, vehicles, plant and machinery. The fixed assets must be decided when to be modified, replace or liquidated. If the assets are less profitable and productive, then it should be sell to get more additional fund.

Next, the financial manager has to make smart financing decisions. It is important to make decision on what channels and ways for a business to get more additional funds. For examples, when the financial manager made decision to issue debt securities, it representing credit provided to the firm by the security’s purchase. A firm also can get funds by issuing equity securities, which are represent ownership interest in the issuing firm

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A Friend in Need is a Friend Indeed

Free sample essay on A Friend in Need is a Friend Indeed. The influence of a friend is sometimes as strong as the influence of our parents and teachers.

Sometimes we move with our friends so intimately that the intimacy lasts for a long time. There are lifelong friends who have a bearing on our personalities, and two friends, who are thick as thieves, do ‘ influence each other, and the two grow together.

The relationship with a friend has not been properly realized by us. Some do not believe in nurturing friendship as they are by nature aloof and reserved. This nature is not desirable, for, it indicates the lack of sociability. Sometimes parents or teachers may not be able to enforce a point on their child and a friend may come in to help them. I can relate an incident in the life of my relative. In fact he was my cousin. His son was adamant that he would not join the engineering course, but his father insisted that he should join the course as he would have bright professional prospects. Any amount

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of persuasion by his father did not work. At last his son’s friend intervened and spoke to his friend of the importance of his father’s valuable advice.

His father was very happy that a known problem was solved satisfactorily. After the engineering course my cousin’s son is quite well off with a fat pay. His life changed as his friend took interest in him. There is a saying which tells about the importance of good friendship. It is this: ‘Tell me who is your friend and I shall tell you what kind of person you are.’ Yes, a friend has much to do with the shaping of our character as our parents and teachers. A student should be careful to choose his or her friends. If the friend with whom you are going to establish connection is of bad character slowly but surely you too are affected by him or her.

You may have been a polite, soft-spoken student of gentle manners. Your friend may be dominant, may be rough, roguish and given to evil ways. Your friend will take advantage of your innocence, your softness and may trick you, lead you to a wrong path. He may be a drug addict, he may be a smoker, he may drink and observing him you may in the long run become an addict to drugs, you may smoke and drink. You may do all these things without the knowledge of your parents. On coming to know that you have bad habits your parents may feel shocked, your teachers may be displeased with you, your relatives will hate you.

A friend who has good habits, who is gentle and well- mannered is an inestimable friend. His good character improves you and in due course you will turn out to be well-mannered and gentle even if you had some bad qualities. A friend who helps you by giving you advice, by helping you to clear your doubts in your lessons, a friend who is intelligent and knowledgeable is indeed an inestimable friend. A friend in need is a friend indeed.

A poem says that if you have friendship with a person of bad character you become nameless and formless like the drop of water on a frying pan on the burning oven. The drop of water on a hot frying pan evaporates and disappears. So also a bad friend will spoil your image and you are no longer a good person. Just as good water stinks and becomes black and impure when it mixes with sewage so also a bad friend spoils you and you stink because of your bad qualities. Your fair name is spoilt by your association with a bad friend of the blackest vices.

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A student should be careful, very, very careful when selecting friends. A good friend will make you shine.

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