
“Many members, one body. Many gifts, one spirit ~ Muchos miembros, un cuerpo. Muchos dones, un espíritu.”


Escuela John Paul I 5675 38 Ave, Edmonton, AB T6L 2Z1


Mensaje del Equipo Directivo Estimados Padres / Tutores de John Paul 1: La Navidad es una época especial del año para los cristianos y para todas las familias. Es una oportunidad para que reflexionemos sobre quiénes somos, en qué creemos y qué rol ocupamos con quienes nos rodean. Es un momento para ser una familia, sin importar quiénes somos, dónde estamos o en qué fe creemos. Diciembre es un mes ocupado en la escuela, en el trabajo y en casa. Es un momento de celebración y tradiciones, que son únicas para cada familia. En Juan Pablo I, tenemos tradiciones que celebran Adviento que se llevarán a cabo cada semana. Nuestra primera celebración ocurrió el 1 de diciembre y los estudiantes presenciaron la historia del Árbol Jesse. Los estudiantes estaban intrigados al ver a sus compañeros de escuela sacar los adornos y conectarlos con la historia de Dios en el Antiguo Testamento. Todo nuestro personal continúa esperando trabajar con cada estudiante y familia para enfatizar la responsabilidad del aprendizaje y comportamiento. Si sabe de algo que sucede en JPI que entusiasma a su hijo, dele a ese miembro del personal una llamada. Atentamente, en nombre del personal, T. Peterson G. Antipán Principal/Directora Assistant Principal/Subdirectora

“Many members, one body. Many gifts, one spirit ~ Muchos miembros, un cuerpo. Muchos dones, un espíritu.”

Oración de Recuerdo Jesús, la Luz del Mundo, mientras celebramos tu nacimiento, podemos comenzar a ver el

mundo a la luz de la comprensión que nos das. Al elegir a los humildes, los marginados y los pobres para recibir las mejores noticias que

el mundo haya conocido, así podemos adorarte con mansedumbre de corazón. Que también recordemos a nuestros hermanos y hermanas menos afortunados en esta

época de dar. Amén

Entrevistas / Conferencias Le invitamos a reservar horarios entre 1-4pm o 5-8pm para entrevistas con el maestro/la maestra de su hijo/a el jueves, 7 de diciembre. La información de reserva ya se ha difundido, por favor consulte con la escuela si necesita ayuda. Celebrando El Adviento Con Su Familia ¡Esté atento para obtener más información sobre nuestras celebraciones de Adviento en JPI! Feria del Libro Del 5 al 7 de diciembre tendremos una feria del libro con libros en español e inglés disponibles para la compra. Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe Todos los estudiantes bilingües españoles de los grados 1-6 celebrarán la Santa Misa en St. Thomas More el 8 de diciembre, junto con todas las otras escuelas bilingües españolas de ECSD, para honrar la fiesta de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe (12 de diciembre).

“Many members, one body. Many gifts, one spirit ~ Muchos miembros, un cuerpo. Muchos dones, un espíritu.”

Concierto de Navidad: Villancico Tradicional Nos gustaría extender una invitación cordial para que las familias en los Grados 4 a 6 se unan a nosotros el miércoles, 13 de diciembre a las 6:30 p.m. mientras los estudiantes nos deleitan con canciones tradicionales de nuestra temporada de Adviento. Habrá un ensayo general en la tarde de ese mismo día a la 1:15 p.m. Si usted u otros miembros de la familia no pueden unirse a nosotros para la presentación de la noche, están más que bienvenidos a ver el ensayo general. ¡Algo nuevo este año será dos obras por parte de nuestros estudiantes del Club de Teatro! Estamos planeando un Concierto de Primavera para todos los estudiantes en 100V - Grado 3, más información se proporcionará más adelante. Premios “Terrific Kids” El martes 25 de noviembre, junto a la Sra. Susan Sadler del Club Kiwanis, presentamos los Premios Terrific Kids centrado en la virtud de "ENTUSIASMO". Enhorabuena a: 100Voices: Olivia, Izzy, Phi-Jo, David, Ambar, Scarlette, Maximus, y Omar, KA: Chase, Samuel, y Yuot, KC/D: Gloria, Jacob, Triton, y Jazmin, 1A: Whitney y Aishani, 1B: Owen y Poppy, 1C: Naomi, Jack y Jayden, 2A: Caiden y Madisson, 2B: Isabelle, Luke, y Andrei, 3A: Jem, Megan, y Sebastian, 3B: Ava-Rose y Daryl, 4A: Sofia, Don, Robyn, y Hazen, 4B: Nate y Ola, 5A: Paulyn, Andraie, y Danzel, 5B: Sahara, Juan Pablo, y Marco, 6A: Amiel, Zachary, y Ryanah, 6B: Avabella, Alicia, y Anthony

Primera Comunión Felicitaciones a Nicolas R. y Megan K. que recibieron su Primera Comunión en la Iglesia de Santa Teresa. ¡Bendiciones para ambos en su viaje de fe! Programa “Get Caught Reading” Muchos estudiantes en JPI han tenido éxito en completar su lectura diaria. Nuestro Programa Get Caught Reading está entusiasmando a los estudiantes con la lectura y les pedimos que continúen leyendo con su hijo/a todos los días, además de trabajar en Raz-Kids. Continuamos solicitando libros nuevos o usados con delicadeza que podamos usar como premios durante todo el año, o cualquier otra donación relacionada con la lectura. ¡Gracias!

“Many members, one body. Many gifts, one spirit ~ Muchos miembros, un cuerpo. Muchos dones, un espíritu.”

La Hora del Código (Hour of Code) ¡Estamos esperando ansiosamente nuestro evento ECSD Hour of Code! ¡Este es el 4to año que las Escuelas Católicas de Edmonton participarán y la PRIMERA VEZ que JPI participará! Hour of Code es un movimiento global respaldado por con el objetivo de llegar a decenas de millones de estudiantes en más de 180 países a través de una introducción de una hora a la informática y la programación de computadoras. La codificación es una excelente manera de desarrollar la lectoescritura, la aritmética, la creatividad y las habilidades de pensamiento. ¡El año pasado tuvimos más de 22,000 estudiantes participando y este año esperamos 25,000! ¡Estamos entusiasmados de que John Korassa, uno de nuestros Consultores de EmTech, nos apoye en este nuevo proyecto! Estamos Muy Agradecidos

En JPI reconocemos que estamos extremadamente bendecidos como escuela y comunidad. Todas sus donaciones para nuestro banco de alimentos, cestas navideñas y nuestro árbol Jesse asegurarán que nuestras familias puedan disfrutar de algunas bendiciones navideñas. En nombre de los estudiantes y las familias, le agradecemos su generosidad.

JPI Consejo de Padres La próxima reunión será el 12 de diciembre a las 6:30 p.m. y será una comida compartida. ¡Esperamos verlos! Estacionamiento del Personal / Recogida del Estudiante Nos gustaría recordarle que por favor absténgase de usar el estacionamiento del personal o las zonas de autobuses designadas para dejar o recoger a los estudiantes. Es importante mantener estas áreas libres de entrada y salida de tráfico durante estas horas pico. Ausencias De Estudiantes Por favor, recuerde informar a la escuela que su hijo/a estará ausente llamándonos al (780) 462-6448. Le pedimos que también nos informe si su hijo/a no estará en el autobús después de la escuela cualquier día. Esta es otra manera de ayudarnos a garantizar que

“Many members, one body. Many gifts, one spirit ~ Muchos miembros, un cuerpo. Muchos dones, un espíritu.”

sepamos dónde están nuestros estudiantes. Recuerde que las tarifas del autobús deben pagarse durante la primera semana de cada mes. Toda la información de la ruta del autobús ahora se puede encontrar al iniciar una sesión en PowerSchool. Las rutas y los horarios pueden cambiar sin previo aviso, por lo que es una buena idea verificar esta información regularmente. Resultados: Exámenes Provinciales (PAT) 2016-2017 Estamos orgullosos de presentar nuestros puntajes para el PAT del año pasado. Los estudiantes en el Grado 6 escriben estos exámenes en Artes del Lenguaje, Matemáticas, Ciencias y Estudios Sociales. Estas pruebas fueron escritas durante la primavera pasada. La siguiente tabla muestra nuestros resultados en los últimos dos años, así como los resultados de toda Alberta en los últimos dos años.

“Many members, one body. Many gifts, one spirit ~ Muchos miembros, un cuerpo. Muchos dones, un espíritu.”

Supervisión y clima frío Los niños deben tener ropa apropiada para el clima. En las mañanas los estudiantes esperan afuera hasta que suene la campana a las 8:21 am. Como recordatorio, la supervisión de los estudiantes afuera en las mañanas comienza a las 8:06 am. Durante los días extremadamente fríos (menos de -20 ° C) o en días lluviosos, se les pedirá a los estudiantes que entren a la escuela donde serán supervisados en los pasillos. Una Nota de la Trabajadora de Enlace Familiar y Escolar Cuando la mayoría de la gente piensa en diciembre, piensa en las fiestas, las luces festivas, los obsequios, la comida y las reuniones de familia. Lo que a veces olvidamos es que puede ser una época del año muy estresante. Esto puede deberse a preocupaciones financieras o relaciones familiares negativas para adultos o el cambio en la rutina para los niños. Y, por desgracia, el estrés puede hacer que sea más difícil para todos nosotros manejar nuestras emociones, lo que tiene un impacto negativo en la "diversión" de diciembre. El truco rápido y fácil para reducir el estrés durante el mes es simplificar. Reduzca el dinero gastado, reduzca las expectativas y reduzca las obligaciones. Pase algún tiempo de calidad con sus hijos haciendo que hagan regalos para su familia extensa, adornos pintados a mano, marcos de cuadros, bufandas de punto, productos de baño, canastas de regalos pequeños, productos horneados (¿a quién no le gustan las galletas?!?), Recetas familiares convertidos en libros de cocina, la lista continúa ... Para algunas personas, diciembre puede ser un mes difícil solo para llegar a fin de mes y cualquier costo adicional como regalos, comida extra y ropa de temporada es estresante. Si su familia puede done al Edmonton Food Bank: carne enlatada, salsa de tomate, barras de granola, artículos para el almuerzo escolar y mantequilla de maní puede ser muy útil en esta época del año, así como en enero. Visite para obtener mas ideas. ¿Interesado en algunos de los soportes mencionados? Contácteme al 780-908-5750.


“Many members, one body. Many gifts, one spirit ~ Muchos miembros, un cuerpo. Muchos dones, un espíritu.”

Ambiente Seguro para las Alergias Esto es un recordatorio de que somos un "Ambiente Seguro para las Alergias". Es importante que junto con nuestras familias nos esforcemos por educar a nuestros estudiantes para que estén bien informados y atentos en su respuesta a los miembros de nuestra comunidad escolar que tienen alergias relacionadas con los alimentos. Le pedimos que se abstenga de enviar productos de maní o artículos que contengan nueces a la escuela. Por favor, consulte la información a continuación para ayudarlo en esto.

“Many members, one body. Many gifts, one spirit ~ Muchos miembros, un cuerpo. Muchos dones, un espíritu.”

“Many members, one body. Many gifts, one spirit ~ Muchos miembros, un cuerpo. Muchos dones, un espíritu.”

“Many members, one body. Many gifts, one spirit ~ Muchos miembros, un cuerpo. Muchos dones, un espíritu.”

December 2017 O come, divine Messiah; the world in silence waits the day When hope shall sing its triumph and sadness flee away.

(O Come, Divine Messiah, S.J. Pellegrin)

The season of Advent is upon us. It is a sacred time of prayer, reflection, and preparation for the coming of Jesus. There are so many ways that families can share in the joy and anticipation of the birth of our Saviour. Archbishop Smith shares how we can bring the Word of God more deeply into our classrooms and homes in his message to us this month. In the weeks leading up to Christmas, as we light the candles on our Advent wreaths, we can also reflect on the hope, peace, joy, and love that is to be found in the gift of Jesus Christ. There are many special events that are being held in our parishes and schools; evenings of Advent song, the preparation of hampers for families who would benefit from extra support, extra opportunities to celebrate the sacrament of Reconciliation, to name a few. The Catholic Bishops of Alberta and the Northwest Territories released a supplementary letter just before Catholic Education Sunday. In it, they gave a call to Catholics to join in and spread the great news of Catholic education. They share, “It is important that everyone be ready to stand up for our faith and for our schools. Please be prepared to speak out in support of our Catholic schools whenever you can. We are proud of who we are as Catholics.” You can read the entire letter at We will be proudly sharing the story of the richness of Catholic education in Edmonton Catholic Schools using the hashtag #ECSDFaithInspires in the upcoming months, and we encourage you to help us spread the message that Catholic education is an outstanding and important choice for families to guide our children and youth as they learn and grow in mind, body, and spirit. We are embarking on a legacy project and would like to be able to capture the journeys of families who have 3 or 4 generations that are able to share their story of Edmonton Catholic Schools. If your family is interested in participating, please email a brief overview of your generations to [email protected] . The response to our Celebration of Catholic Education Evenings in November was tremendous! We have included the responses to the questions which people shared with us as part of the feedback sheets. Edmonton Catholic Schools is excited to participate in the Hour of Code, once again this year. This is the fourth year that we will be participating, and this year’s event will be the best one yet! Hour of Code is a global movement that is supported by with the purpose of reaching tens of millions of students in 180+ countries through a one-hour introduction to computer science and computer programming. Coding is a great way to develop literacy, numeracy, creativity, and thinking skills. Last year we had over 22,000 students participate and this year we are hoping for 25,000! Our goal is to have a <Bit of Code> In Every School. In his Sunday Angelus to mark the beginning of Advent last year, Pope Francis shared the following message: “In this season of Advent, we are called to expand the horizons of our hearts, to be amazed by the life which presents itself each day with newness.” I wish you all an Advent that fills you with this amazement! Sincerely, Joan Carr Superintendent

“Many members, one body. Many gifts, one spirit ~ Muchos miembros, un cuerpo. Muchos dones, un espíritu.”

December 2017 Dear Friends, In December, especially in Edmonton, we notice that the hours, minutes of sunlight diminish. It is during this time of darkness that we begin a new liturgical year. The season of Advent is upon us. Advent is a time of preparation for Christmas. We prepare to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, the Light of the World (John 8:12). The prophet Isaiah foretold this event when he wrote: The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; those who lived in a land of deep darkness – on them light has shined. (Isaiah 9:2) During this Advent season as we prepare for Christmas, I invite you to listen to Jesus, the Word of God and to be guided by the Word. As the Psalmist writes: Your word is lamp unto my feet and light to my path. (Ps 119:105) There are many ways to listen to the Word. In our Catholic Schools the Word of God proclaimed, studied and discussed. I invite you, as I have invited everyone in the Archdiocese, to hear the Word of God in three ways:

1. To prepare a prayer space in your home or classroom where a Bible takes the place of honour; 2. To pray a simple prayer before and after meals. I will assist you in this by offering a biblical verse

to help you to hear the Word of God. These are available through the parish Sunday bulletin. 3. To discuss the Sunday homily as a family.

With Christ as our guide, may you continue to let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven (Matt.5:16) during the Advent season and throughout the liturgical year. I pray that you have a blessed Christmas! Richard W. Smith Archbishop of Edmonton

“Many members, one body. Many gifts, one spirit ~ Muchos miembros, un cuerpo. Muchos dones, un espíritu.”

LIVING IN THE WORD OF GOD Creation of a Prayer Space in the Home In his recent Pastoral Letter, Living in the Word of God, Archbishop Richard Smith offers some thoughts as to how we, as members of this Archdiocesan family, can together listen carefully to the Word of God and, in a shared commitment, put it into practice.” St. Paul teaches that faith comes from what is heard. This means that the first act of the disciple is to listen carefully to what God is saying to us in the words of Jesus. The hearing of Christ's Word demands a silent and attentive listening. This requires effort and determination. Living in a world of noise, we must be always cultivating, with the help of God's grace, an inner stillness in which we are disposed to hear and be transformed by the Word of God.” In the same way, Archbishop Smith invites families, too, to listen together to the Word of God. “Through a careful listening to this Word, families encounter the Lord in their very midst and hear within the depths of their hearts his assurance of love and call to holiness and service. One way to make this happen is to create a prayer space in the home. I recall from my days as a parish priest the practice of one family that created a sacred space in their home by simply placing a candle in the corner of one room. They would gather daily around the lit candle to offer their spontaneous prayers to God for his blessing upon their day.” We, at Edmonton Catholic Schools, invite you to heed the call of Archbishop Smith. As we approach the season of Advent, we are reminded that Advent is a time of great spiritual preparation as we ready our souls for the coming of Christ. Advent is an important season in which families can dedicate time each day to pray and to share the Word of God together, preparing in a powerful way for the coming of Christ. This Advent Season, like many of the past, will be filled with distractions and priorities which attempt to take away from our families spiritually during this crucial time. Consider creating a prayer space in your home by placing an Advent Wreath at the center of your dining table. As a family, gather around the Advent Wreath, before or after meals, to light the Advent candles, to offer spontaneous prayers, and to listen to the Word of God. During this Advent season, we hope that you will use these traditional tools with your family and that God will use them to benefit your family with grace and love. Sandra Talarico, Religious Education Consultant

“Many members, one body. Many gifts, one spirit ~ Muchos miembros, un cuerpo. Muchos dones, un espíritu.”

Celebration of Catholic Education Religious Education Parent/Guardian Engagement Evenings Feedback

On November 1 and 2 the Trustees and Administration of Edmonton Catholic School District were pleased to host parent engagement evenings at St. Charles Parish and Corpus Christi Parish titled: Celebration of Catholic Education Religious Education Parent/Guardian Engagement Evenings. Each evening began with the celebration of the Eucharist followed by a presentation and an opportunity for reflection. We were delighted that Archbishop Richard Smith and Bishop Gregory Bittman were able to celebrate these evenings with us. They were joined at our Lord’s table by the parish priests, deacons, and our District Chaplains. Additionally, we were pleased that, so many community members attended Mass and the program that followed. We are happy to share some of the feedback and comments we received following each presentation. Included below are corresponding links to more information and resources as well as highlights from the presentations. A. We asked participants: What is one thing from this evening’s presentation that you enjoyed most?

1. “The experiences and opinions of the children in the video; they are the principle role in this story. I enjoyed

the video and how the young students understood their Catholic faith and expressed themselves with confidence.”

The video, Growing in the Spirit, was a collaborative effort between Learning Services Innovation and many students from across the school district. It focused on asking students to express their thoughts on what Catholic Education meant to them. Growing in the Spirit Video 2. “I enjoyed learning about the new curriculum and resources available for parents, teachers and the parishes.

Knowing what my children will be learning enables me to help them grow in their faith.”

Growing in Faith, Growing in Christ, the new Religious Education program approved by the Catholic Bishops of Ontario, Alberta, Saskatchewan, and the Northwest Territories and developed in collaboration with Catholic educators from across Canada, exemplifies the discipline and rigor with which the program is delivered. Pearson Canada, the publisher, has developed a school, a home, and a parish website that helps to integrate the faith into everyday life. Pearson Canada Student-Home Website Username: ecsd99 Password: Student99 3. “I really appreciate how the Competencies formed through Catholic education are permeated from

Kindergarten to Grade Twelve and that teachers are receiving professional development in this area.”

We know that Catholic education means that students are given the opportunity to encounter Christ in all aspects of their learning day, not just in Religion class. This means that our Catholic faith is permeated throughout all subjects and all activities. The Learner Competencies Formed through Catholic Education reflect the Alberta Programs of Study from a Catholic education standpoint and change the way that we approach permeation. Learner Competencies Formed Through Catholic Education 4. “I was pleased to see the Archdiocese’s Sacramental Education Initiative. I have children who are passed

their sacraments, so this is a document with which I am unfamiliar.”

The Standards for Preparing Children and Youth for the Sacraments in the Archdiocese of Edmonton are the result of the Sacramental Education Initiative set forth by the Archdiocese and the Catholic school boards chairs and superintendents from our Archdiocese. The Standards have been developed after four years of wide consultation with priests of the Archdiocese, pastoral assistants, religious consultants, parents, principals and teachers in our Catholic school districts. We invite you to contact your local Catholic parish for more information about Sacramental preparation. The Catholic Archdiocese of Edmonton – Sacramental Preparation

“Many members, one body. Many gifts, one spirit ~ Muchos miembros, un cuerpo. Muchos dones, un espíritu.”

B. We asked participants: What is one thing you wonder about or would like to learn more about?

1. “I am anxious to know if Religious Education is mandatory from Kindergarten to Grade Twelve.”

Religious Education is a scholastic discipline and not a complementary course; nor is it a supplement to other disciplines, but underpins the educational activity of Catholic schools. Students are required to participate in and complete Religious Education courses each year of their schooling with Edmonton Catholic Schools. In high school, students typically complete nine credits in Religious Education within a traditional classroom setting. Under some circumstances, and to accommodate special learning needs, Religious Education is also delivered in alternative modes such as PASS (Part Time Alternative Self-Paced School) or Revelation Online. 2. “What is ECSD doing about the alternative curriculum for sexual education in our schools?”

We have, and continue to teach the outcomes of the existing curriculum. To clarify, it should be noted that the Council of Catholic School Superintendents of Alberta (CCSSA) did not submit a parallel curriculum proposal to the government. CCSSA is working closely with Alberta Education in supporting the curriculum development, and seeks to create a supplemental resource that ensures a Catholic lens is provided for our learners. Our District has teachers participating in the working group that is developing the new health and wellness curriculum. 3. “I appreciate that teachers and administrators continue their faith journeys in meaningful professional

development opportunities.”

Teachers and administrators have many opportunities to develop and grow in their faith. This includes School Opening Mass, Permeation Afternoon, Faith Formation Afternoon, Father Michael Mireau Youth Day, Faith Development Day, Grace for the Heart and Soul, Student Faith Development Days, District-Wide Professional Development sessions on the RE Curriculum, as well as Social Justice Initiatives; Religious and Moral Education Conference through the ATA; SPICE and Blueprints through the Alberta Catholic School Trustees Association; Dinner and a Course through St. Joseph’s College; and the Treasures of the Faith, the Certificate in Catholic Studies, and the Master of Religious Education through Newman Theological College. Included below are two links from the Alberta Bishops in their support of Catholic Education: Catholic Education Sunday Bishop’s Letter Catholic Education Sunday Supplementary Statement We thank those who were able to attend the parent engagement evenings and for sharing their comments.

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