


Importance of Topic

Motivation is a big part of physical education

Motivation can lead to participation Participation is the ultimate goal Participation=healthier students

Article 1

Effect of Learning Activity on Students' Motivation,

Physical Activity Levels and Effort/Persistence


The purpose of the study was to see the motivational differences of a student participating in a health related fitness (HRF) activity and soccer.


Students were more motivated during the health related fitness activity than in soccer

Some students felt they couldn’t master skills in soccer causing motivation to drop

HRF skills were easy to master therefore adding to their level of self-efficacy

Students expected more positive results from HRF than from soccer

Relation to Topic

It is important to help students master skills which can lead to increase in motivation to keep trying

Allowing your students to have a high sense of self-efficacy is a very important aspect of participation in class

Article 2

New Phys Ed.: Dodgeball Is Passe; Schools Are Teaching

Lifelong Fitness.


This article was written to inform about the “new age” of Phys. Ed. and how this can be used to motivate students


New focus- lifelong sports which are often more fun, and more beneficial to health

Fun and unique activities are more likely to engage a student in physical activity

More fun and more beneficial leads to greater motivation

May also be incorporated as an adult

New Phys. Ed. Activities

Wii Aerobics Inline skating Yoga On Screen Exercises (p90x, zumba, Tae


Relation to Topic

Incorporating new fun and exciting activities in class can lead to higher motivation in students to participate. This higher participation will ultimately lead to healthier students.

Article 3

Outside-school physical activity participation and motivation in physical



The purpose of this study was to determine whether participating in an outside-school physical activity will lead to an increase in motivation to participate in physical education


The students were surveyed to see who partakes in an outside school physical activity

Students were then put in 2 groups depending on outside activity

The student’s involvement and participation in class was recorded each day for 6 weeks


Showed that students who participated in outside-school physical activity had a much higher motivation to participate in physical education class

Relation to Topic As a Phys. Ed. teacher I can push for

students to participate in outside-school physical activities hoping to increase in class participation

Heading intramural programs is a great way for students to get involved

Less competitive Make friends Can boost motivation factor in class

Article 4

Motivation in physical education classes

A self-determination theory perspective


Determine what role the self determination theory plays in a students motivation to participate in physical education class where the teacher uses an interpersonal teaching style

What is Self-Determination Theory?

Idea that a human’s motivation and personality is based on their own beliefs without any outside interference or influence

In terms of P.E. it would apply to motivation to participate due to valuing the activity as a means of health

Self-Determination vs. Interpersonal Teaching Style

Self-Determination- internal motivation Interpersonal Teaching- external

motivation (from teacher) Having the 2 work together can create a

positive outcome


The motivation factors for both teachers and students were similar

Both said motivation was for health purposes and class success

Students reported that when the teacher sets goals for class and communicates well with students their desire to participate is higher.

Relation to Topic

Having the idea that students can be motivated by good instruction sets forth the idea that to have motivated students the teacher needs to be motivated in their teaching.

Using an interpersonal teaching style is a good way to be involved with students


Similar to experiment done in article 1 I marked when a student was not

participating in an activity It was either under game column or HRF

column Goal: See if results are different in

elementary as opposed to middle school

Date Health Related Fitness


3/11/13 X

3/14/13 X, X, X

3/18/13 X, X, X


3/26/13 X, X, X

3/28/13 X, X

X= student did not participateGrades observed were 1-4

Observation Summary

Elementary students are completely different than middle or high school students

Elementary students do not understand the importance of exercise

They view physical education as “gym class” where you just play games

Reason they do HRF activities is because the teacher said to do so

Proposed Solution Younger students need to understand the

importance of physical activity As a physical education teacher I need to not

let students get away with not participating If a student only plays games they will

develop a negative view on running and exercising

It is necessary to stress importance of exercising while not turning it into a negative thing

Once exercise is viewed as good it will increase motivation to participate in my class

Closing In closing I realize that motivation is the

biggest part of getting a student to participate in P.E. class.

Motivating your students can come from the activity they are doing, internal factors, outside factors, or even teaching style. The important part for me as a physical education teacher is to keep my students motivated, participating, and ultimately healthy.


Gao, Z., Lee, A. M., Xiang, P., & Kosma, M. (2007). Effect of Learning Activity on Students' Motivation, Physical Activity Levels and Effort/Persistence. Journal of Research, 27-33.

Schachter, R. (2011). The New Phys Ed.: Dodgeball Is Passe; Schools Are Teaching Lifelong Fitness. Instructor Magazine, 39-42.

Shen, B. (2012), Outside-school physical activity participation and motivation in physical education. British Journal of Educational Psychology. doi: 10.1111/bjep.12004

Ntoumanis, N., Standage, M. (2009). Motivation in Physical Education A self-Determination theory perspective. Theory and Research in Education, 194-202.

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