Page 1: Eric Saade . Mini-fanbook
Page 2: Eric Saade . Mini-fanbook

Hej. First at all, HAPPY 22th B-DAY! You are getting old, do you already noticed that? Ahahah

Hope you are enjoyin’ this present from your Portuguese fans… there are many people and hours involved but… you deserve every effort we do… you are the reason of our smiles!

And we want to give you a advice… leave to spend your holidays in Spain… we have beautiful beaches too… AND SANGRIA!!! Ahahaha (just kiddin’)

With love,Your Portuguese mafakkas! ♥

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Hello! I wish you a happy birthday with family, friends and lots of fun!! This gift was made primarily to encourage you to come to Portugal. If you'd come here you could also see the beaches, landscapes and taste the FOOD, believe that the food here is VERY GOOD! They say that the Portuguese wine is very good, but I do not know why I do not like wine :D.

I love your work! I love your music! And I love to see you dance, you dance super WELL!!

You have a GREAT reason to come to Portugal and you know what? You have many fans here who would love to see you here, PLEASE come here!! PLEEEASE!!!!!!!

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Even though you don't know meI just want you to know that I am and I will always be 

Without you I'm nothing”

Thank you for all your love and for all that you give us

Thank you for your amazing voice, your perfect songs, and your beautiful personality.You're so much better than we deserve!

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Hello Eric Khaled Saade, Happy birthday, hope you are enjoying this fanbook and your special day! Good luck for the future and for your career, wish you lots of love and health. Don't forget who you were before you became famous, don't forget about your roots! Keep up the good work, and once again Grattis!

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Hello Eric. First of all I want to wish you a happy birthday! It’s not everyone that got the luck about being so famous and so young like you. I know you since 2011 and I love your music. I expect you to come do a concert in Oslo and quickly! I have 70% certainly that I’ll see you. I hope that you have more a good year! Happy Birthday!

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Dear Eric,I write you this "letter" listening to your music “Popular”, because it was the first of your songs that I heard and was with it that a became "a fan". You made me think about a lot of things. I can honestly say that I would not be the person I am today without your influence, your musical influence.It's a special day for you. I think it's your birthday today hahahaha. So... Happy Birthday! I can just wish you a continuation of your excellent career, a better visualization of your music, not just in Europe but also in the others continents. I wish you health, love and happiness too. I think that this can be the first and also the only time that "I can talk with you" so I'd like to invite you for a visit to my country or even a concert. We would like it a lot. So, think about it.One more time, Happy B-day

I <3 U, Eric Khaled Saade! 

Hey Eric, in this text I'll say everything, I think. In this day, (your birthday technically), I wish for you the best, you make 22 years old, you are getting old man, you're growing and I love you in every way. You're amazing, my superhero, you're special, you fight with all your strength without fear, you are a simple boy that is becoming a man, and now, you have thousands of fans

Your voice inspire us, enlightens us. When I meet you, I found an Idol, a special boy. When you smile, I smile. When you cry, I cry. You're the best treasure I found. When I listen to your songs, I sigh and then I smile (with a big, big, big smile). “You're the proof that love is beautiful. You're the truth something unusual. You're my fire” You're my sun and my moon. You're very special to me. “You're like the pot of gold At the end of the rainbow” When you need, me and all portuguese fans, we are here, we will be your strength... When you need it we'll tell you “I

I'm not good about writing texts, sorry. $:PLEASE never forget us! Have the best birthday ever and never change, we need YOU! “Without you I'm nothing” ;)

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Dear Eric,

Happy Birthday!!!

We are two girls who are big fans of yours. Our names are Tânia Nunes and Juliana Gonçalves. We are from Vila Real, Portugal.

Since we saw you in the Eurovision Song Contest in Düsseldorf, Germany, we follow your career and we love your songs. We would like you to come to Portugal to do a concert for your Portuguese fans, we would love meet you in person and take a picture with you.

We wish you a great birthday in the company of those you most love. Good luck to your life and your career.

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First of all, congratulations for your birthday and for your route in the music, has been extraordinary.

I want to tell you that you changed my life, every time I'm sad, I hear your voice and I turn to smile, like you were my inspiration, my oxygen.

You are beautiful in and outside, I want you to know that I'll always support you and be your fan.

I'm always on your twitter, watching what you are doing, you became an addiction for me.

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First of all I want to congratulate you and tell you that I

My name is Carina Martinho, I'm 15 years old and I’m

I love the way you sing and your singing style, I would love to go to one of your concerts, you surely know that it is one of my dreams and I hope that one day it

I think you have done an amazing journey and you increasingly enchant people with your voice and your

We really want you to come to Portugal to all your Portuguese fans can see you and hear you, it would certainly be the show of my life and of many people.If I were to say everything I think of you I think that I would fill this page with only qualities, so I’ll just tell you order to proceed just as you are.So, I say goodbye with kisses and I wish you a happy

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First of all HAPPY BIRTHDAY!You're a great singer and I love your songs. Your songs are very beautiful and very easy to learn by heart.I want to ask you to come to Portugal because there are many people that, in my opinion, will love if you come

Thank you for your attention.

Page 12: Eric Saade . Mini-fanbook

Hi Eric :D Happy Birthday!!!!!

I hope you like our gift; it was made with a lot of love

and affection. (Our "boss" had this brilliant idea).

Well, I’m Silvia, I’m from a small town who nobody

I'm 18, I will do 19 at October 29. Wow!! It’s our

birthday!! Happy BDay for us! Enjoy your day, my day

will be on college, studying.

I have so much to tell you, I’m so proud of you and

your work. Your songs are so beautiful and you have a

lot of talent. Where did you learn to dance so well? I

also want to dance like you.

Please come to Portugal, it´s a small country but we

have a lot of love to give you and we need you here.

Remember, "Your Art is our proud"

A lot of kisses and hugs.

P.S: Sorry about my English :D

Page 13: Eric Saade . Mini-fanbook

Hello Eric, everything fine with you? I certainly hope so.

Today is your day, you make 22 years-old, another year makes you even more special.

If it was my birthday I wish you could come to Portugal. Me and many “Saadists” would love if you could come to Portugal and sing for us your beautiful songs. When I saw you singing on Eurovision the music "Popular" I thought: Wow what the hell? He has an amazing voice!

So, I searched your song in the internet and now your music is part of the best moments in my life. Like when I went to the national championship, I heard your music before the beginning and I won because of you!

So, Happy Birthday Eric Saade and remember: THE PORTUGUESE FANS LOVE YOU!!

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Today is your birthday, your 22nd birthday... It's amazing, isn't it? :DI'm writing this text from a place you know as well: Spain... And listening "Imagine"... It's a perfect duet. ;) I still can feel your smell in the air... I fell you in every place I'm, but I felt it more when I was in Marbella. ^_^ I totally adore you, as artist and person, I didn't felt so in "love" for a singer since I was... Can't remember! :P Hope I can see you very soon at portuguese stages, Portugal

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I wish to you from my heart.I hope u will complete much more in your life Love u so much hope u have a nice and happy day

p.s reply me on twitter I’m @MarySaade15 If u do that, I will know u have read this letter, I’ll be waiting. Love you and once again happy birthday:*

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Hiiii dear Eric! Hope everything's fine with you! I just want to wish HaPPyyyyy BiRtHdAyyy to one of the best

It's your birthday and in our thoughts we are all with you today! I Wish with all my heart that you have an excellent, crazy, fuuun-tastic day in the company of your family and your friends, celebrates with a huge cake and with many presents... and don't forget to make a wish when you blow out the candles ;P

May the sun shines for you the whole year, everything you do shall go right and all of your dreams come

Thanks for making us smile everytime We hear your We all love YOU and that we always

Many kisses and hugs, angel!! Stay cool ;)

Please Eric come to Portugal to make a huuuge concert for us, and BRING DANNY SAUCEDO TOO!! xD

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Hello Eric! Happy birthday! I hope many more years to come, not only for you, but also for your music career. I also hope that your birthdays become even more special because you deserve it! You have done an excellent job during your career and for that reason you should continue, because you are an inspiration, surely not just for me, but also for all your fans. With your music you have the gift of making me believe in myself and that I can achieve my dreams. Every time that I feel sad about something I start to sing or listen to your music and I feel better right away, it's great that you have this effect on people. I think that you are a great person; kind and who respects and enjoys helping others. You are a good example to follow. By the way, I would like to say that you are the first singer which I like all the songs, and that is a great feat! Did you know that once I made a school work about you? That’s true! And then I presented the work in front of my whole class! I identify a lot with your phrase "My art is my freedom", because I want to work with art and that is how I express myself. I have followed your career and after all this I can only say that I wish you to continue and achieve many successes and accomplish all your goals and dreams, because you deserve it and we all need you! I'm waiting for you to come to Portugal!

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Happy Birthday Eric!!I'm just a fan (among many) who loves you very, very, very much!!I always loved dance, but just started liking music after listening to you...I meet you before Eurovision... During the Eurovision, I was two hours fingers crossed for you to win!!I Like all your songs, but I love to listening "Break of Down" before sleeping...Eric... your art is my freedom!! =)One day I hope to meet you, just to thank you for being an angel.You are forever in my heart ♥I love you my perfect manboy!You are my favorite singer! You are my dream...The moon belongs to you ;)

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Hello I am Tânia and I live in Chaves, Portugal. I have 17 years old and I am a big fan of you.

I love your songs and the choreographies of each music. I have no chance to go to your concert and I would like you to come here. You have been already on south Spain but it is still too her away for me.

I want to wish good luck to you and may your birthday be full of happiness.

And I would you like to say, that your voice enchants me and all your fans.

A kiss from your Portuguese fan, Tânia Alves.

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Hey Eric, I hope you see this, ILOVEYOU. You are the best idol around the world...

I started to like you when a friend of mine started to talk about Eurovision and you were participating and I was like "who is Eric?" So, since I saw you acting, I really loved, you dance nicely, you are a wonderful singer, you are all of good that I neither can explain...

Please, come to Portugal. You go to all the places least Portugal. Please, come here. I'm from Azores but I would get all the possible ways to see you acting...

You are the best guy of the world ♥♥ So, the song I love more is... from all, there isn't a possible choice but the songs I love very much is "Popular" and "Imagine" but it doesn't means I don't like the others, I love all. ♥


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Hi Eric, I wish you an amazing birthday , hope you will have a wonderful day . I'm so happy to had an opportunity to met you . That was so incredible and wonderfull .Thank you so much

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This addiction to Saade began a year ago,when I was watching Eurovision and found it quite interesting the music and his performance. After the final of Eurovision I had the song in my head and I started to searching more about you and found that you had already an album. I started listening the album and I was fascinated with your work, from there the addiction Saade began to increase until today: P

I get fascinated with you because you do concerts that make me open my mouth... the same happens when I see you dancing and singing at the same time, because it's very difficult to do O.o

Going forward what I wish to you is that can be you recognized worldwide, but before that, want to ask you to come to Portugal xD

With all this, I just got one thing to say to you: "I am proud to be an Eric Saade fan" :D

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Cover photo: Filipa Pereira | May 2012 ©

Idea: Joana Rodrigues

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