  • 時間 上午 10 時–中午 12 時 /

    下午 1 時 –3 時 /

    下午 3 時半–5 時半


    6–8 人 / 班



    $ 200/ 小時

    (每課節 2 小時)

    中文寫作暑期課程 適合升小二至升中一學生

    課程精選不同類型篇章,教授學生如何構思大綱、選取素材,到運用詞彙及寫作手法,並仔細批閱學生的作品,讓學生提升寫作的能力。 CLASSROOM Educator 將教授校內考核文體,如記敍文、描寫文、實用文等,亦會教授不同類型的寫作模式,如故事、賀卡、邀請卡、書信、日記等。 本課程鼓勵學生從身邊平凡的事物中發掘靈感,炮製成有用的寫作素材,以培養學生寫作的興趣。 透過聯繫生活經驗及已有知識,構思寫作內容,再因應不同的寫作要求,採取適當的寫作方法,如運用各種修辭手法,完整及通順地把見聞、感受和想像寫出來。

    2016 夏季假期限定


    6 月 20 - 8 月 26 日

    *7 月 1 日除外


    學生常說 :不知寫什麼好? CLASSROOM

    Educator 教授學生如何構思大綱,選取素材,到運用詞彚及寫作手法,並仔細批閱學生的作品,讓學生提升寫作的能力。

  • 課室中文創意寫作課程



    Educator 鼓勵學生多從身邊平凡的事物中發掘靈



    基礎創意寫作課程 適合升小二及升小三學生 本課程會以生活化的主題,配以不同形式的課





    閱讀+想像﹕創意寫作課程 (初級)

    適合升小四及升小五學生 因應學生已掌握基本寫作能力,本課程通過學





    閱讀+想像﹕創意寫作課程 (高級)

    適合升小六及升中一學生 通過閱讀名家創意作品,學生從中學習名家的





    2016 夏季假期限定


    6 月 20 - 8 月 26 日

    *7 月 1 日除外

    時間 上午 10 時–中午 12 時 /

    下午 1 時– 3 時 /

    下午 3 時 30 分– 5 時 30 分


    6–8 人 / 班



    $ 200/ 小時

    (每課節 2 小時)

  • Summer Camp!

    Join us for a brilliant Summer Experience this Holiday. Your children will love writing with boosted confidence at CLASSROOM CENTRE while they learn how to start and end a writing task with enthusiasm. Depending on the level, your children may write various writing text types, plan, draft and edit, organize and sequence their ideas, and structure their writing into paragraphs.

    CLASSOOM Fun English Summer Camp with Education City (Chromebook) Suitable for entering P1 – P5 students

    This course uses eResources, a must have

    resources in English classrooms. Students will learn with the

    educators through engaging contents, with interactivity,

    animation and humour to appeal to children. Its bright,

    colourful and animated activities bring learning to life to help

    children master the English essentials.

    CLASSROOM English Writing Course(with J2E5) Suitable for would be Primary 3-4 students

    This programme is designed to help students with more

    support with their writing skills. With the technology of

    J2E5 , students learn about process based approach,

    vocabulary and usage, grammar and paragraphing, while

    using interesting theme based to maintain children’s interest

    and enthusiasm.

    Suitable for would bePrimary 5-6 students

    This programme is specifically designed and structured by

    using J2E5. It is a unique course integrating focused practices

    and writing. Educators will provide essential guidance and

    feedback which will give students an advantage as they

    prepare to enter the new academic year.

    CLASSROOM Fun with English

    Time 10am – 12noon /1pm – 3pm/

    3.30 pm-5.30 pm

    No. of Student 6-8 students/class

    Fee $ 175 per hour

    2 hours/lesson

    Only in Summer 2016

    Week 1 20th – 24th June

    Week 2 27th June – 1st July* (4 days)

    Week 3 4th – 8th July

    Week 4 11th – 15th July

    Week 5 18th – 22th July

    Week 6 25th July – 29th July

    Week 7 1st– 5th August

    Week 8 8th– 12th August

    Week 9 15th– 19st August

    Week 10 22th – 26th August

    *excluding 1st July

  • 時間 上午 10 時–中午 12 時 /

    下午 1 時– 3 時 /

    下午 3 時 30 分– 5 時 30 分


    6–8 人 / 班



    $ 200/ 小時

    (每課節 2 小時)


    愉快數學之旅 Happy Maths Trip 適合升小二至小三學生 把數學知識融入故事中,讓孩子用不一樣的方法學習數


    數學鞏固課程 Maths Buildup 適合升小四及小五學生



    數學升級課程 Maths Gearup 適合升小六及中一學生




    2016 夏季假期限定


    6 月 20 - 8 月 26 日

    *7 月 1 日除外

  • CLASSROOM CODING Join us this holiday to learn a new language. Your children will get excited from learning coding using Scratch, Python, HTML with CLASSROOM CENTRE educators. Have a unique coding experience with CLASSROOM CENTRE!

    Fun Coding with Scratch 2.0 Suitable for would be P1-3 Students

    Fun coding provides your child with interesting, fun and easy way to learn how to code. With playful, hands-on activities and easy-to-understand instructions!

    Digital Storytelling, Animation & Games with J2E Suitable for would be Primary 1-3 students

    Write a story, build an animation and develop a simple game with your creativity, imagination and problem solving skills! Have fun!

    Intermediate Coding (Scratch) Suitable for would be Primary 4 -6 students Be a confident coder. Take your Scratch Basic and move on to essential skills for coding. You will practice giving commands to characters, exploring programming and mathematical concepts.

    App Maker: make your own! Suitable for would bePrimary 4-6 students

    Create your first app using AppInventor and get to learn about concepts on how to plan, design, and build an app. At the end of the course, you can present your own apps!

    makeBlock mBot Suitable for would bePrimary 5-6 students Build your own mBot. It’s a fun course to explore coding with robotics. Students will use mBlockly software to program their own mBot in different themes.

    HTML/CSS Suitable for would bePrimary 6 and Secondary students HTML is the markup language that gives structure and meaning on browsers. Students will learn about headings, lists, tables, etc. CSS is a presentation language and students will be able to design and publish their own websites.

    PyKids (Python for kids) Suitable for Primary 6 and Secondary students PyKids focus on using python as the programming language, explore object oriented concept and creating a simple game using Python.

    Summer Courses

    Only in Summer 2016

    Week 1 20th – 24th June

    Week 2 27th June – 1st July* (4 days)

    Week 3 4th – 8th July

    Week 4 11th – 15th July

    Week 5 18th – 22th July

    Week 6 25th July – 29th July

    Week 7 1st– 5th August

    Week 8 8th– 12th August

    Week 9 15th– 19st August

    Week 10 22th – 26th August

    *excluding 1st July

    Time 5 Days a week (except 1st July)

    10am – 12noon / 1pm – 3pm/

    3.30 pm-5.30 pm

    No. of Student 6-8 students/class

    Fee $ 250 per hour

    2 hours/lesson

    Check your class opening!

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