Page 1: Environmental impact of flower farms in kenya

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Page 2: Environmental impact of flower farms in kenya

No one can deny the fact that flowers add beauty to a celebration and also can help uplift the spirit

of a grieving friend or family member. That is exactly what flower farms in Kenya have been doing;

making sure that people get these flowers whenever they need them.

Aside from the beauty, good fragrance and the different flowers give to people and the

environment, flower farms have been on the spot on how their activities impact on the environment

and the communities living around those areas.

Communities living around these flower farms have been complaining of both air and water

pollution thus makes it difficult to cope with the same.

Let’s look at the impact of flower farms in Kenya to the environment at large.

Environmental impact of flower farms in Kenya

Quantity of brands of pesticides

This is one of the major factors affecting the environment. This because most flowers and foliage

produced by these flower farms are grown in the hot houses and are therefore treated with over 30

different types of pesticides.

Unfortunately most countries have limited laws concerning environmental protection and that’s why

most flower farms apply a wide range of chemicals which are very hazardous to the environment.

Impacts on water resources

Some flower farms discharge their pesticide residues directly into natural waterways thus

contaminating the area ground water. This has directly affected the area residents in that they can

no longer use the water for their domestic use. They therefore have to look for an alternative source

of water.

Page 3: Environmental impact of flower farms in kenya

Animals also were not left out in this because most of them have been victims of this irresponsible

action leading to the death of many. Animals living in water like fish could no longer survive in the

contaminated water either. Birds were also not left out as too fell victims of the environmental


Conditions of workers

Many workers working in flower farms work in poor working conditions. Most of them have been

affected by the working conditions and as a result they can no longer continue working. They

therefore live a poor life because they were not compensated. It’s important that flower farms look

out for the well being of their workers.

They should therefore ensure that all workers have the best protective garments while working.

Workers should also be paid a fair salary which can enable them sustain their families.

If most flower farms corrected the factors mentioned above, it would be easier for both human

beings and animals to co-exist without conflicts. Residents living around those areas would not have

health problems caused by chemicals or contaminated air. This way we will have more people

working in the flower farms and the farms will also thrive because of the good labour they would be

getting from the local people.

In a nutshell flower farms in Kenya should therefore strive to ensure that the environment

surrounding their farms is not affected by their activities and that they should ensure that it is safe

for both human beings and animals.

Page 4: Environmental impact of flower farms in kenya

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