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N4A Services Check List

Application Note



03 January, 2012

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Table of Contents

1 Pre-Installation Checklists 1

1.1 Document Purpose 1

1.2 Customer Information 2

1.3 Device Checklists 2

1.4 Device Use Case 3

1.5 SIM Checklists 3

1.6 Application Server Hardware 3

1.6.1 Application Server Hardware Checklist 3

1.6.2 Network 4

1.6.3 Application Server Third Party Software Checklist 4

1.6.4 Application Server FOTA Requirements (Optional) 4

1.7 Database Server Hardware Checklist 5

1.7.1 Hardware 5

1.7.2 Network 5

1.7.3 Third Party Software 5

1.8 Database Checklist 6

1.8.1 n4a (CMS) Database 6

1.9 Network / Firewall Checklist 6

1.10 Pre-Installation Connectivity Test Checklist 7

1.10.1 Intranet Tests 7

1.10.2 Internet Tests 7

2 Post-Installation Checklists 8

2.1 CMS 8

2.2 Provisioner 8

3 Customer Confidential Checklist 9

3.1 Application Server 9

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3.2 Database Server 9

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1 Pre-Installation Checklists

1.1 Document PurposeThis document is intended to assist customers with the necessary configurations for setting up n4a Servicesin a production environment.

Please fill out and return this document to your Enfora FAE contact person before the Enfora productinstallation. The information gathered in this document will be used by Enfora personnel as reference forworking with Enfora FAEs and support personnel.

Please return Section 1 to your Enfora FAE contact person support personnel or your Enfora Field AccountEngineer (FAE) before conducting the installation and keep a copy of this document handy in the case thatyou need to contact Enfora for technical support.

It is recommended that you consult Enfora support or an Enfora Field Account Engineer for specificrecommendations of device, architecture or server specifications based upon your environment, devicevolume, IT considerations, and specific business use case.

The detailed installation of the n4a Software is described in the n4a Installation Guide. A summary of theinstallation process is outlined below.

1. Examine the server and application requirements in this document and the n4a installation Guide.2. Create and configure the application and database servers.3. Complete the Customer confidential checklists.4. Install and configure the database application.5. Create n4a database(s).6. Create n4a database userid, password and permissions.7. Test the n4a database access.8. Install and configure all third party required software on the application server.

a. JAVA JDK 1.6+download and installation.b. JBOSS 5.10.GA download and installation.c. FTP configuration (optional for FOTA).

9. Configure your firewall for use with the system.10. Perform pre-installation tests and complete checklist.11. Complete and return the checklists in Section 1 of this document to Enfora.12. Enfora will provide the n4a Installer and appropriate licenses.13. Install n4a Services.14. Install n4a License.15. Perform post-installation tests and complete checklists in section.

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1.2 Customer Information<Customer Name>

<Customer Address and Phone>

Customer Contact Information Name Email Phone

Customer Business contact

Customer Technical contact

Enfora Sales Contact

Enfora FAE


1.3 Device ChecklistsThis information will indicate if custom tables and CMS configuration will need to be created in the n4aDatabase. Enfora personnel will assist you in completing this information.

Device Types Y/N Number of Devices Firmware Version

Enabler IIIG (GSM0308)

Enabler IIIG-BGA (GSM0408)

Spider AT (GSM5108)

Spider AT 3000 (GSM5218-00FFA)

Spider AT 3010 (GSM5218-00FFB)

Spider AT 4000 (GSM5218-02)

Spider MTGi (GSM2354/GSM2356)

Spider MTGu (GSM2338)

Spider MTGu (GSM2358)

Spider MTGu (GSM2368)

Spider MTGu (GSM2438)

Spider MT 1000 (GSM2404)

Spider MT 2500 (GSM2418)

Spider MT 3000 (GSM237x)

Spider MT 4000 (GSM2448)

MiniMT (GSM2228)

SA-G+ (GSM1318)


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1.4 Device Use CasePlease write a short summary of how the devices will be used. What is tracked, how often does the deviceneed to report in, and under what circumstances the device needs to report in (triggering events). This willhelp Enfora to develop the correct configurations and determine if the use case is within scope of thecustomer requirements.

Device Type Asset Type Triggered event and reporting scheduled Use case description

Spider AT (example) Generator Once a day while stationary

Every 5minuteswhile in motion

We recover heavy construction equipment when stolen

1.5 SIM ChecklistsThis information will assist Enfora in determining if device setting changes may be required.

SIM Provider APN Name Activated (Y/N) Valid Data Plan? (Y/N)

SIM type1


1.6 Application Server HardwareWith consultation from Enfora, the application and database server may run on a single server.

1.6.1 Application Server Hardware Checklist

Hardware Requirements Recommended Actual

Number of CPUs 2quad core

CPU Processor Speed (GHZ) 2GHz +

Total RAM (GB) 16GB

Disk space (GB) 150

Operating System Windows Server 2008

Linux Red Hat Enterprise 6.X (only)

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1.6.2 Network

Network Recommended Actual

External DNS Name n/a

Internal DNS Name n/a

External IP Address n/a

Internal IP Address n/a

Connection Type (RDP,SSH, Putty, VPN) If external access is given to Enfora personnel

1.6.3 Application Server Third Party Software Checklist

Software Requirements Recommended Actual

JAVA JAVA JDK 1.6 or above

JAVA Installation Directory Windows – C:\JAVA

Linux- /opt/java

JAVA_HOME system environment variable set Yes

JAVA_HOME content Windows- C:\JAVA

Linux - /opt/JAVA

PATH system environment variable includes%JAVA_HOME%\bin; Yes

JBOSS 5.1.0GA (only)

JBOSS Installation Directory Windows – C:\JBOSS

Linux - /opt/jboss

JBOSS Installation Directory Windows – C:\

Linux- /opt/java

Are other applications running on this server? None

1.6.4 Application Server FOTA Requirements (Optional)

The FOTA server may reside on any server. It is not required to be on the Enfora application server.

FOTA Pre-requisites Recommended Actual

FTP supporting ActiveMode (Windows) IIS with FTP server

Any FTP server supporting activemode FTP (Linux) Apache FTP server

FTP root directory n/a

FTP Userid n/a

FTP password n/a

FOTA diff (.bin) files (provided by Enfora and based uponyour current device firmware versions

* Enfora will assist you with this information

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1.7 Database Server Hardware ChecklistThe database may run on the same server as the n4a application for low volume production and testsystems. Contact Enfora FAE’s or Enfora support for specific recommendations.

1.7.1 Hardware

Hardware Requirements Recommended Actual

Number of CPUs 2quad core

CPU Processor Speed (GHZ) 2GHz +

Total RAM (GB) 12 to 16GB

Disk space (GB) 150

Operating System Windows Server 2008

Linux Red Hat Enterprise 6.X (only)

1.7.2 Network

Network Recommended Actual

External DNS Name n/a

Internal DNS Name n/a

External IP Address n/a

Internal IP Address n/a

Connection Type (RDP,SSH, Putty, VPN) If external access is given to Enfora personnel

1.7.3 Third Party Software

Software Pre-requisites Recommended Actual

Database MS SQLServer 2008

MySQL5.X Enterprise

MySQL5.X Community


JBOSS 5.1.0GA only

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1.8 Database Checklist1.8.1 n4a (CMS) Database

Setting Recommended / Default Actual

CMS DatabaseName (created before install) Company_CMS

CMS DatabaseUser Name CMS_Login

CMS DatabaseUser Password planet

CMS User NameDB access rights DB Owner, Read, Write, Create, Access

CMS Initial Database Size 500MB (min)

CMS Database Port 1433 (MS SQLServer 2008)

3306 (MySQL)

Host (Database Server IP Address) n/a

Can CMS user log into database viaMS SQLServer Manageror My SQLQuery Browser


*DB Tables created during installation

1.9 Network / Firewall ChecklistSetting Recommended / Default Actual

Firewall IP n/a

Network Pipe Bandwidth between Application server andDatabase server

100MB to I GB

Provisioner Port If application to be accessed outside fire-wall

TCP 8087

n4a CMS Port If application to be accessed outside firewall TCP 8085

ActiveMQManagement Web Console TCP 8161 (optional)

DeviceUDP Ports. Required for device communication UDP 1720– 1721 (required)

MS SQLServer System Access TCP 1433 (optional)

MySQL5.x System Access TCP 3306 (optional)

ActiveMQ System Access TCP 61616 (required)

SSH, Putty Port if required TCP 22 (optional)

FTP (for FOTA) TCP 21 (optional)

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1.10 Pre-Installation Connectivity Test Checklist1.10.1 Intranet Tests

Inside Network Tests Test Results

Application Server to Database Server (ifmulti-server) Ping by Internal DNS?

Ping by Internal IP?

Application Server to Database Connect to Database on Specified Port?

1.10.2 Internet Tests

Outside Network Tests Test Results

Application Server Ping External DNS Name?

Ping External IP?

FTP on Port 21 (optional)?

Device packet test. UDP Test on port 1720or 1721Connectto Server?

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2 Post-Installation Checklists

2.1 CMSTest the connectivity of CMS after installation.

CMS Test Results

CMS UI available? http://<CMS dns or_IP>:8085/gw

Able to login to CMS? Login as root/root

License applied to CMS and valid? System -> View License

Device data appears in CMS? HomePage and Device Report

Device Probe data is populated? CMS device report. IMEI and IMSI fields pop-ulated?

2.2 ProvisionerTest the connectivity of Provisioner after installation.

Provisioner Test Results

Provisioner UI available? http://<provisioner dns or_IP>/:8087/pv

Able to login to Provisioner? Login as root/root

License applied to Provisioner and valid? System -> View License

Provisioner connection to Gateway? System -> System settings

Upload of Device Configuration Utility provisioning log intodevice group?

Device Inventory

Able to Provision device? Deployment

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3 Customer Confidential Checklist

3.1 Application ServerAccessibility Recommended Actual

AdministrativeUserid n/a

Administrative password n/a

3.2 Database ServerAccessibility Recommended Actual

AdministrativeUserid n/a

Administrative password n/a

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