Page 1: Energy sources and their impact on the environment A proposal of the „Vincenzo Arangio Ruiz“ School in Rome Ovidio Pasquali – Anna Maria Curci

Energy sources and their impact on the environment

A proposal of the „Vincenzo Arangio Ruiz“ School in Rome

Ovidio Pasquali – Anna Maria Curci

Page 2: Energy sources and their impact on the environment A proposal of the „Vincenzo Arangio Ruiz“ School in Rome Ovidio Pasquali – Anna Maria Curci

Subjects involved

• Biology

• Physics

• Modern foreign languages

• History

Page 3: Energy sources and their impact on the environment A proposal of the „Vincenzo Arangio Ruiz“ School in Rome Ovidio Pasquali – Anna Maria Curci

Time (from the weekly amount)

• Biology: 6 hours• Physics: 3 hours• History: 4 hours

• English: 4 hours• German: 4 hours• Spanish: 4 hours

Page 4: Energy sources and their impact on the environment A proposal of the „Vincenzo Arangio Ruiz“ School in Rome Ovidio Pasquali – Anna Maria Curci


• Web pages of the following URLs:

• Thompson et alii, Principles of Physical Geography

• Marco Gisotti´ s newsletter (environmental topics) Modus Vivendi

Page 5: Energy sources and their impact on the environment A proposal of the „Vincenzo Arangio Ruiz“ School in Rome Ovidio Pasquali – Anna Maria Curci


• Frontal lessons

• Group work (4 groups on main topics)

• Project work (researches in libraries, in the WEB, collecting information from energy suppliers in Italy – ENEA, ACEA, ENI)

Page 6: Energy sources and their impact on the environment A proposal of the „Vincenzo Arangio Ruiz“ School in Rome Ovidio Pasquali – Anna Maria Curci


• Pluridisciplinar test according to the pattern of CEDE/INVALSI-Tests (CEDE= European Center for Education, INVALSI= National Institut for Educational Systems Evalutation in Italy)

Page 7: Energy sources and their impact on the environment A proposal of the „Vincenzo Arangio Ruiz“ School in Rome Ovidio Pasquali – Anna Maria Curci

Main topics for the workshops

• ´traditional´energy sources in Italy (comparison with other, mainly European, countries)

• ´renewable´energy sources in Italy (comparison with other, mainly European, countries)

• Energy politics: a comparison between Italy and other countries

• Future perspectives (DEMS: Decentrated Energy Management Systems, fuel cells, nuclear fusion)

Page 8: Energy sources and their impact on the environment A proposal of the „Vincenzo Arangio Ruiz“ School in Rome Ovidio Pasquali – Anna Maria Curci

Short description

• Every human work has an impact on the balance of the ecosystems, thus we aim at identifying the environmental costs of each energy source, when we use it, together with the economic and the social ones.

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