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ENC 1102: Composition II Spring 2013

Prerequisite: Student must have completed ENC 1101 or have passed the appropriate AP examination before taking ENC 1102. Meeting Times & Locations:

T/TR 9:00-10:15am (Section 0404); CL1 119 T/TR 10:30-11:45am (Section 0405); CNH 204 T/TR 1:30-2:45pm (Section 0407); ENGR 227 T/TR 3:00-4:15pm (Section 0138); HPA 207

Instructor: Vanessa Calkins, M.A. Email: [email protected] Email is the best way to contact me. Emails sent during business hours (M-F from 9am-5pm) will receive a response within 24 hours. Emails sent after hours or on weekends will receive a response sometime during the following business day. Messages in Canvas: While there are many ways to reach me in Canvas, this is NOT the best route to seek help, ask questions, etc. Messages sent in Canvas may receive a response within 48-72 hours regardless of when they are sent. Office: Colbourn Hall (CNH) 305 J (3rd Floor) Office Hours (appointments strongly recommended): Wednesdays from 9am-3pm. I will meet with students on a first-come, first-serve basis so please arrive early to make sure I have enough time to see you before office hours are over. Visit: for my weekly availability and to book an appointment. The last day of the semester I will hold regular office hours is Wednesday, 4/24. Classroom Canvas Login: - you will need your PID and PID password to enter. This is where you will read about and turn in all assignments so make sure to become familiar with it early.

1. OVERVIEW Course Description: ENC 1102 is a course intended to help students understand research as genuine inquiry. In this course you are expected to ask difficult questions and explore them using primary and secondary research methods, including library research, analysis, and observations. You will spend the

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semester researching the conversation on a problem of your choice and be asked to contribute to furthering that conversation with your own work. Course Outcomes: Through successful completion of this course you should be able to:

1. Demonstrate an awareness of the dynamic relationship between rhetorical situation, discourse community, genre and inquiry.

2. Engage in a meaningful, dynamic and inquiry-based research process. 3. Read, analyze and synthesize texts and incorporate multiple kinds of evidence purposefully in

order to generate and support your writing. 4. Produce complex, analytic, persuasive arguments that matter in academic contexts.

Course Objectives: You will achieve the above outcomes by meeting the following course objectives:

1. Evaluate, analyze and respond to texts 2. Engage in meaningful question/problem based inquiry 3. Understand discourse as rhetorically situated in various genres 4. Find, evaluate and synthesize primary and secondary data 5. Make defensible claims based on research 6. Produce/rationalize a transactional ethnography for delivery to an audience of your choice in a

rhetorically appropriate way


Textbooks: Sunstein, Bonnie Stone, and Elizabeth Chiseri-Strater. Fieldworking: Reading and Writing Research. 4th ed. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2012. Print. Mally, Suzanne Blum and Ames Hawkins. Engaging Communities: Writing Ethnographic Research. Open-Access, N.d. Web. 3 January 2013. Visit: Additional Readings (available in Canvas): may be assigned as needed. Recommended Handbook: Lunsford, Andrea. The UCF Everyday Writer. 4th ed. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2009. Print. Computers & Tablets: You’ll need to have regular access to a computer or tablet in order to type papers, conduct secondary research and upload your assignments to our Canvas shell. PDF Conversion: All major assignments will be turned in online via Canvas as PDFs so you will want to familiarize yourself with how to do that on your specific device. Canvas ePortfolio: Every student will submit a completed ePortfolio via Canvas by the end of the semester. Writing Notebook: This can be spiral bound notebook or a Composition book; you will bring it to class and write in it every day.

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A+ Grades: UCF does not assign A+ grades. D Grades: As per UCF policy for GEP courses, you must earn a C- or better as your final grade in order to pass this class. As such, any grade you earn below a C- in this course will be considered an F. FERPA: The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974, as amended, sets forth requirements designed to protect the privacy of student educational records. As such, grades cannot be shared with others (including parents), sent and/or discussed via email. If you have a grade concern at any point during the semester, please make an appointment during office hours so we can talk. Grade Posting: Grades will be posted throughout the semester in Canvas. “Incomplete” Grades: IC grades are not given in ENC 1101 or 1102 courses under any circumstance. NC Grades: The grade of NC (no credit) can be assigned at the instructor’s discretion only if a student has completed all of their course work on time and attended class regularly. This grade is reserved for extenuating cases in which the student, despite all the completed course work, is still not able to write at a level appropriate for ENC 1101. Rubrics: A rubric will be provided in advance of all major assignment so you know exactly how I am evaluating you. Z Grades: If a student is in violation of the university academic conduct code, I will inform the student and report the infraction. The student will remain in the course, but will receive a “Z” preceding the letter grade they earn in the course. Example: ZA, ZB, etc. See your Student Handbook for more information.


The most important thing you need to know about grading in this course is that I do not assign grades - you earn them. Effort alone does not constitute an “A.” Expectations: For all graded assignments you should expect to earn a C by simply meeting all the requirements of an assignment. “B” grades are honor grades earned by work that is thoughtful and well-written. “A” work is exceptional and goes beyond what is required. “F” grades are earned when your work fails to meet the assignment. Plus/Minus Grading: I employ a plus/minus scale in this course. Please see the charts below for a breakdown of letter grades.

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5. COURSE COMPONENTS The total possible points to be earned in this course equals 1000. You may also receive up to 20 points extra credit. All points will be accumulated via completion of the following course components: Participation (170 pts) – 17%

• Workshops (4 x 20 pts = 80pts) - 8% In order to give you a chance to better polish and prepare your drafts we will have an in-class workshop before you turn in every major assignment. These days will be scheduled in advance and announced in class. You will get credit for each workshop you attend with a draft; if you do not bring a draft, you will not receive credit for participating in the workshop.

• Conferences (2 x 20 pts = 40pts) – 4% You will meet with me for a conference twice this semester. Meeting times will take place in or around our normally scheduled class time and class will NOT meet on conference days. You will receive credit for being there on time and being prepared (bringing drafts or assignments as requested). Missing a conference is equal to two class absences.

• Writing Notebook – 50 points – 5% You will work on this notebook every day in class and turn it in at the end of the semester. Extra Credit – (20 pts) – 2%

• Observation of KnightsWrite Showcase – Due in Canvas on Jan. 29thby 11:59pm – 10 pts You will receive 10 points extra credit for turning in fieldnotes from your observation of the KnightsWrite showcase, which will take place on Monday, 1/28 from 10am-3:30pm in the Pegasus Grand Ballroom.

• Perfect Attendance – 10 points If you have zero tardies and zero absences by our last class meeting you will receive these points. Research Journal (220pts) – 22% This is a loose-leaf journal in which you will complete a large variety of smaller assignments throughout the course as announced in advance and/or in class. For each smaller assignment you will either receive a pass (10 or 20 points) or a fail (0 points). You should expect to work on this weekly.

Final Course Grades A 1000-930 A- 929-900 B+ 899-870 B 869-830 B- 829-800 C+ 799-770 C 769-730 C- 729-700 F 0-699

Major Assignments A 93-100 A- 90-92 B+ 87-89 B 83-86 B- 80-82 C+ 77-79 C 73-76 C- 70-72 F 00-69

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Major Assignments (360 pts) – 36% • Research Proposal (100pts) • Annotated Bibliography (50 pts) • Fieldnotes (50pts) • Ethnography (100 pts) • Self Assessments (2x 20 and 2x10 pts = 60 pts)

For every major assignment you turn in you will also complete a self-assessment of your writing. These will be completed on your own time and are to be turned in online via Canvas with your major assignments. Final Exam (250 pts) - 25%

• ePortfolio (200 pts) – Due in Canvas on April 19th by 11:59pm This portfolio will display your research through a series of drafts and various assignments. You will also be asked to include a cover letter in which you’ll make accomplishment-based claims to argue how you have met the course outcomes based on the work you have produced.

• Presentation of Research during Final Exam Period (50 pts)

6. POLICIES & ETIQUETTE Attendance: Your attendance is mandatory and your success in this course depends on your active engagement.

• If you are absent more than three times I will suggest you drop the course. If you are absent more than six times you risk failing the course.

• If you must be absent it is your responsibility to find out what you missed from a classmate. Any absence will cause you to forfeit the points for whatever in-class assignments were due that day.

• If you have to miss class due to a UCF-sponsored event and you have a Program Verification to support your absence(s) you may be excused from minor assignments, but you will not be excused from major assignments.

• Major assignments will all be turned in online so attendance does not affect your ability to submit work.

Late Work: I do not accept late work for minor assignments under any circumstances. For major assignments, late work may be considered if you have a documented medical emergency. As a whole I reserve the right to accept or not accept late work based on each specific set of circumstances and the work in question. SAVE EVERYTHING: Computers will crash, Windows viruses will befall you and technology does go missing…usually never when it is convenient. Failure to back up your work is NOT a valid excuse for missing assignments. When working be sure to save often and label your files so you can easily find them at the end of the semester. Use a thumb drive, an external hard drive or a free cloud service such as to backup all your work for this class (and others). You will need ALL of your work, including all drafts, in order to successfully complete your final ePortfolio.

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Gordon Rule: Composition II (ENC 1102) is a Gordon Rule class, meaning you will write 6000+ words this semester and you must earn a C- or better on each major assignment in order to pass this course. Plagiarism: Plagiarism is the unauthorized use of someone else's ideas without citing, or giving credit, to the source. For example: there should never be a time when you copy and paste something from the Internet and don't provide the exact location from which it came and/or acknowledge it as a direct quotation. Plagiarism is a serious offense and can result in am “Z” grade, failure of assignments and/or failure of the course. Accommodations: UCF complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Students requesting accommodation should contact Student Disability Services in the Student Resource Center Room (SRC 132), via phone 407.823.2371 or via TTY/TDD 407.823.2116. Accommodations are only granted when the student provides official documentation from Student Disability Services. If you need an accommodation, please let me know early in the semester so I can make the necessary arrangements to ensure your success. In Class Etiquette Tolerance: Our discussions will be driven by opinions and may be based on challenging material. All members of this course are expected to treat one another with dignity and respect. An individual who chooses to express racist, ageist, sexist, classist, homophobic or other disparaging or unwanted views may be asked to leave the class for the day. You may find your research to conflict with or challenge your personal beliefs. If you are not interested or prepared to take that kind of thinking on at this point in your life I would suggest you choose a line of inquiry that does not push you in those ways or choose another ENC 1102 course. Timeliness: You are expected to be ready for class at its designated time and remain in class for the duration of each of our meetings, unless otherwise directed. Being late and/or leaving early is not only disruptive and disrespectful, but you will find it will impact your overall success in this course.

• For every two times you are tardy or leave early you will accumulate an absence in this course. After you have been late or have left early six times I will suggest you drop the course. If you are tardy or leave early more than twelve times you risk failing the course.

Cell phones: Cell phones are to be silenced or off in class. Texting in class only hurts you. Please remember, your cell phone will still be there when class is over, but the information you miss will not be. I will not police your use of devices because it is a waste of everyone’s time, but the classroom is a professional environment and if I can make it through class without texting, there is no reason you can’t.

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Laptops and Tablets: While these devices are great for taking notes in your larger classes they tend to be a distraction in participation-based courses such as ENC 1101 & 1102. Technology should be put away during class unless otherwise directed or educationally necessary. Online Etiquette Messages: Grammar, spelling and punctuation are important because they help us understand each other. If you send messages in Canvas, even if they are to your peers, please make sure to write clearly. Email: When sending an email to any instructor please employ a professional tone, and be as clear as possible about what you are asking; I personally respond to daily emails from any of my 100 students and the less guesswork you make me do, the quicker I can get back to you. Please also keep in mind that sending multiple emails about the same question will not initiate a quicker response. I primarily check my email via an Exchange server (website interface) a few times a day – see my email response schedule on page one.

7. EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES The Writing Center: From getting started to guidance for revision, the UWC consultants are fellow students who are the best peer review partners you can imagine. Visit to make an appointment for a free (and highly recommended) consultation. Please keep in mind that the weeks of midterms and finals can be very busy so if you know you’ll want help during those times, make your appointments early. The John C. Hitt Library: We have a really great library at UCF, full of wonderful librarians who are truly there to help you in many ways. We will have an orientation in the library during the semester, and I hope you take advantage of the many services offered throughout your time here. Visit to contact a librarian, login from home to access databases or to learn more about what kind of help is available to you. Stylus: How would you like to publish some of the work you have to do for this class? Stylus is UCF’s journal of first-year writing and by being published you are eligible for scholarship money as well as personal recognition from our president, John C. Hitt. If you are interested in submitting any of your work, please let me know. Visit to see past and present issues of the journal. 3rd Annual Knights Write Showcase: The Knights Write Showcase is held once a year in the spring, and it’s a great opportunity to share the work you’ve done in 1101 & 1102. Knights Write brings students and faculty together from all across campus to celebrate writing. Events include student displays, presentations, faculty panels and a Stylus awards ceremony. If you are interested in submitting something please let me know. Visit for videos from the last two years and the current schedule of events.

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Minor in Writing and Rhetoric and/or Certificate in Public and Professional Writing: Learning more about persuasion, workplace writing, composing with technology and new media, as well as advancing your research and critical thinking skills could potentially benefit you in many ways in the future. Visit for more information about the courses our department offers and how they will aid in your degree.


Assignment Due Dates: All assignments and due dates will be listed in Canvas and announced in class. You should expect at least one reading and/or homework assignment per class meeting and one major assignment due each month. To keep up with the course you should come to class and check Canvas 2-3 times per week. Noteworthy University Dates: Drop/Swap Deadline on myUCF: Thursday, 1/10 (11:59pm) Add Deadline on myUCF: Friday, 1/11 (11:59pm) KnightsWrite Showcase: Monday, 1/28 (10am-3:30pm in the Pegasus Grand Ballroom) Withdrawl Deadline: Monday, 3/11 (11:59pm) Last Day of Office Hours: Wednesday, 4/24 Grades Available on myUCF: Monday, 5/6 (9am) Alternative Classes Held: Library Orientation Day: Thursday, 2/14 in LIB 235C with Patti McCall @ regularly scheduled class time Individual Conferences: Tuesday, 2/26 and Thursday, 2/28 – meet in my office during your time slot (a signup sheet will be passed around in class) Group Conference: Tuesday, 4/9 – meet in classroom during your time slot (a signup sheet will be passed around in class) Group Conference: Thursday, 4/18 – meet in classroom during your time slot (a signup sheet will be passed around in class) Classes Cancelled: Spring Break: Tuesday, 3/5 and Thursday, 3/7 Instructor presenting at Conference: Thursday, 3/14 University Study Day: Tuesday, 4/23 No Office Hours: Spring Break: Wednesday, 3/6 Instructor Presenting at Conference: Wednesday, 3/13 Finals Week: Wednesday, 5/1 Final Exam Meeting: After TR, 4/18 we will not meet again until our scheduled final exam meeting. These meetings are set by the univeristy and cannot be changed. We will meet in our normal classroom during the following times:

T/TR 9:00-10:15am (Section 0404); Exam Day 6 (Tuesday, 4/30 from 7am-9:50am) T/TR 10:30-11:45am (Section 0405); Exam Day 6 (Tuesday, 4/30 from 10am-12:50pm) T/TR 1:30-2:45pm (Section 0407); Exam Day 6 (Tuesday, 4/30 from 1pm-3:50pm) T/TR 3:00-4:15pm (Section 0138); Exam Day 2 (Thursday, 4/25 from 1pm-3:50pm)

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