
The Most Dangerous Game

The Most Dangerous Game An interactive story telling By Emily Proulx

You are on a ship going to a hunting expedition with your friend, Whitney. It is pitch black outside and you cant see an inch beyond the deck of the boat. Whitney and you finish a conversation about the cursed island the boat is about to pass and he decides to go to bed. You

Go to bed Stay awake and smoke your pipe on the deckGo to bed Stay awake and smoke your pipe on the deck

You and your crew wake up the next morning at your destination. The island is long gone and you all live happily ever after. Play AgainPlay again

Bang, Bang, Bang You hear three gunshots in the distance. Startled you stand on the railing to see where they came from and your pipe falls from your mouth. You learn overboard to try to catch the pipe Realizing you dont have balance, you claim down from the railing and go to bed. You lean overboard to try to catch the pipe.Realizing you dont have balance, you claim down from the railing and go to bed.

You fall into the Caribbean Sea and manage to tread water. You hear another gunshot and an animal scream to your right, and see your boat quickly disappearing to your left. Go right Go left

You start swimming toward the ship, hoping someone realizing youre not on board, but realize that you probably wont be able to catch up. There is a light behind you that looks like it could be another boat. But youre not sure who is on that boat and the island isnt too far away. Keep swimming toward your boat Swim to the island Swim toward the mystery boat

After several hours swimming against the current you eventually succumb to exhaustion and drown. Your friend Whitney realizes youre not on the boat the next morning, but its too late. They search the sea for you, and eventually have to assume youre dead. Play again

Finally youve reached the shore of the mystery island. You want to find shelter, but exhaustion takes over and you pass out immediately. When you wake up its morning and you find bullet casings and a trail of footprints. Follow the foot prints Explore the island on your own

The boat strangely enough seems to get closer to you as you swim towards it. When you are almost there the boat suddenly stops and the light shines on you. A tall man with a black beard down to his chest, dressed in all black leaned his hand down to help you up.

Swim away Take his hand

As terrified as you are of this strange man, you know theres no way youre going to get back to your boat. You take his hand and get on board the boat. You try to ask him about the island, but he moves to the wheel of the boat to steer and doesnt say another word to you. The boat moves past giant rocks to a dock hidden on the other side of the island. Continue

You and the man walk up to a giant mansion lit up by tens of outdoor lights.Is this your home?, you ask, but he still doesnt reply. He leads you into a side entrance of the home and you walk down a long tunnel together. Eventually he leads you into the main house and you see a man sitting at the dinner table. Continue

The footprints lead you across a path for hours. Just as darkness is about to settle on the island, you see an enormous amount of lights. A village, you think, but soon realize its one mansion lit by hundreds of lights. Thinking maybe the owner can help you, you wander up to the door and knock. Continue

The island has two paths, one into the jungle and the other you cant tell where itll lead. Its getting hot under the sun and youre thirsty and hungry. If you go into the jungle youre first thought are those animals you heard screaming the night before, but the unknown path is just as dangerous. Take the unknown path Go into the jungle

Either path you take, you go deeper and deeper into the jungle. You are lost eventually and wander into the Death Valley quicksand. Youre still running so when one foot hits the gooey sand the other quickly follows suit. Before you realize what is happening half of your body is below the quicksand. Panic arises in your chest as you struggle to pull yourself free, but the grip is too strong. Eventually your mouth is being covered and you can no longer breathe. Zaroff never finds your body.Play again

A giant man with a long black beard opens the door. Hello, Im stranded here, I was wondering if you could offer some food or shelter. He doesnt answer you. He walks you down a hallway, which opens up into a living room where a man sits waiting. Something seems slightly strange about this man, but you know there is no other way off the island. Continue

The man, who you are introduced to as General Zaroff, is nice enough and the two of you discuss hunting big game. To your horror, the man soon reveals he hunts people to combat the boredom he suffers from hunting animals. He asked if you would like to hunt a man from a ship wrecked slave ship with him tonight. Join himGo to bed

You choose to save yourself and join Zaroffs hunt for the slave man. Its a long night and youre exhausted from walking in the jungle all day. Zaroff is impressed in your hunting skills, nonetheless and offers to let you stay on the island with him. Although the idea of killing humans still makes you sick, its better than losing your own life. You stay with Zaroff and eventually get used to the slew of ship wrecked victims the two of you hunt. Play again

You politely decline, feigning exhaustion and hunger. General Zaroff offers you a bed and some dinner, but informs you tomorrow you must play the hunting game with him. The worst part is tomorrow you must be the one he is pursuing. The only other option is to deal with Ivan, whatever that could mean for you. Agree to the game Take your chances with Ivan

You decide to take your chances with Ivan because you know your chances in the jungle are slim. He takes you downstairs where the other slaves sit in cages and brings you out the side entrance. There is a dock with a large white boat and a small row boat in tow. He tells you to take the row bow and never come back. Shocked, but grateful you scurry to the boat and take off toward the Caribbean Sea. It takes two days, but your boat eventually returns to look for you and finds you sitting in the middle of nowhere. Play again

Trusting your own hunting skills, you agree to the game. Zaroff has Ivan provide you with moccasins, a hunting uniform, and a knife. Zaroff informs you if he doesnt find you by midnight on the third day then you win the game and will be granted off the island. He gives you a head start by promising not to follow you until dusk. When you get outside you know you must think quickly. There are only two options: Hide in the brushLeave a false trail

You walk a little into the jungle and find dense brush to hide in. You climb down into a hole near a tree and cover yourself in the leaves. You only have to last three days, which is possible without food or water. If you can hide from Zaroff for long enough youll get home safe. Unfortunately, this is a common place for the ship wrecked slaves to hide. Zaroff walks right up to you with his gun pointed and you dont even see him before he shoots you. Disappointed, he walks back to his house and has Ivan come collect your body. Play again

You leave an intricate trail that takes you the entire day to complete. Sure that Zaroff wont be able to find you for hours you take rest in a tree. After dusk you hear someone rummaging through the jungle. You cant believe it, but Zaroff isnt failing for your false trail. You could climb down and run for it, but it may be safer for you to stay put behind the safety of the tree. Climb down and runStay put

Hoping to get away before Zaroff gets too close you climb down and start running. The brush is thick, but you managed to get away. However, there isnt a way to hide your footprints at this point and Zaroff must be coming near. You continue to circle around the island and back again. Continue

You decide its better to stay where you are. The tree is thick, the General shouldnt be able to see especially in the dark. You hear him approach and try not to breath. It should be impossible to see you, but somehow hes looking right at you. Maybe its an illusion, but you begin to wonder if he knows where you are. Then suddenly he turns and walks away. Did he not see you, or is he just saving you for the next day? Continue

You know you cant outrun General Zaroff, but maybe you can beat him at the hunt. You find a dead tree and create a trap. You know hell be coming back for you soon, so you sit and wait. Continue

Zaroff follows your trail quickly in the dark. At this point you begin to question if hes even human. Like you hoped, the General walks toward your trap and trips the trigger. He must have sensed the danger, however, because he jumped back at the last moment. He walks away from your Malay man catcher with only a scratch on his shoulder. Now that he must go home for a moment, you need to take advantage of the time. Run Set another trap

You dont think Zaroff will fall for another trap, so you take your chance in the jungle. Dehydration and hunger are setting in as the sun rises and its getting harder to concentrate. You stumble around the jungle and fall into some quick sand. You manage to pull yourself out, but leave some of your clothing on the end of Death Swamp. Maybe this will trick General Zaroff. Continue

You dig a hole, cover it with brush, the run away to a nearby hill. Down on your stomach, you wait and see who will succumb to your trap. Ivan comes led by a pack of dogs with General Zaroff in tow. One of the dogs falls into your trap, but Ivan manages to stop before the rest of them fall, as well. Zaroff looks around angrily and spots you. Ivan, the dogs, and the General hurry in your direction. Run awayStay and fight

You decide youre tired of the game. It isnt worth running anymore, so you ready your knife for a fight. Ivan, the dogs, and the General are all on their way, so you have to think strategically. Do you attackIvanThe dogsGeneral Zaroff

Since General Zaroff relies on Ivan for a lot of the muscle work of the hunt, you go after him. You hide in the brush to the right of where you just where and wait for the dogs to walk past you. Then you reach out and stab Ivan in the stomach. As the knife penetrates him, General Zaroff shoots you with his pistol. Play again

You ready yourself for their approach and wait. The dogs are the first you see, Ivan must have let them off the leash, so you run full speed at them. Hoping to kill the three of them before Ivan and the General catch up, you fling yourself at them. You manage to kill two of them, but as youre fighting with the third the General shoots you with his pistol. Play again

General Zaroff definitely has a pistol, youve seen in during the hunt, so you decide to go after him. You wait in a low hanging, but thick tree as Ivan and the dogs walk past you. When the General walks by you lunge yourself at him with your knife and stab him in the chest. Ivan turns and looks at you as the General dies. He lets the dogs attack his body, but doesnt say a word. Ivan takes the dogs away when they are done. You wander the estate and find a small boat that takes you to your friends searching for you in the sea. Play again

You get a little ways away from Zaroff, Ivan, and the dogs. Stopping to catch your breath for a minute, you have to think of a plan. Theres one more trap you have up your sleeves, but its risky. Should you take the chance, or keep running? Take a chanceKeep running

You set one last trap for the General. Using a springy branch and some grapevine you tie your knife and create a sling shot device. You set up a trigger on the ground and then run as quickly as you can. You hear the dogs behind you and hear Ivan scream in pain. Turning back you can see that the dogs have stopped and you hope that it means Ivan is gone. The General is still chasing after you though and you reach a cliff at the end of the island. There was a gap where the sea crashed into the cliff. Theres no where else to go. Jump Confront the General

You keep running, but Ivan, the dogs, and the General are close behind. Eventually you reach a cliff at the end of the island. The General is behind you know and you can almost feel the dogs breath on your back. If they dont get you, surely Ivan will tear you limb from limb, or the General will shoot you. Jump Beg for your life

Everything has become too overwhelming for you. Youre tired, hungry, and thirsty and you dont want to go on. You beg the General to spare your life and let you stop playing this twisted game. He doesnt have mercy on you and shoots you on site. Play again

You jump off the cliff and land in the water below. The current is strong and your body is weak, but adrenaline and a will to survive help you to swim. It wasnt enough to get very far, however, so it was swim back to the island or drown. Thankfully, you have a plan. Continue

You jump off the cliff and land in the water below. The current is strong and your body is weak, but adrenaline and a will to survive help you to swim. It isnt enough to get very far, however, but it is swim back to the island or drown. Thankfully, you have a plan. Continue

You attempt to go back to the mansion to finish the game. Sadly, you never took care of Ivan. He is putting the dogs away and sees you sneak into the mansion. He lets the dogs out of their cages, and hungry since they werent fed after the hunt, they tear you to pieces. Play again

With Ivan gone, there is no security to the mansion. It isnt difficult to sneak onto the property and into the Generals room. You wait behind the curtain until he turns on the light. He seems surprised, but not displeased to see you. He offers you to play the game again. I thought you said I could leave the island if I won

You remind the General he said you could go if you won, and he laughs. He was never planning on letting you leave, because you would inform someone of his game and it would be ruined. He does offer you a chance to take over Ivans position if you so choose. Kill him Take over as Ivan

Since Zaroff isnt going to let you off the island, it is easier to help him. You take over Ivans position and help Zaroff hunt the slave men. Whenever the island is low on game, it is your job to take sail and find some. The benefit is you are still alive. Play again

You take advantaged of unarmed Zaroff and throw him out the window for the dogs below to feast on. Now that he is gone and the game is over what will you do? Succumb to the beastly instincts this game has brought out in you, or send for help? Succumb to urges Send for help

You are now the hunter! Since the game has made you kill two men, you know you will never be able to reenter society. You stay on the island and take over Zaroffs operation. Eventually a strong man is ship wrecked who becomes your Ivan and the two of two stay on the island for the rest of your lives. Play again

You find General Zaroffs radio and you call for help. A nearby ship hears your signal and sends a small rowboat to get you. The slaves downstairs are also let go and the island is taken over by a nearby countrys government. You join your friends back on your boat from the beginning, but never hunt again.Play again

Panicked, you know there is no choice but you jump off the cliff. When you land in the ocean its cold and the current is strong. It whisks you out further into the Caribbean Sea. Night is falling and you see lights in the distance. Swimming toward it you see that its a fishing boat. The people on the boat see you and pull you on board. Theres a mad man on that island! He tried to kill me. Ive been drifting for days, can I send for my friends?

The fishermen laugh at you, but you continue to insist that General Zaroff is there. Finally, they decide to go check it out. You encourage them to bring guns and all of their men on the island, which they do partially because you wont be quiet until they do. Seeing the island makes you panic, but you go with them to ensure they find the mansion. Go back onto the island

The men and you spend the entire next day exploring the island. You head straight to the center where youre sure the mansion was, but nothing is there. Sure there must be footprints somewhere, you search on the ground. You find the quick sand and your trap on the jungle floor, but nothing else. The men become increasingly suspicious of you as you insist there was a man here.

Agree you must be suffering from dehydration and heat stroke. Make them keep looking around the island.

Youre sure of what you saw, but these men seem very unconvinced. Realizing you sound like a maniac, you agree that you must just be tired, thirsty, and feel crazy because of the heat. They take you off the island and you reunite with your friends. Do youForget this ever happened and move on Spend the rest of your life searching for General Zaroff

Despite everyone insisting it was all a hallucination, you spend the rest of your life searching for General Zaroff. You begin by asking other hunters and then search various countries asking about a man who loved to hunt big game. No one has ever heard of him or Ivan. A few times you return to the island, but you never find a trace. The confusion eventually drives you insane and when you can no longer stand it anymore, you take your own life. Play again

The fishermen gladly let you radio your friends on their boat. It turns out they have been searching for you on another island for the past few days. You are reunited with them, but live with a constant fear that General Zaroff will find you again. Therefore, you never hunt and live a quiet life in America. Play again

You keep the men looking on the island, sure that Zaroff must be hiding somewhere. You see the fishermen whispering behind you, and youre sure you must seen crazy, but you know what youve been through. The next morning you wake up and the fishermen are gone. Anxious, you run to the shore and see the boat heading back toward open water. Sitting on the ground, you feel defeated, and you are trapped on the island alone. Play again

It takes some time, alcohol, and an expensive therapist, but eventually you accept what you saw on the island wasnt real. You never hunt again, and even though you manage to become an active member in society, you can never really get over the fear that Zaroff will one day come back for you. Because of this you spend most of your time isolated from everyone in your apartment. Play again

Credits Original Story by Richard ConnellRainforest Ambience by GlorySunzWinchester 1873 Single Shots by Grant EvansSmall Crowd Applause by Yannick LemieuxIncoming Suspense by MaximillienGrowling Snarling Dogs by Lisa RedfernWater by Lisa RedfernShort Triumphal Fanfare by John Stracke

rainforest ambienceGlorySunz from SoundBible.comnull61352.684 - rainforest ambience with birds and crickets soundwinch all shots, track 1201258617.715eng - www.dvdvideosoft.com2012Blues13479.132Blues2847.3494winch all shots, track 1201258617.715eng - www.dvdvideosoft.comwinch all shots, track 1201258617.715eng - www.dvdvideosoft.comwinch all shots, track 1201258617.715eng - www.dvdvideosoft.comwinch all shots, track 1201258617.715eng - www.dvdvideosoft.com2012Blues13479.1322012Blues33436.98Blues2847.3494

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