
Is Anyone Good Enough for 'Lisha?

Welcome to the rest of Elisha Familiar's Bachellorette Challenge. Rather than do this as a day by day bits and pieces I went ahead and combined the rest of the play by play into one large presentation. Sorry for the size and the lack of 'storyline'. There's enough drama inside without adding additional side story stuff.

Might wanna grab a snack, this could take a bit. Personally, I'd recommend popcorn.

Day three started in the usual manner, with a hot tub group date. The lucky bachelors to make it to the main hot tub with Elisha were: Michael, Rowan and Amin. Elisha was already showing off her playful points by splashing Michael when the other two joined them.

In the second tub the loan naked hot tubber, Thomas was joined by Hugh Trottier. I truly believe that Thomas avoided the main tub during the BC in an attempt to not shock Elisha with his habits. Elisha is shy after all, or at least she claims to be.

In the primary tub the focus of the afternoon seemed to be the bachlorette herself, just as it should be.

Thomas and Hugh spent a good amount of time discussing Elisha as well. Hugh admitted to being distressed over the fact that she seemed to find Michael hotter than himsel.

It was true that Elisha seemed to find Michael the most attractive of the bunch. He gained additional points that afternoon by becoming her first best friend in the house.

Amin tried gaining points with the reminder that he had grown up with Elisha. While Elisha was aware (at least peripherally) that they had known each other previously, she reminded him that the point wasn't who had grown up where, only the present mattered.

Feeling a bit of tension in the air, Rowan decided it was time for a classic bachelor challenge conversation to lighten the mood. Sexy lamps are always a guaranteed hit in hot tubs.

After the hot tubs it was time for dinner. When Hugh asked what they'd missed in the main tub, Rowan was more than happy to tell him about the green limes.

Michael pulled even farther into the lead, you're gonna have to work extra hard now if you want to catch up.

Which promptly sent Hugh into another fit of worrying.

In an effort to assist with the worry hands going on around the house it was decided that the evening's one on one dates would be for fishing rather than playing chess. It being summer almost everyone in the house had a desire to fish while no one had the desire to play chess.

The fishing went extremely well, everyone caught at least something and they all gained at least a little boost to their aspirations. Maybe not enough to help long term but a little was better than none.

Fishing for five hours (plus the time needed to change partners) took a lot out of Elisha. By the time her dates were done it was time to call it a night and so everyone was sent to bed.

When morning arrived, the guys spent some time on male bonding before getting ready to start the day. At this point everyone in the house is getting along quite well; the guys all enjoy a quick conversation or a dirty joke to start the day.

By the time Elisha had showered and dressed the gentlemen had moved downstairs to fill their fun meters. While occasionally there will be a guy that tries to pull out his diary, for the most part group activities are the name of the game. The pool table and the big screen television get a good work out.

Unfortunately, those that had already been asked to leave the house had to find other methods of having fun.

After a quick breakfast it was time for the morning flirt dates.

Hugh Trottier was up first. In second place, and already crushing on Elisha he had no problems accepting holding hands and caresses.

Amin Tricou, in fourth place, was the recipient of a suggestion and a hand hold. The morning flirts resulted in a mutual crush for both Amin and Elisha.

Thomas McCarthy, in fifth place, was also the recipient of a suggestion and a hand hold. Once again mutual crushes were the result.

Rowan Regacy, in third place, was more than happy to accept holding hands and a mutual crush arose from the action. Rowan however, was not willing to let Elisha check his skin for smoothness. The rejection did not effect the state of their crush.

House leader, Michael Newson, had no issues with accepting either holding hands or the caress. Michael was left for last since I thought the flirts might send them into love, and I was concerned that jealousy might be an issue at that point. However, the crush that had formed on day one stayed and they moved no farther.

Following the morning flirts there was a bit of time for stalking. Hugh and Michael lined up to take turns dancing and joking with Elisha while the other guys watched television.

Who to send home would be a difficult decision for Elisha that day. She was friends with all of them and had at least small crushes on each. When the pros and cons and points were weighed she asked Thomas to join her in the dining room for a few moments.

As difficult as it was for Elisha to say goodbye to him; Thomas was currently in last place and had to be asked to leave. I had picked up a good buddy vibe from Thomas and hated to see him leave.

At the end of day three the scores were:

Michael 100/66 crush Hugh 100/38 crush Rowan 90/34 crush Amin 94/23 crush Thomas 80/21 crush

And excuse my french but, that's when it all went to hell.

Day four started out in the typical fashion, with three of the remaining four bachelors joining Elisha in the hot tub. Rowan had been just a bit late on the jump and missed getting a seat.

Rather than have him soak alone, he went to do a bit more fishing in the hopes that his aspiration would stay green for the day.

While Rowan fished, the discussions in the hot tub revolved around the standard BC jokes. Sexy lamps were brought up again, as was zombie chili, attempts to peer into the future and as always the hotness of the bachelorette.

Following the hot tub excursion, Elisha got the insane idea to give Amin a hug, a romantic hug.

That hug did not set well with Hugh. None of the other guys seemed to mind, in fact Michael congratulated Amin on his apparent rise in Elisha's regards. While he was doing so, Hugh was delivering the first slap of the BC.

Michael then turned around and told Elisha a dirty joke. Dirty jokes don't sit well with 'Lisha no matter the circumstances, and at that moment she really just didn't want to hear it.

In order to give everyone a chance to calm down a bit, Elisha went to open the buffet Maybe they'd all feel better on a full stomach.

It wasn't the most pleasant meal in anyone's experience. Hugh cried in his jello while Amin tried to tell jokes, and Rowan was disgusted by Michaels eating habits.

Once dinner was over Elisha seemed to have forgiven Michael for his ill timed joke. The show must go on and it wouldn't do to hold a grudge over such a silly thing.

Since Michael was there, Elisha went ahead and started the nightly dates with a share interests.

Now you may be wondering why, if Michael was the leader, it was Hugh who showed jealousy first. This would be the reason. Michael is even nicer than Elisha herself. And well Hugh, isn't very nice at all.

Amin was up next for share interests and the two of them enjoyed a few laughs over custom content disasters. Such as the disaster that left all s3 males with female skin textures therefore giving the impression of man-boobs to over half the household. I can only complain about myself since I was the one that edited the skins. (They've been fixed now, but it's too late to save the dignity of the bachelors.)

Rowan happily pointed out that since he was skin tone .05 he had no moobs.

Even though Elisha was furious at Hugh for slapping her she knew she would have to try and talk to him. Hopefully, they'd be able to work out their differences, she really liked Hugh after all.

BTW I'm fairly certain that this is the first time I have ever seen Elisha mad at anyone. The fact that Elisha never gets mad is one of the reasons I'm less than happy with Elisha and Amin's relationship in the Main hood. I think a little jealousy is a good thing for a relationship, it isn't however, a good thing for a BC.

Elisha tried to make peace with Hugh, but Hugh refused to listen to anything that she wanted to say.

Hugh's refusal to talk things through put Elisha in a major funk. She began wondering what she'd ever seen in him in the first place.

The rest of the tension filled evening was spent playing pool. sleeping on couches . .

And falling in love.

The love was one sided at this point with Elisha liking Michael just a wee bit more than he liked her.

Over a late night snack, Elisha contemplated her feelings.

A good night sleep seemed to have cleared up some of the hard feelings. Hugh smiled whiled when Amin joined him for a game of pool.

Things aren't always what they seem however. Perhaps Amin should have thrown the game. Amin's a bit tougher than he looks Hugh, all that basketball I guess.

Amazingly, after the fight they all settled down for a nice jello breakfast together.

Because there was both love and jealousy in the house, it was deemed time - perhaps past time, to move the one on one dates to Elisha's private balcony. Amin was called up to be the first date. Suggestion? No problem. Hold hands? No problem. Caress? Problem.

Hugh's scowling arrival didn't give much hope that the date would go well. However, he surprised me by accepting a low level hit on. Maybe things would be okay after all?

Initial flirt brought back Elisha's crush that she'd lost the night before, but it wasn't meant to last. Hugh decided to play hot and cold and refused both the suggestion and a charm. The look on Elisha's face with each rejection made me almost glad that the day would be over soon so that Hugh could leave. It didn't seem as if the relationship could be salvaged.

After the horrible sad faces of Hugh's date it was especially nice to have the lightheartedness of Michael's. Being serenaded made him fall in love with Elisha and both the caress and the goose were easily accepted.

When it came time for Rowan's date I wondered if he would accept what he had previously rejected. The two hadn't spent much time together in the past twenty-four hours, so there hadn't been much of a relationship change. Alas, while he accepted holding hands and suggestion touching the face was still a no go.

It seemed for a moment that Hugh might be regretting his grudge. There wasn't going to be much time for him to recoup and he knew he was destined to leave.

The dates being done it was time to relax for a few minutes. Rowan made up for his flirt rejection by saving Elisha from shy dancing.

Michael, I've told you I don't dirty jokes.

You'll like this one, it's really good. See there's this elephant with a spatula and ..


She really doesn't like dirty jokes, unless she's the one telling them. Michael's a bit too playful and apparently doesn't catch on that quickly.

Speaking of catching. Here catch this Elisha!

Headdesk. . .Headdesk. . . Headdesk

It's 11:59am and Rowan makes a last ditch effort to take over the lead.

Michael showed jealousy for the first time and it wasn't very pretty. I will say that he protested his coding and really really hated slapping her, but did it any way.

The fall out from the leap into arms put Michael in last place, by fourteen points, with no time to make up the difference. Michael had to be asked to leave.

The scores at the end of day four were:

Rowan 100/44 crush Amin 90/35 crush Hugh 65/25 Michael 35/41 love

Following the events of day four, Elisha was dejected. Not only had Michael left but Hugh was horribly mad at her and there seemed very little possibility of fixing that relationship.

But perhaps now that Michael and Hugh would no longer be in constant attendance, Rowan and Amin would have the room to know her a bit better. She would put the past in the past and make the most of the present. That's what this was all about wasn't it?

It might work out alright. That was if they would just talk to her rather than to each other.

Elisha wasn't the only one feeling a bit despondent right then. Hugh was having difficulties adjusting. He had spent the last twenty hours just waiting till he could leave only to be told he had to stay. He was going to miss Michael as well, the two men had become close as friendly rivals.

Eventually, Hugh joined the group in the hot tub and there seemed to be an pointed effort from everyone to try and get along together. Amin worked at cheering Elisha up with some splashing.

But he soon found that for once, talking about Elisha and her apparent hotness did not go over well with the hot tub crowd. Only Rowan seemed to appreciate it.

Hugh decided to make things even more uncomfortable by bringing up the recently departed Michael. I believe he was warning Amin and Rowan not to get too comfortable with Elisha. She'll just break your heart boys, take it from someone who's bitter.

Rowan felt no sympathy for either Hugh or Michael. Hear me playing the world's tiniest violin? I have no regrets.

Not even the magic of Disney could make this hot tub comfortable for Elisha. She decided that it was time to call off the group date and open the buffet.

I really did feel sorry for Hugh, he had the worst time in the BC house with aspiration. Adding the cheating and the lost fights did not help his emotional state one bit.

Elisha opened the buffet, but the only one to join her was Thomas.


I heard that things weren't going so well over here, so I thought I'd offer some comic relief with my ten outgoing points. Hey! Is that Turkey?

As happy as Elisha had to be to see a friendly face, she knew he couldn't stay.

You have to go. Just let me take your plate.

But, it's boring over there.

Then make it fun, you can't stay here.

Someone had to eat the turkey, thought Elisha after Thomas left.

Elisha ended up eating dinner alone. The boys were doing the male bonding thing out on the porch still.

It was a night for visitors, Michael stopped by to steal his first newspaper. As he did so, he reflected that tealing a newspaper just didn't have the same satisfaction as stealing a girl, and fumed at Rowan.

Elisha hadn't even noticed he was there, she just kept on eating her lonely meal.

*note that I had used the blender to change everyone into their everyday clothing, which is why Elisha is no longer in her swimsuit but still eating from the same plate of turkey.

Out on the porch the bonding wasn't going that well.

Not very well at all.

Interesting thing about fights is that the winner doesn't seem to get mad over fighting. And if the winner is Amin, who is a complete and utter popularity sim to the core, he follows up a beat down with an attempt to cheer the looser up with tickles. Hugh's not willing to play though, which makes Amin a sad camper.

The show must go on and Elisha soon found herself on the balcony once again waiting for her first date of the evening.

As the evening progressed each of the men expressed their thoughts to Elisha.

Am I as hot as Michael?

Let's not talk about Michael.

I don't care if it makes her uncomfortable, I think she's hot.

Then act like it.

I'm still furious and I don't like you.

I said I don't like you!

I like you Hugh, but I'm already tired of seeing this look on 'Lisha's face.

This one too.

Elisha thought maybe if she started a game of pool some of the guys would join her.

Neither Hugh nor Rowan were interested. It'd been a long and emotionally draining day.

Amin wanted a couch as well but there were only two. He turned on the TV and woke up Hugh and Rowan and then took Hugh's couch. Too bad the noise from the TV he'd turned on was too much to sleep through.

Eventually, Elisha gave up trying to get a pool game together and went to join the guys watching television. All conversation stopped when she joined them though and it the feeling that she'd interrupted something made her feel extremely uncomfortable.

Hopefully things would be better in the morning. Maybe there would even be more kissing.

Things were a little better in the morning. Not much better but maybe a little. Rowan and Amin set up a pool game but didn't invite Elisha to join them.

Hugh secluded himself in the mens restroom, fruitlessly searching that he wouldn't find here. But, at least they weren't fighting.

Morning flirt time came along, just as it had every morning. Amin easily accepted everything that Elisha attempted and in the process they became besties.

From the easy to the difficult. Really, really tired of seeing that look on her face now.

From frustration to relief that Rowan finally accepted the caress. Apparently he only allows his best friends to touch his face.

It really wasn't a good idea to leave these two alone, even for the brief time it took for Rowan's date. Hugh decided to get one last lick in on Amin and this time he won, which finally made Amin mad right back at him.

Having missed the fight, she missed all the fights; Elisha decided to show that her points say she really is shy.

Rowan will abandon the boys, at least briefly, to dance. In other news, Amin cries in the background over losing the most recent fight.

Okay Rowan, you've been in the house for five days, I think a wolf whistle is a bit of superfluousness at this point. But yay for paying attention to the bachelorette and autonomously flirting!

Elisha decided to forgo the formality and just nudged Hugh at noon to tell him he could leave. Hugh was heard to say 'bout time' under his breath as he went up to the computer.

The scores at the end of day five were:

Rowan 100/64 crush Amin 100/55 crush Hugh 69/35

Entering into the final day with no one in love with Elisha.

I decided to forgo the hot tub on the final day. Both men were at 100 daily with Elisha already and best friends. They wouldn't gain lifetime relationship points in the hot tub nor would they be able to move from crush to love while there. At least not with just hanging in the hot tub chatting. I thought that leaving them on free will would allow the guys to do the famous day six stalking that bachelor challenges are known for.

At first it seemed to work. First Amin told Elisha a joke, of course since it was a dirty joke Elisha was less than pleased but hey contact! Then Rowan decided to gossip about Hugh having been kicked out.

But then Rowan and Amin decided to put the famous day six stalking into action. By stalking each other and ignoring Elisha.

I don't think they even noticed when she got bored and left.

Food distraction usually works Open the buffet, Rowan will smell turkey and come running.

That sounds like I'm being derisive, but Rowan really likes turkey, it amused me.

No time for turkey must have tickle wars.

Maybe they'll be interested in a nice movie?

Rock, paper, scissors is more interesting than movies.

This always works, opening a diary is guaranteed to make someone (maybe Rowan) to come into the room forcing me to hide what I'm writing. Must protect my private thoughts, no matter if the other person is on the other side of the room . They might just have super vision.

The call of the diary does not interrupt discussion of important boy stuff.

Maybe if I walk past them with a secret smile on my face they'll wonder what I'm thinking. I'll be irresistibly intriguing and they will follow me wanting to know my every thought.

Hi Guys!

Hey Lisha.

Hi Elisha.

So, I was saying . . .

Fine I give up. I'll just amuse myself all by myself.

By the way, Elisha is playful.

The only one that seemed interested in the happenings at the bachelor house was Michael. He walked past about five times, he stole the only newspaper once but the rest of the times he just walked by. Hugh had already kicked over the trash can so he couldn't use that excuse.

There were a few times that he stopped at the mail box and looked confused as to why he was there. Too bad it wasn't Thomas, Elisha could have used the company.

Once Elisha had deserted the living room the guys decided that maybe a movie was a good idea after all and had gone down to watch television. They didn't seem very excited when Elisha joined them.

When the movie was over Elisha, tired of being ignored, took it upon herself to make an attempt at revving things up a bit. First she flirted with Rowan.

And then with Amin. The hearts are for Rowan, one sided, buy yay love!

As soon as the flirting was over Rowan left to go eat.

Rowan decides to try the jello. He'd heard about jello, and the others seemed to like it maybe it would be as good as turkey.


While Rowan ate dinner, Amin got competitive and made his first (and only) autonomously romantic move of the BC.

You want me to do what?

Date time again. Maybe we can get some mutual hearts going and make this thing fun again.

A little butt grabbing action seemed to do the trick. Rowan's in love and in the game!

Amin was still fuming a bit over that lost fight. So while he was able to be distracted for a butt grab he wasn't willing to fall in love, not just yet. No hearts for 'Lisha either.

Making out didn't rev up the action at all. It only tired the boys out, time for the nightly nap on couches.

I think Elisha was getting as frustrated at being ignored as I was by her being ignored. Even after they woke up (Elisha turned on the stereo) they refused to interact with her.


Sooo Cruise ships?

Rowan chose the one topic of conversation that would make Elisha leave on her own.

I think I'm going to bed. See you two in the morning.

Night Lisha!

You realize that this Bachelorette Challenge is completely bombing don't you.

Morning dates; once again three flirts all accepted by Amin. This time we have mutual love hearts though. Finally! I think this was the first simultaneous love of the BC.

Three for Rowan as well, and all three accepted. He even let her touch his face again.

While the morning flirts were going on, Michael stole the paper again. For the entire length of the bachelor challenge there was never a need to clean up the morning paper. It was stolen by someone every morning.

Morning dancing had gotten to be a habit with Rowan and Elisha.

Just as morning slap fests were a habit in the household.


So Amin, now that you've won the BC what are you going to do?

I'm going to take my four active points and go work out. I foresee a few beat downs in my future.

I think the first one is going to be from me.

I suppose that Elisha felt that if she was going to be ignored that it should be by someone familiar, rather than someone new. :(

Scores at the end of day six: Amin 100/81 Love Rowan 49/53 Love

Do you know what this means? Frankie asked, it means Elijah was right. No ones good enough for 'Lisha.

Well, what am I supposed to do Frankie? He won.

By default, not because he really gave a damn. Elisha deserves someone that gives a damn.

But, he still won. Fair is fair.

Don't tell me about fair, Jenn. If fair were fair my storyline would be a whole lot different. This is your universe, you can do what you want and still make it fair.

You have a point. On both counts.

At the end of the 'official' BC this is what Elisha's panels looked like. I decided to give all the guys a second last ditch chance and had Elisha call Robert and invite his household over. We'd just see what happened.

I had Amin do the greeting. It got him off the bike and gave him a chance to make besties with Robert. Meanwhile, Hugh and Michael were making besties while Elisha waiting to make her move.

Michael wasn't quite ready to let bygones be bygones. He's still furious at her and his daily relationship score was in the negatives.


Quick break to make besties with Thomas then back to stalking.

Since Elisha knows from experience that a pool game is an open invitation to join and gain relationship points she does just that. Michael meanwhile takes a moment to appreciate Elisha's posterior

Robert has finally noticed Elisha, he's not sure who she is but he's noticed her.

There may be hope of forgiveness.

Hey look at that! Robert is actually talking to her!

I think maybe Michael is still a little bit angry.

Michael is a pretty smart guy, he knew that a sure fire way to regain relationship points was to soak in the hot tub. There's a reason why hot tub dates are a standard BC thing. No flirts to reject just talking and gaining reputation with each other. As soon as Michael hopped in the tub Elisha joined him.

They spent the rest of the afternoon soaking. And hey Connor decided to join them! Hugh pointedly avoided Elisha and soaked by himself in the second tub.

This is one act of jealousy that I'm not going to headdesk over.

Welcome to Familiarity Michael. I think I'm safe in saying that while you didn't win, Elisha chooses YOU.

Humongous thanks to my simming friends that loaned me use of their guys.

Connor Whedon Rosefyre A Buffyverse Apocalypse Hugh Trottier Orikes Pseudo LegacyMichael Newson LauriEmpress Legacy of Jubilee Robert Penguino Penguingirl Penguino LegacyRowan Regacy LadyLarkAnime Yakko's World OWBC Thomas McCarthy Hurrikaty The Munster Legacy

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