
Electronics and Communication Engineering

Semester Report

Certified Courses


Two Day Workshop on "HANDS-ON ARDUINO” was organized by Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering on 13th and 14th of August 2016. The workshop was organized for 5th semester students of Dept. of ECE. The trainers & Staff Coordinators were Prof. Deepak Sharma and Prof. Rahul C M, Dept. of ECE.

Session 1:

Objective: Software Explanation and Overview of the Arduino-uno board.

Venue: DSP/Microcontrollers Lab, Dept. of ECE

Date: 13th august 2016.

Time: 2 pm to 5 pm.

In this session, participants were introduced to Arduino-uno board and arduino coding software. Each team was equipped with one Computer to work on. Participants practiced basic coding.

Simple experiments conducted by the students are as follows:

1. Simple LED blinking. ( using digital pin as output )

2. Traffic signal model ( using 3 digital pins as output )

Session 2:

Objective: Basic experiments on Arduino-uno board.

Venue: DSP/Microcontrollers Lab, Dept. of ECE

Date: 14/08/2016

Timing: 9 AM – 12:30 PM

In this session, simple circuits were given to participants to connect on breadboard and were trained about coding. Batches of three teams were made and every batch was efficient in coding simple coding. All the teams successfully completed the circuits and got the outputs.

Simple experiments conducted by the students are as follows:

3. Controlling the light intensity by software(code) ( using PWM pin as output )

4. Controlling the light intensity by hardware (potentiometer) using coding (using PWM pin as output)

5. Controlling the light intensity by sensor (LDR) using coding (using PWM pin as output)

6. Automatic college bell using a buzzer. ( using digital pin as output )

7. Reading the analog voltage ( using analog pin as input )

Session 3:

Objective: Complex experiments on Arduino-uno board.

Venue: DSP/Microcontrollers Lab, Dept. of ECE

Date: 14/08/2016

Timing: 01:30 PM – 05:00 PM

In this session, some complex circuits were given to participants to connect on breadboard and were trained about coding. Every batch was very efficient in learning the coding and they wrote their own codes in a different way for the same given problem. All the teams successfully completed the circuits and got the outputs.

8. Reading the digital voltage ( using digital pin as input )

9. Finding the distance between in centimeters the ultrasonic sensor and any object.

10. Design of UP counter using a 7-segment LED

11. Interfacing of LCD to the arduino to display any message.

Workshop Feedback Questionnaire was given to all participants to evaluate the workshop.

The workshop was rated 9.83 (average) out of 10 by the participants. They expressed that

they were very happy to learn this new thing and suggested to conduct such workshops

more in future.

ASIC design flow from schematic to layout

A hands on training on “ASIC FLOW( Application Specific Integrated Circuits) –

from Schematics to Layout”, was organized by the Department of Electronics &

Communication Engineering, in association with INSTITUTION OF ENGINEERS (IEI),

Dharwad Center.

A total of 32 students registered for the training, and 29 students actively participated in it.

The event was organized on 19, 20 and 21st of August 2016.

The schedule of the event is as mentioned below

19-08-2016 2:30 pm to 5:00 pm Introduction to schematics using Dsch2 tool

20-08-2016 2:30 pm to 5:00 pm Introduction to layout using Microwind tool

21-08-2016 9:30 am to 4:00 pm Schematics and Layout using Electric tool

The students all together learnt 3 tools w.r.t VLSI flow, and also learnt how to draw

the schematics and layout using different tools with different analysis on them.

This Event was conducted by Prof. Vikas Balikai of ECE Dept.

PCB Design

“A Two Day Workshop on PCB Design - with Hands on Sessions” was organized by Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering on 1st and 2nd of October 2016. The workshop was organized for 5th semester students of Dept. of ECE. The trainers & Staff Coordinators were Prof. Deepak Sharma and Prof. Rahul C M, Dept. of ECE.

Session 1:

Objective: Software Explanation and Overview of the circuit.

Venue: HDL Lab, Dept. of ECE

Date: 24th september 2016.

Time: 2 pm to 5 pm.

In this session participants were introduced to ExpressPCB software. Each team

member was equipped with one Computer to work on. All the necessary files were pre-

loaded on all computers. Basic power supply circuit was explained using schematic diagrams

and were also taught on the ways of reading a datasheet. An overview of the final circuit was


Session 2:

Objective: Circuit Design & Printing

Venue: HDL Lab, Dept. of ECE

Date: 1st october 2016.

Time: 2 pm to 5 pm.

In this session few sample circuits were given to participants and were trained to

design the same using the software. All the teams successfully completed the circuits.

Printing of the final circuit was done and each team received one print out of the circuit.

Session 3:

Objective: Toner Transfer Process

Venue: HDL Lab, Dept. of ECE

Date: 2nd october 2016.

Time: 9 am to 11 am.

In this session toner transfer process was demonstrated to the participants. Along with demo,

Videos prepared by us were played using projector so that all the participants had clear view

of the entire process. All teams practically performed the Toner Transfer Process.

Session 4:

Objective: Etching & Drilling

Venue: HDL Lab, Dept. of ECE

Date: 2nd october 2016.

Time: 11:10 am to 1 pm.

In this session etching process was demonstrated to the participants. All teams practically

carried out etching of their respective copper clad with help of ferric chloride.

Session 5:

Objective: Drilling , Component Assembly & Soldering

Venue: HDL Lab, Dept. of ECE

Date: 2nd october 2016.

Time: 2 pm to 4 pm.

In this session, Drilling process was demonstrated and all the electronic components and

items in PCB design kit were explained. Then process of soldering was demonstrated. All

teams soldered components on to the Printed Circuit Board with the help of schematic

diagram and silk screen print-out given to participants, for ease in placing components in

their respective slots and soldering them.

Session 6:

Objective: Testing and Debugging

Venue: HDL Lab, Dept. of ECE

Date: 2nd october 2016.

Time: 4 pm to 5 pm.

Hands On Workshop on

Digital Image Processing Using MATLAB

Organised By: Dept. Of Electronics & Communication Engg

Resource Person: Raveendra M, HOD, ECE

Held On: September 9 - 11, 2016

Number of Students Participated: 9

Venue: DSP Lab, Dept of E&C

Coverage: Image processing toolbox in MATLAB, Basic Operations on Image, Histogram equalisation, Image Enhancement in spatial domain and frequency domain, segmentation in spatial domain and frequency domain.


One day workshop on Advances in Industrial Automation & Controls

Resource team: Asea brown boveri (ABB)

Resource persons:

1) K.S.Bhat , R&D manager, ABB process Automation, chemical oil & gas, Bengaluru.

2) MouneshMarali, global R&D manager & technology manager, ABB process automation, control technologies, Bengaluru.

3) AravindBhat, Operations manager, ABB India operations center, Bengaluru.

40 students of 7thsem ECE & EEE participated.

Demonstration on the applications of


A D-LINK activity by 2011 passed out alumnus.

Resource team:

Guruprasad Shanbhag, software engineer CISCO systems India Pvt.

Vikrant patil Embedded test Enigineer/Associate Engineer/Continental automotive component.

Organized by Alumni Co-ordinators

In first session, the resource team briefly Introduced to python language & linux OS, In second session Demonstration on blinking of LEDs using Raspberry Pi Demonstration on sensing room temperature using Raspberry Pi . The No of students participated 17, students found workshop was very usefull for their project activites

Seminar by Alumini


Mr. Jairam Shanbag, Alumni and Software Engineer from Saankya Lab, Bengaluru delivered a talk on embedded systems & C, for students of 7th semester on 05-08-2016.

In spite of his busy schedule, he came all the way from Bengaluru to interact with the students of ECE department on fundamental concepts of embedded systems & C programming, which was very beneficial to the students. The event was a whole day event from morning 11:15 AM to evening 4:40 PM.The T&P coordinators coordinated the event and made it a great success. A Special Thanks to Mr. Jairam Shanbag, from Principal, HOD- ECE, Staff and all the students.

Guest Lectures

A Technical Talk on "EMBEDDED SYSTEMS” was organized by Department of

Electronics and Communication Engineering on 17th of September 2016. The talk was

organized for 7th semester students of Dept. of ECE and Dept. of EEE. The Resource person

was Dr.Rathna G N, Principal Research Scientist, Dept. of Electrical Engineering, IISC

Banglore. The Staff Coordinator was Prof. Arpita S Halewadimath, Dept. of ECE.

Contents of the session:

∑ Introduction to Embedded systems

∑ Characteristics of an embedded system

∑ Real time applications of embedded system

∑ Kit based execution demo for finding the room temperature

A Talk on “TECHNICAL PROJECT MANAGEMENT” was organized by Department of

Electronics and Communication Engineering on 23rd of September 2016. The talk was

organized for 5th semester students of Dept. of ECE and Dept. of EEE. The Resource person

was Dr.Parameshwar P Iyer, Principal Research Scientist and Head at Dept. of Management

Studies, Indian Institute of Science Bangalore. The Staff Coordinator was Prof. Arpita S

Halewadimath, Dept. of ECE.

Contents of the session:

∑ Introduction to Project Management (PM)

∑ New directions in project management

∑ Knowledge based PM systems-design and analysis

∑ Sarayu water project

∑ Problems of project control

∑ Information challenges in PM

∑ Resource constrained PM

∑ Human resource problems

Orientation Program on Juniper Networks

Date: 21/11/2016

Inaugural function

∑ Dignitaries for the Inaugural function.

1. Dr. V.V. Katti, Principal, KLS’s VDRIT Haliyal.

2. Prof. Raveendra Moodithaya, Spoke’s person for the Juniper Networks

training program and HOD ECE Dept.

3. Prof. Poornima Raikar, HOD CSE Dept.

4. Prof. S.D. Kulkarni, Director T&P.

Welcome Speech by Prof. A.V.Kolaki.

Dr. V.V.Katti, Principal, KLS’s VDRIT

addressing students on Expectations from the

students by the corporate world.

Prof. Raveendra Moodithaya, HOD ECE

overviewing on the networks and Juniper


Vote of Thanks By Prof. Raghvendra N

Introduction to the Juniper Networks

and the importance of Networking for

the career development by Prof. Ajit K.


Importance of Training and

certification in Juniper Networks

by Prof. Swati Shastry.

T & P Activities

T & P wing of ECE dept with coordination from all the staff members of ECE department organized an in house aptitude test and group discussions for 7th Semester students to make them acquainted with the recruitment process.

The event was very well coordinated by all the staff members of ECE department.

At 2:00 pm an aptitude test was organized in Block 6, Analog communication Lab and in Block 7.A good attendance was observed. After the test, the students were told to assemble at respective venues and Group Discussion was conducted simultaneously in all the venues.

Special Classes

Head of the Department Prof. Raveendra Moodithaya had engaged 7th

semester students for special classes on C programming over a duration of 3 months. Students found it very helpful for their placement activities.

Other Activities

Nakshatra-16, freshers day celebration, held on Saturday, 27-08-2016, to welcome third semester students of Dept of E&CE. Dr.V.V.Katti, Principal, was the Chief guest of the function.

Prof Raveendra M., Head of the Department of ECE presided over the function. Dr.V.V.Katti, in his motivational talk, urged students to take active participation in the learning process and said, future depends on what we do today.

Prof. Raveendra M gave an inspirational speech to the students and encouraged them to become real engineers.

Prof. Suma Huddar, Staff coordinator (ECO)briefed about the ECO family and Mr. Shrinidhi, Student coordinator (ECO) shared his experience in the college.

Vote of thanks was given by Ms. Sneha Patil.

Swachh Bharat Pakhwada

On the eve of "swachha bharat Pakhwada” observed from 2nd

November to 16th November, AEC lab cleaning activity , Classrooms and Staff rooms cleaning activity, Cleaning of Cupboards, Tables, Benches, Board, Staff Podium was done by the attenders, students and staffs of Dept. of ECE.

Attenders Cleaning the

corridors of ECE Dept.

Students and Staff

Participated in

cleaning the college


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