
Electrical Storm

By Wen Seng Chen

Hydro Power

Dams makes electricity the water goes thought the turbines and make the turbines spin after the water goes through the turbines it keeps going down the pipe. At night some of the pips will close cause not much people use the power at night cause all most everyone is sleeping.

Solar panels

Solar Panels are the cheapest way to get electricity. Solar Panels create electricity from the sun. It takes a wile for the electricity to go around the place that you wanted the electricity to go around.

Wind Turbines

Wind Turbines create electricity from the wind. The wind pushes the turbines around to create electricity then the electricity goes through the pipe to peoples homes. Wind Turbines are very noise that’s why people don’t want to live near it.


Atoms are basically in everything. Inside atoms are electrons, protons and neutrons. To make electricity the electrons jump from atom to atom.

How Can we make sure N.z. have enough electricity in the future

In the future we need more power so we should we be shutting T.V., Computers, Ovens and other stuff that uses electricity. Its important that we make sure we have enough windmills, dams and solar panels so we can make more electricity. I think that we should put more solar panels on buildings cause it’s the cheapest way to get electricity. Second cheapest way to make electricity is Wind Turbines cause the wind is spinning the turbines so it creates the power so that’s an awesome idea to make more so as the dams its basically the same as Wind Turbines but it has a we bit more stuff than wind turbines and its more expensive so its good to make a little more.


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