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El Paso DWI Lawyer Tells You How to Avoid a DWI

One of the leading causes of death in the United States today is the automobile accident. One of the main causes of automobile accidents is driving while intoxicated of either drugs or alcohol. On the average, intoxicated drivers annually kill about 15,000 people. Households lose loved ones and life is cut disastrously short just because an individual drove after drinking an excessive amount of alcohol. Even if you did not kill an individual, there is still a chance of something bad coming out of drunken driving. You might end up with a "driving while intoxicated" (DWI) arrest.

DWI arrest is a criminal offense in all 50 States and can completely wreck your life. You will lose your license, spend time in jail and be forced to pay hundreds or even thousands of dollars in penalties. This is not to mention running the risk of losing your family, career and your future. Now that we have established that driving drunk is not recommended, what would be your next move just in case you are caught with this kind of citation?

You MUST hire a competent Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) lawyer, who is able to help you mitigate the damage of your DWI case. But wait. The plan is never to need a El Paso DWI lawyer to begin with. In this article, we will talk about several ways you can avoid yourself coming from ever needing a DWI legal professional.

The first way to avoid hiring a DWI lawyer would be not have a car. In this way, you could drink all you can and won't be forced to drive, as you have nothing to drive. Additionally, rather than going to cafes around town, try a

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bar within walking distance from your residence. Alternatively, you could also have a great time at your home or perhaps at a friend's home. You can't obtain a DWI if you are not driving a vehicle. You can have as much fun staying at home and drinking as you want instead of going out. Invite some pals over, to make it an event. If you do invite friends, ensure there is a specified driver, who is not intoxicated; to bring everyone safely home or just let them sleep over at your house so no one has to drive.

Another good way to prevent you from getting a DWI case is by having a designated driver. The specified driver will be someone who will not in any way drink alcohol and is accountable for getting every person home safely. This is great when you have a friend that really does not drink. Otherwise, if everybody from your group drinks, you'll have to choose a friend for the job. Alternatively, it's best to take turns among yourselves, who the designated driver would be in each occasion. This way, no one feels overlooked and left behind as the driver role is assumed by every person in the group.

Is it not a horrendous feeling waking up inside a metal cage knowing that the reason why you are there is because you have killed someone because of your careless behavior? Is it not better to know that you could indeed avoid using the services of an El Paso DWI lawyer by just staying at home when drinking or designating a driver for you when you know you cannot drive?

For more information, please visit or call (915) 317-1933 to schedule a free consultation.

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