Page 1: Effective Researcher Course- Sunderland 5th and 6th March

This is the second in a series of staff development programmes run by Academic Development which support researchers throughout their career. The course uses an activity based approach to focus on working effectively with others and provides the opportunity to discuss . The programme is the second in a series of staff development programmes run by Academic Development which support researchers throughout their career. It is aimed at early career research staff (whether having a doctorate, experience, or other qualifications) within the first 3–15 months of a research contract with project management responsibility, including those on an academic contract who do research. Programme outline (10am-4pm)

Programme format: Facilitator led group activities and discussions.

FAQ 1. There is no charge for this programme. It is delivered by the University of Sunderland and opened up to the other universities in the region as part of a regional programme. 2. Refreshments (Tea/Coffee) will be provided. 3. You are encouraged to bring their own packed lunch. 4. Greggs, the Murray library and City Space are nearby food outlets, if you wish to purchase your lunch. 5. The Gateway Building is 5 minutes walk from the Metro’s ‘University’ Stop and a local multi-storey public car park at the end of Chester Road. Booking requests Eight places are offered to each university on a first come first served basis. Please email [email protected] for more information or to book a place.

Day 1 - Gateway Building, Floor G2, Rm 1

10:00 Introductions 10:15 Effective Researcher

[poster exercise] 10:45 Presentations 11.15 Break 11:30 Project Management: Part 1

[tuning into a new project]

12:30 Lunch 13:30 Project Management: Part 2

[organising time, prioritising, tasks and risk assessment]

14:00 Break 14:30 Designing your research

environment 15:15 Presentations + review 15:45 Group review of day 1 16:00 End of day 1

Day 2 - Gateway Building, Floor G2, Rm 7

10:00 Recap of day 1 / Introduction to day 2 10:15 Collaboration challenge

11:00 Break 11.15 Collaboration challenge (continued) 12:00 Presentation + Review

12:30 Lunch 13:00 Non-verbal communication

14:00 Break 14:30 Managing others and being managed +

review 15:15 Review of day 1 and 2 + action planning 15:45 Evaluation 16:00 End of day 2

The ‘Effective Researcher’ development programme 5th & 6th March 2015 at the University of Sunderland.

Day 1 - Gateway Building, Floor G2, Rm 1 Day 2 - Gateway Building, Floor G2, Rm 7

This course is offered to staff who do research across 5 North East Universities. It uses group activities to consider what makes an effective researcher. It includes challenges linked with developing an interdisciplinary research portfolio and scoping ‘big research project’ ideas, as well as a focusing on working with others. Previous participants have valued meeting research staff from across 5 North East Universities, the blue sky group thinking, and the discussions about working effectively with others.

University of Sunderland, City Campus, Chester Road, Sunderland, SR1 3SD.

Page 2: Effective Researcher Course- Sunderland 5th and 6th March

Previous Feedback Twelve individuals, from across the north east, provided feedback on this Sunderland programme. They were from a range of subject disciplines, some were new to research and others were well established researchers. There was a mix of contract researchers/post-docs and academics who do research. What did they feel about the programme content and organisation? What did they feel were the programme strengths?

Challenging assumptions, self- awareness, collaboration, diversity of participants

Variety of different topics, good leadership, participants from different Universities/disciplines

Good structure & experienced organises

General skills, like communication & time management, interactive & practical

Covered a wide range of subjects, enjoyable, allows time out reflect, very well delivered.

Talking about plans

Team working on joint funding application (day 2)

Communication better between others, allowing better interaction in the workplace. Clear understanding of dealing with managers.

Good overview, project management skills

Re-focussing competencies related to research

Working in groups – meeting people from various disciplines.

Structure & tasks Booking requests Eight places are offered to each university in the north east region on a first come first served basis. Please email [email protected] for more information or to book a place.


Good overall quality of


It will improve my effectiveness as

a researcher

It will improve my effectiveness in

working with others

Effective pre-course


Appropriate learning


No. of re


Programme content and organisation

strongly agree agree neither agree/disagree disagree strongly disagree

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