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Graphic Materials

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Graphics Graphics (from Greek γραφικός graphikos, 'something written'

e.g. autograph) are visual images or designs on some surface, such as a wall, canvas, screen, paper, or stone to inform, illustrate, or entertain.

In contemporary usage it includes: pictorial representation of data, as in computer-aided design and manufacture, in typesetting and the graphic arts, and in educational and recreational software.

Examples are :photographs, drawings, Line_Art,  graphs, diagrams, typography, numbers, symbols, geometric designs, maps, engineering drawings, or other images. Graphics often combine text, illustration, and color,  Graphic design .

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Types of graphic – commonly found in an instructional setting.1. Drawing - include sketches and diagrams that employ graphic

arrangement of lines to represent person, places, things and concepts.


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2. Charts - are graphic replacements of abstract relationships such as chronologies, quantities and hierarchies. They may appear as tables and flowcharts, periodic tables, time lines etc.

Flow chart

Time charts

Organizational chart

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3. Diagram – any line drawing that shows arrangement and relation as of parts to the whole, relatives values origins and development, chronological fluctuations, distribution.

Affinity diagramTree diagram

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4. Graphs- provide a visual representation of numerical data.

They also show relationships between units of the data and trends in the data.

Category 1

Category 2

Category 3

Category 4


Chart Title

Series 1 Series 2 Series 3





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Circular - graphs to show directional data and cyclical patterns in data.

5. Poster – visual combination of lines, color and words and are intended to catch and hold attention at least long enough to communicate a brief message, usually a persuasive one.

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Examples are :photographs, drawings, Line_Art,  graphs, diagrams, typography, numbers, symbols, geometric designs, maps, engineering drawings, or other images. Graphics often combine text, illustration, and color,  Graphic design .

Graphics can be functional or artistic. The latter can be a recorded version, such as a photograph, or an interpretation by a scientist to highlight essential features, or an artist, in which case the distinction with imaginary graphics may become blurred. 

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Flow chart – is a visual way of charting or showing a process from beginning to end

Organizational chart - is a diagram that shows the structure of an organization and the relationships and relative ranks of its parts and positions/jobs.  

Time chart – is a tubular chat that presents date in ordinal sequence.

Affinity diagram – used to cluster complex apparently unrelated data into natural and meaningful groups

Fishbone diagram – also called cause and effect diagram. It is most commonly used to analyzeWork-related problem

Tree Diagram – used to chart out, increasing details

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AudiovisualThe term audiovisual (AV, or A/V) may refer to works with both a sound and a visual component, the production or use of such works, or the equipment used to create and present such works. Slide-tape presentations, films, and television programs are examples of audiovisual presentations, as are most major church services and other live theatre productions.Business presentations are also often audiovisual. In a typical presentation, the presenter provides the audio by speaking, and supplements it with a series of images projected onto a screen, either from a slide projector, or from a computer connected to a projector using presentation software.In the developed world, there has been a huge uptake of computer-based audiovisual equipment in the education sector, with many schools and higher educational establishments installing projection equipment and often using interactive whiteboard technology.

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Type of audio visualPowerPoint (or equivalent)Microsoft PowerPoint is probably now the most commonly used form of visual aid. Used well,

it can really help you in your presentation; used badly, however, it can have the opposite effect. The general principles are:

Do You can't read it keep the background simple when appropriate but make things visualuse animations


Don'tuse a big enough font (minimum 20pt)make it so small the image Don't over-do the animation - it gets distracting use a fussy  

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Overhead projector slides/transparenciesOverhead projector slides/transparencies are displayed on the overhead projector (OHP) - a very useful tool found in most lecture and seminar rooms. The OHP projects and enlarges your slides onto a screen or wall without requiring the lights to be dimmed.

White or black boardWhite or black boards can be very useful to help explain the sequence of ideas or routines, particularly in the sciences. Use them to clarify your title or to record your key points as you introduce your presentation (this will give you a fixed list to help you recap as you go along)..

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Paper handouts

Handouts are incredibly useful. Use a handout if your information is too detailed to fit on a slide or if you want your audience to have a full record of your findings

Flip chart

A flip chart is a large pad of paper on a stand. It is a very useful and flexible way of recording information during your presentation

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Video (DVD or VHS)Video gives you a chance to show stimulating visual information. Use video to bring movement, pictures and sound into your presentation. Always make sure that the clip is directly relevant to your content. Tell your audience what to look for. Avoid showing any more film than you need.

Artefacts or propsSometimes it can be very useful to use artefacts or props when making a presentation (think of the safety routine on an aeroplane when the steward shows you how to use the safety equipment). If you bring an artefact with you, make sure that the object can be seen and be prepared to pass it round a small group or move to different areas of a large room to help your audience view it in detail. Remember that this will take time and that when an audience is immersed in looking at an object, they will find it hard to listen to your talk. Conceal large props until you need them; they might distract your audience's attention.

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 The importance of audio visual materials in teaching and learning

On the other hand teaching can simply be defined as an act of impacting knowledge in a group. But learning is a complex process, and can also be describe as a change in attitude, thinking or relatively permanent change in behavior overtime.

The use of audio visual materials as teaching aids has increased in recent years; thanks to technological advancement. Today's technology offers many choices to teachers, lecturers and curriculum developers who wish to capitalize on the new generation’s appetite for multimedia presentations. According to studies and research, some teachers claim that whenever they teach with some learning aids, their students get more stimulated because the learning aids help students to become more attentive. In addition, student's positive attitude generates more interest for the lessons they teach, and as a result students participate better in the class.

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Below are some of the importance of audio visual materials in teaching and learning: 

1 .Audio visual material arouses learner's interest. Students get anxious and develop a learning habit when the teaching method or medium appear real to them and are not abstract. The material helps the teacher or the instructor to present his/her lessons clearly and effectively and this in turn catches the attention of the pupils.

 2 .Instructional materials are important because with them learners have a clear view of

what is being taught.

 3 .Audio visual materials guide learners / students to learn well and it reduces the stress

involved in the process of teaching and learning.

 4 .Audio visual aids in the classroom enhance teaching methods and improve student's



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5. Teaching materials help to get the attention of the students, makes the class more realistic and it gives a viewpoint or key point on the topic 6 .Instructional materials give proficiency to teachers and also help students to get the true picture of what is being taught. In conclusion, people learn in different ways. Some people are good in retaining information passed to them orally, while some others are extraordinarily good in retaining information through what they read and others through pictures and some other means. But generally, findings and statistics have shown that the best means of facilitating or enhancing good teaching and learning is through the use of instructional materials which encompass audio visual materials like radio, charts and projectors of various kinds.

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