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Education Enhancement Report and Plan 2011-12 1

Education Enhancement


Education Enhancement Floor Seven

Laver Building North Park Road



[email protected]

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Education Enhancement Report and Plan 2011-12 2

Education Enhancement 2011 - 12

Contents Page

1. Executive Summary 3 2. Introduction to Education Enhancement 4 3. Education Enhancement 2010-11: Highlights 7 4. Education Enhancement in the wider context

4.1 The National Scene 11

4.2 The institutional context 11 4.3 Working with Professional Services 12

4.4 Working with Colleges 12 4.5 Working with Cornwall 13

5. Education Enhancement: Goals and priorities 14 6. Evaluating effectiveness 17


1. Education Enhancement organisational chart September 2011

2. Current EE projects

3. College key priorities for Education Enhancement and Link Advisors 2011-12

4. Education Enhancement Development and Continuous Improvement Action Plan (DaCIP) September 2011 5. Operational Plan 2011-12

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1. Executive summary The Education Enhancement (EE) Annual Plan is an internal planning document used by EE and available to others in the University and beyond so they can be more aware of the contribution we make to the University. The plan:

clarifies our roles and responsibilities;

provides evidence of our successful activities;

explains how we contribute to institutional and college strategies;

sets priorities for our work;

illustrates how we use resources effectively and efficiently and

identifies future resource requirements.

Priorities in 2011-12 Education Enhancement will continue to provide high quality programmes and support education initiatives across the University, the Colleges and all three campuses. Key priorities are to:

provide strategic and operational support for the implementation of the revised Education Strategy

(2010-2015) and action plan (2011-12);

play a central role in supporting initiatives associated with the QAA Institutional review (May 2012);

Increase the flexibility and range of support for high quality teaching and learning support by rolling

out the new ASPIRE programme, an accredited M level LTHE programme, a new Technology

Enhanced Learning module and additional You Teach activities;

update and implement the Technology Enhanced Learning Strategy ;

extend the range and improve the quality of online resources in ELE and increase mobile learning


contribute to advanced planning and training for teaching in the FORUM;

lead on assessment related innovation including online coursework management;

work closely with the Guild on the extension of the ‘student as change agents’ project;

refine working arrangements with Colleges through the ‘hub and spoke’ model and ‘enhanced

links’ initiatives;

focus work in Colleges on ‘programme review and refresh’ to include education for sustainability

and research led education (e.g. Grand Challenges, Meet your Professor)

Ensure successful completion of funded projects by target dates in conjunction with Colleges;

bid for additional external and internal funds for innovative Education projects;

develop evaluation and communication strategies which align with ‘Customer First’ targets;

develop staff support and CPD activities which align with ‘Investors in People’ targets.

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2. Introduction to Education Enhancement

Mission statement Education Enhancement supports staff and students to ensure we offer an excellent educational experience at the University of Exeter. We are committed to providing support which is:

of the highest quality, drawing on the expertise of our staff;

informed by up to date education research;

strategically aligned with the University and College business plans;

practical and immediately relevant for staff and students.

Roles and functions

Education Enhancement is functionally located in Academic Services providing support to all colleges, campuses, other professional services and the University’s leadership. We support staff and students

both in groups and individually. We have the expertise needed to contribute actively to institutional education policy. We are well connected externally, with several members of the team involved in national professional organisations. Figure 1 gives some idea of the complexity of these internal and external relationships; it should be viewed as illustrative of our relationships rather than complete.

Education Enhancement is located in the Laver Building on Exeter’s Streatham campus

Figure 1 Education Enhancement: working relationships

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Education Enhancement: approaches to working with stakeholders

Research has shown that successful and highly professional Educational Enhancement units are characterised by these values and approaches:

Context-sensitive: we work within and are sensitive to institutional and disciplinary cultures

Flexible: we are responsive to changing circumstances and needs of students and staff

Inclusive: we work with all categories of staff who impact on student learning, as well as with

students and management

Collaborative: we are respectful of teachers as professionals and individuals, their skills and

knowledge, and seek to work with them as equals

Scholarly: our work is based on sound knowledge of research and we seek to collect

evidence in a rigorous manner

Strategic: our work is linked to institutional leadership, directed and informed by negotiated

short and long-term goals

Multi-layered: we promote a wide range of activities, both bottom-up and top-down

approaches and central and School-based initiatives

Visible: we have to have good communication with all levels of the institution

Resourced: we need an adequate number of appropriately qualified staff to accomplish tasks

assigned to us and they have to be led effectively

Reflexive: we are continually engaged in critical self-evaluation of our strategies and practices

(based on Gosling 2007 Education Enhancement at Exeter believes these values and approaches are relevant to our practice. Through our Education Enhancement Development and Continuous Improvement Action Plan (DaCIP (Appendix 4) we are working to improve the work we do and the way we communicate with colleagues. Education Enhancement: quality assurance in a national and international context

Nationally, education enhancement units operate in very diverse contexts and use different strategies to achieve their goals. We work alongside agencies and professional bodies (the Higher Education Academy, subject associations, agencies (such as JISC and the Leadership Foundations) and HE policy research groups (such as CHERI), all of whom help us to keep up to date and allow us to bring research informed practice to the attention of colleagues. Our staff maintain institutional credibility and develop professional competence by being involved in external activities, contextual research and funded projects.

We have internal indicators for evaluating effectiveness (Section 6) and are developing benchmarks based on recent research undertaken by CADAD, the Council of Australian Directors of Academic Development. .

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Education Enhancement : areas of activity

Programmes and taught courses: courses which contribute to staff and student development. They range from extended accredited programmes to single developmental opportunities.

Initiatives: ongoing support for University or College initiatives which we anticipate will continue indefinitely.

Projects: time limited activities through which we support educational innovation and research. These may be partially or wholly externally funded. Working with staff

Education Enhancement Teams Education Enhancement provides . Academic Development Academic Development offers professional and research informed advice and guidance to academic staff on aspects of learning, teaching and assessment in Higher Education. This unit is responsible for professional development programmes including LTHE (Learning and Teaching in Higher Education). Academic Skills Development helps students to progress academically. This group enhances student learning through workshops, lectures, individual appointments and innovative online materials. e-Learning Development promotes and supports the use of technologies in learning, teaching and assessment. This incorporates the new ExOL (Exeter Learning Online) group. E-innovations supports the wider use of technology in supporting the student experience more generally.

The Project team coordinates a number of externally and internally funded projects in Education Enhancement, focusing on innovation and change and improving the learning environment for students. For a full list of recent project see Appendix 3. We are organised into functional teams supported by two administrators (Appendix 1). Our web pages give further details of our work ( ) and the individual members of teams.

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3. Educational Enhancement 2010-11: Highlights

The Exeter Education Conference The annual Exeter conference was organised by students and staff working together around the theme of Students as Change Agents. Over 130 staff and students attended. The Vice Chancellor opened the conference and keynote speakers from the HEA and QAA provided a national perspective. Twelve staff-student teams led workshops. The conference was followed by a Guild reception at which the staff who were voted excellent in ten categories of teaching and assessment were presented with their awards. ‘It gave me time and space outside my normal practice to reflect on how students could be engaged, and it came away with a lot of ideas I’d like to try out. All the presentations/ keynotes were excellent and the conference was invaluable’.

Supporting student skill development In 2010-11 we have run 101 group sessions for 4356 students across all the Colleges. 158 students have been supported on a one to one basis across 19 disciplines. In addition our DARO funded Maths and Statistics peer support project has involved 26 PGRs who have offered 264 hours of support – a rise from 120 hours in the first year of funding.. This has resulted in 976 engagements with students. 13 skills modules are now available online and accessed by thousands of students each year. These modules can be viewed as student resources at:

‘The support offered by the postgraduate students was exceptional …without their help I would've been stuck with my data analysis for much longer. I hope support like this will continue to be funded, as without it I don’t doubt that results would decrease’.

Growing our support for graduate teaching assistants on LTHE

The numbers involved in the LTHE programme have risen again this year with over 300 participants taking part at the Streatham and Tremough campuses. Increasing numbers complete the assignment and achieving HEA accreditation. ‘I enjoyed all the classes and it became something I looked forward to during the week. The different lecturers were all brilliant and I enjoyed the interaction with other students on the course’.

Through an exciting Open STEM HEFCE-funded project the team has developed and trialled STEM-specific online resources, particularly for Biosciences and Maths. The LTHE ELE module folder has been extensively developed this year and is a model of good practice for ELE users. The LTHE ELE resources are accessible to all staff and students:

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Student Engagement The Students as Change Agent initiative was the focus of an HEA Change Academy project during 2010-11. An internal conference for staff and students was attended by over 60 people. Students made presentations recommending curriculum changes in their Colleges. Other activities included a Guild led photographic competition. Campus Overview by Huang Yu. Submitted as part of the Change Agents 'What's special about Exeter' photo competition

Curriculum development – Big Dilemmas The Big Dilemmas project is an exciting interdisciplinary initiative led through Education Enhancement that works collaboratively towards solving complex sustainability problems. By investigating and tackling big dilemmas in relation to energy demand, food and water security, health, biodiversity, and poverty and population, the project aims to come to a better

understanding of sustainable futures. Students and academic staff from thirteen different academic programmes based at Streatham Campus in Exeter and Tremough Campus in Cornwall were involved in research, forums, symposia and other activities.

Projects Between 2009-11 Education Enhancement colleagues have led on 21 projects. The funding from these has mostly been from external sources – over £1.15 million of funding from HEFCE, HEA and JISC. Some funding has come from internal sources – around £350K. The impact of these projects has been felt across the Colleges and by hundreds of students. The project list includes details of all our past and present projects: Students and staff in a project training session. The JISC Integrate project (in collaboration with the Business School) was completed in 2010-11. The first year experience was the focus of the project which is featured in the University strategic plan.

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Technology enhanced learning September 2010 saw the launch of the new Exeter VLE which has become widely known as ELE. The take up on the use of ELE has been spectacular. The number of module folders available to students has increased by nearly 70% and the number of resources by over 300% since it was introduced. In a recent survey over 85% of students and staff respondents said that they were satisfied or very satisfied with ELE. I enjoy the fact that I can fit in this study around my work and home life. This is the first time that I've done a course online, with feedback from a tutor, and it's been very encouraging as I've been able to make progress despite limited time. The basic software is much better and gives more flexibility than other, even commercial systems. the switch to the new system was the right strategic move.

Other initiatives which have been gaining momentum include the use of Echo360 to record lectures. (100% increase in the last year) and the use of ‘turnitin’ as a plagiarism checking and training tool (over 16 thousand submissions to turnitin have been recorded this year).

During 2010-11 a suite of Technology Enhanced Learning training sessions which can be brought together to make an Exeter certificate –CERTEL has been developed and will be launched in September 2011.

Environmental Sustainability – success over two years Education Enhancement has led a University wide initiative in 2010-11 on the integration of

Education for Sustainable Development into the curriculum. It has been an important aspect of this that the team has been enthusiastically engaged in the green impact initiative. In 2010 EE was the University’s Gold award winner and in 2011 we were one of the Silver award winners. Our innovative use of a wormery for recycling kitchen waste has resulted in the award of the most innovative project.

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You Teach: additional staff development opportunities

In 2010-11 we launched You Teach, an enhanced suite of staff development opportunities open to all staff with teaching, assessment and learning responsibilities. There will be additional opportunities available from September 2011.

Working beyond Exeter During 2010-11 staff have made presentations at over a dozen major conferences including the HEA annual conference, the SRHE annual conference and several JISC events. While we have always had small numbers of staff presenting externally in the past but the really significant success is that this year we have had external presentations made by 12 people – over 50% of the core team. Publications included a major HEA (ESCalate) publication in March 2011 The 12th annual ELESIG (JISC funded) conference was held at Exeter and was organized by Liz Dunne. It was attended by over 50 staff and students from across the country where the role of students as change agents was explored in a digital context. Waiting in the wings for 2011-12 Exeter’s new professional development framework, ASPIRE, which we have accredited through the HEA will be launched in September 2011. Two JISC funded projects – the digital literacies project, CASCADE, will train PGR students to support UG students to gain digital competencies in the context of research rich environments and the Assessment and Feedback project, COLLABORATE, will bring academics and employers together to create work scenario based assessment opportunities. The Online Coursework Management (OCM) initiative will delivery a process to support online submission, marking and feedback during 2011-12. JISC funding will be used to evaluate this project. For the launch of the FORUM exploration laboratories (Spring 2011) Education Enhancement will lead on the design and development of learning activities using state of the art ‘surface tables’. A range of training events and a new module will support staff and GTAs to use technology for teaching. Following the launch of the first Exeter App to support students during Welcome Week we are aiming to develop further applications for the use of mobile technologies in 2011-12 to support students and staff.

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4. Educational Enhancement in the wider context 4.1 The National Scene The quality of student learning experiences is now higher on HEI agendas than it has been for several years. The Government White Paper, Students at the Heart of the System (June 2011), sets out the case for a greater focus on teaching, assessment and learning. In addition, the powerful statements coming from the NUS and other student bodies leave us in no doubt that education related initiatives, which are at the heart of the Education Enhancement mission, will be at the forefront of institutional priorities. Excellent rankings in National Student Survey have been important for Exeter; we have been successful in this survey and many disciplines have achieved extremely good scores. However, we are aware that higher student expectations (value for money, transparency and visible benefits of increased contributions) require further improvements in what we offer and will lead to ongoing educational innovation. These challenges will define the work undertaken by Education Enhancement working with the Colleges. In a competitive environment attracting students requires stimulating and research informed programmes and teaching. Programmes attract students if they are creatively designed and meet future employment and social needs. Education Enhancement supports Colleges to ensure that our UG and PGT programmes are distinctive and attractive for future students. The National Professional Standards Framework (through the HEA) is being revised to align with government expectations that teaching staff are professionally qualified. Education Enhancement has led on a ‘fit for purpose’ institutional strategy to take this forward - the Exeter ASPIRE scheme. This has been planned in conjunction with new reward and recognition processes for staff who take education leadership responsibilities. National funding targeted directly at Teaching and Learning is being reduced. A substantial reduction in HEFCE earmarked funds for education strategies, the Teaching Enhancement and Student Success fund (TESS), means that Exeter will need to work harder to fund improvements in the student experience. Competitive funding from the JISC and the HEA, a real success story for Exeter in the last few years (see Appendix 3), is also being reduced. In spite of this, Education Enhancement continues to be successful in acquiring external funds to support innovative educational development. 4.2 The institutional context Education Enhancement has a key role in relation to the University of Exeter’s strategic plan . We support the University in its aim to remain a top 10 UK University and to become a leading international University recognised for its high quality research and distinctive student experience. We also have a key role in developing and delivering the University of Exeter’s Education strategy

Education Enhancement takes a lead on aspects of the strategy including:

The Assessment and Feedback Strategy: we have been centrally involved in writing, disseminating and evaluating the University and College assessment and feedback plans .

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The Technology Enhanced Learning Strategy: this is owned by Education Enhancement and it underlies the E-Learning team’s operational plan (Appendix 5).

The Guild We have well established links with the Guild sabbatical officers and permanent staff. This involves providing support for training student representatives each year and supporting Guild Education projects as required. We are regularly involved in discussions about the Guild’s annual Strategic Plan and our action plan reflects shared projects in developing rewards schemes for academic and support staff. 4.3 Working with Professional Services The Academic Services Plan provides a framework within which Education Enhancement works. Collaborative working with other Divisions is vital in order to deliver a joined up Academic Service We work closely at a strategic level with the Academic Policy and Standards division and at a practical level with the Student Services division. Our work in e-learning is closely aligned with Exeter IT. We work with the other divisions on a number of planned initiatives and projects as and when required. Our work is also closely aligned with Staff Development which is located in the Human Resources area. We share responsibility for supporting staff in aspects of leadership and management including the development of the ASPIRE programme, the training of Academic \leads in Colleges and the creation of probation and promotion criteria for academic staff.

4.4 Working with Colleges

During 2011-12 we have continued to worked closely with the Colleges as they have developed Education Plans. We hold annual strategic meetings with Directors of Education and the Assistant College Manager for Education, attend College meetings and work together on a range of projects. We produce an annual summary of the work we have done with Colleges. Two approaches have been developed to ensure that in EE we work effectively in the interests of Colleges.

The Hub and Spoke approach to shared responsibility Sharing responsibility for education with Colleges means working closely with then to develop and sustain our strong staff links:

Each College has access to a team of EE ‘linked’ staff who are based in the centre but

involved in the planning and developing of education activities in the College (see below);

Most our funded projects involve close links with particular Colleges; responsibilities for project

outputs and staffing is shared;

The PCAP course is run from though the Graduate School of Education but staffed jointly by


Joint planning and staffing of education programmes and events (LTHE; EDRP: Research

supervisor training; L&T conference) is the norm at Exeter;

Secondments (part time and on an annual basis) of staff from Colleges to work with the EE

team has become embedded in EE planning over the last two years;

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Some Learning Technologists are located in each College but with strong links to the central

e-learning team.

Link Advisors

We have strengthened our ‘link advisor’ scheme (see appendix 3 for advisors currently working with each College). Link advisors play a key ‘brokering and support’ role in College’s education and quality enhancement strategies, linking them with external and institutional developments. Through our close links we are also able to respond rapidly to changing priorities in Colleges.

Key link advisor roles include:

attending College planning meetings, education committees and away days as presenters and


organising workshops in the Colleges (e.g. personal tutoring support; professional

development for staff accreditation; Academic Lead training);

taking part in QA processes including periodic subject review, programme approval, annual

programme reviews;

providing support for initiatives as outcomes of national and internal student surveys;

signposting EE activities which support staff and students;

supporting staff to apply for external project funding.

The EE annual plan is partially driven by College planning requirements; annual meetings in September between the Associate Deans (Education) and the Head of EE are designed to define priorities (see Appendix 3). These are incorporated in our annual operational plans (see Appendix 5). Working with the Graduate School of Education (GSE) We have worked closely with the GSE over a number of years in delivering the PCAP programme. GSE provides the accreditation and quality assurance framework for EE programmes. There are increasingly good opportunities to work together in collaborative research and evaluation projects. 4.5 Working with Cornwall (Tremough Campus) The Colleges represented at Tremough require support for staff and students much of which is provided by Education Enhancement (accredited courses for staff and students; e-learning and especially video conferencing). Some services are provided directly by staff jointly employed through University College Falmouth and the University of Exeter ( student academic skill support). A coherent strategy for EE teams to address these needs has been developed and we have special hub and spoke arrangements tailored to the needs of a remote campus. Staff at Exeter have a link status with Tremough and we have a hub and spoke arrangement with one member of the academic staff from Tremough who is seconded part time to work with the Academic Development team. To ensure a high quality and Exeter focused service is offered by the shared services we have bi-annual meetings with the Tremough teams .

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5. Education Enhancement: Goals and Priorities

Goals Education Enhancement programmes, initiatives and projects are underpinned by five broad strategic goals:

Contribute to organisational and policy development: promote the academic goals of the


Manage and promote innovative change: support colleagues who are facing changes in the

educational environment resulting from local and national initiatives;

Develop, inform and inspire staff: support staff to provide the highest quality education for

our students;

Support and empower students: support students to develop academic skills which will

enhance their academic success; empower students to be more involved in institutional

education initiatives;

Promote informed reflection and debate: facilitate staff personal and professional

development contexts where learning, teaching, assessment, curriculum design and the goals

of higher education are discussed and researched to inform effective teaching and education


Be highly visible and outward looking: undertake and disseminate the outcomes of

scholarship of teaching and learning and research into higher education both internally and

more widely; attract funding to support this work.

Medium term priorities Educational Enhancement has medium term strategic priorities which are aligned with institutional plans to make a step change in educational provision and move towards providing an exceptional experience for every student by 2015. In order to achieve this we shall continue to take a leading role in implementing the University’s annual Education Strategy Action Plan:

Offer a Rewarding and Challenging Student Experience

Transform our Students’ Prospects for Graduate Employment & Further Study

Provide High Quality Virtual and Physical Leaning Spaces for Today’s and Tomorrow’s

Learners and Teachers

Promote and Enable Excellent Teaching & Education Leadership in a Research Intensive


Our responsibilities for aspects of the Education Strategy Action Plan are clearly identified in the current Education Strategy.

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Short term priorities

In 2011-12 Education Enhancement will continue to provide a range of high quality programmes and initiatives and lead on enhancement projects. The key priorities for 2011-12 have been defined in discussions with Colleges and will be evaluated using the following key performance indicators:

Key high level priorities for 2011-12

Kpis associated with these priorities

Provide strategic and operational support for the implementation of the revised Education Strategy (2010-2015) and education action plan (2011-12) with a focus on the student experience 2012 and the defining characteristics of an Exeter Education

research led education;

student engagement;

targeted student support.

Key EE responsibilities in Education Strategy annual action plan achieved by September 2012. Lead on developments in research led education and provide support for student engagement (through Students as Change Agents) and targeted student support (through academic skills development and personal tutoring).

Play a central role in supporting initiatives associated with the QAA Institutional Review (May 2012)

Successful EE contribution to QAA IR in May 2012. Detailed plans/targets will be set by the IR steering group (June 2011-).

Increase the flexibility and range of support for teachers by rolling out the new ASPIRE programme, the accredited M level LTHE programme, a new Technology Enhanced Learning module and additional You Teach activities

Successful internal accreditation of the LTHE programme by Summer 2011 and TEL module by November 2011. Recruit staff and provide the support for CPD targets set by the T&F group on staff recognition and reward by August 2012.

Launch the Exeter Online Learning Service and extend the range and quality of online resources in ELE. Update and implement the revised Technology Enhanced Learning Strategy including mobile learning opportunities. Contribute to advanced planning and training for teaching in the FORUM. Lead on assessment related e-innovation including online coursework management

Exeter Online Learning Service established and targets met for supporting ELE programmes. Strategy complete late Summer 2011 Revised structures and additional staff in place for January 2012 Forum Ready developments ready for January 2012. Live pilot complete July 2012; full launch September 2012

Improve further working arrangements with Colleges by supporting College ADEs, AMEs and academics. Further refine the ‘hub and spoke’ model and the ‘enhanced links’ initiative.

Good feedback from Colleges on the work we do in response to Colleges business plans. Hub and Spoke model working effectively for Learning Technologists, for programmes and for ASPIRE Framework.

Work closely with the Guild and new student engagement officer on the extension of the ‘student as change agents’ project;

Supported Colleges to deliver 6 projects each and lead on up to 6 central projects by Summer 2012.

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Focus work in Colleges on ‘programme review and refresh’ to include

education for sustainability and

research led education (e.g. Grand Challenges, Meet your Professor)

Assessment and feedback strategies updated

Take part in PSR and Colleges annual reviews in all colleges Meet targets in sustainability strategic plan. Complete pilots of ‘Meet your Professor’ and ‘Grand Challenges’. All Colleges have revised A&F strategies by May 2012

Ensure successful completion of funded projects by the target dates. Bid for additional external and internal funds for innovative education projects in conjunction with Colleges and to align with the University strategic directions.

External funding agencies confirm success of projects. Success in internal and external dissemination leading to greater consistency in experiencing education innovation across the University. Bid for external funds up to £500K in 2011-12.

Improve our publicity – communicating both within EE and beyond to provide more accessible information and support to staff and students.

Develop evaluation and communication strategies which align with ‘Customer First’ targets. Develop staff support and CPD activities which align with ‘Investors in People’ targets.

Develop and successfully implement an EE ‘development and continuous improvement plan’ during 2011-12. Achieve successful outcome from Customer First audit (November 2011) Achieve successful outcome from IiP review (November 2011).

Detailed plans and measures used by each team to monitor progress against kpis are described in the annual operational plans (Appendix 5).


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6. Evaluating effectiveness The Education Enhancement Evaluation and Continuous Improvement Plan (EE DaCIP Appendix 4) ensures that we have transparent measures to evaluate our work and communicate these clearly to stakeholders. It also includes actions relating to our own staff satisfaction and staff opportunities for further development. Broadly we evaluate our effectiveness using:

Quantitative measures e.g. numbers of attendees at various events; increase in numbers of

events held;

Qualitative measures of success and satisfaction e.g. participant’s views on events; school

attitudes to success of events

Impact measures e.g. change in teaching or assessment activity following an event; success

of an intervention when it has been introduced

Efficiency measures – although these are more difficult to define they include, for example, the

time saving resulting from changes in assessment methods.

Currently each team uses a range of approaches to monitor activities and the precise measures are identified in the operational plans (Appendix 5). During 2010-11 the monitoring targets for the Division have been revised and these are published as part of the Academic Services Balanced Scorecard. These are incorporated in the EE DaCIP (se Appendix 4). The appointment of an evaluation and communication co-ordinator in September 2011 recognises the importance of good marketing and evaluation. The post holder will work with the teams in 2011-12 to ensure that priorities are monitored and publicised.

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Appendix 1 Education Enhancement chart (September 2011)

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Appendix 2 Education Enhancement Funded Projects August 2011

The projects listed below are being worked on by EE in collaboration with Colleges and other professional services staff in 2011-12. For a full list of our projects over the last three years visit

Big Dilemmas The Annual Fund, 2010-2012, £4,800 per year

This is an interdisciplinary project affiliated with the Climate Change & Sustainable Futures research theme. Students, lead academics and stakeholders are collaboratively tackling complex sustainability issues. In the first year, the project focused on the 'Future of Renewable Energy in the UK' and the lessons that can be learned from the Severn Estuary tidal energy scheme. The theme for the second year is ‘The Use of Land’.

[email protected]

The Exeter CASCADE Project: Cascading Research – like Digital Literacy Skills at Exeter

JISC digital literacies project, 2011 -2013, £100,000

The Exeter Cascade Project aims to ensure the widespread development of student and staff digital capabilities by creating innovative and authentic research-like activities which will be embedded in disciplines and supported by post graduate researchers. We already have some experience of engaging Postgraduate Research Students to cascade skills to Undergraduates and, following a careful audit of current practices, we shall refine this approach and apply it specifically to digital literacy skills. A number of research-rich online and face to face activities will be developed and piloted in our five Colleges. Postgraduates will have opportunities to develop their own skills and they will also have access to a newly accredited training programme which will focus on how to cascade these skills to others. The University will use the outcomes of this project to develop institution wide models for student skill development which go beyond digital literacy but which has this at its heart.

[email protected]

The Exeter COLLABORATE Project

JISC Assessment and Feedback project 2011-14 £200,000

Collaborate is an ambitious project which captures our challenging strategic aspirations at the University of Exeter to introduce new generation assignments based around real-world and scenario based activities which are designed collaboratively by programme teams, students and employers. Working in partnership, we shall use existing online audit tools to establish a baseline, refine existing curriculum mapping tools to facilitate the design of employment -sensitive assignments and redevelop an existing online package for enhancing assessment literacy amongst students, employers and staff. Student to student collaboration on assignments with our Australian partner will allow us to test the use of technologies for inter-institutional collaboration for assessment. The outcomes of the project will be available as guidance to others within our institutions where quality processes will be refined to adapt to new generation assignments and these will be made available across the HE sector.

[email protected]

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The Exeter Online Coursework Management Evaluation Project

JISC Assessment and Feedback project 2011-12 £18,000

The project will evaluate the innovative work undertaken by the University of Exeter in developing an end-to-end coursework management solution which is completely paper-free and supports administrative processes, academic pedagogy and the student experience.

[email protected]

Leading curriculum change for sustainability – strategic approaches to quality enhancement

HEFCE 2010-2011, £200,000 (shared between three universities), £15,000 (pilot) + £2,500 internal funding

The project is focused on processes that can ensure that curriculum development with a sustainability focus is of the highest academic quality throughout the HE sector. A consortium of five UK universities is involved the project, with Exeter piloting curriculum development in the Business School. Other colleges could use the model and apply it in their own environment. The lessons identified and learnt will help to promote systemic change for colleges and the institution.

[email protected]

Maths and Statistics Support DARO, 2009-2012, £15,000

The project aim is to provide discipline-based mathematical and statistical support to students whose degree subjects require them to be competent in these skills. Postgraduate students are paid to support undergraduates in five disciplines across three campuses. The delivery methods include one-to-one appointments, drop-in helpdesks and organised small group sessions. The project has now established itself as a vital part of what students expect and need in term of support for their studies.

[email protected]

Online Coursework Management

HEFCE Modernisation Fund, 2010-2011, £50,000

This project is to create a complete and end to end electronic assessment process from setting assignment through submission, marking to feedback. During the summer of 2011, the system will be developed and tested by selected staff in the Colleges of Humanities and Life and Environmental Sciences. Consultations with staff across the university will be held in the same period. The project has won the Green Impact award in recognition of supporting the University Sustainability Strategy.

[email protected]

Programme Assessment Strategies (PASS)

HEA NTFS, 2009-2012, £200K (25K a year to Exeter)

This project addresses the challenge of designing an effective, efficient, inclusive and sustainable assessment strategy which delivers the key course/programme outcomes. The project is producing guidance and case studies on programme assessment across a range of subject disciplines. It builds on the extensive experience within six partner institutions by identifying essential principles of

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programme-based assessment and using these to implement and test the effectiveness of programme assessment strategies.

[email protected]

Reciprocal Shadowing as a means of promoting institutional change

The Leadership Foundation, January – September 2011, £9,300

Through engaging in a reciprocal shadowing activity, senior managers and staff in two southwest universities will have the opportunity to gain an insight into each other’s daily working lives. At the same time, they will test the resources developed for this purpose. In the post-activity phase they will share experiences and reflections, raise issues for change and address solutions as a collaborative partnership between students and staff, building on the successful Students as Change Agents initiative. Learning from the shadowing experience will enable better organisation and the generation of improved resources, so that the programme can be rolled out on a wider scale in the future.

[email protected]

Students as Agents for Change in Learning and Teaching

DVC Discretionary Fund, 2008-2012, £12,000

This is an innovative and exciting student-led action-research project. Students look into ways of improving the learning and teaching experience within their School. They choose their own topic of research that addresses an area of learning and/or teaching that is of concern within their School. Recommendations resulting from students’ action research get embedded into the School’s learning and teaching practice. In this way the project enables students to engage formally with the processes of real and positive change.

[email protected]

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Appendix 3. COLLEGE KEY PRIORITIES FOR EDUCATION ENHANCEMENT 2011-12 Social Sciences and International Studies

Improvements in ELE folders across the College Three week turnaround on assignment marking (linked to the OCM roll out) ASPIRE support Support for individual students with statistics – peer to peer mentoring

Life and Environmental Sciences

Programme review and refresh – Geography as a priority NSS related actions ASPIRE support Events and grants notification through an annual calendar and regular updates


Support for development of two new programmes – Visual Cultures for 2012 and Liberal Arts for 2013 Three week turnaround on assignment marking (linked to the OCM roll out) NSS related actions – in particular Drama

University of Exeter Business School

Assessment and feedback including OCM and online assessment NSS related actions - in particular Economics Improvements in ELE folders across the College ASPIRE support –relate to policy on promotion following T&F group on teaching and scholarship roles

Engineering, Mathematics and Physical Sciences

NSS related actions – in particular medical imaging Work collaboratively on CEMPS strategy covering programme development, ELE and staff development (including ASPIRE

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Dean/Manager Associate Deans ACME

Departments Directors of Education EE links

Social Sciences and International Studies

Prof Robert van der Noort Paul Beerling

Prof Debra Myhill (Reasearch) Prof Susan Banducci (Education)

Elaine Davies

Education Politics Politics (T) Law IAIS Sociology and Philosophy

Rob Freathy Robert Lamb Daniel Stevens Susan Prince Sajjad Rizvi Matthias Varul

Lucy Spowart Nel Boswood Steve Rose

Life and Environmental Sciences

Prof Mark Goodwin Helen Ratcliffe

Prof Allen Moore (Research) Prof Tim Quine (Education)

Barbara Powell

Biosciences Biosciences (T) Geography Geography (T) Psychology Sport & Health Sciences

James Wakefield Stuart Bearhop Henry Buller Simon Naylor Andy Wills Richard Winsley

Lucy Spowart Amanda Pocklington Matt Newcombe


Prof Nick Kaye Ariel Edge

Prof Andrew Thorpe (Research) Prof Andrew McRae (Education)

Jill Collins Debbie Freeman Jenny Hocking

Archeology English English (T) History Classics MFL History (T) Drama Theology

Oliver Creighton Jo Gill Marion Gibson Sarah Hamilton Lynette Mitchell Chloe Paver Philip Payton Kerrie Schaefer Francesca Stavrakopoulou

Jane Rowe Sarah McCarthy Nick Birbeck

University of Exeter Business School

Prof Robin Mason Anna Verhamme

Prof John Bessant (Research) Dr David Boughey (Education)

Neil Abel Management CLS Finance Economics Accounting

Alex Janes Scott Taylor Angela Christidis Carlos Cortinhas Chen Lim

Marge Clarke Nel Boswood Kellie Cox

Engineering, Mathematics and Physical Sciences

Prof Ken Evans Linda Peka

Prof Richard Butler (Research) Prof Trevor Bailey (Education)

Sue Hudson

CSM (Tremough) Engineering Engineering Physics Maths Medical Imaging

Richard Pascoe Slobodan Djordjevic Khurram Wadee Charles Williams Antony Galton Karen Knapp

Jane Rowe Rachel Canter Matt Newcombe


Prof Steve Thornton Chris Lindsay

David Bristow (Acting) Rachel Canter Matt Newcombe Sue Burkill

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Appendix 4 Education Enhancement Development and Continuous Improvement Action Plan (DaCIP) 2011-12

The EE planning cycle: ‘Plan, Do, Check/Review and Improve’

The EE DaCIP1 contributes to the Education Enhancement annual planning process. The plan ensures that the division has transparent objectives which

address our mission to provide high quality support to staff and students, to communicate our services clearly and to ensure that those we work with are

satisfied with the service we provide. It also includes internal actions relating to our own staff satisfaction and staff opportunities for further development.

In a strategic context the EE D&CIAP brings together actions relating to :

EE monitoring and evaluation targets (annual plan);

Academic Services’ balanced scorecard;

Investors in People accreditation criteria;

Customer First accreditation self assessment statements;

The University biennial Staff Survey.

We check on the impact of our work and review targets at least bi-annually. The aim is to collect different types of information which allow us to evaluate our

performance in terms of

Impact – Do we make a difference? How many people are affected? How satisfied are they?

Effectiveness – How do people respond to the work we do? What changes happen as a result of our work?

Efficiency – How much time and effort (money) is it necessary to expend to get results?

The evidence which we collect includes quantitative measures (attendance; usage rates; satisfaction levels) and qualitative evidence (case studies; citations;


We are developing evaluation benchmarks based on recent research undertaken by CADAD, the Council of Australian Directors of Academic Development. . The current status definitions in this

plan are based on this research.

1 The EE DaCIP has been developed by the Network and Communication Group which co-ordinates EE strategies for consultation, evaluation and communication within and beyond the Division.

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Area for development or action

Strategic Agenda(s) addressed

EE- EE plan AS- AS B/card IiP- IiP criteria CF- Customer First SS- Staff Survey ES Ed. Strategy

Actions/Targets/Measures Source/ type of data

Review frequency

Team or person

Current status

RAG D- Developing F -Functional P- Proficient A- Accomplished E- Exemplary


Dissemination and communication targets

Support for University and/or College priorities and strategies

EE priorities 2011-12


Provide strategic and operational support for the implementation of the revised Education Strategy (2010-2015) with a focus on:

The student experience 2012;

The defining characteristics of an Exeter Education (research led education; student engagement and targeted student support);

Education for Sustainability

Reports on Education Strategy



P University wide dissemination through ADEs for Colleges, CATS and Professional Services

Deliver and support enhancement initiatives associated with the QAA visit in May 2012.

QAA report Outcome of QAA visit

Feb/May 2012


D QAA IR report

Increase the range and flexibility of support for teachers (staff and GTAs) through the role out of a revised and accredited LTHE programme, new TEL modules and You Teach sessions. Lead on the ASPIRE Framework developments following successful accreditation.

Accredited programmes Satisfaction data


Ac Dev

P/A Major campaign across the University

Implement the revised Technology Enhanced Learning Strategy (drafted Summer 2011).

Annual Annual

e-learning e-innovation

D College wide dissemination through ADEs

Improve working arrangements with Colleges by supporting College ADEs, AMEs and academics. Further refine the ‘hub and spoke’ model and the ‘enhanced links’ initiative.

Meeting notes Bi-annual

EE link teams

P Formal Meetings with ACMEs and ADEs

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Ensure successful completion and dissemination of funded projects by the target dates.

Final project reports

As required ED/SM

P/A University wide dissemination

Bid for additional external funds for innovative education projects in conjunction with Colleges and to align with University strategic directions.

Bids submitted As available


P/A Disseminate opportunities to Colleges and PS

Develop internal bids which to sustain the work of the unit (aspirational funding and DARO).

Bids submitted As available

All EE teams

P Disseminate opportunities within EE teams

Evaluation and review

Review customer needs periodically during delivery

CF 6 & 9 Undertake additional user survey of ELE

Student/ staff questionnaires




Disseminate survey results across University

Hold feedback session with College AMEs. Use wiki data to provide more detailed and personalised feedback.

Meetings Wiki data


Link tutors


Schedule meetings with AMEs

Collate feedback from EE service users systematically and record how we act on it

Database Bi-annual



Disseminate feedback across University

Measure impact- numbers of people we work with; turnaround times

AS Meet target for number of ELE enquiries Meet target for response times and availability of ELE

Helpdesk On demand MN


Record in AS balanced scorecard Include in annual plan for wider dissemination

Meet target for number of students engaged in study skills sessions

Skills database Termly HB


Meet targets for number of projects and students impacted by the projects

Project reports Annual ED


Meet target for number of GTAs and staff engaged in programmes and sessions

AD database Termly DF


Meet target for % satisfaction with staff and students:


You Teach

Events and conferences

ELE users

EE database Bi annual E

Satisfaction EE Meet target for satisfaction with external funders of Project reports End of E Clarify in project

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levels AS CF 27


project final reports. Share reports on website

Use customer feedback to review individual/group performance. Keep e-mails which are positive about performance and bring to PDRs

Individual files Bi annual All

**D Use in annual report and on wall wiki/online

EE staff: all staff ratio

AS data Annual MD

AS data Recorded in AS balanced scorecard Include in EE annual plan for wider dissemination Use as basis for planning and resource discussions in AS

Measure effectiveness

AS E-learning staff: ELE user ratio

MN Annual MD

EE spend per student

AS data Annual MD

AS data

Number of hrs staff.GTAs on HEA accredited programmes: number of tutors/advisors(fte)

Annual MD

Awaiting Data

No of students supported in academic skills sessions (face to face): EE providers (fte)

HB Annual MD


Improve communication with others Clearly specify what people can expect from EE


Clearer publicity about what we can offer – market ourselves simply but powerfully; target specific audiences

Webpages Email Meetings Verbal Feedback recorded in wikis and blogs Conferences Newsletters (FYI etc) Printed materials Statistics EE Plan

Bi annual

Reviews All teams


University wide marketing through wide range of media

Improve website and monitor use of website

N&C group


Define our talent pool and advertise it by showcasing successes

N&C group


Improve internal communications within EE


Communicate division and management improvements which have taken place. Use EE meetings and ‘message once a month’ to communicate with all.




EE internal communications

Ensure operational plan is in placed and is shared SB Targeted

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internally and externally

P dissemination across University

Improve communications from EE Management and Leadership team

AS Ensure business continuity plan and major incident plan is in place

Link with AS plan SB P

Link to AS plans

University wide leadership in Education, TEL and Education for Sustainable Development maintained

Feedback from Senior staff

Heads; HSJ A/E

Targeted dissemination through ADEs and ACMEs and ES

EE team working environment and support

EE staff learning and development opportunities

IiP – learning and development 2/8/9 CF 16 CF 27

Monitor numbers of staff receiving investment in their development and amount spent on this

CPD monitoring sheet

SB Heads

A Internal EE dissemination linked to AS balanced scorecard

Introduce a more formal evaluation process for linking investment in training to improved performance.

PDR outcomes Heads D

Show how investment in training and development has had a positive impact

EE blog All staff D

Ensure all staff fill in EE blog after training event or conference. Include discussion of CPD in all PDRs

EE blog All staff D

Meet targets for numbers of staff externally accredited through ASPIRE

PDR summaries Heads New initiative

Success rates publicised

Ensure all PDRs completed on time Heads A/P

Organisational development

AS Provide annual away days and monthly team meetings P/E

Monitor numbers of staff receiving merit awards annually P

Develop further initiatives to ensure all staff feel valued throughout the division and to give constructive feedback. Use EE meetings and 1:1 meetings to give more frequent feedback.

EE meetings and monthly updates

SB/ Heads **F

Quality of EE staff working environment

IiP People

Address work-life balance to include taking breaks during the day

Bi-annually PDRs Heads


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Job security

management 3/6/7 IiP Leadership and management 4/5 SS

Ensure that workloads are aligned with kpis and are equitable

Bi-annually PDRs Heads


Review home working in the light of emerging institutional policy

Heads **D

Address the quality of work environments in the open plan offices: Protocol for open plan working Pilot use of high divides – review attitudes to this and look at costs

Complete Ongoing



Ensure that all staff on short term contracts have reviews well in advance of the end of their contracts. Use PDRs to discuss implications of University policies for staff job security

Ongoing Heads


** Priority Action 2011-12 Heads: Nel Boswood, Liz Dunne, Dilly Fung, Sue Milward, Matt Newcombe; Sue Milward

NA New Apprentice ED Liz Dunne SM Sue Milward

Link: Link College Tutors: each team has one person linked to each College

HB Nel Boswood MD Matt Davey MN Matt Newcombe

N&C Group: Cross division group with remit to enhance networking and communications

within and beyond EE

SB Sue Burkill

DF Dilly Fung

HSJ Harriet Sjerps Jones

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Appendix 5 Divisional Operational Plans


(include targets where appropriate)

Academic Drivers

QAA Audit; Top Ten kpi/balanced scorecard (KPI); Education Strategy (EdS); Assessment and Feedback strategy(AFS); TESS funding (TESS); TEL strategy (TEL); College Education plans (CEP); VCEG paper

Resource implications



Risks and their mitigation

Target date

General Education Enhancement objectives

Take strategic responsibility for implementing several of the University Education strategy initiatives for 2011-12

KPI; EdS Teams may have to reprioritise to address these emerging priorities at short notice

Changes in University priorities

July 2012

Support Institutional Review (QAA) planning group EdS May 2012

Facilitate staff in applying for national teaching fellowships and bidding for pedagogic research funds

KPI Success in bidding for external funds puts pressure on staffing and space requirements


Administer and support the University’s Teaching Awards Schemes (Internal TF awards)

TESS TESS funds for the fellowships discontinued


Plan, deliver and evaluate a university wide conference on ‘The student experience: 2012 and beyond’



Most EE staff

May 2012

Extend the ‘hub and spoke’ approach to working with Colleges CEP Pressure on ‘link tutors’ in all teams

More demand than we can handle

August 2012

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Professional Services plans

Put in place sustainable strategy for EE website and continue to enhance usefulness and accessibility

QAA audit report May 2008 paragraph 55

New IT apprentice to support this

Skills not appropriate Dec 2012

Review role and membership of internal communications and networking (N&C) group to address IiP and CF targets

Meeting schedule; informal meetings; agenda sharing; internal training and development; responsible for publicity

EE priority Volunteers from team

AS web developer to work with team on website

Volunteers drop out Dec 2012

Review overlaps of EE team activities and look for creative ways of increasing effectiveness of working together (including cross University e-learning provision)

EE priority None likely ongoing

Visit Tremough for strategic development discussions; increase number of engagements with Tremough


Demand at Tremough exceeds our capabilities to support staff


Continue Inspirational Leadership in Education programme of events -3 events focussed on quality enhancement


VCEG paper

Involves senior management led by DVC

Senior staff do not take part

By June 2012

Collect data on core contacts - Exeter membership of HEA and Subject Centre links across the University; encourage College responses to calls for funded research.

VCEG VIb As arise

Academic Development

Academic Drivers

Resource implications/staff/ space/ equipment

Risks Target date

Strategic leadership and contribution

Work closely and strategically with College ADEs and their leadership teams (subject-based academic and professional), through participation in College Education Strategy Group meetings, staff development events and other initiatives, to help develop and implement Colleges’ education-related strategies, with a particular focus on priorities relating to QAA Review.

Education Strategy (EdS); QAA Audit; Assessment and Feedback strategy(AFS); CEPs

Education Advisers (Dilly Fung; Jane Rowe; Marge Clarke; Barrie Cooper; Andy Pye; new appointee)

Ongoing through year

Publicise, deliver and evaluate the ASPIRE scheme and associated staff development (Academic Leads workshops and You Teach ASPIRE Guidance workshops) across the University, in accordance with the accreditation document action plan.

Education Strategy (EdS); Government White paper

Head of AD in liaison with Tash Khan-Davis (HR); Quality and Enhancement

Ongoing through year

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Officer; Education Advisers

Devise and implement a Research-Led Education action plan (in relation to DF’s ‘Research-Led Education for 2012’ paper (06/11) and minutes of Dual Assurance Education meeting, 29/06/11), in liaison with College ADEs.

Education Strategy (EdS); Dual Assurance (minutes of Dual Assurance Education meeting, 29/06/11)

Head of AD/Head of EE; Education Advisers

Nov 2011

Quality management and review: through membership of Education Development Steering Group; Taught Programmes Faculty Board; Quality Review Working Party (QRWP), Programmes Approval Working Party (PAWP); and other quality committees as appropriate, contribute to the enhancement of the quality and standards of education across the University.

QAA Audit; EdS; AFS Head of AD/Education Advisers as appropriate

Ongoing through year

Improve communications with Colleges and Professional Services: devise, deliver and evaluate detailed communications action plan.

EdS Lynn Smith, supported by Head of EE/Head of AD

Ongoing through year

Taught programmes for staff and GTAs

Manage, promote, deliver and evaluate the Learning and Teaching in HE (LTHE) programme across the University.

EdS Marge Clarke, with Jane Rowe, Barrie Cooper and Any Pye and [new Education Adviser]

Ongoing through year

Deliver and evaluate the new LTHE M-level accredited module to the first cohort of participants.

EdS Marge Clarke with Jane Rowe and [new Education Adviser]

July 2012

Deliver and evaluate the HEA-accredited Postgraduate Certificate in Academic Practice (PCAP) programme, convening Module 2 (EFPM902), in close liaison with Graduate School of Education.

EdS Dilly Fung and Barrie Cooper

July 2012

Plan, promote, deliver and evaluate a suite of stand-alone staff workshops (You Teach), embedding publicity appropriately into the ASPIRE scheme.

EdS Quality and Enhancement Officer; Education Advisers

Ongoing through year

Further develop and promote online resources for staff, through ELE (LTHE; PCAP; You Teach) and the AD website.

EdS; ELS New Education Adviser; Education Adviser group

Ongoing through year

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Student Academic Skills Development

Continue to develop, deliver, evaluate and further expand a programme of college-based undergraduate and Masters skills interventions with all academic colleges.

EdS Head of Student Skills; Skills Advisers

Ongoing through year

Continue to co-ordinate Maths and Stats support project and plan for future provision when DARO funding runs out.

EdS Head of Student Skills; Rachel Canter

Ongoing through year

Continue to offer a limited number of 1-2-1 student appointments, for academic study skills, based agreed and well articulated criteria, using ESD booking system and offering sessions in the Forum.

EdS Head of Student Skills; Skills Advisers

Ongoing through year

Review and evaluate impact of Forum on demand for 1-2-1s and plan future strategy according to results.

EdS Head of Student Skills; Skills Advisers

July 2012

Offer drop-in 1-2-1s every other Wednesday in the Forum.

EdS Head of Student Skills; Skills Advisers

Ongoing through year

Continue to develop and improve our online skills resource area for student and staff use, focusing on completing the suite of resources and updating them. In particular – update Time Management and Presentations. Add Critical Thinking Skills and Grammar and Punctuation.

EdS Head of Student Skills; Skills Advisers [?]

Ongoing through year

Introduce an online forum with our e-resources.

EdS; ELS Head of Student Skills; Skills Advisers

July 2012

Continue to use a database to record student engagements by type, (e.g. workshop, one-to-one, online materials).

EdS Head of Student Skills; Skills Advisers

Ongoing through year

Set up a minimum of two student focus groups in order to get some qualitative feedback on our e-resources.

EdS Head of Student Skills; Skills Advisers

July 2012

Investigate possibility of peer mentoring to maximise skills input for undergraduates.

EdS Head of Student Skills; Amanda Pocklington

Aug 2012

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Education Enhancement Projects Academic Drivers Resource implications - staff/ space/ equipment

Risks Target date

Complete the first phase of the Online Course Management project.

Link to the JISC-funded OCM Evaluation Project.

For this project also see E-Innovations section.



Sue Milward, with Matt Newcombe


Lack of staff and/or student buy-in; failure of system to satisfy stakeholder needs.

Sept 2012

Complete the Personal Tutoring Enhancement Project EdS Jane Rowe Perceived lack of connection with School priorities/ interests

Sept 2011

JISC-funded Digital Literacies project: EXETER CASCADE TEL Liz Dunne Matt Newcombe P/T Consultant/Manager Dale Potter GBP assistant 6 PG interns

Colleges resist, fail to plan or to engage systematically. PGs are not interested.

Phase 1 to complete by end July 2012 (continues to July 2013)

JISC-funded Assessment project: COLLABORATE EdS


Liz Dunne Matt Newcombe Project Manager Project Officer GBP assistant

Colleges resist (staff and/or students), fail to plan or to engage systematically. Employers fail to engage. Project staffing has inadequate expertise.

Phase to complete by Sept 2012 (continues to Sept 2014)

Work with students as Change Agents in Colleges and in collaboration with the student Guild and Student Services, including the supporting of strategy development; ‘training’ of SSLC Reps and workshop sessions; development of case studies of practice in relation to students being involved in change and dissemination through conferences at Exeter, etc.

Specific targets include working with: Each College to support the 6 change agent projects required,

including embedding change agents processes into assessed modules;

Top Ten


Liz Dunne RoosZandstra GBP assistant in part collaboration with Derfel Owen (Student Services)

Lack of staff and/or student buy-in; Colleges do not allocate staff time as required.

Anticipated growth and strategy for ‘Change Agents’ fails. Visibility does not

Ongoing through year, with some deadlines for externally-funded projects

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Six central cross-institutional projects; Ten Santander-funded projects on sustainability in the

Forumand associated conference and glossy publication;; The Leadership Foundation-funded Shadowing project; The JISC-funded Digital Literacies and Assessment projects.



Big Dilemmas (Annual Fund) - working in cross disciplinary ways to examine issues of sustainability.

Bioblitz – on a larger scale than last year.

HEFCE-funded LGM project

EdS Sustainability strategy Harriet Sjerps-Jones Colleges resist (staff and/or students), fail to plan or to engage. Participant numbers are not as anticipated. Academics are less generous with time than previously.

On-going through year, with a series of events and activities

HEA-funded PASS project – Case studies of programme-wide assessment

EdS Sue Burkill Colleges resist; difficult to find potential examples

On-going with July deadline.

End of year activity (Grand Challenges)

Pilot in 3 areas to engage volunteer students in two weeks of highly-focused and challenging cross-disciplinary activities as a pre-cursor to expansion in 2013.


Sustainabilty strategy

RoosZandstra, Liz Dunne, Harriet Sjerps-Jones

Colleges resist (staff and/or students), fail to plan or to engage systematically. Fail to find high quality external speakers/participants. Pilots are not persuasive.

On-going preparation; pilot activities mid-June 2012

Disseminate project outcomes of current projects and continue disseminating outcomes/feedback/evaluation data from previous projects, eg. Integrate and, where possible, link outcomes into new projects.

EdS Liz Dunne and others in EE; project teams

Cannot support requests for support

On-going through year

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Academic Drivers Resource implications-staff/ space/equipment

Risks and their mitigation

Target date

Formation of Exeter Online Learning team, appointment of two new posts - Team Leader and Educational Developer TEL

Exeter Online Learning

Failure to appoint successfully


Development of excellent high quality learning materials in ELE


Dependent on formation of Exeter Online Learning team


Develop a range of high quality online learning materials in collaboration with Colleges. TEL

Exeter Online Learning


Explore options for creation of materials for three distinct outputs - internal, OER and Commercial. Liaise with the legal team on the commercial licensing options and explore marketing possibilities TEL

Head of e-Learning, Team leader Exeter Online Learning


Explore options for outsourcing assessment technology (e.g. QMP)


Head of e-Learning Jun-12

Support the development of new online assessment processes and work with Colleges to understand the technology available to support assessments TEL, KPI

Head of e-Learning Jun-12

Support the ongoing use of Echo360 across the institution TEL, EdS e-learning team Ongoing

Develop pedagogic models of use for the new technology being procured for the Forum, especially the use of surface computing TEL e-learning team

December 2011 -


Support the development of creative and competent staff - support staff. Accredit a Masters level TEL module. TEL certificate. TEL

e-learning team Ongoing

Support the ongoing development of the Hub and Spoke staff within Colleges and develop good working practices

TEL Head of e-learning Ongoing

Provide formal staff development opportunities through LTHE and PCAP for academic staff in the use of TEL.


e-learning team 2010 - 2011

Run You Teach sessions for the delivery of the TEL certificate TEL e-learning team Staff do not engage. Appropriate advertising and awareness across University


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Review and update e-Learning pages on Academic Services web site. Produce new materials related to new technologies and ELE enhancements

Educational Technologists Ongoing

EEU funded Projects

Successful roll out of the Online Submission of Coursework module within ELE. Support for colleges

Help develop digitally literate graduates and support the JISC funded project TEL, KPI, EdS

Head of e-learning, plus team Jun-12

Explore possibilities of external (JISC, HEA etc) funding and co-ordinate appropriate institutional responses

Head of e-learning, plus team Ongoing

Promote Open Educational Resources (OER) across the institution building on the HEFCE / JISC funded Open Exeter project TEL, ES, KPI e-Learning team

April 2010 - ongoing

Adopt working practices to ensure IP and Copyright awareness within EE and academic schools TEL, ES, KPI e-learning team

March 2010 -


E Innovation

Academic Drivers Resource implications staff / space/ equipment

Risks and their mitigation

Target date

Online Coursework Management. Manage project through to early adopter phase.


Sue Milward 60% Failure to deliver – review project



Manage the development of version 2 of OCM to ensure that it meets the needs of all Colleges and a wide range of assignment types TEL, NSS

Sue Milward Sep-12

Manage the JISC funded OCME (OCM Evaluation Project)


Sue Milward Oct-12

Deliver centralised SMS service as part of University Mobile Roadmap


Sue Milward Oct-11

Deliver Welcome Week smartphone app as part of University Mobile Roadmap KPI

eInnovation team Aug-11

Develop PID and initiate project for full student smartphone app


Sue Milward Aug-11

Top Related