
Vision for hydrogen development in Portugal until 2050


This document gives an overview of a possible hydrogen energy implementation vision1 for

Portugal. Following general considerations on hydrogen energy implementation in Portugal this

document follows a chronological description of how hydrogen energy demand is expected to

develop over time, and how this demand might be met by production (different chains), where

production plants could be located (regional chain distribution), and how infrastructure could

develop. This vision is based on Portuguese stakeholder input and discussions conducted in

connection with PPS6 EDEN workshops.

General considerations on hydrogen energy implementation in Portugal

Stated energy policy goals:

• Improving security of supply

• Promoting economic competition

• Ensuring environmental sustainability

Key energy challenges in Portugal:

• How might the energy security of Portugal be affected by the integration of hydrogen?

Currently Portugal has a high level of oil, coal and natural gas import dependency with

net imports amounting to 86% of TPES.

• Energy is a key challenge for the Portuguese economy. Energy consumption has

experienced four fold growth since 1970, and recently has been non-productive with

demand rising exponentially without corresponding growth in the economy. How can the

integration of hydrogen into this energy system benefit the economy?

• Will the introduction of hydrogen in the energy system bring with it corresponding

reductions in emissions? Portugal targets for carbon emissions under the Kyoto

obligations are forecast to be 13% above the target ceiling (27% increase on 1990 levels)

requiring the use of flexible mechanisms in the carbon markets.

• Portugal has challenging government led targets for RES – 39% of electricity production

by 2010. Will there be RES capacity available to dedicate to hydrogen production or

might hydrogen production and storage together with CHP be used as a load balancing

tool for the grid?

1 Vision is an elaboration of a desirable and (more or less) plausible future. It emphasizes the

benefits of hydrogen.

Likely introduction Feedstock H2 production

CCS 1st

conversion H2 transport

Distribution End use

2020 2030 2050

1 Wind Onsite electrolysis

GH2 filling station / distribution centre

FC transport / stationary


2 Wind Central electrolysis

GH2 truck GH2 filling station / distribution centre

FC transport / stationary


3 Wave power Central electrolysis

Liquefaction LH2 truck LH2 filling station

FC transport Y

4 Solar PV Onsite electrolysis

GH2 filling station / distribution centre

FC transport / stationary


5 Solar heat Thermal conversion

Dedicated pipeline

GH2 filling station / distribution centre

FC transport / stationary


6 Biomass Gasification Liquefaction LH2 truck LH2 filling station / distribution centre

FC transport / stationary


7 Natural gas Onsite SMR GH2 filling station / distribution centre

FC transport / stationary


8 Natural gas Central SMR CCS Dedicated pipeline

GH2 filling station / distribution centre

FC transport / stationary


9 Natural Gas Central SMR CCS GH2 Truck GH2 filling station / distribution centre

FC transport / stationary


10 Coal Gasification CCS Dedicated pipeline

GH2 filling station / distribution centre

FC transport / stationary


11 Coal Gasification CCS GH2 Truck GH2 filling station / distribution centre

FC transport / stationary


12 By-product GH2 truck GH2 filling station

FC transport Y

13 Nuclear Central electrolysis

Dedicated pipeline

GH2 filling station / distribution centre

FC transport / stationary


Table 1 Future hydrogen chains

Vision of future hydrogen chains

Below are reflections on the possible use of chains in table 1 within the timeframe under

consideration by the EDEN project.

a. Entry phase (until 2020)

The entry phase is characterised by low demand for hydrogen. The emerging market for

hydrogen will be particularly found in the portable applications and the transportation sector

(captive fleets, public transport…). In the entry phase, the early markets would require small

quantities of hydrogen produced by steam methane reforming (SMR) (chain 7), or by-product

(chain 12), or onsite via electrolysis using energy from the electricity grid (chain 16). The

production of hydrogen via onsite and central electrolysis using electricity from wind parks (chains

1 & 2) as well as via biomass gasification (chain 6) also represent options for hydrogen

production in this early phase. The hydrogen will be transported using the existing infrastructures

(GH2 or LH2 trucks) and distributed via bespoke demonstration projects and early fleet


b. Transition phase (2020 - 2030)

In the transition phase the growth of hydrogen demand enlarges the range of options for local and

central hydrogen production, as a result more efficient and larger scale forms of production must

be developed. New options include central electrolysis via wave (chain 3), and expanding central

electrolysis capacity for wind (chain 2) as well as expanding biomass gasification (chain 6)

alongside on-site electrolysis based on wind energy and solar PV (chains 1 & 4). The capture and

storage of CO2 from central SMR installations (chain 8) and coal gasification plants (chain 11) is

envisaged later in this time period. It is also envisaged that there will be potential for producing

hydrogen centrally with electricity from the grid during this second phase (chain 14). The use of

GH2 and LH2 trucks and some early dedicated infrastructures (such as dedicated hydrogen

pipelines). Initial distribution centres are small in scale and located close to areas of high

14 El Grid Central electrolysis

Dedicated pipeline

GH2 filling station / distribution centre

FC transport / stationary


15 El Grid Onsite electrolysis

GH2 filling station / distribution centre

FC transport / stationary


16 Import H2 Ship GH2 filling station / distribution centre

FC transport / stationary


demand, such as major urban centres. Transport and stationary applications for hydrogen are

projected to begin to reach the market during this time.

c. Long term phase (2030 - 2050 and onwards)

Massive production of hydrogen is envisaged over the long term. This makes it necessary to take

into consideration the CO2-free and high yield mass production of hydrogen from the

development of nuclear high temperature reactors, based on electrolysis (chain 13). Also taken

into account is the production from the thermal conversion of solar heat (chain 5). The import of

hydrogen via ship (chain 16) may become economic in this phase from a diverse range of

countries rich in natural energy such as Iceland (geothermal), or Norway (natural gas) or even

some African countries should solar thermal take off. The transport of hydrogen by dedicated

pipeline becomes progressively the most attractive option for significant quantities of hydrogen

whereas transport by truck is preferred for smaller quantities. The distribution of the hydrogen is

delivered to the consumers via refuelling stations, for hydrogen cars, and distribution centres,

through local hydrogen pipelines, for the heating and cooling needs of individual households,

buildings and industry. The refuelling stations are sited near urban centres and along main roads

and the distribution centres near urban and industrial areas.

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