Page 1: ECE531 Lecture 3: Minimax Hypothesis Testing · Minimax Hypothesis Testing Minimax Hypothesis Testing Definition: ρmm:= argmin ρ max j Rj(ρ) Remarks: No single decision rule minimizes

Minimax Hypothesis Testing

ECE531 Lecture 3: Minimax Hypothesis Testing

D. Richard Brown III

Worcester Polytechnic Institute


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Page 2: ECE531 Lecture 3: Minimax Hypothesis Testing · Minimax Hypothesis Testing Minimax Hypothesis Testing Definition: ρmm:= argmin ρ max j Rj(ρ) Remarks: No single decision rule minimizes

Minimax Hypothesis Testing

Simple Binary Bayesian Risks Under Different Priors

r(δ, π0) = π0R0(δ) + (1 − π0)R1(δ)

0 0. 1 0. 2 0. 3 0. 4 0. 5 0. 6 0. 7 0. 8 0. 9 10

0. 1

0. 2

0. 3

0. 4

0. 5

0. 6

0. 7

0. 8

0. 9



r(δ, π0)


0 , π0)

r(δBπ0 , π0)








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Minimax Hypothesis Testing

Least Favorable Prior State Distribution

0 0. 1 0. 2 0. 3 0. 4 0. 6 0. 7 0. 8 0. 9 10

0. 1

0. 2

0. 3

0. 5

0. 6

0. 7

0. 8

0. 9



r(δBπlf , π0)r(δBπ′

0 , π0)

r(δBπ0 , π0)


R1(δBπlf )



R0(δBπlf )



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Minimax Hypothesis Testing

Minimax Hypothesis Testing


ρmm := arg minρ




◮ No single decision rule minimizes the weighted average, e.g. Bayes,risk for every possible prior state distribution.

◮ A conservative approach is to minimize the worst case risk over allpossible prior state distributions.

◮ Intuitively, there should be a least favorable prior. Does it alwaysexist? Is it unique?

◮ Intuitively, the minimax decision rule should be the Bayesian decisionrule with constant Bayesian risk over the priors. Is this always true?

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Minimax Hypothesis Testing

Minimum Bayesian Risk as a Function of the Prior

Let V (π) := r(δBπ, π) be the minimum Bayesian risk for the prior π.


The minimum Bayesian risk V (π) is concave and continuous over the

space of priors satisfying πj ≥ 0, j = 0, 1, . . . , N − 1, and∑

j πj = 1.Hence, there exists a unique least favorable prior

πlf = arg maxπ

V (π).

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Minimax Hypothesis Testing

Concavity of the Minimum Bayesian Risk

A function is concave if, for any {x, y} in the domain of f and anyα ∈ [0, 1], f(αx + (1 − α)y) ≥ αf(x) + (1 − α)f(y).

Denote a pair of priors as π and π′ and a third prior π′′ = απ + (1 − α)π′.We can write

V (π′′) = π′′⊤R(δBπ′′


= απ⊤R(δBπ′′

) + (1 − α)π′⊤R(δBπ′′


≥ αV (π) + (1 − α)V (π′)

hence V (π) is concave.

01π0 π′′

0 π′0

V (π0)

V (π′′0 ) V (π′


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Minimax Hypothesis Testing

Continuity of the Minimum Bayesian Risk

Theorem (“A First Course in Optimization Theory” byR.K. Sundaram)

Let f : D → R be a concave function. Then, if D is open, f is continuous

on D. If D is not open, f is continuous on the interior of D.

Note that continuity does not imply differentiability.

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Minimax Hypothesis Testing

The Four Possibilities


3 4


π0lf = 0π0lf = 1


V (π0)V (π0)

V (π0)V (π0)



R1(δBπlf )

R1(δBπlf )

R1(δBπlf )

R1(δBπlf )

R0(δBπlf )

R0(δBπlf )

R0(δBπlf )

R0(δBπlf )

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Minimax Hypothesis Testing

Case 1: Differentiable Interior Maximum Risk

TheoremIf there exists a prior π′ such that the conditional risks satisfy R0(δ


) = R1(δBπ′


then π′ is a least favorable prior and the minimax decision rule is ρmm = δBπ′


Proof.Given a π′ satisfying R0(δ


) = R1(δBπ′

). For any δ,

max{R0(δ), R1(δ)} ≥ maxπ0∈[0,1]

π0R0(δ) + (1 − π0)R1(δ)

≥ π′R0(δ) + (1 − π′)R1(δ)

≥ π′R0(δBπ′

) + (1 − π′)R1(δBπ′


= R0(δBπ′

) = R1(δBπ′


Moreover, for any π0 ∈ [0, 1],

V (π′) = π′R0(δBπ′

) + (1 − π′)R1(δBπ′

) = π0R0(δBπ′

) + (1 − π0)R1(δBπ′

) ≥ V (π0)

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Minimax Hypothesis Testing

A Procedure for Finding the Minimax Decision Rule

1. Find a Bayesian decision rule δBπ as a function of the prior π.

2. See if Case 1 holds by solving for the unique least favorable prior πlf

using the equalizer rule:

R0(δBπlf ) = R1(δ

Bπlf )

3. If the solution exists, then set

ρmm = δBπlf

4. If there is no solution to the equalizer rule, then see if Case 3 or 4holds by computing the risk at the endpoints π0lf = 0 and π0lf = 1.

5. If neither endpoint is least favorable, then we must be in Case 2. Inthis case we must create a randomized minimax decision rule as aconvex function of two deterministic Bayes decision rules.

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Minimax Hypothesis Testing

Example: Coherent Detection of BPSK

Our Bayes decision rule for coherent BPSK with prior π0, π1 = 1 − π0 is

δBπ(y) =

1 if y > γ

0/1 if y = γ

0 if y < γ.

where γ := a0+a12

+ σ2

a1−a0ln π0


The conditional risks are

R0(δBπ) = Q


γ − a0



R1(δBπ) = Q


a1 − γ



where Q(x) :=∫ ∞x


e−t2/2 dt.

Let’s try the equalizer rule. What value of γ gives us R0(δBπ) = R1(δ

Bπ)?Worcester Polytechnic Institute D. Richard Brown III 05-February-2009 11 / 21

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Minimax Hypothesis Testing

Example: Coherent Detection of BPSK

Answer: R0 = R1 when γ = a0+a12

. Hence

ρmm(y) =

1 if y > a0+a12

0/1 if y = a0+a12

0 if y < a0+a12


a0 a1Y0 Y1

γ = a0+a12

What does this imply about the least favorable prior?Answer: π0 = π1 = 1


Given a0, a1, and σ, the minimax rule allows you to guarantee aworst-case risk over all priors.

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Minimax Hypothesis Testing

Example: Coherent Detection of BPSK

0 0. 1 0. 2 0. 3 0. 4 0. 6 0. 7 0. 8 0. 9 10

0. 1

0. 2

0. 3

0. 5

0. 6

0. 7

0. 8

0. 9



r(δBπlf , π0)r(δBπ′

0 , π0)

r(δBπ0 , π0)


R1(δBπlf )



R0(δBπlf )



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Minimax Hypothesis Testing

Cases 3-4: Maximum Risk Occurs at Boundary

Let’s return to our coin flipping problem from Lecture 1 (H0 ↔ x0 = HTand H1 ↔ x1 = HH) with a modified cost matrix

C =


0 100100 60


0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 10











prior π0


es r


rule 1rule 2rule 3rule 4minimum

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Minimax Hypothesis Testing

Cases 3-4: Maximum Risk Occurs at Boundary


◮ Rules 2 and 3, depending on the prior, minimize the Bayes risk.

◮ Note that the equalizer rule would give no solution to this problem:

R0(D1) = 100 and R1(D1) = 60

R0(D2) = 0 and R1(D2) = 100

R0(D3) = 50 and R1(D3) = 60

R0(D4) = 50 and R1(D4) = 100

No decision rule gives R0 = R1.

◮ In this example, the least favorable prior (maximizing the minimumrisk) is π0 = 0, or that the coin is always HH. This should make sense.

◮ The minimax decision rule is Rule 3: observe T, decide the coin is

fair; observe H, decide the coin is unfair.

◮ You can guarantee a worst-case risk of $60 by using Rule 3.

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Minimax Hypothesis Testing

Case 2: Non-Differentiable Interior Maximum

Back to our original coin flipping problem with cost matrix

C =


0 100100 0


0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 10











prior π0


es r


rule 1rule 2rule 3rule 4minimum

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Minimax Hypothesis Testing

Case 2: Non-Differentiable Interior Maximum


◮ Rules 2 and 3, depending on the prior, minimize the Bayes risk.

◮ Again, the equalizer rule gives no deterministic solution since

R0(D1) = 100 and R1(D1) = 0

R0(D2) = 0 and R1(D2) = 100

R0(D3) = 50 and R1(D3) = 0

R0(D4) = 50 and R1(D4) = 100

◮ In this example, the least favorable prior (maximizing the minimumrisk) is π0 = 2

3, or that the coin is HT with probability 2


◮ The minimax decision rule is neither Rule 2 or Rule 3.

◮ You can guarantee a worst-case risk of $1003

by using a randomizeddecision rule that is a combination of Rules 2 and 3.

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Minimax Hypothesis Testing

Case 2: Non-Differentiable Interior Maximum

Problem: Find a randomized decision rule that satisfies the equalizer rule

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 10














s r


rule 1

rule 2

rule 3

rule 4


r(ρmm)V (πlf )V (πlf )



lf )


lf )


lf )


lf )




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Minimax Hypothesis Testing

Case 2: Non-Differentiable Interior Maximum

Our randomized minimax decision rule is the

ρmm = αδBπ−

lf + (1 − α)δBπ+lf

We can calculate the randomization α ∈ [0, 1] by applying the equalizerrule:


lf ) + (1 − α)R0(δBπ+

lf ) = αR1(δBπ−

lf ) + (1 − α)R1(δBπ+

lf )

which gives the solution

α =R1(δ

Bπ+lf ) − R0(δ

Bπ+lf )


lf ) − R1(δBπ−

lf )) − (R0(δBπ+

lf ) − R1(δBπ+

lf ))

=V ′(π+

lf )

V ′(π+lf ) − V ′(π−

lf )

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Minimax Hypothesis Testing

Case 2: Non-Differentiable Interior Maximum

What is the minimax decision rule in our example?

V ′(π+lf ) = −100

V ′(π−lf ) = 50

hence α = 23. If H0 is the hypothesis that the coin is HT, H1 is the

hypothesis that the coin is HH, the observations y0 = T, y1 = H, then ourdeterministic decision rules 2 and 3 can be written as

D3 = δBπ−

lf =


1 00 1


and D2 = δBπ+lf =


1 10 0


The minimax decision rule is then given by

ρmm(y = T) =2











(T → always decide HT)

ρmm(y = H) =2











– „

H → randomize →nPr(decide HT)=1/3Pr(decide HH)=2/3


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Minimax Hypothesis Testing

Final Remarks on Minimax Hypothesis Testing

1. The objective of minimax hypothesis testing is to minimize yourworst-case (maximum) risk over all possible prior state probabilities.

2. Conservative approach but useful in scenarios when:◮ the prior is unknown and/or◮ you need to provide a maximum risk guarantee.

3. Try the equalizer rule first!

4. Minimax risk at the endpoints only occurs in weird cases.

5. Finite observation space Y implies that the minimum Bayes risk curveV is not going to be differentiable everywhere. Randomization isoften necessary to obtain the minimax decision rule in these cases.

6. Composite hypotheses:◮ The equalizer rule is still valid.◮ Checking “endpoints” is still valid (but more points to check).◮ In the case of a non-differentiable interior maximum, finding the

randomization can be difficult.

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