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Eating for a Beautiful You

From Exclusive International Beauty Expert and Women’s Empowerment Coach

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Welcome to a new, beautiful you!

Are you ready to have people stopping you in the street to ask, “What’s your secret?!?”

Get ready to start feeling, looking and being more beautiful!

I’ve created this guide for women just like you, who are tired of hearing the word diet, food plan, regimen or detox. If you are like me, you probably battled (and maybe still do) with your body most of your life and when you hear these words it makes you want to eat more or it brings you back to the times where you felt restricted, deprived or depressed.

If there’s no joy, pleasure or beauty in food, I believe there isn’t a single woman out there, myself included, who can truly feel satisfied.

It is not about restricting ourselves, it is about honoring ourselves. When we say “NO” to something from a place of self-honoring, it is very different than when we say “no” from a place of deprivation. You can feel the difference in your energy and it will be reflected in the choices you make moving forward.

I grew up in Buenos Aires, Argentina, where outer beauty was a priority. However, being a good Latin country, everything revolves around food, which makes it really hard to “control” yourself when it comes to eating to look more beautiful.

The paradox here is that everything I learned about beauty was to be skinny, but my lifestyle and social life were all around food…so confusing and frustrating!

Can you relate?

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Paula Lacobara

Every time I read statistics about women with body image or eating disorders I feel a deep pain in my heart because I know exactly what it feels like to have an un-beautiful relationship with your body. If I am really honest with myself, I grew up hating my body….

Did you know that…

• One in 5 women suffer from eating disorders. • Eating disorders affect 30 million Americans and 70 million

worldwide. • Middle-aged women are the fastest growing segment of the

population being diagnosed with eating disorders.

These numbers are even bigger than when I was a teenager. Instead of healing we are getting worse…

Fact: restrictive diets don’t work for the long-term (They do work, but for like a hot minute or they work but then you gain it all back plus more which leads to more self-loathing, and to begin the cycle all over again.)

I went to one of the leading holistic nutrition schools in America to uncover the basis of nutrition with the desire to help myself and others get out of the confusion of how to eat to feel beautiful.

Let me tell you, that was an interesting year. Almost every week, as part of the program, I tried a new ‘dietary theory’ which is the ‘official’ name of trying to figure out what worked best for me and my body. One of my favorite teachers was David Wolfe, who is so passionate about foods and beauty (like me!). After reading his book, Eating For Beauty, I found my inspiration to share my side of this story.

Through the experience of becoming a health coach, I’ve tested enough theories to now come to you and share the truth….that there’s

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no one right way of eating that works for all and I think this is what was most confusing for me (and I know for most women!).

If I told you how many diets I tried since the age of 12, you would not believe me! I was one of those girls who would try the “NEW DIET OF THE WEEK” from every single magazine out there. Little did I know that I was making my body, and my mind, more confused. Not to mention, my emotions were all over the place, making me a bit difficult to be around…

On a side note, I look back and I am so grateful to my body for having put up with me all those years…I mean, I can’t believe how extreme some of those “practical diets” were!…

One of the craziest was my attempt to reduce cellulite. I was so determined to get rid of it that I applied this very expensive gel, prescribed by a doctor. But it doesn’t stop there… I had to find these incredibly rare leaves (I still owe my friend for miraculously finding this plant and sending them to me!) which I had to put INSIDE my skin-tight biker shorts to sleep in every single night. But I did it, religiously, for weeks.

To say I was truly desperate would be an understatement and, the worst part was nothing worked.

It is actually very sad because when I look back I realize that no one really taught me how to love my body as it is. I’m not talking about just my family, I’m talking about society as well. All I learned was that if it didn’t look like the models in the magazines or the actresses on the novelas (soap operas), I was not good and I needed to be fixed.

In this guide, Eating for a Beautiful You, I share the basis of how I educated myself to eat without feeling deprived or restricted. Eating to be beautiful, instead of eating to make my body thinner or prettier, has changed EVERYTHING for me. Now I have a beautiful relationship with my body

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and I also allow myself to fully enjoy eating without feeling hunted by feelings of guilt and shame like I used to in the past.

I want this for you as well and I know this is possible for you.

The Eating for a Beautiful You Guide will assist you in learning how you can start loving your body immediately and which foods to add in order to bring beauty to every cell of your body. It is about learning what feeds your body, mind and soul and to use food as a tool to enhance your true beauty, from within.

It is my intention that you feel inspired and excited about finding a way of eating that works for your unique beauty. My desire is to provide you with tools and processes (not those awful rules) that will support you in claiming a beautiful YOU from the inside out.

What I’ll be sharing throughout these pages is based upon my own experiences and opinions, studies, research I did as a Health Coach and Aesthetician. Many of my clients have achieved amazing results, such as healing cystic acne, depression and improving energy levels during my coaching programs.

As a reminder, everyone is unique so it would be wise to consult with your physician prior to applying any of the principles in this guide. Also be mindful of any allergies you may have as some of these foods may be new to you and could trigger symptoms in your body.

My premise is to make food simple, fun and beautiful. The more complicated and complex, the less chances you have to make beautiful choices.

So get ready and open your heart and mind, your life is about to be more beautiful than ever before!


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Eating for a Beautiful You The desire for beauty is not only natural to our humanness, it is in fact what connects us with our divinity. Being beautiful is who we truly are! In many ancient cultures, people believed striving for beauty was one of the highest aspirations in life. Beauty was a way for them to find levels of excellence in order to become powerful and strongly attractive - magnetic.

Our ability to cultivate, savor and appreciate beauty greatly enhances our ability to heal and enjoy life at every level.

I’d like to invite you to commit to yourself and your beauty as you begin this journey and remember that consistency is the key. The idea here is to add what feels good to you and to release what doesn’t. For that to happen, you want to make the decision to be fully awake and connected with your body.

Different types of foods fuel different types of thoughts and emotions, your potential for success and your greatness. What you are eating now is creating your reality and paving the way to your life in the future to come.

I’d like to share with you a few simple nutritional guidelines so you can have an understanding of the basics of nutrition.

As I started introducing new foods into my every day diet, I knew that the only way for me to know if that food would serve my body or not, was to listen to my body. Most people in this busy, modern life, are completely disconnected from their bodies.

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I’d like to introduce you to a super easy and simple exercise that will support you in connecting with your body so you can start recognizing “its” voice. This exercise will come in handy when you read the list of foods to “carve out” and “to invite in” that I present to you in the following page.

As you read the following list, go through each point and…

1. Put one hand in your heart and one hand on your belly.

2. Read the list and as you read each point, notice what it feels like in your body

3. Allow your body to guide you into what would serve you best at this time. For example, when you read “carve out dairy products”, ask your body, how do you feel about that? Is this true for you? If you take a moment in silence to listen to your body, I promise you will receive the answer.

This is a simple and powerful tool to start creating a new, healthy and beautiful relationship with your body.

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Basic Nutritional Guidelines:

The following foods contain empty calories and act a “drug” in your body, in other words, they give you energy, however it is only temporary. These foods will make you to crash, leaving you more tired than before and wanting to start the cycle all over again, making you feel like you can’t function without them. Does this sound familiar?

The main reason why I am bringing these foods up is because your body has a very hard time processing them. In fact, they are pretty damaging to your tissues, like your teeth and complexion, adding layers of unwanted weight. The truth is that the nutritional value is very low, which doesn’t add to your beauty, it takes it away from you.

Cooked oils, margarine and fried food, for example, negatively affect our skin’s health and lead to acne in both face and body. Because they have an inflammatory reaction in your body, it destroys your complexion and accelerate the aging process.

This is not for you to freak out and think that you can never enjoy another fried food ever again. Just be mindful of leaving these for especial occasions, not your regular everyday life.

Because that piece of cake or that fried drumstick might look sooooo yummy, but understanding what it will do to your body will help you make a more beautiful choice.

Let’s look at…

Foods to carve out:

• Refined sugar and all products containing sugar, including all artificial sweeteners: Consuming refined sugar damages the skin because and breaks down the collagen molecules in the skin.

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• Refined flours and all products containing flour (gluten and sugar): These have the same effect as of refined sugar (because this is how your body processes them), which kills your collagen and elastin.

• Dairy products: Dairy increases breakouts and bumps of your skin. I had many clients quit dairy and their skin looked more radiant and with no breakouts.

• Alcohol converts as sugar in the body: This one in particular, not only will zap the collagen and elastin, it will make your skin look old, reddish and tired.

• Cooked oils, margarine and fried food. Cooked fats/oils tend to be broken down improperly: They lead to acne, skin disorders, liver stagnation, body odors and nutritional deficiencies.

• Moderate the consumption of animal meats and products.

Foods to invite in:

• Natural Sweeteners: You can eat high quality of raw honey or maple syrup (Grade B is always best). Raw agave cactus nectar, bacon root syrup, stevia, dried figs and other dried fruits will do it too.

• Carbohydrates: Eliminating refined sugar and white flour and replacing them with whole food and natural fruits (with seeds) are your best choice. Yams and sweet potatoes are a better choice than regular potatoes, as they have half the sugar and twice the mineral content.

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• Healthy Fats: Avocados, olives, raw nuts, raw seeds like sunflower and sesame. Raw or cold-pressed oils are one of the best foods to include because they beautify the skin, lubricate the joints and intestines, strengthen the cell membrane and restore tissues in the body.

• Dairy: Unpasteurized goat milk, goat cheese, goat kefir are the best of the dairy products. They are much easier to digest.

• Protein (Amino Acids): Every living cell in our body uses protein as chemical building blocks for growth. Amino Acids build muscle, strengthen tissues and repair cells, among other functions. They are vital in the formation of serotonin and dopamine, which play a key role in how we feel each day. Here are the most popular, non-animal protein beauty forming foods: Bee pollen (the best of all high-protein foods), Almonds, blue-green algae, Chlorella, Goji berries, Green-leafy vegetables (parsley, spinach, kale, collards, green cabbage, arugula), Hemp seeds, Maca, Olives, Pumpkin seeds, Spirulina, Sprouted grains, Sprouted of all types.

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Foods that Make You Beautiful Here are a few of my top 21 foods. I use these foods to enhance my beauty as each has a specific benefit. Most of them are under the category of what’s called in modern nutrition, a superfood.

A Superfood is an unprocessed food with high phytonutrient content. Phytonutrients are made up of phytochemicals which come from edible plants that reduce the risk of cancer, provide antioxidants, and anti- inflammatory effects. These nutritional powerhouse foods are loaded with nutrients crucial to a healthy, more beautiful life life. It is important to note that each of these foods in its most raw, organic state is a superfood, but if cooked and processed they could all potentially be turned into a junk food.

You might feel intimidated by some of the following foods you are about to read and I’d like to invite you to have an open mind and heart and approach this in a playful way. In the pages below, I’m sharing with you exactly how easy it is to start incorporating these foods into your diet.

Most of them can be simply integrated and I highly recommend for you to start now, don’t wait. If you are under a special health diet, I strongly suggest that you consult with your practitioner before trying them.

Remember, everyone is unique so it would be wise to consult with your physician prior to applying any of the principles in this guide. Also be mindful of any allergies you may have as some of these foods may be new to you and could trigger symptoms in your body.

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Bee Pollen

Bee Pollen is one of the most nutritious foods of the planet. It contains more protein than any other natural food, along with the 22 amino acids, minerals, vitamins and enzymes.

Here are some benefits of bee pollen:

1. Energy Enhancer - The range of nutrients found within bee pollen makes it a great natural energizer. The carbohydrates, protein and B vitamins can help keep you going all day by enhancing stamina and fighting off fatigue.

2. Skin Soother - Bee pollen is often used in topical products that aim to treat inflammatory conditions and common skin irritations like psoriasis or eczema. The amino acids and vitamins protect the skin and aid the regeneration of cells.

3. Supports the Cardiovascular System - Bee Pollen contains large amounts of Rutin; an antioxidant bioflavonoid that helps strengthen capillaries, blood vessels, assists with circulatory problems and corrects cholesterol levels. Its potent anti-clotting powers could help prevent heart attack and stroke.

4. Infertility Problems - Bee pollen stimulates and restores ovarian function, therefore may be used to assist in accelerating pregnancy. As well as being a hormonal booster it is also a great aphrodisiac!

How to use Bee Pollen: The best time to eat it is in the mornings with breakfast. A spoonful with water will do it. You can also add it to smoothies or salads. It doesn’t have a strong taste at all.

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Hemp Seeds

Hempseed is considered by leading researchers and medical doctors to be one of the most nutritious food sources on the planet. There is no other food substance which contains such high quantities of essential fatty acids found in hemp seeds, higher than even flaxseed and other nut or seed oil as well as containing high amounts of vitamin E and trace minerals.

Hemp Seeds contain high amounts of protein, which helps in strengthening the immune system, thereby, reducing the instances of diseases, besides helping in excreting toxins from the body.

Hemp oil can penetrate the skin quickly compared to other oils. This helps in preventing skin from sagging due to aging as essential fatty acids completely penetrate the outer skin layer, thereby, encouraging healthy moist skin. Another important health benefit of hemp seeds is, that oil extracted out of them can be used as an ointment to regenerate and nourish the skin.

How to use Hemp Seeds: Hemp seeds are great eaten alone as a snack. They go well sprinkled on salads. They blend well and add richness and flavor to smoothies, homemade granola bars and salad dressings. In oil form, you can use it as a topical moisturizer for your skin.


Maca is rich in minerals, specifically selenium, calcium, magnesium, and iron, and includes fatty acids including linolenic acid, palmitic acid, and oleic acids, and 19 amino acids, and polysaccharides.

Maca is described as having powerful energizing and fertility effects. It is already prized in the West as a ‘super food’ and an important

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homeopathic remedy treatment for everyday sexual health concerns such as sexual dysfunction, low libido and low fertility rates.

Women with menstrual irregularities using maca have experienced greater consistency, while women with hot flashes, mood swings, and most associated perimenopause and menopause symptoms have diminished dramatically using maca.

How to use Maca: Maca comes in a powder form. You may use a tablespoon or more on smoothies, teas, nut milks, coffee or any simple drinks. You can also add it to a homemade granola once granola has been cooked.

Raw Cacao

Raw cacao beans are chocolate in its most raw form. Food manufacturers cook raw cacao powder and mix it with sweeteners and dairy products until it turns into a junk food. But chocolate in its most raw form is an extremely healthy food.

The raw cacao beans are the highest antioxidant food known, they support heart function and contain various “feel great” chemicals. Raw cacao beans are a true super food and they are high in protein, beneficial fats, vitamins and minerals. Raw cacao is reported to be the richest natural source for magnesium, an important mineral that helps reduce symptoms from conditions such as chronic pain, fatigue and insomnia. Magnesium may also provide protection from a number of chronic diseases, especially those associated with aging and stress.

The raw seeds are also surprisingly high in vitamin C and an excellent source of natural sulfur, a mineral associated with healthy skin, nails, hair and proper liver & pancreas function. Raw cacao is the most medicinal of any chocolate product, containing the highest levels of immune

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enhancing antioxidant polyphenols, procyanidins and other flavonoids known to protect against a wide array of ailments, especially heart disease.

How to use Raw Cacao: Raw Cacao comes in three forms, the full bean, cacao nibs (the original chocolate chips) or cacao powder. As bean and nibs, they are great to be eaten alone as a snack or they blend well, adding richness and flavor to smoothies and homemade granola bars. A lot of people use them as a replacement for chocolate chips, just be mindful than when you cook them, they lose most of their properites. There’s not a specific amount recommended for raw chocolate. As a guide, one tablespoon of cacao powder per quart works great with any beverage. You can blend cacao into coconut water, teas or coffee.

Dark-Leafy Greens

Dark-leafy vegetables are probably the most important of foods. Green leaves are the best source of alkaline minerals, contain the best fiber, have many calming, anti-stress properties and are the best source of chlorophyll, a blood-builder and one of nature’s greatest healers. Two of my favorites are spinach and kale. Below I share some of my other favorites not as commonly used but equally delicious and jam-packed with benefits.

Antioxidants, like vitamin C, help the body make collagen too; collagen is a major component of cartilage that aids in joint flexibility, may reduce your risk of arthritis, and keeps your skin and hair healthy and beautiful.


This cruciferous vegetable is high in sulfur and beta-carotene (vitamin A). This cruciferous vegetable is the best source of beta-carotene, it protects

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the nucleus of each cell from radiation, this means that it protects the skin from sun damage.

It helps fight cancer and topical infections as well as helping inhibit acne. Because of its high sulfur content, arugula is an excellent internal skin cleanser and liver purifier.


Another amazing cruciferous vegetable, watercress contains a complex array of minerals and trace minerals that help heal anemia, endocrine imbalances (including thyroid and pituitary deficiencies), and osteoporosis. Watercress contains high amounts of beautifying micronutrients such as sulfur, manganese, iodine, iron, copper, just to name a few. It contains three times as much vitamin E as lettuce and three times as much calcium as spinach. It helps with increasing circulation while delivering minerals to the cell. This brings color and luster into the skin, face, lips, eyes and hair.

How to use Dark-leafy Greens: In general, you can eat them raw or cooked. Personally, I would recommend eating arugula and watercress raw in salads or by themselves with a little bit of olive oil and lemon (makes a great snack). The rest of the leafy greens like kale, swiss chard, collard and mustard greens, spinach, etc., can be eaten raw or cooked, sautéed, steamed, added to many foods and recipes. foods sounds weird- what about added to many other recipes, including soups.

Açai Berry

Harvested in the rainforests of Brazil and hidden within its royal purple pigment is the magic that makes it nature’s perfect energy fruit. Acai berry is packed antioxidants, amino acids and essential fatty acids.

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Acai berry contains a remarkable concentration of antioxidants that help combat premature aging. An almost perfect essential amino acid complex in conjunction with valuable trace minerals, it is vital for proper muscle contraction and regeneration.

How to use Açai Berry: You can eat is as a regular fruit if you can find it locally, alone or add it to smoothies or make açai bowl. The highest nutritional content is in the açai fruit skin. If you cannot obtain fresh açai, you can find this powerful fruit in powder form or as a frozen fruit. Most health food stores carry it or you can find it online.


Camu-Camu is a tropical fruit native to the Amazon rainforests. Camu-Camu benefit’s the health as it contains nutrients such as calcium, Vitamin C, niacin, phosphorous, leucine, serine, iron, flavanols, riboflavin, valene, thiamin and amino acids.

Another great health benefit of camu-camu is that it contains a large dose of Vitamin C, more than 50 times the Vitamin C found in oranges, which is great for your skin! Antiseptic Camu-Camu is good source of beta-carotene, which improves circulation, lowers blood pressure and is a powerful anti-oxidant. It’s effective at treating colds, promoting mood balance, strengthening the immune system, and it supports red and white blood cell formation.

How to use Camu-Camu: It is usually sold in powder, pulp or juice form. It is best to use in smoothies or in simple drinks. You can also add it to a homemade granola, once granola has been cooked.

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Chia Seeds

Chia seeds are high in omega 3 fatty acids. They absorb up to 30 times their weight in water or other liquids like juices. A 15 grams serving of chia seeds (1 tbsp) will provide 4 to 5 grams of fiber. And we all need at least 35 grams of fiber per day to stay healthy so they can be a great way to get your daily fiber with ease.

Chia Seeds are high in protein and contain B Vitamins, Vitamins C and E. They also contain boron which is necessary to bone health. Calcium is also found in Chia Seeds- 2 oz of chia seeds contains 600 mg of calcium, compared to 120mg for a cup of milk.

How to use Chia Seeds: Chia Seeds go well sprinkled on salads. They blend well and add richness and flavor to smoothies, homemade granola bars and salad dressings. You can eat them alone if you add a tablespoon of chia seeds in a quarter glass of water, wait 15 minutes and drink it. You can also get gourmet and make a chia pudding, SO delicious!

Pumpkin Seeds

Pumpkin seeds are a excellent source of B vitamins, many minerals, phytonutrients and essential fatty acids. They contain hormone building elements and support sexual function and are a wonderful source of unsaturated fatty acids, omega-3 and omega-6, including oleic fatty acids which have strong beautifying properties.

The anti-inflammatory, antioxidant omega-3 fatty acids produce clear, radiant skin and protect from ultra-violet radiation.

How to use Pumpkin Seeds: These seeds are super fun to eat. You can eat as many as you desire, by themselves as snacks, sprinkle them in salads, or use them as garnish of any food of your choice and/or desserts…just make

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sure you chew them carefully as they are very fibrous. This way, you will be supporting the digestive system to process them faster and with more ease.


(Water, Virgin Oil, and Meat)

Coconut water is the purest liquid second only to water itself. It is full of electrolytes, calcium, potassium, magnesium; everything that is good for you. Coconut water is the liquid that is taken from unripe coconuts. If coconuts get ripe the liquid that is inside will harden and become a part of the white flesh of the coconut, which is used to make coconut milk. So, picking the coconut while it is unripe will ensure that the body gets all the benefits of coconut water. If you consume coconut water on a regular basis it can reduce urinary problems.

Coconut water contains monolaurin, an antiviral, antibacterial and antiprozoal monoglyceride that is used to kill lipid-coated viruses such as HIV, Herpes, cytomegalovirus, flu and various pathogenic bacteria.

Virgin coconut oil is also used for making natural soaps and other health products, as it is one of the healthiest things one can put on one’s skin. You can also rub it directly on your body, it makes the best moisturizing lotion there is. It prevents damaging effects of UV radiation from the sun such as wrinkles, sagging skin and age spots. Cooking foods in coconut oil helps you promote healthy thyroid function. With regular use of coconut oil or coconut products helps you lose weight rapidly, raise your energy level, and also enhance your metabolism.

How to use Coconut: Internally, you can drink the water on a daily basis. You can eat the meat alone as a fruit or you can add it to smoothies, it gives them a thicker and creamier consistency. In oil form, you can use it to cook on medium heat, add it to smoothies or rub it directly on your body.

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Goji Berries

The Goji Berry, also known as the “Fountain of Youth”, is extremely rich in vitamins, minerals and trace elements (especially Vitamin C which makes it the fruit with the highest content in the world). It is loaded with beta-carotene (a pigment found in plants and fruits) which helps promote healthy skin. Goji berries have also been known to help boost the immune system and protect the eyes — talk about a super fruit. They are rich in antioxidants, particularly carotenoids like zeaxanthin. One of zeaxanthin’s key roles is to protect the retina of the eye by absorbing blue light and acting as an antioxidant.

The juice derived from goji berries can reduce the amount of damage done by ultraviolet radiation. Researchers believe that some of the antioxidants found in goji berries are responsible for this protection, preventing the oxidative damage that would otherwise induce the inflammatory response.

How to use Goji Berries: You can eat them raw or soak them in water before munching. You can also add goji berries to trail mixes, smoothies or as a garnish on salads and desserts.


This seaweed provides an abundance of natural iodine which is missing from much of the soil on the continents. In addition to their nutritive value, when eaten, the seaweed absorbs waste from the body fluids, binds with poison, and carries them off. Sodium alginate, in kelp binds with radioactive strontium-90 in the intestines and carries it out of the body. Kelp is a natural detoxifier.

Kelp is used for hyperthyroidism and general thyroid health — Japanese studies have shown that the high iodine value in kelp assists with

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healthy thyroid function and is therefore an effective treatment for hyperthyroidism.

Research has also shown that kelp is a good antioxidant, diuretic and endocrine tonic and cultural studies relating to the dietary consumption of kelp have shown it to lower the rate of breast cancer, heart disease, rheumatism, arthritis and infectious diseases.

Kelp also provides nutritional support to the nervous system and heart in the form of iodine, vitamins, minerals and cell salts.

How to use Kelp: Kelp is very easy to find. You can find it in health food stores and markets and it comes in a spice jar, like most spices. You can sprinkle a tablespoon in salads or as garnish for your rice bowl or any veggie stir fry.


Chlorella is an incredible, multi-faceted superfood. It contains over 60% protein, and boasts an abundance of nutrients, such as chlorophyll and enzymes, but its most important attribute is its ability help rid the body of toxins, such as heavy metals, and even radioactive particles. Research conducted in Japan after the nuclear disasters at Nagasaki and Hiroshima showed that chlorella increased the elimination of toxins such as uranium, cadmium and lead. With all of the radioactive particles recently released into the atmosphere and ocean, there has never been a more important time to add detoxifying foods to your diet.

What is Chlorella?Chlorella is an algae, a tiny, microscopic, single-celled plant that grows in fresh water. Our particular strain is called Chlorella pyreneidosa. The abundance of chlorophyll gives it a deep emerald-green color. Chlorophyll plays a critical role in human health as it closely resembles

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the hemoglobin (red blood cells) in our bodies and is effective against pathogenic bacteria. Chlorella can help strengthen our immune system and is alkaline forming food known to help slow the aging process, stabilize blood pressure and prevent anemia.

There are many strains of chlorella on the market but the Chlorella pyreneidosa, is known as the King of Chlorella, and is the only species that contains significant quantities of CGFs (Chlorella Growth Factors) which nourish and replenish the body and can activate T-cells and B-cells which help our bodies fight against viruses, cancers and bacteria. CGFs are not found anywhere in nature except in chlorella.

How to use Chlorella: You can take it in tablets or capsules. Just take them with some water or juice, about half an hour before meals. Read the label of your package for the recommended dose. I would suggest that you start small and take it with food morning, noon and night.

You can also eat it in powder form, there are many ways in which to add chlorella to your daily regimen. You can either add the powder to water or juice, or add it into your smoothie or green juice. You may also sprinkle it right onto your salads, yogurt, or cereal. This might be a bit messy, but if you like playing with food, you will enjoy the experience.

Warning: Chlorella is a very powerful detoxifier and is NOT for everybody. One of the biggest side effects is that it can cause an anaphylactic reaction. Just make sure to consult your physician.


Avocado is the only fruit that provides a substantial amount of monounsaturated fat (the healthy kind). Avocados are a naturally nutrient-dense food and contain nearly 20 vitamins and minerals. Many studies have suggested that increasing consumption of plant foods like

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avocado decreases the risk of obesity, diabetes, heart disease and overall mortality. It promotes a healthy complexion and hair, increased energy and lower weight.

How to use Avocado: It’s super easy to use. Soft avocados make great guacamole or dip, while firmer avocados are great for slicing and adding to a salad or a sandwich. Spread avocado on toast in the morning instead of butter. Add some pepper, a sprinkle of olive oil and a few drops of lemon juice…yums!

Use avocado instead of mayonnaise in chicken or egg salad. The soft, creamy texture of an avocado and its mild taste make it a perfect first food for babies.


Radishes are one of the most beautifying foods. The radishes’ rejuvenating properties are found in their high sulfur, silicon and vitamin C content, which plays a major role in connective tissue formation. Both of the minerals (silicon and sulfur) work together with vitamin C to create glowing skin. The beauty of this vegetable is that it helps keep levels of thyroid hormones in balance, allowing weight stability.

The sulfurous mustard oil in radishes stimulates the circulatory system, contributing to skin radiance and the improvement of cellulite.

How to use Radishes: Crisp radishes add instant zing to any dish, whether sliced raw as a garnish, added to salads, or served as a side. They also make a great, healthy snack food, especially mid-morning or mid-afternoon. Just wash it and eat it, easy breezy.

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Paula Lacobara


Turmeric is a root and member of the ginger family and is best known in yellow powder form, very easy to find in most supermarkets or health stores. Generally considered a restorative food, turmeric offer anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-cancer and anti-microbial characteristics. Because this spice is such a blood purifier, it stimulates the liver, increases red blood cell formation, inhibits red blood clumping and increases circulation.

It’s also your skin’s best friend, as it makes it soft, supple and smooth. Beautiful skin results from pure blood, and due to turmeric’s purifying properties, it helps counteract pimples, acne, boils and similar skin conditions.

How to use Turmeric: You can use it as a spice in powder form or shredded on foods (it looks similar to ginger). You can also make turmeric tea, spicy but delicious. Note: This spice is orange in color and it will require for you to be mindful as it can very easily stain your clothes (trust me, I’ve been there!)


Figs are probably one of the most nutritious, healthiest and beautifying fruits in the world. They contain one of the highest concentrations of calcium of any food. Either fresh or naturally dried, figs are great laxative, which help draw out and dissolve waste, parasites and mucus in the body. In its dried form, they are the most alkaline and probably the most mineral-rich as well.

How to use Figs: They are commonly consumed in a dried state, but fresh figs are also easy to eat, as well. Figs are often enjoyed on their own, but they pair well with many other flavors and foods.

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Paula Lacobara


The papaya is a tropical fruit that is filled with Vitamins B, contain a large quantity of alkaline minerals (especially calcium), vitamin A and a high concentration of collagen-healing vitamin C. Papaya cleanses and soothes the digestive system. After eating two medium-sized papayas each day for a week, one will feel remarkably cleansed from the inside out.

Papayas enhance skin beauty, nail strength and hair luster. Those who eat papaya regularly can experience radiant, glowing eyes. Papaya juice can be applied topically to lighten freckles and nourish the skin.

Papayas contain a high concentration of the enzyme called papain. Due to their remarkable skin-enhancing qualities these powerful enzymes became a staple in the cosmetic skin-care industry.

How to use Papaya: Although papayas can be eaten at room temperature, the flavor is best when served cold. Place a whole or halved papaya into the fridge to prepare it. Cut it in cubes and enjoy!!

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is truly a superfood gifted by the Egyptians and one of Cleopatra’s beauty secrets to younger looking skin. Aloe Vera contains a variety of vitamins and minerals like A, C and E, as well as antioxidants, fiber, enzymes, amino acids and polysaccharides. These last ones have a particular lubricating effect on the joints, brain, nervous, and the skin.

If you want to be beautiful and have flexibility in your body, every day of your life, then Aloe Vera is the superfood for you.

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Paula Lacobara

Aloe Vera is helpful for all types of digestive issues, specially colitis, ulcers and IBS. It can also be used topically to heal many conditions like abrasions, acne, arthritis, blemishes, brown spots, burns, eczema, stretch marks, among others due to its anti-inflammatory and healing properties.

How to buy the best Aloe Vera:

1. Choose always organic if possible.

2. Select fresh leaves in preference to bottled juice, as the fresh version always maintains the highest quality and properties. Bottled aloe vera should be enzymatically “stabilized” (ask your supermarket assistant). This means that the enzymes will remain in it’s purest form for higher benefits.

3. Choose aloe leaves that are thick, an indication there has a lot of gel inside and free of white speckles.

How to use Aloe Vera: The gel of raw, fresh aloe vera has a mild, slightly bitter flavor. It is best when filleted. Cut the portion you desire to eat from the aloe leaf, making sure to remove the skin and thorns. Using a sharp knife would be your best choice. Be mindful, it gets slippery. The gel (the inside of the leaf) can be combined with other foods in smoothies, juices, salads, and even homemade salad dressings. Aloe Vera combines well with other superfoods like bee pollen, goji berries and raw chocolate.

Once the gel has been removed and filleted, the thin gel remaining on the inner surface of the leaf, may be applied to the skin as a moisturizing lotion or for soothing minor burns. To create a wonderful beauty tonic, blend the gel with papaya juice.

Warning: Due to its strong effects in cleansing the liver, pregnant women and young children should not take aloe vera internally.

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Paula Lacobara

The Secret Behind a Beautiful You

Eating Beautifully

Many people underestimate the art of eating. Sometimes is not only what you eat, but how you eat it. Living in NYC, was my first experience of people eating on trains, or even while walking in the streets. Growing up in Argentina, we were taught to sit down to eat, the fast food culture didn’t exist back then, and still doesn’t.

I remember being in India and one of the most powerful lessons I’ve learned there was to honor the foods that went into my body. In fact, as they were cooking, they will recite “mantras” (prayers) to bless the food and provide it with the highest energy.

I’d like to invite you to consider your food habits starting today. Pay attention to how you eat: Are you sitting? Are you rushing while eating? Are you shoveling food in your mouth and not even savoring the flavors? Are you breathing while you eat? Are you paying attention to your manners, to the kind of plates or silverware that you choose to use for your foods?

Eating beautifully is about being present with the food that is in front of you. Does it look beautiful to you? Does it taste beautiful to you? Does it smell beautiful to you?

I’d like to invite you to connect with your food in a different way from this moment forward.

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Paula Lacobara

A ritual for eating beautifully

Next time you have a plate in front of you, I’d like you to:

• Observe how the food is presented on your plate and make sure it looks and feels beautiful

• Ignite your senses so you can connect with your food in a beautiful, new way

• Allow yourself to breathe and maybe say a prayer or a blessing to the food that is about to enter your body

• Take your time to chew and savor each bite

• Notice how you feel afterwards as you allow this beautiful ritual to take place

Stand for beauty and you will receive so much more than nutrition, you will receive the beauty of who you truly are which will support you in igniting your true beauty from within for the rest of your life.


Keeping your body moving makes you beautiful. Personally, I choose ways of exercising that make me feel good and that support and ignite my beauty. My favorites are yoga, taking a walk at the beach, dancing, going to the gym with my hubby to lift weights (it’s good for my bones). I know that many women procrastinate exercising because sometimes they get bored, so make it beautiful and fun. Exercising not only makes you feel good and proud about yourself afterwards, it also helps you increase energy and sleep better, resulting in a more beautiful and healthy you!

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Paula Lacobara


Sleep is one of the most important restorative times for the body. Without the proper amount of sleep, your body will feel depleted and start craving quick energy to compensate, which will lead you to want to eat those foods that don’t make you beautiful. Without sleep, you interrupt and slow down the metabolism, and it creates unnecessary hormone production, which leads to weight gain. In deep sleep, your body produces more proteins, which are the building blocks of healthy cells, as well as melatonin, which acts like an antioxidant to fight age spots, acne, fine lines, and even skin cancer.

The most potent cellular renewal happens in deep sleep, so making sure that you get quality shut eye is just as important as how long you slumber. Most of the beautifying activities happen when we sleep, so make sure to create a routine that works for you and your body and get your beauty sleep!


Hydration is essential in keeping us clear, bright and beautiful. Proper hydration keeps our skin and organs healthy and alive. Most people are chronically dehydrated from not drinking enough water and consuming caffeinated drinks, which also dehydrates the body. It is very important to drink plenty of water everyday. Water eliminates cravings, aids in weight loss, gives you energy, helps flush out toxins safely from the body and assists in creating healthy bowel movements.

The best time to drink water is first thing in the morning, drink at least two glasses of water and you will feel the energy and clarity you will experience throughout the day.

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Paula Lacobara

Health Disclaimer

The entire contents of this handout is based upon the opinions of Paula Lacobara, unless otherwise noted. The information given is not intended to replace a one-on- one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not medical advice. It is intended as a sharing knowledge and information from the research and experience of Paula Lacobara and associates. We encourage you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional.

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