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Ana Sabrina Aparicio

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Page 3: Eating disorders treball oral angles 2012 2n batx 1r trimestre

What is the anorexia?An eating disorder characterized by markedly

reduced appetite. Also called anorexia nervosa.

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CausesIt isn’t known the cause of anorexia, but the

social factors are important. Often, teens with eating disorders they are too strict, criticism themselves, overprotective and they have mental problems such as anxiety, stress….

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Behavior of an anorexic personCut the food in small pieces

To do exercise compulsively

To go to the bathroom immediately after meal.

To eat very little food

Use laxatives, enemas or diuretics unsuitably

Having perception of fat when the person is really thin

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Symptoms Fear of increase weight or obesity

Blotchy or yellow skin

more sensitivity to cold

Hair loss and weak hair

Absence of menstruation

Low memory

Muscular degeneration and loss of body fat

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DiagnosticsThe typical anorexic is a teenager who has

lost a lot of kilograms, they fear obesity, has stopped menstruating, denies being sick and seems healthy.

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TreatmentsThe person must recognize the disease

herself and let be helped.

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 In anorexia nervosa there are two subtypes:

Restricting: weight reduction is through diet or heavy physical exercise.

Bulimic: The patient uses the purges although she has ingested a little quantity of food

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Ana Carolina Reston

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Lyndsay Lohan

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Mary Kate Olsen

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Isabelle Caro

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