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E A S T C O N Ng






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MISSION: EASTCONN will initiate, support and facilitate partnerships, collaborations and regional solutions that are responsive to the needs of all learners through exemplary programs, products and services.

EASTCONN programs, products and services are organized under six main headings:

1. AdultServices • AdultBasicEducation &HighSchoolCompletion....... page2-3 • CommunityPrograms..................... page3-4 • Employment &TrainingPrograms.................. page4-5 • EnglishLanguageLearner Services....................................... page5 • Parent&Family Programs..................................... page5

2. EarlyChildhoodInitiatives • EarlyChildhoodConsultation........ page6-7 • EarlyChildhood Materials&Products.................. page7 • EarlyChildhoodPrograms &Services................................... page7

3. K-12StudentServices • AssistiveTechnology........................ page9-10 • CareerTransitions............................ page10 • InterdistrictSchool-Year Programs..................................... page10-13 • MagnetSchools &OtherOptionsfor Students..................................... page13-14 • ProfessionalDevelopment &Supportfor SpecialEducators....................... page14 • ProgramsforStudents withDevelopmental Disabilities................................. page14 • SchoolsforNon-Traditional Learners...................................... page14 • SchoolsforStudentswith BehavioralChallenges................. page15 • ServicesforStudentswith AutismSpectrumDisorders &OtherDevelopmental Disabilities................................. page16 • Summer,Vacation, After-SchoolPrograms................ page17 • OtherStudentServices..................... page18

4. OrganizationalSupportServices • AdministrativeSupport.................... page19 • CommunicationsServices................ page19-20 • Conference&Event Management............................... page20 • CooperativePurchasing................... page20 • Employer&Business Services...................................... page20-21 • Facilities&Information Technology(IT)Services............. page21-22 • HumanResources Management.............................. page22 • Personnel &StaffingSolutions................... page22 • ProgramDesign &Development.......................... page23 • TransportationServices.................... page23

5. Teaching&LearningServices • EducationalLeadership.................... page24 • ProfessionalDevelopment &Coaching................................ page24-28 • SchoolImprovement........................ page29-32

6. TechnologySolutions • DataSolutionsSupport &Training.................................. page33 • EducationalTechnology Integration.................................. page34 • TechnologyPlanning &Development.......................... page34-35 • TechnologyProducts........................ page33

StaffDirectory............................................ page36-37ProgramIndex............................................ Page38-39EASTCONNFacilityLocations................. page40EASTCONNAdministration.................... page41

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Againthisyear,foryourconvenience,wehavelistedsomeofferingsundermultiplecategories.Lookforthe NEW,youcansearchforprogramsorservicesinavarietyofwaysonourhomepage.


[email protected]

Paula M. Colen, Executive Director

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From the Executive Director

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ult Services

prior to July 1, 2011 may also be eligible to enroll in adult education.Phyllis Bonneau ........................ 860-779-3770Braulio Santiago ....................... 860-423-2591

gJFESIntensiveCustomerServiceTrainingThis intensive program prepares JFES ( Jobs First Em-ployment Services) participants with intensive training in employability and customer service skills, as well as GED preparation.Suzanne Cimochowski .............. 860-779-3770

gLifeSkills&BasicSkillsInstructionIntended for students who are at least 17, who are no lon-ger enrolled in high school, and who lack a high school diploma, this free skills-enhancement program will help students improve their math, reading and writing skills. The program offers a free evaluation, individual counsel-ing to create a customized learning plan and convenient day/evening classes. The ultimate goal is to help students obtain a high school diploma and choose a vocation. Phyllis Bonneau ........................ 860-779-3770Braulio Santiago ....................... 860-423-2591

gNon-TraditionalLearnerProgramEASTCONN provides United Services clients with classes to improve their English-as-a-Second Language

EASTCONN promotes and supports lifelong learning for parents, workers and citizens of northeastern Connecticut. Whether it’s high school completion, job training, or parenting support, our adult services are designed to develop interests, increase abilities and expand options.

The descriptions of services that follow are only a sampling of the ways that we can help you address your adult programming needs. Contact any of our program staff, or call Rich Tariff, Director of Adult Services, at 860-455-1562, to begin the conversation.

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AdultEducation &HighSchoolCompletion

gAmericanCitizenshipPreparationThese classes prepare adults to pass the American Citi-zenship Test, with a special emphasis on questions used by the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS).Phyllis Bonneau ........................ 860-779-3770Braulio Santiago ....................... 860-423-2591

gEducationRefresher(ER)Offered at CTWorks East (Danielson, New London, Norwich and Willimantic), the Education Refresher is a short-term program that helps prepare adults to enter the job market or to meet entry requirements for training programs and post-secondary education op-portunities. Each student is assessed and receives an individualized plan of study, as well as appropriate re-ferrals to free-of-charge adult education classes.Suzanne Cimochowski .............. 860-779-3770


EASTCONN Adult Services partners with Head Start to provide Family Literacy classes to eligible Windham families. Families in need of English-as-a-Second-Language (ESL) classes are targeted for this program.Braulio Santiago ....................... 860-423-2591

gHighSchoolCompletionAdult Education offers three alternatives to complete a high school education. Our counselors can help you determine which program is the best option for you! Choose from among the GED, the Credit Diploma and the National External Diploma. As of July 1, 2011, To enroll in adult education, an individual must be 17 years of age or older. Individuals who are 16 years of age and withdrew from school with parent consent

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as adult students who are in need of tutoring services, are encour-aged to apply.Suzanne Cimochowski .............. 860-779-3770

gWorkplaceEducation&TrainingLocal businesses and non-profit agencies can customize a cost-effective package of literacy and English-as-a-Second-Language (ESL) training components that meet their workforce develop-ment needs. Training can be provided in the workplace or at a convenient EASTCONN adult education site.Rich Tariff ................................ 860-455-1562Suzanne Cimochowski .............. 860-779-3770


g CapitolTheaterArtsAcademy(CTAA)Capitol Theater Arts Academy (CTAA)Created for northeastern Connecticut residents of all ages and taught by some of Connecticut’s finest arts professionals, CTAA classes explore disciplines like dance, theater, cartooning, cre-ative writing, and individual music lessons. Classes are offered in fall and spring sessions at the beautiful, Art Deco-era Capitol Theater, which houses CTAA in busy downtown Willimantic. CTAA also offers a summer theater program for children enter-ing grades 4-12. Rachel Roccoberton Griffin.......860-465-5636

gCommunityEducationNon-credit, recreational, personal improvement and career ad-vancement courses are offered at nearby community sites for northeastern Connecticut residents of all ages. A new selection of reasonably priced courses is offered year-round, including a cre-ative summer program for youngsters, ages 6-17, that combines academics and fun.Joan Trivella............................. 860-779-3770

(ESL) skills and to prepare them for the GED exam. Residents also develop problem-solving, decision-making and other criti-cal-thinking skills. Braulio Santiago ....................... 860-423-2591

gOut-of-SchoolYouth:GetwiththeB.E.A.T.Get with the B.E.A.T. (Better Education Always Triumphs) is a program for out-of-school youth, ages 17-21, that provides op-portunities for completing high school, obtaining post-second-ary education and/or securing job training.Suzanne Cimochowski .............. 860-779-3770


We manage all aspects of your mandated adult education pro-grams, including grant submission, fiscal management, par-ticipant recruitment, assessment services, instructional services, post-program assessment and reporting. Regional cost-sharing has expanded the number of adult education offerings that are available.Rich Tariff ................................ 860-455-1562

gTransitionstoPost-SecondaryEducationThis program helps guide students who will be completing one of EASTCONN’s high school equivalency programs (the GED Diploma, the Adult Credit High School Diploma or the Exter-nal Diploma), as they transition into a variety of post-secondary education and training programs. Phyllis Bonneau ........................ 860-779-3770

gVolunteerLiteracyTutoringProgramVolunteer tutors work with adult learners on basic reading, writ-ing, math or English-as-a-Second-Language skills. Tutoring, provided free of charge, can be on a one-to-one basis or in a classroom setting. Tutoring is offered at multiple sites in EAST-CONN-region towns. Adults interested in volunteering, as well

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Adult Services

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Adult Services

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gDriverEducationTaught by state-certified driver-education professionals, these classes prepare teens and adults, through in-class instruction and behind-the-wheel training, to obtain their Connecticut state driver’s licenses. EASTCONN’s driving schools are in two con-venient locations: Willimantic and Danielson.Lynn Galovich .......................... 860-428-7455Frank Salce ............................... 860-228-6751

gEASTCONNAdventureProgramforAdultsEASTCONN Adventure custom-designs experientially based programs for team-building, leadership training and professional development. The activities, adapted for participants of all ages and fitness levels, are designed to explore both positive commu-nication and collaboration skills, and identify new strategies for building effective teams. EASTCONN offers both indoor and outdoor Adventure options, all specifically designed to create a safe environment for learning.Francine Piela .......................... 860-455-1545

Employment& TrainingPrograms

gEASTCONNTrailBlazersThis 15-week summer program, funded by the Eastern Connecti-cut Workforce Investment Board (EWIB), provides on-the-job experience for qualified 18-to-25-year-olds from eastern Con-necticut who are interested in improving their employability skills and learning more about the “green” and/or environmental fields. Suzanne Cimochowski .............. 860-779-3770Rich Tariff ................................ 860-455-1562

gEducationRefresher(ER)Offered at CTWorks East (Danielson, New London, Norwich and Willimantic), the Education Refresher is a short-term pro-gram that helps prepare adults to enter the job market or to meet entry requirements for training programs and post-secondary education opportunities. Each student is assessed and receives an individualized plan of study, as well as appropriate referrals to free-of-charge adult education classes.Suzanne Cimochowski .............. 860-779-3770


EASTCONN Adult Services is responsible for the case man-agement services for Temporary Family Assistance (TFA) clients at the Eastern Connecticut Workforce Investment Board’s four CTWorks locations. Suzanne Cimochowski .............. 860-779-3770


These classes are for adults who want to improve their job mar-ketability in the high-tech employment field. Students with or without high school diplomas focus on science, technology, engi-neering and math (STEM) in classes like: STEM Design Squad Workshops, Foundations of Algebra, and The Adult Learner’s

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Guide to College Success. Classes are designed to help prepare students for success as they enter the job market or college. Suzanne Cimochowski .............. 860-779-3770Braulio Santiago ....................... 860-423-2591

gTransitionstoPost-SecondaryEducationThis program helps guide students who will be completing one of EASTCONN’s high school equivalency programs (the GED Diploma, the Adult Credit High School Diploma or the Exter-nal Diploma), as they transition into a variety of post-secondary education and training programs. Phyllis Bonneau ........................ 860-779-3770


With a focus on getting participants back to work, this program provides employment assistance for low-income adults and laid-off workers. Assistance includes outreach, recruitment, intake and eligibility determination, case management, job-search assistance and follow-up, and retention services. Convenient locations in both Danielson and Willimantic. Suzanne Cimochowski .............. 860-779-3770Rich Tariff ................................ 860-455-1562


gEducationRefresher(ER)Offered at CTWorks East (Danielson, New London, Norwich and Willimantic), the Education Refresher is a short-term pro-gram that helps prepare adults to enter the job market or to meet entry requirements for training programs and post-secondary education opportunities. Each student is assessed and receives an individualized plan of study, as well as appropriate referrals to free-of-charge adult education classes.Suzanne Cimochowski .............. 860-779-3770

Adult Services

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gEnglish-as-a-Second-Language(ESL)InstructionOur Adult Education-certified instructors provide free instruc-tion for non-English-speaking adults who are 17 years of age and older. Beginner-to-intermediate-level classes are available. Daytime and evening classes are offered at convenient locations throughout northeastern Connecticut.Suzanne Cimochowski .............. 860-779-3770Phyllis Bonneau ........................ 860-779-3770Braulio Santiago ....................... 860-423-2591

Parent& FamilyPrograms

gEarlyChildhoodParentEducation/ ParentingWorkshopsWorkshops on a range of topics are available to support parents in increasing their parenting skills, improving their knowledge of children’s growth and development and learning how to sup-port learning. Early childhood specialists are available to provide regional or on-site training. Elizabeth Aschenbrenner. .......... 860-455-1501

gEnglish-as-a-Second-LanguageFamilyLiteracyEASTCONN Adult Services partners with Head Start to provide Family Literacy classes to eligible Windham families. Families in need of English-as-a-Second-Language (ESL) classes are targeted for this program.Braulio Santiago ....................... 860-423-2591

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EASTCONN works with parents, communities and schools to ensure that all children enter school ready to succeed. EASTCONN can design and implement high-quality, early-childhood education programs and services. We can also assist with data collection, planning and policy development, facilitation and community engagement, workshops for parents and professionals, facilities consultation, and program design and evaluation.

The descriptions of services that follow are only a sampling of the ways that we can help you address your early childhood needs. Contact any of our program staff, or call Elizabeth Aschenbrenner, Director of Early Childhood Initiatives, at 860-455-1518, to begin the conversation.

gEarlyChildhoodCouncilFacilitationEASTCONN staff with experience in community col-laboration, early childhood policy and practice and com-prehensive services, will work with your community to support the development and implementation of an Early Childhood Council.Elizabeth Aschenbrenner.......860-455-1501

g EarlyChildhoodProgramMonitoring &EvaluationOur early childhood specialists can help to create or im-prove early childhood programs, birth through grade 3. Consultation can include program and curriculum design, as well as facility and learning environment design and evaluation.Elizabeth Aschenbrenner .............860-455-1501

gEarlyChildhoodTraining, Consultation&CoachingEarly childhood specialists provide a range of professional development services customized to meet your program and district needs. Professional development related to curriculum, teaching and assessment is directly connected with state and national standards. On-site training and coaching is aimed at accomplishing program improve-ment goals that lead to increased child outcomes.Elizabeth Aschenbrenner .............860-455-1501

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Comprehensive evaluation and on-site observation are available to districts to assist teachers in selecting the most appropriate instructional or behavioral man-agement strategies for individual children. We offer a full range of specialists, from those in early childhood to professionals across the entire spectrum of special needs, preK to grade 12.Elizabeth Aschenbrenner. ............860-455-1501Ron Morin....... ..........................860-228-3240


The Connecticut Accreditation Facilitation Project (AFP) is an established resource system of regional teams providing critical leadership and support for the achievement of quality standards and excellence in early childhood programs. AFP services include over-views of the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) Program Standards and Accreditation Performance Criteria; technical assis-tance with the process of accreditation; and individual-ized support for programs engaged in the self-study.Debra Stipe. ................................860-455-1559

Early C




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gTeaming&ConflictResolutionEASTCONN can provide training, coaching and support to groups that must function as high-performance work teams. Learning how to manage conflict resolution is a critical part of effective team performance. Provide your teams with the skills they need to achieve their outcomes.Lisa Taylor. .............................................. 860-455-1563

gTransitionPlanning-Birth-to-ThreeandPre-school-to-KindergartenEarly childhood specialists offer consultation to communities and schools regarding best practices for transitioning children into kindergarten. By facilitating a broad-based group, we can assist communities and schools in developing comprehensive transition plans that support successful, positive experiences for children and families.Elizabeth Aschenbrenner .......................... 860-455-1501

EarlyChildhoodMaterials &Products

g ConnecticutPreschoolAssessmentFramework Web-BasedSoftwareThis reasonably priced, Web-based application is available for teachers and program directors who use the Connecticut Pre-school Assessment Framework. Teacher-friendly and secure, this database eliminates the need for handwritten reports and allows teachers and administrators to view individual, classroom and program results.Lynn Dziurgot ........................................ 860-455-1518

Early Childhood Initiatives

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g EvaluationofLanguageandLiteracyAssessmentPractices

EASTCONN staff will work with a school district to review its current practices in language and literacy assessments to align with those skills that are critical for reading on grade level and that align with the Common Core State Standards in kindergar-ten through second grade.Elizabeth Aschenbrenner .............860-455-1501

gNAEYCAccreditationConsultationInformation, consultation and training are available to preschool and kindergarten programs that want to pursue accreditation by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC).Debra Stipe.......860-455-1559

gPreschoolCurriculumAssessment &LearningTraining and consultation are available to your staff on curriculum and assessment (with an emphasis on linking teaching to curricu-lum and assessment) and aligning the preschool curriculum with that of the primary grades, including the Common Core State Standards. Training on the Connecticut Preschool Curriculum and Assessment Frameworks is also available.Elizabeth Aschenbrenner .......................... 860-455-1501

gStrategicData-DrivenPlanningfor EarlyChildhoodPrograms&ServicesEASTCONN can help communities or programs create long-range or short-term plans for the development, implementation, or improvement of comprehensive, quality programs and services for children and their families. Collaboration within and across communities and service providers is emphasized. Assistance with grant-writing is also available.Elizabeth Aschenbrenner .......................... 860-455-1501

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EarlyChildhoodPrograms &Services

g Birth-to-ThreeProgramEarly intervention services are provided in the home for young children, birth to age 3, who have been identified with disabili-ties, and their families; services include parenting support and collaboration with early-intervention providers.Maribeth Stearns ..................................... 860-455-1557

gEarlyChildhoodParentEducation/ ParentingWorkshopsWorkshops on a range of topics are available to support parents in increasing their parenting skills, improving their knowledge of children’s growth and development and learning how to sup-port learning. Early childhood specialists are available to provide regional or on-site training. Elizabeth Aschenbrenner .......................... .860-455-1501

gEarlyHeadStartEASTCONN administers the Early Head Start program in Windham County. This program serves income-eligible preg-nant women and children, birth to age 3, and their families, in a home-visiting and center-based program. EASTCONN offers Early Head Start in northeastern Connecticut, while Windham Public Schools provides the program for the greater Windham area. Stafford Public Schools offers a home-based program in the Stafford area. Benefits of Early Head Start include strong fam-ily involvement and support with health, dental, nutrition and mental health needs.Mary Jane Crotty .................................... 860-465-2627Shelley Michaud ....................................... 860-684-3181

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gEnglish-as-a-Second-LanguageFamilyLiteracyEASTCONN Adult Services partners with Head Start to pro-vide Family Literacy classes to eligible Windham families. Fami-lies in need of English-as-a-Second-Language (ESL) classes are targeted for this program.Braulio Santiago ...................................... 860-455-1601

gHeadStartEASTCONN administers Head Start, a comprehensive, feder-ally funded program for income-eligible preschool-age children and their families in Windham and Tolland counties. Center-based programs are available in Killingly, Plainfield, Putnam, Stafford, Vernon, and Windham. The home-visiting program, combined with a play group, is available for families in the Put-nam, Killingly, Plainfield and Windham areas. Stafford and Windham Public Schools provide the Head Start program in their respective regions. Benefits of Head Start include strong family involvement and support with health, dental, nutrition and mental health needs.Elizabeth Aschenbrenner .......................... 860-455-1501

g MultidisciplinaryConsultative,Assessment &SupportServicesMulti-Disciplinary Consultative, Assessment and Support Ser-vicesAccess our in-house team, which specializes in Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) and other developmental disabilities to build internal capacity through training and support in an optimal, inclusive educational environment. Let us complement your in-house team and support your individualized programming for students in their home school. Ron Morin .............................................. 860-228-3240

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EASTCONN works with local school districts to ensure that all the children in our region, from preschool through high school and beyond, have access to a rich variety of learning opportunities. From in-district support services to regional schools, EASTCONN is a valuable, additional resource for students, parents and educators.

The descriptions of services that follow are only a sampling of the ways that we can help you address your students’ needs. Contact any of our program staff, or call Thomas Cronin, Director of Education Services, at 860-455-1512, to begin the conversation.


gAssistiveTechnologyConsortiumThe Consortium is the result of continued collaboration efforts between EASTCONN and the Connecticut Tech Act Project. Consortium membership provides districts with customized and flexible support to meet the needs of students and staff. Through the support of the Con-necticut Tech Act, Consortium Members can access an expanded library of assistive technology tools for use in professional development, student assessment and trial use of devices within their school districts. Districts can choose from the levels of service, or customize a package to meet their district’s needs. Consortium membership includes priority scheduling of services, access to the ex-panding Assistive Technology Lending Library and par-ticipation in four half-day and a full-day of Consortium trainings. Carol Magliocco ..........................860-228-3483Amy Norton ................................860-228-3486

gAssistiveTechnologyConsultationEASTCONN’s Assistive Technology (AT) team works directly with staff and students in the classroom to sup-

port the effective use of AT, including Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC), to support student learning. Consultative services include maximizing the use of a district’s existing AT resources and identifying new and emerging resources to complement a district’s curriculum and students’ educational programs. Carol Magliocco ..........................860-228-3483Amy Norton ................................860-228-3486


EASTCONN’s Assistive Technology Demonstra-tion Center and Lending Library is housed at EAST-CONN’s 10 Commerce Drive, Columbia, facility. The expanded Lending Library is supported through an award from the Connecticut Tech Act Project, as well as through the support of vendors, software develop-ers and manufacturers. The Lending Library contains devices in the following major categories: Communica-tion Devices, Tools for Computer Access, Technologies for Access to Print, Writing and Organizational Tools, Low-Vision Technologies, and Adapted Toys and En-vironmental Control Devices. Consortium member districts can try devices from the Lending Library, en-abling staff to become familiar with new devices and use new tools on a trial basis with students in their custom-ary learning environment. Carol Magliocco ..........................860-228-3483Amy Norton ................................860-228-3486Alicia Dinda ...............................860-228-3240

gAssistiveTechnologyStudentAssessmentEASTCONN’s Assistive Technology (AT) specialists are available to assess your students’ needs and identify potential AT and Augmentative and Alternative Com-munication (AAC) solutions, from low- to high-tech, to provide students with access and support progress in the general curriculum and support their independence in achieving their learning outcomes. Assessment is on-site and includes review of the EASTCONN Student Information Guide, review of relevant education re-

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cords, consultation with the student’s educational team, trial use of potential AT solutions and a final assessment report. Carol Magliocco ..........................860-228-3483Amy Norton ................................860-228-3486

gAssistiveTechnologyTrainingAssistive Technology (AT) and Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) solutions are constantly changing as the world of online applications, portable electronics and wireless ac-cess continue to make devices more commonly used and afford-able. Staying current has become increasingly difficult. EAST-CONN’s AT specialists have established partnerships with a number of AT manufacturers and distributors to ensure that the most up-to-date information can be shared. Districts can partici-pate in an EASTCONN workshop or arrange for a customized AT training to meet the needs of district staff. Carol Magliocco ..........................860-228-3483Amy Norton ................................860-228-3486

gAugmentativeandAlternative CommunicationServicesEASTCONN’s Assistive Technology (AT) team can provide a range of services for students with communication needs. Ser-vices include evaluation of appropriate communication solutions from low- to high-tech; assistance with documentation for fund-ing; training regarding implementation of communication tech-nology, including device programming; and use and integration into the educational program. Through the Lending Library, es-tablished and expanded through an award from the Connecticut Tech Act, and relationships with leading vendors, EASTCONN’s assistive technology team can try out various communication de-vices with students to determine the device that best matches the student’s needs. Carol Magliocco ..........................860-228-3483Amy Norton ................................860-228-3486Alicia Dinda ...............................860-228-3240

gWheelchair&AdaptiveEquipmentConsultationEASTCONN’s certified assistive technology professionals (ATPs) are available to consult with school district teams regard-ing students’ positioning and mobility needs. Services include assistance with evaluation, design and acquisition of equipment, such as customized power and manual wheelchairs, and position-ing and mobility devices. EASTCONN’s ATPs are also available for trainings and follow-up consultation.Carol Magliocco ..........................860-228-3483


gCoolDirectionsThis is a year-round, in-school, youth initiative for students, ages 14-21 (grades 9-12), who participate in team-building, portfolio development and employment activities. The program also offers a summer component with paid jobs.Cyndi Wells 860-455-1572


gArtsintheAfternoonStudents in grades 4-8 will work in diverse teams during school, after school and over the summer. Students participate in EAST-CONN Adventure activities to promote self-esteem, build confi-dence and to increase group problem-solving abilities, in addition to building their visual and performing arts skills by working with guest and visiting artists. Nancy Vitale ...............................860-455-1568

gCreatingCommunityBuildersStudents in grade 5 integrate art, science and technology in the service of others through community projects. Interdistrict teams of students collaborate to plan, design, coordinate and present their finished products to community members. Through litera-

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ture, 5th-graders explore the concept of character and the ways in which it defines and creates community. Cathy Smith-Carolan .................860-455-1556Donna Drasch ............................860-455-1516

gEnergyfortheFutureStudents enrolled in Energy for the Future are engaged in a sustained investigation of evolving energy sources. Interdistrict teams explore energy myths, nuclear power technology/con-troversy, solar photovoltaics, wind turbines and other emerging technologies, while they design and construct their own alterna-tive energy models – such as solar ovens and cars that must meet certain performance criteria.Nancy Vitale ...............................860-455-1568

gFacesofCultureThis Interdistrict Grant school-year program is designed for stu-dents from participating districts in grades 8-12. Viewed through the indigenous arts and crafts lenses of several different historical periods, this engaging, interdisciplinary study of culture culmi-nates in student art projects and performances that are showcased at an annual arts symposium. Nancy Vitale ...............................860-455-1568

gFarmingtheLandandSeaWhy do Connecticut farmers and fishermen grow and harvest the products they do? Students in grades 2 and 3 will learn about state agriculture and aquaculture. Students in 2nd grade will fo-cus on foods that come from the land, with activities that al-low them to explore the life cycles of plants, as well as balanced nutrition, while 3rd-graders will focus on adaptations that allow certain plants and animals to thrive in local aquatic environments. Mary Lou Smith .........................860-455-1555

gForensics101Together, about 300 high school students explore not only the science of crime scene forensics, but also the many other areas of study that comprise forensic science. Students also explore a wide variety of careers that use forensic thinking to solve real-life problems. Kevin Segar ................................860-455-1549

gGrowingGreenIdeasGrowing Green Ideas brings interdistrict teams of students in grades 9-12 together to focus on the differences and similarities across customs and community, while collaborating to explore food cycles, Connecticut farming, the food industry and healthy eating. Diverse guests will include scientists, researchers, farmers, writers and nutritionists, who will conduct collaborative, hands–on workshops. Nancy Vitale ...............................860-455-1568

gHealthyYouth,MindandBody“How do I stop a bully?” Students in grades 6 and 7, who participate in Healthy Youth, Mind and Body will explore this question and other concepts as they engage in a sustained explo-ration of health, physical and cyber-safety issues.Nancy Vitale ...............................860-455-1568

gHeroesandHeroines“Who is my hero?” Students in grade 3 explore this question and other universal concepts of character development and social re-sponsibility through fiction and non-fiction as they engage in a sustained exploration of heroic figures, both past and present.Nancy Vitale ...............................860-455-1568

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K-12 Student Services

gImaginationConnectionUsing literacy and creative writing as a foundation for multicul-tural understanding, 300 second-graders from five schools read multicultural stories, folktales and poems and create a collabora-tive folktale or a collection of poetry. Students exchange pen-pal letters with their interdistrict peers, participate in EASTCONN Adventure team-building and illustrate their poems and folk-tales. This grant includes a bilingual class. The program culmi-nates with a celebration of books and Adventure activities. Lisa Taylor .................................860-455-1563

gInterdistrictProgramDesign&ManagementEvery two years, EASTCONN collaborates with area school districts to respond to CSDE-funded Interdistrict Grant oppor-tunities designed to boost students’ academic skills and increase their understanding and experience of diversity. If selected for funding, programs are limited to districts that have signed on to participate in that funding cycle. Contact us for more informa-tion about currently funded programs or new grant opportunities.Nancy Vitale ...............................860-455-1568

gLearningLands:Stewardship &ConservationinNortheasternCTStudents in grades 5-8 from four school districts meet several times over the course of the school year to explore the concept of diversity through the study of our natural environments, con-servation and biodiversity. Students focus on investigating flora and fauna, as well as vernal pools and the value of biodiversity on Joshua Trust properties in northeastern Connecticut. Joshua’s Trust properties provide a natural classroom where students can conduct scientific research in a living laboratory. Students partici-pate in workshops to learn about regional ecosystems and habi-tats, biodiversity, invasive species and the ways in which human development is impacting local wetlands. Students conduct field research to identify vernal pools and to understand their value as amphibian breeding habitats. Use of global positioning systems is integral to mapping natural resources on Trust properties. Dan Mullins ..............................860-455-1529

gLegacyExplorationsStudents in grades 5-8 meet throughout the year to participate in various activities relating to human rights, civil rights and di-versity. Participants read different types of literature related to their own rights, contribute a piece of writing to a program an-thology, attend speeches given by advocates of civil rights and civil liberties organizations, take part in numerous EASTCONN Adventure activities to enhance team-building skills, and visit a local history museum. Their overall focus is on acquiring a better understanding of rights and the importance of diversity. Nancy Vitale ...............................860-455-1568

gMAPPS:MatchingAreasandPeopleProjectThird-graders experience a sense of place and belonging as they

explore natural wildlife habitats and study the local history of development and its environmental impact; they also participate in orienteering and map-building activities. Cathy Smith-Carolan .................860-455-1556

gMindsinMotionUsing real-life explorations and inquiry activities, students in grades 5-12 explore forces/motion, astronomy and optics/pho-tonics. Throughout their hands-on team investigations, students study the big questions science, including humanity’s relationship with the natural world. Nancy Magnani .........................860-455-1536

gMosaicThis experientially based leadership training program focuses on students’ team-building and community engagement skills as students in grades 6-12 grapple with real-world service learning projects. These projects meet the needs of other students, fami-lies, schools and communities. Students will work together with the Center for Community Engagement at Eastern Connecticut State University.Karen Neville .............................860-455-1542

gNewImages:CTYouthLearnTogetherStudents in grades 7-12 explore digital photography and creative writing as a way to share their own views of the world. Students focus on composition and theme by examining images at the Ly-man Allyn Museum, the Florence Griswold Museum and the New Britain Museum of American Art, and then create visual expressions that reflect the world as they see it through their own eyes. Karen Neville .............................860-455-1542

gOurChangingEarth,OurConnectedWorldStudents in grades 5-7 engage in a sustained exploration of the geosciences as they explore the relevance and impact that geology has on their lives and on the world around them. Nancy Vitale ...............................860-455-1568

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gSkillsforSuccessStudents in grades 9-12 participate in team-building activities to master both personal and interpersonal skills for the work-place and post-secondary educational settings. Career develop-ment workshops focus on career acquisition and retention skills, technical writing, reading and effective study and learning skills. Cyndi Wells .................................860-455-1572

gSuccessfulJourneysNinth-grade students will have an opportunity to meet several times during the school year to explore diversity and multicultur-alism, and to focus on the importance of respecting other cultures and perspectives. A variety of carefully crafted field experiences will challenge students to collaborate with student-peers from other participating towns as they solve challenging experiential exercises. Success will require effective communication and lead-ership skills, trust and respect. Students develop positive friend-ships and team-building skills. Nancy Vitale ...............................860-455-1568

gThe4thR:RoboticsStudents in grades 4-8 are introduced to the world of robotics through this engaging program. While working in diverse engi-neering teams, students use problem-solving and critical-think-ing skills to help them understand the role of robotics in today’s manufacturing environment. This program culminates with the annual EASTCONN Robotics Challenge. During the Chal-lenge, students showcase their understanding of robotics by solv-ing a unique engineering/manufacturing challenge that requires computer programming, engineering design and Lego parts. Nancy Magnani .........................860-455-1536

gWater,Wildlife,People(WWP)Water, Wildlife & People focuses on ecosystems and man’s im-pact on water resources and wildlife habitats, as fourth-graders explore the concept of diversity through the study of natural envi-ronments — from local, aquatic, freshwater streams to the estuar-ies of eastern Long Island Sound. Mary Lou Smith .........................860-455-1555

gWavesofHistoryFor students in grades 9-12, Waves of History combines diversity awareness with activities based on the history of immigration and the many ways in which immigration affects our society. Partici-pants will take part in reading and writing workshops, and attend a conference during which they will hear from speakers who have immigrated to the United States. Students will explore their own families’ immigration history, and will be involved in a variety of other experiential activities that include EASTCONN Adven-ture team-building exercises. Nancy Vitale ...............................860-455-1568

MagnetSchools &OtherOptionsforStudents

gACTArtsMagnetHighSchoolACT (Arts at the Capitol Theater) is a full-day, comprehensive, arts magnet high school located in the Capitol Theater in down-town Willimantic. The curriculum is arts-integrated and stan-dards-based with differentiated instruction to address individual learning needs. Students study with certified academic teachers and professional artists in this small, arts-focused learning com-munity. Each grade is limited to approximately 35 students, mak-ing this an intimate, focused, artistic learning environment for about 140 students, grades 9-12.Thomas Cronin ...........................860-455-1512Tracy Pelletier .............................860-465-5636

gEducationalandVocationalCenter(EVC)The EASTCONN Educational and Vocational Center (EVC) addresses the special educational needs of students, grades K-12, with behavioral challenges. Conveniently located on Route 66 in Columbia, EVC merges best practice in academic and clinical programming to meet the needs of students with social, emotion-al and behavioral issues. The center offers an integrated, hands-on, day-treatment program with both on-site clinical support and a highly successful, comprehensive vocational program.Thomas Cronin ...........................860-455-1512Denise Resonina .........................860-963-3328Heather Cymbala ........................860-228-4317

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gNewEducationOptionsEASTCONN collaborates with the Connecticut State Depart-ment of Education (CSDE), public schools, higher education and community leaders to promote increased educational options for students and families. From needs assessment to conceptu-alization of design models, and from funding-source referrals to implementation, EASTCONN staff members are able to help create innovative choices for students.Maureen Crowley .......................860-455-1513

gQuinebaugMiddleCollege(QMC)This regional magnet high school offers an innovative educational experience to non-traditional learners who are capable students, but who are also disengaged from the more traditional high school environment. Located on the Quinebaug Valley Commu-nity College campus in Danielson, QMC provides students with the individual support they need to succeed, while they complete their high school education, attend college classes and earn col-lege credits. Community service, internships and student engage-ment are essential educational components of this unique high school/college experience. Open to grades 10-12 in 2011-12. Gino LoRicco ..............................860-412-7400Melissa Jacobs .............................860-412-7400

gVirtualHighSchoolAccess more than 160 full-semester, online, high school and some middle school courses through a statewide consortium program. Courses are available in all content areas, including a selection of Advanced Placement (AP) courses.Jim Huggins ...............................860-455-1525Carol Klemyk ..............................860-455-0707

ProfessionalDevelopment &SupportforSpecialEducators

gAssistiveTechnologyTrainingAssistive Technology (AT) and Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) solutions are constantly changing as the world of online applications, portable electronics and wireless ac-cess continue to make devices more commonly used and afford-able. Staying current has become increasingly difficult. EAST-CONN’s AT specialists have established partnerships with a number of AT manufacturers and distributors to ensure that the most up-to-date information can be shared. Districts can partici-pate in an EASTCONN workshop or arrange for a customized AT training to meet the needs of district staff. Carol Magliocco ..........................860-228-3483Amy Norton ................................860-228-3486

gOccupationalTherapyServicesOccupational therapists address student needs related to fine mo-tor skills, visual perceptual motor skills, adaptive skills and sen-sory processing. They provide direct special education services, as well as consultation services, as part of the educational team in the school to which they are assigned.Carol Magliocco. .........................860-228-3483

gPhysicalTherapyServicesPhysical therapists support the gross motor, sensorimotor and mobility needs of individual students and systems. Specific stu-dent services include screening, evaluation, development and im-plementation of Individualized Education Plans (IEPs) and 504 plans, adaptive equipment services and wheelchair evaluations. Consultation and training services focus on motor development, positioning and handling, and body mechanics.Carol Magliocco ..........................860-228-3483

gSchoolNurse&Health-Related ConsultativeServicesEASTCONN is available to help with a broad range of training options for your nursing staff, your administrators and other edu-cational personnel who require OSHA-mandated training. Take advantage of a wide variety of health-related trainings for nurses and other certified and non-certified staff, including quality-of-service evaluations.Patricia Piatek ............................860-228-4317

gTeaming&ConflictResolutionEASTCONN can provide training, coaching and support to groups that must function as high-performance work teams. Learning how to manage conflict resolution is a critical part of effective team performance. Provide your teams with the skills they need to achieve their outcomes.Lisa Taylor .................................860-455-1563

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ProgramsforStudents withDevelopmentalDisabilities


Located at EASTCONN’s Commerce Drive facility in Colum-bia, our program provides a highly structured, intensive and in-dividualized classroom experience for children in grades preK-8 with autism spectrum disorders and other developmental dis-abilities. Students are supported by a multidisciplinary team, which includes a Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA), an occupational therapist, a speech-language pathologist, a physi-cal therapist and assistive technology specialists. Parental/guard-ian involvement is a key component of the program. Extended school-year services are available. Individual student diagnostic evaluations and school-based consultation services are also pro-vided.Doris Dyer .................................860-228-3249

gPsychological/BehavioralServicesPsychology support services are provided to schools in the area of comprehensive evaluation and consultation for low-incident learners, behavioral consultation and training (SRBI, PBIS, FBA), and student specific program consultation. Interim school psychology assignmments are based on psychologist availablity. Student-specific consultation, overall program assessment and staff training are key components of these services. EASTCONN is staffed with a licensed psychologist, Board Certified Behav-ioral Analyst, doctoral level school psychologist/behaviorist and school psychologists (CAGS).Ron Morin .................................860-228-3240Carol Magliocco. .........................860-228-3483

gWoodstockAcademy:CooperativeProgramThis collaborative program between Woodstock Academy and EASTCONN provides services for high-school-age students (grades 9-12) with intellectual/developmental disabilities. EAST-CONN special education personnel and Woodstock Academy educators work together with LEAs, individual students and their families to facilitate growth in identified educational areas and transition planning. Ron Morin .................................860-228-3240

gYoungAdultProgrammingandServicesYoung adult students with developmental disabilities, ages 18-21, are provided with a continuum of transition services to address the activities of daily living, as well as developing community and vocational/work skills to prepare them for adult responsibilities. Ron Morin .................................860-228-3240


gHighSchoolCompletionAdult Education offers three alternatives to complete a high school education. Our counselors can help you determine which program is the best option for you! Choose from among the GED, the Credit Diploma and the National External Diploma. As of July 1, 2011, To enroll in adult education, an individual must be 17 years of age or older. Individuals who are 16 years of age and withdrew from school with parent consent prior to July 1, 2011 may also be eligible to enroll in adult education.Phyllis Bonneau ..........................860-779-3770Braulio Santiago .........................860-455-1601

gNortheastRegionalProgramThis highly regarded K-12 program addresses the educational needs of non-traditional students with behavioral challenges. Lo-cated in a new facility in Putnam, Northeast Regional Program merges best practice in academic and clinical programming to meet the needs of elementary, middle- and high school students who have social, emotional and behavioral issues. The program offers an integrated, hands-on, day-treatment program with both on-site clinical support and a highly successful, comprehensive vocational program. Lower and upper grades are taught in sepa-rate wings. Denise Resonina .........................860-963-3328Thomas Cronin ...........................860-455-1512

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SchoolsforStudents withBehavioralChallenges

gEducationalandVocationalCenter(EVC)The EASTCONN Educational and Vocational Center (EVC) addresses the special educational needs of students, grades K-12, with behavioral challenges. Conveniently located on Route 66 in Columbia, EVC merges best practice in academic and clinical programming to meet the needs of students with social, emo-tional and behavioral issues. The center offers an integrated, hands-on, day-treatment program with both on-site clinical sup-port and a highly successful, comprehensive vocational program.Thomas Cronin .........................860-455-1512Denise Resonina .......................860-963-3328Heather Cymbala .....................860-228-4317

gInterimDiagnosticPlacementEASTCONN offers short-term, flexible placement up to 45 days for students who need to be educated outside the public-school setting while individual diagnostic and/or programmatic assessment is provided. Call for availability. Thomas Cronin ...........................860-455-1512Ron Morin .................................860-228-3240

gNortheastRegionalProgramThis highly regarded K-12 program addresses the educational needs of non-traditional students with behavioral challenges. Lo-cated in a new facility in Putnam, Northeast Regional Program merges best practice in academic and clinical programming to meet the needs of elementary, middle- and high school students who have social, emotional and behavioral issues. The program offers an integrated, hands-on, day-treatment program with both on-site clinical support and a highly successful, comprehensive vocational program. Lower and upper grades are taught in sepa-rate wings. Denise Resonina .........................860-963-3328Thomas Cronin ...........................860-455-1512

gPsychological/BehavioralServicesPsychology support services are provided to schools in the area of comprehensive evaluation and consultation for low-incident learners, behavioral consultation and training (SRBI, PBIS, FBA), and student specific program consultation. Interim school psychology assignments are based on psychologist avail-ablity. Student-specific consultation, overall program assessment and staff training are key components of these services. EAST-CONN is staffed with a licensed psychologist, Board Certified Behavioral Analyst, doctoral level school psychologist/behavior-ist and school psychologists (CAGS).Ron Morin .................................860-228-3240Carol Magliocco ..........................860-228-3483

ServicesforStudents withAutismSpectrumDisorders


Located at EASTCONN’s Commerce Drive facility in Colum-bia, our program provides a highly structured, intensive and in-dividualized classroom experience for children in grades preK-8 with autism spectrum disorders and other developmental dis-abilities. Students are supported by a multidisciplinary team, which includes a Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA), an occupational therapist, a speech-language pathologist, a physi-cal therapist and assistive technology specialists. Parental/guard-ian involvement is a key component of the program. Extended school-year services are available. Individual student diagnostic evaluations and school-based consultation services are also pro-vided.Doris Dyer .................................860-228-3249

gInterimDiagnosticPlacementEASTCONN offers short-term, flexible placement up to 45 days for students who need to be educated outside the public-school setting while individual diagnostic and/or programmatic assess-ment is provided. Call for availability. Thomas Cronin .........................860-455-1512Ron Morin ...............................860-228-3240

gMulti-DisciplinaryConsultative,Assessment &SupportServicesAccess our in-house team, which specializes in Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) and other developmental disabilities to build

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internal capacity through training and support in an optimal, inclusive educational environment. Let us complement your in-house team and support your individualized programming for students in their home school. Ron Morin .................................860-228-3240

gPsychological/BehavioralServicesPsychology support services are provided to schools in the area of comprehensive evaluation and consultation for low-incident learners, behavioral consultation and training (SRBI, PBIS, FBA), and student specific program consultation. Interim school psychology assignments are based on psychologist availability. Student-specific consultation, overall program assessment and staff training are key components of these services. EASTCONN is staffed with a licensed psychologist, Board Certified Behav-ioral Analyst, doctoral level school psychologist/behaviorist and school psychologists (CAGS).Ron Morin .................................860-228-3240Carol Magliocco ..........................860-228-3483

Summer,Vacation, After-SchoolPrograms

gCapitolTheaterArtsAcademy(CTAA)Created for northeastern Connecticut residents of all ages and taught by some of Connecticut’s finest arts professionals, CTAA classes explore disciplines like dance, theater, cartooning, cre-ative writing, and individual music lessons. Classes are offered in fall and spring sessions at the beautiful, Art Deco-era Capitol Theater, which houses CTAA in busy downtown Willimantic. CTAA also offers a summer theater program for children enter-ing grades 4-12. Rachel Roccoberton Griffin ..........860-465-5636

gCoolDirections:SummerComponentThe summer component is a continuation of the year-round, in-school youth program, Cool Directions. Youth have the op-portunity to participate in paid, project-based learning projects, as well as team-building, ropes-course activities, and/or work at individual sites.Cyndi Wells .................................860-455-1572

gEASTCONNAdventureProgramforStudentsThe EASTCONN Adventure Program can fast-track your stu-dent group into a cohesive and high-performing team. Plan a single or multi-day Adventure Program for your class, group, or team at your site or our facility in Hampton. Through our experi-ential activities, participants learn strategies to increase trust and develop communication, leadership and problem-solving skills.Francine Piela ............................860-455-1545

gNortheastRegionalSummerProgram-GradesK-12 This comprehensive, individualized summer school program helps students maintain basic academic skills and build effective social skills through small-group activities and community-based expe-riences. For grades K-8, the program is facility-based, providing lively and engaging small-group activities and community-based experiences. For grades 9-12, the program is community-based with a vocational component, enabling students to build work-related skills and earn a summer paycheck. Students may also earn high school credit. Denise Resonina .........................860-963-3328Thomas Cronin ...........................860-455-1512

gSummerMusicalTheaterProgramEach summer, northeastern Connecticut students who will be entering grades 4-12 may perform onstage or work behind the scenes in this exciting, Broadway-style, musical theater experi-ence through EASTCONN’s Capitol Theater Arts Academy (CTAA). This highly regarded summer program, which culmi-nates in a fully staged show, takes place at the Capitol Theater, a state-of-the-art theatrical and teaching facility in bustling, downtown Willimantic. Tom Cronin ................................860-455-1512Rachel Roccoberton Griffin ..........860-465-5636

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of comprehensive evaluation and consultation for low-incident learners, behavioral consultation and training (SRBI, PBIS, FBA), and student specific program consultation. Interim school psychology assignments are based on psychologist availability. Student-specific consultation, overall program assessment and staff training are key components of these services. EASTCONN is staffed with a licensed psychologist, Board Certified Behav-ioral Analyst, doctoral level school psychologist/behaviorist and school psychologists (CAGS).Ron Morin .................................860-228-3240Carol Magliocco ..........................860-228-3483

gRelatedServicesOur staff members are available for assessment and treatment of student needs, as well as for staff development and training to support students and school systems, including Scientific Re-search-Based Interventions (SRBI) initiatives. Service delivery is designed with student and curricular needs combined, ranging from direct student therapy to collaboration and consultation. Full-time or part-time staffing assignments are accepted for on-going involvement; student-specific evaluations are also available.Carol Magliocco ..........................860-228-3483

gSpeech&LanguageServicesSpeech-language pathologists (SLPs) and speech-language pa-thology assistants (SLPAs) are available for full or partial casel-oads and/or for individual students (including diagnostic evalua-tions, consultation and treatment). Speech-language pathologists are integral to school-wide Scientific Research-Based Interven-tion (SRBI) initiatives, providing universal screening, progress monitoring and intervention services across the tiers. Carol Magliocco ..........................860-228-3483

gWheelchair&AdaptiveEquipmentConsultationEASTCONN’s certified assistive technology professionals (ATPs) are available to consult with school district teams regard-ing students’ positioning and mobility needs. Services include assistance with evaluation, design and acquisition of equipment, such as customized power and manual wheelchairs, and position-ing and mobility devices. EASTCONN’s ATPs are also available for trainings and follow-up consultation.Carol Magliocco ..........................860-228-3483


gChild-SpecificConsultation&AssessmentComprehensive evaluation and on-site observation are available to districts to assist teachers in selecting the most appropriate instructional or behavioral management strategies for individual children. We offer a full range of specialists, from those in early childhood to professionals across the entire spectrum of special needs, preK to grade 12.Elizabeth Aschenbrenner .............860-455-1501Ron Morin .................................860-228-3240

gEASTCONNAdventureProgramforStudentsThe EASTCONN Adventure Program can fast-track your stu-dent group into a cohesive and high-performing team. Plan a single or multi-day Adventure Program for your class, group, or team at your site or our facility in Hampton. Through our experi-ential activities, participants learn strategies to increase trust and develop communication, leadership and problem-solving skills.Francine Piela ............................860-455-1545

gMulti-DisciplinaryConsultative,Assessment &SupportServicesAccess our in-house team, which specializes in Autism Spec-trum Disorders (ASD) and other developmental disabilities to build internal capacity through training and support in an optimal, inclusive educational environment. Let us complement your in-house team and support your individualized program-ming for students in their home school. Ron Morin .................................860-228-3240

gOccupationalTherapyServicesOccupational therapists address student needs related to fine mo-tor skills, visual perceptual motor skills, adaptive skills and sen-sory processing. They provide direct special education services, as well as consultation services, as part of the educational team in the school to which they are assigned.Carol Magliocco ..........................860-228-3483

gPhysicalTherapyServicesPhysical therapists support the gross motor, sensorimotor and mobility needs of individual students and systems. Specific stu-dent services include screening, evaluation, development and im-plementation of Individualized Education Plans (IEPs) and 504 plans, adaptive equipment services and wheelchair evaluations. Consultation and training services focus on motor development, positioning and handling, and body mechanics.Carol Magliocco ..........................860-228-3483

gPsychological/BehavioralServicesPsychology support services are provided to schools in the area

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creating or implementing a systemic and long-term technology plan that meets Connecticut State Depart-ment of Education (CSDE) requirements. Facilitation and support are available for all types of planning, from small projects to community-wide initiatives. Ongoing monitoring and evaluation support are also available.Jane Cook ...................................860-455-1510Jim Huggins ...............................860-455-1525


gCommunicationsTraining&SupportOur in-house staff can help you increase positive me-dia coverage or enhance your written, graphic, or digital communications, including newsletters, press releases, Web sites, online surveys and multi-media presenta-tions. We can provide direct service, training, or on-site support and coaching.Dotty Budnick ............................860-455-1506

gDesktopPublishingServicesWe can design and deliver finished projects or provide on-site coaching to your administrative support staff. From newsletters to posters to presentations, we can improve your capacity to communicate with all your audiences through effective graphic design. Our staff have won state and national recognition for Web and publication design. Cindy Laurendeau ......................860-455-1530 O




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EASTCONN is committed to facilitating collaborative, regional approaches to school operations. From cooperative purchasing to regional staff recruitment, we work to find more cost-effective ways of using your resources.

The descriptions of services that follow are only a sampling of the ways that we can help you address your early childhood needs. Contact any of our program staff, or call Paula M. Colen, Executive Director, at 860-455-1565, to begin the conversation.


gCooperativePurchasingEASTCONN’s regional Cooperative offers its members the opportunity to purchase products from established providers. Contracts include quality products and services with competitive pricing and rebate incentives. Current contracts exist for custodial supplies, food service items, office supplies, copy paper, photocopier and printer units, service and supplies, and fuel oil. Members save their school districts time and money. Sandra Garcia ............................860-455-1584John Baskowski ...........................860-455-1502

gGrantsDevelopment&ManagementWhether your grant is local, statewide or federal, EAST-CONN can help you write and produce grants, facilitate the process with your staff and/or manage the fiscal and administrative sides of your program. We have more than 30 years of experience and demonstrated expertise in ob-taining and managing significant grant dollars.Maureen Crowley .......................860-455-1513

gRegionalManagementofMandated AdultEducationProgramsWe manage all aspects of your mandated adult education programs, including grant submission, fiscal management, participant recruitment, assessment services, instructional services, post-program assessment and reporting. Region-al cost-sharing has expanded the number of adult educa-tion offerings that are available.Rich Tariff ..................................860-455-1562

gTeaming&ConflictResolutionEASTCONN can provide training, coaching and support to groups that must function as high-performance work teams. Learning how to manage conflict resolution is a critical part of effective team performance. Provide your teams with the skills they need to achieve their outcomes.Lisa Taylor. .................................860-455-1563

gTechnologyPlanning&EvaluationThis service provides assistance for districts interested in

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gMediaConsultationServicesLet us help you increase your positive press. We have seasoned journalists on staff who can help you choose newsworthy top-ics, write successful press releases, and/or distribute your press releases to appropriate media outlets. We maintain a current list of education reporters and local and state media outlets. Our staff can edit and distribute it for you, or teach you how to do it your-self.Teddie Sleight .............................860-455-1553

gOnlineSurveysandDataAnalysisWe offer customized design, hosting and data-analysis support for your online survey and data collection projects. Our famil-iarity with educational data and school improvement will help ensure that these projects yield the data that you need to answer your driving questions.Susan Mostowy ...........................860-455-1566

gSpanishTranslationServicesImprove your communications with Spanish-speakers of all ages by using our Spanish translator. Experienced and accurate, our translator will ensure that you are able to communicate clearly with your Latino audience/s whenever you need to share either day-to-day or critical information. Teddie Sleight ............................860-455-1553


gConference&MeetingSupportWe can help you plan and manage your events at our facilities or alternate venues of your choice across Connecticut. From initial planning of your event to assisting with on-site logistical support, we offer comprehensive event management support, such as on-line and on-site registration, sourcing facilitators and presenters, materials production and mailing, registrant fee and event fiscal management, sourcing and supplying support materials, catering and vendor exhibit management. Jennifer Etheridge .......................860-455-1558


gCooperativePurchasingEASTCONN’s regional Cooperative offers its members the opportunity to purchase products from established providers. Contracts include quality products and services with competi-tive pricing and rebate incentives. Current contracts exist for custodial supplies, food service items, office supplies, copy paper, photocopier and printer units, service and supplies, and fuel oil. Members save their school districts time and money. Sandra Garcia ............................860-455-1584John Baskowski ...........................860-455-1502


gConference&MeetingSupportWe can help you plan and manage your events at our facilities or alternate venues of your choice across Connecticut. From initial planning of your event to assisting with on-site logistical support, we offer comprehensive event management support, such as on-line and on-site registration, sourcing facilitators and presenters, materials production and mailing, registrant fee and event fiscal management, sourcing and supplying support materials, catering and vendor exhibit management. Jennifer Etheridge .......................860-455-1558

gEASTCONNAdventureProgramforAdultsEASTCONN Adventure custom-designs experientially based programs for team-building, leadership training and professional development. The activities, adapted for participants of all ages and fitness levels, are designed to explore both positive commu-nication and collaboration skills, and identify new strategies for

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building effective teams. EASTCONN offers both indoor and outdoor Adventure options, all specifically designed to create a safe environment for learning.Francine Piela ............................860-455-1545

gEasternConnecticutHealthInsuranceProgram(ECHIP)As of July 1, 2012, this new health insurance collaborative allows its municipal and public school members to reduce costs for their employees’ health insurance. Subject to ECHIP’s executive board approval, public school districts and municipalities may apply for membership.John Baskowski ...........................860-455-1502

gSpanishTranslationServicesImprove your communications with Spanish-speakers of all ages by using our Spanish translator. Experienced and accurate, our translator will ensure that you are able to communicate clearly with your Latino audience/s whenever you need to share either day-to-day or critical information. Teddie Sleight ..........................860-455-1553

gWorkplaceEducation&TrainingLocal businesses and non-profit agencies can customize a cost-effective package of literacy and English-as-a-Second-Language (ESL) training components that meet their workforce develop-ment needs. Training can be provided in the workplace or at a convenient EASTCONN adult education site.Rich Tariff.......860-455-1562Suzanne Cimochowski. ............860-779-3770

Facilities&Information Technology(IT)Services

gAsbestosInspection&ManagementOur licensed Asbestos Inspector/Management Planner will help you stay in compliance with state and federal regulations related to asbestos-containing materials in schools, including inspec-tions, three-year re-inspections, training, and management-plan development.Michael Akana ...........................860-455-1543

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gAsbestos-Designated-PersonStaffingServicesWe offer several options to meet your needs for a hazardous-materials-designated staff person to ensure that you remain in compliance with all school-related and AHERA regulations. We can provide you with a trained person on a temporary or perma-nent basis, or you can contract with us to perform your six-month inspections.Michael Akana ...........................860-455-1543

gDesktopSupportServicesOur technical support team can help you with all your computer desktop needs, from set-up to preventive maintenance to diag-nostics and repair. Services are delivered on-site.Michael Akana ...........................860-455-1543Thomas Schenking .......................860-455-1548

gFacilitiesAuditServicesEASTCONN supports school districts that do not have the on-staff expertise necessary to make determinations about long-range facilities needs, including maintenance and overall im-provement planning. Call us to explore your options.Thomas Cronin ...........................860-455-1512Michael Akana ...........................860-455-1543

gFacilitiesForumThis regional council meets quarterly and focuses on sharing so-lutions to common issues for both facilities directors and those whose work involves the maintenance and management of school buildings. Council members have an opportunity to discuss regu-latory and fiscal challenges, while connecting with peers and sharing useful strategies and resources. Michael Akana ...........................860-455-1543

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gPersonnelRecruitmentAssistanceWe offer a range of strategies to help you recruit and hire educa-tional personnel, including cooperative advertising and access to our Web-based employment system.Steven Wapen .............................860-455-1554


gAsbestos-Designated-PersonStaffingServicesWe offer several options to meet your needs for a hazardous-materials-designated staff person to ensure that you remain in compliance with all school-related and AHERA regulations. We can provide you with a trained person on a temporary or perma-nent basis, or you can contract with us to perform your six-month inspections.Michael Akana ...........................860-455-1543

gIT(InformationTechnology)StaffSupportServicesWe can provide you with trained IT staff on a temporary, full- or part-time basis, or you can contract with us for short-term proj-ects. Call us to discuss your IT needs.Michael Akana ...........................860-455-1543Thomas Schenking .......................860-455-1548

gSharedStaffingUse EASTCONN to recruit, interview and hire qualified full-time or part-time staff to fill district positions that include para-professionals with specialized training, as well as hard-to-fill cer-tified and administrative support positions.Steven Wapen .............................860-455-1554

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gHazardousMaterialsSupport&TrainingforSchoolsUse us to survey your facilities, develop a chemical hygiene plan and train your staff in both asbestos awareness and hazardous materials communications to ensure compliance with state and federal mandates. All new maintenance and custodial staff are required to be trained with a two-hour asbestos awareness train-ing class within 60 days from date of hire.Michael Akana ...........................860-455-1543

gIT(InformationTechnology)StaffSupportServicesWe can provide you with trained IT staff on a temporary, full- or part-time basis, or you can contract with us for short-term proj-ects. Call us to discuss your IT needs.Michael Akana ...........................860-455-1543Thomas Schenking .......................860-455-1548

gRadonMeasurementServiceProviderUse the expertise of our nationally certified Radon Measurement Technician to test your school or day care facility for radon. We will determine whether your building(s) meets mandated State of Connecticut Department of Public Health codes.Michael Akana ...........................860-455-1543

gTechnologyInfrastructureNetworkManagementSupplement your in-house staff with our technology infrastruc-ture experts. We can help you with your infrastructure project, network support, product development or technology audits. Thomas Schenking .......................860-455-1548Susan Mostowy ...........................860-455-1566


gCTREAP:Web-BasedEmploymentSystemReach across the global marketplace with Connecticut’s state-wide, Web-based, employment system for recruiting teachers and other certified administrators. Steven Wapen .............................860-455-1554

gFingerprintingServicesEASTCONN offers fingerprinting services to Local Education Agencies and their applicants in compliance with Connecticut state law.Angela Seretny ............................860-455-1550Janet Smith. ................................860-455-1554

gNursingStaffSupportServicesWe can help you with all aspects of school nursing, from staffing and support with hiring details, to training and supervision.Steven Wapen .............................860-455-1554

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needs assessments, developing new and improving existing ser-vice models, identifying funding sources, preparing grant propos-als, developing action/implementation plans and facilitating the development process.Maureen Crowley .......................860-455-1513

gStrategicData-DrivenPlanning forEarlyChildhoodPrograms&ServicesEASTCONN can help communities or programs create long-range or short-term plans for the development, implementation, or improvement of comprehensive, quality programs and services for children and their families. Collaboration within and across communities and service providers is emphasized. Assistance with grant-writing is also available.Elizabeth Aschenbrenner. ............860-455-1501


gStudentTransportationServicesWith a fleet of 100-plus vehicles that include GPS tracking and cell phones, EASTCONN offers day-to-day mini-van transpor-tation and “yellow bus” services for both regular and special edu-cation students traveling to destinations ranging from local areas to neighboring states. Drivers and aides are experienced carriers of both medically fragile students and students with behavior-al challenges. Other services include employment and training transportation, consultation about current transportation vendor contract efficiency, and transportation to special events. Frank Salce.......860-228-6751


gCollaborativeInitiativesAcrossDistrictsEASTCONN facilitates collaboration among school districts around a variety of topics like common curriculum development, staff development, grant-writing, and the design of programs and services for students. Regional collaborations maximize local dol-lars and expand program options.Maureen Crowley .......................860-455-1513

gGrantDevelopmentCouncilThis facilitated council promotes a collaborative culture and helps increase the potential for attracting increased resources to lo-cal and collective school districts. Led by a professional, proven grant-writer, members build grant-writing skills, share informa-tion, both online and at group meetings, and work together to identify and more effectively leverage funding sources for new programs and services.Maureen Crowle .........................860-455-1513

gInterdistrictProgramDesign&ManagementEvery two years, EASTCONN collaborates with area school districts to respond to CSDE-funded Interdistrict Grant oppor-tunities designed to boost students’ academic skills and increase their understanding and experience of diversity. If selected for funding, programs are limited to districts that have signed on to participate in that funding cycle. Contact us for more informa-tion about currently funded programs or new grant opportunities.Nancy Vitale ...............................860-455-1568

gNewEducationOptionsEASTCONN collaborates with the Connecticut State Depart-ment of Education (CSDE), public schools, higher education and community leaders to promote increased educational options for students and families. From needs assessment to conceptu-alization of design models, and from funding-source referrals to implementation, EASTCONN staff members are able to help create innovative choices for students.Maureen Crowley .......................860-455-1513

gProgramEvaluationWe can help you respond to local, regional, federal, private foun-dations and grantor questions about how your program design results in benefits to students; how it aligns with program goals; and its degree of effectiveness as compared to other strategies.Maureen Crowley .......................860-455-1513

gProgramPlanning,Design&DevelopmentWe can assist program, service and school representatives in de-signing and developing innovative educational and professional development programs, including designing and conducting

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gSRBIandSchoolClimate:Preventing &AddressingBarrierstoLearningDistricts receive training and technical assistance in assess-ing and improving school climates that support student achievement through a focus on relevance and relation-ships, two essential aspects of teaching that engage stu-dents in learning.Lisa Taylor. .................................860-455-1563

gSRBIPlanning&ImplementationSupportOur staff can help you develop an effective plan for the implementation of your Scientific Research-Based Inter-ventions (SRBI) framework. We can provide assistance with a needs assessment that will identify key areas for implementation. Our staff can also assist you with univer-sal assessment and progress monitoring, as well as curricu-lum review and the identification of effective intervention strategies. Kelly Doubleday Bush .................860-455-1514Amy Drowne .............................860-455-0707

ProfessionalDevelopment &Coaching

gAssessmentStrategiesSelect and begin using methods that go beyond standard-ized testing to best support your goals for assessing student learning, monitoring student achievement and informing instruction. Our staff can assist in developing common formative assessments to support progress monitoring in Scientific Research-Based Interventions (SRBI).Helen Weingart ...........................860-455-0707Kelly Doubleday Bush .................860-455-1514

gAssistiveTechnologyTrainingAssistive Technology (AT) and Augmentative and Alter-native Communication (AAC) solutions are constantly changing as the world of online applications, portable elec-tronics and wireless access continue to make devices more commonly used and affordable. Staying current has be-come increasingly difficult. EASTCONN’s AT specialists

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Teaching &

Learning S


EASTCONN works in partnership with educators across northeast Connecticut to continuously improve instruction with the goal of increased learning for all children. From standards-based curriculum design to data-driven school improvement, our specialists offer a broad range of expertise.

The descriptions of services that follow are only a sampling of the ways that we can help you address your teaching and learning needs. Contact any of our program staff, or call Jim Huggins, Director of Teaching, Learning and Technology, at 860-455-1525, to begin the conversation.


gConnecticutAdministratorTest(CAT)EASTCONN manages this administrator testing program for the Connecticut State Department of Education. Individuals applying for their Connecticut Administration Certification must take and pass the Connecticut Administrator Test (CAT), which is ad-ministered at convenient sites around the state.Nancy Jagaczewski ......................860-455-1527Debbie Siegel ..............................860-455-1551

gPreK-8Principals’ConsortiumA consortium of preK-8 principals meets on a regular basis to address the unique needs and challenges of preK-8 school leaders. Members will identify specific topics of interest, areas for collaboration and opportu-nities for resource-sharing. Debbie Siegel ..............................860-455-1551Amy Drowne .............................860-455-0707

g ProfessionalDevelopment Workshops&TrainingEASTCONN staff will work with you to customize professional development at the school district level. We are able to offer quality presentations at your site or one of ours. Our trained consultants can design an effective professional development plan that can in-clude ongoing support and follow-up coaching.Jim Huggins. ..............................860-455-1525Amy Drowne .............................860-455-0707

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have established partnerships with a number of AT manufactur-ers and distributors to ensure that the most up-to-date informa-tion can be shared. Districts can participate in an EASTCONN workshop or arrange for a customized AT training to meet the needs of district staff. Carol Magliocco. .........................860-228-3483Amy Norton ................................860-228-3486

gConnecticutAccreditationFacilitationProject(AFP)The Connecticut Accreditation Facilitation Project (AFP) is an established resource system of regional teams providing critical leadership and support for the achievement of quality standards and excellence in early childhood programs. AFP services in-clude overviews of the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) Program Standards and Accredita-tion Performance Criteria; technical assistance with the process of accreditation; and individualized support for programs en-gaged in the self-study.Debra Stipe.................................860-455-1559

gCurriculumDevelopment&DesignWe can help you to research, design, and/or develop curriculum in any academic area, using a variety of strategies, including project-based instruction, differentiated instruction and school-to-career organizers. Our staff are trained in using the new Connecticut Curriculum Development Guide, as well as the Common Core State Standards. We can assist you in the development of a qual-ity, comprehensive curriculum aligned to Connecticut standards.Helen Weingart ...........................860-455-0707Kelly Doubleday Bush .................860-455-1514Amy Drowne .............................860-455-0707

gDataAnalysisSupport&TrainingEASTCONN staff can provide data analysis support and train-ing to school districts. Whether it’s providing on-site coaching to administrators and data coaches in using technology to analyze data, or providing reports, EASTCONN’s experienced consul-tants can assist with all of your data analysis needs.Jim Huggins ...............................860-455-1525

gDataCoach&DataFacilitator ProfessionalDevelopmentEffective implementation of district and school data teams re-quires effective and skilled data-team facilitation. EASTCONN staff are skilled in using a variety of strategies and techniques to support a data-driven dialogue that produces results.Kelly Doubleday Bush .................860-455-1514Amy Drowne .............................860-455-0707

gDataTeamFacilitationCertified by the Leadership and Learning Center, EAST-CONN’s data team facilitators can provide on-site assistance in the planning, development, and implementation of district,

school, and instructional data teams. Our consultants are trained in all of the Connecticut Accountability for Learning Initiative (CALI) modules and can support your data team efforts.Kelly Doubleday Bush .................860-455-1514Amy Drowne .............................860-455-0707

gEASTCONNAdventureProgramforAdultsEASTCONN Adventure custom-designs experientially based programs for team-building, leadership training and professional development. The activities, adapted for participants of all ages and fitness levels, are designed to explore both positive commu-nication and collaboration skills, and identify new strategies for building effective teams. EASTCONN offers both indoor and outdoor Adventure options, all specifically designed to create a safe environment for learning.Francine Piela ............................860-455-1545

gEASTCONNCouncilsCouncil participants are able to meet peers in a collegial envi-ronment, where they can share ideas, discuss successful strate-gies, unravel common challenges, and explore the latest topical developments, all of which support their school-related needs. Guest speakers may share best practices and EASTCONN staff facilitate mini-workshops on topics of common interest to coun-cil members. The following EASTCONN Councils are open to all interested persons, free of charge: • Facilities Forum ... Michael Akana ............. 860-455-1500 • Grant Development Council Maureen Crowley ................................... 860-455-1513 • Language Arts Council ... Donna Drasch ... 860-455-1516 • Math Council ... Kelly Doubleday Bush ...... 860-455-1514 • Regional Staff Development Council Jim Huggins ............................................ 860-455-1525 • Science Council ... Nancy Magnani ............ 860-455-1536 • Technology Council ... Jane Cook .............. 860-455-1510

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gEffectiveInstructionalStrategiesEASTCONN can provide training, coaching and consultation to help expand the repertoire of effective instructional strategies used by your classroom teachers. Our staff members are certi-fied in the Effective Teaching module provided by the CSDE through the Connecticut Accountability for Learning Initiative (CALI), which promotes school improvement.Kelly Doubleday Bush. ................860-455-1514Amy Drowne .............................860-455-0707

gELLTitleIIIConsortiumEASTCONN’s English Language Learners (ELL) Title III Consortium provides a forum for area ELL educators to come together around emerging trends and practices in ELL. Practitio-ners share best practices and EASTCONN staff provide current information on curriculum, assessment, effective instruction and the latest developments from the state and federal levels pertain-ing to the Title III Grant. Elaine Rothenberg ......................860-455-1547Carol Klemyk ..............................860-455-0707

gEnglishLanguageLearner ProfessionalDevelopmentTraining and technical assistance are available to school districts with low-incidence English language learners, including ELL Consortium members receiving Title III funding. Services in-clude policy development, program design and development, NCLB and CSDE testing requirements, identification, testing support and professional development.Elaine Rothenberg ......................860-455-1547

gGrantDevelopmentCouncilThis facilitated council promotes a collaborative culture and helps increase the potential for attracting increased resources to local and collective school districts. Led by a professional, proven grant-writer, members build grant-writing skills, share informa-tion, both online and at group meetings, and work together to

identify and more effectively leverage funding sources for new programs and services.Maureen Crowley .......................860-455-1513

gHazardousMaterialsSupport&TrainingforSchoolsUse us to survey your facilities, develop a chemical hygiene plan and train your staff in both asbestos awareness and hazardous materials communications to ensure compliance with state and federal mandates. All new maintenance and custodial staff are re-quired to be trained with a two-hour asbestos awareness training class within 60 days from date of hire.Michael Akana ...........................860-455-1543

gLanguageArtsCouncilEASTCONN’s Language Arts Council provides a forum for area language arts teachers to come together around emerging trends and practices in language arts. Participants and guest speakers share best practices and EASTCONN staff provide mini-work-shops on curriculum, assessment and instruction topics of inter-est. CSDE consultants also attend and share information on the latest developments at the Department. Donna Drasch ............................860-455-1516Cathy Smith-Carolan .................860-455-1556

gLiteracyProfessionalDevelopmentEASTCONN provides training and technical assistance to schools that seek to align their literacy curriculum with the newly adopted Common Core State Standards, strengthen their literacy program to best meet the needs of all learners, implement best practices, administer and analyze literacy assessments and use data to inform instruction.Kelly Doubleday Bush .................860-455-1514Amy Drowne .............................860-455-0707

gMathCouncilEASTCONN’s Math Council provides a forum for area math teachers to come together around emerging trends and practices in mathematics. Practitioners share best practices and EAST-CONN staff provide current information on curriculum, assess-ment and effective instruction. Connecticut State Department of Education consultants attend and share information on the latest developments at the Department. Kelly Doubleday Bush .................860-455-1514

gProfessionalDevelopmentWorkshops&TrainingEASTCONN staff will work with you to customize professional development at the school district level. We are able to offer qual-ity presentations at your site or one of ours. Our trained consul-tants can design an effective professional development plan that can include ongoing support and follow-up coaching.Jim Huggins ...............................860-455-1525Amy Drowne .............................860-455-0707

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gRegionalStaffDevelopmentCouncilThe Regional Staff Development Council at EASTCONN brings district and school leaders together in a collegial forum to dialogue around current educational issues in Connecticut. Top-ics include curriculum, assessment, professional development, legislation as well as other relevant educational topics. Speakers from CSDE attend and share information on the latest develop-ments at the Department. Jim Huggins ...............................860-455-1525Carol Klemyk ..............................860-455-0707

gSchoolNurse&Health-Related ConsultativeServicesEASTCONN is available to help with a broad range of training options for your nursing staff, your administrators and other edu-cational personnel who require OSHA-mandated training. Take advantage of a wide variety of health-related trainings for nurses and other certified and non-certified staff, including quality-of-service evaluations.Patricia Piatek ............................860-228-4317

gScienceCouncilEASTCONN’s Science Council provides a forum for area sci-ence teachers to come together around emerging trends and practices in science. Practitioners share best practices and EAST-CONN staff provide current information on curriculum, assess-ment and effective instruction. CSDE consultants attend and share information on the latest developments at the Department. Mary Lou Smith .........................860-455-1555Nancy Magnani .........................860-455-1536

gScienceProfessionalDevelopmentEASTCONN’s Science Cadre can provide you with a variety of science trainings and support, including curriculum alignment, instructional strategies, assessment, and analysis of Connecticut Mastery Test (CMT) results. Cadre members will customize their services to meet your district’s needs.Mary Lou Smith .........................860-455-1555Nancy Magnani .........................860-455-1536

gSRBIandSchoolClimate:Preventing &AddressingBarrierstoLearningDistricts receive training and technical assistance in assessing and improving school climates that support student achievement through a focus on relevance and relationships, two essential as-pects of teaching that engage students in learning.Lisa Taylor .................................860-455-1563

gSRBIPlanningandImplementationSupportOur staff can help you develop an effective plan for the imple-mentation of your Scientific Research-Based Interventions (SRBI) framework. We can provide assistance with a needs as-sessment that will identify key areas for implementation. Our staff can also assist you with universal assessment and progress monitoring, as well as curriculum review and the identification of effective intervention strategies. Kelly Doubleday Bush .................860-455-1514Amy Drowne .............................860-455-0707

gSRBI:Social-Emotional-Behavioral BarrierstoLearningAs part of your School Climate Plan, EASTCONN can help you identify and implement strategies and interventions to address your students’ social, emotional and behavioral challenges in ways that allow you to improve student learning and that align with a Scientific Research-Based Interventions/Response to Interven-tions (SRBI/RtI) approach. Consultation, training and technical assistance are available.Lisa Taylor .................................860-455-1563

gSupportingStudents’BehavioralSuccess: TeamTrainingTraining and technical assistance are available to elementary, middle and high school teams in the prevention and early inter-vention of social, emotional and behavioral challenges that inter-fere with students’ success in school.Lisa Taylor .................................860-455-1563

gTeacherEducationandMentoring(TEAM)ProgramWhen you hired your new teachers, you made an investment in their potential. By providing mentoring and comprehensive in-duction, you can help novice teachers and students reach their potential. EASTCONN provides regional and in-district train-

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ing and technical assistance to districts implementing Con-necticut’s Teacher Education and Mentoring (TEAM) Program. TEAM is a state-wide program that provides support for begin-ning teachers and mentors. In addition to training and technical assistance for mentors, beginning teachers, administrators, and TEAM Coordinating Committees members, our staff can assist your district in the development of a comprehensive induction system and provide coaching and resources tailored to meet your unique needs. Nancy Celentano .........................860-455-1507Jim Huggins ...............................860-455-1525

gTeachingAmericanHistoryCurriculum&SupportAccess our free, nationally recognized and locally developed cur-riculum for teaching American history. Created by a professional learning community of American-history teachers from north-eastern Connecticut, lessons focus on the use of primary sources and local resources, including those found at local museums and historical sites. Customization and on-site curriculum integra-tion support are available.Jim Huggins ...............................860-455-1525

gTeachingAmericanHistoryProjectMeeting in classrooms, museums and local historical sites, this dynamic community of learners is focused on making better use

of local resources and primary sources in the teaching and learn-ing of American history. Workshops, seminars and a summer in-stitute feature highly regarded historians, university faculty and museum staff.Dan Coughlin .............................860-455-1511

gTeaming&ConflictResolutionEASTCONN can provide training, coaching and support to groups that must function as high-performance work teams. Learning how to manage conflict resolution is a critical part of effective team performance. Provide your teams with the skills they need to achieve their outcomes.Lisa Taylor .................................860-455-1563

gTechnologyCouncilEASTCONN’s Technology Council provides a forum for tech-nology educators to come together around emerging trends and practices in technology. Practitioners share best practices and EASTCONN staff provide current information on emerg-ing technology and the latest trends in educational technology. CSDE consultants attend and share information on the latest developments at the Department. Jim Huggins ...............................860-455-1525

gTechnologyCurriculumIntegrationTechnology integration specialists work with educators to ensure that technology is integrated across the curriculum as a tool for teaching and learning. Our consultants can provide assistance in integrating 21st-century technology skills into your curriculum.Jim Huggins ...............................860-455-1525

gTechnologyProfessionalDevelopment&CoachingOur highly qualified educational technology specialists, who have expertise in curriculum and technology, train and coach teach-ers, administrators and support staff to integrate technology tools into their educational settings. Four broad areas of training are available that are aligned with the Connecticut Teacher Technol-ogy Competencies: educational technology concepts and opera-tions; creating learning experiences; productivity and professional practice; and social, legal, ethical and human issues. Trainings can be held at your school, using your equipment, or at an EAST-CONN facility.Jim Huggins ...............................860-455-1525

gWeb-BasedInstructionalStrategiesAs the Internet expands exponentially and students must learn how to effectively harness its power, new Web 2.0 tools provide a wealth of resources and opportunities for educators. Highly qual-ified EASTCONN educational technology specialists provide training and coaching in using the latest Web 2.0 technologies as tools for teaching, learning and communication.Jane Cook ...................................860-455-1510Jim Huggins ...............................860-455-1525

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gDataAnalysisSupport&TrainingEASTCONN staff can provide data analysis support and train-ing to school districts. Whether it’s providing on-site coaching to administrators and data coaches in using technology to analyze data, or providing reports, EASTCONN’s experienced consul-tants can assist with all of your data analysis needs.Jim Huggins ...............................860-455-1525

gDataCoach&DataFacilitator ProfessionalDevelopmentEffective implementation of district and school data teams re-quires effective and skilled data-team facilitation. EASTCONN staff are skilled in using a variety of strategies and techniques to support a data-driven dialogue that produces results.Kelly Doubleday Bush .................860-455-1514Amy Drowne .............................860-455-0707

gDataTeamFacilitationCertified by the Leadership and Learning Center, EAST-CONN’s data team facilitators can provide on-site assistance in the planning, development, and implementation of district, school, and instructional data teams. Our consultants are trained in all of the Connecticut Accountability for Learning Initiative (CALI) modules and can support your data team efforts.Kelly Doubleday Bush .................860-455-1514Amy Drowne .............................860-455-0707

gDatabaseDevelopment&AssessmentSystemsWe will design or customize an electronic data management sys-tem to meet your unique needs within the budget that you have available. Our services include consultation with all stakeholders to ensure that the systems we develop are user-friendly and de-liver the reports you require.Jim Huggins ...............................860-455-1525Susan Mostowy ...........................860-455-1566

gDistrictandSchoolImprovementPlanningAccess our menu of planning services to develop a data-driven improvement plan. We can provide facilitation for your team in the analysis of multiple sources of district and school data and assist in identifying key areas for improvement. Your plan will include measurable goals, effective strategies, and indicators of success. We will assist you in developing a monitoring plan to evaluate your progress.Jim Huggins ...............................860-455-1525Amy Drowne. ............................860-455-0707

gEarlyChildhoodProgramMonitoring&EvaluationOur early childhood specialists can help to create or improve early childhood programs, birth through grade 3. Consultation can include program and curriculum design, as well as facility and learning environment design and evaluation.


gAdvancedPlacement ProfessionalDevelopmentProgramAccess our professional development and support to learn how you can increase not only the number of AP courses offered in your school or district, but also the number of students enrolled in AP courses, and their passing rate on AP exams.Helen Weingart ...........................860-455-0707

gAssessmentStrategiesSelect and begin using methods that go beyond standardized testing to best support your goals for assessing student learning, monitoring student achievement and informing instruction. Our staff can assist in developing common formative assessments to support progress monitoring in Scientific Research-Based Inter-ventions (SRBI).Helen Weingart ...........................860-455-0707Kelly Doubleday Bush .................860-455-1514

gCollaborativeInitiativesAcrossDistrictsEASTCONN facilitates collaboration among school districts around a variety of topics like common curriculum development, staff development, grant-writing, and the design of programs and services for students. Regional collaborations maximize local dol-lars and expand program options.Maureen Crowley .......................860-455-1513

gCurriculumDevelopment&DesignWe can help you to research, design, and/or develop curriculum in any academic area, using a variety of strategies, including project-based instruction, differentiated instruction and school-to-career organizers. Our staff are trained in using the new Connecticut Curriculum Development Guide, as well as the Common Core State Standards. We can assist you in the development of a qual-ity, comprehensive curriculum aligned to Connecticut standards.Helen Weingart ...........................860-455-0707Kelly Doubleday Bush .................860-455-1514Amy Drowne .............................860-455-0707

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Elizabeth Aschenbrenner .............860-455-1501gEASTCONNCouncilsCouncil participants are able to meet peers in a collegial envi-ronment, where they can share ideas, discuss successful strate-gies, unravel common challenges, and explore the latest topical developments, all of which support their school-related needs. Guest speakers may share best practices and EASTCONN staff facilitate mini-workshops on topics of common interest to coun-cil members. The following EASTCONN Councils are open to all interested persons, free of charge:

• Facilities Forum Michael Akana ...........................860-455-1500 • Grant Development Council Maureen Crowley .......................860-455-1513 • Language Arts Council Donna Drasch ............................860-455-1516 • Math Council Kelly Doubleday Bush .................860-455-1514 • Regional Staff Development Council Jim Huggins ...............................860-455-1525 • Science Council Nancy Magnani .........................860-455-1536 • Technology Council Jane Cook ...................................860-455-1510

gEffectiveInstructionalStrategiesEASTCONN can provide training, coaching and consultation to help expand the repertoire of effective instructional strategies used by your classroom teachers. Our staff members are certi-fied in the Effective Teaching module provided by the CSDE through the Connecticut Accountability for Learning Initiative (CALI), which promotes school improvement.Kelly Doubleday Bush. ................860-455-1514Amy Drowne .............................860-455-0707

gELLTitleIIIConsortiumEASTCONN’s English Language Learners (ELL) Title III Consortium provides a forum for area ELL educators to come together around emerging trends and practices in ELL. Practitio-ners share best practices and EASTCONN staff provide current information on curriculum, assessment, effective instruction and the latest developments from the state and federal levels pertain-ing to the Title III Grant. Elaine Rothenberg ......................860-455-1547Carol Klemyk ..............................860-455-0707

gEnglishLanguageLearner ProfessionalDevelopmentTraining and technical assistance are available to school dis-

tricts with low-incidence English language learners, including ELL Consortium members receiving Title III funding. Services include policy development, program design and development, NCLB and CSDE testing requirements, identification, testing support and professional development.Elaine Rothenberg ......................860-455-1547

gGrantDevelopmentCouncilThis facilitated council promotes a collaborative culture and helps increase the potential for attracting increased resources to lo-cal and collective school districts. Led by a professional, proven grant-writer, members build grant-writing skills, share informa-tion, both online and at group meetings, and work together to identify and more effectively leverage funding sources for new programs and services.Maureen Crowley .......................860-455-1513

gInterdistrictProgramDesign&ManagementEvery two years, EASTCONN collaborates with area school districts to respond to CSDE-funded Interdistrict Grant oppor-tunities designed to boost students’ academic skills and increase their understanding and experience of diversity. If selected for funding, programs are limited to districts that have signed on to participate in that funding cycle. Contact us for more informa-tion about currently funded programs or new grant opportunities.

Nancy Vitale ...............................860-455-1568

gLanguageArtsCouncilEASTCONN’s Language Arts Council provides a forum for area language arts teachers to come together around emerging trends and practices in language arts. Participants and guest speakers share best practices and EASTCONN staff provide mini-work-shops on curriculum, assessment and instruction topics of inter-est. CSDE consultants also attend and share information on the latest developments at the Department. Donna Drasch ............................860-455-1516Cathy Smith-Carolan .................860-455-1556

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gLiteracyProfessionalDevelopmentEASTCONN provides training and technical assistance to schools that seek to align their literacy curriculum with the newly adopted Common Core State Standards, strengthen their literacy program to best meet the needs of all learners, implement best practices, administer and analyze literacy assessments and use data to inform instruction.Kelly Doubleday Bush .................860-455-1514Amy Drowne .............................860-455-0707

gMathCouncilEASTCONN’s Math Council provides a forum for area math teachers to come together around emerging trends and practices in mathematics. Practitioners share best practices and EAST-CONN staff provide current information on curriculum, assess-ment and effective instruction. Connecticut State Department of Education consultants attend and share information on the latest developments at the Department. Kelly Doubleday Bush .................860-455-1514

gNAEYCAccreditationConsultationInformation, consultation and training are available to preschool and kindergarten programs that want to pursue accreditation by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC).Debra Stipe.................................860-455-1559

gProfessionalDevelopmentWorkshops&TrainingEASTCONN staff will work with you to customize professional development at the school district level. We are able to offer qual-ity presentations at your site or one of ours. Our trained consul-tants can design an effective professional development plan that can include ongoing support and follow-up coaching.Jim Huggins ...............................860-455-1525

Amy Drowne .............................860-455-0707gRegionalStaffDevelopmentCouncilThe Regional Staff Development Council at EASTCONN brings district and school leaders together in a collegial forum to dialogue around current educational issues in Connecticut. Top-ics include curriculum, assessment, professional development, legislation as well as other relevant educational topics. Speakers from CSDE attend and share information on the latest develop-ments at the Department. Jim Huggins. ..............................860-455-1525Carol Klemyk ..............................860-455-0707

gScienceCouncilEASTCONN’s Science Council provides a forum for area science teachers to come together around emerging trends and practices in science. Practitioners share best practices and EASTCONN staff provide current information on curriculum, assessment and effective instruction. CSDE consultants attend and share infor-mation on the latest developments at the Department. Mary Lou Smith .........................860-455-1555Nancy Magnani .........................860-455-1536

gScienceProfessionalDevelopmentEASTCONN’s Science Cadre can provide you with a variety of science trainings and support, including curriculum alignment, instructional strategies, assessment, and analysis of Connecticut Mastery Test (CMT) results. Cadre members will customize their services to meet your district’s needs.Mary Lou Smith .........................860-455-1555Nancy Magnani .........................860-455-1536

gSRBIandSchoolClimate:Preventing &AddressingBarrierstoLearningDistricts receive training and technical assistance in assessing and improving school climates that support student achievement through a focus on relevance and relationships, two essential as-pects of teaching that engage students in learning.Lisa Taylor .................................860-455-1563

gSRBIPlanningandImplementationSupportOur staff can help you develop an effective plan for the imple-mentation of your Scientific Research-Based Interventions (SRBI) framework. We can provide assistance with a needs as-sessment that will identify key areas for implementation. Our staff can also assist you with universal assessment and progress monitoring, as well as curriculum review and the identification of effective intervention strategies. Kelly Doubleday Bush .................860-455-1514Amy Drowne .............................860-455-0707

gSRBI:Social-Emotional-Behavioral BarrierstoLearning

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Teaching & Learning Services

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As part of your School Climate Plan, EASTCONN can help you identify and implement strategies and interventions to address your students’ social, emotional and behavioral challenges in ways that allow you to improve student learning and that align with a Scientific Research-Based Interventions/Response to Interven-tions (SRBI/RtI) approach. Consultation, training and technical assistance are available.Lisa Taylor .................................860-455-1563

gStrategicData-DrivenPlanning forEarlyChildhoodPrograms&ServicesEASTCONN can help communities or programs create long-range or short-term plans for the development, implementation, or improvement of comprehensive, quality programs and services for children and their families. Collaboration within and across communities and service providers is emphasized. Assistance with grant-writing is also available.Elizabeth Aschenbrenner .............860-455-1501

gSupportingStudents’BehavioralSuccess: TeamTrainingTraining and technical assistance are available to elementary, middle and high school teams in the prevention and early inter-vention of social, emotional and behavioral challenges that inter-fere with students’ success in school.Lisa Taylor .................................860-455-1563

gTeachingAmericanHistoryCurriculum&SupportAccess our free, nationally recognized and locally developed cur-riculum for teaching American history. Created by a professional learning community of American-history teachers from north-eastern Connecticut, lessons focus on the use of primary sources and local resources, including those found at local museums and historical sites. Customization and on-site curriculum integra-tion support are available.Jim Huggins ...............................860-455-1525

gTeachingAmericanHistoryProjectMeeting in classrooms, museums and local historical sites, this dynamic community of learners is focused on making better use of local resources and primary sources in the teaching and learn-ing of American history. Workshops, seminars and a summer in-stitute feature highly regarded historians, university faculty and museum staff.Dan Coughlin .............................860-455-1511

gTeaming&ConflictResolutionEASTCONN can provide training, coaching and support to groups that must function as high-performance work teams. Learning how to manage conflict resolution is a critical part of effective team performance. Provide your teams with the skills they need to achieve their outcomes.

Lisa Taylor .................................860-455-1563gTechnologyCurriculumIntegrationTechnology integration specialists work with educators to ensure that technology is integrated across the curriculum as a tool for teaching and learning. Our consultants can provide assistance in integrating 21st-century technology skills into your curriculum.Jim Huggins ...............................860-455-1525

gTechnologyPlanning&EvaluationThis service provides assistance for districts interested in creat-ing or implementing a systemic and long-term technology plan that meets Connecticut State Department of Education (CSDE) requirements. Facilitation and support are available for all types of planning, from small projects to community-wide initiatives. Ongoing monitoring and evaluation support are also available.Jane Cook ...................................860-455-1510Jim Huggins ...............................860-455-1525

gTechnologyProfessionalDevelopment&CoachingOur highly qualified educational technology specialists, who have expertise in curriculum and technology, train and coach teach-ers, administrators and support staff to integrate technology tools into their educational settings. Four broad areas of training are available that are aligned with the Connecticut Teacher Technol-ogy Competencies: educational technology concepts and opera-tions; creating learning experiences; productivity and professional practice; and social, legal, ethical and human issues. Trainings can be held at your school, using your equipment, or at an EAST-CONN facility.Jim Huggins ...............................860-455-1525

gVirtualHighSchoolAccess more than 160 full-semester, online, high school and some middle school courses through a statewide consortium program. Courses are available in all content areas, including a selection of Advanced Placement (AP) courses.Jim Huggins ...............................860-455-1525Carol Klemyk ..............................860-455-0707

gWeb-BasedInstructionalStrategiesAs the Internet expands exponentially and students must learn how to effectively harness its power, new Web 2.0 tools provide a wealth of resources and opportunities for educators. Highly qual-ified EASTCONN educational technology specialists provide training and coaching in using the latest Web 2.0 technologies as tools for teaching, learning and communication.Jane Cook ...................................860-455-1510Jim Huggins. ..............................860-455-1525

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EASTCONN helps schools envision, acquire and maintain technology systems that enhance student learning. From on-site technology integration training to customized database development, we are committed to ensuring that schools keep pace with the accelerating demand for the effective use of technology.

The descriptions of services that follow are only a sampling of the ways that we can help you address your technology needs. Contact any of our program staff, or call Jim Huggins, Director of Teaching, Learning and Technology, at 860-455-1525, to begin the conversation.


g DataAnalysisSupport&TrainingEASTCONN staff can provide data analysis support and training to school districts. Whether it’s providing on-site coaching to administrators and data coaches in using technology to analyze data, or providing reports, EAST-CONN’s experienced consultants can assist with all of your data analysis needs.Jim Huggins ...............................860-455-1525

gDataCoachandDataFacilitator ProfessionalDevelopmentEffective implementation of district and school data teams requires effective and skilled data-team facilitation. EASTCONN staff are skilled in using a variety of strate-gies and techniques to support a data-driven dialogue that produces results.Kelly Doubleday Bush .................860-455-1514Amy Drowne .............................860-455-0707

gDataManagementServicesEASTCONN staff provide support and training to key district personnel who are responsible for managing and supporting district data systems. Available tools include student information systems, locally developed databases and assessment systems.Jim Huggins ...............................860-455-1525

gDatabaseDevelopment &AssessmentSystemsWe will design or customize an electronic data manage-ment system to meet your unique needs within the budget that you have available. Our services include consultation with all stakeholders to ensure that the systems we de-velop are user-friendly and deliver the reports you require.Jim Huggins ...............................860-455-1525Susan Mostowy ...........................860-455-1566

gDistrictandSchoolImprovementPlanningAccess our menu of planning services to develop a data-

driven improvement plan. We can provide facilitation for your team in the analysis of multiple sources of dis-trict and school data and assist in identifying key areas for improvement. Your plan will include measurable goals, effective strategies, and indicators of success. We will assist you in developing a monitoring plan to evalu-ate your progress.Jim Huggins ...............................860-455-1525Amy Drowne .............................860-455-0707

gMyRTI™MyRtI™ is a secure, Web-based assessment collection and analysis tool that utilizes cutting-edge Web 2.0 tools to report on student progress in school, district or state assessments and to define indicators that will assist in identifying and monitoring interventions in accor-dance with the SRBI (Scientific Research-Based Inter-ventions) framework.Jim Huggins ...............................860-455-1525Susan Mostowy ...........................60-455-1566

gOnlineSurveysandDataAnalysisWe offer customized design, hosting and data-analysis support for your online survey and data collection proj-ects. Our familiarity with educational data and school improvement will help ensure that these projects yield the data that you need to answer your driving questions.Susan Mostowy ...........................860-455-1566

gTechnologyCouncilEASTCONN’s Technology Council provides a fo-rum for technology educators to come together around emerging trends and practices in technology. Practitio-ners share best practices and EASTCONN staff provide current information on emerging technology and the latest trends in educational technology. CSDE consul-tants attend and share information on the latest devel-opments at the Department. Jim Huggins ...............................860-455-1525

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gTechnologyCurriculumIntegrationTechnology integration specialists work with educators to ensure that technology is integrated across the curriculum as a tool for teaching and learning. Our consultants can provide assistance in integrating 21st-century technology skills into your curriculum.Jim Huggins. ..............................860-455-1525

gTechnologyProfessionalDevelopment&CoachingOur highly qualified educational technology specialists, who have expertise in curriculum and technology, train and coach teach-ers, administrators and support staff to integrate technology tools into their educational settings. Four broad areas of training are available that are aligned with the Connecticut Teacher Technol-ogy Competencies: educational technology concepts and opera-tions; creating learning experiences; productivity and professional practice; and social, legal, ethical and human issues. Trainings can be held at your school, using your equipment, or at an EAST-CONN facility.Jim Huggins. ..............................860-455-1525

gWeb-BasedInstructionalStrategiesAs the Internet expands exponentially and students must learn how to effectively harness its power, new Web 2.0 tools provide a wealth of resources and opportunities for educators. Highly qual-ified EASTCONN educational technology specialists provide training and coaching in using the latest Web 2.0 technologies as tools for teaching, learning and communication.Jane Cook ...................................860-455-1510Jim Huggins ...............................60-455-1525


gAssistiveTechnologyConsultationEASTCONN’s Assistive Technology (AT) team works directly with staff and students in the classroom to support the effective use of AT, including Augmentative and Alternative Communi-cation (AAC), to support student learning. Consultative services include maximizing the use of a district’s existing AT resources and identifying new and emerging resources to complement a district’s curriculum and students’ educational programs. Carol Magliocco ..........................860-228-3483Amy Norton ................................860-228-3486

gIT(InformationTechnology)StaffSupportServicesWe can provide you with trained IT staff on a temporary, full- or part-time basis, or you can contract with us for short-term proj-ects. Call us to discuss your IT needs.Michael Akana ...........................860-455-1543Thomas Schenking .......................860-455-1548

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Technology Solutions


gAssistiveTechnologyConsultationEASTCONN’s Assistive Technology (AT) team works directly with staff and students in the classroom to support the effective use of AT, including Augmentative and Alternative Communi-cation (AAC), to support student learning. Consultative services include maximizing the use of a district’s existing AT resources and identifying new and emerging resources to complement a district’s curriculum and students’ educational programs. Carol Magliocco ..........................860-228-3483Amy Norton ................................860-228-3486

gEffectiveInstructionalStrategiesEASTCONN can provide training, coaching and consultation to help expand the repertoire of effective instructional strategies used by your classroom teachers. Our staff members are certi-fied in the Effective Teaching module provided by the CSDE through the Connecticut Accountability for Learning Initiative (CALI), which promotes school improvement.Kelly Doubleday Bush .................860-455-1514Amy Drowne .............................860-455-0707

gProfessionalDevelopmentWorkshops&TrainingEASTCONN staff will work with you to customize professional development at the school district level. We are able to offer qual-ity presentations at your site or one of ours. Our trained consul-tants can design an effective professional development plan that can include ongoing support and follow-up coaching.Jim Huggins ...............................860-455-1525Amy Drowne .............................860-455-0707

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Technology Solutions

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gTechnologyCouncilEASTCONN’s Technology Council provides a forum for tech-nology educators to come together around emerging trends and practices in technology. Practitioners share best practices and EASTCONN staff provide current information on emerg-ing technology and the latest trends in educational technology. CSDE consultants attend and share information on the latest developments at the Department. Jim Huggins ...............................860-455-1525

gTechnologyCurriculumIntegrationTechnology integration specialists work with educators to ensure that technology is integrated across the curriculum as a tool for teaching and learning. Our consultants can provide assistance in integrating 21st-century technology skills into your curriculum.Jim Huggins ...............................860-455-1525

gTechnologyInfrastructureNetworkManagementSupplement your in-house staff with our technology infrastruc-ture experts. We can help you with your infrastructure project, network support, product development or technology audits. Thomas Schenking .......................860-455-1548Susan Mostowy ...........................860-455-1566

gTechnologyPlanning&EvaluationThis service provides assistance for districts interested in creat-ing or implementing a systemic and long-term technology plan that meets Connecticut State Department of Education (CSDE) requirements. Facilitation and support are available for all types of planning, from small projects to community-wide initiatives. Ongoing monitoring and evaluation support are also available.Jane Cook. ...................................860-455-1510Jim Huggins ...............................860-455-1525


gConnecticutPreschoolAssessmentFramework (CTPAF)Web-BasedSoftwareThis reasonably priced, Web-based application is available for teachers and program directors who use the Connecticut Pre-school Assessment Framework. Teacher-friendly and secure, this database eliminates the need for handwritten reports and allows teachers and administrators to view individual, classroom and program results.Lynn Dziurgot ...........................860-455-1518

gDatabaseDevelopment&AssessmentSystemsWe will design or customize an electronic data management sys-tem to meet your unique needs within the budget that you have available. Our services include consultation with all stakeholders to ensure that the systems we develop are user-friendly and de-liver the reports you require.Jim Huggins ...............................860-455-1525Susan Mostowy ...........................860-455-1566

gMyRTI™MyRtI™ is a secure, Web-based assessment collection and analy-sis tool that utilizes cutting-edge Web 2.0 tools to report on stu-dent progress in school, district or state assessments and to define indicators that will assist in identifying and monitoring interven-tions in accordance with the SRBI (Scientific Research-Based Interventions) framework.Jim Huggins. ..............................860-455-1525Susan Mostowy ...........................860-455-1566

gOnlineSurveysandDataAnalysisWe offer customized design, hosting and data-analysis support for your online survey and data collection projects. Our famil-iarity with educational data and school improvement will help ensure that these projects yield the data that you need to answer your driving questions.Susan Mostowy ...........................860-455-1566

gVirtualHighSchoolAccess more than 160 full-semester, online, high school and some middle school courses through a statewide consortium program. Courses are available in all content areas, including a selection of Advanced Placement (AP) courses.Jim Huggins ...............................860-455-1525Carol Klemyk ..............................860-455-0707

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Program Contacts

Akana, MichaelFacilities,[email protected]

Aschenbrenner, ElizabethEarlyChildhoodInitiatives,[email protected]

Bonneau, Phyllis AdultServicesNortheastLearningCenter,[email protected]

Budnick, DottyCommunications,[email protected]

Celentano, NancyMentoring&Induction,[email protected]

Cimochowski, Suzanne AdultEducationNortheastLearningCenter,[email protected]

Colen, Paula M.OrganizationalSupport,[email protected]

Cook, JaneTeaching&Learning,[email protected]

Coughlin, DanTeaching&Learning,[email protected]

Cronin, Thomas F.StudentServices,[email protected]

Crowley, MaureenPlanning&Development,[email protected]

Cymbala, HeatherEducational&[email protected]

Dinda, AliciaAssistiveTechnologyCommerceDrive,[email protected]

Doubleday Bush, KellyTeaching&Learning,[email protected]

Drasch, Donna Teaching&[email protected]

Dziurgot, LynnTeaching&Learning,[email protected]

Etheridge, JenniferConferenceServices,[email protected]

Frati, AngelaHumanResources,[email protected]

Garcia, SandraCooperativePurchasing,[email protected]

Galovich, LynnDriverEducation,Danielson/[email protected]

page 36

Goodell-Pelletier, TracyACTCapitolTheater,[email protected]

Griffin, Rachel RoccobertonCTAACapitolTheater,[email protected]

Huggins, JimTeaching,Learning&[email protected]

Jagaczewski, NancyTeaching&Learning,[email protected]

Jacobs, MelissaQMCQuinebaugValleyC.C.,[email protected]

Klemyk, CarolTeaching&Learning,[email protected]

Laurendeau, CindyCommunications,[email protected]

Levin, GracieTeaching&Learning,[email protected]


Page 39: EASTCONN Programs & Services Catalog 2012-2013

Magliocco, CarolAssistiveTechnologyCommerceDrive,[email protected]

Magnani, NancyTeaching&Learning,[email protected]

Mahony, MichaelTeaching&Learning,[email protected]

Morin, RonStudentServicesCommerceDrive,Columbia860-933-7371(cell)[email protected]

Mostowy, SusanTeaching&Learning,[email protected]

Neville, KarenTeaching&Learning,[email protected]

Norton, AmyAssistiveTechnologyCommerceDrive,[email protected]

Piatek, PatriciaEducational&[email protected]

Piela, FrancineTeaching&Learning,[email protected]

page 37

Resonina, DeniseNortheastRegionalProgram,[email protected]

Rothenberg, ElaineTeaching&Learning,[email protected]

Salce, FrankTransportation,[email protected]


Schenking, ThomasITServices,[email protected]

Siegel, DebbieTeaching&Learning,[email protected]

Sleight, TeddieCommunications,[email protected]

Smith-Carolan, CathyTeaching&Learning,[email protected]

Smith, JanetHumanResources,[email protected]

Smith, Mary Lou BlanchetteTeaching&Learning,[email protected]

Stearns, Maribeth Birth-to-Three,[email protected]

Stipe, DebraEarlyChildhood,[email protected]

Tariff, RichAdultServices,[email protected]

Taylor, LisaTeaching&Learning,[email protected]

Trivella, JoanCommunityEducationNortheastLearningCenter,[email protected]

Vitale, NancyTeaching&Learning,[email protected]

Wapen, Steven HumanResources,[email protected]

Weingart, HelenTeaching&Learning,[email protected]

Wells, Cyndi Teaching&Learning,[email protected]

Page 40: EASTCONN Programs & Services Catalog 2012-2013

www.eastconn.orgpage 38

ACTArtsMagnetHighSchool................................. 13AdvancedPlacement—ProfessionalDevelopmentProgram......................................... 29AmericanCitizenshipPreparation............................. 2ArtsintheAfternoon................................................ 10Asbestos-Designated-PersonStaffingServices............ 21AsbestosInspection&Management.......................... 21AssessmentStrategies................................................. 24,29AssistiveTechnologyConsortium.............................. 9AssistiveTechnologyConsultation............................. 9,34AssistiveTechnologyDemonstrationCenter &LendingLibrary............................................... 9

AssistiveTechnologyStudentAssessment.................. 9AssistiveTechnologyTraining.................................... 10,14,24Augmentative&AlternativeCommunicationServices...10AutismSpectrumDisorders&Other DevelopmentalDisabilitiesProgram,PreK-8............15,16Birth-to-ThreeProgram............................................. 8CapitolTheaterArtsAcademy(CTAA)..................... 3,17Child-SpecificConsultation&Assessment................ 6,18CollaborativeInitiativesAcrossDistricts.................... 23,29CommunicationsTraining&Support....................... 19

CommunityEducation............................................. 3Conference&MeetingSupport................................ 20ConnecticutAdministratorTest(CAT)..................... 24ConnecticutAccreditationFacilitation Project(AFP)....................................................... 6,25ConnecticutPreschoolAssessmentFrameworkWeb-BasedSoftware............................................. 7,35CoolDirections......................................................... 10CoolDirections:SummerComponent...................... 17CooperativePurchasing............................................. 19,20CreatingCommunityBuilders.................................. 10CTREAP:Web-BasedEmploymentSystem............. 22

CurriculumDevelopment&Design......................... 25,29DataAnalysis,Support&Training............................ 25,29,33DataCoach&DataFacilitatorProfessional Development....................................................... 25,29,33DataManagementServices........................................ 33DataTeamFacilitation.............................................. 25,29DatabaseDevelopment&AssessmentSystems.......... 29,33,35DesktopPublishingServices...................................... 19DesktopSupportServices.......................................... 21District&SchoolImprovementPlanning................. 29,33DriverEducation....................................................... 4

EarlyChildhoodCouncilFacilitation........................ 6EarlyChildhoodParentEducation/Parenting Workshops........................................................... 5,8

EarlyChildhoodProgramMonitoring &Evaluation........................................................ 6,29EarlyChildhoodStaffTraining,Consultation&Coaching......................................................... 6EarlyHeadStart........................................................ 8EASTCONNAdventureProgramforAdults............ 4,18,20,25EASTCONNAdventureProgramforStudents...................17,22EASTCONNCouncils.......................................................25,30EASTCONNTrailBlazers........................................ 4EducationRefresher(ER).......................................... 2,4

Educational&VocationalCenter(EVC)................... 17,20EffectiveInstructionalStrategies................................ 25,29,32ELLTitleIIIConsortium.......................................... 26.30EnergyfortheFuture................................................ 15EnglishLanguageLearnerProfessionalDevelopment25,29English-as-a-Second-LanguageFamilyLiteracy.......... 2,4,7English-as-a-Second-LanguageInstruction................ 4FacesofCulture........................................................ 15FacilitiesAuditServices............................................. 11FacilitiesForum......................................................... 25,28FarmingtheLand&Sea........................................... 15FingerprintingServices.............................................. 11

Forensics101............................................................ 15GrantsDevelopment&Management....................... 8GrantDevelopmentCouncil..................................... 25,28GrowingGreenIdeas................................................. 15HazardousMaterialsSupport&TrainingforSchools11,25HeadStart................................................................. 7HealthyYouth,Mind&Body................................... 15Heroes&Heroines................................................... 16HighSchoolCompletion.......................................... 2,19ImaginationConnection........................................... 16InterdistrictProgramDesign&Management............ 12,16,29

InterimDiagnosticPlacement................................... 20,22InformationTechnology(IT)StaffSupportServices.. 11LanguageArtsCouncil.............................................. 25,28LearningLands:Stewardship&Conservation inNortheasternCT............................................. 16LegacyExplorations.................................................. 16LifeSkills&BasicSkillsInstruction.......................... 2LiteracyProfessionalDevelopment............................ 25,29MAPPS(MatchingAreas&PeopleProject).............. 16MathCouncil............................................................ 25,28MediaConsultationServices..................................... 9MeetingFacilitationServices..................................... 8MindsinMotion....................................................... 16

Mosaic....................................................................... 16

Program Index

Page 41: EASTCONN Programs & Services Catalog 2012-2013

MultidisciplinaryConsultativeAssessment &SupportServices.............................................. 7,20,22MyRtI™..................................................................... 32,33NAEYCAccreditationConsultation.......................... 5,29NewEducationOptions............................................ 12,18NewImages:CTYouthLearnTogether..................... 16Non-TraditionalLearnerProgram............................. 2NortheastRegionalProgram..................................... 19,20NortheastRegionalSummerProgram,GradesK-12.. 21NursingStaffSupportServices.................................. 11OccupationalTherapy............................................... 18,22

OnlineSurveys&DataAnalysis................................ 9,32,33OurChangingEarth,OurConnectedWorld............ 16OutofSchoolYouth:GetwiththeB.E.A.T.............. 3PersonnelRecruitmentAssistance.............................. 11PhysicalTherapy....................................................... 18,22PreK-8Principals’Consortium.................................. 23PreschoolCurriculum,Assessment&Learning......... 5ProfessionalDevelopmentWorkshops &Training..................................................................23,25,29,32ProgramEvaluation................................................... 12ProgramPlanning,Design&Development.............. 12

ProgramMonitoring&Evaluation............................ 29Psychological/BehavioralServices.............................. 15,16,17,18QuinebaugMiddleCollege(QMC).......................... 18RadonMeasurementServiceProvider....................... 11RegionalManagementofMandatedAdult EducationPrograms............................................. 3,8RegionalStaffDevelopmentCouncil......................... 25,28RelatedServices......................................................... 22SchoolNurse&Health-RelatedConsultative Services................................................................ 18,26ScienceCouncil......................................................... 25,28SchoolTransportationServices.................................. 12ScienceProfessionalDevelopment............................. 26,29SharedStaffing.......................................................... 12SkillsforSuccess........................................................ 17

SpanishTranslationServices...................................... 9,10Speech&LanguageServices...................................... 22SRBI&SchoolClimate:Preventing& AddressingBarrierstoLearning............................ 23,26,29SRBICouncil............................................................ 25,28SRBIPlanning&ImplementationSupport............... 23,26,29SRBI:Social-EmotionalBehavioralBarriers toLearning.......................................................... 26,30StrategicData-DrivenPlanningforEarly ChildhoodPrograms&Services.......................... 6,12,30STEMClasses(Science,Technology, Engineering,Math).............................................. 4StudentTransportationServices................................ 22SuccessfulJourneys.................................................... 17SummerMusicalTheaterProgram............................. 21SupportingStudents’BehavioralSuccess: TeamTraining...................................................... 26,30TeacherEducationAndMentoring(TEAM) Program............................................................... 26TeachingAmericanHistoryCurriculum&Support.. 26,30TeachingAmericanHistoryProject........................... 27,30Teaming&ConflictResolution................................ 6,8,19,27,30Teaming,Consultation&Coaching................................6TechnologyCouncil.........................................................25,28TechnologyCurriculumIntegration................................27,30,32,33TechnologyInfrastructureNetworkManagement..... 11,33TechnologyPlanning&Evaluation........................... 8,30,33TechnologyProfessionalDevelopment&Coaching.. 27,30,32The4thR:Robotics.................................................. 17

TransitionPlanning:Birth-to-Three&Preschool- to-Kindergarten................................................... 6TransitionstoPost-SecondaryEducation................... 3,4VirtualHighSchool.................................................. 18,30,33VolunteerLiteracyTutoringProgram........................ 3Water,Wildlife,People(WWP)................................ 17WavesofHistory....................................................... 17Web-BasedInstructionalStrategies............................ 27,30,32Wheelchair&AdaptiveEquipmentConsultation..... 14,22WoodstockAcademy:Cooperative ResourcesProgram............................................... 19WorkplaceEducation&Training.............................. 3,10YoungAdultProgram................................................ 19

page 39

EASTCONN will provide equal employment opportunities to all persons without discrimination with respect to race, color, religion, gender, age, sexual orientation, marital status, national origin, genetic information, veteran status, or disability.

Further, it is the policy of EASTCONN that no person shall be excluded from participation in, denied the benefits of, or otherwise be discriminated against under any program because of race, color, religion, gender, age, sexual orientation, marital status, national origin, genetic information, veteran status, or disability. EASTCONN will neither knowingly use the services of, nor otherwise deal with, any business, contractor, subcontractor, or agency that engages in unlawful discrimination.


Page 42: EASTCONN Programs & Services Catalog 2012-2013


Teaching&LearningServices,TechnologySolutions Hampton, Central Administration, 376 Hartford Turnpike, Hampton, CT 06247..... 860-455-0707; Fax: 860-455-8026 Hampton, Conference Services, 376 Hartford Turnpike, Hampton, CT 06247 .......... 860-455-0707; Fax: 860-455-0689 Transportation, 65 Willimantic Rd., Columbia, CT 06237 ........................................ 860-228-6751; Fax: 860-228-6756


Community Learning Center,WindhamMills,322MainSt.,Willimantic,CT06226860-423-2591;Fax:860-450-0853

Hampton, Central Administration,376HartfordTurnpike,Hampton,CT06247......860-455-0707;Fax:860-455-8026

Northeast Learning Center,111ConnecticutMillsAve.,Danielson,CT06239............860-779-3770;Fax:860-779-3384

EarlyChildhoodInitiatives Hampton, Central Administration,376HartfordTurnpike,Hampton,CT06247......860-455-0707;Fax:860-455-8026

Early Head Start/Head Start Programs:

• Killingly Head Start,1620UpperMapleSt.,Dayville CT06241,860-779-0410,Fax:860-779-1377

• Northeast Learning Center Head Start 111ConnecticutMillsAve.,Danielson,CT06239 860-779-3770,Fax:860-779-3384

• Plainfield Head Start — Moosup Gardens 10BGormanSt.,Moosup,CT06354 860-564-7199,Fax:860-564-6508

• Plainfield Head Start — Plainfield Early Childhood Center, 651NorwichRd.,Plainfield,CT06374 860-564-7787,Fax:860-564-6409

• Putnam Head Start, 33WickerSt.,Putnam,CT06260 860-928-0004,Fax:860-963-5357

Vernon Early Childhood Programs:

• Center Road School,20CenterRd. Vernon,CT06066,860-870-6300

• Lake Street School,201LakeSt. Vernon,CT06066,860-870-6085

• Maple Street School,20MapleSt. Vernon,CT06066,860-870-6175

• Northeast School,69EastSt. Vernon,CT06066,860-870-6080

• Skinner Road School,90SkinnerRd. Vernon,CT06066,860-870-6180

K-12StudentServices Arts at the Capitol Theater (ACT), Capitol Theater Arts Academy (CTAA), CapitolTheater,896MainSt.,Willimantic,CT06226.............................................860-465-5636;Fax:860-465-8115

Autism Program, Related Services, Assistive Technology, 10CommerceDr.,Columbia,CT06237...................................................................860-228-3240;Fax:860-228-3206

Driver Education,Danielson&Willimantic..................................................................860-428-7455

Educational & Vocational Center (EVC),14Route66,Columbia,CT06237............860-228-4317;Fax:860-228-1147


Northeast Regional Program (NRP),508APomfretSt.,PutnamCT06260................860-963-3328;Fax:860-963-3332

Quinebaug Middle College (QMC),742UpperMapleSt.,Danielson,CT06239.......860-412-7400;Fax:860-412-7388


Woodstock Academy,57AcademyRd.,Woodstock,CT06281...................................860-928-1132;Fax:860-963-4931

EASTCONN Facility Locations

Page 43: EASTCONN Programs & Services Catalog 2012-2013

EASTCONN Administration

EASTCONN Administration


860-455-0707~Fax:860-455-8026~E-mail:[email protected]

ExecutiveDirector PaulaM.Colen...................................... 860-455-1565

AdultServices RichTariff.............................................. 860-455-1562

Communications&Marketing DottyBudnick....................................... 860-455-1506

EarlyChildhoodInitiatives ElizabethAschenbrenner........................ 860-455-1518

Facilities&IT MichaelAkana....................................... 860-455-1500

Finance JohnBaskowski...................................... 860-455-1502

HumanResources StevenWapen......................................... 860-455-1570

Planning&Development MaureenCrowley................................... 860-455-1513

StudentServices(K-12) ThomasF.Cronin.................................. 860-455-1512

Teaching,Learning&Technology JimHuggins........................................... 860-455-1525

Transportation....................................................... FrankSalce............................................. 860-228-6751

Page 44: EASTCONN Programs & Services Catalog 2012-2013

EASTCONN Regional Educational Service Center376 Hartford Turnpike, Hampton CT 06247

860-455-0707 •

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