Page 1: EARTH SCIENCE - NT Schools...81 On the diagram below, draw a line through Earth at location A to represent Earth’s tilted axis on the first day of summer in the Northern Hemisphere


Astronomy Regents Questions

Name: _______________________________________________________________ Period:_______

January 2013

1 Why is the surface of Mercury covered with meteor impact craters, while Earth’s surface has relatively few


(1) Mercury is larger than Earth, so it gets hit with more meteors.

(2) Mercury is an older planet, so it has a longer history of meteor impacts.

(3) Earth’s less dense water surface attracts fewer meteors.

(4) Earth’s hydrosphere and atmosphere destroyed or buried most meteor impact sites.

2 Which information best supports the inference that the universe began with an explosion?

(1) measurements of rates of decay using carbon-14

(2) measurements of cosmic background radiation

(3) calculations of the distance from the Sun to each asteroid in the asteroid belt

(4) calculations of the temperature and luminosity of stars

3 A blue shift of the light from a star indicates that the star

(1) will soon become a main sequence star (3) is moving closer to Earth

(2) will soon become a giant star (4) is moving away from Earth

4 Evidence that Earth revolves around the Sun is provided by the

(1) apparent rising and setting of the Sun during one day

(2) apparent rising and setting of Polaris during one day

(3) seasonal changes in the apparent positions of constellations

(4) hourly changes in the apparent direction of the swing of a Foucault pendulum

6 During which Northern Hemisphere season is Earth closest to the Sun?

(1) spring (2) summer (3) autumn (4) winter

7 An observer on Earth measures the angle of sight between Venus and the setting Sun.

Which statement best describes and explains the apparent

motion of Venus over the next few hours?

(1) Venus will set 1 hour after the Sun because Earth rotates

at 45° per hour.

(2) Venus will set 2 hours after the Sun because Venus

orbits Earth faster than the Sun orbits Earth.

(3) Venus will set 3 hours after the Sun because Earth

rotates at 15° per hour.

(4) Venus will set 4 hours after the Sun because Venus

orbits Earth slower than the Sun orbits Earth.

Page 2: EARTH SCIENCE - NT Schools...81 On the diagram below, draw a line through Earth at location A to represent Earth’s tilted axis on the first day of summer in the Northern Hemisphere

8 The diagram below represents the horizon and the Sun’s apparent paths, A, B, and C, on three different

dates, as viewed from the same location in New York State.

Which table correctly shows the dates on which the apparent paths of the Sun were observed?

Base your answers to questions 36 and 37 on the diagram below, which shows the change in the size of a star

such as our Sun as it evolves from a protostar to a white dwarf star.

36 During which stage of development does the

star have a cool surface temperature and the

greatest luminosity?

(1) protostar

(2) main sequence

(3) giant

(4) white dwarf

37 Which process produces the energy radiated

by the star when it becomes a main sequence


(1) radioactive decay

(2) nuclear fusion

(3) conduction

(4) convection

Page 3: EARTH SCIENCE - NT Schools...81 On the diagram below, draw a line through Earth at location A to represent Earth’s tilted axis on the first day of summer in the Northern Hemisphere

Base your answers to questions 78 through 82 on the diagram in your answer booklet, which represents eight positions of the Moon in its orbit around Earth.

78 On the diagram above, circle the position of the Moon where a solar eclipse is possible. [1]

79 On the diagram below, shade the portion of the Moon that is in darkness to show the phase

of the Moon at position 3, as viewed from New York State. [1]

80 Using the terms rotation and revolution, explain why the same side of the Moon always faces Earth. [1]

81 Explain why the Moon’s gravity has a greater effect on Earth’s ocean tides than the Sun’s gravity. [1]

82 The table below shows times of ocean tides on March 4 for a city on the Atlantic coast of the United States.

Base your answers to questions 83 through 85 on the passage and data table below, which describe the

Determine the time when the next low tide occurred. Include

a.m. or p.m. in your answer, if needed. [1]

Page 4: EARTH SCIENCE - NT Schools...81 On the diagram below, draw a line through Earth at location A to represent Earth’s tilted axis on the first day of summer in the Northern Hemisphere

exploration and characteristics of one of Saturn’s moons, Titan.

Huygens Probe Lands on Titan

The Huygens probe was carried to Saturn by the Cassini spacecraft and parachuted to the surface of Saturn’s giant

moon, Titan. The Huygens probe’s landing site was littered with smooth, rounded, rocklike objects. Photographs

taken of Titan’s surface show drainage channels leading to an apparent shoreline. The question is, what are they

draining? One of the photographs seems to show ground fog consisting not of water, but perhaps of ethane or


83 What natural process occurring on Earth produces smooth, rounded rocks similar to those found at the

probe’s landing site on Titan? [1]

84 Approximately how many times farther is Titan from Saturn than Earth’s Moon is from Earth? [1]

85 Identify the planet with a density closest to the density of Titan. [1]

Page 5: EARTH SCIENCE - NT Schools...81 On the diagram below, draw a line through Earth at location A to represent Earth’s tilted axis on the first day of summer in the Northern Hemisphere

August 2012

2 Great amounts of energy are released in the core of a star as lighter elements combine and form

heavier elements during the process of

(1) compaction (2) condensation (3) radioactive decay (4) nuclear fusion

3 Which sequence of stars is listed in order of increasing luminosity?

(1) Spica, Rigel, Deneb, Betelgeuse (3) Barnard’s Star, Alpha Centauri, Rigel, Spica

(2) Polaris, Deneb, 40 Eridani B, Proxima Centauri (4) Procyon B, Sun, Sirius, Betelgeuse

4 As Earth travels in its orbit, Earth’s axis

(1) remains parallel to itself at all Earth positions (3) is perpendicular to the Moon’s axis

(2) remains aligned with the Sun’s axis (4) is pointing toward the center of the Milky Way

5 To a nighttime observer on Earth, how many degrees do the stars appear to move around Polaris in 3 hours?

(1) 60° (2) 45° (3) 3° (4) 15°

6 To an observer in New York State, the duration of daylight increases continuously from

(1) March 1 to May 1 (3) September 1 to November 1

(2) June 1 to August 1 (4) December 1 to February 1

25 The diagram below shows the Moon at one position in its orbit around Earth. Letter X indicates the location

of an observer in New York State.

Which phase of the Moon will the observer see when the Moon is at the position shown in its orbit?

Page 6: EARTH SCIENCE - NT Schools...81 On the diagram below, draw a line through Earth at location A to represent Earth’s tilted axis on the first day of summer in the Northern Hemisphere

26 The photographs below show the same coastal location at two different times during the same day.

Which statement best explains the cause for the higher water level at 6:52 p.m.?

(1) The Moon rotates on its axis at the same rate that it revolves around Earth.

(2) The Moon exerts a gravitational pull on a rotating Earth.

(3) Earth’s rotation causes a deflection of surface ocean currents.

(4) Earth’s tilted axis causes different amounts of insolation throughout the day.

27 Which bar graph best represents the equatorial diameters of the eight planets of our solar system?

Page 7: EARTH SCIENCE - NT Schools...81 On the diagram below, draw a line through Earth at location A to represent Earth’s tilted axis on the first day of summer in the Northern Hemisphere

28 Which diagram represents the apparent path of the Sun on March 21 for an observer at the equator?

Base your answers to questions 54 through 57 on the passage below.

Meteorite Composition

Meteors that strike Earth’s surface are called meteorites. Analysis of meteorite composition has provided scientists

with information regarding the formation of Earth and our solar system, and possibly the development and

evolution of life on Earth. Two types of meteorites are iron meteorites and chondrites. Iron meteorites consist

mostly of iron and nickel, and are inferred to be from core materials of early planetary bodies in our solar system.

More than 60% of meteorites studied have been identified as chondrites. Chondrites are made of millimeter-sized

spheres of olivine

and pyroxene crystals embedded in a mass of mineral and metal grains. The chondrites are thought to represent

fragments of the earliest solid materials in our solar system. One type of chondrite, the carbonaceous chondrite,

contains water, organic compounds, and minerals that represent the chemical composition necessary for life to


54 Identify the type of meteorite that is inferred to have a composition similar to the composition of Earth’s core.


55 Identify two elements that can be found in both olivine and pyroxene. [1]

56 What is the estimated age, in years, of Earth and our solar system? [1]

57 Explain why there is little evidence of meteorite impact craters on Earth. [1]

Base your answers to questions 66 through 68 on the bar graph below and on the data table in your answer

booklet. The bar graph shows the number of partial lunar eclipses that occurred during each of the last nine

centuries (100-year intervals) on Earth. A partial lunar eclipse occurs when only part of the Moon is within the

darkest part of Earth’s shadow. The data table in your answer booklet shows the number of total lunar eclipses

that occurred during the same nine centuries. A total lunar eclipse occurs when the entire Moon is completely

within the darkest part of Earth’s shadow.

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66 On the grid below, construct a bar graph of the number of total lunar eclipses for each

100-year interval listed on the data table in your answer booklet. [1]

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67 State the relationship between the number of partial lunar eclipses per century and the number of total

lunar eclipses per century. [1]

68 On the diagram below, draw an X so the center of the X indicates the position of Earth

during a lunar eclipse. [1]

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Base your answers to questions 81 through 85 on the diagram in your answer booklet. The diagram shows

Earth revolving around the Sun. Letters A, B, C, and D represent Earth’s location in its orbit on the first day of

the four seasons. Aphelion (farthest distance from the Sun) and perihelion (closest distance to the Sun) are

labeled to show the approximate times when they occur in Earth’s orbit.

81 On the diagram below, draw a line through Earth at location A to represent Earth’s tilted axis on the first day of

summer in the Northern Hemisphere. Label the North Pole end of the axis. [1]

82 On the diagram above, draw an arrow on Earth at location D to show the direction of Earth’s rotation.

Extend the arrow from one side of Earth to the other side of Earth. [1]

83 Approximately how many days does it take Earth to travel from location B to location C? [1]

84 Explain why the gravitational attraction between the Sun and Earth decreases as Earth travels from

location D to location A. [1]

85 Explain why an observer in New York State sees some different constellations in the night sky when Earth

is at location A compared to when Earth is at location C. [1]

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June 2012 1 A Foucault pendulum appears to change its direction of swing because Earth

(1) is tilted on its axis (3) has a curved surface

(2) is spinning on its axis (4) has a density of 5.5 g/cm3

2 The modern heliocentric model of planetary motion states that the planets travel around

(1) the Sun in slightly elliptical orbits (3) Earth in slightly elliptical orbits

(2) the Sun in circular orbits (4) Earth in circular orbits

3 To an observer on Earth, the Sun appears brighter than the star Rigel because the Sun is

(1) hotter than Rigel (3) closer than Rigel

(2) more luminous than Rigel (4) larger than Rigel

Base your answers to questions 29 and 30 on the map of the night sky below, which represents the apparent

locations of some of the constellations that are visible to an observer at approximately 40° N latitude at 9 p.m.

in April. The point directly above the observer is labeled zenith.

29 Which map best illustrates the apparent path of Virgo during the next 4 hours?

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30 Which motion causes the constellation Leo to no longer be visible to an observer at 40° N in October?

(1) spin of the constellation on its axis (3) spin of Earth on its axis

(2) revolution of the constellation around the Sun (4) revolution of Earth around the Sun

33 The diagram below represents a total solar eclipse as seen from Earth.

Which diagram correctly represents the relative positions of the Sun (S), Earth (E), and the Moon (M) in

space during a total solar eclipse? [The diagrams are not drawn to scale.]

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Base your answers to questions 36 and 37 on the diagrams below. The diagrams represent the events that

occur when a large meteor, such as the one believed to have caused the extinction of many organisms, impacts

Earth’s surface. Diagram A shows the meteor just before impact. Diagram B represents the crater forming,

along with the vapor and ejecta (the fragmented rock and dust) thrown into the atmosphere.

36 Which statement best explains how global climate would most likely be affected after this large meteor


(1) Large quantities of ejecta in the atmosphere would block insolation and lower global temperatures.

(2) An increase in vapor and ejecta would allow radiation to escape Earth’s atmosphere and lower global


(3) Ejecta settling in thick layers would increase the absorption of insolation by Earth’s surface and raise

global temperatures.

(4) Forest fires produced from the vapor and ejecta would raise global temperatures.

37 Many meteors are believed to be fragments of celestial objects normally found between the orbits of Mars

and Jupiter. These objects are classified as

(1) stars (2) asteroids (3) planets (4) moons

Base your answers to questions 38 through 41 on the diagram and data table below. The diagram represents

the Sun’s apparent paths as viewed by an observer located at 50° N latitude on June 21 and March 21. The data

table shows the Sun’s maximum altitude for the same two dates of the year. The Sun’s maximum altitude for

December 21 has been left blank.

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38 Which value should be placed in the data table for the Sun’s maximum altitude on December 21?

(1) 16.5° (2) 23.5° (3) 40° (4) 90°

39 Which graph best represents the relationship between the time of day and the length of a shadow cast by

the observer on March 21?

40 Which statement best compares the intensity and angle of insolation at noon on March 21 and June 21?

(1) The intensity and angle of insolation are greatest on March 21.

(2) The intensity and angle of insolation are greatest on June 21.

(3) The intensity of insolation is greatest on June 21 and the angle of insolation is greatest on March 21.

(4) The intensity of insolation is greatest on March 21 and the angle of insolation is greatest on June 21.

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41 Which diagram represents the approximate location of the Sun at 3 p.m. on March 21?


Base your answers to questions 49 and 50 on the diagram below, which represents the current locations of

two planets, A and B, orbiting a star. Letter X indicates a position in the orbit of planet A. Numbers 1 through

4 indicate positions in the orbit of planet B.

49 As planet A moves in orbit from its current location to position X, planet B most likely moves in orbit from

its current location to position

(1) 1 (2) 2 (3) 3 (4) 4

50 If the diagram represents our solar system and planet B is Venus, which planet is represented by planet A?

(1) Mercury (2) Jupiter (3) Earth (4) Mars

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Base your answers to questions 62 through 65 on the diagram below. The diagram represents daytime and

nighttime on Earth. Point X is a location on Earth’s surface. Earth’s rotational surface velocity is shown in


per hour (mi/h) at specific latitudes.

62 What is Earth’s rotational surface velocity, in miles per hour, at 23.5° south latitude? [1]

63 Record, to the nearest hour, the duration of insolation at location X for one Earth rotation. [1]

64 On the grid below, draw a line to show the general relationship between distance from the

equator and Earth’s rotational surface velocity. [1]

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Base your answers to questions 77 through 82 on the calendar and data table below. The calendar shows the

month of February 2007, indicating the dates when some lunar phases occurred. February 24 lists only the


of the Moon phase that occurred on that day. The data table shows the highest and lowest tides (in feet)


for the Hudson River at Kingston, New York, over a 2-day period in February 2007.

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77 On the grid below, plot the tide height for each time of day listed in the data table. Connect

the plots with a line. [1]

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78 Predict the time of the first high tide on Sunday, February 4. Include a.m. or p.m. in your answer. [1]

79 On the diagram below, draw a small circle (O) on the Moon’s orbit to show the position of

the Moon in its orbit on February 2. [1]

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80 State the date of the next full Moon that occurred after February 2. [1]

81 In the circle below, shade the part of the Moon that appeared dark to an observer in New

York State on February 24. [1]

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