  • 1. eZ Content Staging
    • Knock knock. Whos there ? The REST of us !
    Gaetano Giunta | eZ Global Partner Conference | Lisbon, 2012.2.9

2. What is content staging anyway? 3. Customer requirements

  • Allow editors to edit many contents and preview (stage them) before pushing them to the site 4. For security purposes, no editor access at all to live site 5. Traditionally a weak area of eZ Publish:
    • Preview works for one content at at time 6. The default model is to edit on the production server 7. Some content modifications can not be previewed (e.g. moving content, hiding it, etc...)
  • New model: two separate servers

8. Everybody loves staging!

  • Many use cases pop up once the basics are in place:
  • Chaining servers: editing > staging > production 9. Replicating content from one server to multiple installations 10. Sending partial replicas of content (a subtree of the whole content, or filtered-out contents) 11. Facilitate integration with external systems 12. ...I'm sure you have more

13. How it works

  • All change events are registered on the source server - using the standard workflow triggers 14. Editors can view and pick change-events to be synced to remote server 15. All communication between the two servers is based on standard protocols: HTTP(S) and JSON
    • Uses the ggwebservices extension as client 16. Basic auth supported (no oAuth yet)
  • ( for those living in a cave, this is called REST )

eZ ggws ezcs sync eZ ezcs [REST api] edit 17. Opening Pandora's box 18. But there is more...

  • ( for those living in a cave, this is called REST... ) ...and it is in fact a BETA implementation of the eZ REST API version 2.0 - the one that supports content creation, update and deletion
  • The server-part of the extension can be fully used stand-alone, queried by ajax or http clients 19. All manipulations of eZ Publish content are possible - except emptying trashcan :-)

20. The fine print: there are limitations too

  • Content classes definition has to be identical on both servers 21. The same applies to sections definition, object states, etc... 22. Starting with a non-empty content tree to synchronize is not possible yet 23. Some datatypes are not fully supported (e.g. webshop-related ones) 24. And many more... 25. You are invited to play around with it and make sure the final version will fit your needs. Oh, and find bugs too

26. We want you 27. Where to find it

  • Packages
  • Version 0.1: 28. ggwebservices extension: 29. Source code 30. 31. ggwebservices extension: 32. Specs for the REST API as implemented 33. 34. Get in touchThanks to eZ partner ALTI 35. [email_address] 36. @gggeek

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