Page 1: Dynamin is involved in human epithelial cell vacuolation ...Introduction Helicobacter pylori, a Gram-negative bacterium coloniz- ing gastric mucosa, is the major cause of chronic gas-tritis

IntroductionHelicobacter pylori, a Gram-negative bacterium coloniz-ing gastric mucosa, is the major cause of chronic gas-tritis and gastroduodenal ulcers in humans. Oneimportant virulence component of H. pylori is the VacAcytotoxin, which is synthesized as a 140-kDa precursorand released from the bacterium as a 95-kDa maturetoxin (1). In cells intoxicated with VacA, the multiplevacuoles formed are assumed to represent an earlypathophysiological intracellular event leading to thecellular damage resulting from H. pylori infection. Thevacuoles induced by VacA contain both a late endoso-mal marker, Rab7, and a lysosomal marker, Lgp110,suggesting that they are hybrids of late endosomes andlysosomes (2, 3). Papini et al. reported that Rab7, asmall molecular weight G-protein, plays an essentialrole in VacA-induced vacuolation and that other rabproteins might also participate in the vacuolationprocess (4). Because rab proteins contribute to the reg-ulation of intracellular vesicle traffic in normal cells,the molecular mechanism of VacA-induced vacuola-tion has been assumed to involve the intracellular vesi-cle transport machinery. In addition to rab proteins,intracellular vesicle transportation requires mecha-noenzymes, which form and move intracellular vesi-cles directly by generating mechanochemical force.

However, the mechanoenzyme which functions inVacA-induced vacuolation remains to be identified.

Dynamin is a large–molecular weight (100 kDa) GTP-binding protein family consisting of three isoforms.Dynamin-1 is neuron-specific, dynamin-2 is ubiqui-tously expressed, and dynamin-3 is expressed in brain,testes, and lungs. Originally, dynamin was found tofunction in endocytosis and was assumed to be amechanoenzyme forming endosomes from the plasmamembrane (5). Recently, however, dynamin has beenlocalized to the Golgi apparatus and is assumed to par-ticipate in vesicle formation from trans-Golgi networks(6). Dynamin has also been shown to function in apicaltransport of intracellular vesicles (7). Thus, dynamin iscurrently thought to catalyze many essential steps invesicle formation and traffic (8). Given that VacA-induced vacuolation might require the molecularmachinery of intracellular vesicle formation and traffic,there is a possibility that dynamin may play a role inthat process. We therefore investigated the possible par-ticipation of dynamin in VacA-induced vacuolation. Wefirst examined the effect of VacA intoxication on theintracellular distribution of endogenous dynamin inHeLa cells; next we investigated dynamin functions inVacA-induced vacuolation using both transient and sta-ble transfection of GTPase-defective dynamin (domi-

The Journal of Clinical Investigation | February 2001 | Volume 107 | Number 3 363

Dynamin is involved in human epithelial cell vacuolationcaused by the Helicobacter pylori–produced cytotoxin VacA

Junko Suzuki,1 Hirohide Ohnsihi,1 Hiroshi Shibata,2 Akihiro Wada,3 Toshiya Hirayama,3

Taroh Iiri,1 Namiki Ueda,1 Chiho Kanamaru,1 Tomohiro Tsuchida,1 Hirosato Mashima,1

Hiroshi Yasuda,1 and Toshiro Fujita1

1Department of Internal Medicine, University of Tokyo School of Medicine, Tokyo, Japan2Department of Cell Biology, Molecular and Cellular Regulation, Gunma University, Maebashi, Japan3Department of Bacteriology, Institute of Tropical Medicine, Nagasaki University, Nagasaki, Japan

Address correspondence to: Hirohide Ohnishi, Department of Internal Medicine, University of Tokyo School of Medicine, 3-28-6 Mejirodai, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 112-8688, Japan. Phone: 81-3-3943-1151; Fax: 81-3-3943-3102; E-mail: [email protected].

Received for publication May 5, 2000, and accepted in revised form December 27, 2000.

The Helicobacter pylori–produced cytotoxin VacA induces intracellular vacuolation. To elucidate themolecular mechanism of vacuole formation by VacA, we examined the participation of dynamin, aGTPase functioning in intracellular vesicle formation, in human HeLa cells. Immunocytochemistryrevealed that endogenous dynamin was localized to vacuoles induced by VacA. In cells transientlytransfected with a GTPase-defective (dominant-negative) dynamin mutant, VacA failed to induce vac-uolation. In contrast, VacA did induce vacuolation in cells transiently transfected with wild-typedynamin. Furthermore, under VacA treatment, neutral red dye uptake, a parameter of VacA-inducedvacuolation, was inhibited in cells stably transfected with the dominant-negative dynamin mutant.In contrast, uptake was markedly enhanced in cells stably transfected with wild-type dynamin. More-over, VacA cytopathic effects on the viability of HeLa cells were inhibited in cells stably transfectedwith dominant-negative dynamin-1. Sequential immunocytochemical observation confirmed thatexpression of dominant-negative dynamin did not affect VacA attachment to or internalization intoHeLa cells. We suggest that dynamin is involved in the intracellular vacuolation induced by VacA.

J. Clin. Invest. 107:363–370 (2001).

Page 2: Dynamin is involved in human epithelial cell vacuolation ...Introduction Helicobacter pylori, a Gram-negative bacterium coloniz- ing gastric mucosa, is the major cause of chronic gas-tritis

nant-negative dynamin) and wild-type dynamin. Final-ly, we examined the effect of dominant-negativedynamin transfection on VacA cytotoxicity. We reporthere that dynamin is indeed involved in the molecularmachinery of vacuolation induced by VacA.

MethodsCell culture, purification and activation of VacA, and intoxica-tion of cells. HeLa cells, supplied by RIKEN Gene Bank(Tsukuba, Japan), were cultured in DMEM supple-mented with 10% FBS and 100 U/ml penicillin in a 5%CO2 atmosphere at 37°C. MKN28, a human gastricmucosal cell line (9), was provided by ToshiyukiTakeuchi (Institute for Molecular and Cellular Regula-tion, Maebashi, Japan) and was cultured in RPMI with10% FBS and 100 U/ml penicillin in a 5% CO2 atmos-phere at 37°C. VacA cytotoxin was purified from thetoxin-producing strain H. pylori ATCC49503 (AmericanType Culture Collection, Rockville, Maryland, USA),according to reported procedures (10), and was thenactivated with acid pH treatment, as described (11). ForVacA intoxication, control cells or cells transfected withdominant-negative dynamin-1 or wild-type dynamin-1were treated with 3 µg/ml activated VacA at 37°C. Tran-siently transfected cells were treated with VacA 24 hoursafter the transfection. Vacuolation was examined 24hours after VacA intoxication.

Antibodies. Anti–dynamin-1 and anti–dynamin-2 goatpolyclonal antibodies were purchased from Santa CruzBiotechnology Inc. (Santa Cruz, California, USA). Anti-clathrin mouse monoclonal antibody was from Affini-ty BioReagents Inc. (Golden, Colorado, USA). Cy3-con-jugated and horseradish peroxidase–conjugateddonkey anti-goat IgG, FITC-conjugated donkey anti-rabbit IgG, and FITC-conjugated donkey anti-mouseIgG were from Jackson ImmunoResearch LaboratoriesInc. (West Grove, Pennsylvania, USA). Anti-VacA rabbitpolyclonal antibody was generated against purifiedVacA, as described (11).

Plasmid and transfection. Either wild-type or dominant-negative (GTPase-defective mutant K44E) rat dynamin-1 cDNA (from R.B. Vallee, Worcester Foundation forExperimental Biology, Shrewsbury, Massachusetts, USA)was subcloned into the pCXN2 expression vector, asdescribed (12), and transfected into HeLa cells using the LipofectAMINE reagent (Life Technologies Inc.,Rockville, Maryland, USA), according to the manufac-turer’s instructions. HeLa cells, seeded 24 hours previ-ously at a density of 105/cm2, were transiently transfect-ed with either wild-type or dominant-negative dynamin-1(K44E) cDNA for 48 hours. For stable transfection ofHeLa cells, positive clones were selected and cultured inthe presence of 2 mg/ml geneticin (Sigma Chemical Co.,St. Louis, Missouri, USA). Geneticin-resistant clones werescreened for their potential to express transfected wild-type or dominant-negative dynamin-1 by Western blot-ting with anti–dynamin-1 antibody, as described below.

Transient transfection of MKN28 was carried outusing the adenovirus-mediated technique described

previously (13). Briefly, MKN28 cells seeded at a densi-ty of 105/cm2 in a culture plate were incubated in RPMIsupplemented with 80 µg/ml DEAE-dextran and 0.2µg/ml dominant-negative dynamin-1–pCXN2 plasmidand adenovirus stock solution for 2 hours. After theincubation, cells were washed twice with 10% DMSO inPBS, and then incubated for a further 48 hours inRPMI with 10% FBS.

Immunofluorescence microscopy. Cells were fixed with2% formaldehyde in PBS, treated with Triton X-100 inPBS for 5 minutes, and incubated sequentially withBlocking Ace (Snow Brand Milk Products Co., Tokyo,Japan), first antibodies, and secondary antibodies. Forstaining using anti–dynamin-1 or anti–dynamin-2 anti-body, Cy3-conjugated donkey anti-goat IgG was usedas the secondary antibody. For staining using anti-clathrin antibody, FITC-conjugated donkey anti-mouse IgG was used as the secondary antibody. Fordouble staining with anti–dynamin-1 and anti-VacAantibodies, Cy3-conjugated donkey anti-goat IgG andFITC-conjugated donkey anti-rabbit IgG were used asthe secondary antibodies. Samples were examinedunder a Nikon E-600 microscope (Nikon Co., Tokyo,Japan). Images were captured and digitized using aSpot charged coupled device camera (DiagnosticInstruments Inc., Sterling Heights, Michigan, USA),then edited using Adobe Photoshop 5.0 (Adobe Sys-tems Inc., Mountain View, California, USA) software.

Western blotting. For electrophoresis, 30 µg proteinfrom each sample per lane was loaded onto 7.5% SDS-polyacrylamide electrophoresis gels and run at 200 V.Proteins were then transferred to nitrocellulose mem-branes at 30 V for 3 hours. Western blotting was done asdescribed previously (14), using the enhanced chemilu-minescence reagent to visualize the secondary antibody.

Neutral red uptake assay. HeLa cells were seeded into 96-well plates and cultured for 24 hours. Cells were thentreated with VacA and incubated for a further 24 hours.After the incubation, the vacuolation rate induced byVacA was examined by the method described (11), inwhich uptake of neutral red dye into intracellular acidiccompartments was determined by measuring theabsorbance at 540 nm. The potential differences in cellnumbers of each preparation were corrected by meas-uring the protein concentration of each sample.

MTT assay. To examine cellular viability, we used the3-[4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl]-2,5-diphenyltetrazoliumbromide (MTT) assay described previously (15). Cellsseeded into a 96-well plate were incubated in PBS with0.5 mg/ml MTT (Sigma Chemical Co.) for 2 hours at37°C. After the incubation, cells were dissolved in 0.04N HCl in isopropanol to solubilize the dye, which hadbeen converted to purple. Absorbance of converted dyewas measured at a wavelength of 570 nm. The poten-tial differences in cell numbers of each preparationwere corrected by measuring the protein concentra-tion of each sample.

Transferrin uptake assay. HeLa cells were allowed toattach to a glass slide and incubated in DMEM supple-

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Page 3: Dynamin is involved in human epithelial cell vacuolation ...Introduction Helicobacter pylori, a Gram-negative bacterium coloniz- ing gastric mucosa, is the major cause of chronic gas-tritis

mented with 20 µg/ml Texas red–conjugated transfer-rin (Sigma Chemical Co.) and 100 mM sucrose for 1hour at 37°C. Controls were prepared under the sameconditions, but without the sucrose. The cells were thenfixed and examined under a Nikon E-600 microscope(Nikon Corp.). Vacuolation induced by VacA underhypertonic conditions was examined by incubatingHeLa cells in DMEM supplemented with 100 mMsucrose and 3 µg/ml activated VacA for 24 hours in a 5%CO2 atmosphere at 37°C.

Statistical analysis. ANOVA was used to determine sta-tistical significance, unless otherwise indicated. P < 0.05was considered significant.

ResultsLocalization of endogenous dynamin-2 to VacA-induced vac-uoles in HeLa cells. In the first set of experiments, weexamined the intracellular localization of endogenousdynamin in control and VacA-treated HeLa cells usingimmunocytochemistry. Of the three isoforms of thedynamin family, dynamin-2, a ubiquitous isoform, hadbeen found to be present in human epithelial cells (16).We therefore investigated the intracellular localizationof dynamin-2 in HeLa cells, using a specific antibody.As shown in Figure 1a, staining of untreated HeLa cellsrevealed a perinuclear distribution of dynamin-2. Incontrast, in VacA-treated HeLa cells, dynamin-2 was

localized to vacuoles induced by VacA (Figure 1, b andc). These data suggest that dynamin participates in vac-uole formation induced by VacA.

Dominant-negative dynamin-1 inhibits VacA-induced vacuo-lation in HeLa cells. To investigate the participation ofdynamin in VacA-induced vacuolation, we generatedHeLa cells transiently overexpressing either wild-type orGTPase-defective mutant-type (dominant-negative)dynamin-1, designated K44E. We then examined theeffects of VacA on vacuolation in these transfected cells.For easy distinction from endogenous dynamin-2, weused dynamin-1 to construct transfected cells. Althoughdynamin-1 is a neuron-specific isoform, transfection ofdominant-negative dynamin-1 (K44E) had been report-ed to inhibit endogenous dynamin–2 function in HeLacells (17). VacA failed to induce vacuolation in HeLa cellstransiently overexpressing this dominant-negativedynamin-1, whereas it did induce vacuolation in non-transfected HeLa cells (Figure 2, a–d). In contrast, over-expression of wild-type dynamin-1 did not attenuate thevacuolation induced by VacA in HeLa cells. Multiple vac-uoles were observed in both wild-type dynamin-trans-fected and nontransfected cells (Figure 2, e and f). Forquantitative estimations, we compared the numbers ofvacuolated cells under each experimental condition. Asdepicted in Figure 3, the inhibitory effect of dominant-negative dynamin-1 on VacA-induced vacuolation was

The Journal of Clinical Investigation | February 2001 | Volume 107 | Number 3 365

Figure 1Immunocytochemical localization of endogenous dynamin-2 to VacA-induced vacuoles in HeLa cells. Naive HeLa cells (a) and VacA-treatedHeLa cells (b and c) were fixed, stained with anti–dynamin-2 antibody, and visualized with Cy3-conjugated anti-goat IgG. (a) Perinuclear dis-tribution of endogenous dynamin-2 in naive HeLa cells. (b) Localization of endogenous dynamin-2 on VacA-induced vacuoles in intoxicatedHeLa cells. (c) A higher-magnification image showing the localization of endogenous dynamin-2 to VacA-induced vacuoles. Bars, 10 µm. ×400.

Figure 2Inhibition of VacA-induced vacuolation in HeLacells by transient transfection of dominant-neg-ative dynamin-1. (a, c, e) Immunostaining oftransiently transfected dominant-negative dyna-min-1 (a and c) or wild-type (e) in VacA-treat-ed HeLa cells using anti–dynamin-1 antibody.(b, d, f) Phase-contrast images of the samefields as in a, c, and e, respectively. VacA failedto induce cytoplasmic vacuolation in HeLa cellstransfected with dominant-negative dynamin-1(arrowheads in a–d). In contrast, VacA inducedmultiple cytoplasmic vacuoles in HeLa cellstransfected with wild-type dynamin-1 (arrowsin e and f). Bars, 10 µm. ×400.

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statistically significant. These data suggest that overex-pression of dominant-negative dynamin-1 inhibits vac-uolation induced by VacA.

Effect of stable transfection with dominant-negative or wild-type dynamin-1 on neutral red dye uptake in VacA-treatedHeLa cells. For a precise quantitation of the inhibitoryeffect of dominant-negative dynamin-1 on VacA-induced vacuolation, we constructed HeLa cell linesstably transfected with dominant-negative dynamin-1or wild-type dynamin-1, and then examined their neu-tral red dye uptake under VacA-treated conditions.Because neutral red dye is predominantly taken up byVacA-induced vacuoles, it has been widely used as amarker thereof. Thus, higher uptake of neutral red dyeby VacA-treated cells implies that more vacuoles areformed. During the preparation of stably transfectedcell lines, we obtained multiple clones transfected witheither dominant-negative or wild-type dynamin-1. Weselected clones that expressed a sufficiently largeamount of dominant-negative or wild-type dynamin-1protein for further experiments (Figure 4a). As shownin Figure 4b, VacA treatment markedly increased neu-tral red dye uptake in control HeLa cells, comparedwith findings in VacA-nontreated control HeLa cells(lanes 1 and 2). However, VacA treatment did notenhance neutral red uptake in HeLa cells stably trans-fected with dominant-negative dynamin-1 (comparelane 3 with lanes 1 and 2), indicating that stable trans-fection of dominant-negative dynamin-1 inhibited the

vacuolation induced by VacA. Furthermore, neutral reduptake in VacA-treated HeLa cells stably transfectedwith wild-type dynamin-1 was markedly enhancedcompared with that in VacA-treated control HeLa cells(lanes 2 and 4). This suggests that overexpression ofwild-type dynamin-1 enhances VacA-induced vacuola-tion. These data indicate that dynamin participates inthe vacuolation induced by VacA.

Dominant-negative dynamin-1 does not affect VacA inter-nalization into HeLa cells. Although our observations withtransfection approaches strongly suggest direct involve-ment of dynamin in VacA-induced vacuolation mecha-nisms, because dominant-negative dynamin is knownto inhibit clathrin-dependent endocytosis, the possibil-ity remained that dominant-negative dynamin mightinhibit VacA-induced vacuolation by perturbing itsinternalization. To exclude this possibility, we investi-

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Figure 3Numbers of VacA-vacuolated cells in HeLa cells transiently transfect-ed with dominant-negative dynamin-1 or wild-type, and in nontrans-fected HeLa cells. Results are expressed as percent of vacuolated cells.Values are means ± SE for six independent experiments with triplicatedeterminations in which more than 100 cells were counted. The num-bers of VacA-vacuolated cells in dominant-negative dynamin-1–trans-fected HeLa cells (lane 2) were significantly lower than in nontrans-fected HeLa cells (lane 1). In contrast, no significant difference wasobserved between wild-type dynamin-1–transfected and nontrans-fected HeLa cells (lanes 3 and 1). AP < 0.01; Bnot significant.

Figure 4Effect of stable transfection of wild-type or dominant-negativedynamin-1 on neutral red dye uptake by VacA-treated HeLa cells. (a)Stable transfection of dominant-negative or wild-type dynamin-1 inHeLa cell lines was confirmed by Western blotting. Crude lysates (30µg protein) of HeLa cells stably transfected with dominant-negative(lane 1) or wild-type dynamin-1 (lane 2), or of nontransfected con-trols (lane 3), were applied to each lane for Western blotting, usingan anti–dynamin-1 antibody. Wild-type or dominant-negativedynamin-1 protein was expressed in each stably transfected HeLa cellline. (b) For the neutral red dye uptake assay, cells were seeded into96-well plates and cultured for 24 hours, then treated with VacA andincubated for a further 24 hours. After the incubation, neutral reduptake into intracellular acidic compartments was determined bymeasuring absorbance at 540 nm. Results are expressed as a percentof the neutral red dye uptake of nontransfected control HeLa cellswithout VacA treatment (lane 1). Values are means ± SE for threeindependent experiments with triplicate determinations. Dominant-negative dynamin-1 transfection (lane 3) significantly inhibited neu-tral red uptake compared with control cells (lane 2) under VacA-treated conditions. Wild-type dynamin-1 transfection (lane 4)markedly enhanced dye uptake compared with controls (lane 2)under VacA-treated conditions. AP < 0.05.

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gated the effect of dominant-negative dynamin-1 over-expression on VacA internalization into HeLa cells. Tothis end, we incubated HeLa cells transiently transfect-ed with dominant-negative dynamin-1 with VacA andthen analyzed the time course of VacA internalizationusing immunocytochemistry with an anti-VacA anti-body. As shown in Figure 5, signals of VacA toxin stain-ing were observed at the plasma membrane in bothdominant-negative dynamin-1–transfected and non-transfected cells, 1 hour after incubation with VacA.This indicates that dominant-negative dynamin-1 didnot affect VacA binding to the HeLa cells. Furthermore,3 hours after incubation with VacA, intracellular signalsof VacA staining were detected both in cells transfectedwith dominant-negative dynamin-1 and in nontrans-fected controls. By 12 hours after the incubation, intra-cellular signals of VacA staining were localized to theperinuclear region in dominant-negative dynamin-1–transfected and nontransfected cells. These data indi-cate that dominant-negative dynamin-1 did not affecteither binding or internalization of the VacA toxin toHeLa cells. Dynamin may be directly involved in molec-ular mechanisms of VacA-induced vacuole formation.

Dominant-negative dynamin-1 inhibits VacA cytopathiceffects on the viability of HeLa cells. We next examinedwhether dominant-negative dynamin-1 prevents VacAcytotoxity. To this end, we investigated the effect of

VacA on the viability of HeLa cells stably transfectedwith dominant-negative dynamin-1, using the MTTassay. As shown in Figure 6, 3 µg/ml VacA, the concen-tration at which vacuolation can be strongly induced innaive HeLa cells, did not affect the viability of either thedominant-negative dynamin-1–transfected cells or thenontransfected controls. Higher concentrations of VacAwere required before a cytopathic effect on HeLa cell via-bility was observed. These findings are consistent witha previous report by Peek et al. that concentrations ofVacA greater than those inducing vacuolation wererequired for significant increases in cell death (18).Therefore, we treated HeLa cells with 15 µg/ml or 30µg/ml VacA. We first confirmed that, when incubatedwith 15 µg/ml or 30 µg/ml VacA for 24 hours, markedvacuolation was induced in nontransfected HeLa cells,whereas intracellular vacuolation in cells stably trans-fected with dominant-negative dynamin-1 was inhibit-ed (data not shown). Concomitantly, the viability ofnontransfected HeLa cells was decreased by about20–30% compared with controls, whereas it was notaffected under these conditions in cells stably trans-fected with dominant-negative dynamin-1 (Figure 6).These data indicate that dominant-negative dynamin-1prevented VacA cytotoxicity to HeLa cells.

VacA does not affect intracellular distribution of clathrin.Dynamin is involved in multiple processes of clathrin-

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Figure 5VacA internalization by HeLa cells is notaffected by dominant-negative dynamin-1.HeLa cells transiently transfected withdominant-negative dynamin-1 were dou-ble-stained with anti–dynamin-1 antibody(upper panels) and anti-VacA antibody(lower panels) 1, 3, and 12 hours afterVacA intoxication. VacA attached to (1hour) and internalized into (3 hours and12 hours) dominant-negative dynamin-1–transfected cells (arrowheads) as well asnontransfected cells. Bar, 10 µm. ×400.

Figure 6Prevention of VacA cytopathic effects on cell viability by stable transfection of dominant-negativedynamin-1 into HeLa cells. HeLa cells stably transfected with dominant-negative dynamin-1 (filledbars) or nontransfected HeLa cells (open bars) were seeded into 96-well plates and cultured for 24hours, then treated with the indicated amounts of VacA and incubated for a further 24 hours. Afterthe incubation, cell viability was determined by MTT assay measuring absorbance at 595 nm.Results are expressed as a percent of the viability of controls incubated without VacA. Values aremeans ± SE for three independent experiments with triplicate determinations. Stable transfectionof dominant-negative dynamin-1 prevented the cytopathic effect of 15 and 30 µg/ml VacA on cellviability. AP < 0.05 by Student’s t test.

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dependent endocytosis and vesicle formation. Knowingthat dynamin is also involved in VacA-induced vacuola-tion, we next examined whether such vacuolation isclathrin-dependent. To this end, we investigated theeffect of VacA intoxication on the intracellular localiza-tion of clathrin. Immunocytochemistry using an anti-clathrin antibody revealed that clathrin was localized tothe perinuclear region in untreated HeLa cells (Figure 7,a and b). In VacA-treated cells, clathrin was also local-ized to the perinuclear region as in controls. No dis-cernible clathrin signals were detected on the vacuolesinduced by VacA. These data indicate that VacA did notaffect the intracellular distribution of clathrin and thatclathrin was not present on VacA-induced vacuoles,thereby implying that VacA-induced intracellular vac-uolation is independent of clathrin. We also examinedthe effect of perturbation of clathrin function on VacA-induced vacuolation, using hypertonic medium sup-plemented with sucrose. This method was previouslyreported to inhibit clathrin function by preventing itsinteraction with its adapter (19). When HeLa cells wereincubated in hypertonic medium with 100 mM sucrose,clathrin-dependent endocytosis analyzed with Texasred–conjugated transferrin was indeed blocked. How-ever, VacA still successfully induced intracellular vacuo-lation in HeLa cells (data not shown). These data there-fore reinforce the notion that VacA-induced vacuolationis independent of clathrin.

Dominant-negative dynamin-1 inhibits VacA-induced vac-uolation in MKN28 human gastric mucosal cells. Finally, weexamined the inhibitory effect of dominant-negativedynamin-1 on VacA-induced vacuolation in target cellsof greater physiological relevance for H. pylori infection.To this end, we transfected dominant-negativedynamin-1 into MKN28 human gastric mucosal cells

and examined its effect on VacA-induced vacuolation.Because it is hard to transfect recombinant genes intoMKN28 cells using the LipofectAMINE reagent, weused an adenovirus-mediated technique for transfect-ing dominant-negative dynamin-1 into these cells.Although MKN28 cells are derived from human gastrictubular adenocarcinoma (9), they retain the character-istics of gastric epithelial cells and have been used forstudies on gastric epithelial cell functions (20, 21). Asshown in Figure 8, VacA induced vacuolation in non-transfected MKN28 cells (arrows). In contrast, VacAfailed to induce vacuolation in MKN28 cells transfect-ed with dominant-negative dynamin-1 (arrowheads).Quantitating the numbers of vacuolated cells undereach experimental condition, in the same way as forFigure 3, revealed that 62% of nontransfected MKN28cells, but only 6% of the dominant-negative dynamin-1–transfected MKN28 cells, were vacuolated. Thesedata indicate that dominant-negative dynamin-1 caninhibit VacA-induced vacuolation in gastric mucosalcells as well as HeLa cells.

DiscussionWe obtained evidence for the involvement of dynaminin the cytoplasmic vacuolation induced by VacA.Immunocytochemistry revealed the localization ofendogenous dynamin-2 to the VacA-induced vacuoles.Dominant-negative dynamin-1 inhibited the vacuola-tion induced by VacA in both transiently and stablytransfected HeLa cells. Moreover, overexpression ofwild-type dynamin-1 markedly augmented VacA-

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Figure 7Intracellular localization of clathrin in VacA-treated and nontreatedHeLa cells. Naive HeLa cells (a) and VacA-treated HeLa cells (c) werefixed, stained with an anti-clathrin antibody, and visualized withFITC-conjugated anti-mouse IgG. (b and d) Phase-contrast imagesof a and c, respectively. VacA-treatment did not affect intracellulardistribution of clathrin in HeLa cells. Bars, 10 µm. ×400.

Figure 8Inhibition of VacA-induced vacuolation in MKN28 human gastricmucosal cells by adenovirus-mediated transfection of dominant-neg-ative dynamin-1. (a and c) Immunostaining of transiently transfect-ed dominant-negative dynamin-1 in VacA-treated MKN28 cells usinganti–dynamin-1 antibody. (b and d) Phase-contrast images of thesame fields as in a and c, respectively. VacA induced cytoplasmic vac-uolation in nontransfected MKN28 cells (arrows), whereas it failedto induce vacuolation in MKN cells transfected with dominant-neg-ative dynamin-1 (arrowheads). Bars, 10 µm. ×400.

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induced vacuolation in stably transfected cells. Sequen-tial immunocytochemical analysis confirmed that dom-inant-negative dynamin-1 did not affect VacA internal-ization by HeLa cells. Additionally, we demonstratedthat dominant-negative dynamin-1 prevented deleteri-ous VacA cytopathic effects on cell viability. Finally, wealso observed that dominant-negative dynamin-1 inhib-ited VacA-induced vacuolation in MKN28 gastricmucosal cells. Accordingly, it is suggested that dynaminparticipates directly in VacA-induced vacuolation.

Cytoplasmic vacuolation induced by cell injury is awidely observed morphological phenomenon (22). Ithas been assumed to be a pathophysiological cellularresponse leading to cell death. Thus, understanding vac-uolation-related mechanisms should contribute toknowledge of cellular injury and death, and the use ofVacA may assist in the elucidation of such mechanisms.On the basis of recent findings that VacA-induced vac-uoles contain both the late endosome marker Rab7 andthe lysosome marker Lgp110 (2, 3), these vacuoles areassumed to be a hybrid product of late endosomes andlysosomes. Because vesicular fusion of intracellularcompartments is required to form the hybrid, vesicletraffic machinery has been assumed to participate inVacA-induced vacuolation. Rab7 localized to VacA-induced vacuoles is a low–molecular weight G-proteinfunctioning in vesicle traffic. Papini et al. reported thatRab7 plays an important role in VacA-induced vacuola-tion (4). Although rab proteins are indeed important inintracellular vesicle traffic in that they function as reg-ulators of such traffic, they do not directly form or moveintracellular vesicles. In intracellular vesicle traffic, mul-tiple mechanoenzymes play essential roles. Kinesin anddynein are the ATPases that move intracellular vesiclesalong on microtubules toward their plus and minusends, respectively (23). Dynamin is a high–molecularweight G-protein assumed to function in forming intra-cellular vesicles (24). Because endocytotic pathways areinvolved in VacA-induced vacuolation and dynamin is amechanoenzyme functioning at an early step duringvesicle formation, including endocytosis, we focusedour study on examining the molecular mechanism ofVacA-induced vacuolation by dynamin. Our observa-tions that VacA failed to induce vacuolation in HeLacells transfected with dominant-negative dynamin, andthat stable transfection of wild-type dynamin aug-mented VacA-induced vacuolation, represent, to ourknowledge, the first direct evidence that dynamin playsa crucial role in VacA-induced vacuolation.

Our immunocytochemistry data that VacA cytotoxinis internalized even into cells transfected with domi-nant-negative dynamin-1 are important. The domi-nant-negative dynamin-1 transfection inhibited VacA-induced vacuolation by blocking endogenous dynaminfunction, but not by perturbing VacA-internalizationinto HeLa cells. The VacA cytotoxin is internalized intocells through mechanisms independent of dynamin.We also observed that transfection of a GTPase-defi-cient dynamin-2 mutant tagged with green fluores-

cence protein (kindly provided by Mark A. McNiven,Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota, USA), which isknown to inhibit endogenous dynamin-2 function(25), inhibited VacA-induced vacuolation in HeLa cells,but it did not perturb VacA internalization by thesecells (H. Ohnishi and J. Suzuki, unpublished data). Var-ious cytotoxins enter target cells through eitherclathrin-dependent or -independent endocytotic path-ways, or both. To date, however, the mechanism ofVacA internalization into target cells has been unclear(26). Because dominant-negative dynamin inhibits theendocytosis of clathrin-coated vesicles (17), it is rea-sonable to conclude that VacA is internalized, at leastin part, by a mechanism distinct from the clathrin-dependent endocytotic machinery.

Although a number of studies demonstrated thatVacA is the major virulence factor of H. pylori infec-tion (27), the molecular mechanism by which VacAexerts its cytopathic effect is still unclear. Based onthe knowledge that VacA-induced vacuoles arehybrids of late endosomes and lysosomes, Monte-cucco et al. suggested that a marked decrease of pro-teolytic activity essential for cell life, and an extensivealteration of protein traffic from the trans-Golgi net-work to late endosomes — both of which are func-tional defects caused by vacuolation — might accountfor VacA cytopathic effects (1). Our observation thatdominant-negative dynamin-1 prevented the VacAcytopathic effect on cellular viability concurrentlywith the inhibition of VacA-induced vacuolation isconsistent with their suggestion.

In summary, we have shown that dynamin plays acrucial role in VacA-induced vacuolation. These obser-vations provide new insights related to the molecularpathogenesis of gastroduodenal diseases caused by theH. pylori bacterium.

AcknowledgmentsWe thank Richard B. Vallee, Mark McNieven, andToshiyuki Takeuchi for providing the dynamin-1cDNA, the GFP-tagged mutant dynamin-2 cDNA, andMKN28 cells, respectively.

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