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The Dark TriadThe Dark Triad is a set of three personality constructs: Machiavellianism, subclinical narcissism, and subclinicalpsychopathy, which have been deemed to be socially aversive. That is, individuals who possess characteristics of any of the personality disorders that make up the Dark Triad are likely to be selfish, possess a grandiose sense of importance, and feel an increased sense of entitlement. Further, these individuals are often pre-occupied with dominance and power and will use aggressive tactics such as manipulation and exploitation to get whatever it is that they feel that they deserve.The use of the term "dark" meanseviland reflects the perception that these traits have interpersonally aversive qualities. The Dark Triad is an immoral trifecta of personality traits that result in immense personal power. Itgrants high social status, tight control over interpersonal social dynamics and elicits intense sexual attraction. Defined as a set of traits that include the tendency to seek admiration and special treatment (otherwise known as narcissism), to be callous and insensitive (psychopathy) and to manipulate others (Machiavellianism), the Dark Triad is rapidly becoming a new focus of personality psychology. Its an area of research that seems to intrigue Organisational, Clinical and Forensic Psychologists alike and of course has important implications for society as a whole. NarcissismNarcissism is a personality disorder characterized by feelings of dominance, grandiosity, and superiority. Individuals with narcissism often experience an increased sense of entitlement, a need to succeed, and a craving to be admired. This need to be admired often leads narcissists to high profile and stressful jobs, and because image is so important to narcissists they perform exceptionally well in difficult situations. While narcissists perform well in the workplace, they are not team players and are only interested in their own accomplishments. Individuals with this disorder will use whatever means necessary to get what they desire, including the use of deception and manipulation of others.This component of the triad forms the superficial glazing which masks and distracts one from the murkier depths of the dark triad persona. It is this device that achieves a dark triad individual baseline social acceptance in most social situations, because people are naturally drawn to those who exhibit vast self-confidence.Narcissists, in the absence of significant worldly success are huge proponents of the fake it till you make it mantra. Except unlike an average person who exhausts himself with the pretence, it takes a narcissistalmost no effort to maintain it,because despite the objective or invalidity of their assertions they believe in their own delusions.

MachiavellianismMachiavellianism is best represented as a manipulative personality, one who believes that the ends justify the means regardless of the human suffering. These individuals are arrogant, calculating and will use whatever means necessary, such as deception and undermining the trust of others, to achieve their goals. While society has deemed individuals with Machiavellianism to be aversive, Machiavellians do not see themselves as selfish or entitled and are excellent at rationalizing their behavior.Highly skilled Machiavellians manipulate themselves via stoicism to attain the outcomes they seek .However dark triad individuals have no need for stoicism because they possess an underlying psychopathic element. Machiavellians, quite simply, are very tactical individuals who execute the vast majority of their social interactions like a metaphorical hybrid game of chess and poker.The narcissism is their poker face for appearances and is the physical representative for all their manipulations. Their Machiavellianism is their core, their chess-like mind. They think 10 moves ahead of those around them, use misdirection, leave bait and then switch the outcome from the expected outcome. Machiavellianism, whenconcentrated towards a singleperson for an extended period of time is a form of mental abuse. It robs one of their ability to freely make choices for themselves. It creates an invisible prison of sorts, a person thinks theyre free but theyre so trained to behave in ways specific to the desires of another that theyre actually enslaved. Thats Machiavellianism at its least destructive, non-violent, and passive.PsychopathyPsychopathy is a personality disorder characterized by a cold and emotionally void personality as well as antisocial behavior. Personality traits common to psychopaths are high impulsivity, thrill seeking and low empathy. Psychopaths are superficially charming, are skilled liars, and they often use these skills to manipulate and exploit others. Further, they do not feel remorse or guilt after deceiving or manipulating others.Psychopathy is how your brain connects your behavioural choices to your sense of guilt/remorse. These are essentially the bodys way of morally provoking you to cease immoral activity. If you felt no guilt or discomfort for making immoral choices, your likelihood of committing immoral behaviour increases tenfold. Furthermore if you actually derive pleasure from immoral behaviours that can act as a social reinforcer for being immoral. Many mistake psychopathy for stoicism. The difference between stoicism and psychopathy however is that stoicism is the suppression and self-control of emotions that are released either after performing an action, or prior to an action. It is the suppression of detrimental emotionthat elicits strong feelings which inhibit the ability to self-control, such as suspense, eagerness or anxiety. Apsychopath on the other hand has neurologically very weak connections between the emotional centre of their brain and the part of their brain responsible for behaviour. This means they actually feel nothing or very little when doing something immoral and thus have nothing to actually suppress to begin with.So it is more of an inability to feel and thus by extension of that inability they are not limited by the element of guilt which would normally follow from the execution of such an action.

Similarities and DifferencesThe personalities that make up the Dark Triad have many overlapping characteristics such as; a sense of entitlement, selfishness, and a grandiose sense of self-importance. Machiavellians, narcissists, and psychopaths are all likely to manipulate and exploit others to get whatever it is that they desire. Despite the similarities between these three personalities, research has shown that they are all distinctly different constructs. As an example, Machiavellians are different from narcissists in that they do not make inflated claims about their importance and do not strive to impress others. A second example is that Machiavellians and narcissists differ from psychopaths in that these individuals can understand the emotions of others and can express empathy for their victims.ConclusionIndividuals who possess characteristics of the Dark Triad do not make for good friends. Not only are they not concerned with others, they are constantly focused on their own wants and needs and will do whatever they feel is necessary to achieve their goals, regardless of the consequences to others. This blatant disregard for others may lead individuals with these aversive personalities to behave anti-socially and to commit crimes. While there has been much research done to support the link between psychopathy and criminal behavior, there is currently no research supporting a direct link between individuals with Machiavellian and narcissistic personalities and criminal behavior. It is known that individuals with these personality characteristics are often found in offender populations, but further research must be done to learn more about the dark triad and criminal offending.

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