Page 1: Dry eye relief linked to managing symptoms

Dry Eye Relief Linked to Managing Symptoms

Dry eyes, medical name keratitis sicca, is a common problem in adults. This stinging, burning or itching condition occurs when the eyes do not produce sufficient lubrication on the surface for normal and comfortable function. Managing your symptoms can be key to living with this condition. Which is important because all too often Dry eye syndrome leads to more serious eye problems if the condition is not treated.

Dry Eye Symptoms

Anyone who experiences frequent feelings of dryness on the eyes, a scratchy feeling or burning sensation in the eyes should consider the possibility of dry eye syndrome. You may even experience a feeling of having a foreign body in the eye. Sometimes, dry eye syndrome can also cause watering of the eyes, as the surface tries to overcompensate with the watery component to make up for the lack of lubricant component.

Causes of Dry Eyes

Dry eyes are caused by a number of different factors. The condition can be part of the aging process, as the body produces less natural fluids. Menopause can have this effect on eye fluids. Certain medications can contribute to dry eye symptoms, including blood pressure medications, antihistamine medications, birth control drugs, Parkinson’s disease drugs and antidepressants. Work tasks, such as long periods looking at a computer screen, can dry out eyes by reducing blinking. Wearing contact lenses can cause dryness and chronic discomfort. Certain diseases can also cause chronically dry eyes. Even indoor and outdoor environments can cause dry eyes.

Remedies for Dry Eyes

Drinking more water can help manage the symptoms of dry eyes. Omega-3 supplements may also be helpful for reducing dry eye symptoms. Warm compresses placed on the eyes can help to soothe and lubricate eyes. For minor dryness, physicians recommend using over-the-counter products that ad lubrication to the eyes. These products are not the same as compounds that remove redness. Also, lubricating drops should not be used when you wear contact lenses. Restasis is a prescription medication drop used twice each day to relieve dry eyes. Ophthalmic beads that are placed into the eyes and dissolve to provide additional lubrication are also available.

Finding the Right Treatment for Dry Eyes

Page 2: Dry eye relief linked to managing symptoms

The new Dry Eye App is now available to help you chart the times you experience discomfort, record medications, track how well each treatment is working and schedule visits to your eye doctor. It is available for iPod, iPhone and iPad. Find out how this app can help your dry eyes at

About Author:-

Dry Eye App for the iPhone. Easily Track Your Dry Eye Disease Symptoms and Dry Eye Therapies to Feel Better. Dry Eye will help you track dry eye symptoms daily and over time so you can share how you are feeling with your ophthalmologist/optometrist. This will aid your eye care professional in making adjustments to your dry eye treatment and provide a vehicle to track your progress. The Dry Eye App comes with a list of most common dry-eye symptoms, other symptoms you are experiencing can be added. The App enables patients to graph symptom severity over days, weeks and month. Visit for more details.

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