  1. 1. Dressing To Impress For Job Interviews
  2. 2. Dressing to impress for job interviews is essential to being offered a great job
  3. 3. According to Dr. Albert Mehrabian, author of Silent Messages, a whopping 55% of our communication is non-verbal. What does that mean and why is it important for job interviews?
  4. 4. It is important because you can never make a second first-impression. You must portray yourself as a organised and professional individual as that will have a lasting impression in the mind of a potential employer.
  5. 5. You need to dress the part
  6. 6. Dressing to impress isnt just about looking good or wearing a new trendy suit or skirt. It is about portraying a business-orientated professional wardrobe.
  7. 7. This tells people you are ready to be put into a work environment to perform the skills you worked extremely hard to possess and perfect. And, it tells them that without you even opening your mouth to say it.
  8. 8. Of course, dressing to impress is not just about clothing
  9. 9. You must also be well-groomed because it displays organisational and professional skills. Take care of yourself and show people you can handle responsibilities. The interviewer will have an idea whether or not they want to hire you within the first fifteen seconds!
  10. 10. So how do you go about dressing for success?
  11. 11. You must acquire a line of business attire that is appropriate for the profession and work environment. For gentlemen, you want a formal suit, nice clean ironed shirt and tie. For ladies, an appropriate business-formal is trendy and lets people know you mean business!
  12. 12. You must also stand out. You can still be professional and express yourself because it shows a personable side to the professional main-course!
  13. 13. In the end, you must remember that interviews are one of the most important dress for success situations that, when combined with a winning personality and professional grooming and posture, can result in landing that dream-job you have always desired.
  14. 14. Not only that, but once you acquire the job, it can help reassure the employer that you were the right candidate.
  15. 15. Good luck!

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