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Dreaming Black Boy

By: Sherica Taylor Kai Walcott

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James Berry

Born in Jamaica in 1925 James Berry wrote about the racial prejudices he experienced when he moved to the United States and later when he settled in Great Britain. When he moved he faced much hardship as a black man in a predominantly white society and resented it.

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Dreaming Black Boy

I wish my teacher's eyes wouldn'tgo past me today. Wish he'd knowit's okay to hug me when I kick a goal. Wish I myself wouldn't hold back when answer comes.I'm no woodchopper nowlike all ancestors.

I wish that I could be educated to the best of tune up, and earn good money and not sink to lick boots.I wish I could go on every crisscross way of theglobe and no persons or powers orhotel keepers would make it a waste.

I wish life wouldn't spend me out opposing. Wish same way creationwould have me stand it would haveme stretch, and hold high, my voicePaul Robeson's, my inside eyea sun. Nobody wants to say hello to nasty answers.

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Dreaming Black Boy

I wish torch throwers of night would burn lights for decent times.Wish plotters in pyjamas would prayfor themselves. Wish people wouldn't talk as if I dropped from Mars.

I wish only boys were scaredbehind bravados, for I could suffer.I could suffer a big big lot.I wish nobody would want to earn the terrible burden I can suffer.

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“I'm no woodchopper nowlike all ancestors.”- He’s no longer a slave like his ancestors.

“I wish that I could be educated to

the best of tune up” – He longs to be

educated as best a possible.

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“Paul Robeson's, my inside eyea sun.”- Paul Robeson was a prominent blackman in society who represented hope .

“I wish torch throwers of night would burn lights for decent times.Wish plotters in pyjamas would pray

for themselves.”- He wishes that anti-black groups, notably the K.K.K known for lynching (burn light)would do good and help themselves to turn from their bad ways.

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Dreaming Black Boy takes readers into the mind of a young boy who has great dreams and aspirations ,whose development is hindered because of a racially prejudice society that ignore, offend and put down black people. The persona in this society therefore faces indifference, humiliation, fear and stress.

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Dreaming Black Boy expresses the want for justice and recognition of black people in society through the eyes of it’s most vulnerable member, a child. He uses the phrase, “I wish,” to show his longing, and great desire for equality in his society. He hopes to be successful by earning good money. Though he is at the bottom of society he has dreams of becoming more than the average black man, “..and not sink to lick boots.”

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Analysis (cont.)

He looks to a famous black person in society as a sign of hope and motivation, that he can be more than his color but someone admirable, despite the fact that he is constantly oppressed by the white majority and extremists like the K.K.K. Finally he expresses his desire for change and hopes that no one would experience his present situation.

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Figurative Devices


“I wish”-The constant repetition of I wish shows that it is indeed a child, as this is how children express their desires.

“I could suffer” and “big”- Reinforces the horror of society. It also highlights the fear of the black child and the restrictions imposed on blacks in a racist society.

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Contrast“I wish my teachers eyes wouldn't go past me

today,”-A teacher is to be fair but instead is not.

Symbolism“My inside eye a sun,”-The persona see’s James

Robeson as a fascinating person who is intelligent and provides hope for the future.

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Alliteration “Wish plotters in pygamas would pray..”

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RacismChildhoodAttitude to power and authority InjusticeDreams and Aspirations

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RaceTest Match Sabina ParkTheme for English BEpitaph

LongingForgive My GuiltSouth

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McWatt, Mark. Simmons-McDonald, Hazel.(2005).A World of Poetry for CXC. Dreaming Black Boy. Heinenmann Educational Publishers.

Wilson-Strann, Sharon. (2008).Poetry for the CSEC English B Examination. Dreaming Black Boy . Macmillan Publishers Limited.

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